Principles of rational organization of work processes. Basic principles of rational organization of the production process

managerial labor

Based on the generalization of science and best practices in the field of organization of labor of employees, a number of principles can be formulated that should guide the solution of methodological and practical issues of designing a rational organization of labor in the management of a production team.

1 Complexity . The essence of this principle is that the problem of improving the organization of labor in production management should be solved comprehensively, i.e. taking into account all its aspects: organizational and legal, cybernetic and technical, economic and social, psychological and physiological.

Organizational aspects- this is the establishment of a certain procedure for carrying out work in each direction of the rational organization of labor, the improvement of the composition, forms and methods of interaction of personal and material elements in the work of employees. Legal aspects are directly related to organizational ones, designed to ensure strict compliance with the rights and responsibilities of each employee and team in the process of implementing the tasks and functions assigned to them.

Cybernetic aspects provide for the improvement of the production team management system by optimizing the process of adoption and implementation management decisions based on the use of feedback, identification of inefficient links, development of appropriate algorithms.

Technical aspects involve the identification and implementation of the possibilities for the effective use of modern means of computing, documentation and communication technology in the work of employees for the preparation of primary information, its processing and transmission.

Economic aspects determine the need to compare the costs and results of the work of employees and, on this basis, to create levers and incentives designed to ensure the effective functioning of the management bodies of the enterprise and its divisions while reducing the cost of their maintenance.

Social aspects suggest increasing the content and attractiveness of the work of employees by eliminating monotonous, tedious, irrational work while expanding the range of tasks that require the search for new solutions, using and strengthening the educational effect of the prestige of creative work, the real participation of team members in managing its activities.

Psychological aspects include a set of measures aimed at ensuring a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, which should be taken into account when selecting and placing personnel, forming new units or reorganizing existing ones, creating temporary groups to solve certain problems.

Physiological aspects provide for measures to ensure the preservation of the health and performance of people. They are determined by sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic and aesthetic requirements, which should be taken into account when solving the issues of organizing and equipping the workplaces of employees, establishing rational regimes for their work and rest, taking into account the characteristics of mental labor.

2 Consistency . If the principle of complexity expresses the requirement completeness of consideration of the object in all the diversity of its elements, i.e. in this case, the improvement of the organization of labor of employees in all directions, throughout the management cycle with coverage all aspects, then the principle of consistency implies their mutual agreement, linking, elimination of contradictions identified during their joint rather than isolated consideration. As a result of this approach, a labor organization system is created, within which all its elements are mutually agreed upon and act in the interests of the effective functioning of the entire enterprise system.

3 Regulation . Such a principle means the establishment and strict observance of certain rules, regulations, instructions, instructions, standards, etc. documents based on objective patterns of development of the management system. At the same time, a range of issues is singled out that are subject to strict regulation, and issues for which only recommendations are needed that allow freedom of choice, a creative search for solutions in relation to specific conditions.

Objects of regulation should be considered content, results And labor costs(see 6.5) and recommendations- processes (their elements), methods and means to ensure their implementation. Such a distinction, of course, does not exclude the need and expediency of a creative approach when establishing the content, results and costs of labor, as well as the regulations of individual elements of processes, methods and means of labor.

4 Specialization . Like manufacturing processes, management processes and engineering and technical support of production require specialization, i.e. such their construction, in which certain structural subdivisions of the enterprise are assigned certain activity objectstypes of products, technological processes, functions, work. Specialization is a necessary prerequisite for the application of progressive methods and means of labor, for increasing its productivity, and for improving the quality of work.

The principle of specialization is assigning certain functions, works and operations to each management unit with the imposition of full responsibility for the final results of management activities. Depending on the nature of the specialization, it can be:

· functional;


· technological.

¨ Functional specialization– empowerment of a management body (department, service, bureau, group) specific function(technical, technological preparation of production, personnel, labor and wages, logistics, etc.), i.e. there is a centralization of work within a certain functional unit. Specialization of functional services is carried out not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also within the production units (shops, departments).

In most cases, functional units in organizations are centralized, or mixed, i.e. along with services (for planning, technological and technical preparation of production) as the main headquarters for highest level management, similar links (small) take place at the middle level of management (workshop, department).

¨ Subject specialization takes place for flexible organizational structures when a management unit (team) is formed for solving certain problems targeted programs (development and implementation of projects for the reconstruction of the enterprise, the creation and development of new products, etc.). Using program-target management methods, subject-specialized units can rarely be fully staffed by all specialists, and this is not always advisable. Therefore, they act in conjunction with functional units.

