Research work on the topic of advertising. Research work on the topic “The role of advertising in the life of my peer


Municipal educational institution

basic secondary school No. 2

Baley town, Trans-Baikal Territory, Russian Federation

XII regional scientific and practical conference

“Step into the future – 2010”

Performed : Ivleva Yulia Alexandrovna,

9th grade student of Municipal Educational Institution No. 2

Scientific director: Larionova Elena Yurievna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution No. 2


1. Introduction……………………………………………………....... 2

5. Conclusion……………………………………………………. ………………... 10

6. List of used literature………………………….……………. eleven


It is difficult to imagine the modern world without advertising. But until recently we did not even know what advertising on television and radio broadcasting was. We were only familiar with so-called street advertising. The rapid breakthrough of advertising in social life people is justified by the social order of society: the increase in goods on the market and the need to sell them.

The appearance of an abundance of advertising on all television channels at first sharply irritated television viewers, who gradually got used to it. Today we can observe the following fact: sometimes we deliberately wait for advertising in order to briefly distract ourselves from watching a movie or an interesting program to solve some minor problems, and sometimes we even get nervous when there is no advertising for a long time.

Analyzing this problem, it is expected to solve a number of problems: determine the role of advertising in human life, propose a way to classify advertising and indicate the method of its creation, identify the features of the language of television advertising, and also prove with examples what influence advertising has on the language of modern schoolchildren. Conduct this work is planned on the advertising material of the First Channel of the Public Russian Television.

Hypothesis: if

Object of study:the role of advertising in human life.

Subject of study:the influence of television advertising on the lives of modern schoolchildren.

Research methods and techniques:observation, analysis of literary and information sources, experiment, survey, viewing and analysis of television advertising.

We come across advertising everywhere: sitting at home in front of the TV, listening to the radio, on the way to work or school - wherever we are, we see or hear advertisements talking about goods or services.

In modern market conditions, not a single commercial enterprise can successfully conduct business without advertising in one form or another.

For many centuries, being a constant companion of man, she changes with him. The most ancient traders established their connections with customers through direct verbal appeals. The sales areas were filled with loud and repeated cries from the sellers. It was these messages that carried the essential features of modern advertising and other means of promoting goods. This characteristic allows us to define this direction of communication as proto-advertising. It is no coincidence that the word “advertising” comes from Lat. reclamo (reclamare) - resume screaming, shout again, object loudly.

For example, in ancient Rome, merchants very often resorted to the services of heralds to advertise goods. A herald is a person specially hired by a merchant whose tasks include inviting customers and praising the employer’s goods.

First of all, advertising carries information, which is usually presented in a concise, artistically expressed form, emotionally charged and bringing to the consciousness of potential buyers the most important facts and information about goods and services.

Currently, of all types of advertising, television advertising has the greatest influence on people. Perhaps this is partly because it is impossible to ignore. You can scroll through an advertisement in a newspaper, you can simply walk past a street advertisement, but there is no escape from television advertising. After all, we all sit in front of the TV for several hours a day. Along with the news, entertainment programs, feature films, we consume a huge amount of all kinds of advertising.

After analyzing this problem, it was possible to determine what percentage of time per day is occupied by advertising on television. During one episode of the feature film “Always Say Always,” which lasted 2 hours, advertising took 30 minutes, which amounted to 25% of the television broadcast time. Therefore, if we determine the amount of time an advertisement is broadcast per day, it will be approximately 6 hours. It's a lot.

By analyzing the advertising material, we were also able to identify some types: advertising of food products “for everyone”; advertising the services of various companies; advertising of various securities; advertising of perfumes and medicines; advertising of periodicals of the subscription campaign; advertising of household appliances; furniture advertising; advertising of vehicles.


Good afternoon

And for my wedding I need...

The tuxedo?


My cutter is busy right now, but would you like a cup of coffee?

Coffee is so tempting...

You are so easy to seduce. Are you getting married soon?

No, my grandfather! Fifth time! Can you imagine?

One exquisite taste, one non-random meeting!

Digital satellite television is even more affordable!

Call and connect!

On the Black Sea coast

Among the forests, rocky mountains,

Loan for furniture provided

Good uncle Chernomor.

The fairy tale becomes reality!

Furniture for the office, furniture for the home,

We now offer loans!

Reter Sport is a square disseller, excellent chocolate in a practical package. Reter Sport chocolate with an amazing amount of delicious fillings. Try a variety of flavors from Reter Sport!

“Discovering the energy of the morning sun with the new “Palmolive Aroma” therapy with propolis. Shower gel with 100% natural propolis extract and essential oils revitalizes the senses and leaves the skin soft. Fills your every day with radiance and vitality.

What is especially important for the development of intelligence? That's right, iodine balance!

The drug “Iodine Balance” helps the development of mental abilities.

Yum, yum, yum, yum!

Buy Mikoyan!

Latest news from Prostokvashino:

“Our dear father, mother and uncle Fedor! We live wonderfully, as they say, getting stronger day by day. Our milk has become even better. We are now putting it into bottles. We have kefir and so many goodies! And yoghurts with natural fruits! Prostokvashino is always a fresh story!”

For example: “Quick soup - fast decision delicious cooking!”

“Let’s take ordinary powder and new powder"Tide". We wash the tablecloth with regular powder - as a result, the fabric deteriorates and stains remain on it. Then we wash the same tablecloth with Tide powder - the tablecloth has become much cleaner!

Have you tried “Tide” yet? Then we go to you!"

So, the advertising language should be short, precise, emotional and, perhaps, non-standard, because the main task of advertising is to draw attention to the advertised item. On television, this is helped by both musical design and various ways of presenting it.

When studying the principle of creating advertising, we used advertising from Channel One of Russian public television.


A large number of advertisements listened to and viewed cannot but affect the language of children and adolescents.

Young people are a universal consumer of mass information and advertising, which, of course, negatively affects the oral and written speech of most teenagers. There is advertising that is built on the principle of error. The creator of such advertising has no respect for himself or people. It is important for him to advertise his product; he believes that he has come up with an original move. This is bad! Because when misspelled words often appear on TV screens, children remember how they are written and pronounced, and use them incorrectly in speech and writing. Borrowed words are usually used in advertising to attract consumer attention. But, having poor command of the norms of Russian speech, advertisers often get into trouble by inaccurately and grammatically incorrectly formatting the text, for example: “Lose weight forever up to 10 kilograms!” How can a sane person digest this advertising, much less buy this product? Or else: “Women’s magazine for men and women.” How can a women's magazine also be a men's magazine? The creator of this advertisement clearly did not understand the meaning of his work. Also, advertisers often use words that are distinguished by their novelty in sound, but do not have any new meaning; there is practically no need for their appearance, except to attract attention in commercials: sokos, Snickersney. Such words are a distinctive feature of modern children and adolescents.

But one cannot fail to mention the positive influence of advertising on the speech of teenagers: sometimes advertising based on works of art or poems, becomes an advertisement for the correct literary language, and the works become known to everyone. For example, A. Blok’s poem “Night. Street. Flashlight. Pharmacy…” after a successful advertisement they know everything by heart. I would like to believe that the time will come when any advertisement will become an example of the Russian literary language.

Thus, we can conclude: it is not the advertising itself that is annoying, but the frequency of its appearance on our TV screens.


It was interesting to work on this topic because a very diverse material was presented for research. The tasks set in the introduction have been completed.



Goal of the work: to trace and find out what impact television advertising has on the lives of modern schoolchildren.

Research methods and techniques: observation, analysis of literary and information sources, experiment, survey, viewing and analysis of television advertising.

Received data.

After analyzing this problem, it was possible to determine what percentage of time per day is occupied by advertising on television. During one episode of the feature film “Always Say Always,” which lasted 2 hours, advertising took 30 minutes, which accounted for 25% of the television broadcast time. Therefore, if we determine the amount of time an advertisement is broadcast per day, it will be approximately 6 hours. It's a lot. We conducted a sample survey of students at Municipal Educational Institution No. 2 and found the following data:

70% of students watch advertising, but they don’t always listen to it and analyze it; most often, it plays the role of sound design, which gives time to solve some small matters while watching a movie or an entertainment program;

10% of students, as soon as advertising starts, switch the TV to another channel;

10% carefully watch and listen to it, memorizing and analyzing it, and often use the words of their favorite advertisement in their speech;

Students noted that they especially like advertising broadcast for the holidays: it is distinguished by its emotionality, appropriate musical accompaniment, and the plot of a family setting; advertising, the heroes of which are children and animals; advertising representing various types and services of mobile communications.

To the question: What is especially annoying about advertising?

Almost unanimously, everyone answered: “Excessive amount of time allocated to advertising!”

The tasks set in the introduction have been completed.

The work makes an attempt to determine the place and role of advertising in human life: advertising has become a companion in the life of a modern person, it accompanies him everywhere: on the street, in a store, in public transport, on television and radio broadcasting.

