At what level is tourism planning carried out? The solution is


1). control

2). management

3). regulation

Choose the correct statement

The second revolution in management is associated with the name

1). Nebuchadnezzar II

2). Queen of ancient Egypt Hatshepsut

3). Babylonian ruler Hammurabi

4). Egyptian pharaoh Necho

Who formulated the main five general functions of management

1). F. Taylor

2). A. Fayol

3). F. Kotler

4). E. Mayo

The industrial period of management development dates back to

1). 1800-1917

2). 1918-1990

3). from 1990 to present

1). A. Fayol

3). M. Weber

4). A. Maslow

5). F. Taylor

A well-known representative of the behavioral school of management (“school human relations)

1). P. Drucker

2). F. Taylor

3). A. Fayol

4). E. Mayo

5). G. Ford

Choose the correct definitions. "Management" is

1). economic management in a market economy;

2). area of ​​science, human knowledge, allowing for the implementation of management functions;

3). conscious, expedient human activity to organize the elements of the external environment;

4). adoption process management decisions.

The manager is

1). a person who has financial and other resources, entrepreneurial talent, and ideas for organizing a business

2). a manager who has undergone special training, whose main functions are coordinating the activities of the organization at all levels

3). any manager, regardless of the degree of professionalism and practical skills

Select features of managerial work

1). informational nature of the subject and product of labor;

2). its result is management decisions;

4). participates in the creation of material wealth indirectly, through the labor of other people.

General management functions

1). planning

2). organization

3). management

4). control

5). motivation

6). coordination

Creating real conditions for achieving planned goals is the essence of the management function:

1). planning

2). organization

3). motivation

4). coordination

5). control

The manager’s activities aimed at activating the company’s employees to achieve certain goals is a management function

1). planning

2). organization

3). motivation

4). coordination

5). control

The essence of which management function is to ensure consistency of actions of all parts of the management system:

1). planning

2). organization

3). motivation

4). coordination

5). control

The control range is:

1). difference between planned and actual values

2). limit number objects that can be effectively managed

3). number of units under the authority of one manager

The term "management" is applied to the management

1). labor resources

2). marketing

3). finances

4). communications

5). all of the above

At what level is tourism planning carried out?

1). national

2). regional

3). local

4). at the level of the tourism organization

5). at all listed levels

The management method is

1). directives from managers

2). principles of a manager's activity

3). a set of techniques and methods of influencing a controlled object

Management methods are divided into two groups

1). administrative and organizational

2). tangible and intangible

3). regulating and stimulating

Administrative management methods include

1). orders

2). requests

3). instructions

4). awarding

5). praise

Which group of methods include analysis, standardization, pricing, financing?

1). economic

2). administrative

3). financial

4). intangible

What management methods hinder employee initiative?

1). economic

2). administrative

3). socio-psychological

4). moral

Choose the correct statements

1). the choice of management methods depends on the specific situation

2). Without knowledge of management methods, it is difficult to achieve the implementation of the goals and functions of management

3). economic methods always have priority

What type of work is not included in the planning function

1). development of a development strategy;

2). implementation of the enterprise development strategy;

3). determining the tactical actions necessary to implement the strategy.

What management methods form the motivation system

1). fair monetary compensation;

2). empowerment and responsibility;

3). praise;

4). opportunity for career growth;

5). all of the above

What components are relevant for non-material motivation

1). prestige of work;

2). the possibility of self-realization;

3). social package;

4). vouchers;

5). transport subsidies.

Economic management methods

1). planning;

2). analysis;

3). pricing;

4). production meetings;

5). criticism and self-criticism.

What management methods are socio-psychological?

1). planning the social development of the workforce

2). belief

3). rituals and ceremonies

4). production meetings

Providing the team with independence in matters of profit management refers to management methods

1). economic;

2). socio-psychological;

3). organizational;

4). administrative;

5). administrative.

Choose the wrong statement

1). economic management methods are always a priority;

2). without knowledge of management methods, it is difficult to achieve the implementation of the goals and functions of management;

3). The choice of management methods depends on the specific situation.

What features are characteristic of the Japanese school of management?

1). lifetime employment

2). individual decision making

3). personal, informal relationships with subordinates

4). collective responsibility

5). individual orientation

What features are characteristic of the American school of management?

