Shipbuilding shop. Design of workshops for shipbuilding enterprises

Samus shipbuilding and ship repair plant is located in the village of Samus, which is 38 km north of Tomsk, at the confluence of the Samuska River in the Tom.Until the mid-90s, the plant was the city-forming enterprise for the village. It employed more than 1400 people.

Its history began with the forced stay at the mouth of the river of the passenger-and-freight steamer Gagara in 1879. He moved to Biysk with a merchant cargo, but was caught by a sudden cold snap. Ice-sludge went along Tom. The team chose a place to stop and wintered. The fact is that safe winter sludge for the river fleet is a big problem. The spring ice drift is a grandiose, but crushing phenomenon, and in this place the inflowing river has formed a convenient deep backwater. Such secluded places on the rivers are rare, and knowledge about them is transmitted throughout the basin. Since then, people began to settle here, and the Samus shipbuilding and ship repair plant appeared on the shore.

Now only 186 people work here. But they, as before, are engaged in shipbuilding, ship repair, mechanical engineering and providing safe winter sludge for the river fleet. Of all these activities, shipbuilding accounts for 84% of the total workload.

During its existence, the plant has built 333 motor ships of various types and modifications. Boats and yachts, barges and ferries, pontoons and floating cranes, cargo, passenger and cleaning vessels for the river fleet ... that just have not been launched over the years. But a special pride is the bilge non-self-propelled barge with a carrying capacity of 2800 tons, built in 1993. “Now it is operated on the Rhine River in Holland under the name Samus,” says Viktor Gustavovich Schwartz, director of the plant. – It was the first and only order abroad. The river register accepted her, and she left Samuski on her own through the then Leningrad to Holland.

Today, the plant is engaged in the production of furnishing motor ships. The enterprise received this serial government order thanks to the federal target program "Development of the transport system of Russia until 2015". The first stage in this program is the renewal of the technical fleet. Within its framework, the plant must build 13 motor ships of project 3050 (three each for Novosibirsk, Omsk, Yakutsk, Khabarovsk and one for Krasnoyarsk) and 5 - project 3050.1 (two for Novosibirsk and three for Omsk).

Project 3050 motor ships:

The task of situation courts is to check the condition of the fairway of the river. They are intended for measuring the depths of the ship's course, installation of navigational and coastal signs. Their characteristic difference is that the ships of project 3050.1 are equipped with two loader cranes in the bow and stern.

Motor ships of project 3050.1:

At this stage of construction, the hull of the future vessel has already been formed. Now it's time for the electricians, finishers and plumbers to get on board to "saturate" it. But in general, like any big business, the construction of a ship begins with design. The plant does not have its own design department, so these works are entrusted to external contractors. The project must provide for a huge number of details, including the thickness of the steel from which the future ship will be made, the loads during its operation, and even the work schedule. Shipbuilding can be compared to building a house. It takes from one to two years from the beginning of the design to the launch of such ships.

January 2012, when the plant began to fulfill this state order, was the beginning of a large amount of shipbuilding. There was an acute shortage of their own workers, and they had to turn to specialists on the side for help. Ship assemblers, electric welders, pipeliners, people came from various places, even from St. Petersburg. To date, the excitement has subsided, the amount of work has dispersed, and the plant began to cope on its own, and we were able to walk around and see what stages the construction of the vessel consists of.

Preparatory shop.

It all starts with metal processing. It is purchased at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, however, before sheets of special shipbuilding steel become part of the vessel, they must undergo mandatory training. There is a whole line at the factory for this.

Sheets of metal are picked up from the warehouse by pneumatic suction cups and fed through the gate in the background:

The rollers are followed by shot blasting, which cleans the metal from rust, scale and other contaminants. The sheets that have undergone such processing are laid out to be coated with a primer.

It is applied with hand rollers. After priming, the steel acquires a greenish tint. From here, the sheets of metal are fed to various machines, where they will be cut and bent, making all kinds of brackets and frames, stringers and beams from them in accordance with the project.

There are several guillotines at the plant for cutting metal of different thicknesses:

Gas cutting machines cut out curved parts:

The edges of the cut parts are cleaned and handed over to ship assemblers.

Or, if the part needs additional processing, it goes to the machine shop.

Mechanical shop.

Here, machines are concentrated on which drilling, turning and milling work is performed. The workshop produces a wide range of products, from portholes to propeller shafts.

At the entrance there are blanks, which will later become various couplings, flanges, covers and containers:

Details in the making:

Milling machine:

After the bankruptcy that occurred at the enterprise in 2009, all the equipment had to be put in order for a year and a half or two. New investors represented by JSC "Tomsk Shipping Company" and CJSC "Siberian Center of Logistics" plan to start modernizing the plant this year. The action plan provides for the gradual replacement of the machine park - the acquisition of new plasma cutting machines, modern welding equipment and the replacement of some of the machines in the machine shop.

In addition to the main activity, the plant is engaged in ship repair. The motor ship "Priliv" is due to arrive from Novosibirsk soon. They will put such a Chinese engine on it:

And this is the domestic engine of the Yaroslavl Machine-Building Plant:

Similar engines are installed on MAZs. Now the mechanics are preparing it for installation on the Project 3050 motor ship.

The size of another engine, which is being repaired here, can be judged by these connecting rods:

These details will later become portholes on the ship:

Tanks for water, fuel and waste are made in the first workshop and then brought here, where machined parts are welded to them, primed and tested.

Rudder feather for the ship project 3050. In the future, it will control the direction of the ship:

The process of manufacturing a propeller shaft for the same ship:

Anchors have to be purchased, since they are cast, and the plant does not have its own foundry:

The flow of production, which begins in the procurement and machine shops, converges in the shipbuilding shop.

Shipbuilding shop.

The ship is assembled from several blocks. We are lucky that the plant is working on a serial order, so we were able to see how it goes through the different stages of construction. First, the "hullers", as they are called here, weld flat sections, from which volumetric blocks are then assembled. Further, the blocks are joined together and, thus, the hull of the vessel is formed. The parts are interconnected using semi-automatic and manual welding.

Here, on the assembly stand, the assembly of the first and second blocks of the motor ship 3050.1 takes place:

The workers first welded and assembled a flat section of the deck, after which they installed a metal frame on it, on which the outer skin sheets are now welded:

The fifth block of the vessel is already ready, and stands on supports next to the assembly conductor, waiting for the primer:

The third block was made even earlier and has already been primed:

Priming of finished parts:

This is how the hull of the ship is gradually formed:

I must say that the shipbuilding shop is impressive in its size. It was built by the Finnish company ASPO in 1988, and it immediately provided for a full cycle of building a vessel in covered areas. The new gas boiler house, built after the bankruptcy, allows us not to stop working in the winter. Even in the most severe frosts, the workshop has a positive temperature.

