“Give Life” Foundation Charitable Foundation of Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun: everyone can help! Charity event Give Life

The non-state charitable foundation of Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun “Give Life” appeared in 2007. This is an association of people who, long before the foundation was created, helped children as volunteers cope with their serious illness. Back then, charity was not as widespread as it is now. Unfortunately, many people are accustomed to turning a blind eye to the misfortune of others. “Children are the flowers of life, and you can help them,” the actresses and Chulpan Khamatova firmly know.

"Give Life" does not have any branches or representative offices in the regions of Russia. This is an initiative group of donors that has been providing assistance to children with cancer and hematological diseases for many years in a row.

Also, "Gift of Life" has two partner funds outside our country - in the UK and in the USA.

Foundation creation

In 2005, actress Chulpan Khamatova, after talking with pediatric oncologists and hematologists in Moscow, saw the deplorable state of hospitals at that time. Doctors asked her to hold a charity concert, the proceeds of which were to be used for expensive medical equipment. Teaming up with Dina Korzun, Chulpan held two charity concerts. The second concert took place at the Sovremennik Theater, and invited famous musicians and artists were involved. This concert helped Chulpan Khamatova raise 300 thousand dollars for the treatment of sick children. The following year, another charity concert was held, organized by Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The Gift of Life Foundation was organized shortly thereafter. And now concerts called “Give Life” with the participation of a variety of talented pop stars are held in Moscow every year.

Everyone can help

The actress is sure: everyone can help sick children! You don't have to have a lot of money to do this. For example, you can donate blood regularly, or you can become a volunteer, come to the hospital to play with children, help them, write letters of support, and also help parents as a courier... There are many options - if you wish.

It is impossible not to change when faced with sick children and their problems every day. It becomes obvious what is truly important in life and what should not be paid attention to. "I am happy that I met unselfish, extraordinary kind people- volunteers,” admits Chulpan Khamatova.

Charitable Foundation has existed for about ten years, and the patients themselves maintain a warm atmosphere in it throughout the entire time. After all, even sick children, in fact, remain the same children! They play, draw, make some progress. When children recover, this also brings great joy. When you learn about the successes of your students, it can’t help but make you happy. Some recovered children, growing up, come to the hospital to work as volunteers, in turn, helping other children cope with the disease.

Children's Hospital

In 2008, thanks to the assistance of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation was built in Moscow children's center oncology, hematology and immunology. The center was named after one of the foundation’s patients, Dmitry Rogachev. A boy with cancer invited the Russian President for tea and pancakes. And the foundation managed to make the boy’s wish come true! Thanks to this incident, it was possible to build a children's hospice. Unfortunately, the boy is no longer alive. Dima Rogachev died in September 2007 in Israel from hemorrhage in the lungs.

Directions of the fund's work

The Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Foundation works in many areas. Among them:

  • Collection cash for specific patients.
  • Providing temporary housing in Moscow for visiting patients and their relatives.
  • Organizing a volunteer movement in hospitals to support patients.
  • Providing treatment for patients abroad.
  • Organization of donation.
  • Purchasing the best medicines for Moscow clinics.
  • Purchase of modern equipment.
  • Official delivery courier service from foreign drugs that are not registered in Russia.
  • Creation of a charity store together with the Vera Foundation.
  • Conducting training seminars for regions of Russia.
  • Carrying out repairs in Moscow hospitals.
  • Psychological assistance, etc.

Support for children before and after treatment

The Chulpan Khamatova Foundation also helps children before and after treatment. An exhibition of drawings by children who are patients of the foundation is being held in the best cultural places in Moscow. Every year since 2010, the foundation organizes sports competitions for cured children. Also, the Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Relief Fund provides all possible assistance in holding charitable events to everyone who wants to contribute to the treatment of children.