1). quick assessment and promotion

2). decisions are made from the top down

3). individual decision making

4). personal, informal relationships with subordinates

5). collective responsibility

Based on the concept of “tourism”, determine in which case we are not talking about tourism

1). Mr. Ivanov, who lives in Krasnodar, visits his friends in Moscow

2). Mr. Petrov, who lives in Voronezh, is going to a scientific conference in Paris

3). a border resident living on one side of the border goes to work on the other side of the border

Determine the starting point in the development of management in Russia

2). 1777

The division of tourism into domestic and international is:

1). types of tourism

2). subtypes of tourism

3). types of tourism

4). forms of tourism

What is the duration of the trip for short-term tourism?

1). up to 1 day

2). up to 3 days

3). up to 5 days

4). up to 24 hours

What time parameters of stay outside the place of permanent residence is limited by the concept of “tourism” (according to the UN WTO):

1). up to 24 hours;

2). more than 24 hours;

3). up to 6 months;

4). from 24 hours to 1 month

5). from 24 hours to 1 year

Select an example of outbound tourism

1). The Safonovs are going to visit friends in a neighboring town

2). The Demidov family went on a two-week vacation to Cyprus

3). A resident of Germany bought a tour of the Golden Ring in Russia.

One of the features of the tourist service

1). the service exists regardless of the manufacturer;

2). a tourist service is inseparable from the source of its creation;

3). travel services are little influenced by seasonal factors.

It is typical for tourism management

1). unclear and difficult to measure goals

2). weak influence from interested clientele

3). simple relationships between components tourism.

The subject of tourism is

1). tourism resources

2). tour operators and travel agents

3). tourists

4). travel agency management

The tourism management structure is:

1). structural divisions and individual specialists of travel agencies;

2). structural divisions and individual specialists of travel agencies;

3). an ordered set of interrelated elements that ensure the functioning of tourism as a whole.

Sports passive tourism

1). Mrs. Leonova goes to Dombay for skiing;

2). Mr. Sokolov goes as a guide with a group of tourists along the protected trails of the Caucasus;

3). Mr. Vavilov is a football fanatic and goes to all the competitions of his football club.

The object of tourism is

1). travel agency

2). tour operator

3). tourist region

4). tourism industry

The tourism industry is

1). a range of services for accommodation, meals, transportation of tourists and other services in accordance with the purpose of travel

2). natural, historical, socio-cultural sites to meet the needs of tourists for recreation, receiving positive emotions, etc.;

3). a set of accommodation facilities, catering establishments, means of transport, educational, recreational, sports facilities, etc. appointments.

The plan is

1). forecast for the development of the organization in the future;

2). mechanism for coordinating current activities and resource allocation

3). contingency strategy

4). all of the above

A type of plan that specifies quantitative and qualitative objectives for each division

1). production program

2). operational plan

3). strategic plan

Long term plans tourism development are developed for the period:

3). 5-10 years;

4). 6 months.

Current tourism development plans are being developed for the period

1). 1 month;

2). 6 months;

5). 5-10 years.

Economical planning implies

1). the purpose and methods of planning must be accessible to all members of the organization;

2). planning costs must be commensurate with the benefits obtained from it;

3). planning is not a one-time act, but a continuous process.

Mission is

1). main common goal

2). the main direction of activity for the implementation of common goals

3). a formulated statement regarding why and for what reason an organization exists, how it differs from similar ones.

Mission Key Elements

1). company history

2). enterprise targets

3). organization leadership style

4). principles of working with customers

Communication is

1). business communication

2). exchange of information between parties

3). selection of communication channel

4). management decision making process

External communication is

1). selection of communication channel;

2). management decision making process;

3). ability to influence another organization;

4). competition;

5). exchange of information between the organization and external environment.

Choose the right position

1). managers spend up to 10% of their time on communications;

2). communications cannot ensure the implementation of basic management functions;

3). Listening skills are essential for managers to communicate effectively.

