Welded joints GOST 14098.

Put into effect by order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of October 22, 2014 N 1374-st

Interstate standard GOST 14098-2014


With changes:

Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

Instead of GOST 14098-91


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Development and adoption, application , updates and cancellations "

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to welded joints of bar and wire reinforcement, welded joints of bar reinforcement with sheet and shaped rental carried out in the manufacture of reinforcement and embedded products reinforced concrete structures, as well as during the installation of prefabricated and erection of monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

The standard specifies the types, designs and dimensions of the specified resistance and arc welded joints.

The standard does not apply to welded joints of embedded products that do not have reinforcing steel anchor rods.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 5264-80 * Manual arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 6727-80 Cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 8713-79 * Submerged arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 10922-2012 * Reinforcement and embedded products, their welded, knitted and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. Are common technical conditions

GOST 14771-76 Gas shielded arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 27772-88 Rolled for building structures... General technical requirements

GOST 34028-2016 Reinforcing bars for reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

NOTE When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index " National standards", which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the issues of the monthly information index" National Standards "for the current year. canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that does not affect this link.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms are used in accordance with GOST 10922.

4 Types and designation

4.1 Type designations welded joints and methods of their welding are given in table 1.

Table 1 - Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding

Welded joint type

Method and technological features of welding


Designation, number



Welding bar position


Contact point

Arc manual or mechanized * with tacks


Contact butt


Mechanized submerged-arc bathtub in inventory form


One-electrode bathroom in inventory form

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire on a steel bracket-lining


Bath suture on a steel bracket

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire multilayer seams on a steel bracket-lining


Manual arc with multilayer seams on a steel clip-overlay

Arc manual or mechanized * seams with overlays of rods

Arc manual or mechanized * overlapping seams


Arc manual or mechanized * seams in CO2 environment

Contact one by one relief on the plate


Contact by two reliefs on the plate


Submerged arc mechanized without filler metal


Manual arc with low mechanization submerged arc without filler metal

Arc mechanized seams in a CO2 environment in a counterbored or countersunk hole

Manual arc seams in a countersunk hole

* It is allowed to use any of the listed types of mechanized welding: in CO 2 or CO 2 + Ar, flux-cored wire, or flux-cored wire in CO 2

4.2 The symbol of the welded joint has the following structure

Example symbol a butt joint made by bath-seam welding on a steel lining bracket, the position of the rods is horizontal:

4.3 For structural elements of welded joints, the following designations are adopted:

d n - profile number (nominal diameter of the bar) according to GOST 34028 (in the figures of tables 2-17 it is shown conditionally);

d is the inner diameter of a bar of a periodic profile according to GOST 34028;

d 1 - the outer diameter of a bar of a periodic profile according to GOST 34028;

d "n - nominal smaller diameter of the bar in welded joints;

d 0 - the smaller diameter of the countersunk or counterbore holes in the flat element;

D 0 - the larger diameter of the countersunk or counterbore holes in the flat element;

D is the diameter of the burr in butt and weld metal in T-joints;

R is the radius of curvature of the relief;

a - the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection;

b - width weld; the total amount of dents;

b ", b" "- the size of the dents from the electrodes in the cruciform connection;

h is the amount of settlement in the cruciform connection; the height of the section of the welded seam;

h 1 - the height of the reinforcement of the deposited metal;

h 2 - the height of the reinforcement of the root of the weld;

H is the height of the brace-lining;

l is the length of the weld;

l 1, l 2 - gaps before welding between the ends of the rods with different grooves;

l n - the length of brackets, linings and overlapping rods;

z - blunting: in cutting the ends of the rods for bath welding; in the flat element of the T3 connection;

s is the thickness of the steel brace-lining, flat elements of tee and lap joints;

k is the height of the relief on a flat element;

k 1 - the gap between the rod and the flat element in the connection H3;

n is the width of the relief on a flat element;

m is the length of the relief on a flat element;

g - height of the deposited metal ("rim") in T-joints;

α, α 1, α 2, β, β 1, β 2, γ, γ 1 - angular dimensions of structural elements of welded joints.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 When choosing rational types of welded joints and welding methods, one should be guided by Appendix A.

5.2 For the construction of welded joints not provided for in this standard, working drawings with technological description welding conditions and departmental regulatory document or enterprise standard, taking into account the requirements of current standards and agreed in the prescribed manner.

5.3 In the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to replace the types of joints and methods of their welding with equivalent in performance in accordance with Appendix A.

5.4 Chemical composition and the value of the carbon equivalent welded according to this standard reinforcing steels classes А240, А400С, А500С, А600С, Аp600С, А800С, А1000С must comply with the requirements of GOST 34028.

5.5 Cold-worked reinforcement must meet the requirements:

Class B500C - valid regulatory documents*;

Class Вр-1 - GOST 6727.

5.6 Reinforcement of unmeasured length of classes Аp600С, А800С and Аt1000С, as well as waste of this reinforcement, can be used in welded reinforcement products and embedded parts of reinforced concrete structures. In this case, the reinforcement is used as reinforcement of class A400C without recalculating the section.

The A600C class fittings are allowed to be used as anchors of embedded parts as A500C class fittings without recalculating the section.

5.7 The designs of the cross-shaped connections of the reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Figure 1 and in Tables 2-3.

Figure 1 - Cross-shaped connection made by resistance spot welding

5.8 Ratios of bar diameters should be taken for K1 type connections - from 0.25 to 1.00, K3 type - from 0.50 to 1.00.

5.9 For K1 type compounds, the amount of settlement (see Figure 1) is determined by the formula

h = ∑d 1 - (a + b);

where: a is the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection, mm;

b - total size of dents (b "+ b" "), mm.

The values ​​of the relative settlement h / d "n for compounds of type K1 must correspond to those given in table 2.

5.10 Structures of butt joints of reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding should correspond to those given in Table. 4-10.

5.11 The designs of reinforcement overlap joints, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 11-13.

5.12 Designs of T-joints of reinforcement with flat elements of embedded products, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 14-17.

5.13 The main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints from sheet and shaped metal products used to connect flat elements of embedded parts during the installation of reinforced concrete structures must meet the requirements of GOST 5264, GOST 8713 and GOST 14771.

5.14. For the connections shown in Tables 7-8, sheet steel of the class C235-C255 in accordance with GOST 27772 should be used as the material of the staples-overlays.

Table 2 - Structures of cross-shaped connections of reinforcement K1-Kt

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

The value of h / d "n, providing strength not less than that required by GOST 10922 for joints with a ratio of diameters d" n / d n

The minimum value h / d "n, providing unstandardized strength

before welding

after welding

Note - Values ​​of d "n / d n, which do not coincide with those given, should be rounded to the nearest value indicated in this table.