She first started doing charity work at the age of 22. “One day my life got better. From past material problems, only memories remain. I already got married, gave birth to a child and made good money myself,” Natalya says in one of her interviews. – And one day I came to my native Nizhny Novgorod and decided to watch the news. I was shocked when I saw what was really happening in the world... Pain, suffering, tears of children... Then I thought: how can I help? After all, quite recently I myself needed help. Since childhood, my younger sister Oksana has not been like everyone else (Oksana suffers from a severe form of autism - note Wday), and I know how hard it is. I remember how people avoided us, and medicine was expensive, and there were all sorts of troubles.”

At first, Natalia Vodianova helped those in need in any way she could. She found families herself, went to them, and showed material and moral support. And in 2004, she realized her dream - she opened the Naked Heart Foundation, already well-known throughout Russia. Moreover, the model not only manages it, but also actively participates in all events. When asked how she manages to keep up with everything, Vodianova answers briefly: “The more I give, the more strength and energy I receive in return.”

The mission of the Naked Heart Foundation reads: “To ensure that every child’s life has what is absolutely necessary for a full, happy childhood: a loving family and a safe, educational play space.” To achieve this goal, Vodianova uses her own connections: she organizes charity events and auctions, and also launches profitable projects(be it a magazine shoot or the launch of a shoe line), all proceeds from which go to a good cause.

Thanks to the Natalia Vodianova Foundation, free institutions are being created in Russia to provide assistance to families raising children with special needs; teachers are trained to work with such children; inclusive children's rooms are being built playgrounds. In addition, in 2011, on her initiative, the “Every Child Deserves a Family” project was created, the goal of which is to draw attention to the problem of parents abandoning children with serious illnesses.

Natalia Vodianova has four children, and often takes the older ones with her on charity trips. “I want my children to understand that they are lucky in life, they have everything they need, which means they should be open to helping others,” Natalya often repeats in her interviews.

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Angelina Jolie

Another person whose good deeds are known to the whole world is, of course,. Who would have thought 20 years ago that the controversial actress would change her priorities and take a different path?

Angelina Jolie came to the idea of ​​charity suddenly. This happened in Cambodia on the set of the film "Lara Croft - Tomb Raider." Then another world opened up to the actress, in which there is poverty and hunger. “After I saw the lives of people in Cambodia, I hated myself and my life. All my experiences became complete stupidity for me,” Angelina then admitted. And after filming, she went on a humanitarian mission to third world countries, and sent $1 million to refugees in Pakistan. Over four years, Jolie visited more than 20 countries, in each of which she took part in helping children, the sick and refugees. “I completely rethought my life and began spending more than half of my income on charity. And what was my surprise that, despite my certain detachment from the film industry at that moment, offers from directors literally poured in,” the actress once said. “Then I became convinced that if you help others, fate begins to help you, but only twice as much.”

Angelina Jolie's work can be judged by the awards she has received: she has been awarded the title of UN Goodwill Ambassador, the UN Humanitarian Award, an Oscar for active volunteer humanitarian work, and an OBE. In addition, the actress makes presentations at various political forums and has significant authority over many politicians.

Jolie also became the founder of several foundations in Cambodia involved in the protection environment and providing treatment for children affected by HIV and a center for children affected by man-made and natural disasters.

And, as you know, Angelina herself is raising three adopted and three of her biological children. And sources close to the actress recently reported that she does not want to stop there. And just recently she made an official statement that after completing several projects she would leave cinema in order to devote all her time to her family and charity.

Chulpan Khamatova

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Actively supports helping children in Russia. It all started when the actress received an offer to hold a charity concert, all proceeds from which would be used to purchase a device for the treatment of children with cancer. She agreed, but the event did not raise the required amount of funds. Chulpan did not despair and, together with actress Dina Korzun, organized the second such concert. The next attempt was not in vain: we managed to collect about $300 thousand, this amount was enough! However, Chulpan and Dina decided not to stop there and continue the good deed. The following year they again organized a concert and held a number of events. “The desire to help arose in me immediately after I saw with my own eyes the difficulties our domestic medicine faces: there is not enough medicine, equipment, and just good conditions,” the actress once said in an interview.

