Statements from children about the profession of a social worker. Funny stories from life

Today I congratulate you
On a professional day.
May every hour be happy
Social worker.

People with troubles come to you,
With your problems,
And you will help everyone
You will deal with them.

May life give you joy,
Good luck and success,
So that kindness and patience
There's enough for you all.

You give care to others -
This is the job they chose.
Happy Social Worker's Day! We wish
May life seem like a sweet paradise!

Let people give you smiles,
Bonus will be added to salary
Any glorious moment
Let your heart be comfortable!

Social workers today
They celebrate their holiday.
Every employee is valuable to us,
Every worker is a hero.

I wish that work
It was only a joy for you,
Light of love and understanding
She always brought to the world.

Everyone from the social service
May your health be strong
You're using real
Hurry to people every day.

They always expect your attention
And worries always await.
May your efforts pay off
And labor will not be a burden.

Kindness knows no boundaries
And a heart full of warmth.
Souls of open beauty,
For the world it is rainbow, bright.

I congratulate you on your day,
I wish you great health,
Prosperity and hope in the house,
Good luck and kindness with love!

A social worker is a good-natured person,
He will understand, he will help, he will ask: “What else is needed?”
He will come to the rescue like a super hero,
He will not leave people in a duel with trouble.

Today, on your holiday, we would like to wish you:
Many years to come, so that you never get sick,
So that we would be happy, so that we could live beautifully,
Thank you very much for your work!

Social workers, relatives,
You rightfully deserve this holiday.
You are used to helping everyone sincerely,
Sometimes you don't notice yourself.

Mercy lives in your soul
The help you need will always come from you.
You inspire hope and love.
In the souls of those who lost her long ago.

We wish you health, a lot of strength,
So that every day brings good luck,
So that your selfless hearts
Kindness carried through life to the end.

You will always come to the rescue,
Your work cannot be measured by money.
You will find words of support
To want to believe again.

We wish you health, happiness,
More joy in the eyes.
Let bad weather go by
There will be no trouble even in dreams!

You are always in other people's worries,
All in business and all in work,
You will always come to the rescue,
You will bring warmth into every home.

You should rest
The time has come.
It's a holiday after all, so come on
Relax, don't get bored.

Joyful emotions for you,
On a positive wave.
Let it be in large size
Happiness will fall in your career.

There will be a lot of money,
Weekends, well, enough.
And let your health not wither away
And my soul smells of flowers.

Social assistance is important
Your job is so responsible!
May it bring you joy
After all, many people need care!

May your dreams come true
I wish you a happy life
And rays of unearthly kindness
Keep giving to other people!

The modern world is developing rapidly, our lives are becoming more comfortable, and all sorts of innovations are coming to help in everyday affairs. But even the latest inventions of technological progress and scientific thought will not replace what each of us, small and adult, constantly needs, because this is how the human mental organization is structured. What is necessary is good communication, sensitive understanding, and caring participation.

Representatives of the older generation feel this need especially acutely. Therefore, the profession of a social worker remains one of the most necessary and in demand. There can be no indifference here - in the sphere social services you need to work with an open heart towards people who need outside help and care. This is what a social worker at the Center for Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens thinks Evdokia Vasilievna Ryaboshapko.


Evdokia Vasilyevna found herself in the social service by chance, but today she is sure: this is the work that is her calling. “For many years I worked in a completely different field, but four years ago layoffs began at the company, I had to look for work,- says our heroine. - A friend recommended contacting the head of the social services departmentTatyana Nikolaevna Fedotova, There was a vacancy for a social worker. I knew that this was not an easy job, primarily physically, but I still agreed - I always found a common language with the elderly, and the very idea that my work would be useful, addressed to specific people, somehow warmed me.” Yes, Evdokia Vasilievna admits, at first it was difficult, because older people do not always make contact easily and do not immediately trust a stranger. But gradually, step by step, she learned to understand her charges, and today her work brings only positive emotions.

The work life of a social worker is intense. Evdokia Vasilievna has thirteen wards, six of them live on the south side of the city, and seven on the north. A social worker visits everyone twice a week. The range of responsibilities or, as they say today, social services is quite wide and individual for each elderly person. The most voluminous layer of work is housekeeping. And if in her ward’s apartment she only does the work of cleaning the premises, then in private houses there is more concern. In the summer, help the elderly in the garden; in the winter, clear the snow from the paths. “Last winter there were heavy snowfalls, and one of my grandmothers, living in her house, constantly found herself in a “snow blockade,”- says Evdokia Vasilievna, “Of course, it’s difficult for an elderly person to remove snow on his own, so I didn’t let go of the shovel almost all winter.”

In addition to household chores, the responsibilities of a social worker include purchasing food, medicine, essential goods, accompanying clients to hospitals and government agencies, and receiving prescription medications. All this requires a lot of time, patience and effort. But no less than physical help, older people need support, sincere, sincere communication. To listen, to console, to help with a kind word - all this is not included in the list of “social services”, but sometimes it turns out to be the most important for the wards of Evdokia Vasilievna Ryaboshapko: “Sometimes you do everything, you’re about to leave, but you can’t: something is bothering the elderly person, he’s upset, which means you definitely need to talk. And when, after a sincere conversation, they say that their hearts have become lighter, it means that your work is not in vain.”


Her wards speak warmly and gratefully about Evdokia Vasilievna. We found a social worker at Lydia Kuzminichna Perkina. An elderly woman confesses: “I don’t know what I would do without my assistant! Evdokia is an amazing person, kind, sincere, sympathetic. When I come home, the first thing I do is inquire about my mood and health. She carefully and scrupulously carries out all my instructions, responds to requests for help at any time, sometimes even visits on weekends - it turns out that her schedule is irregular. And I don’t at all want to call the duties of a social worker “services,” because Evdokia Vasilievna does everything conscientiously and with soul, as they say, not for service, but for friendship. Our social worker has twelve more people like me, elderly, with their own requirements, and sometimes even whims. And it is immediately noticeable that work for her is not an oppression of some kind of responsibilities, but a sincere desire to be needed and useful. And we are eternally grateful to Evdokia Vasilievna for this.”

When the working day ends, Evdokia Vasilievna hurries home. Her large family, adult children and little granddaughter are also looking forward to her here. In the stream of endless tasks, the woman also finds time for her hobbies - gardening, embroidery. Both this sweet woman’s work and hobbies are sincere and “cozy.” Speaking about her profession, Evdokia Vasilievna admits: sometimes it can be difficult, but she has never had a desire to change her field of activity. Social work is an opportunity to do better world around and change yourself, becoming more tolerant, more attentive, kinder.

A social worker performs a special, noble mission: in his work he deals with helpless, suffering people, for whose health and life he takes moral responsibility.

Dear social workers!

Happy holiday!

Thank you for your love for people, thank you for your noble, selfless work!

Happiness, health, family well-being to your families!

Social Worker Day is celebrated on June 8 based on the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated October 27, 2000.

The day was not chosen by chance. It was on June 8, 1701 that Peter I adopted a Decree that marked the beginning of the creation state system social protection, “On the determination of almshouses for the poor, sick and elderly in the houses of the Holy Patriarchate.”

According to Peter’s decree, “for ten sick people, there must be one healthy person in the almshouse who would look after those sick and provide all kinds of help for them.”

Social Worker's Day is a holiday of people who are the first to take on the waves of human problems and, to the best of their ability, help solve these problems.

Anthem of Social Security

Our work is quiet.
But our souls are open
For those who need care,
For those who need protection.

Questions and problems - without counting,
And we love our work.
Our work is quiet,
But people need us.

We cordially congratulate you on Social Worker's Day!

Our tasks with you are very difficult.
Let it be the 21st century,
But in an age of great technical capabilities
The person still comes first.

In any business, problem, endeavor
The first role was assigned to him.
And, meanwhile, help and attention,
And everyone needs good support.