Table 3 - Structures of cross-shaped connections of reinforcement K3-Rp and K3-Mp

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

d n; d "n, mm

before welding

after welding

≥0.5d "n, but not less than 8

≥0.35d "n, but not less than 6

Notes (edit)

1 The value of the ultimate shear resistance in the K3-Rp and K3-Mp joints is not standardized. If it is necessary to make connections with rated strength, dimensions l and b are specified empirically based on the results of shear tests (GOST 10922) and drawn up in accordance with 5.2. At the same time, it is not allowed to perform connections of the K3-Rp and K3-Mp type with standardized strength at the construction site.

2 In mechanized welding of K3-Mp type joints, it is allowed to use reinforcement with a diameter (d "n) of 6 and 8 mm, as well as to reduce the ratio of the diameters of the welded rods to 0.33. The application of these provisions is allowed with increased requirements for acceptance of welded joints and mandatory implementation requirements 5.2.

Table 4 - Design of butt joint of reinforcement C1-Ko

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

Table 5 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S5-Mf and S7-Rv

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

C5-Mf, C7-Rv

Notes (edit)

1 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the C7-Pb connection.

2 With the ratio d "n / d n<1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню большего диаметра.

Table 6 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S8-Mf and S10-Rv

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

S8-Mf, S10-Rv

Notes (edit)

1 In single-electrode welding, the beveled bar of the lower bar should not be cut.

2 Reverse bevel cut of the bottom bar should be used when welding bars with a diameter of ≥32 mm.

3 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the C10-Pv connection.

4 With the ratio d "n / d n<1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню большего диаметра.

Table 7 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S14-Ml and S15-Rs

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connections

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

S14-Mp, S15-Rs

(0, 35-0, 40) d n

Table 8 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S17-Mp and S19-Rm

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

S17-Mp, S19-Rm

(0, 35-0, 40) d n

Note - For d n = 20-25 mm s = 6 mm, for d n = 28-40 mm s = 8 mm.

Table 9 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement C21-Rn and C21-Mn

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

C21-Rn, C21-Mn

The same, but the overlays are displaced

≥0.5d n, but> 10

≥0.5d n, but> 8

≥0.25d n, but> 4

Notes (edit)

1 Joints of armature of classes Ap600C, A800C, A1000C should be performed with offset overlays, applying staggered seams.

2 Double-sided seams with a length of 4d n are allowed for reinforcement joints of classes A240, A400C.

3 For reinforcement with a diameter of 25-40 mm, instead of reinforcement linings, it is allowed to use reinforced brackets-linings of the type shown in Tables 7 and 8, for classes A400C and A500C - a length of at least 6d n, for class A600C - a length of at least 8d n. The inner size of the staples-overlays must be at least 2d n, while the minimum area cross section staples are determined by the formula


where F min is the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the lining bracket;

Nominal cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement to be connected;

And - the normalized by the standards the ultimate strength of the reinforcement and the lining brackets, respectively.

Table 10 - Designs of butt joints of reinforcement S23-Re and S23-Me

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

S23-Re, S23-Me

≥0.5d n, but ≥8

≥0.25d n, but ≥4

Notes (edit)

1 It is allowed to use the connections of rods with any combination of their diameters within the limits specified in this table, while the dimensions l, b and h in the connection of the rods are taken according to the smaller diameter.

2 Double-sided seams with a length of 4d n are allowed for joints of reinforcement class A240.

Table 11 - Designs of overlap joints of reinforcement N1-Rsh and N1-Msh

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

N1-RSh, N1-MSh

≥0, 3d n, but ≥4

≥0.5d n, but ≥8

≥0.25d n, but ≥4

≥0.4d n, but ≥5

Table 12 - Design of the overlapping connection of the H2-Kr reinforcement

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

(0, 10-0, 15) d n

≥0, 3d n, but not less than 4

Table 13 - Design of the overlap connection of reinforcement N3-Kr

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

(0, 10-0, 15) d n

≥0, 3d n, but not less than 4

Table 14 - Design of the T-joint of reinforcement T1-Mf

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

Table 15 - Design of T-joint of T2-Rf fittings

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

Table 16 - Design of T-joint of reinforcement T11-Mz

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

Reinforcement class

before welding

after welding

Notes (edit)

1 For fittings of classes A400C, A500C and A600C, the s / d value is ≥0.55.

2 When using embedded parts with anchors made of A600C steel, follow the instructions in 5.6.

Table 17 - Design of T-joint of T12-Rz fittings

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

Reinforcement class

h 2 at d n ≥12 ± 1, mm

before welding

after welding

Notes (edit)

1 When d n ≤12 mm, it is allowed to make connections without a weld seam.

2 When using embedded parts with steel anchors of A600C class, follow the instructions in 5.6.

* In the territory Russian Federation current GOST R 57997-2017 "Welded reinforcement and embedded products, welded joints of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures. General specifications".

Appendix A

Assessment of the performance of welded joints

A comprehensive assessment in points of the performance of welded joints (strength, ductility, impact strength, metallographic factors, etc.) depending on the type of joint and welding method, steel grade and reinforcement diameter, as well as the operating (manufacturing) temperature under static loads is given in the table A.1. When assessing the performance under repeated loads, the score values ​​should be approximately reduced by one in comparison with the accepted values ​​under static loads. In this case, you should additionally use the regulatory documents for the design of reinforced concrete structures for buildings and structures for various purposes.

Points for welded joints of reinforcement are assigned on the basis of compliance with the regulated manufacturing technology of reinforcement and embedded products.

For welded joints of hot-rolled and thermomechanically hardened steels of classes A240, A400S, A500S, A600S, Ap600S, A800S and A1000S:

Score 5 - guarantees the equal strength of the welded joint to the parent metal and plastic fracture;

Score 4 - the welded joint meets the requirements of GOST 34028 and other applicable regulatory documents * for steel in its original state;

Score 3 - the welded joint meets the requirements of GOST 10922 for welded joints.

Table A.1 - Assessment of the performance of welded joints under static load

Connection designation

Operating (manufacturing) temperature, ° С

Reinforcing steel, class, diameter, mm

Ap600S, A800S

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

K3-Rp * (1), K3-Mp * (1)

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

S5-Mf, S7-Rv, S8-Mf, S10-Rv

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

S14-Mp, S15-Rs, S17-Mp, S19-Rm

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

S21-RN, S21-Mn

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

S23-Re, S23-Me

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

H1-Rsh, H1-Msh

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

H2-Kr, H3-Kr

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

Up to minus 30

Up to minus 40

Up to minus 55

* (1) For joints with standardized strength.

* (2) Up to and including 25 mm in diameter.

* (3) Up to and including 32 mm in diameter.

* (4) Up to and including 16 mm in diameter.

* (5) T11-Mz and T12-Rz connections of A600C class fittings may be used as A500C class fittings in accordance with 5.6.

* (6) The performance characteristics of the cruciform connections of wire reinforcement of the Вр500 (Вр-1) class are not regulated by Appendix A due to the absence of requirements for the chemical composition of steel. The quality requirements for such connections are given in GOST 10922.

* (7) According to technical conditions, armatures of the Ac500C class may be used up to a temperature of minus 70 ° C inclusive.

