How to refuse services. How to refuse Rostelecom services (via the Internet and other methods)

So, you can refuse services by the following reasons:

  1. Low quality.
  2. You don't need it.
  3. Imposed.
  4. Failure to complete on time.

Supplier, first of all, must guarantee the quality and safety of what it provides.

And if this principle is not observed, you may well end up refusing the service, even if you have paid for it in full in advance or made an advance payment.

Imposed servicing of something can be found in agreements, for example, credit agreements, and they are most often written in small print.

Also, people usually talk about similar services: “And you can’t live without her”.

What needs to be done for this?

To terminate a specific service, you must contact the supplier.

If this is not possible, then review product information that you are buying or have already purchased.

Usually in the accompanying documentation and contains information about return methods or .

Well, the last option is to turn to the Consumer Protection Law:

Article 32. The consumer’s right to refuse to fulfill a contract for the performance of work (rendering services)

The consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the contract for the performance of work (rendering services) at any time, subject to payment to the contractor for the actual expenses incurred by him related to the fulfillment of obligations under this contract.

Article 16. Invalidity of contract terms that infringe consumer rights

  1. Terms of the contract that infringe on the rights of the consumer in comparison with the rules established by laws or other legal acts Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection are declared invalid. If, as a result of the execution of a contract that infringes the rights of the consumer, he incurs losses, they are subject to compensation by the manufacturer (performer, seller) in full.
  2. It is prohibited to condition the acquisition of some goods (works, services) on the mandatory acquisition of other goods (works, services). Losses caused to the consumer as a result of violation of his right to free choice of goods (work, services) are reimbursed by the seller (performer) in full. It is prohibited to condition the satisfaction of consumer demands made during the warranty period on conditions not related to defects in goods (works, services).
  3. The seller (performer) does not have the right to perform additional work or services for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for such work (services), and if they are paid, the consumer has the right to demand that the seller (performer) return the amount paid. Consumer consent to perform additional work, services for a fee are formalized by the seller (performer) in writing, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Writing an application

problem can be settled either orally or in writing.

The rules are the same for all types of services.

For an example of a written refusal, let’s take cosmetic company services.

They quite often come bundled with a product of a certain brand or are issued on credit.

The application is being written in any form.

The header contains the name of the service provider with its address and your contact information.

Required word STATEMENT or CLAIM.

The main part describes the essence of the problem in free form: “On March 15, 2015, Agreement No. 64 was concluded between me, Margarita Pavlovna Petrova and the Krasotka company for the provision of the following services:

Due to the fact that the deadline for the provision of services didn't come and on the basis of Article 32 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights (or in connection with poorly performed work - Article 29; or due to failure to meet delivery deadlines - Article 28; or violation of Article 16 - imposition and infringement of rights) I demand termination of the contract.

In case ignoring of my demand, I will be forced to contact the consumer rights protection department and the court.

In conclusion signature And date.

But sometimes one gets the impression that these organizations are unaware of the existence of these legal acts and a number of others.

Therefore there is a need change company.

In this situation, it is necessary to comply next condition: all owners of apartments and rooms in this house must come to this conclusion.

The service agreement with the management company is terminated as follows:

  1. Meeting residents. The reasons and need for changes are discussed at the meeting. In addition, a decision is made to select a new management company.
  2. Gathering factual evidence about the non-compliance of the quality of services provided with the standards (this may be the conclusions of the authorities local government, results independent examinations, inspections, housing inspection, etc. - that is, a document with the seal of the organization).
  3. Signing a written decision meetings.
  4. Submitting a solution in the Criminal Code.

All these actions are based on

Refusal from paid services of mobile operators

Mobile operators offer a wide range of list of various services, which allow us to make our communication more pleasant and convenient.

True, not always about the full set additional functions we know.

But money is being debited and debited from the account.

The easiest way to find out about all connections is call the operator.

He will fully inform you and tell you how to disable this or that service.

Most often this is done at your request.

Read in detail about where and how you can disable access to your basic Internet provider and how to terminate the contract with the operator temporarily or permanently.


MTS, for a fee, changes short intermittent beeps to the tune.

The caller, of course, is pleased to hear a joke or good music, but in certain situations this can be costly.

For shutdown is possible:

  1. Call operator and follow his instructions.
  2. Dial command “asterisk”111 “asterisk”29 “hash”.
  3. If you have a “Personal Account” disable it.

You can also come to the salon and fill out a special form.


Megaphone provided along with the Internet“Internet click” service. It is rejected as follows:

  1. In "Personal Account".
  2. When calling the operator.
  3. In writing to the Megafon office.

With shutdown "Internet Clique" There may be problems due to the fact that the operator has not fully thought through the scope of his responsibility in this area.


Beeline disables all services through the quick access menu or a set of commands.

"Personal account" also gives a complete picture of everything connected and management additional functions SIM cards are not difficult.

Unfortunately, only adequate communication with the operator suffers.

To call a live person and try understand a specific situation You can spend tens of minutes listening to the text of the system.


Rostelecom is an Internet, communications and television provider.

Termination of the service contract is possible only in the office or nearest branch.

There you can safely write a statement on company letterhead to refuse services.

Have with you passport.

We refuse intercom

If you do not need an intercom, then you can refuse it for another installation stage.

True, if the majority of residents at the entrance are in favor, then the device will still be installed.

But you won’t get the key, and therefore the handset.

Another option - poor quality intercom device or lack of maintenance.

This problem is solved by writing a public statement (in the presence of all owners of the entrance apartments) and sending it to the Management Company.

Exactly on her behalf a contract has been concluded.

We refuse to pay for services

Don't pay
We can only provide services that we do not use or the quality of which does not correspond to what was declared (Articles 16 and 29 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights).