¨ Technological Specialization in the field of activity of employees, it consists in the structural separation of computing, documentation and communication operations from the scope of work for all functions and their concentration in the relevant specialized units - a computer center, a documentation center, a communication center.

Providing positive effect, specialization with excessive enthusiasm for it can restrain the creative growth of workers and adversely affect the content of their work and the work of the team as a whole. Therefore, the development of specialization in the work of employees should not be in conflict with the objective need to expand the scope of their activities and ensure interchangeability of workers which is especially important in the conditions of progressive forms of organization of collective labor.

5 Stability . The work of the team cannot be successful if its composition is constantly changing, if its tasks and functions also change frequently, there is no established system for their implementation. Instability has a particularly negative effect on the activities of the enterprise, if it concerns employees, since as a result of their work, as a focus, reflected successes And failures not only them own work, but also labor workers, degree of use of organizational, technical, economic and social factors growth of the efficiency of social production.

Therefore, in accordance with the principle of stability, rash rearrangements and restructurings in production management should not be allowed. However, the principle of stability cannot be opposed to the requirements dynamism, flexibility, the ability of the existing organization of labor of employees to quickly restructure, if this is caused by an objective necessity, when the existing organizational forms do not meet the new economic conditions.

6 Purposeful creativity . This principle requires the achievement of two interrelated goals:

1) provide creativity when designing and implementing a rational organization of work of employees;

2) make the most of employees' creativity in their daily activities.

Innovations in the field of labor organization and management go through the same stages that are characteristic of the creative process in all branches of science and technology:

· analysis of existing practice and existing contradictions in it;

study of the achievements of science and best practices;

idea generation;

preparation and conduct of the experiment;

analysis of the results of the experiment - both positive and negative;

making necessary adjustments;

Determining the possible scope of the innovation and making an appropriate decision;

creative use of innovation in specific conditions.

New economic system economic management brings with it many temptations to apply original economic models that have proven themselves well somewhere and sometime. Practice shows that it is impossible to simply mechanically copy even the most advanced experience. It must not only be used, but at the same time show initiative and a creative approach to the search for new reserves for increasing labor productivity and raising the efficiency of production.

Usage the principle of purposeful creativity in solving the problems of organizing the work of employees, it is intended to enrich the practice of designing and implementing organizational innovations in market economic conditions.

As regards the maximum use of creativity, then this goal is achieved to a large extent as a result of the introduction of advanced forms of labor organization. The development of creativity in each work team primarily depends on the manager-leader, who, constantly analyzing the state of affairs in the unit and studying best practices, creates an atmosphere of a creative approach to the process of managerial work. Ability to creative work should be considered as the most important professional qualification requirement for managers and specialists.

Methods of rational organization of the production process.

Depending on the nature of the movement of objects of labor, there are in-line (continuous), batch, individual methods of organization production processes.

inline production in the course of the technological process is characterized by the continuous and consistent movement of objects of labor from one operation to another.

With batch and single(discontinuous) methods, the processed product after each operation is switched off from the technological process and is waiting for the next operation.

The most progressive method of organizing the production process is the in-line method. Its main features are:

High degree of continuity;

Location of jobs in the course of technological processing;

High degree of rhythm.

The organizational basis of the flow method is the production line, which has the most important parameters such as tact and flow rate.

The flow cycle is the average estimated time after which one product or a transport batch of products is launched into or out of the flow.

Principles of rational organization of the production process.

At any enterprise, the organization of production processes is based on a rational combination in space and time of the main, auxiliary and service processes. However, with all the variety of forms of this combination, production processes are subject to general principles.

The principles of rational organization can be divided into two categories:

  • general, not dependent on the specific content of the production process;
  • specific, characteristic of a particular process.

Specialization means the division of labor between individual divisions of the enterprise and jobs, which involves their cooperation in the production process.

Proportionality ensures equal throughput of different jobs of the same process, proportional provision of jobs with information, material resources, personnel, etc.

Proportionality is determined by the formula

  • M min - minimum throughput, or the parameter of the workplace in the technological chain (for example, power, category of work, volume and quality of information, etc.);
  • M max - maximum ability.

Continuity provides for the maximum reduction of interruptions between operations and is determined by the ratio of working time to the total duration of the process

  • T p - duration of working time;
  • T c - the total duration of the process, including downtime and lying of the object of labor between jobs, at jobs, etc.

