How to make an electronic signature for a legal entity. List of required documents to obtain digital signature

A digital signature for an individual is a means of cryptographic information protection that allows you to sign virtual documents directly on your computer.

What is an electronic signature

(abbreviated as CP, EP or EDS) makes it possible to identify the identity of the signatory. The verification is a unique sequence of several characters, which is generated using cryptographic transformation of information, and simply put, it is a flash drive with a key fob to sign virtual documents. Just as the stroke of a pen is an integral requisite for using a paper document, so an electronic signature is a requisite for a document created on a computer. Just as your individual autograph is a unique symbol, a digital or electronic signature for an individual is also unique. A document on the Internet signed with an electronic digital signature has the same legal force as data on a paper document signed by hand.

For several years now, “cloud” electronic signatures have been issued - those that are stored on the server of a certification center, and the user accesses them via the Internet. This is convenient so as not to carry a flash drive with you everywhere. This is how the website works. But this type of digital signature also has a disadvantage - they are not suitable for working with government portals (for example, the Federal Tax Service website).

Who needs it and why?

There is a certain category of people who do not need a digital signature. These people get a special pleasure, understandable only to them, by choosing and visiting various institutions, jostling in queues, cursing the weather, and at the same time the authorities of all stripes. Other citizens with access to the Internet will benefit from it.

So, digital signature for government services for individuals allows you to gain access to the full range of electronic online services provided by the unified portal of government services.

It will also help:

  • apply for admission to a higher education institution;
  • confirm your identity;
  • participate in electronic auctions;
  • conclude contracts for remote work;
  • submit via the Internet.

What types of digital signatures are there: comparison

: simple, qualified and unqualified.

Simple– this is usually the username and password to enter the site or codes in SMS messages.

Reinforced unskilled– issued by certification centers, but does not work everywhere. It is more reliable than a simple signature, but less reliable than an enhanced qualified signature.

Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature- this is the one that was received in a special accredited institution, has full legal force and is used in courts and other government agencies. A qualified digital signature completely replaces the traditional handwritten one.

Both enhanced digital signatures are obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information using an electronic signature key - according to the principle of information encryption.

How to obtain an electronic signature for an individual for the State Services website

To obtain a qualified electronic signature, contact a specialized Certification Center that has state accreditation for this type of activity. A list of such centers in your region can be found on the government services portal or on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The easiest way is to choose one of the Rostelecom service offices.

To do this you must provide:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • state insurance certificate Pension Fund ();
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority ().

You will also need an application and e-mail address.

Register in advance for State Services

At any Certification Center you should receive a private key with an electronic signature on a USB drive, a public key and a certificate.

In order to reduce the time for issuing media with a digital/electronic signature, and to be able to immediately check the operation of the device, preferably before receiving an electronic EDS signatures Register yourself on the government services portal.

What is ESIA and why is it needed?

When you register on the portal or on another government website, a universal account is created for you, and you will no longer need to register again each time.

The number of resources connected to the unified identification and authentication system is growing. Already now it is:

  2. Website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.
  4. Website of the Mayor of Moscow...
  5. GIS housing and communal services system
  6. Websites of schools and universities.
  7. and much more

How to restore digital signature

Are you afraid of losing your electronic signature? The main thing is not to tell anyone your PIN code. In this case, no one except you will have access to the electronic signature. If the key is lost or stolen, contact the certification center. There you will receive a new key and certificate.

Electronic signature for individuals: free or for money

How much does it cost, how can I get an EDS for individuals for free, and do citizens have a legal opportunity not to pay for EDS?

To be sent to the tax authorities tax documents(declarations, statements and other information) an enhanced unqualified electronic signature is used. It is obtained free of charge, without visiting the Certification Center, directly in the “Taxpayer’s Personal Account for Individuals” on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Electronic documents signed by her are recognized by the tax service as equivalent to paper documents. In this case, the key for your electronic digital signature is stored on your computer or in the cloud, in the protected storage of the Federal Tax Service.