This is what the entire social sphere stands on,
To help and advise in time,
To support someone financially,
Say a kind word to someone.

We wish you noble tasks in future
Solving is always easy and without problems,
Good luck to you, people's recognition,
Good luck, love, health, happiness to everyone!

Social worker

To where it’s bad and where there’s grief,
A social security worker is in a hurry
Save the broken ship of fate
In the stormy sea of ​​life.
Through the labyrinths of relationships
Children, parents and grandchildren,
Insidious, tough for some reason,
Among unthinkable decisions.
He will find one. Beautiful soul
And with a kind and patient heart
From rocks to rhymes and bays
Will save the ship with clear hope.

He will help, do, feed,
Shoes, washes, warms,
He will pity all the lonely ones,
The house will be filled with warmth and care.
A social security worker is in a hurry
At the first alarm.
How difficult are his roads?
How sad it is to see a house forgotten.
Sometimes the heart cries, groans,
But he won't even show it
For the clients' pain and insult,
Will save fate that is drowning in grief.

Artamonova Tatyana Pavlovna, Bryansk

Service of Caring Hearts
Social worker: a profession for kind people

Honor and respect for people whose work is
Give warmth, hope and care...

On this day, held under the sign of kindness, we honor representatives of the noblest profession who, not in words, but in deeds, demonstrate best qualities the souls of Russian people are selflessness, mercy, dedication.
There cannot be random people here, this is work by calling. Only a select few can handle it, those who devote themselves entirely to caring for others. Undoubtedly, a social worker is not just a profession, it is rather a way of life, a state of mind.

Ptitsyna, N. I. Serve people / N. I. Ptitsyna // Man. – 2012. - No. 2. – P. 77-78. - Bibliography page by page

In 1915, Abraham Flexner, an employee of the Board of Education, spoke at a national conference on charity (Baltimore, USA, May 12-19, 1915) with a report “Is social work a profession?”

Evidence that the question posed in the title of his report turned out to be far from idle and has not lost its relevance is the fact that in 2001 it was reprinted by one of the professional English journals on social work.

When discussing the relationship between the concepts of “professional” and “profession,” Flexner attached special importance to the content of the latter. Fairly believing that the interpretation of the concept may change over time, the author focused on identifying the criteria that determine its content. Flexner included the intellectual nature of activity among them, high level personal responsibility of a specialist, the presence of a scientific base and training system for this profession, the application of knowledge in practice, a high degree of organization of activities and its altruistic orientation. It is obvious that social work as a professional activity did not fit into the framework proposed by Flexner, as he spoke about in his report.

Flexner, A. Is social work a profession? / A. Flexner; lane from English N. A. Ptitsyna // Man. – 2012. - No. 2. – P. 79-90.

Romm, M. Social work: poverty of ideology and the policy of combating poverty / M. Romm // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 3 (February). - P. 30-32. - Continuation. Beginning No. 4.

Purpose social work, her story.

Romm, M. Social work: poverty of ideology and the policy of combating poverty / M. Romm // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 4 (February). - P. 30-33. - Start. Continuation No. 3.

Romm, M. Social work: poverty of ideology and the policy of combating poverty / M. Romm // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 5 (March). - P. 33-35. - Ending. Beginning No. 3, 4.

Professional social work and stereotypes of mass consciousness / prepared for publication by A. Egorov, M. Sokolovskaya // Issues of social security. - 2008. - No. 17 (Sept.). - pp. 25-28.

What do social workers see as their main purpose? What constitutes the core of social work as a profession.

Shanin, T. Social work as a cultural phenomenon of our time: a new profession and academic discipline in the context of social theory and political practice of our day / Theodor Shanin // Questions of Philosophy. - 1997. - No. 11. - P. 55-72. – Access mode: ; - 05/24/2011.

On June 8, Russia celebrates Social Worker Day. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Bazarova, T. S. Social worker - a new profession in our country:
(to help applicants majoring in Social Work) / Tatyana Sodnomovna Bazarova. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

I. Social work is a new profession in our country
II. Social work is a new specialty in the system higher education
III. Methodology for tentatively determining the readiness of applicants to choose socio-pedagogical professions
IV. Sample questionnaires for diagnosing professionally important qualities of social workers

Bogoslovskaya, O.N. Social worker: [about the profession] / O.N. Bogoslovskaya; Faculty of Psychology, Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Who is a Social Worker? – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Code of Ethics for Social Teachers and Social Workers. - M., 2003. -
Access mode: - 05/24/2011; - 05/24/2011.

Ethics in Social Work, Code of Principles: The document “Ethics in Social Work, Code of Principles” was adopted at the General Assembly of the International Federation of Social Workers and the International Association of Schools of Social Work in Adelaide (Australia, October 2004). – Access mode: . - 05/24/2011.

Zherlygin, S. Professional requirements for the image of a social worker / Sergey Zherlygin. – Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

Maltsev, V. A. Professional value system of a social worker: Art. publ. on Sat. “Siberian psychology today”: collection. scientific works (Kemerovo: Kuzbassvuzizdat, 2002) / V.A. Maltsev. –
Access mode: - 05/24/2011.

The kindness of the soul is the main treasure of a person. We must try to follow the wise saying of F.P. Gaza: “Hurry to do good!” And your life will become richer and your soul brighter. The duty of a social worker is to lend a helping hand to every person who needs it. The social service sector doesn't need fliers who don't care where they work. She is waiting for real professionals, masters of their craft: proactive, attentive, caring workers who, in response to their client’s request: “Be kind!” - they will always answer: “Please!”

There is such a profession - a social worker.
This means - about someone in constant care.
This means that the heart of indifference does not know
For him there are no unnecessary ones and there are no strangers,

Social worker - there is such a calling,
This means that grief will find compassion here.
Social worker - kindness is limitless,
Beauty and greatness of a merciful soul!

Only my heart hurts, my hands ache in the evening -
The worker has fragile female shoulders.
These hands get a lot of work,
This heart is disturbed by other people's worries,
These shoulders shouldered someone's pain -
Only Russian women can do this.

(Rozhkova Valentina Nikolaevna, social worker of the Municipal Institution
"Comprehensive Center for Social Services of the Population" Belinsky District, Penza Region)

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The purpose of the VISS is to ensure High Quality information and consulting social and legal services based on the use of a unified information system.

New books

Books from the collections of the Central City Library (Konnaya St., 6)

From new arrivals 2013

There is only one honor - the honor to help,
there is only one power - the power to come to the rescue.
R. W. Emerson

High hearts are vulnerable to pity,
Participation in the weak is not the weakness of a brave man.
Pierre Corneille

Ilyin, E. P. Psychology of assistance. Altruism, egoism, empathy: / E. P. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg. [and others]: Peter, 2013. - 304 p. : ill., table. - (Masters of Psychology).

The new book by Professor E.P. Ilyin touches on the problem of helping behavior, a topical and interdisciplinary problem that psychology, sociology, philosophy, pedagogy and medicine are called upon to solve.

The first part of the book is devoted to the psychology of helping behavior and personal characteristics that promote or hinder such behavior (altruism, egoism, etc.), the second to a description of helping professions. The book contains techniques that can be used both in the practical activities of specialists and in the study of this problem by researchers.

The publication is addressed to a wide range of specialists including psychologists, doctors, teachers, social workers, as well as teachers and students of university faculties of relevant profiles.

Someone else's pain is a dirty mongrel,
Don't touch it, baby, in case it's contagious!
Don't iron! You'll get your palms dirty.
For what? Take a different path.
And the child grows up knowing:
It’s easier to live this way without noticing.
Why carry someone else's burden?
Share the trouble? I came up with it too!
Figure it out for yourself, it’s not me who’s hurting,
I've had enough of my own problems!
And so on, live in peace.
Divide everything into yours and someone else’s.
They don't notice someone else's pain,
Forgetting one thing...
Soullessness is not forgiven!