An original version of the classification and method of creating advertising is proposed: advertising based on the principle of dialogue, advertising in the form of an advertisement; advertising created on the basis of poetry; advertising, the main feature of which is description appearance item or product; advertising representing the composition or quality of a product; advertising, which is based on the principle of forming new words; advertising that uses transliteration; advertising containing a question-and-answer principle of presenting material; advertising based on the principle of a call to action; advertising based on animation; advertising based on the principle of error; advertising based on the use of anaphora; advertising, which is based on the method of comparing objects.

The influence of advertising on the language of modern schoolchildren has been determined: advertising built on the principle of error, illiterate and inaccurately composed advertising lead to the consolidation of speech, grammatical and spelling errors in the oral and written speech of schoolchildren.

I would like to believe that the time will soon come when the linguistic material of advertising will become a model of advertising in the Russian literary language.

A sample survey of students from Municipal Educational Institution No. 2 was conducted and the main drawback of modern advertising, not even advertising itself, was identified: a large number of time allocated for advertising on television.

Research Plan

Research problem:What influence does advertising have on the lives of modern schoolchildren?

Hypothesis: if advertising is built on the principle of error, illiterate and inaccurately composed, then it leads to the consolidation of speech, grammatical and spelling errors in the oral and written speech of schoolchildren.

Detailed description of the method: by analyzing the advertising material, we were also able to identify some typesTV advertisements and combine them into the following groups: advertising of food products “for everyone”; advertising the services of various companies; advertising of various securities; advertising of perfumes and medicines; advertising of periodicals of the subscription campaign; advertising of household appliances; advertising

We were able to note some features of the psychological impact of advertising on television viewers:

The ability to attract the attention of readers - with a headline, TV viewers with a video;

The impact of advertising on the emotions of consumers;

The power of influence on actions and decisions (the desire to definitely buy this product);

Unusual, non-standard, novelty of advertising presentation, manifested in the desire to watch the advertisement to the end.

Thus, advertising seems to subconsciously control a person’s desires and actions; Often the advertised product is firmly remembered, and when the question arises about purchasing a particular product, most often we buy exactly what is advertised on TV.

We conducted a sample survey of students at Municipal Educational Institution No. 2 and found the following data:

70% of students watch advertising, but they don’t always listen to it and analyze it; most often, it plays the role of sound design, which gives time to solve some small matters while watching a movie or an entertainment program;

10% of students, as soon as advertising starts, switch the TV to another channel;

10% carefully watch and listen to it, memorizing and analyzing it, and often use the words of their favorite advertisement in their speech;

Students noted that they especially like advertising broadcast for the holidays: it is distinguished by its emotionality, appropriate musical accompaniment, and the plot of a family setting; advertising, the heroes of which are children and animals; advertising representing various types and services of mobile communications.

To the question: What is especially annoying about advertising?

Almost unanimously, everyone answered: “Excessive amount of time allocated to advertising!”


– Petrozavodsk, Folium, 1999. – 347

Municipal autonomous educational institution " high school Uglovka" Topic: "English Folk Art Painting" Completed by: Bagina Anna 9 “A” class Head: Yulia Vladimirovna Fedorova, English teacher

I know a lot about Russian folk art paintings. And one day I asked myself if there were any English folk art paintings. The aim of my project is: to find out the information about English folk art painting Tasks are: to collect the necessary material about English folk art painting; to make the presentation; to present the project to the class.

Folk art is quite simply any decorative art or decor created by someone who was not professionally trained, far outside the guilds and apprenticeships that guided the style. From Colonial America to the valleys of Norway, local people have made due, creating handmade pieces of pottery, furniture, kitchen wares and sculpture. It’s a tradition as old as civilization itself.

The folk arts of England associated with the "narrow boats" of the midland canals presumably cannot predate the boats themselves, and those boats were not in existence before the middle of the eighteenth century when the narrow canals were built. That is quite recent in art history terms. The first written and pictorial references to bright colors and painted roses and castles on canal boats do not occur until even later, in the mid nineteenth century.

As a general rule, the outer surfaces of boats owned by companies tended to have large lettering and scrollwork, supplemented with geometric patterns. Roses and castles were primarily for the interiors, although individual owner-operators tended to have their boats decorated quite lavishly on the outsides. Some companies too, had decoration outside.

The origin of the roses and castles found on canal boats is unclear. The first written reference to them appears to be in an 1858 edition of the magazine Household Words in one of a series of articles titled "On the Canal", but while this shows that the art form must have existed by this date, it doesn't" t provide us with an origin. For some time, a popular suggestion was that it had some form of Romani origin; however, there does not appear to be a significant link between the Romani and boating communities. clock-making industry or the pottery industry. There is certainly a similarity in style and a geographical overlap, but no solid proof of a link. There are similar styles of folk art in Scandinavia, Germany, Turkey and Bangladesh.

The boat decorations have lots of colors carefully contrasted in tone. Add to all that the boatwoman's domestic instincts, her distillation of all the outward signs of house dwelling respectability into a miniature parlour on the move, and the result was a wonderfully fertile field for the development of the folk art tradition.

Kolomiets Ekaterina Igorevna




School teacher:

Shlykova Oksana Nikolaevna,

teacher of history and social studies MOBU "Secondary School No. 7"

Orenburg, 2012

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................

I Chapter 1. Theoretical part…………………………………….

1.1. History of the emergence and development of advertising…………………

II. Chapter 2. Practical part (research)…………………...




Never heard of it before.

M. Larney

We all love comfort, convenience, good technology, household items, and fashionable clothes. We want to create a special image for ourselves, our family, our home. We strive to get the best out of life. But how do we know which product (work, service) to buy, what is fashionable now, what deserves our attention? The answer is simple: through advertising. Advertising gives us this opportunity! It allows you to choose a product (work, service), verify or doubt its quality, give it your preference or refuse it. And regardless of whether advertising annoys you or not, it undoubtedly influences your choice.

Advertising... At first glance, it seems that this is a fairly simple and understandable topic. But the deeper you begin to study it, the more questions arise to which you want to find an answer, and, perhaps, give your own. For me, this topic is interesting not only from an economic point of view, but also from a psychological one, because advertising is a way of unnoticeably influencing the masses. I think we need to be especially careful when advertising to children, as children have a limited ability to judge how much to trust what they are watching. Therefore, advertisers should not use children’s imagination to achieve any goal and force them to believe in the unrealistic capabilities of the product.

This research topic is still relevant today.The degree of study of this issue is insufficient. It seems that this problem is being studied to a greater extent by representatives advertising business in order to influence us - consumers of their goods, we do not think about the influence of advertising on us.

Yes, advertising has firmly entered into Russian reality. Every day, media channels bring new streams of information to every home. Modern advertising is complex and multifaceted; it has absorbed enormous intellectual and material resources, turning into an independent branch of business.

Goals and objectives of the work:

1) get acquainted with literary sources on advertising;

2) systematize and summarize the literature on this topic;

4) determine the attitude of the population towards advertising;

6) analyze the results of the study.

To solve the problems, the following research methods were used:

  1. theoretical (analysis of literature on this topic);
  2. general scientific (personal observations, surveys, questionnaires);
  3. experimental;
  4. statistical (processing of survey results).

Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

What is advertising? There are many definitions. If we limit ourselves to a narrow framework, we can say that advertising is paid unidirectional non-personal and indirect communication that promotes specific product or services.

The most substantiated definition of advertising is given by famous scientists A.P. Kuzyakin and M.A. Semechev in his book “Advertising and PR in the Global Economy”:"Advertising “is a paid presence in the media of information about a company, product, service or idea, with the goal of increasing the fame (popularity) of the company and its turnover.”

Advertising provides two interrelated functions: to inform potential buyers about a company, product, service and to encourage the consumer to use the product, and subsequently to make a repeat purchase.

  1. History of the emergence and development of advertising.

The simplest forms of advertising existed before our era. One of the first advertising messages that has reached our time is considered to be an Egyptian papyrus, which reported the sale of a slave. His text read; “He hears perfectly with both ears, sees with both eyes. I guarantee his moderation in food, honesty, and obedience.” One of the oldest advertising texts is considered to be an inscription carved on stone, which was found in the ruins of the ancient city of Memphis: “I, Rino, from the island of Crete, by the will of the gods, interpret dreams.”

Among the texts discovered at Pompeii, many relate to the electoral struggles of Roman politicians and administrators. “I ask that you make Modestus an Aedile (i.e., an elected official in the selectivity)” and even: “If anyone rejects Quintius, let him sit next to the donkey.”

The most important means of disseminating information and advertising in the ancient states of the world was the so-called institution of heralds - one of the oldest institutions of state power. These positions were defined in various ancient states.

IN Ancient Greece criers walked the streets singing promotional songs. One of them, for example, sounded like this: “To make the eyes shine, so that the cheeks turn red, so that the girl’s beauty is preserved for a long time, a reasonable woman will buy cosmetics at reasonable prices from Exliptos.” What is not an example of modern cosmetics advertising?!