For basic work on the public services portal the third type of electronic signature is used - the so-called simple one - this is a login and password to enter the system. You receive them when registering on the portal after receiving a confirmation code. Here, too, you don’t have to pay money, all registration is free.

To send documents through government services and applications to government agencies (for passports, declarations, etc.), you will have to obtain a qualified digital signature - through the office of Rostelecom or another CA (we wrote about this above). It's free.

If an electronic signature is needed for other tasks (participation in government procurement, exchange of contracts and acts with partners and customers), then a qualified electronic signature is no longer provided for free for individuals - you will have to pay in any case, since the USB drive itself that you will be given , costs money - about 500-700 rubles.

Some Certification Authorities request larger amounts for the service. In such cases, the cost, as a rule, includes the provision of a special program for using the CPU (you do not have to search for it yourself and download it from the Internet), detailed instructions, or even training in working with a new device.

Electronic signature validity period

The signature is valid for 1 year from the date of its production; after this period it is renewed. To do this, you will have to go through all the above procedures again.

For public services, the electronic signature of an individual is renewed free of charge, similar to the initial issuance, only without a personal visit for personal identification.

The creation and improvement of electronic circulation of business papers involves obtaining an electronic digital signature by subjects. Its use minimizes the time spent on drawing up papers and signing them with your own pen stroke. It is easy to use; you do not need to learn how to use it.

Why does a legal entity need an EDS?

Any legal entity can use it, which will make it possible:

  1. Ensure the confidentiality of information contained in transferred files.
  2. Achieve delivery of endorsed documents in a matter of seconds.
  3. Without unnecessary hassle, participate in auctions on special platforms.
  4. Submit reports to tax office and non-budgetary organizations.
  5. Vouch for the authenticity of documents.
  6. Introduce into the international electronic circulation of business papers.
  7. Improve the circulation of business papers within a holding or company.

What is an electronic signature?

It is a unique set of symbols compiled using a specific program. May have different levels of security, which affects the acceptability of its use in certain circumstances.
The digital signature can be inserted into the sent file or placed separately from it. An electronic signature certifies a document in electronic form and is the same as a living stroke of a pen endorsing paper documents.

How does an electronic digital signature work?

An electronic signature can be of several types:

  • A simple signature confirming the sending of the file specific person.
  • A strengthened unqualified signature indicating that there have been no changes in the document since its inception.
  • An enhanced qualified signature is a full-fledged analogue of a living pen stroke on a document executed on paper.

Over time, simple and enhanced unqualified signatures are used less and less, since the third variation of the signature is as reliable as possible and provides the user with a wider range of possibilities.

When issuing an enhanced qualified signature, private and public keys are created that function exclusively in tandem. The private key consists of 256 bits of encrypted information, and the public key consists of 1024 bits.

The user issues the public key to all people and companies with whom it is intended to exchange electronic business papers; its analogue is placed in the storage of a special Certification Authority. This allows you to insure the key against forgery and unauthorized changes.


An electronic digital signature certificate identifies the identity of the subject. The private key is used to validate documentation and send it, which is only permissible for a specific user. The certificate is valid for no more than one year, after which it must be issued again.

It stores the following information:

  • Number.
  • Validity.
  • The presence of the certificate in the database of the Certification Authority that issued it.
  • Information about the owner.
  • About issuing the key.
  • Information about the Certification Authority that issued it.
  • The industries using signatures are listed.
  • Guarantee of the legality and validity of the signature.

It is unrealistic to falsify any, even the simplest electronic digital signature, because this requires making too complex and time-consuming calculations, despite the existence of highly developed technology. Signature insurance is acceptable but not required.