Parallelism characterizes the degree of overlapping operations in time. Types of combinations of operations: sequential, parallel and parallel-serial.

The parallelism factor can be calculated by the formula

where T ts.par, T ts.posl - the duration of the process, respectively, with parallel and sequential combinations of operations.

Straightness provides the shortest path for the movement of objects, piles, information, etc.

The straightness coefficient can be determined by the formula

Rhythm characterizes the uniformity of operations in time.

The technical equipment is focused on the mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful labor.

Flexibility lies in the need to ensure quick changeover of equipment in the face of a frequently changing product range. It is most successfully implemented on flexible production systems in small-scale production.

One of the ways to improve the listed principles of the rational organization of production processes is to increase the repeatability of processes and operations. Their most complete implementation is achieved with the optimal combination of the following factors:

The principles of the rational organization of the production process can be divided into two categories: general, independent of the specific content of the production process, and specific, characteristic of a particular process.

General principles - These are the principles that must obey the construction of any production process in time and space. These include the following:

the principle of specialization, which means the division of labor between individual divisions of the enterprise and jobs and their cooperation in the production process;

The principle of parallelism, which provides for the simultaneity of the implementation of individual parts of the production process associated with the manufacture of a particular product;

The principle of proportionality, which implies relatively equal productivity per unit of time of interconnected divisions of the enterprise;

The principle of direct flow, providing the shortest path for the movement of objects of labor from the launch of raw materials or semi-finished products to receipt finished products;

The principle of continuity, providing for the maximum reduction of interruptions between operations;

the principle of rhythm, which means that the entire production process and its constituent partial processes for the manufacture of a given quantity of products must be strictly repeated at equal intervals of time;

The principle of technical equipment, focused on the mechanization and automation of the production process, the elimination of manual, monotonous, heavy, harmful to human health work.

The production process includes a number of technological, information, transport, auxiliary, service and other processes.

Production processes consist of main and auxiliary operations. The main ones include operations that are directly related to changing the shape, size and internal structure of the processed objects, and assembly operations. Auxiliary are the operations of the production process for quality and quantity control, the movement of processed items.

The set of basic operations is usually called a technological process. It forms the main part of the production process. The nature of the technological process to the greatest extent determines the organizational conditions of production - the construction of production units, the nature and location of warehouses and storerooms, the direction and length of transport routes.

Operation - a part of the production process, performed at one or more workplaces, by one or more workers (team) and characterized by a set of sequential actions on a specific object of labor.

The main parameters of the production process are the pace and tact of the operation.

The pace of an operation is the number of items launched into (or released from) an operation per unit of time. The pace of the operation (TOP) is determined by the ratio of a single launch (release) of the operation (Vop) to its cycle (TK OP):

T OP = V OP /TK OP = V OP /(t k),

where t is the duration of the operation; k - the number of jobs to perform the operation.
The operation cycle is the time during which the object of labor or batch is released from the operation:

TK OP = t/V OP.

Classification of production processes

Various branches of industrial production, as well as enterprises of the same industry, differ significantly from each other in the nature of the products created, the means of production used and the technological processes used. These differences give rise to an exceptional variety of production processes occurring at enterprises. The most important factors that determine the specifics of production processes in industrial production are: the composition of the finished product, the nature of the impact on the objects of labor (technological process), the degree of continuity of the process, the value various kinds processes in the organization of production, type of production.

The finished product affects the manufacturing process by its design (complexity and size of molds) as well as the required accuracy. constituent parts, physical and chemical properties.

From the point of view of the organization of production great importance also has the number of components of the manufactured product. On this basis, all production processes are divided into processes for the production of simple and complex products. The production process of manufacturing a complex product is formed as a result of a combination of a number of parallel processes for the production of simple products and is called synthetic. Processes, as a result of which several types of finished products are obtained from one type of raw material, are called analytical. The more complex the product and the more diverse the methods of its manufacture, the more difficult the organization of the production process.

The predominance of one or another type of production process in an enterprise has a great influence on its production structure. So, in synthetic processes, there is an extensive system of procurement shops, in each of which the initial processing of raw materials and materials takes place. Then the process moves to a narrower circle of processing shops and ends with one producing shop. In this case, very labor-intensive work on logistics, external and intra-plant cooperation, and management of procurement production.