* (8) The letters НД and ТН indicate that the connections are not allowed for use or the connections are technologically impracticable, respectively.


* In the Russian Federation, requirements are imposed on GOST R 52544-2006 "Rolled reinforcing welded periodic profile of classes A500C and B500C for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions".





Types, designs and sizes

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions "and GOST 1.2-2009" Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development and acceptance, application, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after A.A. Gvozdev JSC "Research Center" Construction "

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes of September 30, 2014 70-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 22, 2014 No. 1374-st, the interstate standard GOST 14098-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information. uvvdo1lpeniv and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standartinform, 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Table 9 - Designs of butt joints and valves С21-Рн and С21-Мн

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


The same, but the overlays are displaced


1 Connections of reinforcement class A600. A800. A1000 should be performed with offset overlays, staggered seams.

2 Double-sided seams with a length of 4d „are allowed for reinforcement joints of classes A240, AZOO, A400.

3 For reinforcement with a diameter of 25-40 mm, instead of reinforcement linings, it is allowed to use reinforced brackets-linings of the type shown in tables 7-8. for classes A400 and A500C - at least 6L, for class A600C - at least 8A. The inner size of the staples must be at least 2d., While the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the staple is determined by the formula

where: F m „- the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the lining bracket, F” - the nominal cross-sectional area> of the reinforcement being connected: and “the tensile strength of the reinforcement and the lining bracket, respectively, normalized by the standards.

GOST 14098-2014



Types, designs and sizes

Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

Date of introduction - 2015-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to welded joints of bar and wire reinforcement, welded joints of bar reinforcement with sheet and shaped rolled products, performed in the manufacture of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures, as well as in the installation of prefabricated and erection of monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

The standard specifies the types, designs and dimensions of the specified resistance and arc welded joints.

The standard does not apply to welded joints of embedded products that do not have reinforcing steel anchor rods.

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 2601-84 Welding of metals. Terms and definitions of basic concepts

GOST 5264-80 * Manual arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 5781-82 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 6727-80 Cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 8713-79 * Submerged arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 10884-94 Reinforcing steel thermomechanically hardened for reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 10922-2012 Reinforcement and embedded products, their welded, knitted and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications

GOST 14771-76 Gas shielded arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 27772-88 Rolled products for building structures. General technical requirements

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replacing (modified) standard should be followed. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms in accordance with GOST 2601. GOST 5781 and GOST 10922.

Official edition

4 Types and designation

4.1 Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding

Welded joint type

Method and technological features of welding





Welding bar position


Contact point

Arc manual or mechanized * with tacks


Contact butt


Mechanized submerged-arc bathtub in inventory form


One-electrode bathroom in inventory form

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire on a steel bracket-lining


Bath suture on a steel bracket

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire multilayer seams on a steel bracket-lining


Manual arc with multilayer seams on a steel clip-overlay

Arc manual or mechanized * seams with overlays of rods

Arc manual or mechanized * with overlapping seams


Manual arc or mechanized * seams in a CO environment;

Contact one by one relief on the plate


Contact by two reliefs on the plate


Submerged arc mechanized without filler metal


Manual arc with low mechanization submerged arc without filler metal

Arc mechanized seams in a CO environment; into a counterbored or countersunk hole

Manual arc seams in a countersunk hole

* It is allowed to use any of the listed types of mechanized welding: in a CO environment; - or CO; + Ar. flux-cored wire or flux-cored wire in CO;

4.2 The symbol of the welded joint has the following structure

GOST 14098-2014

Technological feature

Welding method: K - contact;

Р - manual; M - mechanized

Type of welded joint: K - cruciform;

C - butt; H - overlapping; T - T-shaped

An example of a symbol for a butt joint made by bath-seam welding on a steel strap-lining, the position of the rods is horizontal:

4.3 For structural elements of welded joints, the following designations are adopted: d H - profile number (nominal diameter of the bar) according to GOST 5781 (in the figures of tables 2-17 it is shown conditionally):

d is the inner diameter of a bar of a periodic profile according to GOST 5781; d, is the outer diameter of a bar of a periodic profile according to GOST 5781; d \ - nominal smaller diameter of the bar in welded joints; d 0 - the smaller diameter of the countersunk or counterbore holes in the flat element:

D 0 - the larger diameter of the countersunk or counterbore holes in the flat element;

О - diameter of the burr in butt and weld metal in T-joints;

R is the radius of curvature of the relief;

a - the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection: b - width of the weld: the total size of the dents;

B ". B" is the amount of indentations from the electrodes in the cruciform connection: h is the amount of settlement in the cruciform connection; the height of the section of the welded seam; hi - height of reinforcement of the deposited metal; hi - the height of the reinforcement of the root of the weld.

H is the height of the brace-lining;

/ -the length of the weld:

/ ,. 1 2 - gaps before welding between the ends of the rods with different grooves:

L - length of brackets, strips and overlaps of rods;

z - blunting: in cutting the ends of the rods for bath welding; in the flat element of the TK connection;

s is the thickness of the steel brace-lining, flat elements of tee and lap joints;

k - the height of the relief on a flat element;

/ s, is the gap between the rod and the flat element in the NC joint: l is the width of the relief on the flat element: t is the length of the relief on the flat element;

d - height of the deposited metal ("rim") in T-joints.

a. a ... a 2. (1. p, p 2, g, Yi - angular dimensions of structural elements of welded joints.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 When choosing rational types of welded joints and welding methods, one should be guided by Appendix A.

5.2 For the construction of welded joints not provided for in this standard, working drawings with a technological description of welding conditions and a departmental regulatory document or enterprise standard should be developed, taking into account the requirements of the current

standards and agreed in due course.

5.3 In the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to replace the types of joints and methods of their welding with equivalent in performance in accordance with Appendix A.

5.4 The chemical composition and the value of the carbon equivalent of reinforcing steels welded in accordance with this standard must comply with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

For fittings of classes A240. A300, AzZOO. A400. A600. A800. A1000 - GOST 5781;

For fittings of classes Аt500С. AtbOOS - GOST 10884;

For fittings of class A500C - according to the current regulatory documents *.

5.4.1 Chemical composition of A600C class thermomechanically hardened fittings. used in welded joints in accordance with this standard must correspond to the steel grade 20G2SFBA.

5.5 Cold-worked reinforcement must meet the requirements:

Class В500С - to the current regulatory documents *;

Class Вр-1 - GOST 6727.

5.6 Thermomechanically hardened fittings of numbered length, ATbOO classes. AtbOOK. At800. At800K. AT1000 and ATYUOOK. as well as the waste of this reinforcement can be used in welded reinforcement products and embedded parts of reinforced concrete structures. In this case, the reinforcement should be used as reinforcement of class A400 without recalculating the section.

The A600C class fittings are allowed to be used as anchors of embedded parts as A500C class fittings without recalculating the section.

5.7 The designs of the cross-shaped connections of the reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Figure 1 and in Tables 2-3.

