Budget classification. GIS “Electronic budget The usual procedure for an entrepreneur when an error is detected in the CBC

Window “Selecting the type of change and by issue” In the “Adding a line” window that opens, select the required lines, check the boxes and click on the “Add” button. If the window does not display the line with the required BCC, go to the subsection “Indicators of budget estimates” and add the BCC. Window for adding lines As a result, new lines with the status “Empty” will be added to the “Proposals to make changes to the estimate” register. To update the register data “Proposals to make changes to the estimate”, click the “Update” button. In the added line, the columns “Number of the main document” and “Status of the main document” will be filled in after the proposal to amend the budget estimate is included in the document “Change of budget estimate indicators” (f.0501013). What happens next depends on the type of changes being made.

send by mail

Certificate of change in BR and LBO" (f. 0501153) PBS.. 56 8.2.3 Changes in budget estimate indicators if the manager of budget funds does not need to update the limits from a higher institution. 56 8.2.4 Changing the budget estimate indicators in the event that the manager of budget funds requires adjustment of limits from a higher institution. 58 9 External approval of documents in the register “Review of PBS and RBS documents” 61 List of terms and abbreviations Abbreviation Name BC Budget classification BS Budget estimate VR Type of expenses GRBS Main manager of federal budget funds Internet browser software for viewing web pages on the Internet: Internet Explorer, If the transition to the “Budget Planning” subsystem has not been made, you must enter the address in the address bar of your Internet browser: https://ssl. budgetplan. minfin.

How to maintain estimates in the GIS “electronic budget”


Main window To exit the “Budget planning” task complex, you must click on the “Exit” button in the upper right corner of the page. 2.1 Checking system functionality Software is operational if, as a result of the user’s actions set out in paragraph 1 of this user manual, the main window of the “Budget Planning” task complex is displayed on the monitor screen without displaying messages to the user about a failure in operation. 3.1 Making settings Precondition. Logged in with the role “Formation and maintenance of SBS GRBS (Data entry)”.

To go to the settings, you need to select the “Menu” tab (1) in the main window of the System, select the “Budget Estimate” section (2) in the column that opens, and open the “Settings” subsection (3) with one click of the left mouse button (Figure 4). Figure 4.

Formation of budget estimates for government institutions in the “electronic budget” system

The download is available if the main manager of budget funds has the appropriate initial settings for maintaining budget records. Loading of limits on budgetary obligations is carried out according to the data from the incoming documents “Expenditure Schedule” of the BBS (the list of documents is available in the subsection “FC Documents” on the “RR Incoming” tab).

After the formation of Indicators of budget estimates in the context of budget classification codes important stage is filling out and agreeing on justifications (calculations) of planned estimates (hereinafter referred to as OPSP). OPSP are filled in by codes of the Classification of Sector Operations government controlled(hereinafter KOSGU).

And also in the context of additional analytics, if the main manager provides for detailing of KOSGU indicators and the appropriate settings are made.

2 system startup

Filling out and editing OPSP forms is carried out in accordance with the user guides for filling out OPSP forms presented on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in the section “Information systems of the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation/Software package “Budget planning”, in the subsection “Information on filling out justification forms budget allocations" The completed indicators are subject to further coordination and approval directly in the subsystem by persons who are assigned the appropriate roles in the subsystem.


The subsystem provides for loading the document “Report on the status of the personal account of the PBS”. Based on the downloaded data, indicators of accepted budget obligations and cash execution will be generated.

The subsystem allows the generation of printed forms for cost estimates and budget estimates.

Online magazine for accountants

As a result, printed report forms are downloaded to the user's workstation in the form of files with the *.xls extension. Printable form The estimate contains information about the approved lines of the BCC that are current as of the date of formation.
The official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation contains a user guide for using the “Budget Planning” subsystem. Making changes to budget estimates Federal government institutions must pay attention to the fact that if changes are made during the financial year to the approved budget indicators, for example, when changing the amounts of completed budget assignments, it is necessary to place the relevant information in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”.
The institution has 10 days to make changes. If you miss the established deadlines, you will face administrative liability provided for in Article 15.15.7. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Maintaining estimates in the “electronic budget” gis

Authorized persons named in registration applications are connected to the system no later than three working days from the date of submission of the application. Connection information is sent to the address Email specified in the registration application, and to the email of the employee who generated the corresponding application.

Formation of budget estimates of government institutions in the “electronic budget” system Certificate of change in BR and LBO” (f. 0501153) PBS.. 56 8.2.3 Changes in budget estimate indicators in the event that the manager of budget funds does not require adjustment of limits from a higher institution. 56 8.2.4 Changing the budget estimate indicators in the event that the manager of budget funds requires adjustment of limits from a higher institution.

Making changes to the estimate in the electronic budget system

To start working in the budget planning subsystem, regional and municipal institutions it is necessary to obtain certificates from the Federal Treasury authorities electronic signature. The menu of the “Budget planning” subsystem includes sections “Settings”, “System reference books”, “Budget estimate” and “Budget list and LBO (GRBS)”.