In the analytical process, one procurement workshop transfers its semi-finished products to several processing and manufacturing workshops specializing in the manufacture of various types of products. In this case, the enterprise produces a significant number of different types of products, has large and branched sales connections, and side productions are usually developed at such enterprises.

According to the nature of the impact on the objects of labor, production processes are divided into mechanical, physical, chemical, etc. According to the degree of continuity - continuous (there are no breaks between various operations) and discrete (with technological breaks).

According to the stage of manufacturing the finished product, procurement, processing and finishing production processes are distinguished.
According to the degree of technical equipment, there are manual, partially and complex-mechanized.

Production cycle

Production cycle - one of the most important technical and economic indicators, which is the starting point for calculating many indicators of the production and economic activities of the enterprise. On its basis, for example, the terms for launching the product into production are set, taking into account the timing of its release, the capacities of production units are calculated, the volume of work in progress is determined, and other planning and production calculations are carried out.

The production cycle for the manufacture of a product (batch) is the calendar period of its being in production from the launch of raw materials and semi-finished products to the main production until receipt finished product(parties).

Loop structure

The structure of the production cycle includes the time for performing the main, auxiliary operations and breaks in the manufacture of products (Fig. 1.3).

The time for performing the main operations of processing products is the technological cycle and determines the time during which the direct or indirect impact of a person on the object of labor is carried out.

Fig 1.3 The structure of the production cycle.

Breaks can be divided into two groups: 1) breaks, . related to the work schedule established at the enterprise, non-working days and shifts, inter-shift and lunch breaks, intra-shift regulated breaks for rest of workers, etc.; 2) breaks due to organizational and technical reasons - waiting for the vacancy of the workplace, waiting for the assembly of components and parts, inequality of production rhythms at adjacent ones, i.e. dependent on each other, jobs, lack of energy, materials or vehicles, etc.:

T PTS \u003d T TECHN + T PER.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, only those time costs that are not overlapped by time are taken into account technological operations(for example, the time spent on control, transportation of products). Breaks caused by organizational and technical problems (untimely provision of the workplace with materials, tools, violation labor discipline etc.), are not taken into account when calculating the planned duration of the production cycle.

When calculating the duration of the production cycle, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the movement of the object of labor through the operations that exist in the enterprise. Usually one of three types is used: serial, parallel, parallel-serial.

With sequential movement, the processing of a batch of the same-name objects of labor at each subsequent operation begins only when the entire batch has been processed at the previous operation.

Let's assume that it is required to process a batch consisting of three products (n = 3), while the number of processing operations (m = 4) 20, t4 = 10.

For this case, the cycle time, min:

T c (last) \u003d\u003d 3 (10 + 40 + 20 + 10) \u003d 240.

Since a number of operations can be performed not at one, but at several workplaces, the duration of the production cycle with sequential movement in the general case has the form:

T c (last) == nSt i / C i

where Сi, is the number of jobs.

With parallel movement, the transfer of objects of labor to the next operation is carried out individually or by a transport batch immediately after processing at the previous operation:

TC (steam) \u003d pSt i / C i + (n - p) t max / C max,

where p - the size of the transport party, pieces; tmax - the time of the longest operation, min; Cmax is the number of jobs in the longest operation. For the example above: p = 1

T C (STEAM) \u003d (10 + 40 + 20 + 10) + (3 - 1) - 40 \u003d 160 min.

With a parallel type of movement, the duration of the production cycle is significantly reduced.

With a parallel-sequential type of movement, objects of labor are transferred to the next operation as they are processed at the previous piece by piece or by a transport batch, while the time for performing adjacent operations is partially combined in such a way that a batch of products is processed at each operation without interruptions.

The duration of the production cycle can be defined as the difference between the duration of the cycle for a sequential type of movement and the total time savings compared to a sequential type of movement, due to the partial overlap of the execution time of each pair of adjacent operations:

T C (PARAL-SEQ) \u003d T C (SEQ) -- STK OP

For our example: p = 1.

TC (par-last) \u003d 240 (10 (3-1) + 20 (3-1) + 10 (3-1) 1 \u003d 160 min.

Cycle duration

The duration of the production cycle is influenced by many factors: technological, organizational and economic. Technological processes, their complexity and diversity, technical equipment predetermine the processing time of parts and the duration of assembly processes. Organizational factors movements of objects of labor in the process of processing are associated with the organization of jobs, labor itself and its payment. Organizational conditions have an even greater influence on the duration of ancillary operations, service processes, and breaks.

