Enterprise social development plan. Development of a social development plan for an enterprise

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What do you think will happen if you start building a house without a plan and breaking the sequence?

It will start... although no, it can be built. But will it stand for long? big question. It’s the same in business – you can’t live long on one idea.

Therefore, I am surprised that most businesses are trying to develop their social networks, blog, YouTube channel without a clear content plan and at the same time are surprised by the lack of clients.

Here is a vivid example of such a case. I have a network of flower salons.

When they don’t have clients, they post all kinds of photos of the bouquets they made and quickly communicate with clients.

When clients go, they don’t post for several days and don’t respond to comments (they just silently engage in mass following).

And then again, like crazy, they start posting posts in the “Buy, buy” style.

In general, complete chaos and anarchy, which in no way helps the sales and growth of the company.

If you recognize yourself or the style of running your social networks and other platforms, then this article will help you correct this and build a structure that will correctly lead customers to purchase.

It all looks simple

What is a content plan? In simple terms, a content plan is a schedule of publications with a specific topic, date and time, which are arranged in a certain sequence.

It is also part of a larger instrument. It differs from the editorial plan in that the content plan can include pictures and videos.

And in the editorial there is only text. And it is very far from the media plan, which includes promotional events with a planned budget and advertising platforms. This is me in order to agree on what a content plan is even on the shore.

By the way, it can look the way you want. There is no single template. This can be a special table for maintaining a calendar in which posts, dates and times of their release are scheduled.

Either a regular list on a sheet of paper (examples below), or a table in Excel. It doesn't matter. It is important that you have a content plan for social networks and use it.

Example from experience (speed reading school)

Once again, what is a content plan? I’ll give an example based on an Instagram account. Let’s take our client – ​​a speed reading school.

On Monday at 10.15 they publish a post in which they talk about exercises for developing a child’s intelligence.

On Tuesday at 20.55 they post information about how lessons went at school today and which of the children showed themselves to be great.

On Wednesday at 1:25 p.m. they publish a post calling for people to sign up for a free lesson and teach their children how to speed read.

It seems that there is nothing unusual for Instagram, everyone does it. Except one. The release date and time of each publication are known in advance, as well as what kind of post it will be (informational, entertaining, or).

All this is based on preference analysis target audience speed reading schools and specially planned.

Content plan example 1

Example from experience (tourist base)

And in order to completely erase your doubts that you need to bother so much, I will give one more example.

The investor begins to build a tourist center. They hire a talented SMM specialist who understands the importance of creating an advance content plan for social networks and building PR based on it.

He develops a content plan, begins to talk about the construction of a tourist center, broadcasts live from the scene, holds drawings for free vacations, and so on.

And although the camp site is “not in the best place,” groups on social networks are growing by leaps and bounds with a minimal budget, and the lion’s share of bookings comes from social media. networks. And all due to the availability and content plan.

Content plan example 2

Example from experience (clothing store)

Few? Do you want more? Fine. Our sales client women's clothing attracts new customers only from social networks.

That is why he places such a big bet on them and has the largest clothing group in his city.

But it’s bad to post just one outfit, because people don’t buy a new look for themselves every day.

It was decided to make the group not just a poster for a new arrival, but also a real magnet for beauty news in their city. This bore fruit in the form of increased profits.

Content plan example 3

harder to make than it looks

I’ll say right away that developing a really good content plan is very difficult, especially if you haven’t done it before.

And this is quite difficult if you have only one social network. But if there are several of them, then the content plans should be different (well, at least, because everywhere is different), then this becomes a very difficult case.

And developing a content plan turns into a simply hated task. Exactly until you finish making it. After that, he becomes your best friend and starts working for you.

So why is it difficult? Because people are not used to working as planned, especially when it comes to social networks.

According to a survey conducted by a marketing company (emarketer.com), only 24% of marketers prepare for the month.

The rest either publish content on the fly or publish it in a day (by the way, only 14%).

This is not yet to say that publications must not only be found and uploaded to the deferred posting service, but also those that your target audience likes, that will be useful to them, and that they will share and comment on.

By the way, this service will help you find popular posts that will sell like hot cakes.

And to do this, you need not only to analyze your group and competitors (for example, using a special analytics service), but also those groups where your subscribers are located.

And also choose the time when your target audience will see your posts. For example, mothers with small children view news on social networks best from 12.00 to 14.00 and after 22.00, when their children are sleeping and the mother can take care of herself.

At other times, she simply won’t see your publications and everything will be in vain. Now do you understand why this is difficult and why many are afraid of it?

By the way.You can also test these delayed posting programs. In my opinion, these are the leaders - Tooligram (by promo code “INSCALE” + 14 days free), SmmPlanner.

Where does the content come from?

Once you have realized the complexity of the whole situation, we can move on to creating a content plan.

And we will start with the sources, which, to summarize, are two. Each of them has its own pros and cons. Therefore, we rather study and move on.

Third Party Content

What kind of content can we see in hundreds of groups? Right! The same one that migrates from group to group.

One of the major players in the market created it, and everyone else took it to their sites. We can observe such cases in almost all areas.

Third Party Content

Due to the fact that one person cannot sit in all social network groups at once, although this is not correct, it is possible to copy content.

For subscribers of your group, this material may be new and they will completely believe that you are the creator.

Especially if you put in a little effort and arrange everything in your own.

Post in form style

But don’t forget that non-original content is always worse indexed and shown in the news feed.

This means that due to the fact that you are not the original source, your posts may simply not be seen by subscribers.

To avoid this, you need to write the text (rewrite) in your own words and format it in accordance with the theme of your group. Well, or move on to a second source of content.

Unique content

The pinnacle of excellence is unique content. Then you will never have problems with ranking in the news feed.

And your subscribers will be your real advocates. But this requires a separate person and a little talent.

Unique content

From our experience, we know that creating your own unique content is very expensive. You need to constantly generate new ideas that are constantly running out.

You also need a sufficient amount of time and money. For example, content on our social networks (for the VKontakte group and Facebook), even if it is published once a day, but from 1 to 3 people work on it + small costs for creation.

If you want to see an example of ideal unique content in a classic business, I highly recommend Kuban plant group on Facebook.

They gained 60,000+ subscribers through content alone. Although at first glance it seems crazy, a group on social networks for the plant?!

A perfect example of unique content

We teach, entertain, engage or...

In addition to the fact that we have 2 options for the source of posts, we also have different .

Each of them solves its own problem, which means, depending on the goal, you must skillfully manage them, like a juggler in a circus.

Selling content

Probably the most important and at the same time dangerous look content. If you only publish a call to buy, people will not join your group, because everyone is already tired of advertising alone.

On the other hand, if you don’t sell anything, but only provide benefits and educate, then what’s the point of running social networks? A great example of semi-sales content is trying something for free.

Selling content

Educational content

This is our disease. We are dedicated to educating our clients to the core. You can’t find other types of content on our social networks (very, very rare).

We know from our own experience that the client will still not be able to study the entire volume and implement it on their own.

Therefore, we are not greedy. But it's actually bad. You can get tired of just studying.

Educational content

Entertainment content

Who doesn't like to laugh?! There are no such people here. The same situation applies to your content marketing. There will always be those who are happy to study entertaining content.