How to obtain an electronic digital signature and necessary documents

To obtain a signature from the company, the following documents are sent to the Certification Center:

  • Certificate of state registration legal entity - in the form of a copy certified by a notary.
  • Certificate of registration with the tax office - in the form of a copy certified by a notary.
  • Extract from the United state register legal entities - in the original or a notarized copy. This document is valid for a month from the date of preparation.
  • An application requesting the creation of an electronic digital signature key certificate addressed to the head of the Certification Center.
  • When creating an EDS key certificate for a company director - an order for the appointment of a director (in the form of a copy certified by the company’s seal and the signature of an authorized person).
  • When issuing an EDS key certificate from any other authorized representative of the company - a power of attorney listing the list of powers of the representative (in the form of a copy certified by the seal of the company and the signature of the director).
  • Civil passport of the employee in whose name the EDS key certificate is issued, in addition to this, copies of the second and third pages, pages with registration information for last place residence.
  • If a package of documents is presented not personally by the owner of the certificate, but by his authorized representative, a power of attorney should be issued with a list of relevant powers.
  • When presenting a package of documents not personally by the owner of the certificate, but by his authorized representative, the representative must appear with his civil passport and a copy of its second and third pages, as well as the page with information about registration at the place of residence.

The company has the right to issue an electronic digital signature key certificate when assigning the functions of the sole executive entity of a closed joint-stock company or open joint-stock company to a manager.

To do this, you need to provide additional documents:
  • The decision of the meeting of shareholders of a closed joint stock company or open joint stock company on the transfer of the functions of the sole executive entity to the manager (in the form of a copy certified by a notary).

  • When transferring the functionality of the sole executive entity of the company from limited liability The following documents should be provided to the management company as additional documents:
  • Documentation management company.
  • The first, second and final sheets of the charter of a limited liability company, as well as sheets containing information on the permission to delegate the powers of the sole executive company to the management company (in copies certified by a notary).

Power of attorney for obtaining digital signature by a legal entity

This paper allows an individual to submit a package of mandatory documents to the Certification Center, receive information, a signature key certificate, as well as all other documents. In addition, the authorized person can take away the means of cryptographic information protection and sign the accounting documentation.

The representative receives the right to endorse a paper analogue of the signature key certificate, enter into an agreement and sign an accounting document. primary documentation regarding the execution of this agreement.
The power of attorney must contain an indication of the deadline for use. As a rule, it is issued without the right of substitution and is certified by the signatures of an authorized person and the owner of the signature key certificate.

Where can a company purchase an electronic digital signature?

To issue an electronic digital signature, you should find a Certification Center that interacts with state and municipal structures that use electronic document management. The selected center should be part of a network of similar companies whose services are used by current and potential counterparties. In addition, the center must be accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, all of its software and devices are certified and certified.

The procedure for obtaining an electronic signature

To obtain an electronic digital signature, you need to go through a simple algorithm:

  1. Submit an application, this can often be done online.
  2. Bring the required documentation to the Certification Center and receive an invoice for payment.
  3. Pay for the service.
  4. Wait for the verification and processing of documents to complete, registration of an electronic signature by generating private and public keys.
  5. Take the digital media with the keys.
  6. Take the certificate in paper and electronic versions.
  7. Install and configure a special program on your computer.

Cost of electronic digital signature

Prices for the service depend on several factors:

  • Customer location.
  • Type of signature.
  • Industries in which this signature is expected to be used.
  • A pricing strategy that is relevant for a specific time.

The cost of an electronic digital signature can vary from 4,000 to 20,000 rubles.
If you want to issue an electronic digital signature to improve document flow, you should interact with certified management centers that can provide quality services, provide decent technical support, and provide the customer with effective programs for checking the authenticity of the electronic signature.

An electronic signature (ES) is information in electronic digital form that can be used to identify an individual or legal entity without his personal presence.

In electronic document management, two types of electronic signature are used:

  • simple electronic signature;
  • enhanced electronic signature (can be qualified or unqualified).

They differ in the degree of protection and scope of application.

2. What is a simple electronic signature?

A simple electronic signature is essentially a combination of login and password, confirmation code by email, SMS, USSD, and the like.

Any document signed in this way is, by default, not equivalent to a paper document signed by hand. This is a kind of statement of intent, which means the party agrees with the terms of the transaction, but does not participate in it.

But if the parties enter into an agreement to recognize an electronic signature as an analogue of a handwritten one in a personal meeting, then such documents may acquire legal significance. This, for example, happens when you connect an online bank to a credit or debit card. A bank employee identifies you by your passport, and you sign an agreement to connect to online banking. In the future, you use a simple electronic signature, but it has the same legal force as a handwritten one.