Economic factors determine the level of mechanization and equipment of processes (and, consequently, their duration), the standards of work in progress.

The faster the production process is performed (the shorter the duration of the production cycle), which is one of the elements of the circuit working capital, the greater will be the speed of their turnover, the greater the number of revolutions they make during the year.

As a result, there is a release of monetary resources that can be used to expand production at a given enterprise.

For the same reason, there is a reduction (absolute or relative) in the volume of work in progress. And this means the release of working capital in their material form, i.e. in the form of concrete material resources.

The production capacity of an enterprise or workshop directly depends on the duration of the production cycle. Under the production capacity is understood the maximum possible output in the planned period. And therefore it is clear that the less time is spent on the production of one product, the greater the number of them can be manufactured in the same period of time.

Labor productivity with a reduction in the duration of the production cycle increases as a result of an increase in the volume of output due to an increase in production capacity, which leads to a decrease in the share of labor of auxiliary workers in a unit of output, as well as the share of labor of specialists and employees.

The cost of production with a reduction in the production cycle is reduced due to a decrease in the cost of a unit of production of the share of general factory and workshop costs with an increase in production capacity.

Thus, reducing the duration of the production cycle is one of the most important sources of intensification and increasing the efficiency of production at industrial enterprises.

The reserve for reducing the duration of the production cycle is the improvement of technology and technology, the use of continuous and combined technological processes, the deepening of specialization and cooperation, the introduction of methods scientific organization labor and service jobs, the introduction of robotics.

Glossary of terms.

Under PRODUCTION STRUCTURE The enterprise is understood as the composition of the sections, shops and services that form it, the forms of their relationship in the process of production.

WORKPLACE is called an organizationally indivisible (under given specific conditions) link in the production process, serviced by one or more workers, designed to perform a specific production or service operation (or a group of them), equipped with appropriate equipment and organizational and technical means.

PLOT- a production unit that combines a number of jobs grouped according to certain characteristics, carrying out part of the overall production process for the manufacture of products or maintenance of the production process.

SHOP- the most complex system included in the production structure, which includes production sites and a number of functional organs as subsystems. Complex relationships arise in the workshop: it is characterized by a rather complex structure and organization with developed internal and external relationships.

PRODUCTION TYPE- the classification category of production, distinguished on the basis of the breadth of the range, regularity, stability of the volume of output of products, the type of equipment used, the qualifications of personnel, the complexity of operations and the duration of the production cycle. Usually distinguish between single, serial and mass production.

SINGLE PRODUCTION characterized by a wide range of products and a small volume of production of identical products. Mass production characterized by the production of a limited range of products.

MASS PRODUCTION It is characterized by the production of certain types of products in large quantities at highly specialized workplaces over an extended period.

MANUFACTURING PROCESS is a collection; individual labor processes aimed at the transformation of raw materials and materials into finished products.

OPERATION- part of the production process, performed at one or more workplaces, by one or more workers (team) and characterized by a set of sequential actions on a specific object of labor.

PACE OF OPERATION- this is the number of items launched into the operation (or released from it) per unit of time.

PRODUCTION CYCLE production of a product (batch) is the calendar period of its being in production from the launch of raw materials and semi-finished products into the main production until the finished product (batch) is received.

Questions for self-examination.

1. What characterizes the production structure?

2. List the elements of the production structure?

3. How are the production areas specialized?

4. What types of workshops are divided into?

5. What workshops are called the main ones?

6. Describe the unit production.

7. List the main factors of the production process that determine the nature of production.

8. What does the principle of parallelism mean?

9. What elements make up the production cycle?


1. The production structure includes the following elements:

a) housing and communal services, the main production;

b) workplaces, sites, workshops;

c) cultural and community facilities, sites.

2. Types of jobs:

a) simple, complex;

b) stationary and mobile;

c) simple, complex, stationary, mobile, specialized and universal.

3. Types of production structure:

a) technological, subject, mixed;

b) subject, mixed;

c) technological, subject.

4. Types of production:

a) individual, small-scale;

b) large-scale, mixed;

c) single, serial. Bulk.

5. According to the nature of the impact on the objects of labor, production processes are divided into:

a) mechanical, physical, chemical;

b) continuous, procurement;

c) there is no correct answer.


To improve the economic performance of operations, work processes must be rationally organized in time and space. The main principles of the rational organization of work processes are as follows.