Ilya Chert

Sharipova, Yu. Four Pskov residents help the elderly/ Yulia Sharipova // Komsomolskaya Pravda. – 2013. – February 27 – March 7. – P. 20. – Access mode: – 06/04/2014.

In Pskov, several young people cooperated to help the elderly.
Opened a community “There are no strangers’ old people” on social networks. Activists of the organization of plans have a wagon and a cart...

Nothing can change the heart -
No glory, no honor, no position.
No amount of money can buy
We have the kindness of our hearts, without a doubt.

What do you sometimes need to be happy?
Just a little heartfelt attention.
It would seem such nonsense -
Ordinary human understanding.

Blessed be he who is generous in soul!
And who doesn’t judge people by their clothes,
Always ready to share kindness.
And he will never refuse support.

Will lend a hand in the most difficult hour,
At that moment he will forget his problems.
And, thank God, they live among us
Such wonderful people!

Olga Smirnova

From new arrivals 2012

Guslova, M. N. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education / M.N. Guslova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 160 p.

The textbook examines the fundamentals of the theory of social work, developed by domestic and foreign scientists, analyzes the experience of social work in developed countries, the specifics of social work with many categories of people in various fields life activities, as well as sociocultural rehabilitation technologies.

For students of primary educational institutions vocational education. May be useful for secondary vocational students educational institutions, social workers, as well as teachers conducting training in the profession of “Social worker”.

Eremushkin, M. A. Fundamentals of rehabilitation: textbook. aid for students institutions of the environment honey. prof. education / M. A. Eremushkin. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 208 p.

Theoretical material on medical problems of rehabilitation is considered. A description of its main types, forms and means is given. Particular methods are presented, the knowledge and implementation of which in the process of carrying out rehabilitation measures is necessary for specialists with secondary medical education.

The textbook can be used when mastering professional modules PM.02 “Participation in the treatment, diagnostic and rehabilitation processes” (MDK.02.02) in the specialty “Nursing”, PM.05 “Medical and social activities” (MDK.05.01) in the specialty "Healing."

For students of secondary medical vocational education institutions.

Medvedeva, G. P. Deontology of social work: a textbook for students. institutions of higher education prof. education / G. P. Medvedeva. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 224 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of preparation “Social work” (qualification “bachelor”).

It reveals the main issues of the training course “Deontology of Social Work”. Particular attention is paid to the mechanism for forming a proper and responsible attitude to activity, justification of the place, the role of duty and responsibility in the development of human activity and public relations. The issues of essence and content, the specifics of a social worker’s duty and responsibility, their relationship with professional responsibilities. The content and approaches to resolving deontological conflicts are revealed.

For students of higher education institutions. May be useful for teachers, graduate students and practitioners.

Platonova, N. M. Social work with the homeless: textbook. aid for students avg. prof. textbook establishments /

N. M. Platonova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 160 p.

IN textbook The theory and practice of social work with the homeless are considered, the causes of homelessness and vagrancy are analyzed, and domestic and foreign experience of social rehabilitation of persons in this risk group is generalized. Particular attention is paid to programs of socio-psychological assistance to street and homeless children, as well as technologies for their psychological support.

For students of secondary vocational educational institutions studying in the specialty “Social work”.

Platonova, N. M. Innovations in social work: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / N.M. Platonova, M. Yu. Platonov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 256 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

The textbook discusses the features of innovative processes in social work, presents the process of introducing social innovations, and provides an analysis innovative development organizations. Particular attention is paid to creativity in professional activity, the creative qualities of social workers are highlighted, and technologies for the development of personnel in organizations are presented. The regional innovative experience of social work technologies in various spheres of life is reflected. The mechanisms for initiating innovations and the possibilities of their implementation in practice are shown. social institutions, their effectiveness is assessed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that innovations in social work are the result of active creative activity of scientists and practitioners.

For students of higher education institutions.

Tselykh, M.P. Social work abroad: Great Britain: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / M. P. Tselykh. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. -144 p.

The textbook examines the historical and pedagogical problems of the emergence, formation and development of social work and professional education of social workers in the UK. The essence of the main historical and sociocultural prerequisites that determined the genesis and formation of social work as a profession and the system of professional education of social workers in this country is revealed. The patterns of development of British social policy and social work practice are highlighted in the context of a comprehensive analysis of the socio-economic, cultural and educational situation from the 16th to the beginning of the 21st century, and also characterizes the characteristics of social work in this country.

For students of institutions of higher professional education studying in the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”. May be useful for social educators and social workers.

Shipunova, T.V. Technology of social work. Social work with persons of deviant behavior: textbook. aid for students institutions of higher education prof. education / T. V. Shipunova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2011. - 240 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the field of training 040400 - Social work (qualification "bachelor").

The textbook is devoted to the technologies of social work with persons of deviant behavior that have developed at the present time. At the same time, special attention is paid to theoretical, methodological and practical problems of using and improving these technologies.

For students of higher education institutions. It may be useful for graduate students, teachers, researchers, practical social workers and anyone interested in this issue.

Social work with youth

Grigoriev, S.I. Social work with youth: main directions and modern forms: textbook / S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, S.N. Pavlov. - M.: KNORUS. 2011. - 216 p.

Theoretical, organizational and technological foundations of social work with youth are highlighted. The authors focus on considering research, regulatory and legal support for the organization of social work with youth, as well as technologies of social work with youth, models of social work with children, adolescents and young people; social protection of youth. At the same time, the authors of the textbook use the ideas of sociological vitalism, cultural centricity of the characteristics of a person’s vital forces, and his habitat.

For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty and field of study “Social work”

Kazanskaya, V. Adolescent: social adaptation: a book for psychologists, teachers and parents / V. Kazanskaya. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 288 p.: ill.

The book is devoted to a very important aspect of raising a teenager - his social adaptation. Social adaptation takes on a special role in our difficult times - in an era of change, when even adults find it difficult to find their way in society. How can we help parents understand their teenager’s potential for social adjustment? The author of the book, relying on research and his personal practical experience of work and counseling, highlights the process of socialization of a teenager and its results.

The book examines issues such as the social adaptation of adolescents at school, the role of the environment, parents and peers during the period of adolescence, economic and legal socialization. Forms of maladjustment are also examined in detail: theft, juvenile parenthood, destructive behavior, vandalism, xenophobia and extremism, hacking and telephone addiction. Methods of psychological support and correction of violations are described. The book is intended for psychologists, teachers and parents of teenagers.

Documentary prose

Book of Memories

Mortenson, G. Three Cups of Tea / Greg Mortenson, David Oliver Relin; [transl. from English T. Novikova]. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 624 p.: ill. - (Psychology. Foreign bestseller).

“Three Cups of Tea” is an amazing story about how the most ordinary person, having nothing but determination, is able to single-handedly change the world.

Greg Mortenson worked part-time as a nurse, slept in his car, and kept his few belongings in a storage room. In memory of his deceased sister, he decided to conquer the most difficult mountain, K 2. This attempt almost cost him his life if not for the help of local residents. Several days spent in a Pakistani village cut off from civilization shocked Greg so much that he decided to raise the necessary money and return to Pakistan to build a school for the village children.

Today, Mortenson runs one of the most successful charities in the world, having built 145 schools and dozens of women's and medical centers in the poorest villages of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

“When you first drink tea with the Balti mountaineers, you are a stranger.

For the second time - guest of honor.

The third cup of tea means that you are part of the family, and for the sake of the family they are ready to do anything.

Even die."

The book was published in 48 countries and became a bestseller in each of them. Greg Mortenson himself was twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

New books

From new arrivals 2011

Vasilkova, Yu.V.

Social teacher: pedagogical experience and methods of work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Yu. V. Vasilkova. - 3rd ed., add. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 208 p.