It could be a funny picture or a beautiful video. Of course, a “smile” alone won’t get you far, but you know that laughter encourages you to buy.

Engaging Content

This is content that encourages a person to interact with you. And you know very well that the more a person invests his strength in you, the more attached he becomes to you. Everything is like in life.

Engaging Content

Information content

Due to inexperience, many professionals mix information content with training.

But this is fundamentally wrong. To make it easier for you to perceive, call it “news”. The same news about the company, about the world, about people.

This kind of content places a big emphasis on efficiency, so, as they say, don’t waste your luck.

Information content

Universal content plan formulas

If you only publish posts with buy items, then this is bad.

If you entertain clients and don't give them anything useful, that's terrible. It will also be unprofessional to train people and not sell them anything.

That's why a good content plan has a certain formula. There are quite a large number of them.

But in our practice, we use two that are practically suitable for any business and are the most universal. So, how to create the perfect content plan.

Formula 4-1

A 4-1 sequence means that for every four regular posts (entertaining, informational, educational, or engaging), there is one sales post. This way you give benefit to people and at the same time do not forget about your loved ones.

Formula 90-10

This rule is a little more complicated and is relevant for more advanced users with more than one content per day.

The formula means that all posts in the content plan should be in percentage: 90% regular content and 10% selling content.

How to make it simple?

I have bad news for you. This article will not teach you how to create a content plan for a month in 5 minutes.

Because it's simply impossible. But in an hour or two, using certain services, experience and dexterity, you can get a minimal result.

Example of a content plan

This is not a perfect example. For an ideal example, you need more time and first run yourself through a series of questions, each of which will be responsible for filling out one of the columns:

  1. What is your content plan? (engagement, feedback, sales, etc.)
  2. Who is yours?
  3. What social network will there be a content plan for?
  4. What will be the frequency of publications per day/week?
  5. What time and day of the week (date) will publications be published?
  6. What topics will be covered in each post?
  7. What publication format should I use for each topic? (video, text (long/short), pictures, etc.)
  8. Which ones should I use for each post?

This is a minimum plan for the “How to create a content plan” program. As events unfold, you will still have questions.

But if you have never made a content plan and are going to do it for the first time, then I highly recommend making it no more than a week.

Look at the response from your subscribers, and if it’s received, then make it longer.



If you do everything by hand, you can waste a huge amount of time and effort. Therefore, I present to your attention a list of services that will help you in creating a content plan and a little in its implementation.

Each of them is responsible for its own task and we will definitely use them in our work. To your health.

  1. Popsters.ru – study of your group and competitors’ groups. The service is paid (although there are 10 trial downloads for free), but it provides complete analytics for the group.

    Starting from ER (audience engagement to the ratio of the length of texts in a publication to the number of likes).

    All you need is to enter a group and analyze which materials are popular with your target audience and which are not.

  2. Livedune.ru is also an analytics service that primarily specializes in bloggers, but also perfectly analyzes groups.

    The nice thing is that it has a free extension for Google Chrome, which in 5 seconds allows you to understand whether the group is live for analysis or not even worth wasting time on.

  3. Smmbox.com is an ideal solution for hosting third-party content. You can choose the most popular one in your topic and post it in your groups. It's simple.

    Additional features include the possibility of delayed posting, analytics of your community and other small amenities (shorten links, etc.). And all this in one service.

  4. Canva.com – as a person with a complete lack of artistic taste, I really like it when posts are designed in a selling way and at the same time very colorful.

    And the Canva service can become an indispensable assistant for people like me, who understand SMM, but at the same time lack a sense of beauty. In addition, its free functionality is quite sufficient.

  5. Sociate.ru is a service that is not entirely related to the creation of a content plan, but it greatly contributes to the growth of groups (and in fact, this is what everything is started for).

Briefly about the main thing

As you can see, creating a content plan is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this is a huge investment of time studying the target audience, their preferences and behavior on social networks.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Posted on http://www.allbest.ru/

Developing a plansocial developmentFor exampleOJSC Vladivostok International Airport


1. Theoretical basis social planning

1.1 The essence of social development of an enterprise

1.2 Structure of social development

1.3 Sociological service as a subject of planning

2. Planning for social development using the example of Vladivostok International Airport OJSC

2.1 Features of the activities of JSC Vladivostok International Airport

2.2 Analysis economic activity

2.3 Evaluation of social service at the enterprise

3. Development of a social development plan for JSC Vladivostok International Airport

3.1 Activities to develop the social sphere of Vladivostok International Airport JSC


List of sources used



Today, the search for ways to enhance the human factor within an organization and take into account the socio-psychological characteristics of all members of the workforce is one of the decisive conditions for increasing the efficiency of any organization. More and more employers understand the importance and growing significance of the social component of the organization and the fact that without management that takes into account and implements the social factor as fully as possible, it is impossible to survive and develop successfully in constantly changing external operating conditions.

Modern conditions for the activities of organizations dictate the need to build fundamentally new foundations for managing the social development of organizations. In this case, the main emphasis should be placed on the person, as the main element of this system. The content of the enterprise's social activities is fixed in collective agreements and tariff agreements, the importance of which should be increased: in particular, the forms, systems and amount of remuneration; establishing allowances for employees; additional payment for work in harmful and difficult working conditions; employment; housing construction; social and cultural services; social benefits for pensioners, families with children; medical care, physical education; personal insurance (in addition to contributions to state system social insurance); cash subsidies (for the purchase of housing); training and retraining of personnel, etc.

Based on this, a social plan of the enterprise should be drawn up, which includes the above-mentioned social programs. Only A complex approach to solve social problems in conditions of limited financial resources will allow us to develop a sustainable trend towards increasing the living standards of the company's employees.

The state's withdrawal from solving a number of social problems necessitates the activation of entrepreneurial firms in the social sphere, expansion and renewal of their social functions. The higher the competitiveness of the market, the more diverse and weighty both the internal and external social policies of business firms should be. The reduction of government social security services does not at all lead to a decrease in the need of citizens for social protection. On the contrary, in conditions of growth social differentiation modern society it will increase. Therefore, it is quite natural to expect an increase in the importance of measures taken by enterprises (businesses) to socially protect citizens from life’s difficulties. The task set by the country’s leadership makes it even more urgent to increase the role of entrepreneurial firms in the implementation social policy.

The purpose of the thesis is to explore the planning of social development of an enterprise using the example of Vladivostok International Airport OJSC and to identify ways to improve it.

Job objectives:

To study the essence of social development of an enterprise

Study the structure and sociological service as a subject of social development planning;

Consider the features of the activities of Vladivostok International Airport OJSC;

Conduct an analysis of economic activities and explore social development in the enterprise;

Assess the social policy of JSC Vladivostok International Airport

Explore the main factors in the development of the social sphere of the enterprise;

The subject of the work is social development at the enterprise. The object of the work is the economic activity of JSC Vladivostok International Airport.

The practical significance of the thesis research lies in the fact that the results obtained can be used as a theoretical and methodological basis when planning social development, which will contribute to the implementation of the principles of corporate social responsibility business in practice and their transition to sustainable development.