Figure 1 - Cross-shaped connection made by resistance spot welding

5.8 Ratio of bar diameters should be taken for K1 type joints - from 0.25 to 1.00. KZ type - from 0.50 to 1.00.

5.9 For K1 type compounds, the amount of settlement (see Figure 1) is determined by the formula

h = Id, - (a * b),

where: a is the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection, mm;

B - total size of dents (b ♦ b "), mm.

The values ​​of the relative settlement h / d "" for the compounds of the K1 type must correspond to those given in table 2.

5.10 Structures of butt joints of reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding should correspond to those given in Table. 4-10.

5.11 The designs of reinforcement overlap joints, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 11-13.

5.12 Designs of T-joints of reinforcement with flat elements of embedded products, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 14-17.

5.13 The main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints from sheet and shaped metal products used to connect flat elements of embedded parts during the installation of reinforced concrete structures must meet the requirements of GOST 5264. GOST 8713 and GOST 14771.

5.14. For the connections shown in Tables 7-8, sheet steel of the class C235-C255 in accordance with GOST 27772 should be used as the material of the staples-overlays.

GOST R 52544 is in force in the Russian Federation.

Table 2 - Structures of cruciform connections of a rma round K1-Kt

Designation of the type of connection, method

Rebar connection

The value of h / d *. providing strength not less than that required by GOST 10922 for joints with a ratio of diameters




before welding

after welding

non-standardized strength

11> 2i2t2 2i2 "22 2,2,222 Ш1

1 0V ЗСз "*" J l,> l Chu »£ |

Note - The d "H / dn values, which do not coincide with the given ones, should be turned up to the nearest value indicated in the table.

GOST 14098-2014

Table 3 - Structures of cross-shaped connections of reinforcement KZ-Rp and KZ-Mp

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


steel grade

Ф \<К. мм

2 0, nr m, but not less than 8

2 0.35cf ... but not less than 6


1, The value of the ultimate shear resistance in the KZ-Rp and KZ-Mp joints is not standardized. If it is not necessary to perform connections with rated strength, the dimensions "/" and "b" are specified empirically based on the results of shear tests (according to GOST 10922) and drawn up in accordance with clause 5.2.

2. In mechanized welding of KZ-Mp type joints, it is allowed to use reinforcement with a diameter (dk) of 6 and 8 mm, as well as to reduce the ham ratio of the diameters of the welded rods to 0.33. The application of these provisions is allowed with increased requirements for the acceptance of welded joints and the mandatory fulfillment of the requirements of Section 5.2.

Table 4 - Design of butt joint of reinforcement C1-Ko


Rebar connection

type soy dyne-ni, welding method

before welding

after welding

Reinforcement class

A240, AzZOO,

GOST 14098-2014

Table 5 - Designs of butt joints of reinforcement S5-Mf and S7-Rv

Connection type designation. welding method

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


1 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the C7-Pb connection.

2 For the relation cfjd,< 1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню большого диаметра.

5 0.2d. 5 0,05d „

Table 6 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S8-Mf and S 10-Pe

Designation of the type of connection, layer-ba welding

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


1 In single-electrode welding, the beveled bar of the lower bar should not be cut.

2 Use a reverse bevel cut of the lower bar when welding bars with a diameter> 32 mm.

3 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the СЮ-Рв connection.

4 For the ratio d "Jd,< 1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню большего диаметра.

GOST 14098-2014

Table 7 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S14-Mp and S15-Rs


Rebar connection

type of connection, method of welding

before welding

after welding


| Note - For L "20-25 mm s = 6 mm, dpya

GOST 14098-2014





Types, designs and sizes

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions "and GOST 1.2-2009" Interstate Standardization System. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development and acceptance, application, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after A.A. Gvozdev JSC "Research Center" Construction "

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes of September 30, 2014 70-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 22, 2014 No. 1374-st, the interstate standard GOST 14098-2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015.

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information. uvvdo1lpeniv and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standartinform, 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Table 9 - Designs of butt joints and valves С21-Рн and С21-Мн

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


The same, but the overlays are displaced


1 Connections of reinforcement class A600. A800. A1000 should be performed with offset overlays, staggered seams.

2 Double-sided seams with a length of 4d „are allowed for reinforcement joints of classes A240, AZOO, A400.

3 For reinforcement with a diameter of 25-40 mm, instead of reinforcement linings, it is allowed to use reinforced brackets-linings of the type shown in tables 7-8. for classes A400 and A500C - at least 6L, for class A600C - at least 8A. The inner size of the staples must be at least 2d., While the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the staple is determined by the formula

where: F m „- the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the lining bracket, F” - the nominal cross-sectional area> of the reinforcement being connected: and “the tensile strength of the reinforcement and the lining bracket, respectively, normalized by the standards.

GOST 14098-2014



Types, designs and sizes

Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

Date of introduction - 2015-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to welded joints of bar and wire reinforcement, welded joints of bar reinforcement with sheet and shaped rolled products, performed in the manufacture of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures, as well as in the installation of prefabricated and erection of monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

The standard specifies the types, designs and dimensions of the specified resistance and arc welded joints.

The standard does not apply to welded joints of embedded products that do not have reinforcing steel anchor rods.

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 2601-84 Welding of metals. Terms and definitions of basic concepts

GOST 5264-80 * Manual arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 5781-82 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 6727-80 Cold-drawn low-carbon steel wire for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 8713-79 * Submerged arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 10884-94 Reinforcing steel thermomechanically hardened for reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 10922-2012 Reinforcement and embedded products, their welded, knitted and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications

GOST 14771-76 Gas shielded arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 27772-88 Rolled products for building structures. General technical requirements

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replacing (modified) standard should be followed. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms in accordance with GOST 2601. GOST 5781 and GOST 10922.

Official edition

4 Types and designation

4.1 Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding

Welded joint type

Method and technological features of welding





Welding bar position


Contact point

Arc manual or mechanized * with tacks


Contact butt


Mechanized submerged-arc bathtub in inventory form


One-electrode bathroom in inventory form

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire on a steel bracket-lining


Bath suture on a steel bracket

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire multilayer seams on a steel bracket-lining


Manual arc with multilayer seams on a steel clip-overlay

Arc manual or mechanized * seams with overlays of rods

Arc manual or mechanized * with overlapping seams


Manual arc or mechanized * seams in a CO environment;

Contact one by one relief on the plate


Contact by two reliefs on the plate


Submerged arc mechanized without filler metal


Manual arc with low mechanization submerged arc without filler metal

Arc mechanized seams in a CO environment; into a counterbored or countersunk hole

Manual arc seams in a countersunk hole

* It is allowed to use any of the listed types of mechanized welding: in a CO environment; - or CO; + Ar. flux-cored wire or flux-cored wire in CO;

4.2 The symbol of the welded joint has the following structure

GOST 14098-2014

Technological feature

Welding method: K - contact;

Р - manual; M - mechanized

Type of welded joint: K - cruciform;