Ancient culture was an excellent example of the development of advertising activities. Therefore, it can be argued that the formation and development of advertising began long before the advent of printing.

Thus, the origins of advertising activities go back to primitive antiquity. Ancient culture gives rise to already quite mature forms of advertising activity, the basis of which are clots of operational information. These forms of advertising activity were expressed through a variety of sets of verbal, sound, written and visual techniques that created images of advertised objects, whose goal was to actively penetrate the psyche of a potential consumer, attract his attention and thereby encourage him to take actions beneficial to the advertiser.

A new qualitative leap in the development of advertising begins with the advent of printing.

Gutenberg's invention of the printing press in 1450 marked the beginning of the era of the formation of the system of means mass communication, the consequence of which was a qualitatively new stage in the development of advertising. Texts, the writing of which previously required many days of painstaking work, could now be prepared quite quickly.

A little later, newspapers began to be filled with commercial advertisements, mainly related to the wholesale and retail sale of tea, coffee, chocolate and other food products.

Advertising becomes one of the methods of non-price competition, one of the functions of marketing. In addition to achieving purely economic goals, it is used for political and ideological influence on people. Special companies and agencies are starting to engage in advertising.

The development of advertising in Russia dates back to the 10th - 11th centuries, when Russian merchants resorted to various methods of offering their goods. Usually, for a fee, a barker was invited, who, standing near the shops, loudly announced the merits of the product and its owner. The creators and virtuoso performers of oral amusing advertising were peddlers who sold small goods - ribbons, lace, combs, scarves, gingerbread, bagels.

Folk pictures - popular prints - made a certain contribution to the early period of formation of advertising media. The first mention of them dates back to the beginning of the 17th century. Lubki conveyed a variety of information and ideas, embodied in catchy colorful images, to a wide audience in an accessible form.

In the 19th century, printed advertising of goods became widespread, although printed advertisements of an advertising nature were already found in the “Vedomosti” of Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century, receiving a little later a new impetus in the publications of the Academy of Sciences “St. Petersburg Gazette”.

The successful development of advertising in Russia was also facilitated by the rapid growth of cities with their inherent concentration of population, the development of urban means of communication, and the production by industry of a large mass of goods designed for all segments of the population.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the content and objectives of advertising changed. One of the first decrees of the Soviet government, advertising was monopolized by the state; entrepreneurs were deprived of the opportunity to expand their business through advertising.

The uniqueness of the advertising market in Russia lies in its dynamics. The boundaries of this market are continuously expanding due to the emergence of new organizations, enterprises and, accordingly, new clients. Advertising in the interests of the market persistently imposes its values ​​on the audience, actively shapes mass consciousness, disseminating and consolidating the moral market code and the life orientations of its customers. She starts to show positive influence to the market: by organizing consumer demand, it promotes the promotion of goods. Thus, “Russian advertising” begins to take shape in the country.

  1. The influence of advertising on the economy and trade.

When talking about the impact of advertising on the economy and trade, it is important to understand that by informing people about goods, services and ideas, advertising stimulates sales growth, and, consequently, trade growth. As a buyer's guide, it provides consumers with information about new products or prices, and industrial customers with important information about new equipment and technologies. By simultaneously informing a large number of people about the goods and services offered, advertising significantly reduces sales costs and facilitates the task of individual sales. As a result, costs are reduced and profits are increased, which can be invested in additional capital equipment and jobs.

Freedom of advertising allows competing organizations to enter the market, which stimulates the improvement of existing products and the development of new models. Such activity is expressed in an increase in labor productivity, an increase in quality and the disappearance of goods that do not meet market requirements. Thus, by inviting people to try new products, advertising gives impetus to the success of quality products and helps weed out unsuitable products.

Advertising is a necessary component in the overall structure of business activity, designed to stimulate consumption to a level comparable to the level of production. In conditions of mass consumption and high employment, advertising has become an integral part of the economy, taking its corresponding place among such components as production, financing, distribution and entrepreneurship.

Advertising is often called mass or impersonal commerce. It is used to inform, persuade and remind customers about specific products and services. Of course, some products are easier to advertise than others.

1. There is a tendency towards high primary demand for the product.

2. Possibility of distinguishing goods from other mass of goods.

3. Greater relative importance for the consumer of the hidden qualities of the product than the obvious ones.

4. Possibility of using high emotional appeal.

5. Availability of funds for advertising.

Where such conditions exist, such as in the cosmetics industry, significant advertising costs profitable, and the ratio between advertising costs and profit from sales is often very high. For completely undifferentiated goods such as salt, sugar and other types of raw materials, the importance of advertising is usually minimal, and price plays a primary role.

Thus, it is now unthinkable to imagine how a modern economy and trade could develop without advertising - the main source of information.

First of all, advertising carries information, usually presented in a concise, artistically expressed form, emotionally charged and bringing to the consciousness and attention of potential buyers the most important facts and information about goods and services. It should be noted that advertising is always information, and information is not always advertising.

Advertising, on the one hand, conveys to consumers the information necessary for the purchase and use of goods. On the other hand, combining its information with persuasiveness and suggestion, it has an emotional and mental impact on a person. From this we can conclude that advertising itself is both work and art.

The purpose of any advertising work is to encourage people to take a specific action (choosing a product or service, voting for a proposed candidate, participating in a cult event, etc.). The main content of the advertising message is a set of practically valuable social information combined with the “image” - the advertising image of the object.

Trade advertising should help improve the quality of trade service to customers. With the help of advertising, buyers quickly find the goods they need, purchase them with the greatest convenience and the least amount of time. At the same time, the sale of goods is accelerated, the labor efficiency of sales personnel is increased, and costs are reduced. No less important is information for the population about individual trading enterprises, the services they offer, opening hours, sales methods, and the specific features of their activities.

Many people accuse advertising of creating the need to buy something. Are body deodorants really necessary for life, or has advertising created an artificial need, persuading us to monitor the “unpleasant” body odor? Do you need a VCR? Do you need canned orange juice? Do you have a need for ballpoint pens? These are all items that you can do without, but they will all be purchased even without advertising. The purpose of advertising in this case will be to help you choose a brand of VCR, orange juice concentrate or ballpoint pen.

  1. Legal regulation of advertising activities.

Particular attention should be paid to legal regulation advertising activities. The current period of development of the advertising business in Russia is characterized by a sharp influx of bright and varied advertising products, among which there was a lot of dishonest advertising.

In connection with these negative processes in the advertising business of Russia, the State Duma adopted on July 14, 1995 the federal law“On Advertising”, designed to regulate issues arising in the process of production, placement and distribution of advertising in the markets of goods, works, and services. It should be noted that the advertising law does not apply to political advertising and advertisements individuals, inincluding in the media not related to business activities.

The main goals of the law are protection from unfair competition in the field of advertising, prevention and suppression of inappropriate advertising.

Federal law establishes general and special requirements for advertising. In particular, Article 5 contains General requirements to advertising. The main general requirements include the following:

In radio and television programs it is not allowed to interrupt advertising: children's and religious programs; educational programs more than once within 15 minutes for a period not exceeding 45 seconds; radio plays and feature films without the consent of the copyright holders; other programs whose duration is less than 15 minutes.

Programs whose broadcast duration ranges from 15 to 60 minutes are not allowed to be interrupted more than twice.

In radio and television programs that are not registered as specializing in messages and advertising materials, advertising should not exceed 25% of the broadcast volume during the day.

Consider an advertisement for Baltimore's Provencal mayonnaise, which states that this mayonnaise is “the most Provencal Provencal.” Article 7 of the Law on Advertising states that the term “most” is prohibited from being used in advertising without the appropriate documentary evidence. Nevertheless, it was imprinted in the minds of TV viewers that “Provencal” mayonnaise is the best. And this is the main thing for the company.

Article 12 of the Law “On Advertising” is devoted to the peculiarities of Lama’s advertisements in periodicals. It limits the volume of advertising materials in one issue of a periodical printed publication that does not specialize in messages and advertising materials to 40%. However, compliance with the provided limitation is difficult to monitor in periodicals due to the provision of information in them in the form of hidden advertising: in the form of articles about products, sales methods.

Article 13 of the law defines a ban on advertising during film and video services.

A special place in the Law “On Advertising” is given to outdoor advertising. Article 14 stipulates that outdoor advertising should not resemble road signs and indicators, should not impair their visibility, and should not reduce traffic safety.

Features of advertising individual species goods are defined in Article 16. Of the entire set of product groups sold on the Russian consumer market, the Law “On Advertising” regulates the advertising of only four groups of goods (tobacco and tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, medicines and weapons). However, these goods were not chosen by chance, since they are attributes of an unhealthy lifestyle, and one of the main functions of the state is to take care of the health of the people and the development of their rational needs.