The theoretical basis for the study was textbooks and teaching aids on the topic of research, articles and materials from specialized magazines and the Internet.

social development planning economic

1 . Theoretical foundations of social planning

1.1 The essence of social development of an enterprise

In all economic systems main productive force is the personnel of organizations. With his labor he creates material and spiritual values. The higher the human capital and the potential for its development, the better it works for the benefit of its enterprise. Employees of the enterprise, closely connected with each other in the process labor activity, not only create a new product, perform work and provide services, but also form new social and labor relations. In business market relations social and labor sphere becomes the basis of life activity of both individual workers and individual professional groups, and entire production teams. The combination of personal and production motives for workers’ activities is one of the most important tasks of both social planning and production management in general.

Social Development Plan modern enterprise contains such human indicators and factors as increasing the income and quality of life of workers, improving the labor potential and social structure of personnel, improving the social, labor and living conditions of workers, ensuring high performance and productivity of performers, motivating and meeting the needs of all categories of personnel, development of personal and creativity workers and so on.

Planning the social development of the enterprise team acts as a method of managing social processes in the life of the team.

For the current stage of development of domestic market relations, the following social and labor problems formulated by A. Marshall are especially important in the field of social and labor activity:

What should be done to increase the beneficial and reduce the harmful effects of economic freedom, taking into account its final and intermediate consequences?

To what extent will the desire for a more equal distribution of wealth justify changes in forms of ownership or restrictions on free enterprise even if they tend to reduce total wealth? In other words, how far should we go to increase the income of the poorer classes and reduce the volume of their work, even when they are associated with some reduction in the material wealth of the country? To what extent can this be accomplished without committing injustice and without weakening the energy of the leaders of progress? How should the burden of taxes be distributed among different groups in society?

Should we be content with the existing forms of division of labor? Is it inevitable that many people will be engaged in exclusively uncreative work? Is it possible to gradually instill in the vast masses of workers a new ability for them to fulfill higher standards of labor and, in particular, to exercise collective management of the enterprise in which they themselves work?

What is the proper relationship between individual and collective action at the stage of civilization in which we now find ourselves? What economic activities should the society itself carry out, acting through its government agencies, federal or local?

When the government itself does not directly intervene in business activities, to what extent should it allow individuals and corporations to conduct their affairs as they see fit? To what extent should it regulate the management of monopolies, as well as land and other large resources that man himself cannot increase? Is it necessary to preserve in full force all existing property rights or, perhaps, the original necessity by which they were caused has, to a certain extent, already passed?

Are current uses of wealth entirely fair? To what extent is moral pressure acceptable? public opinion on the government when its inflexibility and violent intervention can do more harm than good? In what sense are the responsibilities of one country towards another in economic matters different from the same responsibilities of citizens of the same country towards each other?

Thus, in market relations, the main socio-economic problems are the fair distribution of total wealth, the regulation of personal income and the formation of wage levels.

All wealth, as A. Marshall noted, consists of things that people want to have and which directly or indirectly satisfy all human needs. Necessary for people things or benefits are divided into material and intangible.

Material wealth consists of useful things, goods and materials, as well as all rights to own and use material things or to benefit from ownership of their things, both in today's life and in tomorrow's life. Examples of material goods include all natural gifts of nature, land and water, air and climate, products Agriculture and fisheries, mining and processing industry, buildings, machinery and instruments, as well as mortgages and other debt obligations, shares and shares in public and private enterprises, all types of monopolies, patent and copyright rights and other rights to use all types of personal and intellectual property.

Intangible human benefits are divided into two groups. One includes his own qualities and abilities for action and pleasure, for example, mental and business abilities, professional education and practical skills. All these benefits lie within the person himself and are called internal. The second group includes external benefits, consisting of a person’s good reputation and business connections, etc. Both material and intangible benefits can be transferable and non-transferable. The former usually include material assets, and the latter - personal qualities and abilities, as well as business connections, favorable climatic conditions, etc.

As you can see, material wealth human qualities and the climatic conditions available to man are the most important characteristics quality of people's lives.

Among other factors that determine the quality of life of enterprise personnel, the most significant are spiritual (life goals, value orientations, ethical standards, etc.), economic (volume of production of goods and services, efficiency of resource use, state of the financial system, and so on), technological ( technical specifications products, level technological equipment), political (free economic activity, safety of life and work and so on).

During the labor activity of personnel, the main socio-economic results can be expressed in the volume, composition and quality of products, goods and services, working conditions, safe work and health of workers (morbidity), attitude towards work, level of wages, absenteeism and loss of working time, the number of conflicts, complaints, strikes and other financial, economic and social and labor factors and indicators. If an enterprise provides the expected level of such results for all employees or members of work teams, then they have a motivated desire to make their personal and group professional contribution at the level of expenditure of their efforts and overall labor results that they consider acceptable or possible given the given labor, motivational or market relations. How motivated the enterprise is to determine the functions and responsibilities of an employee at a given salary depends on his perception of the goals of the system and the desire to provide the necessary or possible result. Stimulating the required level of employee performance can be achieved in two ways: either by selecting personnel with appropriate internal motivation, for whom their internal satisfaction with the results achieved is important, or by extrinsic motivation, in which the desires and needs of a person are satisfied through a system of stimulation, both material and moral.

The main objective of the team’s social development plan is to develop and implement a system of measures that ensures harmonious and comprehensive improvements in the quality of life of enterprise personnel at home and the quality of working conditions.

The development of a social development plan is usually the responsibility of the planning and economic department and the sociological service of the enterprise with the involvement of the trade union committee.

Social planning is part of the technical and economic planning, since in the course of drawing up a social development plan, many technical and economic problems are solved - increasing labor productivity, organizing the workplace, improving wages, ensuring the quality of work and products, and so on. The qualitative feature of social planning, determined by the object itself (comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual and the team), requires additional and specific information and standards: data on the social and age composition of workers, their needs and inclinations, education, qualifications, relationships in the team. Such information can only be obtained as a result of specific sociological research carried out using special programs and methods. To obtain information when drawing up social development plans, the following main methods are used:

Direct observation of the team and its activities public organizations, conversations with workers and managers;

Study of official documentation and materials of public organizations that characterize the social structure of workers, the degree of satisfaction of material and cultural needs;

Questionnaire survey and interviewing to find out the opinions of employees and their proposals on various issues of social life of teams; the structure of the questionnaires and the method of data processing are selected according to the recommendations of sociological services;

Analysis and use of experience in planning the social development of teams at other enterprises, as well as literature data;

A social experiment, the purpose of which is to test the feasibility and effectiveness of recommendations developed as a result of the analysis of the collected information;

Statistical analysis of mass data.

The plan for the social development of enterprise teams, as a rule, is drawn up in the form of a five-year plan with a breakdown of tasks by year of the planning period. The typical structure of a social development plan for an enterprise team includes four sections: changing the socio-demographic structure of the team; improving the qualifications and education of working personnel; main measures to improve working conditions and safety, strengthen the health of workers; improving the socio-cultural and living conditions of workers and members of their families.

In order to ensure the fulfillment of tasks for all points of the plan, specific tasks, deadlines and persons responsible for implementation are established; the necessary funds are allocated; the team is mobilized to carry out planned activities and work; control over the implementation of plan tasks is introduced. The activities of this plan are included in the operational calendar plans of the relevant production units and departments, which are responsible for their implementation along with production plans.