In 2006, she and Dina Korzun founded the Gift of Life foundation, which by 2009 had raised more than 500 million rubles for the treatment of children. The actresses are personally involved in organizing all the center’s projects, and also regularly visit sick children and their families. In 2012, they opened a branch of the fund in London.

The actress also attracts many stars of Russian show business to charity and we advise all people to help others if possible. “When you see people’s troubles, your head snaps into place,” Chulpan Khamatova often says. “For example, I have discovered a lot for myself since I founded the foundation: I understood what is really important in this life, I learned to see true values, and I also met a huge number of kind and sympathetic people.”

As you know, Chulpan Khamatova combines her acting career and work at the foundation with raising two daughters, whom, by the way, she often takes with her to charity events. “It’s very useful for children to know what happens in our world,” she once said.

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She comes from Colombia, so she knows everything about poverty and living conditions in this country. And, unlike many other celebrities who came to charity by accident, from childhood she set herself a single goal: to achieve success at all costs in order to help those in need. And since the future star began to show her talents from the age of 4 (it was at this age that she composed her first poem), by the age of 30 Shakira became known throughout the world. Moreover, she did not give up her dream and first of all began to transfer huge sums of her fees to poor Colombian children. And in 1997, the singer founded the Pies Descalzos Foundation, which builds schools throughout Colombia. Shakira monitors the development of the foundation personally, and also regularly gives a huge number of charity concerts.

It’s amazing how optimistic Shakira communicates with children, poor families and people affected by natural disasters. Eyewitnesses say that after communicating with the singer, people want to believe for the best and move on with their lives. She literally charges you with energy.

It is also worth talking separately about its activities in poor regions of Latin America and Asia. She personally tours abandoned areas and talks with girls about the importance of education and independence in their lives. As is known, in some states of these countries, female education is still very rare.

The singer’s efforts, of course, were rewarded. She received the UNICEF order, medal International organization UN Labor, MTV's "Free Your Mind" award, became honorary chair of the 2008 World Education Campaign's Week of Activism, and most importantly, two years ago Barack Obama appointed her to the White House Initiative on development of education of Hispanic Americans.

Shakira gives herself completely to charity and work, but she tries not to say anything about her personal life. Many novels were attributed to her, but none of them were confirmed. Only in 2012 did the singer begin to appear in public with a Spanish football player, and at the beginning of 2013 their son Milan was born.

A few days ago, actress and co-founder of the Give Life fund for children with oncological and hematological diseases, Chulpan Khamatova, in an interview with the Estonian publication Postimees, said that she was ready to campaign for Vladimir Putin again if another hospital was built in return (we are talking about the Center for Pediatric Hematology , Oncology and Immunology named after Dima Rogachev, built with the assistance of Vladimir Putin). Actress who in 2012 starred in a video supporting Putin, who was a presidential candidate at the time, she said that she was ready to do the same and that, in her opinion, “there is no black and white, there are good and bad deeds.” “My country does a lot of good things. And my country does a lot of monstrous, terrible, sad, disgusting things. And I am always ready to thank you for good deeds,” Khamatova said.

The actress's statement caused a stormy reaction in the press and social networks, which is why the Gift of Life Foundation opened"direct line" on Facebook. The foundation's employees, its director, and Chulpan Khamatova herself invited everyone to ask questions about the activities of the foundation and its co-founders. At the time of publication of this note, the post on the “Give Life” page collected more than 500 comments, most of them were words of support and gratitude, including from founders charitable foundation for hospice assistance “Vera” Nyuta Federmesser and parents of children who were helped by the “Gift of Life” foundation.