Finishing, piping, electrical installation and other works begin at the last stage. A crane has already been installed on this vessel:

And here the installation of the cabin and internal living quarters ends:

The main engine and two auxiliary ones have already been installed in the engine room:

When all the work is completed, the last operation remains - the final staining. After it, the ship is rolled out of the workshop, launched and tested. And only after that, it will be handed over to the customer.

Settling of the fleet and ship repair.

Outside, outside the workshop, on an area of ​​several kilometers, large and small vessels from all over the basin are located for winter sludge and ship repair. We managed to visit the plant at a time when the river was about to break from the ice, and the entire fleet was still on the shore.

In winter, up to 100 units of the fleet can settle here. Now almost all of them have dispersed at the place of registry.

Some vessels spend the winter in a safe backwater, and some are brought ashore to repair the underwater part. Every summer, the plant collects a portfolio of such orders. The fleet on the river is old, for the last twenty years new ships have practically not been built, many of them need repairs.

These sections of the skin, marked in white, were changed:

That's how everyone checks welding seams for tightness: on the one hand, the seam is smeared with lime, and on the other - with kerosene. Kerosene has the ability to penetrate very deeply into the metal through the smallest capillaries and cracks, making it much better than other liquids, and it will be clearly visible on white lime. Thus, if it appears on the back of the skin, this means that the seam has a through defect.

Ship crews spend the winter next to their ships. They live in a hostel at the factory. If the repair of propeller shafts, propellers and the underwater part of the hull is carried out by working enterprises, then all other work is to repair the engine, open deck decks, etc. - executes the command.

Vessels weighing up to 800 tons and up to 97 meters long are lifted from the water by a special ship-lifting structure - SLIP.

With its help, ships are on the shore. It brings them back to the river.

The primed ship hulls are waiting for their customer in the distance, serving as a kind of reminder of the bankruptcy that happened just during their construction:

“At that time, there were practically single orders,” Viktor Gustavovich recalls, “there was virtually no serial river shipbuilding in the country. The federal program for the development of the transport system began to work only in 2012 and is designed to upgrade the state fleet. At the moment, the industry is loaded by 25-30%. The fact is that shipbuilding is an expensive pleasure. The ships that are built at the plant cost from 30 to 100 million. The most expensive project was the yacht "Baiterek" worth 500 million for the Ulba Mining and Metallurgical Combine in Kazakhstan.

At the moment, almost the entire fleet has come to a write-off, but shipowners practically do not have the money to re-equip it. And if we talk about borrowed funds, then high lending rates in banks increase the payback period of ships so much that it almost approaches the service life - 25-35 years. Such a long-term investment of funds with an unclear prospect of their return is not of interest to private shipowners. Thus, it is simply impossible to do without state support in the renewal of the fleet.”

Today, the plant is provided with work for another year, so we are optimistic about the future: federal programs we have proven ourselves as reliable shipbuilders, so other orders will come from there. Now our task is to block the time between government orders with other works, which we are working on. We are negotiating, so I think we will not sit idle.”

Text, photo: Evgeniy Mytsik.

When creating such a complex product as a modern ship, the overall production process is divided into component parts, i.e. into separate production processes. This division is based on the breakdown of the ship's hull into structurally and technologically complete parts, as they are manufactured, it becomes possible to continue the production process until it is fully completed.

Specialized parts of the main production process are technological stages, the totality of which is called shipbuilding production, and individual technological stages are types of shipbuilding production.

The formation of types of shipbuilding production is carried out according to the commonality of the methods used for manufacturing products. The general production process of building a metal ship consists of 11 types of shipbuilding production. Their list and a brief description of the works included in them are given in Table. one.

Each type of production is usually located in a separate (specialized) subdivision of a shipbuilding enterprise.

Table 1 Types of shipbuilding production

shipbuilding industry
The content of the production process
BodyworkingManufacture of hull parts, starting from
and storage of material before picking
and storage of parts
Assembly and weldingAssembly and welding of units, sections and blocks, sections
ship hull with their saturation
Hull-buildingFormation of the ship's hull at the construction site
place before launching, including the manufacture
ship blocks
PipeworkingPipe manufacturing, definition, configuration and
pre-assembly of ship pipelines
on board
Mechanical assemblyAssembly of units in the workshop, installation of the main and
auxiliary mechanisms, devices,
heat exchangers, shaft lines,
heavy equipment,
final assembly and testing
WiringInstallation of cable networks, installation, switching on,
adjustment and delivery of electrical equipment
automation systems and special equipment
Product manufacturing
building outfitting

products of hull-building nomenclature
Manufacture for the installation of metalwork
hull saturation, manufacturing
and installation of ship pipes
Installation of purlins, frames for forming
premises, other metal structures
(pre-insulation and post-insulation),
fastenings of practical things, household equipment
and furniture, manufacturing and installation of ship pipes
Production and installation of products
finishes and equipment
ship premises
Production in the workshops of a shipyard
non-metallic and composite parts, assemblies,
intended for ship equipment
premises; production and preparation in workshops
conditions of elements of decoration of ship premises,
installation of parts and products intended
for decoration and equipment of ship premises
Manufacture for manufacturing and installation
insulation and
paint coatings
Surface preparation of structures, fabrication
and installation of insulation, application of anti-corrosion
and decorative coatings
Test production
and surrender of ships
Testing and delivery of ships

A shipbuilding enterprise is understood as an industrial enterprise that has the means of production (means of labor and objects of labor) and a labor force capable of creating shipbuilding products. It should be noted that the work included in the electrical production, as a rule, is performed by an independent specialized installation company. It has its own workshops or sections at each shipbuilding enterprise.

A shipbuilding enterprise consists of main and auxiliary workshops, in which, respectively, the main and auxiliary parts of the production process are carried out. The structure of the shipbuilding enterprise also includes engineering services (design, technological, metrological), enterprise management services (planning and dispatching, economic, control automation, etc.) and services (administrative and economic divisions).

Shipyard "More"

The main workshops of any shipbuilding enterprise are the shipyard workshops, in which 10 types of shipbuilding production are located (as mentioned above, electrical installation production is assigned to another enterprise). A shipbuilding enterprise, the main production of which includes only shipyard workshops, is called a shipyard. The shipyard includes (structures where ships under construction are located), outfitting embankments, workshops for the manufacture of hull parts, hull structures, the manufacture and installation of ship pipelines and systems, the installation of various mechanisms, as well as a group of outfitting workshops. The shipyard receives all mechanisms, devices, equipment, apparatus and instruments from specialized enterprises (contractors).