All activities of the team’s social development plan are consistent with other sections and, first of all, with the labor plan, technical and organizational development production, financial plan.

The sources of financing for the activities of the social development plan are varied, but must be clearly defined. Depending on the nature of the activities, they can be financed from the fund allocated for reconstruction, funds for the development of new technology, production development, as well as from bank loans, from part of depreciation charges going to major renovation.

Thus, planning the social development of the enterprise team acts as a method of managing social processes in the life of the team. Let us note that social planning involves comprehensive problem solving and participation in the process of implementing the plan not only of the current team of the organization, but also of family members of employees; pensioners who retired from this organization; young employees serving in the army; women on maternity or child care leave. Employees of the enterprise, closely connected with each other in the process of work, not only create a new product, perform work and provide services, but also form new social and labor relations. In business market relations, the social and labor sphere becomes the basis for the life of both individual workers and individual professional groups, and entire production teams.

1.2 Structure of social development

An important means of consciously influencing social processes in order to optimize them is social planning - a system of methods for systematically managing the development of the workforce of an enterprise as a social community, targeted regulation of social processes and the development of social labor relations at the enterprise level. The purpose of planning social development is to increase the efficiency of the enterprise through social factors, create conditions for more fully meeting the needs of workers and for the development of members of the workforce, reducing differences between them in terms of conditions and content of work, level of educational and vocational training.

The social development plan is a set of scientifically based measures, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most effective functioning of the enterprise's workforce. The structure of the workforce social development plan includes four sections (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Structure of the social development plan

To develop a plan for social development at an enterprise, it is necessary to create a social development service consisting of highly qualified specialists - economists, sociologists, psychologists. Their task is to regularly conduct sociological research in order to develop and implement measures aimed at creating more favorable socio-psychological conditions that contribute to increasing the degree of satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of workers, as well as increasing labor productivity and production efficiency. Work on the social development plan is carried out in several stages (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Stages of developing a social development plan

To plan and manage social development, there is a need to quantify it, for which you can use the system of criteria and indicators presented in Figure 3.

Analysis of quantitative indicators of social development makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the social development plan. Efficiency can be economic - increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, reducing its cost, increasing production profitability - and social - improving the social structure of the work team, increasing the social status and cultural level of its members, rational use of free time, increasing the well-being of team members.

Figure 3 - Indicators of social development of the workforce

Thus, the goal of social development planning is to increase the efficiency of an enterprise through social factors, create conditions for more fully meeting the needs of workers and for the development of members of the workforce, reducing differences between them in terms of conditions and content of work, level of educational and professional training. The social development plan is a set of scientifically based measures, tasks, indicators for the entire range of social problems, the implementation of which contributes to the most effective functioning of the enterprise's workforce. Structure of a social development plan

1.3 Sociological service as a subject of planning

Managing the social development of an organization is a specific type of management and at the same time integral part personnel management has its own area of ​​manifestation and its own object of managerial influence. Social management provides for the creation of favorable working and rest conditions for the organization’s employees, remuneration and social protection personnel, maintaining an optimal moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, ensuring social partnership and business cooperation. He is endowed with the appropriate forms and methods, techniques, methods and rules that allow solving social problems on the basis of a predominantly scientific approach to regulating social processes in an organization.

Subject of social management - management units and circle officials designed to deal with issues of social development of the organization and social services its personnel, vested with appropriate powers and bearing some responsibility for solving social problems. The presence of a social service in an organization is all the more necessary because changes in the life of society, caused by the acceleration of scientific, technical and social progress, lead to an increase in the role of the human factor in work activity and the importance personal qualities workers, increase the need for social partnership.

Virtually every large enterprise foreign countries, especially those that follow the social orientation of the national economy, the management of social processes is separate and specialized. There are management levels that work with personnel ( human resource), regulation of social and labor relations and relations with trade unions, provision of social services to personnel, and expenditure of funds for charitable purposes.

IN Russian Federation Until recently, most enterprises, along with the indispensable personnel, labor and wage departments, had management services that resolved issues of safety, health care, housing and communal services, labor supplies, the provision of personal services for organizing competitions, etc. With the implementation of measures aimed at the transition from planned, over-centralized management to a socially oriented market economy, the purpose, formation and practical activities of these and other social services have changed noticeably.

In the new conditions, the functioning of such services is determined, on the one hand, by the form of ownership, scale, industry affiliation and location of the organization, and on the other hand, by the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its personnel, the increased responsibility of entrepreneurs and managers at any level for a more complex decision as production and economic, as well as social tasks. When defining social services, the socio-economic consequences of the privatization of former state property must now be taken into account; fundamental changes in the labor remuneration system, dictated by the establishment of market relations and the commercialization of the provision of an ever-increasing range of social services; reform various types social insurance and social assistance; the withering away of a number of former social functions of trade unions. We also have to take into account the fact that real concern for the social sphere is increasingly being shifted to non-state, primarily municipal, bodies and organizations themselves. Depending on the specific situation, social development management is carried out either by the management of the organization itself, or by specially authorized persons, or by autonomous divisions that are elements of the personnel management structure and social services. A typical version of the organized structure provides for the position of Deputy Director for Personnel with the subordination of subdivisions (departments, sectors or groups) and individual specialists responsible, in particular, for the regulation of labor relations, labor safety and health, labor motivation, social protection, and the functioning of social infrastructure facilities .

If an organization has an extensive network of its own social infrastructure, it is usually managed separately. In this case, a possible structure option would include the position of deputy director for social and domestic issues, subordinating him to management units and officials in charge of housing and communal services, medical and preventive institutions, education and culture, Catering and consumer services, other social facilities.

The tasks performed by the social service of an organization have their own characteristics due to the ambiguity of the object of management and the nature of emerging social problems, the uniqueness of methods for achieving social goals, the need for strict compliance with the requirements of social and labor legislation and ensuring close cooperation of all parties interested in social partnership. In Russian conditions, it is necessary to take into account current state domestic economy and social sphere, in which organizations and their personnel continue to experience the negative consequences of the recent significant decline in production and hyperinflation, and managers face serious objective and subjective obstacles in their desire to increase earnings, improve working and living conditions, and increase the interest of workers in new forms management.

Since the social service, as a subject of management, deals exclusively with people, its primary task is to focus attention on the person, his intellectual and moral potential, the culture of communication and interaction of employees. Providing the desired changes in the social environment of the organization, social service specialists are forced not only to overcome economic and technical difficulties, but also mainly to deal with socio-psychological, spiritual and moral problems related to people’s relationship to nature, scientific and technical achievements, labor and, it goes without saying, to each other.

The head of an organization, a professional manager, needs to have the necessary minimum of humanitarian and ethical knowledge, psychological and pedagogical tact, and the ability to choose a manner of behavior appropriate to the circumstances. To a certain extent, he should act as an educator who takes into account the psychological characteristics of individuals and social groups, and when choosing options for solving social issues, consult with those whose interests are affected by this problem.

Social service specialists are required to be extremely attentive to people, to take maximum care of each employee of the organization, to satisfy their requests, and to respect their rights and dignity. They are called upon, using the means at their disposal, to stimulate employees’ interest in business and highly productive work, to develop social activity, and the desire of employees to effectively implement their knowledge, experience and skills. It is important to increase people’s awareness of the importance of discipline, creative initiative and independence, individual and collective responsibility for the results of joint work.