C - butt; H - overlapping; T - T-shaped

An example of a symbol for a butt joint made by bath-seam welding on a steel strap-lining, the position of the rods is horizontal:

4.3 For structural elements of welded joints, the following designations are adopted: d H - profile number (nominal diameter of the bar) according to GOST 5781 (in the figures of tables 2-17 it is shown conditionally):

d is the inner diameter of a bar of a periodic profile according to GOST 5781; d, is the outer diameter of a bar of a periodic profile according to GOST 5781; d \ - nominal smaller diameter of the bar in welded joints; d 0 - the smaller diameter of the countersunk or counterbore holes in the flat element:

D 0 - the larger diameter of the countersunk or counterbore holes in the flat element;

О - diameter of the burr in butt and weld metal in T-joints;

R is the radius of curvature of the relief;

a - the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection: b - width of the weld: the total size of the dents;

B ". B" is the amount of indentations from the electrodes in the cruciform connection: h is the amount of settlement in the cruciform connection; the height of the section of the welded seam; hi - height of reinforcement of the deposited metal; hi - the height of the reinforcement of the root of the weld.

H is the height of the brace-lining;

/ -the length of the weld:

/ ,. 1 2 - gaps before welding between the ends of the rods with different grooves:

L - length of brackets, strips and overlaps of rods;

z - blunting: in cutting the ends of the rods for bath welding; in the flat element of the TK connection;

s is the thickness of the steel brace-lining, flat elements of tee and lap joints;

k - the height of the relief on a flat element;

/ s, is the gap between the rod and the flat element in the NC joint: l is the width of the relief on the flat element: t is the length of the relief on the flat element;

d - height of the deposited metal ("rim") in T-joints.

a. a ... a 2. (1. p, p 2, g, Yi - angular dimensions of structural elements of welded joints.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 When choosing rational types of welded joints and welding methods, one should be guided by Appendix A.

5.2 For the construction of welded joints not provided for in this standard, working drawings with a technological description of welding conditions and a departmental regulatory document or enterprise standard should be developed, taking into account the requirements of the current

standards and agreed in due course.

5.3 In the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to replace the types of joints and methods of their welding with equivalent in performance in accordance with Appendix A.

5.4 The chemical composition and the value of the carbon equivalent of reinforcing steels welded in accordance with this standard must comply with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

For fittings of classes A240. A300, AzZOO. A400. A600. A800. A1000 - GOST 5781;

For fittings of classes Аt500С. AtbOOS - GOST 10884;

For fittings of class A500C - according to the current regulatory documents *.

5.4.1 Chemical composition of A600C class thermomechanically hardened fittings. used in welded joints in accordance with this standard must correspond to the steel grade 20G2SFBA.

5.5 Cold-worked reinforcement must meet the requirements:

Class В500С - to the current regulatory documents *;

Class Вр-1 - GOST 6727.

5.6 Thermomechanically hardened fittings of numbered length, ATbOO classes. AtbOOK. At800. At800K. AT1000 and ATYUOOK. as well as the waste of this reinforcement can be used in welded reinforcement products and embedded parts of reinforced concrete structures. In this case, the reinforcement should be used as reinforcement of class A400 without recalculating the section.

The A600C class fittings are allowed to be used as anchors of embedded parts as A500C class fittings without recalculating the section.

5.7 The designs of the cross-shaped connections of the reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Figure 1 and in Tables 2-3.

Figure 1 - Cross-shaped connection made by resistance spot welding

5.8 Ratio of bar diameters should be taken for K1 type joints - from 0.25 to 1.00. KZ type - from 0.50 to 1.00.

5.9 For K1 type compounds, the amount of settlement (see Figure 1) is determined by the formula

h = Id, - (a * b),

where: a is the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection, mm;

B - total size of dents (b ♦ b "), mm.

The values ​​of the relative settlement h / d "" for the compounds of the K1 type must correspond to those given in table 2.

5.10 Structures of butt joints of reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding should correspond to those given in Table. 4-10.

5.11 The designs of reinforcement overlap joints, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 11-13.

5.12 Designs of T-joints of reinforcement with flat elements of embedded products, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 14-17.

5.13 The main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints from sheet and shaped metal products used to connect flat elements of embedded parts during the installation of reinforced concrete structures must meet the requirements of GOST 5264. GOST 8713 and GOST 14771.

5.14. For the connections shown in Tables 7-8, sheet steel of the class C235-C255 in accordance with GOST 27772 should be used as the material of the staples-overlays.

GOST R 52544 is in force in the Russian Federation.

Table 2 - Structures of cruciform connections of a rma round K1-Kt

Designation of the type of connection, method

Rebar connection

The value of h / d *. providing strength not less than that required by GOST 10922 for joints with a ratio of diameters




before welding

after welding

non-standardized strength

11> 2i2t2 2i2 "22 2,2,222 Ш1

1 0V ЗСз "*" J l,> l Chu »£ |

Note - The d "H / dn values, which do not coincide with the given ones, should be turned up to the nearest value indicated in the table.

GOST 14098-2014

Table 3 - Structures of cross-shaped connections of reinforcement KZ-Rp and KZ-Mp

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


steel grade

Ф \<К. мм

2 0, nr m, but not less than 8

2 0.35cf ... but not less than 6


1, The value of the ultimate shear resistance in the KZ-Rp and KZ-Mp joints is not standardized. If it is not necessary to perform connections with rated strength, the dimensions "/" and "b" are specified empirically based on the results of shear tests (according to GOST 10922) and drawn up in accordance with clause 5.2.

2. In mechanized welding of KZ-Mp type joints, it is allowed to use reinforcement with a diameter (dk) of 6 and 8 mm, as well as to reduce the ham ratio of the diameters of the welded rods to 0.33. The application of these provisions is allowed with increased requirements for the acceptance of welded joints and the mandatory fulfillment of the requirements of Section 5.2.

Table 4 - Design of butt joint of reinforcement C1-Ko


Rebar connection

type soy dyne-ni, welding method

before welding

after welding

Reinforcement class

A240, AzZOO,

GOST 14098-2014

Table 5 - Designs of butt joints of reinforcement S5-Mf and S7-Rv

Connection type designation. welding method

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


1 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the C7-Pb connection.

2 For the relation cfjd,< 1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню большого диаметра.

5 0.2d. 5 0,05d „

Table 6 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S8-Mf and S 10-Pe

Designation of the type of connection, layer-ba welding

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


1 In single-electrode welding, the beveled bar of the lower bar should not be cut.

2 Use a reverse bevel cut of the lower bar when welding bars with a diameter> 32 mm.

3 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the СЮ-Рв connection.

4 For the ratio d "Jd,< 1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню большего диаметра.

GOST 14098-2014

Table 7 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S14-Mp and S15-Rs


Rebar connection

type of connection, method of welding

before welding

after welding


| Note - For L "20-25 mm s = 6 mm, dpya

GOST 14098-2014

Reinforced concrete structures used in construction are a very complex element to which certain requirements are imposed. In their manufacture, appropriate standards based on rigorous calculations must be applied.