The manual presents lectures on the methods of work of a social teacher in modern conditions. On specific examples From the experience of working with families, in schools and neighborhoods, with difficult and talented children, minors and adult offenders, ways to improve the pedagogical professionalism of a social teacher and the conditions for his success in work are shown. Previous editions were published under the title “Methodology and experience of a social teacher.”

For university students. It may also be useful for social workers and public education workers.

Dementieva, N.F.

Social work in institutions of social rehabilitation and medical and social examination: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N.F. Dementieva, L.I. Starovoitova. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 272 p.

The textbook reveals problematic issues of disability and social protection of disabled people, highlights the problems of rehabilitation of disabled people in modern socio-economic conditions, shows the features of institutions for medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people, and examines the technologies of activity of social work specialists in these institutions.

For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty “Social work”. May be useful for graduate students, teachers, and practical social workers.

Nesterova, G.F.

Social work with the elderly and disabled: a textbook for students. avg. prof. education / G.F.Nesterova, S.S.Lebedeva, S.V.Vasiliev. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - 288 p.

The textbook presents the theory and practice of training social work specialists in the field of social protection of the elderly and disabled. Along with highlighting the general theoretical problems of social work with these population groups, the authors consider social problems of the elderly at a modern scientific level, reveal the main directions, substantive and technological aspects of social work with the elderly and the elderly, the specifics of social work with various social categories of people with disabilities in the context of modern international requirements and features of innovative domestic experience.

For students of secondary educational institutions with a social profile. May be useful to employees of the social protection system, teachers, and managers public organizations elderly people and disabled people.

Osukhova, N.G.

Psychological assistance in difficult and extreme situations: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N.G. Osukhova. - 4th ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 288 p.

The manual is dedicated to one of the most pressing problems of our time - the restoration and support of the mental health of people who have suffered deep mental trauma. Its peculiarity is its psychotherapeutic orientation. The patterns of experiencing a crisis “provoked” by difficult and extreme situations, and the main approaches to providing psychological assistance to a person during this period are considered. The author's model of psychological support in a crisis situation is presented, as well as specific psychotechniques for various stages of assistance.

For students of higher education. It will be useful for practical workers in helping professions: psychologists, social workers, teachers, employees of social and psychological assistance services to the population.

Savinov, A. N.

Organization of work of social protection bodies: textbook. aid for students avg. prof. textbook institutions / A. N. Savinov. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 224 p.

The manual considers social protection as a set of legally established legal and economic guarantees that ensure compliance with the most important social rights of citizens. Particular attention is paid to the organization of work Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and its structural divisions, bodies and institutions for social protection of the population.

For students of secondary vocational educational institutions. It may be useful for employees of social protection institutions, departments and branches of the Russian Pension Fund.

Safronova, V.M.

Forecasting, design and modeling in social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / V.M. Safronova. - 3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 240 p.

The manual examines basic issues of methodology, theory, history of the organization of scientific forecasting, design and modeling of social processes, domestic and foreign experience in this area, different kinds and types of forecasts, projects and models. Particular attention is paid to developing the skills to implement the theoretical and methodological principles of forecasting, design and modeling in social practice. Extensive experimental material is provided to illustrate the theoretical principles.

For university students. It may be useful for graduate students, researchers and practitioners, and anyone interested in the problems of forecasting and designing social processes.

Yuzefavicius, T. A.

Problems of social work with youth: a textbook for students. higher professional institutions education / T. A. Yuzefavicius. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2010. - 208 p.

This textbook covers the following topics: youth as a gender and age group, its medical-biological, psychological, demographic, ethnographic and sociocultural characteristics; problems of socialization of youth today; legislative basis solving youth problems; comparative characteristics of the policy of the state and society towards young people in Russia and abroad.

For students of institutions of higher professional education studying in the specialty “Social work”. The textbook will be useful to practitioners in the field of state youth policy and to everyone for whom the above problems are relevant.

The man was admitted to the hospital / [comp. L. Ulitskaya]. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 256 p. : ill.

In 1989, Father Alexander Men and several volunteers - the backbone of the future Mercy Group - first appeared at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital. They came simply because they wanted to help. And over the past two decades, the Group has turned volunteer work into effective system, which helps save lives, gives hope and teaches us all a lot.

“A Man Ended up in a Hospital” is a very uncomfortable read. Memories of eyewitnesses about children and volunteers of the RCCH are a story of endless work, unbearable pain and indescribable joy. “In a hospital, doctors are officers, medical staff are sergeants, and patients are soldiers.” An inaudible war - exhausting battles for the life of a child and, ultimately, for his happiness - is happening next to us. Every day.

The compiler of this book, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, dedicated it to the memory of Father Georgy Chistyakov - a priest, scientist and intellectual, who for many years was the heart and soul of the Mercy Group, its inspiration and consolation.

Virtual exhibition

You can get acquainted with the presented literature in the reading room of the Central City Library (Konnaya St., 6)

Kravchenko A.I.

Social work / A.I. Kravchenko: textbook. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2008. – 416 p.

The textbook systematically and fully presents the course “Social work”: theory, technology, legal basis and social work management. Issues of family, homelessness, pedagogy, social medicine, gerontology, etc. are covered.

For students, graduate students, university teachers, researchers, as well as everyone interested in social work issues.

Grigoriev A.D.

History of social work. In 2 hours. Part 1 (before the beginning of the 20th century): textbook. manual for higher students textbook establishments /A. D. Grigoriev. - Mn.: TetraSystems, 2006. - 464 p.

The training manual analyzes the process of providing social assistance various categories of people in need at the main stages of historical development abroad, in Russia and Belarus in the period before the beginning of the 20th century. Particular attention is paid to the development of social assistance and support in the East (Japan, China, India, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, etc.), as well as in the USA, which has not previously been the subject of close analysis by domestic and foreign historians of social work. The development of social work to overcome manifestations of social pathology (alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, prostitution, etc.) is shown.

The manual is intended for students, undergraduates and graduate students of humanitarian specialties at universities and, above all, for the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”.

Medvedeva G.P.

Ethics of social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / G.P. Medvedev. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 1999.-208 p.

This book is the first domestic manual devoted to the study of the problem of the ethical foundations of social work as a specific type of professional activity. It examines the main issues of the origin, formation, essence and content of the ethics of social work, its institutionalization in the form of professional code of ethics; both theoretical and practical aspects of the social worker’s activities are revealed from the point of view professional ethics and morality, the essence and content of his professional duty.

The textbook is addressed to students studying in the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”, practical social workers, as well as teachers.

Technology of social work: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / ed. I.G. Zainysheva. - M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2000. - 240 p.

The textbook reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work technology, tools for working with various categories of citizens to ensure their social protection. The manual is intended for undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of higher educational institutions studying the course “technology of social work”. It will be useful for anyone interested in technology issues in the social sphere.

Kiseleva M. V.

Art therapy in practical psychology and social work / M.V. Kiseleva. - Speech, 2007. - 336 pp.: ill.

The textbook reveals the concepts of the theory and practice of art therapy and provides a comprehensive understanding of art therapy as an original method of progressive psychological assistance in treatment, rehabilitation, pedagogical and social work that contributes to the formation of a healthy and creative personality.

The manual is intended for students of psychological, psychological-social and medical faculties of universities, practical psychologists, social workers, doctors, and other specialists in the field of mental health, as well as all those who seek to know themselves and help others.

Zolotareva T.F.

Practice in the system of training social work specialists at universities: educational and methodological manual / T.F. Zolotareva. - 3rd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2008. - 128 p.

The paper discusses the main problems of training social work specialists. The author's practice program for universities and recommendations for its implementation in the process of training students in higher educational institutions are given.

For teachers of social work and social pedagogy, undergraduate and graduate students.

Kholostova E.I.

Social work with older people / E.I. Kholostova: textbook. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2003. - 296 p.