Involvement in the management of social processes is associated with concern for improving the working and living conditions of people, with sincere responsiveness to employee requests for assistance in solving everyday problems, no matter how small they may seem, with a willingness to provide the necessary assistance. At the same time, caution is needed in granting any privileges. Indulgences often divide the team and lead to conflict situations and confrontation. Blind egalitarianism is also contraindicated, of course.

The most important task of managing social development is the use of various types of social and humanitarian technologies as a set of means of streamlining, reproducing and updating the social environment of an organization, as a kind of algorithm for obtaining the desired results in this matter. Such technologies, based on knowledge about a person, about the content and forms of social connections, are used in management activities with the aim of humanizing work, creating conditions conducive to working together, free and comprehensive development of personality.

Humanitarian technologies in working with personnel are usually designed to give scope for the manifestation of individual and personal qualities of employees, optimize interpersonal relationships and the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, stimulate professional growth, creative initiative and business partnerships. This takes into account the real capabilities of the organization, the industry specifics of its functioning, and the socio-demographic characteristics of the city or region where it is located.

An indispensable component and, therefore, the task of modern, scientifically based management of social development is compliance with social norms - established by society, the state, a separate organization of rules, techniques, patterns of behavior, principles of activity that correspond to generally accepted values ​​and moral ideals. They make it possible to express in a verified and accessible form both the main goals of changes in the social environment and the requirements that are presented to personnel.

In the literal sense, the concept of “norm” means a guiding principle, a rule. Therefore, a norm, a standard, is a certain standard that one should be equal to and by which one should evaluate certain events, objects, processes.

Social norms are a quantitative, and in most cases qualitative, characteristics of the requirements for the living conditions of a person and social groups. These include both legal norms enshrined in the laws of the country, as well as moral and ethical guidelines, regulated values ​​of social indicators.

The standards of the social sphere, as well as other areas of social life, are formed as a result practical activities people and social experience, scientific research, expert opinions of authoritative specialists. They are expressed in legislative acts, government regulations, industry instructions, regulations of regional authorities, orders of local administrations and other regulatory documents. Mandatory standards require strict implementation, and norms that are advisory in nature serve as methodological guidance in solving social problems.

In particular, Russian standards in the field of social and labor relations establish the duration working week and duration labor leave; the level of physical and intellectual requirements for representatives of certain professions; ergonomic and sanitary-hygienic working conditions; minimum wages, pensions and scholarships, compensation payments and benefits; limits of rational consumption of food, non-food goods and services; average indicators of the provision of housing, household amenities, healthcare, education, cultural institutions, etc.

The program of social reforms currently being implemented in the Russian Federation considers the formation of a system of state minimum social standards to be one of the most important measures to stabilize and improve the standard of living of the population. Some of them have already been established - for example, as already mentioned, the federal standard for the social norm of housing area is determined based on 18 square meters. m of total housing area per family member of three or more people is 42 sq. m. m - for a family of two people and 33 sq. m - for citizens living alone. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation establish regional standards, guided by federal ones.

Another federal standard is the cost of providing housing and communal services in the first quarter. m of total housing area - calculated based on standard set housing maintenance and repair services, including major repairs, heat supply, sewerage, gas supply and electricity supply, taking into account the average prevailing consumption standards. The federal standard for the level of payments of citizens in relation to the level of costs for the maintenance and repair of housing, as well as utilities, fixes both the share of payments by the population in covering the costs of all types of housing and communal services, and the maximum allowable share of citizens’ own expenses for paying for housing and utilities services in total family income. The ultimate goal of the reform is full payment by the population for housing and communal services with the payment of subsidies to those families whose housing costs exceed 25% of their family income (in this case, of course, social standards for housing area and standards for the consumption of utility services are taken into account).

The cost of living indicator is also a kind of social standard. This value per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups should be determined quarterly on the basis of the consumer basket and data from the State Statistics Committee on the level of consumer prices for food, non-food goods and services, as well as expenses for mandatory payments and fees.

The social service of the organization is obliged to ensure full implementation of social and labor legislation . This means strict adherence to the rules of law regulating social and labor relations in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution and other laws of the country.

The tasks of the organization’s social service include the development and implementation of activities that ensure social partnership -- mutually interested cooperation between employers and employees in solving social problems. The partners are represented, on the one hand, by entrepreneurs and their associations, and on the other, by labor collectives and trade union organizations. Such cooperation, as evidenced by the experience of many countries, is carried out constantly, on a bilateral basis, mainly in the form of collective negotiations at the level of individual enterprises and sectors of the economy, the conclusion of collective agreements and agreements.

It is equally important for the social service to achieve interaction and coordination of its activities with sectoral and regional structures for managing the social sphere, which represent state authorities and local governments. In certain conditions, especially when social tension in a country or region aggravates, they join the permanent participants of the social partnership in order to join efforts at the level of multilateral cooperation in resolving disagreements on issues of wages, income, social minimum, protection of the rights and freedoms of working citizens, and to prevent through mutual understanding during negotiations, the emergence of social and labor conflicts and bringing them to the extreme point - strikes.

It is obvious that social partnership as an effective mechanism for regulating relations at all levels will receive further development. It should be based on the principles of voluntariness, equality and mutual responsibility of the parties, and serve as the most important tool for maintaining cooperation and improving its forms.

At the enterprise level, as noted, the parties to the social partnership are the employer (employers) and the workforce, whose powers, according to Russian legislation, are exercised general meeting(conference) and its elected body - the council of the labor collective. The work collective exercises the right of workers to participate in the management of an enterprise (organization), to make proposals for improving its work, as well as for socio-cultural and consumer services. It considers and resolves issues of concluding a collective agreement with the administration, self-government of the labor collective, and other issues in accordance with the collective agreement.

Participants in the negotiation process to resolve social and labor relations can be representatives of employers’ associations - voluntary associations or unions of both individual citizens and legal entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity. Associations of this kind are created to coordinate commercial activities, represent entrepreneurs, and protect their common property and other interests.

The role of trade unions in establishing and implementing social partnerships is great.

The functions and the management process itself constitute the content of targeted influence on people employed joint activities, on their social connections and relationships. This refers not only to the functions of the social service, but also to the specific forms, methods and incentives that are used to streamline and increase the efficiency of jointly undertaken efforts. Being an indispensable link in the personnel management system, the social service has its own range of tasks and responsibilities, defined as general requirements to the management of social processes and the characteristics of the social environment of a given organization.

The functions of a social service incorporate all known management elements: thoughtful planning based on predictive foresight, regulating and coordinating management, incentive motivation, corrective control and information about the state of the social environment. The proper effect of social development can be obtained only when the social service performs all these functions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Social Forecasting and Planning - the most important tool for managing social development. It involves a deep and comprehensive analysis of the state of the social environment of the organization; meaningful diagnosis, clarification and explanation of the relationships that develop between its individual parts; foreseeing which solution to a pressing social problem will be most effective. This requires reliable sources of information, which, in particular, include statistical data characterizing the material base and other components of the organization’s social environment; data from the study of social, sanitary and hygienic conditions of work and rest, compliance with safety regulations for work, as well as public opinion and the prevailing sentiments in the team; determining, with the help of sociometric methods and socioprograms, a more or less complete picture of the existing social connections and relationships of employees, their expectations and preferences in proportion to the real capabilities of the organization.