An approach to determining leadership effectiveness that assumes that the best leaders have certain personal qualities that are common to all; you can cultivate these qualities in yourself and become an effective leader

1). personal;

2). behavioral;

3). situational;

4). charismatic

People subjectively determine the ratio of reward received to effort expended and then relate it to the rewards of other people. If the comparison shows an imbalance, then the employee must be motivated - this is the essence of the theory of motivation

1). theory of F. Herzberg

2). expectancy theory

3). A. Maslow's theory

4). theory of justice

In which of the substantive theories of motivation, human motives are based on three needs - the needs of power, success and involvement; Today these three needs are important, because... the needs of the lower levels have already been satisfied

1). McClelland's theory

2). Maslow's theory

3). Herzberg theory

Herzberg's theory

1). in realizing your potential and growing as a person

2). needs for self-esteem and respect from others, recognition

3). need for affection and support.

A special mode of work, according to which individual employees may, by order of the employer, if necessary, be occasionally involved in performing labor functions outside normal working hours

1). flexible working hours

2). shift work mode

3). irregular working hours.

Dysfunctional conflict

1). useful for the team and the organization as a whole

2). reduces labor productivity

3). revitalizes the organization

4). eliminates cooperation between team members.

The solution is

1). choice of alternative by the manager

2). the result of choosing an alternative from a set of options

3). one of the control functions

Innovation is

1). a new or updated product of someone's creative activity, offered to consumers for further transformation and use;

2). new method, invention, new phenomenon;

3). an innovation that has become the subject of a process of development, implementation, and accepted by the consumer.

Management innovations

1). associated with the introduction of new types of equipment, devices, tools and technical and technological methods of labor

2). associated with new types of services, more efficient forms of service

3). focused on improving the internal and external relations of the organization using methods and forms of management.

Symptoms of stress

1). emotional instability

2). health problems

3). inability to rest

4). feeling unable to cope with anything

5). all of the above

Form professional code, which proclaims what representatives of a particular profession strive for, that is, it puts forward maximum requirements

1). formal code

3). disciplinary code

Typical symptoms of stress

1). health problems

2). emotional instability

3). chronic experience

4). all of the above

What conflicts are not only acceptable, but also desirable in an organization:

1). interpersonal

2). destructive

3). group

4). constructive

Merchandising techniques

1). aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails

2). introduction of new presentation techniques

4). organizing a show during the preparation and serving of dishes

5). all of the above

Preparing restaurant rooms for work, monitoring the work of waiters, scheduling their work, etc. fall within the competence

1). head waiter

2). HR manager

3). restaurant director

4). chef

Insert the word "... is the property and features of a service that cause a feeling of satisfaction among consumers"

1). competitiveness

2). need

3). quality

4). impression.

According to Kedott and Turgeon's typology, service elements reflecting the minimum sufficient level of requirements acceptable to consumers

1). critical

2). neutral

3). satisfying

4). disappointing

Examples of basic quality for services hotel company

1). availability of clean bed linen;

2). “compliment” from a chef in a restaurant;

3). daily room cleaning;

4). trouble-free operation of the TV, refrigerator, etc. in the room;

5). 24/7 room service

External distribution channels?

1). System of branches and agencies throughout the country

2). A certain number of foreign intermediary firms

3). Both

Internal sales channels are:

1). A certain number of foreign intermediary firms

2). System of branches and intermediaries for sales tourist services on the territory of the country

3). Both

Which price is always lower?

1). Manufacturer's retail price

2). Wholesale tour operator price

3). Travel agent price

What is CTR?

1). Key performance indicator contextual advertising

2). The main indicator of banner effectiveness

3). The main indicator of website effectiveness

What is the site structure?

1). Website decoration

2). Location of information on the site

3). Information content of the site

The state of a person that develops on the basis of a contradiction between what is available and what is necessary (or what seems necessary to a person) and encourages him to take action to eliminate this contradiction is

2). need

3). motivation

4). stress

Indirect service is

1). compliance with standards aimed at providing services

2). a service that is not related to the product sold or service provided, but is aimed at maintaining good relations with the consumer

3). performing additional operations in the service that meet the individual needs of the consumer

Merchandising is

1). unified system activities that involve an expanded range of services, rational manufacturability of the processes of preparing goods for sale and the sales process itself, management techniques and volume-generating marketing tools;

2). an agreement under which one party undertakes to provide the other party (user), for a fee for a period or without specifying a period, the right to use entrepreneurial activity the latter is a set of exclusive rights belonging to the copyright holder

All elements of behavior of a contact zone employee are subject to the requirements of official etiquette.