There are shipbuilding enterprises that do not have a building co-processing and assembly and welding shops as part of the shipbuilding industry. Such enterprises are called shipyards, where ships are assembled from blocks, sections and assemblies coming in cooperation with other shipbuilding enterprises.

Shipbuilding enterprises, whose main production includes their own machine-building production, are called shipbuilding plants. Shipyards produce mechanisms and equipment both for the needs of their own production and for other enterprises. The main workshops of shipbuilding plants are divided into shipyard workshops and machine-building workshops according to the nature of products and technologies for its manufacture. The products of the shipyard workshops are intended for those ships that this plant is building. Shops of the machine-building part manufacture mechanisms or equipment and hand them over to the warehouse. From the warehouse, mechanisms are delivered to ships built at this plant, or they are sent to other shipbuilding enterprises.

Vyborg shipyard

Shipbuilding enterprises are also classified depending on the hull material of the ships under construction and their navigation areas. There are enterprises of metal, reinforced concrete, plastic, wooden shipbuilding. There are enterprises of sea and river shipbuilding. Marine shipbuilding enterprises are divided into 5 classes according to the launch weight of the ships under construction (Table 2).

Table 2 Difference of enterprises in terms of launching weight of ships under construction

The mutual arrangement of workshops, construction sites, launching facilities and other buildings and structures, as well as railways and roads, gas pipeline networks and other industrial networks of a shipbuilding enterprise is determined by its master plan. The layout of the master plan of the enterprise is characterized by a development coefficient equal to the ratio of the total area of ​​projections of all buildings and structures onto a plane to the area of ​​the territory of the enterprise. At modern shipbuilding enterprises, the construction coefficient is about 0.5.

The economic activity of a shipbuilding enterprise is characterized by the number of products produced per year in value (price) terms. Finished products are characterized by the volume of marketable products sold, which includes ships handed over to the customer. The total volume of production of a shipbuilding enterprise includes the volume of work performed per year, both on ships delivered to the customer and on ships under construction. The scope of work for individual vessels is determined on the basis of the progress indicator of the technical readiness of the vessel (in% of the technological complexity of the construction). The increase in the production of ships is associated with a reduction in the production cycle of their construction.

§ 59 Construction of ships

Shipbuilding enterprises specialize in the following areas: shipbuilding organizations (shipyards, shipyards and delivery bases);

The main material of the ship's hull (steel shipbuilding enterprises, enterprises building ships from light alloys, plastic, wooden, reinforced concrete, etc.);

Type of vessels (enterprises building tankers, fishing vessels, bulk carriers, icebreakers, etc.);

Vessel navigation area (enterprises building sea, lake, river, etc.).

shipyards- large independent enterprises with workshops manufacturing all elements of a modern ship: hull structures, main and auxiliary power plants, devices, equipment, etc.

As mentioned above, due to the exceptional complexity of building modern ships at one enterprise, shipyards are organizationally and economically inexpedient.

Shipyards- enterprises that fully manufacture all hull elements, build ships on a slipway and install machines, mechanisms and all equipment necessary for the ship supplied by counterparties, launch the ship into the water, complete construction, testing and delivery of the ship to the customer.

Delivery bases- enterprises located in the area of ​​delivery of the vessel delivered from remote areas of its construction. At the delivery bases, the ship is finally completed, equipped with specific equipment, such as nuclear power plants, weapons, etc., tested under conditions close to operational, and the ship is handed over.

The main workshops of any shipbuilding enterprise are:

case processing, which includes a plaza and sections for marking body parts made of sheet and profile material, gas cutting of metal (manual, semi-automatic and automatic), a machine park for processing parts (bending on presses, gouging edges, etc.) and hot working them on the stove;

assembly and welding which performs the assembly of individual finished parts of hull structures into units, sections and blocks, their welding and partial installation of the saturation of the vessel;

A building berth, which assembles and welds the hull from sections and blocks, saturates it and mounts devices, mechanisms and equipment. In addition, the workshop checks the quality of hull work (carries out appropriate tests), prepares the vessel for launching and launching it;

hull-mounting(fitting, rigging and painting), performing installation work, fitting out and finishing work on the ship;

blank-model, foundry, forging, electrode, etc., designed to provide the ship under construction with the necessary cast parts, forgings, electrodes, etc. (brackets, stems, shafts, hawse, electrodes, etc.).

The mechanical group of workshops includes:

Mechanical with machine park for fine-tuning and machining new details;

Boiler house, which manufactures steam boilers, pressure vessels, and other relatively small but complex hull work;

Reinforcing, where parts of fittings and automatic devices are processed and welded, tested, installed and adjusted on the ship.

Mechanical assembly group workshops include a pipe copper workshop, which manufactures structural elements of ship pipelines and assembles ship systems on ships;

Fitting and assembly workshop, which performs the installation of mechanisms, ship devices and other installation work on the ship.

Part woodworking workshops include: sawmills, warehouses for storing roundwood and lumber, dryers, a carpentry workshop that performs ship completion work (insulation battens, formwork flooring, etc.), as well as serving other workshops with scaffolding, fencing, wooden fixtures, etc. . P.; finally, the carpentry shop, which manufactures the details of the saturation of the ship from wood (furniture, interior decoration, etc.).

Auxiliary group workshops: tool, mechanical repair, electrical repair and repair and construction - provides all production workshops of the enterprise with tools, fixtures, and also repairs equipment production shops and buildings.

Counterparty shops and sections are workshops of other enterprises performing independent work on ships.

The energy economy of a shipbuilding enterprise consists of a combined heat and power plant (supplying the plant with power energy, as well as energy for its lighting and heating), a transformer substation, a steam power plant (with a test bench), a compressed air compressor, a water supply, oxygen, acetylene station, etc.

transport shop The plant is a water, rail, road, truck and other transport and means of its operation, maintenance and repair.

Storage facilities includes general factory warehouses storing various materials, going to the construction of the ship (metals, timber, fuel, textile and leather goods, building materials, finished equipment, machines and mechanisms, electrical materials, equipment, devices and much more). This economy is a complex organization that provides the ship under construction with everything necessary.

Methods for building ships are determined by the technology adopted at each shipbuilding enterprise.

Sectional method consists in the fact that the entire hull of the ship is divided into separate sections: decks, sides, bottom, bulkheads, platforms, superstructures, etc.

Details of hull structures prepared in the hull processing shop are fed to the assembly and welding site, where separate sections are assembled from them. When assembling and welding sections, they are saturated with equipment and fasteners. Labor costs in building a ship in this way are sharply reduced. Finished hull sections are delivered to slipway construction sites, where they form the ship's hull, perform installation and welding work.