The “Budget estimate” section contains subsections: “Additional analytical code”, “Proposals for making changes to the estimate calculation”, “Budget estimate indicators”, “PBS documents”, “PBS groups”, “Settings”, “Expense schedules”, "FC Documents". Let's consider the general algorithm of actions for drawing up estimates in the Budget Planning subsystem.

Compilation begins with the formation of the register “Indicators of budget estimates.” The first action is to load the budget commitment limits.

Formation of budget estimates in the “electronic budget” system

Window “Selecting the type of change and by issue” In the “Adding a line” window that opens, select the required lines, check the boxes and click on the “Add” button. If the window does not display the line with the required BCC, go to the subsection “Indicators of budget estimates” and add the BCC. Window for adding lines As a result, new lines with the status “Empty” will be added to the “Proposals to make changes to the estimate” register. To update the register data “Proposals to make changes to the estimate”, click the “Update” button.

In the added line, the columns “Number of the main document” and “Status of the main document” will be filled in after the proposal to amend the budget estimate is included in the document “Change of budget estimate indicators” (f.0501013). What happens next depends on the type of changes being made.

ELECTRONIC BUDGET Formation of budget estimates of government institutions in the “Electronic Budget” system December 20, 2016 ELECTRONIC BUDGET Training plan for the formation of budget estimates1.

Formation of an application for connection to the “Electronic Budget” system2. Setting up the “Budget Estimate” module3. Filling out justifications (calculations) of planned estimates4.

Loading budget commitment limits5. Signing justifications (calculations) of planned estimates6. Formation and approval of budget estimates7. Formation of a consolidated budget estimate8.

Formation of a summary justification (calculation) of planned estimated indicators9. Making changes to the budget estimate10.

Working with bulk purchase cards 2

Formation of large procurement cards using the example of a large procurement card-200 3

Coordination and approval of large procurement cards 14

Making changes to bulk purchases 15

Working with procurement plan items 16

Creating procurement plan items using the example of a procurement plan item 200 18

Editing a procurement plan item 28

Sending for approval and approval of a procurement plan item 28

Working with procurement plans 30

Formation of the Procurement Plan 31

Editing a procurement plan 33

Sending for approval, agreement and approval of the procurement plan 33

Sending for control under Part 5 of Article 99 of Law 44-FZ 35

Placement in EIS 36

Submission of procurement plan to GRBS 37

Creating a schedule item 38

Creating one schedule item 40

Mass formation of schedule positions 45

Creating a procurement schedule item based on the previously created BCP with the allocation of part of the financial support 45

Coordination of the schedule position 46

Approval of schedule plan position 47

Editing a procurement schedule item 48

Procurement schedule 48

Formation of a schedule 49

Editing a schedule 52

Sending for approval, coordination and approval of the procurement schedule 53

Sending for control under Part 5 of Article 99 of Law 44-FZ 54

Placement of the schedule in EIS 55

Viewing a receipt for the results of placing a procurement schedule in the UIS 55

Scheme for creating a procurement schedule

Drawing.Scheme for creating a procurement schedule

Working with bulk purchase cards

The “Large Purchase Cards” section consists of the following types:

Large purchase cards-200– cards about the object of procurement of goods, works, services to meet federal needs.

Integrated purchase cards-300– cards about the procurement object in terms of public obligations of the Russian Federation for the acquisition of goods, works, services in favor of citizens for the purpose of their social security.

Large purchase cards-400– cards about the procurement object in terms of objects capital construction, events (enlarged investment projects), real estate objects included (proposed for inclusion) in the federal targeted investment program.

To go to the “Large Procurement Cards” section, click on the “Formation of OBAS” item in the “Planning” block.

Drawing.Integrated purchase cards.
When you select the required type of bulk purchase card, a page with a list of bulk purchases of this type is displayed.

Drawing.List of consolidated purchases.

Formation of large purchase cards using the example of large purchase card-200

To generate a consolidated procurement card, you must click the “Create a new document” button and fill in all the required fields.

Drawing.Integrated purchase card-200

Required fields are marked with “*”.

On the “Basic Information” tab, you need to enter data sequentially. “Information about the federal government customer” is filled in automatically based on data from the Consolidated Register.

"Status"– determined automatically (acceptable values ​​are “Draft”, “Under approval”, “Agreed”, “Not agreed”, “Approved”) based on the status of the document in the process of internal approval by the customer’s organization. When creating a consolidated purchase, the status is set to Draft.

"Number"– a unique number of a consolidated purchase item, assigned automatically when creating a consolidated purchase item.

"Version"– contains the version number of the consolidated purchase. Filled in automatically.

"Date of"– document creation date, determined automatically;

"Planning period" – filled in from the directory by clicking the “Select from directory” button planning period».

Information about the procurement of the federal government customer: The fields “Name of the procurement object”, “Name of the code of goods (work, service) according to OKPD” are filled in automatically when selecting the value of the field “OKPD” from the directory.

Drawing.Selection from the OKPD directory

"Procurement Description"– filled in either manually or by selecting from the directory by clicking the “Select based on acceptable value templates” button, which is filled in based on previously entered values.

In the “Documents” block you need to attach documents.