3. What is a strong unqualified electronic signature?

A strengthened unqualified electronic signature is two unique sequences of characters that are uniquely related to each other: the electronic signature key and the electronic signature verification key. To form this link, cryptographic information protection tools are used ( Cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) are tools that allow you to sign digital documents with an electronic signature, as well as encrypt the data contained in them, thereby facilitating their reliable protection from interference by third parties. CIPF is implemented in the form of software products and technical solutions.

"> CIPF). That is, it is more secure than a simple electronic signature.

The enhanced unqualified signature itself is not an analogue of a handwritten signature. It means that the document was signed by a specific person and has not been changed since then. But such a signature is usually valid only in conjunction with an agreement to recognize it as handwritten. True, not everywhere, but only in the document flow with the department (organization) with which such an agreement was signed.

4. What is an enhanced qualified electronic signature?

An enhanced qualified electronic signature differs from an enhanced unqualified one in that cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF) certified by the FSB of the Russian Federation are used to generate it. And only a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation can issue such a signature. In this case, the guarantor of authenticity is the qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key provided by such a center. The certificate is issued on a USB drive. To use it, in some cases you may need to install additional software.

An enhanced qualified signature is an analogue of a handwritten signature. It can be used everywhere, but to use it with a number of organizations, you need to enter additional information into a qualified electronic signature certificate.

How to obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature

To obtain an enhanced qualified electronic signature you will need:

  • identification document;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • individual taxpayer number (TIN);
  • the main state registration number of the record of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (if you are an individual entrepreneur);
  • an additional set of documents confirming your authority to act on behalf of the legal entity (if you receive the signature of a representative of the legal entity).

Documents must be submitted to an accredited certification center (you can find them in the list or on the map) or to the business service center in the Eastern Administrative District at the address: Moscow, Srednyaya Pervomaiskaya street, building 3. An employee of the center, after establishing your identity and checking the documents , will write the certificate and electronic signature keys onto a certified electronic medium - an electronic card or flash drive. You can also purchase information cryptographic protection products there.

The cost of the service for providing a certificate and electronic signature keys is determined by the regulations of the accredited certification center and depends, in particular, on the scope of application of the electronic signature.

5. Does an electronic signature have an expiration date?

The validity period of an electronic signature verification key certificate (both qualified and unqualified) depends on the cryptographic information protection tool (CIPF) used and the certification center where the certificate was received.

Typically, the validity period is one year.

Signed documents are valid even after the expiration of the electronic signature verification key certificate.

6. What is ESIA and why is it needed?

The federal state information system “Unified System of Identification and Authorization” (USIA) is a system that allows citizens to interact with authorities online.

Its advantage is that a user who has registered once in the system (on the portal) does not need to go through the registration procedure on government and other resources each time to gain access to any information or service. Also, to use resources that interact with the ESIA, you do not need to additionally identify your identity and equate a simple electronic signature with a handwritten one - this has already been done.

With the development of e-government and electronic document management in general, the number of resources interacting with the Unified Identification and Automation System is growing. Thus, private organizations can also use the ESIA.

Since 2018, a system for remote identification of clients of Russian banks and users began to operate information systems subject to registration with the Unified Identification of Authorities and the citizen providing his biometric data (facial image and voice sample) to a unified biometric system. That is, you can receive banking services without leaving your home.

There are several account levels on the portal. Using simplified and standard levels, you sign applications with a simple electronic signature. But to gain access to all services, you need a verified account - for this you need to confirm your identity, that is, equate a simple electronic signature to a handwritten one.

On the website of the Federal Tax Service

Individuals, receiving services through a personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service, use an enhanced unqualified signature, equivalent to a handwritten one. The verification key certificate can be obtained from personal account, but personal identification and equating an electronic signature with a handwritten one occur at the level of entering your personal account: you can log in either using the login and password that are issued during a personal visit to the tax office, or using a confirmed account on the portal, or completely using an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

And here individual entrepreneurs and legal entities may need an enhanced qualified signature to receive services (for example, to register an online cash register).