  • Specialization. It involves limiting the diversity of elements of work processes and work centers on the basis of standardization, normalization, unification of product designs, normalization and typification of technological processes and technological equipment. At the same time, the variety of technological functions performed by work centers (technological specialization) or objects of labor processed by work centers (subject specialization) is limited. With regard to the workplace, the level of specialization is measured by the coefficient of consolidation of operations, i.e., the number of detail-operations performed at the workplace for a certain period. The deepening of specialization is the result of an economically expedient division of labor in modern production(service) and is accompanied by the expansion of cooperation.
  • Parallelism. It involves overlapping in time, i.e., the simultaneous execution of various partial or complete work processes. This is facilitated, in particular, by multi-site (simultaneously at one point) and multi-channel (in parallel at different points) service. For example, the processing or transportation of several items at the same time by one working means, the same - in parallel by several means; servicing several requests at once in the time and/or space sharing mode (time windows, multichannel device). This saves work time, the cycle time is shortened. Parallelism in space, i.e. duplication of working means, routes and channels of goods distribution, may turn out to be an excessive measure, but it increases reliability in case of sudden overloads in the working network (in case of internal failures - the failure of some element or in case of external disturbances - a surge in demand, a sharp an increase in the flow of orders).
  • Continuity. It involves reducing the time of interruptions in the course of the work process up to their complete elimination, as well as the absence of breaks in the spatial chain of interacting work centers. At the same time, continuous (without lingering) advancement of orders through working positions in the technological chain, continuous (without downtime) operation of equipment and personnel at workplaces is ensured. It is achieved by synchronizing the operations of the technological process and balancing elements throughout the entire technological chain. Helps to reduce the duration of the cycle of the workflow (execution of the customer's order); improving the use of equipment, space, personnel; reducing the level of stocks and binding working capital in them.
  • Proportionality. It assumes a balance of the throughput of all successive links of the technological chain and elements of resource provision. Each part of the workflow must have the throughput (capacity) that matches the needs of the complete process. The number of jobs assigned to perform individual parts of the process, the number of equipment, and the number of personnel should be proportional to the complexity of these parts of the process.
  • Direct flow. It involves the organization of the movement of each item along the working positions of the technological process in such a way as to provide the shortest (in space and time) path, without return and oncoming movements, without unnecessary intersections with the routes of other items. This is relevant both to technological "virtual" routes and to transport "physical" routes of movement of objects. Straightness is achieved due to the location of the working positions in the course of the operations of the technological process. This reduces the volume of cargo transportation, the time of transportation and storage of items, the need for vehicles and technological equipment.
  • Rhythm. It assumes the repeatability of the release of a certain amount of products and the performance of a certain amount of work throughout the entire technological chain at certain intervals of time. The time interval between the launch-release of two consecutive units of production (batches, works) is called the rhythm. The rhythm is set for a calendar period (several hours, shift, day, week, month, quarter, year) based on the demand (need) for products in this period. Work with the established rhythm involves the implementation at each workplace of a set of works strictly defined in terms of composition and volume and its complete repetition in each subsequent cycle at time intervals equal to the rhythm. Rhythm makes it possible to simplify planning and scheduling, organize the execution of each of the works in the most rational way, develop the most economical algorithms for the operation of automatic equipment, and train working personnel in the most effective methods.
  • Integrity. Assumes the system integration of components to achieve the goals of the system with maximum efficiency. It is achieved through the system organization and integrated management of all partial processes in production (service) systems. Of particular importance is the end-to-end management of the supply chain and material flow in the areas of supply, production and marketing of the company, management of the main, auxiliary and service processes based on modern information technologies .
  • Flexibility. Assumes holding internal changes in production/service systems with maximum efficiency. Provides the ability of the system to respond to various changes in its internal state (for example, failures in the course of work) or in the external environment (for example, fluctuations in demand). The greater the flexibility of the system, the wider the range of various changes to which the system is able to respond. Flexibility is the reserve of the system's ability to respond to a variety of changes, most of which are not currently used. Therefore, flexible systems are characterized by a relative (in relation to the current moment) redundancy of technological and other possibilities.
  • adaptability. It involves the adaptation of production (service) systems to changes in the external economic environment with maximum efficiency. Achieved through internal changes in the system. The more adequately the system responds to the current state of the external environment (demand, taxation, competition, scientific and technological progress, etc.), the more adaptive it is. Of particular importance is the accuracy of matching supply to demand - in terms of nomenclature, volume, quality, timing, place, cost of delivery of goods and related services.