Representatives of the fund commented statement by Chulpan Khamatova about Vladimir Putin’s help in building a clinic: “Vladimir Putin really responded to the proposal of doctors - pediatric oncologists and hematologists that such a clinic is needed in Moscow. Construction took place under the personal control of the president. Chulpan Khamatova decided to appear in a campaign video - this is her personal choice. In the video, she thanked the president for his assistance in the construction of the center. We cannot answer your question (can you simply ask for support from the president (for example, a hospital), but not appear in the video?) because we do not have such information." They also noted that the Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. Dima Rogachev is a state clinic, which the foundation patronizes, like a number of other hospitals. At the same time, Khamatova herself said, which considers the negative reaction addressed to him after the screening of the video to be fair, but “short-sighted and underinformed.”

When asked whether there are restrictions on who the fund is ready to accept help from and whether it supports the policies of Vladimir Putin, representatives of Podari Zhizn

Give life- a charitable foundation that raises money to help children with oncohematological or other serious diseases. Its organizers are actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. The fund was founded in 2006, is legal entity. The Foundation actively supports the volunteer and donor movement, provides psychological and social support sick children and youth. To find out how you can help children in need of support, you should go to the official website Give Life.

Give Life official website - Home page

On the main page of the site, a ribbon of photographs of children is displayed in the center, indicating the amount they need for treatment. You can find out more about each child by going to their page. Information about the diagnosis, the course of treatment, information about the patient will be provided here, and ways to leave a donation will be described. By clicking on the “Donation” button, a site visitor can transfer the amount using online services.

Page of a patient in need of treatment

Under the photos on the main page there are 3 buttons for quick access to in various ways help.

By clicking on the “Donate Blood” button or the name of the main menu item “Donation”, the user can find out where and how he can donate blood for free in Moscow and other cities of Russia.


The "Donate" button takes you to a page where you can transfer money to help sick children through Sberbank, from an account mobile phone or find out about other ways.


Help sick children and their families It is possible not only with money and blood. To find out what other help you can provide, click on the “Help in a different way” button or go to the main menu section “How to help?”

Help in a different way

In addition to the sections described in the main menu, there are also “About Us” items, which contain information about the “Gift of Life” foundation, its founders and team; “Children” - a section that contains a list of all patients for whom charitable fundraising is open, stories of victories over the disease, and the results of children’s creativity; "Projects" - section about different directions activities of the fund, which have a common goal of helping those who especially need this help.

Those who feel the desire and strength to provide free assistance to patients can learn about how to become a volunteer in a hospital in the corresponding “Volunteering” section.


If trouble has befallen your family, you can find out where and how you can get help in the “Patients” section.

For patients - Treatment/diagnosis

In the header of the site there is a link to the charity partner fund Gift of Life, as well as the amounts that were allocated for the treatment of children over the past month and the current year. Anyone can familiarize themselves with the report on the allocation of funds via the “detailed report” link.

On the main page you can see banners informing about ways to make a donation and news about the charitable foundation.

Banners and News

Promotions and events are displayed below; a separate banner is dedicated to those who could not be saved.

Bottom of page

The footer contains addresses and phone numbers of the fund, links to pages on social networks.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Human kindness, mercy, the ability to rejoice and worry about other people create the basis of human happiness. Humanity + kindness = human happiness

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Chulpan Khamatova is an actress, co-founder of the Gift of Life foundation, mother of three daughters. The non-state charitable foundation of Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun “Give Life” appeared in 2007. This is an association of people who, long before the foundation was created, helped children as volunteers cope with their serious illness. Back then, charity was not as widespread as it is now. Unfortunately, many people are accustomed to turning a blind eye to the misfortune of others. “Children are the flowers of life, and you can help them,” actresses Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova firmly know.

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Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun The Gift of Life Charitable Foundation does not have any branches or representative offices in the regions of Russia. This is an initiative group of volunteers and donors that has been providing assistance to children with cancer and hematological diseases for many years in a row. Also, "Gift of Life" has two partner funds outside our country - in the UK and in the USA.