The textbook reveals the problems of old age and the position of the elderly in society, analyzes the main directions social activities with persons of the “older generation”, technologies of social work with older people, the regulatory and legislative framework on the problem under study is provided, the experience of social service institutions in various regions of Russia and abroad is described.

For specialists of social service institutions, teachers and students of socially oriented universities.

Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R.

Social work with disabled people / E.R. Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., E.K. Naberushkina. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 316 pp.: ill. - (Series “Tutorial”).

The book examines the most important theoretical and methodological issues of social work with people with disabilities, discusses the main aspects of organizing and planning social policy measures in relation to this category of citizens.

The textbook is intended for students, undergraduates, graduate students and specialists in the field of social policy and social work, specializing in the field of social protection of people with disabilities.

The manual was prepared with the support of the Joint European Project TEMPUS (Tacis) T_JEP 10808-1999 “Development of professional education in social work in Russia.”

Akmalova A.A.

Social work with migrants and refugees / A.A. Akmalova, V.M. Kapitsyn: textbook. allowance/answer. ed. P.D. Pavlenok. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 220 p. - (Higher education).

The textbook analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work with migrants, reveals the content of the life-sphere basis of work with them, and highlights assistance to migrants as an area of ​​social work.

Intended for students studying in the specialties “Social work”, “Sociology”, “Jurisprudence”, “Political science”, for teachers, practitioners, as well as anyone interested in this problem.

Technologies of social work with children and adolescents: collection. articles / ed. V.N. Kelaseva.- St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg. un-ta. , 2001. - 264 p. - (Problems of social work; Issue 1).

The book describes a number of new technologies for social work with children and adolescents. Methods of preparing the social environment for the appearance of a person, preventing domestic violence, childhood anxiety, organizing social work with children and adolescents of “risk groups” at the place of residence, technologies of social work with children with disabilities, as well as the problems of forming family educational groups, organizational aspects of improving social and legal protection children. Considerable attention is paid to the prevention of various forms of deviation (drug addiction, AIDS, various crimes among teenagers). A system of objective social indicators for measuring the situation of children is proposed. A critical analysis of the accumulated experience of working with children in the 20th century is given.

The book is intended for undergraduates, graduate students and teachers of social science universities, practical social workers and teachers.

Pavlenok P.D.

Social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior: textbook / P.D. Pavlenok, M.Ya. Rudneva. – Infra-M, 2007. – 183 p. - (Higher education).

The textbook examines theoretical and methodological problems of social work with individuals and groups of deviant behavior. Recommended for students, graduate students, teachers, researchers, practical social workers, as well as everyone interested in this issue.

Kholostova E.I.

Social work in rural areas: history and modernity / E.I. Kholostova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing and trading corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006. - 137 p.

The monograph examines the problems of organizing social assistance - from the peasant community of the second half of the 19th century. to social work in rural areas in modern conditions.

The work collects and systematizes material on issues of agricultural policy during the years of Soviet power, on changes in the social sphere of the village during economic reforms, reveals experience in social support of the rural population in the late 20th - early 21st centuries, provides innovative technologies for social work in rural areas, foreign rural revitalization experience.

The publication is intended for students, graduate students, university teachers training social work specialists, as well as practical workers.

From new books!

You can get acquainted with the presented literature in the reading room of the Central City Library (Konnaya St., 6; tel. 57-11-73)

Poddubnaya, T.N. Social protection of childhood in Russia and abroad: textbook aid for students higher textbook institutions / T. N. Poddubnaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 320 p.

The textbook covers the history and modern tendencies development of social protection of children in Russia and other countries of the world, contains international standards, regulatory legal acts, foreign and domestic models of social protection of children, the activities of public and non-governmental organizations in this area are analyzed.

For students of higher educational institutions, it may be useful for social educators, social workers, teachers, graduate students, practical workers of social protection agencies, and parents.


Chapter 1. Theoretical and methodological foundations of social protection of childhood

The phenomenon of childhood in modern science

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the problem of social protection of childhood

Social protection of childhood as a multidimensional phenomenon

Objects and subjects of childhood social protection

Chapter 2. Domestic experience of social protection of children

2.1. History of social protection of childhood in Russia

Tribal and community forms of assistance to children among the ancient Slavs (from ancient times to the 10th century)

Social assistance to children from the 10th to the end of the 18th century

State policy of child protection in the 19th - early 20th centuries

State policy of social protection of children during the years of Soviet power

State policy of social protection of children at the present stage

2.2. Domestic models of social protection of childhood: historical aspect

Chapter 3. Social protection of childhood in modern conditions of modernization Russian society

3.1. The essence of state policy for social protection of children in the Russian Federation

Prerequisites for the formation and main characteristics of the new state policy in the field of social protection of children

Organizational basis of state policy on social protection of children

Forms and methods of social protection of children

3.2. Fundamentals of child protection in the legislation of the Russian Federation

Guarantees of children's rights and state social standards for social protection of children

Psychology of old age and aging: Reader: textbook. benefits for students psychol. fak. higher textbook establishments / comp. O. V. Krasnova, A. G. Leader. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003. - 416 p.

The anthology contains articles devoted to the problems of aging and old age. Including social gerontology, social psychology, developmental psychology of old age, history of the study of old age, philosophy and sociology of old age. Materials related to the family of an elderly person and the provision of psychological assistance to both elderly people and professionals working with them are specially included.

It will be useful for practitioners working with older people, social workers and psychologists.

From the compilers

Methodology for studying old age and aging

A.A. Kozlov. Theories and traditions of Western social gerontology

E.V. Yakimova. Gerontology in a dynamic society: Abstract review

K. A. Feofanov. Old age in modern society: Guide to Social Gerontology: Abstract Review

O. V. Krasnova. Types and methods of research in the psychology of aging

History of the study of old age and the science of aging

A. I. Tashcheva. The problem of old age: a sociocultural phenomenon
E. V. Yakimova. The last stage: historical aspects of maturity and old age: Abstract review

S. Olman. Charity for old age in pre-revolutionary Russia

M.D.Alexandrova. Domestic research into social aspects of aging

I.I.Likhnitskaya, R.Sh.Bakhpgiyarov. Academician Z. G. Frenkel and the formation of gerontology in Russia

Philosophy of old age and aging

T. V. Karsaevskaya. [Old age: Social and philosophical aspect]

N. F. Shakhmatov. Aging is a time of personal knowledge of eternal questions and true values

B. P. Kozyrkov. An elderly person as a sociocultural type

V.L.Kalkova. Old age: Abstract review

Sociology of old age and aging

V. Anurin. Some problems of the sociology of old age

3. M. Saralieva, S. S. Balobanov. Elderly man in Central Russia

L. S. Shilova. Factors of social adaptation of the elderly in the context of reforms

Psychology of old age and aging

General issues psychology of late life

B. G. Ananyev. On the problem of age in modern psychology

L.I. Antsyferova. New stages of late life: a time of warm autumn or harsh winter?