1). speech and tone

2). thoughts and desires

3). touch and smell

4). manners and mood

5). gestures and facial expressions

When dealing with customer complaints and complaints, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

1). put yourself in the position of the applicant

2). find out from the client his future intentions

3). keep calm, remain polite

4). invite the client to come to the company next time

5). if it is impossible to resolve the complaint (claim) yourself, notify the senior person about it

Specify printer types

1). Jet

2). Matrix

3). Laser

Specify monitor types

2). Liquid crystal

3). Plasma

Name the main GDS


The closest meaning in Russian to the concept of “management” is:

1). control

2). management

3). regulation

Choose the wrong statement

1). managers are those who have the subject and product of work making management decisions

2). there is not a single organization without constant interaction with the external environment;

3). the result in management is related more to the theory of management, and not to the art of its application in practice

Choose the correct statement

2). the same organizational structure can never be both an object and a subject of management

3). the advantage of administrative management methods is that they encourage initiative and creative activity of staff

1. Choose the incorrect statement about the globe.

1) The globe gives an idea of ​​the shape of the Earth.

2) Distances are not distorted on the globe.

3) A globe is a model of the Earth, made on a small scale.

4) The globe depicts in detail the outlines of continents, mountain ranges, seas and lakes.

2. Select the incorrect statement about the plan.

2) Objects are drawn to scale with distortions that take into account the curvature of the Earth's surface.

3) There is no degree grid.

4) All objects and significant features of the area are depicted in detail.

3. Scale 1:10000 is:

1) numerical scale showing a decrease of 10,000 times

2) a named scale showing a reduction of 100 times

3) numerical scale showing a decrease by a factor of 10

4) linear scale showing a reduction of 10,000 times

4. Establish a correspondence between the types of symbols and their images.


1) point

2) area

3) linear


1 2 3

5. The picture shows:

1) hill with a gentle western slope

2) a hill with a steep western slope

3) basin with a gentle western slope

4) basin with a gentle eastern slope

6. Lines connecting points of equal depth are:

1) horizontal

2) isobaths

3) berg strokes

4) isohypses

7. The letter N in the figure indicates:

1) absolute altitude

2) absolute depth

3) relative height

4) relative depth

8. When shooting a terrain, directions are determined using:

1) compass

2) level

3) barometer

4) range finder

9. Azimuth 45° corresponds to the direction to:

1) northwest

2) southwest

3) southeast

4) northeast

10. Establish a correspondence between the proposed maps and their types in terms of territory coverage,

1) physical map of Africa

2) map of the Moscow region

3) political map of the world

4) natural areas Russia


A) world maps

B) map of continents

B) map of countries

D) map of regions and districts

Write down the letters corresponding to the selected answers.

12. On the globe, only one of the four directions of the sides of the horizon is available on:

1) equator

2) prime meridian

3) meridians 180°

4) North and South Poles

13. The conventional lines connecting the North and South Poles on the map are called:

1) parallels

2) polar circles

3) meridians

4) isogypsum

14. Choose the correct statement.

1) The lengths of arcs of 1° are equal for all parallels and meridians.

2) The lengths of arcs of 1° are equal for all meridians.

3) The lengths of arcs of 1° are equal for all parallels.

4) The lengths of arcs of 1° for all parallels are greater than the lengths of arcs of the same magnitude for meridians.

15. The value of geographic latitude changes:

1) from 0 to 90°

2) from 0 to 180°

3) from 180 to 360°

4) from 90 to 180°

16.The value of geographic longitude changes:

1) from 0 to 90°

2) from 0 to 180°

3) from 180 to 360°

4) from 90 to 180°

17. The geographic longitude of a point is measured from:

1) prime meridian

2) equator

3) parallels passing through a given point

18. A research method based on obtaining the necessary information using maps is called:

1) observation method

2) modeling method

3) statistical method

4) cartographic method

A. A plan is a pre-planned system of activities that provides for the order, sequence and timing of activities.

b. Plan – make a plan for the development of something.

V. Financial planning for large enterprises are engaged financial services, and in medium and small – workers accounting and marketing services.

d. Financial planning is a document that ensures the interconnection of organizational development indicators with available resources.