Article 22 of the Law “On Advertising” obliges advertising producers and distributors to require the advertiser to provide a license. However, the law does not directly establish liability for the production and distribution of advertising in the absence of a license for the production and sale of the advertised product or service provided.

A distinction is made between the economic efficiency of advertising and the effectiveness of the psychological impact of individual advertising media on human consciousness. Moreover, psychological influence is most effective if it leads potential consumers to make a purchase. Thus, the economic effectiveness of advertising depends on the degree of its psychological impact on a person.

About economic efficiency advertising can also be judged by the economic result that was achieved from the use of an advertising medium or an advertising campaign. Economic result is determined by the ratio between the profit from additional turnover received under the influence of advertising and the costs of it.

More precisely, the effectiveness of advertising costs characterizes its profitability - the ratio of profits received to costs.

The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising means is characterized by the number of consumers reached, the brightness and depth of the impression that these means leave in a person’s memory, and the degree of attracting attention. The effectiveness of the psychological impact of advertising on consumers can be determined through observations, experiments, and surveys.

Observation methodused to study the impact of individual advertising media on consumers. This method is passive in nature, since the observer does not influence the buyer in any way, but, on the contrary, makes observations unnoticed by him. The observation method allows us to evaluate the psychological impact of advertising in natural conditions, in direct communication between the consumer and a certain advertising medium.

Such data can be obtained from the readings of receipts punched on summing cash registers, and by registering the facts of purchase of the advertised product by cashiers.

Along with the observation method, it is widely usedexperimental method. This method is active. The study of the psychological impact of advertising here takes place under conditions artificially created by the experimenter. If during observation they only record how the consumer feels, for example, about a certain display of goods, then the experimenter can rearrange the goods and then observe the change in the reaction of buyers. In the same way, the experimenter can create a variety of combinations of advertising media and, by comparing the reactions of customers, select the most successful one.

The psychological effectiveness of an advertising medium such as an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine is determined through an experiment. For example, the advertisement includes a coupon with the text of a request to send a prospectus, catalog or sample. The buyer must cut out this coupon and send it trading company, the address of which is indicated in the text of the advertisement. Based on the number of coupon requests received from readers, the advertiser judges whether his ad was noticed in periodicals, and whether the text of this ad turned out to be sufficiently convincing and interesting.

Survey method also refers to active methods of determining the psychological impact of advertising. This method is labor-intensive, but much more reliable than others, since it allows us to directly identify from the buyer his attitude not only to the advertising medium as a whole, but also to the individual components of this medium. Using the survey method, you can evaluate the impact of an advertising medium on customers and determine which elements of its design attract the most attention and are better remembered.

To determine the effectiveness of a particular advertising medium, questionnaires are compiled, which, according to a pre-developed program, are brought to the attention of consumers in writing, in personal conversations, on radio or television. Analysis of the responses received allows us to draw appropriate generalizations and conclusions.

Chapter 2. Practical part (research)

When composing advertisements, it is necessary to adhere to the code of advertising practice. Its content is based on the norms of advertising: decency, honesty, truthfulness, comparison, evidence and evidence, denigration, protection of individual rights, use of reputation, imitation, identification of the advertising message, ensuring security.

Advertising is criticized not only for the role it plays in marketing activities, but also for the way in which it influences society. Advertising, at best, provides exclusively positive information about products, and at worst, it is openly biased. Some accuse advertising of psychologically manipulating people into buying things they cannot afford. Others criticize the ads for being offensive in tone, in poor taste, or simply being too much.

Many people do not like intrusive advertising that tries to force people to buy this or that product. But the fact remains that no matter how much advertisers try to convince us that using their products will make us healthier or more successful in life, they will not be able to force us to buy a product that we do not need. No matter how many advertisements for diapers we see, we will not buy one if we do not have a child. And even if advertising manages to convince you to buy a product once, it cannot force you to buy it a second time if you don’t like it. Those who accuse advertising of manipulating consumers actually have a very low opinion of people's decision-making abilities, believing that they cannot resist hypnotic advertising messages. But if advertising has such persuasive power, then why is it that so many more products fail in the marketplace than succeed, and why are some products successful with little or no advertising?

Based on the results of a survey among respondents of different ages, I came to the conclusion that the power of advertising is greatly exaggerated. Firstly, people don't pay much attention to advertisements, and when they do, they can't remember which product was featured in which advertisement.

Thus, some respondents to the question: “What advertising do you like?” They answered that they liked something, but could not remember a specific advertisement (see Appendix: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2). Secondly, most people are very skeptical about advertising. I interviewed 200 respondents. Of these, 100 people are under 18 years of age and 100 people are over 18 years of age. Moreover, in the senior age group advertising irritates 82% of respondents, and only 62% of the younger respondents (see Appendix: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2).

The main criticism of advertising from the public is the lack of trust. IN senior group 80% do not trust it and 84% have had cases of deception by advertising; in the younger group, 75% do not believe advertising and 78% have been deceived at some point (see Appendix: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2).

I'm on own experience I decided to check the authenticity of one of the advertisements. As an example, I chose an advertising brochure from the Procter and Gamble company (the owner of the miracle paste blend-a-med), which assured that this “experiment, due to its clarity, is invariably popular with children, instilling a taste for observation...” . As advised in the advertisement, I spread one egg with blend-a-med paste with fluoride and calcium, and left the other unchanged. In fact, the slightly dried paste presented a less than aesthetically pleasing sight. During the four days of the experiment, no signs of strengthening were observed on the test object. Finally, on the fifth day, the eggs were thrown onto the floor (see Appendix 3: Experiment).

And then... In general, no miracle happened, just according to the law of attraction, both eggs fell and spread into a slimy yellow puddle (see Appendix 3: Experience). No other result should have been expected, since this experience has no medical basis. Tooth enamel and egg shells have different structures: the shell base is calcium carbonate, and the enamel is hydroxyapatite. It remains to draw a simple conclusion: the trick with eggs is purely an advertising trick.

According to the World Health Organization, daily brushing with fluoride-containing pastes strengthens enamel by 25%. Is this useful? I decided to get the answer to this question directly from the dentist. “Of course, teeth become less sensitive to cold and hot, they hurt less often,” says the doctor, “and fluoride, as the advertisement says, “protects against caries.” However, there is no question of any white-toothed smile. On the contrary, fluoride causes teeth to become yellowish-gray. And from its excess amount you can get fluorosis: the enamel will turn brown, and in some places even turn black. Manufacturers try not to talk about this. Of course, some people's teeth are more sensitive, while others can withstand a fluoride attack relatively easily. But I wouldn’t blindly trust everything that is shown in advertising.” Another question arbitrarily arises: “Why in commercial Did the egg marked blend-a-med break?” If you look closely at the egg at the moment it hits the floor, you can clearly see a small hole through which the entire contents of the egg were probably poured out, so it did not crack.

Not losing hope that there was some truth in the Procter and Gamble advertisements, I decided to brush my teeth with blend-a-med “Healthy Whiteness” toothpaste for 4 weeks, as it says on the package. After this period, the teeth did not become whiter, but the gums began to hurt (small grains contained in the paste caused an inflammatory effect).

The above facts indicate the validity of criticism against advertising.

One common complaint about advertising is that there is simply too much of it (see Appendices: Charts 1, Charts 2). Advertising will find you in cars, elevators, parking lots, hotel lobbies and subways, at home through radio and television, in newspapers and by mail. You could say that we are swimming in a sea of ​​advertising, and this makes life less enjoyable than it could be. There is no doubt that we live in an information-saturated society. With so many products to choose from, businesses often have to shout to be heard, and advertising is their megaphone.

Consumers are more tolerant of advertising in print media than in broadcast media (see Appendices: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2). Readers simply turn the pages and ignore the ads if they so choose. Essential products tend to be more intrusive and therefore receive more criticism.

Many people find advertising offensive to their religious beliefs, moral principles or political views. Others consider it bad taste to use methods in advertising that emphasize violence or descriptions of anatomical functions (see Appendix: Diagrams 1, Diagrams 2).

The concept of taste is very subjective. What is good taste for some is bad taste for others. Besides, tastes change. What is considered offensive now may not be so in the future. Some people find liquor advertisements offensive, while others find them entertaining and informative. For example, in the younger age group, some people like beer advertising, which is not the case in the older age group. There used to be virtually no advertising for contraceptives, but the fear of AIDS eventually forced television stations and many printed publications review its policy that did not allow such advertising. In the not-too-distant past, nudity rarely appeared in print advertisements. Today they can be seen in the range of body care and personal hygiene products. Where nudity is relevant to the product being advertised, it is less likely to be perceived as obscene or offensive. IN younger group I like advertising that shows attractive people.

Often the products themselves are not “offensive”, but the way they are advertised gives rise to criticism. Compilers may resort to shock value to attract attention, but such sensationalism is often merely a reflection of the audience's tastes and interests. If an advertisement does not attract the people it is aimed at, then the advertising campaign will begin to stall and fade away. The audience thus wields decisive power by ignoring offensive material.