On the Rosreestr website

Some of Rosreestr’s services (for example, submit an application, make an appointment) can be obtained using a simple electronic signature. But most services are provided to those who have an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

To participate in electronic trading

In order to participate in electronic trading, you need an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

Obtaining an electronic signature for an individual today is quite simple. And 5 years ago, ordinary people practically did not need it. EDS was then perceived as a tool for making business easier - with it you can sign contracts via the Internet, invoices, payments and other documents. But times are changing. And now even ordinary citizens often decide to issue an electronic digital signature to make their lives easier.

Digital signature refers to an electronic signature created by encrypting a set of data. It allows you to identify the owner. Electronic signature has become so popular because high level reliability and availability of many possibilities. For ordinary citizens, the most significant advantages are:

  • Possibility to send to government agency or departmental official appeal via the Internet. This speeds up the application process and eliminates the need to go anywhere.
  • Remote receipt of various government services. For example, for several years now the State Services portal has been implementing the possibility of issuing a foreign passport and other important documents via digital signature.
  • Search and purchase of goods and services at the most low prices. Using digital signatures, you can make purchases in virtual stores, participate in tenders and auctions.

For organizations, the list of benefits is even more comprehensive. For example, digital signature allows you to sign payment documents and other important papers, and send requests to the bank.

Types of digital signature

Today in Russia they use one of two types of digital signatures: single and multiple. Each of them has its own characteristics.

And while organizations have long appreciated digital signatures and are using them more and more often today, ordinary citizens still regard them with some misunderstanding. Those who decide to receive an electronic signature will be able to solve the following problems with it:

  1. allows you to identify the owner;
  2. protects the document from forgery (due to the presence of cryptographic protection);
  3. is confirmation that the signatory has accepted the obligations or responsibilities stated in the document.

Electronic signatures are impossible without special keys and certificates. They are issued directly at a specialized center. Any digital signature has the following keys:

  • Open. It is also called verification. It is visible to all participants in the transaction, not just the key owner. It is used to eliminate the possibility of counterfeiting. It is this key that confirms the authenticity of the electronic signature.
  • Closed. It is known only to the owner of the digital signature. Its function is to directly sign documents.

In addition to the key, there is one more necessary attribute of any electronic signature. We are talking about a special certificate for the key. It may be provided to the owner in one of the following forms:

  • on paper;
  • on electronic media.

The certificate acts as a kind of identification document for the owner of the signature. It contains the following information:

  • public key number;
  • information about the owner;
  • information about the center that issued the key.

Only if there is an active certificate can the digital signature be encoded. If the agreement is signed by several persons, then all of them must have an unexpired document. Otherwise, you will not be able to complete the paperwork.

The certificate is valid for 1 year. After this, it cannot be used by the owner. The signature itself with an expired certificate has no reliability. If the validity period has expired, and the owner still requires an electronic digital signature, then he needs to renew the certificate. Only after this the signature will become working again.

If a citizen has changed his last name or some other personal data, he needs to immediately renew the certificate. Otherwise it will be invalid.

Signatures are verified using special encryption tools. They are necessary to create a key and the electronic signature itself, as well as to verify them.

Digital signature for individuals

Ordinary citizens are increasingly turning to the service of producing an electronic signature. It’s not surprising, because why sit in lines or go somewhere if everything can be done remotely. To do this, you only need to have access to the Internet and a special electronic signature. Individuals can use one of the following types of digital signature:

  1. Unskilled. It is easy to manufacture and use. You can create it yourself at home. To do this, just use an encryption program. True, such an electronic signature does not have legal force, but it can be used within one organization or between friends, relatives, and colleagues.
  2. Qualified. This is already a full-fledged electronic signature, which is issued in a specialized accredited institution. It is equivalent to a regular signature and has the same force. Sometimes it is even used in courts and various municipal and state structures.