The structure itself consists of concrete of the rated grade, welded reinforcement and mortgages. At the same time, reinforcement in terms of profile, thickness and grade of metal is used strictly in accordance with GOST at 14098-2014, which replaced the previous GOST 14098-91. Also, the standard regulates the welded joints themselves between bar and wire reinforcement and rolled products made in the form of sheets or shaped rolled products, that is, embedded products.

Affects the document and the installation of finished structures, as well as welding and material used when using monolithic construction methods. Moreover, such parameters as the types and types of structures, the dimensions of its joints are established, which are produced by such welding methods as arc, as well as resistance welding.

Types of symbols for welding joints

Welding joints are designated according to table No. 1

Welded joint typeMethod and technological features of welding
NameDesignation, numberNameDesignationWelding bar position
1 2 3 4 5
CruciformK1Contact pointCTAny
K3Arc manual or mechanized * with tacksRp
ButtC1Contact buttToHorizontal
C8Mechanized submerged-arc bathtub in inventory formMfVertical
C10One-electrode bathroom in inventory formPB
C14Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire on a steel bracket-liningMpHorizontal
C15Bath suture on a steel bracketRs
C17Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire multilayer seams on a steel bracket-liningMpVertical
C19Manual arc with multilayer seams on a steel clip-overlayRm
C21Arc manual or mechanized * seams with overlays of rodsRnAny
C23Arc manual or mechanized * overlapping seamsRe
Arc manual or mechanized * with seams in the mediumRshAny
H2Contact one by one relief on the plateCrHorizontal
H3Contact by two reliefs on the plateCr
TavrovoeT1Submerged arc mechanized without filler metalMfVertical
T2Manual arc with low mechanization submerged arc without filler metalRf
, flux-cored wire, or flux-cored wire in the environment

The weld bead is schematically indicated as follows.

Spot welded cross connection diagram

According to the explanations in the document, the value a is the total diameter of the rods obtained at the point of welding, d1 is the 'upper diametral size of the rods, b * the amount by which the rods are soldered into each other, forming dents, h is the amount by which settlement occurs in the joint or you can call it the height of the weld.

If a welded structure is not provided for in this GOST, it is necessary to develop a working drawing indicating the conditions under which welding will take place and agree on the regulations of the established procedure.

According to the technical requirements, it is possible to replace both the welding method and the type of connection itself with others, but with the same qualities and properties that correspond to Appendix A of this GOST.

Tables from 2 to 17 show all connections of reinforcing rods and other rolled elements used in reinforced concrete structures.

All welded joints must have an assessment of the quality of performance, which is expressed in points, and depends on how the welding technology is followed, which has its own regulations.

The assessment is based on the static load when testing the sample.

Used material for welded structures

The armature, which is used in structures, must have special properties obtained during thermomechanical processing, and a certain chemical composition. It must comply with GOST 5781-82 (hot-rolled steel for reinforcement). The wire used in the structures must comply with GOST 6727-80, as well as the steel used here must comply with GOST 10884-94 both in composition and in processing, and embedded parts that are manufactured in accordance with GOST 10922-2012.

The assortment produced (rods for reinforcement) must correspond to the required properties and, depending on this, the metal is divided into classes. Their diameters should also have deviations of no more than 9% for the smallest rod with a diameter of 6 mm and 2% for the largest one of 80 mm. GOST also regulates the length of the manufactured product.

The periodic profile of reinforcing steel can have a different pattern.

Types of reinforcing steel profiles

Cold drawn wire has three sizes: 3, 4, 5 mm

Cold rolled wire profile

Its parameters are given in GOST. The ability to withstand 4 bends in accordance with the requirements allows this material to be used in many other places, especially since the wire is produced in coils weighing from 20 kg to 1500 kg.

When considering welded embedded products, the types are noted according to the following nomenclature:

  • nets made of reinforcement and supplied in rolls or flat;
  • frames made of reinforcement, which can be both flat and volumetric;
  • rods that have different types of connections, for example, butt joints located along the entire length;
  • prefabricated embedded embeds welded together with anchors made of reinforcement.

All samples must be periodically tested for compliance with the requirements: size, metal composition, load bearing.

Use of metal used in reinforced concrete structures in other industries

These metal components can be used not only in reinforced concrete structures, but also in other industries.

Hot rolled round steel with periodic grooves

Both a smooth profile and a profile with periodic corrugation are used.

Hot rolled smooth profile

Reinforcement with a smooth profile is more versatile in use, but it is not recommended to use it for structures experiencing increased stress. For this, it is better to use rods with a corrugated profile.

Shown is the use of smooth reinforcement in unloaded or slightly loaded columns, in various types of products that are made for decorative use. Also used in thresholds, in masonry to enhance its strength by means of reinforcement. In this case, the rods are laid either directly on the mortar, or are made in the form of a grid. They are used in the same way in the manufacture of floor screed.

An example of using rods with a smooth surface

Different types of products are made from this type of reinforcement, for example, fasteners (bolts, studs, pins), as blanks for the manufacture of various types of structures, in the forging industry for the manufacture of fences and other fences, as grounding and other products. This versatility in application is due to the fact that the armature, which belongs to the A1 class, is produced from carbon steel grades St3sp, St3ps and St3kp. The letters after the number 3 mean SP - calm, PS - semi-calm, KP - boiling, which indicates in what state the molten metal was used.

This property allows the rebar to be machined in a variety of ways.

Of course, for other classes, a different composition is provided, for example, for class AIII - 25G2S, 35GS, 32G2Rps. For example, the first has a composition: C (carbon) from 0.2 to 0.29%, Manganese -1.2 - 1.60%, silicon - 0.60 -0.90%, chromium, nickel no more than 0.3 %, sulfur, phosphorus no more than 0, 045%. It is more expensive, less amenable to processing and, accordingly, not as applicable as smooth, but it has its own advantages.

Rebar with periodic corrugation is mainly used as a reinforcement of critical concrete structures due to its structure and chemical composition. Reinforcement of this profile is classified: AII, AIII, AIV, AV, AVI.

Among other things, fittings of any class are well cooked and have increased resistance to corrosive wear.

In addition to the construction of buildings, it is used for the construction of bridges and roads, especially at various road junctions, when pouring ceilings and ceilings, as well as when erecting walls from foam and aerated concrete blocks.

Also, this profile is used in mortgages in the manufacture of volumetric or flat frames, as well as as a base for monolithic construction.

The structure it has allows you to distribute the load evenly over the entire area.

If the company has ordered a certain batch of fittings, the length of the rods is also discussed in advance, for example, it can be from 5.5 m to 26 m, while all other parameters and permissible dimensional deviations must also comply with GOST 5781-82. The price also depends on the method of manufacturing the fittings. Cold-rolled steel is definitely more expensive than hot-rolled steel, but at the same time cold-rolled steel does not have the same ductility that is inherent in hot-rolled steel, which during production can receive different stresses along the entire length of the bar. This is due to the fact that a change occurs in the crystals in the metal during processing, which changes its structure and properties.