5. Which of the following is not a principle? financial planning?

A. flexibility

b. unity

V. efficiency

d. accuracy

6. According to the method of development and execution, plans are divided into:

A. hard and sliding

b. centralized and decentralized

V. mandatory, directive, indicative

d. promising, current, operational

What is the essence of financial forecasting?

A. in assessing the most likely financial situation

b. in anticipation of an uncertain future

V. in carrying out calculations under certain specified conditions

d. in assessing the expected volumes of financial resources

8. What method of financial planning helps to study the pattern of dynamics of a particular indicator and the spread of its rates over the forecast period?

A. multifactorial EMM method

b. balance method

V. economic-statistical method (strapolation method)

d. optimization modeling method

Topic 7. Financial control ( 2 hours )

1. Regulatory framework regulation of state financial control in the Republic of Belarus.

2. History of the development of state financial control in the Republic of Belarus.

3. Analysis of the results of state financial control for the current period.

4. Assessment of the practical use of audit in the Republic of Belarus and ways to improve it.


1, 10, 15, 16, 17, 23, 30, 32, 33, 41, 44, 45

Questions for discussion:

1. What can be an object state control?

2. By what criteria is state financial control classified?

3. What forms of financial control exist, what is their difference?

4. Expand the concepts of “financial control system” and “financial control mechanism”.

5.What are the main directions of development of the financial control system in the Republic of Belarus.

Abstract topics:

1. Financial control in foreign countries.

2. International experience in financial control.

3. Lima Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Financial Control.

4. Carrying out control activities by regional bodies of external state financial control.

5. Audit control.


Solve the crossword puzzle.

1 3
4 5
7 6

1. Control by regulatory authorities over compliance with established rules and regulations by business entities that have received a license to certain type activities. (6)

2. Individual entrepreneur or individual with a higher economic or legal education, a qualification certificate and work experience of more than 3 years. (7)

3. ... produced according to individual directions financial- economic activity based on reporting, balance sheet and other documents, and also identifies violations of financial discipline and the appropriateness of using specific methods accumulation of use of financial resources. (8)

4. The amount determined by law or contract that the debtor is obliged to pay to the creditor in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, in particular, in case of late payment. (4)

5. Objective ability to create certain consequences in the economy with their objective organization? (8)

6. Monetary recovery, applied in the case and in the manner established by law or agreement. (4)

7. The structural part of a rule of law, indicating possible rules of influence on violations of this rule. (7)

8. Type of control in which control is carried out by control and audit departments of ministries and departments, associations, executive committees and local authorities. (13)

9. An in-depth examination of the entity’s economic activities in order to verify its legality, feasibility and effectiveness. (7)

10. Who was the first to mention about financial control? (4, 7)

Topic 8. Social protection of the population and social insurance (4 hours)

Lesson one:

1. Social protection and support of the population in the Republic of Belarus.

2. Health insurance

Lesson two:

1. Problems and development prospects pension provision in the Republic of Belarus.

2. Foreign experience social protection population

3. Individual personalized accounting in the state pension insurance system in the Republic of Belarus.


1, 3, 4, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33, 41

Questions for discussion:

1. How is social security different from social insurance?

2. What is the difference between guardianship and social assistance?

3. What is the history of the emergence and development of social protection funds?

4. Identify the financial mechanisms consistent with the two social protection models.

5. Name the funds operating in the Republic of Belarus within the social insurance system and describe them.

Abstract topics:

1. The role of finance in social development Republic of Belarus, development trends.

2. Foreign experience of social protection of the population.

3. Swedish pension system.

4. History of the development of social protection of the population.

5. Problems and prospects of health insurance.

6. Problems and prospects of pension insurance.

Solve the puzzle and match the resulting terms with their meanings:

b) A type of social insurance, including a system of pensions, benefits and other payments to citizens of the Republic of Belarus at the expense of state funds off-budget funds social insurance.

d) one of the levels of the social protection system, according to which the degree of participation in social production determines the level of social protection of citizens (system...)

A And A r
With To m B

e) the principle of social insurance, implies the extension of social security in the event of disability due to age or disability to all workers without any exceptions and regardless of gender and age.