Of course, if you want to have an electronic signature equal to a regular signature, then you need to contact an accredited center. Moreover, the procedure for obtaining a document for ordinary citizens is much simpler than for legal entities. So, to complete a signature, a person will only need a Russian passport and a payment document confirming payment of the state duty (a receipt from the bank will be enough).

To obtain an electronic signature, a person must choose a suitable certification center. It is important that the institution is accredited. Otherwise, it does not have the right to issue electronic signatures. Before sending to the center, you need to pay the state fee, get a receipt from the bank or print it out. And he will go with it, a passport and a flash drive or disk to the institution. The media will be required to record the private key on it. Next, the procedure will be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Contact the center. It is there that the person will ultimately receive the keys with the certificate.
  2. Selecting a password. You need to come up with them yourself. It is better if it is some kind of memorable password, because you cannot change it due to forgetfulness. Then the procedure for obtaining digital signature keys will have to be completed again.
  3. Filling out documents for issuing a public key.
  4. Regenerating a private key, uploading files to a disk or flash drive.
  5. Hand over all documents to the center employee and create passwords.
  6. Obtain a certificate for the issued keys.

Sometimes the procedure for obtaining an electronic signature may be slightly different. Here everything depends on the order of the center to which a person turns. A number of organizations require personal application, while others are ready to complete all documents remotely via the Internet.

Using digital signature

Some citizens may ask where they can use an electronic signature. Indeed, the use of digital signature requires special conditions. Therefore, for individuals Russian government has developed two systems, services and information in which can be obtained via electronic signature:

  • ESIA (Unified System of Identification and Authentication). It is a special telecommunications network through which it is possible to provide a number of state and municipal information to individuals. Working with this service is possible even with an unqualified signature. You can get relevant background information on the website.
  • EPGU (Unified portal of public services). This is the largest Russian portal providing services to the country's population. But to work with this service you will need a qualified digital signature. This need is explained by the fact that legally significant operations can be carried out using the portal.

Thanks to these two services, people received remote access to various government services. The number of these services is constantly growing. So, for example, with the help of the government services portal today you can get a regular passport (repeatedly), a foreign passport, an INN, open your own individual entrepreneur, register in an apartment, register your vehicle. You can even find out about the presence of fines in the traffic police and the status of your account in the Pension Fund.

Creating and registering an electronic digital signature requires certain costs. That is why individuals cannot receive this service for free today. If a person decides to issue an electronic signature, then he will have to allocate money from his budget for this. Costs vary across regions and centers. In general, the price varies from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

The final cost will depend, among other things, on the conditions under which the signature will be obtained. It is clear that if the client does not want to go to the center himself, then he needs to be prepared to pay more than if he contacted directly.

Industry trends indicate a gradual increase in demand for the service. People are increasingly resorting to using electronic digital signatures. The development of the field of cryptographic protection allows us to gradually reduce the cost of services.

Do you need an EDS? Do you want to know how to create an electronic signature for government services? Where and how to get it, saving time on searching for the necessary information? Read a simple and understandable description in which we will tell you how to solve these problems without making mistakes.

Note: There is an opinion that to access your personal account on the government services portal, a key (digital signature) is required. This is not entirely true. The attribute (flash drive) is necessary for legal entities, i.e. for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and others commercial organizations. Individuals only need to pass authorization. Standard registration (receiving an activation code by E-mail) expands access to services and creates a simple electronic signature.

Explanation of abbreviations in the text:

  • EDS (EDS) – Electronic Digital Signature;
  • CA – Certification Authority;
  • NEP – Unqualified Electronic Signature;
  • CEP – Qualified Electronic Signature;
  • UEC – Universal Electronic Card;
  • SNILS – pension insurance certificate (green plastic card);
  • FTS – Federal Tax Service.