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Creation of the fund In 2005, actress Chulpan Khamatova, after talking with pediatric oncologists and hematologists in Moscow, saw the deplorable state of hospitals at that time. Doctors asked her to hold a charity concert, the proceeds of which were to be used for expensive medical equipment. Teaming up with Dina Korzun, Chulpan held two charity concerts. The second concert took place at the Sovremennik Theater, and invited famous musicians and artists were involved. This concert helped Chulpan Khamatova raise 300 thousand dollars for the treatment of sick children. The following year, another charity concert was held, organized by Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. The Gift of Life Foundation was organized shortly thereafter. And now concerts called “Give Life” with the participation of a variety of talented pop stars are held in Moscow every year.

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Everyone can help The actress is sure: everyone can help sick children! You don't have to have a lot of money to do this. For example, you can donate blood regularly, or you can become a volunteer, come to the hospital to play with children, help them, write letters of support, and also help parents as a courier... There are many options - if you wish.

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It is impossible not to change when faced with sick children and their problems every day. It becomes obvious what is truly important in life and what should not be paid attention to. “I’m happy that I met unselfish, extraordinarily kind people - volunteers,” admits Chulpan Khamatova.

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The charitable foundation has existed for about ten years, and the patients themselves have maintained a warm atmosphere in it throughout this time. After all, even sick children, in fact, remain the same children! They play, draw, make some progress. When children recover, this also brings great joy. When you learn about the successes of your students, it can’t help but make you happy. Some recovered children, growing up, come to the hospital to work as volunteers, in turn, helping other children cope with the disease.

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Children's Hospital In 2008, thanks to the assistance of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Chulpan Khamatova Foundation built a children's center for oncology, hematology and immunology in Moscow. The center was named after one of the foundation’s patients, Dmitry Rogachev. A boy with cancer invited the Russian President for tea and pancakes. And the foundation managed to make the boy’s wish come true! Thanks to this incident, it was possible to build a children's hospice. Unfortunately, the boy is no longer alive. Dima Rogachev died in September 2007 in Israel from hemorrhage in the lungs.

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The Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology named after Dmitry Rogachev was opened on Children's Day, June 1, 2011.

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Objectives of the charitable foundation The main objectives of the non-governmental charitable organization “Gift of Life” are: - Raising money for subsequent treatment of children with cancer, hematological diseases, and their rehabilitation. - Rendering financial assistance medical institutions, clinics where children, adolescents and young people are treated. - All possible attraction of public attention to the problems of small and young patients. - All possible assistance in the development of gratuitous donation. - Assistance in providing psychological assistance to patients and their parents. - Assistance to volunteers whose groups work at children's oncohematology hospitals.

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“GIVE LIFE” Foundation The Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of the Foundation includes artists, doctors, philanthropists and volunteers of the initiative group “Donors to Children”. Under the care of the foundation there are clinics where children with cancer are treated: Center for Pediatric Hematology named after. Dmitry Rogachev (FNKTs DGOI) City Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin Morozovskaya City Clinical Hospital Moscow Regional Oncology Center Research Institute named after. N. N. Burdenko Scientific and Practical Center "Solntsevo" Russian Children's Clinical Hospital Center for Radiological Radiology (RRCRR).

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Chulpan Khamatova became a laureate of the State Prize, a prestigious award given on Russia Day to outstanding figures of Russian science and culture. The actress and philanthropist donated all five million of the State Prize to help seriously ill children. “For me, this award is another great opportunity to help children with cancer - the wards of the Gift of Life Foundation,” the foundation quotes the People’s Artist. - Without any doubt, I am donating these 5 million rubles to the fund for the purchase of special medical equipment at the Center for Pediatric Hematology named after. Dmitry Rogachev, thanks to whom children will be able to undergo a high-quality rehabilitation course after complex and difficult treatment.”

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Support for children before and after treatment The Chulpan Khamatova Foundation also helps children before and after treatment. An exhibition of drawings by children who are patients of the foundation is being held in the best cultural places in Moscow. Every year since 2010, the foundation organizes sports competitions for cured children. Also, the Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun Relief Fund provides all possible assistance in holding charitable events to everyone who wants to contribute to the treatment of children.

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