Under production process is understood as a set of diverse, but interconnected labor processes and natural processes that ensure the transformation of raw materials into a finished product.

The production process consists of main, auxiliary, service and side processes.

TO main include processes directly related to the transformation of raw materials or materials into finished products (grains into flour, sugar beets into sugar). The totality of these processes at the enterprise forms the main production.

At grain-receiving enterprises that store state grain resources, the processes associated with the reception, placement and storage of grain should also be considered as the main ones.

Purpose auxiliary X processes - technically service the main processes, provide them with certain services: energy supply, production of tools and fixtures, repair work.

Serving processes provide material services to the main and auxiliary industries. Reception, placement, storage of raw materials, materials, finished products, fuel, their transportation from storage places to consumption places, etc.

Side effects processes also contribute to the transformation of raw materials into finished products. But neither the raw materials nor the products obtained are the main products of the enterprise. This is the processing and refinement of waste obtained in the main production, etc.

All processes are divided into stages, and stages are divided into separate operations.

Production stage- a technologically completed part of the production process, characterized by such changes in the object of labor that cause its transition to another qualitative state (cleaning of sugar beet, product packaging).

Each stage combines operations that are technologically related to each other, or operations of a specific purpose.

The main primary link in the production process is the operation.

Manufacturing operation- this is a part of the process of labor or production, performed by one or a group of workers in a separate place, with the same object of labor, using the same means of labor.

By appointment All operations are divided into three main types:

1) technological (basic) - these are operations in the course of which the object of labor (its state, form or appearance) any changes are made (milk separation, grain crushing, etc.);

2) control - these are operations that do not introduce any changes into the object of labor, but contribute to the performance of technological operations (weighing, etc.);

3) moving - operations that change the position of the object of labor in production (loading, unloading, transport).

Control and moving operations together form a group of auxiliary operations.

According to the method of execution (degree of mechanization) distinguish the following operations:

- machine- performed by machines under the supervision of workers (rolling up canned food, cleaning milk, grinding products);

- machine-manual- performed by machines with the direct participation of workers (flour sacking, bag sewing, etc.);

- manual operations - performed by workers without the participation of machines (supply of raw materials to conveyors, stacking bags).

The ratio of different types of operations in their total number is the structure of the production process. It is not the same at different processing enterprises.

Organization of production in time build on the following principles:

The rhythm of the enterprise and the uniformity of output;

Proportionality of production units;

Parallelism (simultaneity) of operations and production processes;

Continuity of production processes.

The principle of rhythm provides for the work of the enterprise in the planned rhythm (the time between the release of identical products or two identical batches of products).

Proportional principle These production units assume the same productivity per unit of time.

The principle of parallelism execution of operations and processes is based on the simultaneous execution of phases, stages or parts of the production process.

Continuity principle the production process provides for the elimination of interruptions in the processing of objects of labor. The continuity of the process eliminates the creation of a stock at the workplace, reduces work in progress, which is especially important at enterprises where raw materials and materials cannot be stored for a long time without cooling, freezing, canning (fruit and vegetable canning, dairy, meat industries).

aim organization of the production process in space is to ensure its rational construction in time.

The greatest efficiency in organizing the production process in space is achieved as a result of the use of direct flow, specialization, cooperation and combination of production.

Direct flow of the production process, is characterized by the fact that at all phases and operations of production, the products go through the shortest path. On the scale of the enterprise, workshops are located on the territory in such a way as to exclude long-distance, return, oncoming and other irrational transportation. That is, jobs and equipment are located in the technological sequence of operations.

In-plant specialization is a process of separation of workshops and sites for the production of certain types of products, their parts or the implementation of individual stages of the technological process. Processing enterprises apply technological, subject and functional specialization.

Technological Specialization production involves the allocation of a narrow range of technological operations and the performance of operations in separate shops or production sites.

Subject specialization production involves the creation of separate lines with a complete production cycle for the production of one or more products similar in manufacturing technology.

functional called the specialization of all divisions of production in the performance of one or a limited range of functions.

cooperation production at the enterprise is carried out by the organization joint work its product divisions. The principle of co-production is the use of the services of some workshops by others.

The search for rational forms of cooperation leads in a number of cases to the creation of combined industries.

combination production involves the connection in one enterprise of different industries, which are successive stages in the processing of raw materials or play an auxiliary role in relation to each other.

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