Perhaps the most important charge against advertising is that it attempts to mislead people (see Appendices: Charts 1, Charts 2). Deception in advertising can take many forms, many of which are highly controversial in the absence of clear rules. To remain effective, advertising must be trusted by consumers. Systematic deception is self-destructive because over time it causes customers to turn away from the product.

Norilsk, for example, has its own so-called local advertising, the purpose of which is to inform customers about the provision of certain services and the availability wide range goods at standard prices. At the local level, advertisers' needs are more ad hoc. The most important thing here is not to shut up cash machine, the flow of buyers has not dried up, the stock of goods in the warehouse has not been depleted. As a result, sales promotion, sales and warehouse clearance activities are carried out at the local level, that is, everything that is aimed at real action. Local advertising is mainly expressed through advertisements as well as on street billboards. An example of incorrect advertising is the advertisement of “Norilsk Beer”, located on Leninsky Prospekt 28. The text on this poster has an ambiguous meaning: “Article 27 of the Code of the Russian Federation: everyone has the right to rest.” Using this phrase, you can advertise a product no matter how harmful to health, because for everyone the concept of relaxation is different: for a drinker it’s alcohol, for a drug addict it’s drugs, etc. Regardless of the number of such advertisements, it will always find its audience. And to the question: “Why are there so many alcoholics, drug addicts and criminals in Norilsk and throughout Russia?” the answer is simple: “Because such unaesthetic, immoral advertising campaigns for this.”

It must be admitted that there have been and still are abuses in advertising. But the criticism that falls on advertising as a tool for organizing sales and influencing society is no longer justified and is inflated to such proportions that all advertising is presented from a bad angle. Advertising has a beneficial effect on society in several ways. From an economic perspective, it encourages the creation of new and better products, provides consumers with greater choice, keeps prices down, and promotes competition.

It is worth recalling that advertising is the most visible manifestation of business activity. What a company has been doing in secret for many years becomes public knowledge from the moment it begins an advertising campaign. By inviting customers to try their products, companies risk public criticism if their products do not live up to their advertising promises. This makes advertised products safer than unadvertised ones because the manufacturers of the advertised products are putting their name and reputation on the line and are more interested in keeping their promises and claims.


As a result of a theoretical and research analysis of this topic, I came to the conclusion that advertising as an engine of trade plays a significant role in a market economy, as it allows one to navigate the huge flow of goods and services offered. However, advertisers must provide a truthful and objective description of the product offered, otherwise they may lose the trust of consumers, as a result of which they will be forced out of the market by stronger and more capable competitors. It is necessary to adhere to the Code of Advertising Practice, the Advertising Law and the rules that it prescribes for advertisers. It is important that the people composing the advertisement work in their profession and are educated in this service sector. Then we can hope that there will be less and less false advertising.

In the designated topic of my research, “to be or not to be,” I reliably answer: “to be,” but the second question: “to believe or not to believe” makes me remember the proverb: “Trust, but verify.”

Annex 1

Results of the survey in the younger age group (under 18 years old).

Results of the survey in the older age group (over 18 years old).


This article is an abstract presentation of the main work. Full text scientific work, applications, illustrations and other additional materials are available on the II website International competition research and creative works students “Start in Science” at the link:

The beginnings of modern advertising, which have accompanied humanity for many centuries, were not perceived for a long time as an expression of a single phenomenon, but were perceived separately. Some of these forms can be considered the prototype of modern types of advertising. Namely: Rock paintings containing information about the location of the hunt and its results can be considered the starting point of modern outdoor advertising. A person’s desire to stand out among his peers by decorating his appearance in a variety of ways can be called image advertising. And of course, the most common transmission of information is oral transmission, for example, about who is good at tanning hides or sewing clothes - a vivid example of word-of-mouth advertising. Of course, this is just primitive advertising for now. The further development of advertising depended entirely on the development of both society as a whole and productive forces, in particular. It should be emphasized that it is technical and scientific achievements of humanity, such as the invention of printing, the discovery of electricity, radio, human space flight, the computer revolution, etc., became the basis for the means of distributing modern advertising.

Advertising, destined to become the most ubiquitous, most distinctive and most profitable form of American printed production, achieved recognition only in the second half of the 19th century. This new subliterature was destined to touch the innermost feelings of people and have such a huge influence on the nation that neither sacred nor secular writings had produced in all history. In America in the mid-20th - 21st centuries. The power of the advertising word and the advertising image eclipsed the power of all other literature.

The relevance of this work lies in the study of types of advertising and its impact on the consumer.

Subject of research: prospects for application social advertising and its impact on the consumer.

Purpose of the work: to study the stages of development and formation of social advertising.

1. Get acquainted with the stages of development and application of social advertising.

3. Identify the features of the influence of social advertising on goods and services.

4. Analyze usage various types advertising in modern life.

5. Conduct a sociological survey among parents and children of the gymnasium on the topic “Your attitude to advertising.”

When carrying out the research work, the following methods were used:

  • analytical in the study of scientific literature;
  • testing during a sociological survey;
  • comparative when preparing the practical part of the work.

The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the results obtained as additional material when studying the subject “Fundamentals of Economic Culture” in grades 5-9.

Research part

To successfully interpret the qualities of goods and services that can satisfy the needs and demands of buyers, the advertiser must have as complete an understanding as possible about the consumer and the product itself, as well as about the structure of the market. That is why research in advertising is carried out in three main directions:

1) consumer research,

2) product analysis;

3) market analysis.

Thus, research plays the role of the main working tool in creating effective advertising. However, it should be remembered that research only complements and does not replace creativity and the high professionalism of working group leaders, text writers, artists, etc., through whose efforts successful advertising companies are born.

The nation's largest advertisers account for nearly 70% of total advertising spending in the country. The income of magazines and newspapers is 60-70% paid for by advertising, and the income of television and radio consists of almost 100% of advertising revenue.

52 people took part in the study, of which 30 were women and 22 were men. Age of participants: from 16 to 50 years; of these, from 16 to 25 years old - 35%, from 26 to 50 years old - 65%.

Research methods: The main method is a survey, which was conducted using a questionnaire and the “unfinished sentences” technique.

The questionnaire contains both open and closed questions; Of these, three questions (about the preferred types of advertising on television, about attitudes towards advertising in general, about behavioral reactions to advertising inserts while watching television programs) have been worked out most differentiatedly (about 10 are offered possible options answers).

As a result of the study, the following data were obtained.

3. To the question “What do you usually do during commercials?” 66% answered that they switch to another channel, 23% turn down the volume; 7% stay on the same channel and watch advertisements, and 4% answered that they do household chores.

According to study participants, Russian advertising characterized primarily by the following adjectives:

Obsessive (24%);

Primitive (18%);

Smug (12%);

Subjective (22%);

Useless (22%).

When asked about their attitude towards advertising on television as the most popular advertising media, the answers were distributed as follows: 51% answered that advertising annoys them, 39% of respondents are indifferent to it, and 10% of respondents are interested in it.

Moreover, the top five most preferred types of television advertising are as follows:

1) humorous - 57%

2) gaming - 15% - romantic

3) cartoon -10% - fairy-tale or fantastic

4) informational, reasoned - 9% - traditional

5) reproduction of image and lifestyle - 9% - national.

The survey was conducted among parents and 7th grade students. Survey data shows:

The consumer believes that it is necessary to limit advertising display to 2-3 times per program (90%);

All survey participants bought goods on sale (100%).


The beginnings of modern advertising, which have accompanied humanity for many centuries, were not perceived for a long time as an expression of a single phenomenon, but were perceived separately. Some of these forms can be considered the prototype of modern types of advertising. Since advertising serves many different messages for many different purposes, and its effect is almost always ambiguous with the consequences of other possible phenomena, advertising will continue to be the domain of uncertain incentives. Therefore, like an inkblot, it can be interpreted differently depending on who is looking and what aspect of the multi-faceted advertising activity is being considered.

From this, it seems, one very clear conclusion can be drawn. Advertising will continue to appear in many guises for many people: as a guide for consumers, as a factor in stimulating markets and selling consumer goods.

Bibliographic link

Pavlina M.M. RESEARCH WORK: “ADVERTISING” // International school scientific bulletin. – 2016. – No. 3. – P. 102-103;
URL: (access date: 09/02/2019).

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
Full version work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


The beginnings of modern advertising, which have accompanied humanity for many centuries, were not perceived for a long time as an expression of a single phenomenon, but were perceived separately. Some of these forms can be considered the prototype of modern types of advertising. Namely: Rock paintings containing information about the location of the hunt and its results can be considered the starting point of modern outdoor advertising. A person’s desire to stand out among his peers by decorating his appearance in a variety of ways can be called image advertising. And of course, the most common transmission of information is oral transmission, for example, about who is good at tanning hides or sewing clothes - a vivid example of word-of-mouth advertising. Of course, this is just primitive advertising for now. The further development of advertising depended entirely on the development of both society as a whole and the productive forces in particular. It should be emphasized that it is the technical and scientific achievements of mankind, such as the invention of printing, the discovery of electricity, radio, human space flights, the computer revolution, etc., that have become the basis for the means of distributing modern advertising.