Only on the basis of accurate knowledge of specific circumstances and the general situation, both in the organization itself and in the region, industry and country as a whole, can one assess the state of affairs in the social environment, see the prospects for changes in it, and choose adequate methods for achieving change. The forecast must be subjected to practical confirmation before becoming a guideline for developing targeted programs, planned, design and other management decisions offered by social services.

Planning, being a type of rational-constructive activity, means both setting goals and choosing means and ways to achieve them. It will make it possible to act on social processes in the organization with greater expediency and efficiency.

Examples of a systematic approach can be found in the practice of many countries - these are targeted programs to improve the quality of working life, which have been implemented since the mid-70s. found distribution at enterprises in the USA and a number of other countries; dating back to the 70-80s. plans for social development at enterprises of the former USSR; national plans for socio-economic development in Japan, which from the mid-50s. large firms and corporations of this country guide themselves when choosing priorities in economics and the social sphere.

In modern Russia, the strategic direction of forecasting and planning the social development of enterprises and other commercial organizations is determined by the Constitution of the country, which characterizes the Russian Federation as a social state striving to create conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of its citizens, guaranteeing their rights and freedoms. The ongoing reforms to liberalize the economy, establish market relations, and streamline the social sphere are subordinated to this common goal. At the same time, social forecasting and planning is difficult due to the protracted decline in production and a sharp reduction in investment, a decline in the standard of living of a significant part of the population, as well as the slow progress of socio-economic transformations at the enterprise level.

Obstacles to the effective functioning of enterprises when establishing market regulation are due primarily to financial costs resulting from recent hyperinflation, ill-conceived large-scale privatization of former “national” property, gaps in legislation, and the burdensomeness for enterprises of maintaining social, cultural and housing facilities in a market economy. utilities, a relatively low level of qualifications of management personnel. The process of reasoned choice of social goals and means of achieving them, as well as public control over the implementation of planned measures, is hampered by the lack of reliable information about the actual capabilities of a particular organization.

Organizational, administrative and coordinating functions. Provide for material, financial, and personnel support for the implementation of targeted programs and social development plans. development of the organization, the use of appropriate social technologies, as well as interaction with related management structures, trade unions and others public associations, state authorities and local governments involved in the social sphere. It is necessary to prepare draft decisions, orders, regulations, instructions, recommendations and other documents on social issues, which certainly comply with the requirements of the current social and labor legislation, established social standards, federal and regional standards.

The main thing when performing these functions is personnel, business and ethical training of workers involved in solving social problems: they must have a high degree of competence, connecting general and professional knowledge with a desire to take into account the realities of life.

The development and implementation of the notorious programs to improve the quality of working life at US enterprises was accompanied by the involvement of specialists from research and training centers in this activity, the popularization of the experience of successful companies, and the inclusion of new sections on the management of social processes in textbooks on the basics of management. These events were actively supported by the administration of a number of states and many municipalities.

Previously, with the widespread dissemination of social development plans, attention was also paid to training employees of social services of enterprises and improving their qualifications. In addition to standard methods of social planning, specially designed training programs were offered, seminars were held, and short-term courses were organized. Students were introduced to the scientific basis of the increasing role of the human factor social production, the possibilities of applying the achievements of sociological and psychological sciences to the management of social processes in work collectives, the content of the state social policy of that time, the experience of organizing the work of social services directly at the best enterprises.

When implementing the administrative functions of a social service, it is necessary to take into account that the definition of goals and objectives, principles, directions and mechanisms for the social development of any economic organization significantly depends on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, which limits the degree of state influence and regulatory influence on commercial organizations. This circumstance, characteristic of new economic conditions, makes intolerable the lack of initiative and low level of responsibility of enterprise managers, including in solving social problems.

Incentives involves involvement in active work to implement social programs and plans, ensuring the high effectiveness of the solidary efforts of employees, encouraging those who take initiative and show good example others, the implementation in the changed conditions of the role of the labor council and other representative bodies of workers. The administration of an enterprise (organization) and the social service are obliged to create appropriate conditions for the activities of trade unions, to use their support in solving common problems and issues, one way or another related to improving working and living conditions, and social services for workers.

It is very important to take into account that the system of work motivation in general and social motivation in particular is an indispensable part of a set of conditions that ensure the effective functioning of all personnel and the development of each individual individual. It is necessary to take into account the mechanism of human activity, which represents a chain of needs, interests, motives, actions and goals, the achievement of one or another degree of satisfaction of needs, the influence of the achieved result on the socio-economic environment. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the human psyche: people usually overestimate their needs, and most often tend to want more, not less.

Social programs, as a rule, are implemented as planned work, according to a set schedule. However, sometimes the corresponding events are carried out on the initiative of the team, on an amateur basis - for example, cleanup days to improve the territory of enterprises, residential neighborhoods and countryside recreation areas. Participation in such work, being a manifestation of people’s initiative and enthusiasm, serves as an effective stimulus for their social activity.

Constant monitoring of the implementation of planned events and informing the team about changes in the social environment is interconnected with obtaining, analyzing and summarizing various information about the social environment of the organization, the changes that occur in it, correlating them with the implementation of the approved plan and targeted social programs. The social service must have a coordinate system for the life of the enterprise with indicators of its social development, i.e. something like a “social passport” (by analogy with a technical and economic passport) as a tool for orientation in solving social problems.

Control is unthinkable without an examination of the working and living conditions of workers, their compliance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation, social standards and state minimum standards. And this, in turn, involves turning to monitoring (observation, assessment, forecast) of social processes, which makes it possible to identify and prevent negative trends, as well as to social audit - a specific form of audit of the conditions of the social environment of a given organization in order to identify social risk factors and developing proposals to reduce their negative impact.

It is equally important to ensure timely information to staff about the state of the social environment, the improvements achieved in it, as well as about the problems that have not yet been resolved. Comprehensive information support for social development requires studying public opinion and the mood of workers, identifying issues that cause increased attention and the greatest interest.

A special approach deserves assessment of the results of social activities, summing up what has been done in terms of achieved improvements in the social environment, and determining their economic and social effectiveness. Here you need to keep in mind a number of fundamentally important provisions.

It is obvious that the effectiveness of the development of the social environment can be rightfully considered as a certain proportion of the overall effectiveness of the organization, as part of the total effect of the work of personnel. It follows that significant indicators of the effectiveness of social activities may well be the final results of the organization’s activities, characterizing its economic growth, production and sales of products, profit generation, etc.

If overall efficiency is determined based on the goals set as the mathematical correspondence (function) of the results achieved to the funds spent on it, then the effectiveness of social development is nothing more than the ratio between the impact of the social sphere on personnel and the material, financial and other costs of introducing new social technologies, implementation of social events. Typically, indicators of both economic and social efficiency are distinguished.