Types, designs and sizes

Official edition



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 I Interstate Standardization System. Basic provisions and GOST 1.2-2009 “Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development and acceptance, application, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after A.A. Gvozdev JSC "Research Center" Construction "

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (minutes of September 30, 2014 70-P)

4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology No. 9 1374-st of October 22, 2014, the interstate standard GOST 1409 & -2014 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2015.

5 REPLACE GOST 14098-91

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National standards". and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information. notice and texts are also posted on the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standartinform, 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.



Types, designs and sizes

Welded joints of reinforcement and inserts for reinforced concrete structures. Types, constructions and dimensions

Date of introduction - 2015-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to welded joints of bar and wire reinforcement, welded joints of bar reinforcement with sheet and shaped rolled products, performed in the manufacture of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures, as well as in the installation of prefabricated and erection of monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

The standard specifies the types, designs and dimensions of the specified resistance and arc welded joints.

The standard does not apply to welded joints of embedded products that do not have reinforcing steel anchor rods.

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST 2601-84 Welding of metals. Terms and definitions of basic concepts

GOST 5264-80 * Manual arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 5781-82 Hot-rolled steel for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 6727-80 Cold drawn cold drawn steel wire made of carbon steel for reinforcing reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 8713-79 * Submerged arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 10884-94 Reinforcing steel thermomechanically hardened for reinforced concrete structures. Technical conditions

GOST 10922-2012 Reinforcement and embedded products, their welded, knitted and mechanical joints for reinforced concrete structures. General specifications

GOST 14771-76 Gas shielded arc welding. Welded connections. Basic types, structural elements and dimensions

GOST 27772 * 88 Rolled products for building structures. General technical requirements

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current pod. and on the issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replacing (modified) standard should be followed. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms in accordance with GOST 2601. GOST 5781 and GOST 10922.

Official edition

4 Types and designation

4.1 Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Designations of types of welded joints and methods of their welding

Teal welded

Method and technological features of welding





Welding bar position


Contact point

Arc manual or mechanized * with tacks


Contact butt


Mechanized submerged-arc bathtub in inventory form


One-electrode bathroom in inventory form

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire on a steel bracket-lining


Bath suture on a steel bracket

Arc mechanized with flux-cored wire multilayer seams on a steel bracket-lining


Manual arc with multilayer seams on a steel clip-overlay

Manual or mechanized arc * seams with overlays ne rods

Arc hand or me khan from i-ro van on i * overlapped seams


Manual arc or mechaniei-ro van on y * seams in a CO environment;

Contact one by one relief on the plate

Gori umbrella agnoe

Contact by two reliefs on the plate


Submerged arc mechanized without filler metal


Manual arc with low mechanization submerged arc without garden metal

Arc mechanized seams in a CO environment; into a counterbored or unbored hole

Manual arc seams in a countersunk hole

* It is allowed to use any of the listed types of mechanized welding: in a CO environment; or CO; + Ar. flux-cored wire or flux-cored wire in CO;

4.2 The symbol of the welded joint has the following structure X X - X X

Technological feature

Welding method: K - contact;

Р - manual; M - mechanized

Type of welded joint: K - cruciform;

C - butt; H - lashlocking; T - T-shaped

An example of a symbol for a butt joint made by bath-seam welding on a steel strap-lining, the position of the rods is horizontal:

4.3 For structural elements of welded joints, the following designations are adopted: d * - profile number (nominal diameter of the bar) according to GOST 5781 (in the figures of tables 2-17 it is shown conditionally):

d - internal diameter of a periodic profile bar according to GOST 5781: d t - external diameter of a periodic profile bar according to GOST 5781: d \ - nominal smaller diameter of a bar in welded joints: do - smaller diameter of a countersunk or countersunk hole in a flat element;

D c - larger diameter of a countersunk or counterbored hole in a flat element:

О - diameter of the burr in butt and weld metal in T-joints;

/? - radius of curvature of the relief;

a - the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection; b is the width of the weld seam: the total size of the indentations;

B \ b * - the size of the indentations from the electrodes in the cruciform joint: h - the amount of upsetting in the cruciform joint: the height of the welded seam section;

/ b - height of reinforcement of the deposited metal:

/ *; - the height of the reinforcement of the root of the weld:

H is the height of the brace-lining;

/ -the length of the weld:

/ ,. A? - gaps before welding between the ends of the rods with different grooves:

/ "- length of brackets, strips and overlaps of rods;

2 - blunting: in cutting the ends of the rods for bath welding; in the flat element of the TK connection;

s is the thickness of the steel brace-lining, flat elements of tee and lap joints:

k - the height of the relief on a flat element:

kx is the gap between the rod and the flat element in the NC joint: n is the width of the relief on the flat element; t is the length of the relief on a flat element;

g is the height of the deposited metal ("rim") in T-joints;

a. a b a 2. R. (B.y. Yi - angular dimensions of structural elements of welded joints.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 When choosing rational types of welded joints and welding methods, one should be guided by Appendix A.

5.2 For the construction of welded joints not provided for in this standard, working drawings with a technological description of welding conditions and a departmental regulatory document or enterprise standard should be developed, taking into account the requirements of the current

standards and agreed in due course.

5.3 In the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to replace the types of joints and methods of their welding with equivalent in performance in accordance with Appendix A.

5.4 The chemical composition and the value of the carbon equivalent of reinforcing steels welded in accordance with this standard must comply with the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

For fittings of classes A240. AZOS. ASZOO. A400. A600. A800. A1000 - GOST 5781;

For fittings of classes Аt500С. AtbOOS - GOST 10884;

For fittings of class A500C - according to the current regulatory documents.

5.4.1 Chemical composition of thermo-mechanics of reinforced reinforcement class A600C. used in welded joints in accordance with this standard must correspond to the steel grade 20G2SFBA.

5.5 Cold-worked reinforcement must meet the requirements:

Class B500S - to the current regulatory documents:

Class Вр-1 - GOST 6727.

5.6 Thermomechanically hardened fittings of unmeasured length, ATbOO classes. At600K. At800. At800K. At1000 and At1000K. as well as the waste of this reinforcement can be used in welded reinforcement products and embedded parts of reinforced concrete structures. In this case, the reinforcement should be used as reinforcement of class A400 without recalculating the section.

The A600C class fittings are allowed to be used as anchors of embedded parts as A500C class fittings without recalculating the section.

5.7 The designs of the cross-shaped connections of the reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Figure 1 and in Tables 2-3.

Figure 1 - Cross-shaped connection made by resistance spot welding

5.8 Ratio of bar diameters should be taken for K1 type connections - from 0.25 to 1.00, KZ type - from 0.50 to 1.00.

5.9 For K1 type compounds, the amount of settlement (see Figure 1) is determined by the formula

b - Id, - (a ♦ b) \

where: a is the total thickness of the rods after welding at the intersection, mm;

6 - total size of dents (6 "♦ 6 m), mm.