Regardless of its type, a written application will be required. to the supplier company.


Notice of refusal is often part of the contract for services.

It will just serve as a statement.

If it is not provided, then it is written in any form with a brief summary of the essence, links to the contract, legislation and reflection of the parties to the transaction.

Receiving any services is voluntary.

And if they also do not at all live up to our hopes and expectations, then it is not at all necessary to use them.

Fortunately, the law in this case on our side.

Therefore, you should not put up with and regret the money spent.

Even if you can't solve the problem peacefully, you can restore your rights in court.

We barely had time to rejoice that the tariffs of some monopolies would be frozen, when “cooling” news followed

The growth of tariffs will be stopped only for enterprises. People, as before, will remain hostage to the greed of public utilities.

In addition to raising tariffs, utility companies often include amounts in payments, the origin of which neither they themselves nor the officials responsible for the industry can explain. Let's try to understand some of the crafty lines of our receipts. The law is not a decree

Housing and communal services modernizers have obliged to install everywhere, first apartment meters, then general building meters. And then enterprising housing companies came up with an income for themselves: servicing these same metering devices. More precisely, to collect money for it. And only a year or two later, when the time came to check or change the meters, for which they asked for a separate fee, consumers had a legitimate question: if we paid for “service,” where is it?

Kazan activists went to court against such amateur activities. And they achieved the truth. In 2011, with the help of the prosecutor's office, the tariff was canceled, but in 2012 the fee for meter maintenance reappeared. There were court proceedings for almost a year, the introduced tariff was declared illegal and a recalculation was ordered. But with tenacity that deserves better use, housing and communal services workers, since January of this year, again began to collect payments for this, hiding them in the line “maintenance of general building networks.” A clear example of how to get millions out of thin air... Social activists from Kazan went to court again, but they are already collecting money...

This year, many have encountered the “recalculation” line in their payments. Those who took the risk of digging into the origin of the amounts claimed generally received a corrected receipt. Also with an apology. But the majority paid, fearing to be branded as debtors.

In Rostov-on-Don, several houses for a decade were paid under the heading “entrance lighting” for the light of street lamps and lighting of nearby retail outlets . During this time, each householder paid utility workers about 20 thousand rubles. beyond your consumption. And only a few activist pensioners defended their right to pay only for themselves in court! They were recalculated only for the last 3 years (such cases have a statute of limitations), returning them an average of 6 thousand rubles. But the rest of the residents never came forward with their complaints to the utility companies.

“Housing and communal services monopolists do not hesitate to deceive consumers again and again,” Yuri Tishukov, general director of the Regional Center of Law, told AiF. - They will attribute extra payments to the whole house, and judging by my experience, about 10 people will go to deal with incomprehensible figures. The rest - some don’t have enough time, some don’t want to spoil their relationship with management company- they will not be indignant.

Yes, utility companies will pay compensation, but this is nothing compared to what is already in their pocket.” Since you can’t count on the honesty of utility workers, and the government services that are supposed to check them are often inactive, don’t put the brakes on the chaos in housing and communal services payments. Check your receipts!

How to refuse housing and communal services?

Answered by Mikhail Anshakov, Chairman of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights:

You can refuse almost any service. The only exceptions are those that you cannot turn off without harming your neighbors. I mean plumbing, heating, sewerage. You don’t even have to pay for electricity if you are ready to live by candlelight. But I don’t think there will be such people. For other services, your expenses should be reconsidered.

The only problem is that some companies create a particularly complex refusal procedure. Why is this being done? In order to as much as possible fewer people They brought to the end their desire to rid the payment slip of extra lines.

If you notice any opposition, then remember - the consumer protection law is on your side! In a conflict situation, a written refusal of an unnecessary service, sent by registered mail with notification to the address of the organization that is imposing it on you, is sufficient. For example: “I, Ivan Petrov, from September 25, 2013, refuse the services of your company.” That's all. After this point, it will be unlawful to charge further. If the score continues to increase, you can show the notice in court and the victory will be yours. And the fact that the organization did not respond to the letter in time is its problem. By the way, even your debt to her cannot be an obstacle to breaking the contract.

What services can you refuse?

TV antenna

1. You need to find out which organization maintains the TV antenna in your home and contact them with a request to disconnect it.

2. When the master comes to your home and does all the work, get a confirmation certificate from him.

3. Go to the EIRC for recalculation.

1. You need to come to the office of the “Russian Broadcasting and Notification Networks” 2. Write a “refusal paper” and pay for the service to turn off the radio point.

3. A specialist will come to you, “cut” the wire and issue a certificate.

4. With her - to the EIRC. And the extra line on the receipt will disappear.

1. Call the telephone company (it is listed on your receipt) and find out where their nearest office is.

2. Pay off debts, if any.

3. At the office, fill out the paperwork for terminating the contract. As a rule, all this can be done in one visit.

1. By Housing Code The RF elevator is not a service, but a common property. To change its status, you need to hold a meeting of residents.

2. At the meeting, suggest that only those who actually use it pay for the lift.

3. If the decision is made in your favor, then you need to document it and make sure that the management company makes changes to the payment.

Garbage chute

1. You can abandon the garbage chute only if all residents, not just you, stop using it. Therefore, a meeting needs to be held in the house.

2. If people are ready to carry waste into a container on the street, then they need to order work to seal the hatches in the garbage pipe and make sure that everything unnecessary is crossed out from the payment.

1. If the intercom is covered under the article “common property”, then the algorithm of actions with it is the same as with the elevator or the garbage chute.

2. If it is on the balance sheet of a private company, then look at the receipt and proceed in the same way as in the case of a telephone. Write a refusal statement to the company. They will disconnect your phone, but they have no right to take away the key.

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