After making a whole compartment or a closed room by this method and testing them for impermeability at the slipway, the assembly of the body saturation (machines, mechanisms, devices, systems) is continued.

At block method, which is a development of the sectional method, the vessel is divided into large volumetric parts - blocks manufactured in the assembly and welding shop from separate sections, and fed to the slipway in finished form - as if part of the vessel, limited on all sides by structures that form closed compartments or premises. In the finished block, the entire installation of saturation is also performed. The readiness of individual blocks fed to the slipway reaches 90%.

This method of building a vessel reduces the time required to form the hull at the slipway and increases the throughput of the slips. In addition, the manufacture of hull structures that form ship blocks in workshop conditions - indoors, with maximum mechanization of work, improves the quality of work, facilitates the work of workers and dramatically increases labor productivity.

The dimensions of the section blocks depend on the production conditions at the enterprise and on what kind of transport ensures the supply of the section blocks to the slipway. In large, well-equipped plants, the weight of the blocks fed to the slipway reaches 600-700 tons (when two cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 350 tons are operating, providing the block is fed in a paired way, or when assembling the ship on a horizontal construction site).

Rice. 81. Scheme of forming the hull at the slipway in various ways; a - pyramidal; b - island; c - block (Roman numerals show block numbers).

With the block method, only work on the installation of bottomhole sections, various designs, electrical installation and other fitting work is performed on the slipway.

The elements of the hull exposed on the slipway to reduce the overall welding deformations are in most cases formed in three ways: pyramidal, island and block (Fig. 81). These methods make it possible to assemble and weld the hull with a wide front, significantly reducing the construction time of the ship.

With pyramidal m In this method, the hull is assembled from sections and the formation of the hull begins either from the middle of the vessel or from the stern. The exposed initial sections form a semblance of a stepped pyramid, from where this method got its name.

Island the method of forming the hull consists in the simultaneous laying of several sections along the length of the vessel, which are later joined by bottomhole sections. This method reduces the construction period of the vessel due to the expansion of the scope of work.

Blocky the method is used when forming a hull on a slipway from pre-assembled and welded blocks of sections or blocks. The use of this method is rational in the serial construction of ships of medium and small displacement. With the block method, the formation of the body begins with the installation of the base block, after which adjacent blocks are joined to it, simultaneously along both walls.

There are two methods of organizing the construction of the vessel: flow-position and flow-brigade.

At flow-positional method construction, assembly and installation of ship blocks are carried out at separate positions on special carts that move to new positions. With this method, specialized teams of workers are assigned to certain positions of work, the teams have permanent jobs and perform homogeneous work.

The flow-position method is widely used in the serial construction of small and medium-sized ships.

Thread-brigade method lies in the fact that specialized teams of workers, after performing a certain amount of work, move from one ship to another. With this method, the team does not have permanent jobs, which leads to unproductive loss of time. This method is used in the serial construction of large sea vessels, when their movement from position to position is unprofitable.

Descent to the vessel and on the water is carried out after all the work related to ensuring the strength and sealing of its hull has been completed.

Descenders can be of the following five types:

1) inclined stocks from which the ship descends on an inclined plane under its own weight. The vessel must be placed on launch skids that slide along the sloped surface of the launch tracks. Launching inclined stocks can be designed for longitudinal descent, in which the vessel descends into the water stern first, or for transverse descent, in which the launched vessel enters the water sideways;

2) construction docks, representing a pit separated from the water area by a gate or a floating gate, called a batoport. The batoport is sunk on the threshold in the head of the dock and stops the flow of water into the dock when it is drained. At the construction dock, the ship is either built or brought there on carts, especially for launching. To launch the ship, the dock is filled with water and the ship floats to the surface. Upon reaching the same level in the dock and in the water area, the gates open. If the dock is closed by a batoport, then water is pumped out of it and, acquiring buoyancy, it emerges, opening the entrance to the dock, and then the SHIP is taken out of the dock;

3) dock camera, which is being built at the level of the territory of the plant next to the pit, located below the water level and used to launch the vessel. After the ship is fed into the docking chamber on trolleys, the gates from the side of the plant and the second gate located in the part of the pit bordering the water area are closed.

Water is pumped into the docking chamber, the vessel emerges from the carts and is taken aside over the pit. After that, the water from the dock chamber is lowered, and the ship is lowered into the pit, in which the water level is equal to the water level in the water area. The outer gates are opened, and the ship is brought out into the open water;

4) on the descender for vertical descent, the vessel is brought on carts and vertically lowered using screw or hydraulic devices into the water;

5) slip- a mechanized device designed for launching and lifting ships on trolleys along inclined rail tracks, side to the water. The speed of the vessel during descent or ascent is regulated by traction winches with rigging equipment. There are other various types of slipways.

Outfitting work afloat is carried out after the vessel is launched into the water. The minimum amount of work is left for completion: adjustment of mechanisms and devices, testing them in conditions close to operational, sewing up insulation, finishing the premises, painting, installing equipment and other final work. The launched vessel is diverted to the outfitting quay, on which energy networks are provided (supply of electric current, compressed air, gases, water, etc.), crane facilities and devices for mooring the vessel and delivering all types of supplies to it.

All ship machines, mechanisms and devices, after the completion of their installation, are adjusted and tested in operation, if possible, in conditions close to operational ones, at the outfitting wall of the plant. When testing the main power plants and the propulsion complex, the ship is attached with mooring cables to the mooring wall (therefore, all tests carried out at the outfitting wall are commonly called mooring tests).

After eliminating all the shortcomings found during the mooring trials of the ship, a program of sea trials is drawn up, and the ship enters the sea, acceptance tests conducted by the state commission. On sea trials, the actual qualities of the vessel are officially determined: speed, handling and other seaworthy and technical and economic characteristics. On the basis of state tests, an act of acceptance of the vessel is drawn up, and after the elimination of minor imperfections, it is considered to have entered service.


The construction of ships for various purposes is carried out by shipbuilding enterprises, which differ in the composition of workshops, equipment and organization of the construction of ships.

Depending on the organization of the construction of ships, ship assembly yards, shipyards, shipyards and delivery bases are distinguished.

A ship assembly yard is an enterprise that only assembles ships, as well as installs machinery and equipment, and tests and commissions ships. Units, sections and blocks of the hull, as well as ready-made mechanisms and equipment, come from other enterprises through interfactory cooperation. The shipyard does not have procurement, mechanical, hull processing and assembly and welding shops. The territory of the shipyard is largely occupied by warehouses for storing parts and hull structures.