Advertising, destined to become the most ubiquitous, most distinctive, and most profitable form of American printed production, achieved recognition only in the second half of the 19th century. This new subliterature was destined to touch the innermost feelings of people and have such a huge influence on the nation that neither sacred nor secular writings had produced in all history. In America in the mid-20th - 21st centuries. V. The power of the advertising word and the advertising image eclipsed the power of all other literature.

The relevance of this work is: in the study of types of advertising and its impact on consumers.

Object of study: stages of advertising development.

Subject of study: prospects for the use of social advertising and its impact on the consumer.

Goal of the work: study the stages of development and formation of social advertising.


1. Get acquainted with the stages of development and application of social advertising.

3. Identify the features of the influence of social advertising on goods and services.

4. Analyze the use of various types of advertising in modern life.

5. Conduct a sociological survey among parents and children of the gymnasium on the topic “Your attitude to advertising.”

When carrying out the research work, the following methods were used:

    analytical in the study of scientific literature;

    testing during a sociological survey;

    comparative when preparing the practical part of the work.

The practical significance of the work lies in the ability to use the results obtained as additional material when studying the subject “Fundamentals of Economic Culture” in grades 5–9.

Chapter 1. Theoretical information.

Advertising 1 - a direction in marketing communications, within the framework of which non-personalized information is distributed, paid for by a well-known sponsor, in order to attract attention to the object of advertising, form or maintain interest in it.

Advertising in the Ancient World: The first mentions of advertising date back to ancient times. Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and Roman cultures surprise with the high rates of development of advertising information. It was expressed in different types. Even at that time, ancient entrepreneurs represented by slave traders set themselves the goal of winning over a potential consumer to their side, capturing his attention and forcing him to make a deal that was profitable for them. The most important means of disseminating information and advertising in the ancient states of the world was the so-called institution of heralds, one of the oldest institutions of state power. These positions were established in various ancient states. The profession of a herald was intended for the daily informing of large crowds of people, such as cities at that time. Moreover, the information from the heralds was of a varied nature - from political appeals and denunciations, honoring famous commanders, messages about embassies arriving in the city, circus performances, to purely commercial advertising. In ancient Greece, heralds walked the streets singing promotional songs. What is not an example of a modern advertising company?! The heralds were also instructed to promptly notify the population about citizens being summoned to court, about sentences passed and upcoming executions. Over time, this area of ​​notification formed a special branch of legal advertising, which still exists today. The object of oral advertising in antiquity was often “living things” - slaves. In Rome, for example, there were several slave trading sites where ingenious advertising appeals were made, partly coming down to us in classical works. No less common were advertisements inviting citizens to attend one or another spectacle: another gladiator fight, a new comedy farce, performances by jugglers, magicians, street acrobats, etc.

It is known for certain that ancient artisans put a special mark on their products, thus taking care of their reputation and advertising quality products. The formation and development of advertising began long before the advent of printing. (Annex 1)

The formation of advertising in Western Europe: In 1450, Gutenberg created the world's first printing press. This was the beginning of a new era of mass communication and advertising. Now there was no need to spend a lot of time and effort on any publications, since the printing press made it possible to publish books in mass quantities. In the second half of the 15th century, Gutenberg founded several printing enterprises, which then quickly spread throughout Europe: first in Italy in 1465, then in Switzerland in 1468, in France in 1470, in Hungary and in Belgium in 1473 ., and around the same year in Poland. And already in 1476, printing enterprises appeared in such European countries as England, the Czech Republic and several others. The very first printed advertisement in England dates back to 1472. In London, on the door of one of his churches was posted advertisement for the sale of prayer books. Most researchers believe that the founder of print advertising in Europe was the French physician Theophrastus Renaudo. In 1630, He opened an information office in Paris, which printed advertisements in the French newspaper, La Gazette. The very first advertisement published at this time was a message about a reward for finding 12 horses that were stolen by thieves. This advertisement later appeared in a London newspaper. Soon advertisements will appear from merchants selling wholesale bread, flour, waffles, tea, coffee and much more. The first advertisement simply informed people that a product was available for sale. But gradually such advertising stopped working, and advertisers began to actively use various tricks and tricks to attract the attention of buyers specifically to their product. These could be fables, proverbs and sayings, small plot stories that skillfully offer goods. New methods of delivering advertising information to people also appeared. (Appendix 2)

The formation of advertising in the USA: In 1704, a newspaper appeared in the American colonies - the Boston News-Letter. This newspaper was entirely focused on advertising. In 1729, Benjamin Franklin created the Pennsylvania Gazette. The development of advertising in this country is associated with Franklin in the United States. The Pennsylvania Gazette had the largest circulation and the largest amount of print advertising ever seen before this time. In the middle of the 18th century, the industrial revolution began in England, and at the beginning of the 19th century in North America. Merchants have realized the true power of advertising and the effectiveness of using it to ensure high profits.

Over time, print advertising itself began to change. This was due to the emergence in 1839 of photography. Now advertising information began to go along with pictures and images of a particular product, which in turn created greater confidence in the product. In 1884, the telegraph was invented, which made it possible to connect distant areas of large cities with their centers. Since then, advertising has become one of the main functions of marketing. Now advertising was a powerful weapon in a privileged society and helped the elite create needs for people in a market economy. Over time, specialized agencies and firms began to engage in advertising. Separate advertising divisions of trade campaigns, organizations and publishing houses were created. Advertising agencies of the 19th century began their work with the purchase of land plots and their further resale with huge profits. The first advertising agent in the United States was a certain Palmer. In 1841, in Philadelphia, he entered into agreements with newspaper and magazine publishers to purchase advertising space, and then he himself sold them to other advertisers for a high price. Back then, advertisers made advertisements on their own. Only after some time did advertising agents begin to prepare advertisements for advertisers. In 1890, the first advertising agency in Philadelphia, Ayer and Son, was created. It was one of the first to plan and carry out work on the creation of advertisements. Today, several of the largest American advertising agencies are located in the center of New York City, employing more than thirty thousand people! But this is not all advertising agencies in the United States. Almost every city in North America has at least one advertising agency. The largest advertising agency in the world is Dentsu, located in Japan. (Appendix 3)

The formation of advertising in Russia: Advertising in Russia, as in Western European countries, began to develop early. Its first beginnings made themselves felt around the 10th-11th centuries. - Russian traders tried in different ways to offer their products to customers. In most cases, special people hired by merchants were used for this - barkers. They tried to attract buyers with loud speeches, describing the merits of a particular product and its seller. In Rus', the so-called amusing advertising was also known, the performers of which were peddlers. They sold mainly small goods like bread, gingerbread and bagels.

At that time, it was still normal to deceive customers by praising their products by any means. Luboks - folk paintings - made a huge contribution to the early stage of development of advertising in Rus'. They first became known at the beginning of the 17th century. In the royal palace of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov there were many such cheerful advertising leaflets. He loved to amuse himself with them and passed on a similar habit to his children - Peter I, Ivan and Sofia. Over time, popular prints became more serious - more meaningful inscriptions appeared on them. “Amusing” sheets began to appear in every Russian home, both among the highest elite of society (nobles, merchants) and among ordinary peasants. This made popular prints one of the most powerful means of advertising at that time, because they made it possible to communicate various kinds of information to a large number of people, which were personified in colorful pictures. Later, advertising information in popular prints began to take up even more space. When the Russian economy began to develop and a flow of foreign goods poured into Russia, lubok began to be used for commercial advertising products from Western European countries. The first printed advertisements containing advertising appeared under Peter I in the 17th century. But only 100 years later they became widespread. Print advertising in the 19th century was by no means the only means of conveying information about products to people. At this time, advertising began to be placed on special round stands, which were installed in many crowded places in every major city. Even on trams you could see advertisements. The first promoters appeared - ordinary boys who distributed money not far from the stores. Flyers with an invitation to visit them and buy something. The first magazines with advertising, such as “Business Businessman” and “Torgovlya”, appeared in St. Petersburg. A few years later, such publications appeared in other cities. At the end of the 19th century. The first advertising offices and bureaus arose in the 20th century. Patent medicines began to be advertised en masse, especially at the beginning of the First World War. The reasons are so rapid development advertising in Russia can be attributed to the growth of population in cities and the production of many products aimed at all people. After the Bolsheviks came to power in October 1917, the objectives and content of advertising changed. Advertising became monopolized by the state, and entrepreneurs could no longer use it. (Appendix 4)