T.D. Martsinkovskaya. Features of mental development in late age

L. G. Leader. The crisis of old age: a hypothesis about its psychological content

Age-related features of mental development during aging

L.V. Borozdina, O.N. Molchanova. Features of self-esteem at a late age

N.K. Korsakova. Neuropsychology of late life: justification of the concept and applied aspects

N.K.Korsakova, E.Yu.Balashova. Mediation as a component of self-regulation of mental activity in late age

O. N. Molchanova. Psychological vitaukt as a mechanism for stabilizing the self-concept in late age

M.V. Ermolaeva. Methods of psychological regulation of emotional experiences in old age

M. A. Kholodnaya, N. B. Mankovsky, etc. Originality of level, structural and stylistic characteristics of intelligence in old age

Socio-psychological features of mental development during aging

M.D.Alexandrova. [Aging: socio-psychological aspect]

O.V.Krasnova, T.D.Martsinkovskaya. Features of social psychological adaptation at a late age

O. V. Krasnova. Study of identification of older people using M. Kuhn’s “Who Am I?” method

Family in old age

A. B. Sinelnikov, D. F. Detzner. Relations between generations in American and Russian families

D. Field. Social connections in old age: Results from the Bonn and Berkeley Longitudinal Studies

I. I. Eliseeva, L. M. Prokofieva, P. Festi. The impact of divorce on intergenerational contacts

O.V. Krasnova. The role of the grandmother: Comparative analysis

Yu. M. Danilov. Family relationships of late-age mentally ill patients and the problem of mental compensation

Aging and work

M. Greller. Aging and work: human and economic potential

I. B. Nazarova. Pensioners and workers: work, health and treatment.

Elderly and old people in hospitals

L.A. Kotova. On the mental adaptation of elderly patients upon admission to a psychiatric hospital

O. V. Guseva. Features of the reaction to hospitalization of elderly mentally ill patients

N. F. Dementieva. Methodological aspects socio-psychological adaptation of elderly people in inpatient social service institutions

O. A. Voronina. Intrapersonal conflict and socio-psychological work with it in a boarding home for the elderly

Old age and illness

I. N. Veselkova, E. V. Zemlyanova. Problems of health and medical and social care for older people

N. F. Dementieva. Studying the needs of the elderly in medical and social care

V. F. Druz, V. T. Budza and others. Clinical and social aspects loneliness of mental patients of late age

T. V. Zozulya. On the problem of preventing mental disorders in older people

R. Sh. Bakhtiyarov, A. V. Gnezdilov, O. T. Dyatchenko and others. Psychological and social aspects of rehabilitation
elderly cancer patients

Thanatology and grief in old age: psychological support

R. Kalish. Older people and grief: Abstract review

L.V. Satina. Late-life depression: Grief and its complications in old age: Extended abstract

B. Genevey. Losing a mother: personal impressions: Abstract review

I. Kemper. A psychotherapist's fear of the topic of death: A case study

O. V. Krasnova. Older people, dying and mechanisms of transfer: Abstract review

A. Kerkhof, R. Diekstra, P. Hirschhorn, A. Visser. Opportunities for preventing suicide among older people

Psychological assistance in old age

Work with personnel

A. I. Tashcheva. The concept of organizing psychological assistance for lonely elderly people

O.V. Krasnova. Ageism in working with older people

G. P. Medvedeva. The role of psychological competence of a social worker

B. A. Ivanov. The work of a full-time psychologist in the CSO: the problem of self-identification

I. V. Sadikova. Experience of psychological work in a social service center

Working with clients - elderly and elderly people

N.V. Zotkin. Physiological changes associated with normal aging and working with older people

T. N. Rozova. “Significant events” as a method of psychological counseling for older people

O. Yu. Fedotova. Helpline in the system of psychological assistance to older people

K. A. Strashnikova, M. M. Tulchinsky. Social and psychological assistance and support [elderly] in a cultural environment

L.V. Satina. Psychotherapeutic work with elderly people in a state of grief: “Bereavement” groups: Extended abstract

Yu. I. Frolov, E. N. Tishchenko. Solving specific problems using “social prosthetics”

Safronova, V.M. Forecasting, design and modeling in social work: textbook aid for students higher textbook institutions / V.M. Safronova. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2008. - 240 p.

The manual examines basic issues of methodology, theory, history of the organization of scientific forecasting, design and modeling of social processes, domestic and foreign experience in this area, various types and types of forecasts, projects and models. Particular attention is paid to the formation of skills to implement the theoretical and methodological principles of forecasting, design and modeling in social practice. Extensive experimental material is provided to illustrate the theoretical principles.

For university students. It may be useful for graduate students, researchers and practitioners, and anyone interested in the problems of forecasting and designing social processes.



Chapter I. Methodological foundations for forecasting social processes

Conceptual approaches to forecasting

Basic methodological principles of social forecasting

Specificity of the laws of social development

New trends in social processes

Formal and real opportunities for social development

Systemic relationships in social processes

Chapter II. Theory and history of forecasting and modeling (domestic and foreign experience)

Genesis of a conceptual vision of the future

Theoretical concepts of socio-ecological processes

Foreign theories, hypotheses, forecasts

Is a humane model of the future possible?

The most important features of the civilization of the future

New paradigm social development

Probability of a multi-model picture of the world

Chapter III. Prognostics. Social Forecasting

Types and technologies of forecasts

Forecasting methods

System analysis

Classification of the forecast object

Stages of forecast development. Forecast reliability

Forecast results and requirements for them

Principles and conditions for the reliability of social forecasting

The main disadvantages of the forecasting process and the factors that predetermine them

Forecast effectiveness

Technologies for developing environmental forecasts

Chapter IV. Demography in the social forecasting system

Demographic situation as one of the foundations of social forecasting

The need for demographic forecasts for social forecasting

Chapter V. Social design

Essence and content of basic concepts

Project classification

Types of design

Predictive social design

Methods and technologies for development and implementation social projects

Main trends and social problems in design at the local government level

Chapter VI. Social modeling

Model as a method of scientific knowledge

Types and functions of models and simulation

Models of environmental safety

Models of social protection for victims of radiation exposure

Models of socio-ecological rehabilitation of the population

Adaptation models

Chapter VII. Innovative technologies modeling

System-functional approach to modeling

Modeling management decision in the social sphere

Algorithm and control modeling technologies

Chapter VIII. Global modeling

Problems and methodology of global modeling

Questions that arise and possible answers

Modeling socio-ecological problems

World model options

Preferred Future Models

Brief dictionary terms


Sorokina, E.G. Conflictology in social work: textbook aid for students higher textbook institutions / E. G. Sorokina. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - 208 p.

The manual reveals the social nature of the conflict and its features, examines the structure and stages of development of the conflict. Particular attention is paid to conflict management in social work, methods of conflict resolution in the process of social work.

For university students. It may also be useful for social work specialists.


Section I. the concept of conflict and its development in social work

Chapter 1. The emergence of conflictological ideas, the formation of conflictology

Chapter 2. Social nature of the conflict, its features

The meaning of social tension and conflict in social work

Social communication and conflicts

Personal causes of conflicts

Cultural and age factors of conflict

Section II. structure and stages of conflict development

Chapter 3. Structure of the conflict

Sources of conflict

Subjects of the conflict (conflicting parties)

Object and subject of the conflict

Conflict process

Chapter 4. Development of the conflict

Dynamics of the conflict and models of its development

Objective contradiction and its aggravation

Incident and conflict situation

Reaction of subjects to conflict: destructive and constructive ways of conflict development

Section III Conflict Management in Social Work
Chapter 5. Interpersonal and Intergroup Processes

Cooperation, compromise and competition

Constructive discussion

The problem of communication in conflict situations

The problem of decision making during conflict

Self-regulation of a social worker in the process of conflict resolution

Mobbing conflict

Chapter 6. Models for managing the development of conflicts in social work

Conflict management

Constructive and destructive consequences of conflict

Conflict management and resolution

Approaches to managing the development of conflicts

Mediation (mediation): process and stages

Types of mediator roles

Features of the activities of a mediator and the basics of effective mediation

Initial contact with conflicting parties and choice of mediation strategy

The relationship between the mediator and the subjects of the conflict and their influence on decision making

Methods for collecting conflict data: interviews, conflict analysis and creation of a mediation plan

Chapter 7. Methods of conflict resolution in the process of social work

Conflict resolution in social work: current issues, discussions and trends


Areas of conflict resolution by social workers

Workshop on conflict management

Glossary of terms


Firsov, M. V. Psychology of social work: content and methods of psychosocial practice: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / M.V.Firsov, B.Yu.Shapiro. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2009. - 192 p.

