Who is Andrey Shevchenko. Shevchenko Andrey Anatolyevich - member of the Federation Council from the Orenburg region

Andrey Shevchenko was born on May 29, 1965 in the state farm named after I. Dimitrova, Ilek districtin the family of a rural teacher and machine operator. In 1982, after leaving school, he got a job as a worker at an engineering plant. After serving in the army, in 1986, he entered the Faculty of Economics of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute. After graduating with honors, he remained to work as a teacher at the Department of Economic Theory.

Since 1994, he worked as the financial director of an investment company. In 1998, Andrey Shevchenko was appointed to the post of First Deputy General Director of Orenburgsky Meat Factory. Since October 1999 - General Director of the Orenburg Plant of Rubber Technical Products.

In 2000 and 2004 he was elected a deputy of the Orenburg City Council. In addition, in 2004 he became the chairman of the City Council.

In 2011, Andriy Shevchenko recalled:

When I first went to the polls, 90% of all questions from the residents of the district concerned the improvement of territories, street lighting - at any meeting, the townspeople spoke only about this. They also said that the buildings of schools and kindergartens are falling into disrepair, that insufficient funds are being allocated for this. For 11 years, the situation has changed, of course, radically. Roads have been built, new lighting has been installed, the Yards program is in operation. Here we must pay tribute to the "locomotive" of all these transformations - the Mayor of the city Yuri Nikolaevich Mishcheryakov. As for the problematic issues, now residents at meetings talk about practically the same thing: about the quality of the HOA's and the Management Companies (MC).

2005 to 2011 - Secretary of the Orenburg Political Council regional office political party "United Russia".

By the decree of the Governor of November 21, 2005, Andrey Shevchenko was included in the Council under the Governor of the Orenburg Region for the implementation of priority national projects.

At the same time, from 2006 to 2011, he headed the Judo and Sambo Federation of the Orenburg region. Today he is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Regional Judo Federation.

The task of the chairman of the City Council and the head of the administration concerns strategic things. How the city should develop, how to ensure that investments come to the city, so that people feel comfortable living in it, how to increase the number of parking lots, how to free the center from traffic jams, and so on. It is wrong to interfere with the operational work of the administration.

In October 2010, Andrey Shevchenko was elected as a deputy of the Orenburg City Council for the third time in a row. Also, since October 2010, he was the deputy head of the city of Orenburg, and Yuri Mishcheriako began to act as chairman of the City Council.

In September 2015, Andriy Shevchenko was elected as a member of the party listEnburg City Council for the fourth time.

In a magazine poll FEB he talked about the qualities that a deputy should have:

- I think, first of all, any deputy, not only the City Council, should respect the people whose interests he represents, be a real patriot - a patriot of his city, if we are talking about Orenburg. This should not be forgotten either in the first days after the elections, or during all five years of his deputy term. And, of course, the deputy must be responsible and decent.

In the same poll, he noted that the transition of entrepreneurs to deputies is a positive trend:

- An important component of their own income for the deputies-entrepreneurs is the taxes that they pay to replenish the city budget. Secondly, entrepreneurs are a community of people who are competent and knowledgeable about the life of the city. You cannot impose any restrictions on the type of enterprises or products produced. It is important that the person elected as a deputy remembers his duties and, coming to the meetings of the Council, thinks, first of all, as a people's choice. In addition, leadership experience, entrepreneurial decision-making skills,- these are important qualities for the activity of any deputy.

At the first meeting, the deputyin the convocation of 2015, he was elected chairman of the city council. 33 out of 39 deputies voted for his candidacy.

In the interview “ »In June 2015, the future head of the City Council distinguished the tasks that are set for the city administration and the deputy corps:

- The task of the chairman of the City Council and the head of the administration concerns strategic things. How the city should develop, how to ensure that investments come to the city, so that people feel comfortable living in it, how to increase the number of parking lots, how to free the center from traffic jams, and so on. Interfere with the operational work of the administration- it is not right. Deputies should not substitute for administrative - executive power. Our task is different. A representative body of local self-government should represent the interests of citizens, work with orders, voters. It is necessary to resolve the issues brought up at the meeting.

In the same interview, Andriy Shevchenko spoke about the pros and cons of today's democratic system:

- Gradually, over these 15 years, a rigid vertical is being built. Many criticize her. But I am firmly convinced that it is impossible without the vertical of power. The situation is as follows. We see what is happening to our neighbors. Democracy and permissiveness are not the same thing. And when they try to prove to me that somewhere there is democracy, I ask: “Where? Where is democracy better than we have today on the territory of the former Soviet Union? " A year ago I was told that it was in Ukraine. And my relatives live there. I know the situation a little from the inside. And just recently I talked with this person (who cited Ukraine- "OP"), he says, "You know, old man, that was a bad example."

In 2016, he took part in the primaries of United Russia to select candidates for elections to the State Duma and the regional Zaksob. Andriy Shevchenko nominated himself for the 142nd constituency in the State Duma and for the regional part No. 6 of the party list in the Zaksob. His rival in the district in the Duma was the former head of the city, Yuri Mishcheryakov. Subsequently, Andriy Shevchenko with participation in the primaries. A number of experts in a conversation with Orenpolit.ru then that the decision was related to an agreement within the party, according to which Shevchenko "does not interfere" with Yuri Mishcheryakov's nomination to the State Duma, and he himself gets a seat in the Federation Council. As a result of voting on September 18, Andriy Shevchenko received 47.75% of the votes in the elections to Zaksob. On September 27, at the first meeting of the regional parliament of the new convocation, he is from the Orenburg region. 33 deputies voted for his appointment, 6 against.