Types of electronic signature

There are three types of EP. The most common one, which we often use, does not have the same levels of information protection as the other two - Enhanced. They differ in status and their scope is not the same. Let's look at their differences:

  1. Simple electronic signature requires the use of a login and password. When accessing services, to confirm the operation, a one-time code may be requested, sent via CMS message or email. We often encounter such types of identification. To do this, you do not need to contact specialized centers.
  2. Strengthened unqualified signature– this attribute not only identifies the sender, but also records changes to the signed document. They receive the UNP from the certification center. The scope of the NEP is limited. State and municipal documents containing secrets cannot be signed with it.
  3. Reinforced qualified electronic signature has the highest degree of protection at the legislative level. Electronic documents are equivalent to paper documents with all the attributes of endorsement and have the same legal force. The certificate, which is issued along with the key, contains information on its verification. To carry out legally significant transactions, it is necessary to use this key (signature).

To make it easier to distinguish them from each other, let’s draw an analogy with clear paper attributes of personal identification:

  1. a simple electronic signature is equivalent to a badge, if others used the PC (phone), you are responsible for the consequences;
  2. unqualified EPit's like a pass in an organization where there is an element of trust between the parties;
  3. qualified EPpassport, gives the right to use all services, is the most significant element of personal identification in legal transactions.

Note:Decide for yourself what type of signature you need, but a qualified electronic signature covers all services provided on the Unified Portal, of which there are slightly less than a thousand. Therefore, further we will talk about its creation and receipt.

Where do you get an electronic signature?

To access all portal services, you must have an enhanced qualified signature. This can be done before registration or after. The second option is preferable, because you will be convinced that digital signature is really necessary for government services.

What needs to be done on the site?

  1. Obtain information about Accredited Certification Centers.
  2. Choose one available to you.
  3. Inquire about the level of service provided and prices for services.
  4. Submit your application.

Note:Some CAs offer the opportunity to undergo training on using electronic signatures, conducting tenders, working with various document extensions, etc.

On the government services portal, you can submit an application to receive an electronic signature in the center you choose. It is possible to first contact the CA and then register using your existing electronic signature (for legal entities this is a prerequisite).

Note:Regardless of the option chosenYou must obtain a qualified electronic signature from the Certification Center. Depending on the degree of secrecy of legally significant transactions, the type of digital signature is selected.

How to create an application for an electronic digital signature for government services?

Let me make a reservation right away: the process of issuing electronic signature keys to both legal entities and individuals is constantly undergoing changes. For example, the widely advertised Rostelecom CA does not work for technical reasons.

The project to obtain a key for free using UEC has been suspended. Perhaps by the time the article is published the situation will change for the better. The question arises: how to create an electronic signature for government services now?

Programs required for electronic operation

For ES attributes to work, you need to install several programs. You can do this yourself. You will need a crypto provider Vipnet CSP and one of two programs for verifying the signature: CryptoARM or Vipnet CryptoFile.

CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in

If digital signature does not work in some programs, for example, Office or Banking systems, install CryptoPro EDSBrowser plugin. the possibilities for using and verifying signatures will expand. Or... For the government services website, download the plugin, which is automatically detected on the page:

Note:The key is valid for 13 months, so don’t miss out on updating your data. The flash drive is guaranteed for a yearit is also better to replace it. The CA will tell you how to do this in your personal account yourself.

How to get an electronic signature for government services for free?

It is impossible to purchase a qualified electronic signature, which requires a visit to a CA, for free. This mostly applies to legal entities. Individuals can obtain broader powers by registering on the government services website using SNILS.

To understand the need for a particular account, study the information on the page

Note: When asked how to get an electronic signature for government services for free, we answer: unfortunately, not at all. You can expand your powers for free, but you have to pay for a digital signature for government services in the form of a flash drive - an electronic token. The price depends on the functionality of the key and the prices of the CA.

EDS verification for government services

To make sure that the digital signature you purchased from the CA is working, go to Check the certificate and file handling. This will not cause any difficulties - everything is simple there. As a result, you will receive electronic signature data and a message: The authenticity of the document has been confirmed.

Is the electronic signature suitable for other resources?

Unfortunately, the electronic signature key for government services will not be valid, for example, for the Federal Tax Service portal. For tax authorities, a different type of (non-)qualified signature is required. It must contain the TIN data, and sometimes the registered powers of the legal entity. Therefore, for different needs you need to purchase separate keys. This is inconvenient, but they haven’t made a universal type of signature yet.

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