A shipyard is an enterprise that performs the processing of parts, preliminary and slipway assembly of the hull of ships, installation of mechanisms and equipment received from specialized enterprises, testing and delivery of ships. The shipyard has assembly, hull processing and assembly and welding shops.

The shipyard is the largest shipbuilding enterprise. Such a plant has, in addition to assembly and hull shops, other shops that are engaged in the manufacture of mechanisms, boilers and ship equipment. However, a significant part of the ship's equipment, mechanisms and special devices is supplied to the plant for inter-factory cooperation.

shipyard - an enterprise that performs only the assembly of ship hulls, installation of mechanisms, equipment, and tests and delivery of ships to the customer. Currently, shipyards are a rare phenomenon.

Maritime and shipbuilding enterprises are divided into five classes depending on the displacement of ships under construction:

I class - more than 7000 tons. They are equipped with docks or longitudinal inclined stocks. At the docks, crane equipment with a lifting capacity of 5 MN (500 tf) or more is used, on slipways in most cases up to 0.8 MN (80 tf);

Class II - from 3500 to 7000 tons. Construction sites at such enterprises are horizontal sites equipped with cranes with a lifting capacity of 0.3 to 2 MN (30-200 tf). For the launching of vessels, loading chambers, transverse slips, and transfer floating docks are used. Some enterprises are equipped with longitudinal inclined stocks;

Class III - from 1000 to 3500 tons. Construction is carried out on horizontal construction sites using cranes with a lifting capacity of 0.3-0.8 MN (30-80 tf). To lower the vessels, transverse slips or bulk dock chambers are used;

IV class - from 250 to 1000 tons. Horizontal construction sites, equipped with cranes with a lifting capacity of 0.1 to 0.3 MN (10-30 tf). Vessels are launched using transverse or longitudinal slips;

Class V - no more than 250 tons. Construction is carried out on horizontal construction sites with cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 0.15 MN (15 tf). Vessels are lowered from the transverse slipway or with the help of cranes.

The composition of the workshops of a shipbuilding enterprise is determined by the profile of the enterprise and the volume of production, and also depends on the type and size of the ships under construction. The breakdown of workshops into groups is conditional.

To main workshops shipyards that carry out the construction of the ship's hull and installation of equipment include:

- hull processing shop with a metal warehouse and a section for pre-treatment of sheet and profile rolled products, manufacturing hull parts. The structure of the hull processing shop also includes warehouses for finished parts;

- assembly and welding shop, performing assembly and welding of hull structures - nodes, sections, blocks. With the block method of building ships, the workshop for assembling and welding hull blocks can be allocated as a separate subdivision in the group of assembly and welding workshops;

- slipway shop with construction sites and launching facilities, carrying out the formation of the hull and launching the vessel into the water;

- mechanical assembly shop, which performs installation in blocks, on a slipway and afloat of the main and auxiliary mechanisms, heat exchangers, ship boilers, shaft lines;

- pipe copper shop performing work on the manufacture and installation of pipelines and ship systems;

- metalwork and assembly shop manufacturing and assembling ventilation, sensible things, devices and fitter-case products;

- woodworking shop with a sawmill, a dryer and a lumber warehouse, manufacturing and installing deck coverings, details, furniture and other wooden products on the ship;

- painting and insulation shop performing insulation and painting works on the ship;

- rigging and sailing shop manufacturing rigging, awnings, covers;

- coating shop producing galvanic coating of various products and pipes (zinc plating, chromium plating, nickel plating);

- commissioning shop, performing work on the completion of ships afloat, testing and delivery of ships.

Group machine shops shipbuilding plant includes: a foundry with a model workshop, making castings from iron, steel, non-ferrous metals; mechanical, boiler, reinforcing, forging. In these workshops, stems, hawses, bollards, fittings, as well as parts that require machining are made.

Auxiliary shops - instrumental, mechanical repair, electrical repair, repair and construction - provide the enterprise with tools, repair equipment and facilities of the enterprise itself.

In addition, each shipbuilding enterprise has:

storage facilities- warehouses of metal, timber, fuel, lubricants; shop warehouses of materials (rolled products, pipes, etc.); warehouses for finished products; the main store for storing products coming from other enterprises and purchased in the state distribution network;

transport economy, including a transport workshop with a garage of cars, tractors, electric cars, rail transport and the captain's part - tugs, boats, barges, floating cranes and other watercraft;

energy economy- thermal power plant (TEU) or boiler room with steam and hot water networks;

transformer substations with power lines, a compressor station with pneumatic networks, an oxygen and acetylene station with gas pipelines.

Each shipbuilding (ship repair) enterprise has: an administrative building (plant management), a polyclinic or a central medical center, canteens, premises public organizations, fire station, etc. All production sites, plant management departments, sanitary, fire fighting services and other facilities are interconnected by telephone.

Chapter 5 Features of the Organization of Planning and Management at the Shipbuilding Enterprise


5.1. Organization of production preparation at Ukrainian shipbuilding enterprises

In modern shipbuilding, the organization of production preparation is of decisive importance. The timeliness and quality of the construction of ships with specified technical and economic indicators depend on the level of organization of production preparation. The shipbuilding industry has its own specific features [Brekhov], which are as follows:

the design and construction of ships has a long duration;

detailed design is carried out in parallel with the construction of the lead ship;

the number of design and technological changes during the construction of the lead ship reaches several tens of thousands;

serial ships are launched into construction in parallel with the construction of the lead ship;

the use of special construction sites (stocks, docks, outfitting embankment, which are expensive and complex hydraulic structures;

the nomenclature of parts for one vessel has more than a million items;

uneven consumption of material, labor and financial resources in the process of ship construction;

the design complexity of the product, which is due to the use of a special system of planning and accounting units (PUE) to control the production process.

The specifics of shipbuilding production predetermine the peculiarities of its preparation at a shipbuilding enterprise - this preparation is a complex organizational system and is associated with significant material and labor costs, which amount to 10–15% of the cost of creating the lead ship [Aryu; Brekhov, Volkov].

The efficiency of the shipbuilding enterprise is largely determined by the level of scientific and technical developments related to the organization of complex pre-production in the construction of ships of new projects. Consider the main tasks of preparing the production of a shipbuilding plant.

Preparation of production is a set of interrelated processes of research, design, technological and organizational nature. In the work of [Aryu], on the basis of the studies carried out, the specific values ​​of the distribution of labor intensity in the complex preparation of shipbuilding production are determined, which are:

design preparation of production -15%;

technological preparation of production - 49%;

organizational preparation of production - 12%;

logistical preparation - 9%;

other types of production preparation - 15%.