Economic efficiency means achieving noticeable changes for the better in the social environment of an organization at the lowest cost. It can be qualitatively defined and quantitatively measured and can be expressed by statistical data and corresponding indices characterizing, in particular, the growth of labor productivity, improving the quality of goods produced and services provided, increasing profits, staff turnover, level of discipline, etc. The results of economic activity are indicators of social effect, compliance with the social goals of a given organization and society as a whole. Social effectiveness of changes in the social environment of the organization, its definition is based primarily on the recognition of the priority of social goals: the more an activity contributes to solving specific social problems, the more socially effective this action is. The measure of social effect cannot always be expressed in numbers; more often, qualitative indicators are used, recorded in official documents, the results of surveys, questionnaires and other social studies. They determine the scale and useful impact of changes in the social environment of a given organization, including the implementation of targeted social programs, advanced training and professional competence of employees, the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, the degree of satisfaction with work, its material and moral rewards, and the level of development of social partnership.


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51. Social Development Plan

Availability in this section social development plan the team will, among other things, be a clear confirmation of the effectiveness and prospects of your company’s activities (provided that your plans in this regard are not empty words, which must be confirmed by facts of previous periods).

The social development plan of the enterprise team is a scientifically based and materially supported system of measures aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of all team members based on progressive changes in the structure, living conditions of the work collective, strengthening the social homogeneity of labor, and the fullest satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of team members.

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1. Improving the social structure of the workforce. This section provides for measures to improve the professional qualification structure of the employee, reduce the number of workers in manual, heavy physical and monotonous labor, as well as those employed in work with harmful conditions labor, to improve the ratio between unskilled and skilled labor, which leads to increased social homogeneity of labor.

2. Improving working conditions and health protection of enterprise employees. This section focuses on activities to improve the working environment.

3. Improving wages, improving the housing, cultural and living conditions of the enterprise’s employees. This provides for not only a general increase in the level of remuneration of workers, but also the establishment of correct proportions in the level of wages of various categories of workers, differentiation of the level of wages within categories of workers depending on the level of complexity and the final results of work.

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Every organization can be considered as a social organization that

characterized by its territory, goals, leadership, social conditions.

Classification of social groups is carried out according to various criteria:

Conditional (uniting people on some basis for analysis purposes);

Formal and informal small groups. In a formal group for all its members

all positions are clearly stated, job descriptions, all roles are strictly distributed, structure

authorities. An informal group develops and arises spontaneously; there are no defined relationships in it.

vertical, this group is formed on the basis of mutual likes or dislikes;

Reference groups. They serve as a standard, performing comparative and normative

Each group is characterized by basic parameters: composition, structure, group

processes and norms, value system.

The composition of the group is characterized by such characteristics as age, profession, work experience,

the level of education..

The structure of a group can be characterized on the basis of such features as structure

communications, preference structure, power structure.

Group processes of a socio-psychological nature include adaptation,

communication, identification and integration.

Group norms are rules developed and accepted by a group. Norms are closely related to

values ​​that develop in each group based on attitudes towards certain

social phenomena.

Social processes in an enterprise must be managed; these goals are served by social

planning or planning for the social development of work collectives.

However, it should be noted that socio-economic instability in society,

characteristic of Russia in the mid-90s, the struggle of enterprises for survival in the new market

environment, issues of planning social development at enterprises were relegated to the background. Them

However, this does not mean that the need for such work has lost its relevance, Strengthening

stabilization processes in the country will inevitably raise problems of social management

development into a number of priority ones. This is evidenced by the experience of economically developed countries of the world.

Therefore, it is advisable to consider the issues of organizing social development management in


Changes in the social structure of the team are closely related to the movements of its workers,

some of which are planned in advance (retirement, study, etc.)

The most important process of social development of a team is improvement

production sector, which has a great impact on health and life expectancy

a person’s life, his performance, the socio-psychological climate in the team.

Improving working conditions creates the preconditions for more favorable social

processes in the sphere of labor - adaptation, motivation, labor movements, team building.

The transformation of the Russian economy affected the sphere of labor, property, systems

remuneration, relations between the enterprise administration and employees.

The trade union and collective agreement are becoming real instruments for protecting the rights and

interests of workers.

The following issues are usually included in a collective agreement:


Hiring and firing employees;

Operating mode;

Occupational Safety and Health;

Social sphere;

Protecting the interests of persons not currently working for


Social planning at an enterprise should be preceded by a comprehensive

sociological study of the workforce, the purpose of which may be to study

social structure of workers, identifying its weak links and areas for improvement.

The subjects to be studied are questions of people’s attitudes towards work, factors of attractiveness and

unattractiveness of work in the enterprise as a whole and in each of its divisions.

Particular attention should be paid to:

1) studying the degree of content of work,

2) its conditions and level of payment,

3) staff turnover,

4) labor discipline,

5) value orientations in the team.

Sociological research ends with the development of scientifically based recommendations

on changing the social parameters of the workforce, as well as specific proposals for

various areas of work within the enterprise team. Similar recommendations and suggestions

become the basis for social planning for the current period (year) and the future (3 - 5 years and

In parallel with the social development plan of the team, many enterprises

so-called social passports of enterprises were developed. This experience is advisable

still in use today.

The social passport of an enterprise is a set of indicators

reflecting the state and prospects of social development. It is characterized by:

1) social structure of the enterprise team,

2) its functions,

3) working conditions,

4) provision of workers with housing, preschool institutions,

social infrastructure units within the enterprise itself.

The passport reflects intra-collective relations, social activity of workers and

other questions. Data from the social passport is used when developing a social plan


In addition to social development plans, specialized

social programs, such as “Health”, “Women’s work”, “Youth”, “Housing”,

"Working conditions", etc.

Planning the social development of labor collectives ensures the growth of social

efficiency, which, along with economic efficiency, is the most important

a prerequisite and condition for the well-being of the enterprise and its employees.

The goals and objectives of the social development of the production team are mediated, specified, and differentiated in plan indicators, which represent a quantitative and qualitative characteristic of certain social processes. The role of social indicators is not limited to identifying characteristics that reveal certain aspects of the life of a team. They must fully reflect changes in certain areas of the functioning of the team as a whole, which presupposes a systematic approach to the formation of social indicators, i.e. there should be not just a list of indicators, but a holistic system of them that has unifying, integrative qualities.

The systematicity of the indicators of the social development plan reflects the integrity of the planning object and presupposes their internal interconnectedness. It is ensured by the presence of end-to-end indicators that most fully express the goals and objectives of the plan, having a connection with the goals of the broader systems to which the enterprise belongs - the unification of the industry. Consistency requires maintaining proportions between the indicators of the team and its social environment, between the social and technical and economic indicators of the enterprise.

The system of indicators of the plan and each of its sections performs the most important functions. First, with the help of indicators, an assessment is made of the initial situation, the position of various social groups in the team, and the team itself in the wider system. Secondly, indicators make it possible to trace the dynamics of various social processes; thirdly, they make it possible to reflect the results of planning and its social effect. Finally, a properly constructed system of indicators provides a basis for comparison and appropriate coordination of social development with the teams of other enterprises, with the development of the industry, and with national economic plans.

The system of indicators of the social development of a team characterizes a wide variety of social relations and processes occurring in it. In order for social indicators to sufficiently fully reflect the diversity and specificity of these relationships and processes, their classification is necessary.