In the textbook for the first time in the domestic educational literature the main trends in the development of psychosocial practice are shown, the influence of psychological theories on the design of models of practical social work is traced, and the features of consultative work with cases are reflected. Particular attention is paid to the formation and development of social work with groups, practical methods of such work are proposed.

For students of social work faculties. It may be useful for graduate students, university teachers, and practical social workers.


Chapter I. Basic psychological theories and their influence on psychosocial practice

Psychodynamic approach in psychosocial theory and practice

Behavioral approach in psychosocial practice

Existential-humanistic approaches in psychosocial theory and practice

Chapter II. Main stages in the development of psychosocial practice in social work

Diagnostic School of Social Work

Functional School of Social Work

Problem solving method in social work practice

Theory and practice of psychosocial work

Behavioral approach to social work practice

Chapter III. Social individual case work

General model of individual casework

Values ​​and principles in individual social work

Chapter IV. Counseling in psychosocial practice

Theory and practice of counseling in the helping professions

The relationship between counseling and practical social work

Chapter V. History of the formation of social work with a group

Formalization of social work with a group as a social form of psychosocial practice

Development of social work with groups at the end of the 20th century

Chapter VI. Social work with a group as a method of psychosocial assistance

General model of psychosocial work with a group

Organization of practical psychosocial work

Chapter VII. Practical methods social work with group

Basic models of social work with a group

Psychosocial group practice with people who use psychoactive substances

Glossary of basic terms

Tselykh, M.P. Social work abroad: United States of America: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / M. P. Tselykh. - M.: Publishing center "Academy". 2007. - 128 p.

The textbook examines the historical and pedagogical problems of the formation of social work and the system of professional education of social workers in the United States. The essence of the historical and sociocultural prerequisites that determined the genesis and formation of social work as a profession and the system of professional education of social workers in the USA at the end of the 19th - first third of the 20th century is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of the theoretical and methodological foundations of social work and the corresponding organizational and methodological design of vocational education. The relevance and pedagogical value of the historical experience of the United States for modern domestic socio-pedagogical theory and practice is substantiated.

For students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialties “Social work” and “Social pedagogy”. It may also be useful for social workers and social educators.


Chapter 1. Social work and professional education of social workers in the USA: historical aspect

Value bases of social assistance in the USA

Organized charity work as a prerequisite for the professionalization of social work in the USA

"Society of Organized Charity"

Settlement Movement

Charitable activities in the USA at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries: the search for theoretical justification

Social Darwinism as the ideological basis of Organized Charity Societies

Social Sciences How theoretical basis social work in the USA at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

The emergence of a system of professional education for social workers in the USA

Apprenticeship as a form of preparation for charitable activities

The need for organization vocational training charity workers

First educational programs training of social workers in the USA

Chapter 2. Scientific and methodological substantiation of social work and professional education of social workers in the USA

Development of social work in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century

M. Richmond's contribution to the development of social work as a profession

Integration of professional training of social workers into the university education system

Specializations in social work and preparation for them in schools of social work

Social work in medicine

Social work at school

Social work in psychiatry

Methods of training social workers

Case method in the professional training of social workers

Organization of educational practice in schools of social work

Supervision method in training social workers

Chapter 3. Methodology for organizing social work and vocational education in the USA in the context of the spread of psychoanalysis

Development of a psychoanalytic approach in social work in the USA: factors and prerequisites

The influence of psychoanalysis on the development of social work in the USA

Development of the education system for social workers in the United States in the context of the spread of psychoanalysis

Lessons from the formation of social work in the USA




Appendix 1. A brief dictionary of basic terms in the field of social work in the USA

Appendix 2. Addresses of the main American social work Internet sites

There is never enough time to do the job right, but there is time to redo it. Meskimen's Law

The whole burden falls on the zealous horse. Thomas Fuller

Choose a profession that you love, and you won't have to work a single day in your life. Confucius

If your head is cooking, then everything in your hands is burning.

A living failure is better than a dead masterpiece. D.B. Show

It is better to do a small part of the task perfectly than to do ten times more poorly. Aristotle

In difficult times from business people more sense than the virtuous. F. Bacon

Not observing employees means leaving your wallet open to them.

The government service is the last refuge of the slob. Boyce Penrose

Work is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition for a virtuous life. L. Tolstoy

There are never great things without great difficulties. Voltaire

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. B. Franklin

As soon as you imagine that you are unable to do a certain task, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to carry it out. B. Spinoza

Just as movement excites the appetite, so labor arouses the thirst for pleasure. F. Chesterfield

When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself: “What should I do?”. In the evening, before you fall asleep: “What have I done?” Pythagoras

If you don't like your boss, put yourself in his shoes.

We pretend to work because they pretend to pay us.

A person who works with his hands is a worker; a person who works with his hands and head is a craftsman; but a person who works with his hands, his head, and his heart is a master of his craft. Louis Naiser

Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice and want. Voltaire

The hand is a tool of tools. Aristotle

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night. Marilyn Monroe

Believe me, only he is familiar with spiritual pleasure, Who acquired it through labor and patience. Goethe I.

They earn their bread with their hands, and their butter with their heads.

The best employees are not suitable for the highest positions, but they are good in secondary roles.

The client cannot simply be satisfied. The client must be satisfied!

The harder the job, the easier it is to get it.

You cannot gain something without the other person losing something.

The day has many hours and you can only use this time for work. So why work hard for money! Learn to make money and people work for you, so that you can be free and do what is more important.

Complexity awaits where you try to simplify.

Society is divided into two large class: those who work to live, and those who live to make others work.

Small business is commerce, medium business is commercial politics, big business is politics.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

If you successfully choose work and put your whole soul into it, then happiness will find you on its own. Ushinsky K. D.

Those who work sitting and those who work standing receive much less than those who work for themselves.

A good boss is the beginning of all beginnings, and a bad boss is the end of all beginnings.

Those who understood life quit their jobs.

You don't get paid per hour, you get paid for the value you create in that hour.

The difficult must be made familiar, the habitual - easy, and the easy - pleasant.

. Only two incentives make people work: thirst wages and - fear of losing her.

If you don’t receive money, it means that no one needs your work.

Work that we enjoy heals grief. Shakespeare W.

A person who is not busy with work can never enjoy complete happiness; on the face of an idle person you will always find a trace of discontent and apathy.

Thinking is the most difficult of jobs. Apparently, this is why so few people do it.

Work is valued based on the results of labor, and not on accumulated fatigue!

Not all slackers agree to sedentary work - others require lying down.

Whoever gets up early, God gives to him.

If you want to work, lie down and get some sleep and everything will pass.

Physical labor helps to forget about moral suffering. La Rochefoucauld F.

He who does no more than what he is paid for will never get more than what he gets.

A person only achieves something where he believes in his own strength.

Capable workers are valued, while diligent and obedient workers are valued.

Work, don't be afraid of me - I won't touch you!

Work when you are sad - this is the only way to disperse sadness. Work so as not to fall into melancholy: nothing gets rid of dull emptiness like work. Work when you are successful: there is no other cure for “dizziness” than work. Becher I.

To live like a human being, you need to be paid like a god.

To make a profit without taking risks, to gain experience without being exposed to danger, to receive rewards without working is as impossible as to live without being born.

Each profession has its own subtleties that are not visible to amateurs.

To live correctly means to work. When a car is idle, rust begins to eat away at it.

In any organization, work gravitates towards the lowest level of the hierarchy.

In our life, as in mathematics: when bosses change places, the amount of their irresponsibility does not change.

Qualification is what is required of lower level employees. Senior employees are required to have no qualifications.

If everyone knew how to work, there would be no one to lead.

Children must learn to work with their hands, not their elbows.

Anyone who is on a salary can afford to sit, lie down and even sleep at work.

Don't let anyone or anything make decisions for you.

The most important thing in every task is to overcome the moment when you don’t feel like working. I.P. Pavlov

Someone in second place shines, and his shine is reflected in the one who takes first place.