Advertising in the USSR: Now only the Soviet leadership and workers' councils could publish advertisements. After the end of the civil war, the first Soviet advertising agencies appeared in the USSR - Svyaz and Advertising Trans. Advertising began to be placed on trams, buses, and in crowded centers. Advertising experienced the greatest growth during the NEP period. V.V. Mayakovsky made a special contribution to its development. He created poems that attracted people's attention, which skillfully advertised a particular product. An international art and industrial exhibition was held in Paris in 1925, where works were demonstrated the best specialists advertising. V.V. Mayakovsky and artist A.M. Radchenko, who participated in it, received silver medals. Over time, thanks to improvement economic situation USSR, in advertising its organizational forms are being improved. From the 60s to the 70s, the first advertising organizations appeared - Rostorgreklama, Soyuztorgreklama and Glavkooptorgreklama. Advertising publications began to be published - “Commercial Bulletin”, “Moscow Advertising”, “Advertising”. Promotional films were produced. Various advertising programs were shown on radio and television. Special advertising fairs were held to sell various products. On the basis of the former All-Union Association “Soyuztorgreklama”, an advertising organization was formed in 1989 - All-Union Production Association(VPO) "Soyuzreklama". It was engaged in the production of advertising materials and conducted advertising activities. The system of consumer cooperation has formed its own advertising service, independent from Soviet trade. In the consumer cooperation of the Soviet Union there were approximately 30 advertising agencies and factories, over 200 workshops and workshops. They provided various services for advertising products and stores themselves. There were positions as graphic designers and merchandisers-organizers, which were well paid. However, in the Soviet Union the importance of advertising in trade was often underestimated. The first reason was the shortage of the most necessary goods, which did not need advertising at all, because they would have been bought anyway. Naturally, in advertising of the USSR there was a place for Soviet ideology. The leadership of the USSR believed that advertising from capitalist countries only misled people and deceived them. They believed that capitalist advertising is very expensive and it impoverishes the working people due to the high costs state budget. In this regard, advertising costs in the USSR were small. Therefore, the professionalism of advertising was quite low. (Appendix 5)

Advertising technology was also underdeveloped. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were big changes in advertising in Russia. Many old advertising services and agencies have collapsed, and new ones have arisen in their place. Now there are more than 1000 advertising agencies in Russia. The market economy has significantly changed the content and forms of advertising. Advertising has become the main link between consumption and production. It helps to communicate with the consumer and the market. Advertising efforts must be carried out in the field of trade and production. Without owning the basic means of advertising, it is impossible to influence the market and successfully fight competitors for sales markets. It is necessary to strive to ensure that advertising contributes to the formation of conditions for customers to choose goods or services. This makes it possible to control the promotion of products on the market, to form and strengthen among consumers a system of preferences for advertised products, which is simply important for a saturated market with services and goods. Very often, false advertising penetrates into advertising information, which deceives and misleads customers. In most cases, this applies to foreign products that contain data about the characteristics, properties and purposes of the goods that do not correspond to reality.

Advertising in the Russian Federation: Foreign campaigns and firms professionally use the best advertising methods to capture the modern Russian market. Advertisements for foreign products are constantly broadcast on TV and radio - refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, music centers etc. and it is very rare to hear and see advertising of domestic products. The main reason for this phenomenon can be called the widespread use of mass media by foreign campaigns. Despite the fact that the prices for advertising in newspapers, radio and TV are much higher, foreign manufacturers still actively use it and achieve good results. At the same time, it is worth noting one interesting fact- the stupid transfer of advertising techniques from the West does not work in all cases. The reason lies in the usual mentality of the Russian people, their habits, traditions and way of life. The boundaries of the advertising market in Russia are currently developing widely. New campaigns, enterprises and organizations appear, which in turn leads to the emergence of new customers. There is a growing number of advertising agencies that are beginning to provide advertising services and carry out advertising campaigns. (Appendix 6)

To understand advertising, you first need to understand its most essential functions and tasks, and you can also ask a number of questions: who uses advertising, for which audiences, by what means does advertising communicate information?

1. Introduce the consumer to a new product, product or service.

2. Influence consumer choice.

3. Talk about the properties of a product, product or service.

4. Contribute to the popularization of a product, product or service.

5.Reduce or increase the price and influence the competitiveness of a product, product or service.

6. Help the manufacturing company sell its product, product or service.

Moreover, advertising is never useful doesn't force, but only informs about a product, product or service. However, it is safe to say that advertising will become more widespread in recent years. Advertising is changing and finding its consumer. All advertising can be divided into several types and characterized.

5. Fairy-tale and fantastic - found in advertising of various products.

1. Brand advertising- the predominant type of visual and visual-text advertising. Such advertising is intended primarily to achieve a higher degree of consumer recognition of specific brands.

2. Trade and retail advertising- advertising of this type focuses on a specific object of production or sale of products: it can be some kind of service enterprise or a store. The main task of trade and retail advertising is to stimulate the influx of potential buyers by informing them about the place and basic conditions for the provision of certain goods or services.

4. Addressed reference advertising- a type of trade and retail advertising. The objective of such advertising is to provide the maximum amount of commercial information to several, sometimes overlapping, consumer groups at once.

5. Advertising with feedback- another type of trade and retail advertising, this is a type that involves the exchange of information with potential consumer. The most common is direct mail to specific recipients of greatest interest to advertisers and distributors advertising as likely buyers (for example, in the form of catalogs).

6. Corporate advertising- such advertising almost never contains advertising information (in the generally accepted sense of the word) and serves to prepare and subsequently incline the part public opinion(a certain segment of buyers) to the advertiser's point of view.

7. Business advertising- professionally oriented advertising, intended for distribution among population groups formed by their affiliation with a particular occupation. Such advertising is distributed mainly through specialized publications.

1. Disposable - designed for one-time use: for advertising a concert.

2. Long-lasting - designed for long-term use: chocolate advertising.

3. Direct - designed for direct information in any media.

4. Hidden - designed for a specific consumer.

5. Real - designed for informational use in advertising of enterprises.

6. Exaggerated - designed for a certain category of consumer.

Studying consumers, goods or services to be advertised;

Strategic planning in the sense of setting goals, defining market boundaries, securing appropriations and development creative approach and plans for the use of advertising media;

Making tactical decisions on cost estimates when choosing advertising media, developing publication schedules and broadcasting advertisements;

Drafting advertisements, including writing text, preparing layouts, artwork, and production.

It should be borne in mind that advertising is paid and the identity of the payer is known. For better or worse, when we come across an ad, we immediately know who exactly is trying to sell us a product or service. And it goes without saying that the advertiser paid for the time or space used in an open attempt to persuade us. (When you consider that some top advertisers spend up to $600 million annually, the race to catch the elusive consumer becomes clearer.) It is important to recognize that advertising is a multifunctional activity. It serves many masters to achieve many goals.

You and I are advertising the sale of a garage or, for example, a bicycle. Retailers advertise the goods or services they sell at regular or "below retail" prices. Communicating openings, closings, anniversaries or new hires. They focus on prices or prestige, on discounts or first-class goods, on new products or fashionable antiques. Or they just congratulate us on the holiday or ask us to drive more carefully. Manufacturers advertise to entice us to buy their products or services from retailers. Or they act directly, trading on the basis of mail orders or with the help of traveling salesmen. Business enterprises direct their advertising to business enterprises for the purpose of selling chemicals, equipment, computer services or to the government, offering capacity for the production of tanks, etc. The government advertises the sale of bonds, the idea of ​​rational use of energy resources, the idea of ​​serving in the armed forces. Local authorities advertise to encourage (or limit) tourism development and to attract industrial enterprises, popularize the idea of ​​mass transit traffic through their territory or instill a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen. Non-profit organizations call in advertising to actively support a particular political candidate or oppose him, to protect wildlife or simply the human race.

ADVERTISERS - use advertising for information; A very diverse "company". These are manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, service firms, distributors, trade unions, individuals and many, many others. Advertisers foot the bill, and today those bills add up to more than $65 billion annually.

Advertising agencies - create and distribute their product; In official parlance, advertising agencies are "independent enterprises" consisting of creative workers and commercial people who design, prepare and place advertising in advertising media for clients, seeking to find buyers for their goods or services. As a rule, agencies offer potential clients the services of a variety of specialists, including text writers, artists, television and radio producers, and advertising media specialists.

Advertising media - usually the media, for consumer information; Advertising specialists watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers and magazines. But as professionals, they view the media as media that deliver advertising messages to an audience gathered through the main (non-advertising) material offered by radio and television stations, newspapers or magazines.

Firstly, advertising is inherently repetitive. Not only do we see ads from the same advertiser over and over again, but we also see the same ad over and over again. And this, of course, corresponds to the advertiser’s intention:

Secondly, we perceive advertising in a highly competitive environment. Some advertisers encourage people to spend, others to save, some to smoke, others to quit smoking. And of course, most of them want us to do something about a specific brand of product or a specific store.