The classification of social indicators proposed by a group of authors led by Z.I. is widespread. Fainburg and E.S. Shaidarova. According to their “Methodology for Social Planning of the Enterprise Team,” it is proposed to divide all indicators into 3 groups:

indicators of the development of material and cultural conditions for the functioning of an individual, group, collective;

indicators reflecting facts of behavior of an individual, group, team;

indicators reflecting the facts of consciousness of an individual and a group.

The identification of three groups of indicators corresponds to different possibilities for systematic regulation of social processes. The first group of indicators is characterized by the greatest accuracy, is expressed in quantitative form and is subject to direct planning (average wage, number of seats in canteens, housing construction, etc.) The second group of indicators, reflecting such social processes as social activity, consumption of cultural goods (reading books, watching TV shows, etc.), cannot be established prescriptively, since it is based on from the subjective needs of an individual or a group. Therefore, planning of processes is carried out through influencing the conditions of their occurrence and takes on the character of a forecast as indirect accounting and regulation (the number of students in evening schools, studying in various clubs, etc.). Planning indicators of the third group (i.e. motives, attitudes, value criteria) is even more indirect in nature and is expressed in changes general conditions activities of workers. To increase indicators such as job satisfaction and attitude towards work, painstaking work is necessary to improve the working conditions, life and leisure of workers within the capabilities of the enterprise. In relation to these indicators, a general forecasting technique is developed, indicating trends in changes in these indicators.

The indicators of the social development plan are also classified into mandatory and recommended. This division allows you to take a creative approach to drawing up plans, highlight your specific social problems characteristic of a given team, and at the same time implement the function of reducibility, comparability of indicators when compared with the plans of other teams and taking into account the inclusion of this team in the team of the association, concern, in the social environment of the region .

Planning cannot fulfill its regulatory functions without appropriate standards. These standards should be objective guidelines, criteria for assessing the level of social development of work collectives and for assessing the level of social development of work collectives, and for assessing planned changes in this level.

A social standard is an interval of values ​​of a specific social parameter within which (interval) an object can successfully perform its functions in relation to the system in which it is included.

Similar to the three methods of standardization in economics, in social planning experimental, experimental-statistical and analytical-calculation methods can also be used. If, when developing a plan, the conditions and assessment of the social development of only a given group are taken into account, then the experimental method is used. When taking into account the average statistical values ​​of social parameters of a set or a number of enterprises in an industry or region, we are talking about an experimental and statistical determination of standards for the enterprise. If, when drawing up a plan, the experience of socially advanced enterprises is analyzed and the best parameters of social development in the industry or region are identified, then this can be considered as the application of an analytical and calculation method for determining social standards.

The specificity of social standards for a team lies in the fact that it belongs to two different systems - the industry and the region, and in these systems the values ​​of the standard may be different. Overcoming this difficulty is possible by forming an “optimal standard” - such an interval of values ​​of a social parameter within which the team successfully performs its functions in relation to both the region and the industry.

Each section of the social development plan must include a description of the current state of the enterprise team in one or another area of ​​its life; determination of goals and objectives for further improvement of this direction, this area; indicators characterizing changes in this aspect of the team’s life, and activities that contribute to the implementation of set goals and objectives. There are two forms of planning - “quantitative” and “qualitative”.

With so-called quantitative planning, social goals and objectives are most accurately expressed in digital indicators, the achievement of which is used to judge the implementation of the plan. With qualitative planning, conditions are determined for achieving a certain qualitative state, which is difficult to quantify.

The proportions between these forms of planning vary from section to section and are associated with the specifics of the sections of the plan. Thus, all subsections of the “Social Structure of the Collective” are planned primarily in digital terms. For the section “Improving working conditions,” the main form of planning is qualitative, that is, an appropriate list of activities must be used. The predominance of one form or another depends on the aspect of social activity of the enterprise. The section “Improving wages, improving housing, cultural and living conditions of enterprise employees” is characterized by high-quality planning.

Structure of sections of the team social development plan

As for the activities, some of them that contribute to the implementation of the assigned tasks and the achievement of planned indicators are given in terms of technical development and production organization and are not indicated in order to avoid duplication. The section itself reflects only those specific activities that are not in other plans - sections of the general comprehensive plan of the enterprise.

The goals of social and economic planning are closely related, since both should contribute to the solution of the triune task of a nation-wide state:

improving public relations,

improving the material and cultural standard of living of workers.

At the same time, each of them (goals) has its own specifics in accordance with the planning object. Since the object of economic planning is the national economy, its industry, association, enterprise, its goal is development, increasing efficiency National economy(industries, associations, enterprises).

An enterprise is, as already mentioned, not only a production, but also a social unit of our society, therefore it performs not only production, but also social functions.

The dual nature of the enterprise also gives rise to the duality of the goal of planning the social development of the enterprise team. Based on the main purpose of the enterprise - production (performance of work, provision of services), planning is intended, first of all, to contribute to its successful implementation. The actual social goals are the change in the social structure of the team, the satisfaction of the various needs of its members for further development personality. All these local social goals are projected onto the enterprise from both social goals of society.

Consequently, the goal of planning the social development of the enterprise team can be defined as comprehensive:

increasing the efficiency of the team due to social factors;

creating conditions for the possible satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of team members;

personal development of each of them.

The implementation of this comprehensive goal will mean further improvement of social relations of society.

Social planning at the level of enterprises, construction sites, and organizations is faced with the need to resolve issues that are beyond the competence of enterprise management bodies. In this regard, the social problems of the development of each work collective should be reflected in. comprehensive plans for the development of industries and territorial units of districts, cities, regions and agreed with them.

Based on the need to solve specific problems, plans may contain different sections. Thus, the plans of 9 gas processing plants contained the following sections: “Improving the organization of labor and management of the production team”, the plan of the Tolyatti Volgotsemtyazhmash plant - “Protecting women’s health”. The plans of factories in other cities included sections “Improving socio-psychological relations in the team” and “Economic and social efficiency of the plan.” Some groups divide the section “Development of social activity of workers” into two sections.” “Development of labor and social activity of workers and improvement of relationships in the team” and “Spiritual and physical development of enterprise employees” (branches of Kuibyshev railway, 9 GPP, metallurgical plant named after. V.I. Lenin and others).

Social development plans have been developed for the third decade. The need to compare and contrast plans different enterprises, assessment of their implementation, information about them by industry, by region, set the task of developing methodological instructions on goals and objectives, the structure of the plan, a system of indicators, and monitoring the progress of implementation.

Main responsible departments and organizations


Reflection of the goals and objectives of the team’s social development plan during the planned period, the initial and future state of the technical and economic basis of the plan

Top management of the enterprise

I. Changes in the social structure of workers

Implementation of the production and social functions of the team. Increasing production efficiency, increasing labor content, level of education and qualifications, reducing social differences, meeting the needs of team members

Technical departments, economic and personnel services

II. Improving working conditions and health protection of enterprise employees

Creating favorable working conditions and improving the health of workers as a factor in increasing labor and social activity. Meeting the needs of team members

Scientific technical department, plant manager, medical service, occupational health and safety department

III.Improving remuneration and labor incentives, improving the housing, cultural and living conditions of the enterprise’s employees

Systematic increase in the well-being and cultural level of workers, reduction of social differences in the team in economic and cultural terms. Meeting workers' needs

Economic, personnel departments, plant committee, ZhO

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