Design preparation of production- a set of interrelated processes for the development of design documents, order sheets for materials and equipment, fundamental technologies and organization of ship construction. A distinctive feature of the design preparation of shipbuilding production is that the main part of the work is performed by the designer, and part of the work is done by the builder. Working documentation for the product is issued on the basis of the constructive-technological method. In accordance with this method, parts, assembly units and components are tied to parts of the ship's production process, which is characterized by a certain PUE system. In the specification of design documents, the shipyards include information on the technology and organization of ship construction (technological kits). Carrying out this work requires the organization of joint activities of specialists-designers, designers and technological service factory.

The design department of the plant develops projects, diagrams, drawings and statements for the following types of work:

construction site equipment, ship laying and launching;

documentation for the manufacture of the trigger device;

performing calculations of general and local strength during descent;

design of non-standard equipment, tooling;

correction of notification documentation;

development and maintenance of impersonal drawings, standards and normals.

The design department performs a number of design works on technical re-equipment, reconstruction of production, creation of new sections to ensure the construction of new ship designs.

Technological preparation of production the shipyard is a set of interrelated processes that ensure the technological readiness of the enterprise for the construction of ships. Specialists of the technological service begin the preparation of production from the acceptance of custom and working documentation from the designer. As part of the documentation, first of all, a schedule for the construction of the vessel, the basic technology of its construction, a list of hull structures, power plants, mechanisms and equipment, as well as working documentation are accepted.

The main tasks of the technological service of the plant are:

development technological processes for the construction of a ship;

design of tooling, fixtures, special tools, non-standard equipment;

development of enlarged, technological schedules and network models of ship construction;

development and formation of nomenclature lists of planning and accounting units during the construction of the vessel;

technological distribution of work between workshops;

development of regulatory documentation on the material resources used;

formation of order sheets for materials and components;

development of shipyard technological documents, nomenclature and design rules, which are defined by GOST 3.1102-81 and a set of industry standards "Technological documents of a shipyard";

development of organizational and technical documentation and measures for the construction of ships.

One of the main aspects of organizing the preparation of shipbuilding production is the development of technological documentation for the shipyard. It is divided into documentation general purpose(map of sketches, process instructions, lists of detailed norms, production and summary consumption rates of materials, process map) and special purpose (technological process map of a single process for manufacturing a product, picking map, technical and regulatory map, operating map, list of technological equipment , list of technological documents). The release of all technological documentation is regulated by industry standards, which are specific and apply only in shipbuilding.

The methods used in the period of technological preparation of production for the development of technology for the implementation of certain stages of the construction of the ship are based on the wide use standard solutions, generalized or enlarged indicators. In view of this, the developed technological processes are often enlarged, do not take into account the state of labor resources and the rational loading of equipment, complicate management processes and are subject to multiple adjustments.

The use of program-controlled equipment necessitates a fundamentally new approach to solving the problems of technological preparation of production - individual design of all technological processes, taking into account a specific state production system. Such an approach can only be implemented on the basis of design automation, the object of which is the technology for manufacturing parts, assemblies, structures, systems, blocks, and the result is a set of technological documents and data for equipment control. The initial information for the automated system of technological preparation of production (ASTPP) of the shipyard is data on the ship's hull, its structures, standard technological solutions, models of the production system, technological processes and equipment used. Basic information is formed at the product design stage. Currently, in the world of shipbuilding, computer-aided design systems for ships (CAD for ships) and ASTPP have been created and are successfully operating.

The toolkit used by CAD determines the technology of information processing and the formation of technological documentation. The toolkit refers to the software of the system and the complex of electronic computers. Depending on the technology adopted at the enterprise, the organization of preproduction and the corresponding structure of technical services are determined. The level of technical equipment of a shipbuilding enterprise, primarily equipment with numerical control, has a significant impact on the organization of preparation for production.

Technical production preparation services at Ukrainian shipyards are subordinated to the chief engineer of the enterprise. The subdivisions for preparation of production include the department of the chief designer, the chief technologist, the workshop bureaus of technical preparation of production, the department of planned calculations and the computer center. At some plants, for example, the Kherson Shipyard, the department of the chief designer and technologist are combined into one unit and are subordinate to the deputy chief engineer. At other enterprises, the classical scheme for organizing production preparation is used.

It should be noted that in connection with the dissolution of economic relations in the shipbuilding industry of Ukraine, enterprises are being restructured. Structural transformations are also taking place in pre-production services, although the main task, if we consider the production of the shipyard, remains the same - to effectively ensure the construction of ships with minimal costs, high quality and on time. To solve this problem, modern information technologies, tools for computer-aided design systems, trained specialists, an appropriate organization of production preparation and an effective system for managing it are needed.

5.2. Analysis of the level of automation of production preparation at Ukrainian shipbuilding enterprises

To determine the level of automation of production preparation at Ukrainian shipbuilding plants, it is necessary to consider the availability of tools (software and hardware complex) that can provide a solution to the problem.

At present, the world shipbuilding industry has a significant fund of software tools that allows you to automate the processes of designing and managing the production of building projects for ships of various classes and purposes. It should be noted that the created spectrum software is wide enough and allows the use of electronic computers from the initial stages of design to the commissioning of the finished product. According to its functional purpose, the created tools are both local programs for the implementation of individual tasks, and integrated systems of complex application. The created nomenclature of software tools is focused on various technical means ranging from mainframes to personal computers. All this causes certain difficulties in the application of existing tools.

In domestic shipbuilding, the purposeful development of works on automation of design and technical preparation of shipyard production began in the mid-70s. As part of the all-Union program in the years. was created the industry's first CAD for transport ships, called ″Project-1″. In developing this system, the existing experience in performing individual calculations on a computer was used in a number of design bureaus. The ″Project-1″ system made it possible to automate traditional design work of general design and partially hull specializations at the stages of draft and technical design in design bureaus, and to perform calculations for the plaza-technological preparation of hull-processing production at construction plants. It should be noted that, despite the relatively narrow, according to today's ideas, functional part, the created system was widely implemented and was the starting point for further development of software tools in various specializations of shipbuilding.

Developments in this area were carried out at industry research institutes, design bureaus - ship designers and at construction plants. The industry has accumulated a certain positive experience in the creation and operation of the CAD/CAM system. The work of coordinating the development and implementation of CAD / ASTPP was assigned to the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR. It should be noted that along with domestic developments, foreign systems were also introduced. So, in 1976, the Minsudprom purchased a system FORAN version 10, developed by the Spanish company Senner. At the initial stage, the purchased system was adapted to the technological processes and production conditions of domestic shipyards and design bureaus of designers, as well as tuning to the technical complexes of the EU series computers. A number of enterprises received positive results, including Ukrainian ones, although the system of integrated implementation and wide distribution was not received. In our opinion, one of the main reasons for this situation was the lack of system maintenance by the developer. Users of the system, faced with a number of complex issues, could not receive clear and qualified assistance in solving them. The lack of system support from the developer had a negative impact on the fact that the new features provided to the user in connection with the development of the complex were not used. technical means. In terms of technical parameters and reliability, domestic electronic computers were inferior to Western ones, and there was an embargo on the import of foreign computers. The lack of powerful graphic terminals and drawing and graphical automata significantly hindered the creation of competitive domestic developments to automate the preparation of shipbuilding production.