Idlers can be divided into two categories: a car without an engine, an engine without a car.

If they always agree with each other in business, then one of them is redundant.

For results that exceed your expectations, don't expect much.

Don't expect someone to do even the smallest job for you. The people around you are super lazy, and even more deceitful.

* * *
Social defense is work
Not a profession, but a calling.
Social protection is caring
Mercy and compassion.

* * *
Social the employee must know:
Don't wear white!
Once you walk through the market,
You'll wipe yourself on the counters,
You'll stand in line
You will sit at the bus stop...
In grandma's garden
You need to “dig” into the genus,
Wash the floors and windows,
And don’t forget the dishes...
And you’ll jail him anyway
You're in a white spot!

"Maxi" skirt is not comfortable
At work, although fashionable:
You'll wipe the stairs with your skirt,
When you go with bags.
It would be necessary to raise the “maxi”,
To make it easy to walk,
Yes, there are purchases in my hands,
Two bags full.

The “mini” skirt is simply classy!
But this is not for us either.
You understand: it’s not solid,
When too much is visible.
So that people trust us,
They opened their hearts
Gotta look decent
And behave decently.

What is a social worker?
Who will answer this question?
This is the one who cares about others
Takes himself seriously,

This is the one whose tired hands
They will not tire of doing good to you,
The one who understands you from a hint,
To whom can you open your heart?

Social worker - who is this?
This is a woman with a kind soul,
She will warm you with words, advice,
She is a great person.

She can do any job
And all her cases cannot be counted.
So thank you to them kind and sweet
Social employees that they exist.

"Social Worker's Song"

(to the tune of the song "I'm Standing at a Stop")
I'm standing at the bus stop
In hands - two full bags -
I bring food from the market to the elderly.
How can I get on the bus?
Yes, I wouldn’t fall in it...
I won’t be able to carry my purchases on foot!..

Well, I came to grandma,
I gave her the bags
And I run to pay for her housing:
I rush to Gorgaz and to PTS,
In "Vodokanal"; then to Social Security...
I wish I had time to wash the floors!..

Then I run to grandpa,
I bring him some shopping.
He is waiting for me, sick and hungry.
I'll change his shirts
And I’ll feed you from a cup...
In the evening I return home...

(To the melody of Lenochka's song from the film "Carnival Night" -
"If you leave the house frowning...")

If someone sneaks up on you
Unnoticed old age,
If hopelessness
Torments day and night.
You call us,
Tell me everything.
Our social workers
They will be able to help you.

And a smile without a doubt
Will touch your eyes again,
And good mood
Will not leave you again.

"Sisters of Mercy"
People call us.
We don't pretend
For more, friends.
We are for the lonely
Abandoned, forgotten
Let's become like one big
Friendly family.

All your problems
We can decide.
We are only waiting for trust
From your side.
Sometimes we say “thank you”
Quietly tell me
Your “warm” words,
We need air like we do.

* * *
“How wisdom conquered greed...”

social worker

Grandmother lived alone...
I was a cheapskate
Saved on everything
To your health.
And I wanted to eat something sweeter,
I only regretted the money.
I gave out a penny
She told the social worker
And she moaned, she kept moaning:

No money left. I'm so poor.
There are no stocks
All empty chests.

She told the social worker
She gave me three rubles in total.

(The grandmother gives the money and speaks, squinting. The social worker looks at her in bewilderment)

You add, if it’s not enough...
Did you receive your salary?..
I don’t have a penny anymore...
(Shows empty wallet)
The soul requires soup.
What a stew...
I've somehow become thin!
(Shows himself)
I need a little bit for the broth
You buy a chicken leg.
Let them cut off at least a piece...
I really want soup.
Daughter, hurry up and go
Otherwise I feel sick from hunger.
And I’ll lie down, lie down...
It just shakes when I walk.

(The social worker leaves. The grandmother hides all the food in the chest.)

Social worker:
I'm worth three for your pennies
I'll make you some good soup.
Look what I bought...
(Shows bouillon cubes)
Although he is small, he has strength.
Products made from overseas chickens,
He makes such a difference!..
There's salt and spices...
(Grandma, as if she didn’t hear enough)

Are you speaking from Sweden?

(The social worker cooks the broth, tastes it and speaks dreamily)

Social worker:
At least there would be one potato,
I would put a little.

(The grandmother takes one potato out of the chest and reluctantly gives it to the social worker. The social worker takes, peels and throws the potato into the broth.)

And noodles would be here...

(The grandmother opens the chest again and takes out a bag of noodles. The social worker takes the noodles and throws them into the pan, stirs them, tries them.)

Oh! How delicious!
I wish I had an onion...

(The social worker turns to the grandmother and approaches the chest herself. The grandmother opens the chest. The social worker herself takes an onion and a bottle of oil, says, looking at the onion...)

This is enough!
Now let's pour the oil...

(Pours oil into a saucepan, stirs, tastes.)

Simply delicious, not broth!!!
And I should put some carrots...

(The social worker looks pleadingly at the grandmother. She reluctantly takes out the carrot. The social worker herself takes the carrot from the grandmother’s hands while she is thinking.)

Let me borrow it! (The social worker finishes the soup and gives the grandmother a taste from a spoon.)

Come on, grandma, try...
The soup is tasty and cheap,
It's chicken and delicious.
It’s not in vain, grandma, it’s obvious
I've got all the groceries. (The social worker smiles and wags his finger.)
I know you were waiting for me. (The social worker hugs the grandmother and speaks to her kindly, but reproachfully.)
Don't be sorry for this money!
Once you live in the world.
You better feel sorry for yourself:
Eat well and drink juices.
(Addressing the hall)
Greed is a big vice!
Everything will be a lesson for you!!!

Social worker:
For whom to accumulate wealth?
After all, to the Kingdom of Heaven
You can't take everything with you,
You won't even take a penny!
Don't be such a miser.
After all, living like this... It’s terrible!

(He takes the slipper in his hands, removing it from his foot, and slaps it on the floor, as if killing a cockroach.)

Instead of your living creatures,
Make yourself some friends.
And put tea on the table for them...
Don't be stingy, but treat!
Instead of "stingy grandma"
You will become a “good housewife”.
I'm ready to help you.
That's my word.

(The three of them hold hands and bow low.)

(Correction: The order in which you add ingredients when preparing soup can be changed.)
Eh! I should put some carrots...
Let me borrow it!
I wish I had an onion...
This is enough!
And I would also like potatoes in the soup,
At least one, just a little...
Now let's pour the oil...
It's just delicious, not broth!!!
And noodles would be here...
Oh! How delicious!!!
(Play the same way)

(Chorus words - Valentina Ivanovna Khramova, standing
at the origins of the creation of social protection in Bugulma)

Despite the weather
Everyone is running to work
We are in a hurry for our birthday.
And it’s not clear to passers-by
Why is it so wonderful
The mood of our soul.

Chorus: Congratulations
On a special day for us.
We with love, respect

We are all social workers
We are familiar with problems
Lonely, forgotten, sick.
We can help everyone
And we will warm you with love
Those who want to see us as relatives.

June 2001.

* * *
For Social Worker's Day (2003)

Our lot

In our third department
We will help the elderly.
All our deeds cannot be counted,
We don’t have time to sit down during the day:
We wash and wash the floors,
We stock up on firewood for the winter;
We'll bring some water from the spring;
Let's feed; cut your nails;
We can cut your hair, comb your hair
And remove the snow near the house.
This is not the first time we have done this work...
And here is the latest newspaper.
- What do they write, do you want to know?
We can read the newspaper;
What is unclear - explain;
Pay all the house bills.
We have a lot to do
We have no time to sit idle:
Bring medicines, food,
And from the market - vegetables and fruits.
It’s impossible to count all our deeds...
And all this is our lot.

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