Finally, advertising is perceived as part of our everyday public culture. We take much of what advertisements tell us “for granted,” although in many other types of communication this would seem to us a strange eccentricity.

Social advertisement- a type of non-profit advertising aimed at changing public behavior patterns and attracting attention to social problems. Regional social advertising is a type of non-commercial advertising aimed at highlighting the most current phenomena of the region in order to influence the model of public behavior and attract attention to the problems of the society of a given subject. Most often, the customers of such advertising are government bodies or non-profit organizations, and agencies and advertising distributors in some cases produce and place it free of charge or at reduced prices. The most famous examples of such advertising are campaigns against drugs, compliance with rules traffic, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, security environment and others. Social advertising 1 is considered a long-term project, and its results cannot be known immediately and therefore there are 4 types of it: (Appendix 7.)

    Non-profit. It is advertising sponsored by non-profit institutions or charitable donations. Its task is not to promote a product or service, but to influence human consciousness. The ultimate goal is not considered to be profit or benefit, since the object of advertising is a non-commercial product. Despite this, for its distribution, it uses the same methods and techniques as the commercial variety. In contrast, non-commercial advertising has two goals. 1) impact on the behavioral model of society, 2) clear focus on a large audience;

    Public. This type of advertising is used to promote a certain positive phenomenon. This message is created by professionals for free, it is an ethical refusal to make a profit. Thanks to the public subtype of social advertising, it is possible to influence a large number of people, create new social values ​​and idealize behavior;

    State. As a rule, this type of advertising is used by traffic police infrastructures, police, tax forces and similar social institutions. Advertising promotes their interests, capabilities,


related to their activities. This is an existing practice that has a great influence on a person and his thinking in general. Ideas about these areas of life are changing, attitudes towards the relevant bodies are being re-evaluated;

    Social. This is the most extensive category, as it has many tasks. Thanks to it, you can attract a large number of people to current problems or phenomena occurring in society. The main purpose is considered to be the humanization of a large number of people, as well as the new formation of everyday and moral values. This variety is divided into two more types. 1) advertising necessary to introduce and reinforce certain norms of behavior, 2) advertising demonstrating the image of the whole world. It aims to improve existing moral standards. For example, it describes not just the fact that one should not throw garbage on the street, but shows the whole overall picture, from which the consumer independently figures out and uses this.

The history of public service advertising in the United States begins in 1906, when public organization The American Civic Association created the first advertisement of its kind, calling for the protection of Niagara Falls from harm caused by energy companies. The largest social advertising project to Great War It was White Chamomile Day.

During World War I, in 1917, a recruiting poster by James Montgomery Flagg, “The American Army Needs You,” appeared in the United States, in which “Uncle Sam” encouraged recruits to join the army.

The first social advertising campaign widely known in Russia after the collapse of the USSR was a series of commercials “Call your parents!” After this, a series of videos “Russian Project” (which can be found on YouTube) was launched on the first channel. Both projects are still primarily associated by the majority of Russian residents with the term “social advertising.”

Social advertising is everywhere, but few people notice it or pay attention to it. Most people probably won't even be able to remember a single slogan. Examples of social advertising include posters, street signs with instructions and calls to action.

Chapter 2. Research part

To successfully interpret the qualities of goods and services that can

To satisfy requests from the point of view of the needs and requirements of buyers, the advertiser must have as complete an understanding as possible about the consumer and the product itself, as well as about the structure of the market. That is why research in advertising is carried out in three main directions: 1) consumer research, 2) product analysis and 3) market analysis. Thus, research plays the role of the main working tool in creating effective advertising. However, it should be remembered that research only complements and does not replace the creative abilities and high professionalism of working group leaders, text writers, artists, etc., through whose efforts successful advertising companies are born.

The nation's largest advertisers account for nearly 70% of total advertising spending in the country. D The revenues of magazines and newspapers are 60-70% paid for by advertising, and the income of television and radio is almost 100% made up of advertising revenues.

52 people took part in the study, of which 30 were women and 22 were men. Age of participants: from 16 to 50 years; of them from 16 to 25 years old - 35%, from 26 to 50 years old - 65%.

Research methods: The main method is a survey, which was conducted using a questionnaire and the “unfinished sentences” technique.

The questionnaire contains both open and closed questions; Of these, three questions (about the preferred types of advertising on television, about the attitude towards advertising in general, about behavioral reactions to advertising inserts while watching television programs) were worked out in the most differentiated way (they offer about 10 possible answers).

As a result of the study, the following data were obtained.

3. To the question “What do you usually do during commercials?” 66% answered that they switch to another channel, 23% turn down the volume; 7% stay on the same channel and watch advertisements, and 4% answered that they do household chores. (Appendix 8.)

According to the study participants, Russian advertising is characterized primarily by the following adjectives:

Obsessive (24%); -primitive (18%);

Smug (12%); -subjective (22%);

Useless (22%).

When asked about their attitude towards advertising on television as the most popular advertising media, the answers were distributed as follows: 51% answered that advertising annoys them, 39% of respondents are indifferent to it, and 10% of respondents are interested in it.

Moreover, the top five most preferred types of television advertising are as follows:

1) humorous - 57%

2) gaming - 15% - romantic

3) cartoon -10% - fairy-tale or fantastic

4) informational, reasoned - 9% - traditional

5) reproduction of image and lifestyle - 9% - national.

The survey was conducted among parents and 7th grade students. Survey data shows:

The consumer believes that it is necessary to limit advertising display to 2-3 times per program (90%);

All survey participants bought goods on sale (100%). (Appendix 9)


The beginnings of modern advertising, which have accompanied humanity for many centuries, were not perceived for a long time as an expression of a single phenomenon, but were perceived separately. Some of these forms can be considered the prototype of modern types of advertising. Since advertising serves many different messages for many different purposes, and its effect is almost always ambiguous with the consequences of other possible phenomena, advertising will continue to be the domain of uncertain incentives. Therefore, like an inkblot, it can be interpreted differently depending on who is looking and what aspect of the multi-faceted advertising activity is being considered.

From this, it seems, one very clear conclusion can be drawn. Advertising will continue to appear in many guises for many people: as a guide for consumers, as a factor in stimulating markets and selling consumer goods.


1. Makarov V.A. "Manager at work"; Moscow "Enlightenment"; 2001, 101 p.

2. Albert Meskon "Fundamentals of Management"; Rostov on Don “Don”; 1989. 154 pp. (Translation)

3. Albert Kunz "Management. Systemic and situational analysis of advertising"; Moscow "Enlightenment"; 2000 201 p. (Translation)

4. Daniel Boorstin "The Americans: The Experience of Democracy"; c - St. Petersburg “Zvezda” 2005, 79 pp. (Translation)

5. Peters Waterman "In Search of Effective Advertising Management"; Ufa: "Bashkortostan", 2000, 123 p. (Translation)

6. Wikipedia - free encyclopedia: http: // ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/






2500 years ago. Ancient Egypt. The oldest advertising text was found in the ruins of the city of Memphis: “I am Rino from Crete, by command of the gods I interpret dreams.”

1450 Germany. John Guttenberg invented the first printing press, which made it possible to quickly and efficiently reproduce advertisements.

1477 England. William Caxton printed the first advertisement in the book of Easter rules.

1703 Russia. By decree of Peter 1, the publication of the first Russian newspaper, and advertising in it, began. The newspapers St. Petersburg Vedomosti, Moskovskie Vedomosti and others appeared.

1774 USA. Publication of Benjamin Franklin's first catalog of goods. through which the required product could be ordered.

1871 USA. Registration of the first professional advertising agency in the modern sense; in Europe this happened a little later. These were agencies for creating and placing advertising in the press - media agencies."

1899 USA. The beginning of the creation of international advertising networks: advertising agency “J. Walter Thompson was the first agency to enter the international market.

Beginning of the 20th century. USA. The first group interviews are conducted, which then, in the 40s. led to the emergence of the focus group method.

1917 USA. The first political poster.

1922 USA. The first radio advertisement was aired.

1925 France. In Paris, at the International Art and Industrial Exhibition, V. Mayakovsky and A. Rodchenko were awarded silver medals for a series of advertising posters.

1929 USA. The first public relations event to mark the 50th anniversary of the invention of the light bulb by Edison.

1941 USA. The first use of focus groups for advertising purposes (Columbia University of New York).

USA. The first TV spot aired in New York. It was a 10-second video from the watch company Bulova.” The advertisement was seen by 4 thousand owners of TV receivers.

1998 Russia. The emergence of a new type of outdoor advertising - the first moving super billboard: advertising, but a decorated train.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5.

Appendix 6.

Appendix 7.

Appendix 8.

Appendix 9.

Appendix 10.

a) YES b) NO

a) YES b) NO

a) YES b) NO

a) YES b) NO

a) YES b) NO

a) 2 - 3 times b) 5 - 7 times c) 10 or more times d) not at all

a) YES b) NO

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