In the former USSR, three centers for the development of CAD / ASTPP were formed: Severny (Leningrad) - Central Research Institute. Krylova, TsNII TS, TsNII ″Rumb″, LKI, TsKB-designers, Leningrad shipyards; Central (Gorky) - GF Central Research Institute of the Customs Union, Krasnoye Sormovo plant, Gorky University, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics; Yuzhny (Nikolaev) - Research Institute ″Center″, Research Institute TS, NKI, Central Design Bureau ″Chernomorsudoproekt″, Nikolaev shipyards.

Traditionally, the entire process of building a ship is divided into separate types of production: hull processing, assembly and welding, hull building, pipe processing, mechanical installation, electrical installation, machine building, outfitting, painting and insulation, testing and delivery of the ship.

Taking into account the specifics of shipbuilding industries, the tasks of creating an ASTPP were also solved. The introduction of CAD / CAM began with the body-working production, the most prepared in terms of technical level, software and hardware, such as CNC machines such as ″Crystal″, ″Garnet″ for thermal cutting of metal. The high productivity of these machines and the accuracy of processing parts from sheet metal opened up the possibility of a significant reduction in labor intensity both for the manufacture of parts and the assembly of assemblies, sections and blocks due to a reduction in fitting work or their complete elimination. However, the effective operation of CNC machines requires the presence of programs that describe the geometry of all cut parts, the route and cutting technology for each sheet of metal, the development of which was quite labor intensive. All this stimulated the creation of systems that automate all the work of the plaza-technological preparation of production. The introduction of modern technologies has led to the creation of automated systems for the preparation of shipbuilding production. For each type of shipbuilding production, automated systems were also created, the development of which was carried out by specialized divisions of the relevant research institutes, teams of designers and builders.

Several automated ship construction systems have been developed ( ATOPS); plasma settlements ( PLATER); calculation of parts and cutting charts for thermal cutting machines ( DECARTS); preparation of control programs in interactive mode on a mini-computer RS-100; design of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on a personal computer such as IBM PC / AT ( DSTPP KOP) and several technical preparation systems for pipe-working production: ASTER; ARCTUR; OCEAN; ARCTUR-OCEAN; ASETR and others. As for the automation of the CCI of other types of production, separate local tasks were solved on the entire information base.

The implementation of all these developments was carried out at Ukrainian shipyards and design bureaus. However, it should be noted that the PLATER system has received the greatest distribution at the southern plants. The main factor in this situation was the fact that the developer of the system was the Research Institute ″Tsentr″, which was territorially closer to these industries. Moreover, Research Institute ″Center″ not only created and supported the PLATER system, but also carried out work on the plasma-technological preparation of production on a number of projects for shipyards in the southern region. Various versions of the system were used to develop blueprint documentation for 30 ship designs. This system has been implemented at ten shipyards, including 4 in Ukraine (Zaliv shipyard (Kerch), Kherson shipyard, Nikolaev shipyards Okean and 61 Communards). The Black Sea Shipyard uses a modernized ATOPS system called ″COBRA″. The modernization was carried out for special-purpose products by the system designer together with the specialists of the construction plant. At the plant "Lenin's Forge" in Kyiv, the Sevastopol Marine Plant, the ATOPS system is used, the developer of which is the Central Research Institute of the TS. The software ″More″ uses its own developments due to the fact that this enterprise has its own specifics (the use of aluminum alloys in the construction of ships).

It should be noted that in addition to the hull processing production, the issues of automation of the preparation of the pipe processing production have been resolved. First of all, this is due to the introduction of machines with program control for bending and processing pipes. As regards the technical processing of the pipe-working production, developments were made that were successfully used at the shipbuilding plants of the former USSR. The most widely used systems in the industry are: ASTRA, ARCTUR, ASETR, OCEAN. At Ukrainian factories, only the Okean shipyard uses its own system of the same name. At other shipyards, separate local tasks are being solved. The development of CCI systems for pipe-working production was carried out in relation to the technical means of the ES computer, on which they are still in operation. Solving the issue of creating a system in this area using modern technical means and the latest information technologies problematic due to the economic crisis in the shipbuilding industry, both in Ukraine and Russia, which have the greatest scientific and technical potential of shipbuilding among the countries of the former USSR.

To automate the technical preparation of other types of shipbuilding industries, except for solving individual local problems, no systematic work was carried out. This has led to the fact that at individual enterprises, in design bureaus and research, as well as in educational institutes, local developments are being carried out to solve practical issues that arise before shipbuilders. Unfortunately, the systematization of these studies is not carried out. In particular, in Ukraine there is no parent organization dealing with this problem.

One of the important issues of technical preparation of production is the development of technological processes and the regulation of labor. As for the first part of this problem, all the ongoing research has not yet received practical application for shipbuilding production. In the machine-building part of shipbuilding, work was carried out in almost all three centers, and some developments had practical application. In comparison with the rapidly progressing technology for the production of engineering products, automation of the development of technological processes lagged noticeably behind. In our opinion, a systematic approach is needed for a comprehensive solution of these problems, starting from the product design stage by accumulating an information base of parts and processing equipment.

On the regulation of labor methodological developments automation issues were carried out by the Central Research Institute of the TS (Leningrad), and the practical creation of the system software was carried out in the central region by a team of specialists (Gorky). Such cooperation between scientists and practitioners made it possible to create a system based on the technical means of the ES computer. SANT, which provides the tasks of automated rationing of labor in hull-building production. This development has become widespread in the industry, including Ukrainian shipyards. The transition to personal computer technology did not allow the authors to complete the project in full. For example, the developments for pre-construction shipbuilding were not completed due to the fact that the authors started implementing the project on personal computers. Currently, the SANT system is operated at SE ChSZ, OAO ″Shipbuilding Plant ″Okean″, ″Leninskaya Kuznitsa″, Kherson Shipbuilding Plant.