Topic 9. State budget (4 hours)

Lesson one:

1. Problems of sustainability and balance of the state budget.

2. Problems public administration budget deficit.

3. Comparison of the budget process of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Lesson two:

1. Budget surplus and the procedure for its use in the Republic of Belarus.

2. The budget of the Brest region and its role in the development of the local economy.


1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 18, 21, 41, 43

Questions for discussion:

1. Name the essential features of budgetary relations.

2. What is the social essence of the budget?

3. What is the difference between the concepts of “budget fund” and “ budget plan»?

4. Describe the features of the budget structure of unitary and federal states?

5. What legislative acts regulate the budget system of the Republic of Belarus?

6. Name the common features and differences in the organization of the budget process in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.

Abstract topics:

1. Socio-economic essence of the budget.

2. Features of building a budget system in countries with different government systems.

3. Budget system of the Republic of Belarus.


Fill in the blanks and solve the crossword puzzle

1. ... budget - a set of budgets in the relevant territory without taking into account interbudgetary transfers between these budgets.

2. Depending on ... structure, unitary, federal and confederal states are distinguished.

3. The state budget is a set of ... relations regarding the formation and use of the state centralized fund of funds.

4. Budget policy factors directly related to ensuring the country's defense capability and maintaining internal law and order, rational management of the country, management of the legislative and executive powers.

5. The budget system of the Republic of Belarus includes ... and local budgets.

6. Budgetary... - these are the organizational principles of building a budget system, its structure, the relationship of the budgets combined in it.

7. Budgetary... is a set of methods for organizing budgetary relations used by society to solve economic and social problems.

8. The budget system is a set of all... operating on the territory of the country, based on economic and legal norms.

9. ... state funds are a set of financial resources at the disposal of central and local authorities and having a specific purpose.

10. The principle of the state budget system, which assumes that information about the formation and use of budget funds is open and accessible to any category of users.

Topic 10. Taxes in the system of financial relations(2 hours)

1. Tax system of the Republic of Belarus: current state and trends, development prospects.

2.Evolution of tax systems.

3.Development of tax relations in the context of international economic integration.

4. Taxes: essence, functions, classification.


1, 3, 4, 8, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30, 33, 43, 44

Questions for discussion:

1. What is the difference between direct and indirect taxes?

2. What is the role of taxes in state regulation economy?

3.Name the main objects of taxation characteristic of modern tax systems.

4. Systematize the directions and tools for the impact of taxes on economic and social processes.

5. List the modern rights and obligations of taxpayers in the Republic of Belarus. What measures of liability for tax offenses are provided for in the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus.

Abstract topics:

1. Tax system of the Republic of Belarus: current state and trends, development prospects.

2. Evolution of tax systems.

3. Development of tax relations in the context of international economic integration.

4. Taxes: essence, functions, classification.


Fill in the missing words into the sentences according to their meaning:

1. The tax system is a set of ..., ... and ..., established by the state and levied for the purpose of creating a centralized state fund of financial resources.

2. … … provides a search for tax regime options.

3. Local taxes: dog ownership tax, fee from procurers and ... ... .

4. … … … - an objective, conscious and directed process of rapprochement, mutual adaptation and merging of national economic systems with self-development potential, based on economic interest independent economic entities.

5. Methods of paying taxes: non-cash payment, cash payment and ... ... .

6. ... the method is based on the calculation and withdrawal of tax at the source of formation of the taxable object.

7. There are about... international economic associations integration type.

Topic 11. State credit(4 hours)

Lesson one:

1. Problems and prospects for interaction of the Republic of Belarus with international economic and financial organizations.

Lesson two:

1. Management of public external debt.

2. Types and procedure for circulation of state securities Republic of Belarus.


1, 3,. 4, 16, 23, 28, 33, 39, 40, 41

Questions for discussion:

1. What is the essence and functions of public debt?

2. What types of government debt do you know?

3. Describe the public debt management system?

4. What indicators are accepted international practice to assess a country's debt burden and its level of creditworthiness?

5. Name the methods used by the World Bank to assess a country's debt burden.

Abstract topics:

1. The economic essence of state credit and its significance.

2. Forms and instruments of state credit.

3. Classification of domestic government loans.

4. State credit in the Republic of Belarus: features and development trends.

5. Internal and external public debt and their characteristics.

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