Andrey Shevchenko was awarded the medal "For Services to Orenburg" I degree (2009), the jubilee medal "In commemoration of the 270th anniversary of the founding of the city of Orenburg" (2013), a letter of gratitude from the head of the city of Orenburg, gratitude of the city of Orenburg, a letter of gratitude from the administration of the city of Orenburg.

He is married and has a daughter.

Shevchenko Andrey Anatolyevich will represent the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region of the sixth convocation in the upper chamber of the Russian parliament - the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

His candidacy was supported at the first meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the sixth convocation by a majority vote.

Previously, the powers of a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation- the representative of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region was performed by Nikolay Fedorovich Pozhitkov.

Speaking about the priority tasks of his work in the Federation Council, Andriy Shevchenko said:

I am fully aware of how much confidence has been placed in me and what responsibility I have been entrusted with. It costs a lot. Already tonight I am flying to Moscow, tomorrow I have an appointment for the first meeting to determine which committee will work in, what is the procedure, the work schedule. The next few days I will be in the Federation Council to resolve the first organizational issues. A preliminary conversation took place with the chairman of the committee on federal structure, regional policy, local self-government and Northern affairs. The range of issues that this committee deals with is closest to me at the moment. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to work in it, then I will use it with pleasure. Representing the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region in the Federation Council is an extremely important mission. We must be heard in the federal center. It is clear that there is a State Duma, and it is very good that four of our deputies from United Russia will work in it. Our joint work at the federal level will be aimed at defending the interests of the Orenburg region and its inhabitants, at the maximum participation of our region in all federal programs and projects.

As far as I had time to get acquainted with the order of work in the Federation Council, it involves participation in plenary meetings of the Federation Council, work in specialized committees. Plus the obligatory participation in the work of the regional parliament. I really hope that the so-called. regional day of the week, since it would be interesting for me to work in my native country at least a week a month. After all, people live here who elected me, for which I am very grateful to them. People to whom we promised to solve many different issues. I do not give up on this and am determined to keep my word given to the voters.

For reference:

Andrey Anatolyevich Shevchenko in 2000 and in 2004 was elected a deputy of the Orenburg City Council. In 2004, he became the chairman of the City Council for the first time.

2005 to 2011 - Secretary of the Political Council of the Orenburg regional branch of the political party "United Russia".

In October 2010, Andrey Shevchenko was elected a deputy of the Orenburg City Council for the third time in a row, and was the Deputy Head of the city of Orenburg.

In September 2015, Andrey Shevchenko was elected to the Orenburg City Council for the fourth time on the party list. He served as chairman of the Orenburg City Council.

On September 18, 2016, he was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Orenburg region of the sixth convocation in the regional electoral district.

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  • "Biography"

    Was born on May 29, 1965 at the state farm named after V.I. Dimitrova, Ilek District, Orenburg Region, in the family of a rural teacher and machine operator


    1991 - Orenburg Agricultural Institute (economist-organizer of agricultural production)



    Shevchenko took part in the Forum "Orenburg-Heart of Eurasia"

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    Shevchenko: The issues the residents of Orenburg come with must and will be resolved

    The senator held a reception of citizens on personal matters.

    Orenburg residents applied to the public reception office on a variety of issues. So, Valery Ignatkin, an immigrant from Ukraine, came to see Andrey Anatolyevich. A man has been living on the territory of the Orenburg region since 2015, during this time he managed to get a residence permit for himself, in the near future he plans to obtain Russian citizenship. Despite the presence higher education, extensive experience in the field of housing and communal services, he was faced with the problem of finding a job. Some unscrupulous employers began to refuse Valery Petrovich to get a job for inexplicable reasons. Senator from the Orenburg region Andrey Shevchenko delved into the essence of the problem of the migrant and turned to one of the employers in Orenburg, who then invited the man for an interview.

    In Dushanbe, the Chairman of the Federation Council held a number of bilateral meetings and took part in an inter-parliamentary forum.

    Born in 1965 at the state farm named after V.I. Dimitrov, Ilek District, Orenburg Region, in the family of a rural teacher and machine operator. In 1982 he graduated from the 10th grade of a rural school and went to work at a machine-building plant. In 1986, Andrey Shevchenko entered the Faculty of Economics of the Orenburg Agricultural Institute, graduated with honors. Works as a teacher at the Department of Economic Theory.

    Since 1994, he has been managing an investment company as CFO. Since October 1999 he was director general Orenburg plant of rubber technical products. In 2000, the staff of the plant nominated Andrey Anatolyevich as a candidate for deputy of the Orenburg City Council.

    In September 2004, Shevchenko was re-elected as a deputy of the city council. The deputies of the Council elected Andrey Anatolyevich as the Chairman. In 2005, Andrei Anatolyevich was elected secretary of the political council of the Orenburg regional branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia".

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