Technical training provides not only normative technical documentation for shipbuilding production, but is the main information base on which the entire ship building process management system is built. The main initial information for the implementation of an automated production control system is the specification of shipyard drawings and stock lists of planning and accounting units. A specific feature of shipbuilding is the use of the PUE system for solving issues of organizing and managing production. The specification information of the shipyard drawings is interconnected with the PUE through the technological kit code. It should be noted that the volume of specification positions for the middle class of ships is quite significant and can consist of half a million entries. PUE nomenclature

a similar project includes about 10-15 thousand records. Managing such volumes of information requires powerful software and hardware resources, and given that a large number of changes are made to the project documentation, maintaining the information base in an adequate state is a very important task.

For the formation of specifications for shipyard drawings on magnetic media, reference information is used, which consists of classifiers of materials, ship equipment and engineering products. If we take into account the range of material resources used for the construction of ships, then the volume of regulatory and reference information amounts to millions of records.

Research Institute ″Center″, developing an industry standard system KASUP ″Jupiter″, created the subsystem "Technological preparation of production", within the framework of which the task of automating the formation and maintenance of regulatory and reference information and specifications of shipyard drawings was implemented. This development was carried out on an ES computer using the ADABAS DBMS and was implemented at many shipyards. However, the system was created as a standard one, and therefore, when implemented at a shipyard, development was carried out in relation to the specific conditions of the enterprise and the structures of the requisite composition of the information database. The information of the specifications of a specific project was prepared in the design bureau on magnetic media and, together with the working documentation, was supplied to the construction plant according to agreed layouts, which processed and maintained it using computer technology. On the basis of the generated database, the calculation and management of material resources used in the construction of ships was carried out.

During the transition to the use of computer technology, the Research Institute ″Center″ carried out the development and implementation of the system DIS ″Shipyard″, which ensured the continuity of the solution of the listed tasks. However, it should be noted that one of the shortcomings of the applied technical preparation systems is their poor adaptability to rapidly changing consumer requirements, this is largely due to the insufficient efficiency of information technologies for end-to-end automated design and production preparation, which allows you to quickly create and process design and technological documentation with high quality. .

The main effect of the introduction of automation systems is a significant reduction in errors and inconsistencies in project documentation through the use of verified and constantly maintained databases, in reducing the complexity and duration of design work, improving their quality through optimization, as well as reducing the cost of technical preparation of production through a comprehensive solution using a systematic approach.

Life cycle of production and its electronic layout

To ensure the competitiveness of products, at present there are not enough international certificates confirming their quality and high characteristics. All technical documentation for the manufactured product must comply with international standards and be perceived by the information systems of the firms participating in the joint project. The requirements for certification of high-tech products apply not only to the product itself, but also to the methods of its design, manufacture, methods and forms of transferring information about the product, etc.

The requirements for the provision of the necessary information are linked with modern standards for technical documentation. The digital electronic space is becoming the main medium for creating, storing and exchanging information. Experience of world industrial enterprises shows that it is impossible to achieve an effective and productive organization of labor without optimizing the organizational structure of enterprises, the scheme for managing production processes, and reorganizing the scheme for passing information flows. These changes are based on a single electronic space and the creation of an information model of a product throughout its life cycle ( JCI).

At present, there is a practical possibility of creating electronic documents and a significant reduction in the use of paper technology in design, scientific research and testing, production, accounting and production accounting, planning, supply and maintenance of products of modern enterprises.

According to foreign forecasts, after 2000 it will be impossible to sell complex machine-building products on the foreign market without electronic documentation corresponding to international ISO standards. This will limit the entry into the market of science-intensive products of those firms and countries that do not master paperless technology in time.

The lag of the domestic industry in the development and development of modern information technologies, as well as in the formation of a single information space and the creation of an information model of the product, makes it difficult for domestic enterprises to develop cooperation with foreign partners and becomes the main obstacle in promoting domestic products to foreign markets. In the future, this may lead to complete isolation of the domestic industry.

It is possible to achieve the greatest efficiency in automating the processes associated with the development, production and operation of industrial products by covering all stages of the life cycle, which creates certain difficulties:

- the presence of many different systems that provide an effective solution to specific problems for different stages of the life cycle, but do not provide data exchange between adjacent systems;

– for enterprises involved in product life cycle support, an effective information exchange system is required;

- to ensure work with various modifications of products, many standards require support for 3-D modeling of assemblies.

The concept of CALS is to create a single integrated product model that can reflect all its aspects at any stage of the life cycle and ensure the integrity of the entire model.

The implied "single model" of the product must contain all the necessary information. When implementing CALS, the main directions are distinguished:

– stages of the life cycle;

– information processing functions.

The LCI can be represented by the following steps:

marketing research;

– conceptual and working design;

– development of documents;

– technological preparation;

– material and technical supply;

- pre-production;

- production of a prototype;

– manufacturing, control and diagnostics;

– implementation;

– commissioning;

– operation and repair;

- disposal.

Product information is a set of data that is received and used throughout its life cycle and includes information about the configuration and structure of the product, characteristics and properties, organizational information (a description of the processes associated with changing product data, the necessary resources - people, materials etc.), information about the control tests carried out, documents that surround the product from the moment it is designed to its sale and further maintenance, etc. An enlarged presentation of information about the life cycle of the product is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Fig.3.2. Product information and LCI processes

The entire amount of information about the product can be distributed in accordance with its life cycle:

1. Design data about a product is a set of information objects generated in the process of designing and developing a product and containing information about the composition of the product, the geometric model of the product and its components, technical specifications, results of calculations and simulations, tolerances for the manufacture of parts, etc.

2. Technological data about the product are represented by information objects obtained at the stage of technological preparation of production. They contain information about the methods of manufacturing and control of the product and its components during the production process (including the input control of purchased products and materials). Here are technological operations, norms of time and consumption of materials, control programs for CNC machines, as well as data for the design of fixtures and special cutting and measuring tools, etc.

3. Product manufacturing data is obtained during the manufacturing process. They contain a description of the product and its components, as well as information about their use in the production cycle.

4. Data on the quality of the product reflect the results of all types of control, contain information about the compliance of the product and its components with the specified technical requirements, specifications, standards and other normative and technical documents.

5. Logistics data about the product is obtained during the design and development process, they contain the information necessary for the integrated logistic support of the product at the post-production stages of the LCI.

6. Operational data about the product are the information necessary for the organization of maintenance, repair and other actions that ensure the operability of the product, including the electronic technical manual for operation and repair.

The basis for solving the problem can be the use of a single integrated product model throughout the entire life cycle, describing the object so completely that it acts as a single source of information for any processes performed during the life cycle. It is obvious that the solution of these problems is possible only by standardizing the ways of presenting, interpreting and using information. Therefore, the standardization of data model formats and digital data transmission protocols that provide standard mechanisms for the delivery of digital data, regardless of their sources of origin, is the basis of CALS.

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