The values ​​of the relative settlements 6 / d ’M for K1 type compounds must correspond to those given in table 2.

5.10 Structures of butt joints of reinforcement, their dimensions before and after welding should correspond to those given in Table. 4-10.

5.11 The designs of reinforcement overlap joints, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 11-13.

5.12 Designs of T-joints of reinforcement with flat elements of embedded products, their dimensions before and after welding must correspond to those given in Tables 14-17.

5.13 The main types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints from sheet and shaped metal products used to connect flat elements of embedded parts during the installation of reinforced concrete structures must meet the requirements of GOST 5264. GOST 8713 and GOST 14771.

5.14. For compounds shown in Tables 7-8. sheet steel of class C235-C255 in accordance with GOST 27772 should be used as the material for staples.

Type designation ooedie, welding method

Rebar connection

before welding

after searkm

sisis & j / sofsiststsas

The value of h / d *, providing a germination rate not less than that required by GOST 10922 for milking with a diameter ratio dm *.



I provide * sheya not standardized strength

Note - Volgins dWdn, which do not coincide with the given ones, should be rounded to the nearest value ^ -yna, the ear in the table.

GOST 14098-2014

Table 3 - Structures of cross-shaped connections of reinforcement KO-Rp and KZ-Mp

Connection type designation, welding procedure

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


steel grade

сL:<К. мм

GOST 14098-2014

* 0.5sG ... but not less than 6

* 0.35sG .. but not less than 6


1. The value of the temporary shear resistance in the KZ-Rp and KZ-Mp joints is not standardized. If necessary, there are five connections with a standardized sprout, the sizes "/" and "b" are specified empirically according to the results of cuttings (according to GOST 10922) and drawn up in accordance with clause 5.2.

2. When fur low nth welding of joints of the KZ-Mp type, the use of reinforcement with a diameter (db) of 6 and 8 mm is allowed. as well as the speaker of eelrir | the ratio of the diameters of the welded rods up to 033. The application of these provisions is allowed with increased requirements for the acceptance of welded joints and the mandatory fulfillment of the requirements of clause 5 2.

Table 4 - Design of butt joint of reinforcement C1-Ko

Type designation ooedgye. saarki way

Rebar connector

before welding

after welding

Reinforcement class

A240. ASZOO.


1 The denominator dimensions refer to the C7-Pb compound.

2 With respect

Table 6 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement SV-Mf and S 10-Pe

Connecting reinforcement to saarsch

Connection type designation, sl ooo-basaarki


1 At the bottom of the electric one welding, cutting of the rods with a bevel should not be done.

2 Use a reverse bevel cut to the bottom of the rod when welding rods with a diameter of * 32 mm.

3 Dimensions in the denominator refer to the СЮ-Рв connection.

4 For the ratio d "Jd,< 1 линейные размеры относятся к стержню богъшего диаметра.

GOST 14096-2014

Table 7 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S14-Mp and S15-Rs

The type of connection is indicated. saarsh way


Note - For (/ * ■ 20 * 25 mm $ * 6 mm. For L * 28 -40mm $ 6 mm.

Table 8 - Designs of butt joints for reinforcement S17-Mp and S19-Rm

Connection type designation, caapoi method

C17-Mp. S19-Rm

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding


GOST 14098-2014

Note - For & - 20 - 25 mm $ = 6 mm. for & = 28 - 4Q mm s = 8 mm.


the type of compliance, the method with ar "and

Rebar connection

before welding

after welding

The same, but the overlays are displaced



1 Connections of reinforcement class A600. A800. A1000 should be performed with offset overlays. superimposing the necks in a checkerboard pattern.

2 Double-sided seams with a length of 4d are allowed for joints of reinforcement of classes А240, АЗ00, А400.

3 For reinforcement with a diameter of 25-40 mm, instead of reinforcement linings, it is allowed to use reinforced brackets-linings of the type given in tables 7-6. for classes A400 and A500C - at least 6d in length. for claos А600С - length not less than 8d. ^ the morning size of the staples-onlays must be at least 2d. in this case, the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the bracket is determined by the formula

where: F mt% is the minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the lining bracket, F * is the nominal cross-sectional area of ​​the reinforcement being connected; and CT I

GOST 14098-2014

Table 10- Designs of butt joints of reinforcement C23- Re and C23 ~ Me

Designation of the type of connection, welding method

before welding

Rebar connection

after welding


* 0.254 ,. but * 4


1 It is allowed to use connections of rods with any combination of their diameters within the limits indicated in the table, while the dimensions /. b and h connecting rods are taken along a smaller diameter;

2 Double-sided seams with a length of 44 are allowed, for reinforcement joints of classes A240 and Ac300.

Table 11- Designs of overlapping connections of reinforcement N1-Rsh and N1-Msh

Connection type designation. welding method

after welding



GOST 14098-2014

* 0.44 ,. but * 5

Table 13 - Structures of the lap joint of the NZ-Kr reinforcement

GOST 14098-2014

Table 14 - Constructions of the T-joint of the reinforcement T1 -Mf

Type designation of connection, welding method

Rebar-to-plate connection

before welding

after welding



GOST 14098-2014

Table 15 - Design of T-joint of T2-Rf fittings

Both knowledge of the type of connected welding method

Rebar connection with plate

before welding

after welding



Table 17 - Design of the T-joint of T12-Rz fittings

The type of connection is indicated. sp ooo ba welding

Reinforcement-to-plastic connection

before welding

after welding



at L212 ♦ 1. mm


1 At dm< 12 мм допускается выполнять ооеднения без лодварочмого шва.

2 Using embedded parts with steel anchors of class A600C. you should be guided by the instructions in clause 5.6.

pog- "60P 1DOJ

GOST 14098-2014

Appendix A (informative)

Assessment of operational pumped welded joints

A comprehensive assessment in points of the performance of welded joints (strength, ductility, impact strength, metallographic factors, etc.) depending on the type of joint and welding method, steel grade and reinforcement diameter, as well as the operating (manufacturing) temperature under static loads is given in the table A.1. When assessing the performance at myophatically repeated loads, the score values ​​should be approximately reduced by one in comparison with the accepted values ​​for static loads. In this case, you should additionally use the regulatory documents for the design of reinforced concrete structures for buildings and structures for various purposes.

Points for welded joints of reinforcement are assigned on the basis of compliance with the regulated manufacturing technology of reinforcement and embedded products.

For welded joints of hot-rolled and thermomechanically hardened steels of A400 grades. At500S. AgbOOS. A500S. A600C. A600. А800 and А1000:

Score 5 - guarantees early strength of the welded joint to the parent metal and plastic fracture;

Score 4 - the welded joint meets the requirements of GOST 5781, GOST 10884 and GOST R 52544-2006. applied to steel in its original state;

Score 3 - the welded joint meets the requirements of GOST 10922 for welded joints.

Reinforcing steel, grade grade, diameter, mm

20ХГ2Ц 20ХГ2Т 23X2 Г2Т

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