Drawing.Attached documents
Next, you need to sequentially enter data on the “Characteristics of financial support” tab. The tab “Characteristics of financial support” is intended to indicate information about the financing of the procurement object with the choice of the year the notice was placed, broken down by BCC and years of the planning period.

Drawing.Formation of KUZ-200. Tab "Characteristics of financial support".
To fill out the block “Amount of financial support for procurement”, the “Add new line” button is available.

The following columns are required for each line:

Planned year of publication of the notice– selected from the drop-down list;

KBK– selected from the KBK directory;

KD- The department code is selected from the directory;

KOSGU– selected from the KOSGU directory or entered manually;

Additional analytical feature– selected from the directory of additional analytical characteristics or entered manually;

Amounts of financial support by year of the planning period are entered manually.

If the planned purchase is carried out for the needs of a foreign apparatus, you must select “Purchases of foreign apparatus of federal executive authorities and other government agencies».

When checking the box, the following additional fields are displayed on the form for selecting the currency of the consolidated purchase: “ Currency code», «», « Financial collateral amounts in US dollars».

« Amounts of financial support by year of the planning period in currency" - indicated in thousands (thousands of rubles for purchases in rubles, as well as in thousands of units for purchases in other currencies). To indicate the amount accurate to hundreds of rubles, it is allowed to indicate 1 digit after the decimal point.

Block “The volume of financial support for procurement, grouping by planned years of placement”– summary table with automatically calculated amounts for each specified year of notice placement

Block “Amount of financial support for procurement, grouped by BCC”– a final table with automatically calculated amounts for each entered BCC by year of the planning period.

Each purchase May be agreed and must be approved. To do this, on the “Approval Sheet” tab, you must fill out the “Approving” and “Approving” sections.

Tab " Approval sheet» is intended to indicate information about the approving and approving persons of the organization.

Drawing.Formation of KUZ-200. “Approval sheet” tab

To approve, you must check the “Approval required” checkbox, and the “Approving” block will appear. If there is no need for approval, the block is not filled in.

To add a new line, you must click on the “Add new line” button, select an approver from the directory of users authorized to approve, and also indicate the “Stage”, “Group Code” and “Order Number” of the approver.

If more than one approver is indicated, then if parallel approval is necessary, the same values ​​are indicated (Stage, Group Code and Sequence Number), and if sequential, different values ​​are indicated in accordance with the required sequence.

To save changes, click on the “Save changes” or “Save changes and close window” button. This starts the process of automatic controls for the correctness of document formation.

As a result, the “Check Results” window will be displayed, which indicates the number and detailed list of errors. To return to the tabs and correct errors, click on the “Return to editing window” button. If all errors are corrected correctly, a window with successful completion of all checks is displayed.

Drawing."Test Results" window

The large purchase card - 200 will be saved in the “Draft” status and will be displayed on the page with the list of large purchases 200.

Formation of enlarged procurement 300

Basic information» «» « Approval sheet».

Filling out the enlarged purchase card-300 similarly

In addition, on the " Basic information» added field « Name of public obligation» the name is selected by clicking on the button “Select from the directory of public obligations of the Russian Federation”.

Also on the " Characteristics of financial support» block added « Volume of financial support for procurement, grouped by categories of recipients", is filled in automatically based on the block " Amount of financial support for procurement».

Drawing. Formation of KUZ-300

Formation of enlarged purchase 400

When creating, you need to fill in the data on the tabs " Basic information» « Characteristics of financial support» « Approval sheet».

Filling out the enlarged purchase card-400 similarly formation of an enlarged purchase card – 200.

Drawing.Formation of KUZ-400. Basics Tab

In the “Information on procurements of the federal government customer” block, fill in the field “Name of the procurement object”, manually or by selecting from a directory. Required field.

The fields “OKPD” and “Name of capital construction object, event, real estate object” are required to be filled in, the values ​​are selected from the directory.

The “Object type” field is filled in from the drop-down list.

Drawing.Selecting an Object Type Value

The object type is selected from a list of possible values:

“01- Included in FAIP”,

“02 - Proposed for inclusion in the FAIP”,

“03 - Not included in FAIP”:

If in the “FAIP Object Type” field the value “01- Included in FAIP” is selected, then:

The name of the capital construction object, event, real estate object - is selected from the directory “FAIP Objects”, while the following fields are filled in automatically based on the data in the FAIP directory (if there is a corresponding value in the FAIP directory) and are not available for editing:

        • Unique code

        • FAIP section

        • Sign of inclusion in FAIP

        • Federal target program(FTP)

        • Subroutine

        • Industry

        • Event group

        • FAIP object group

        • Customer

    • Direction of investment - if there is more than one direction of investment in the directory of FAIP objects for the selected FAIP object, it is additionally proposed to clarify the required direction of investment. When you select the required investment direction from the list of possible values, the fields below are automatically filled in based on this investment direction. If in the directory of FAIP objects there is information about only one direction of investment, then the fields given below are filled in based on this record;

        • Accounting unit code

        • Unit

        • Power

        • OKVED code
If in the “Object type” field the value “02- Proposed for inclusion in the FAIP” is selected, but the object is already included in the directory of FAIP objects with the attribute “Proposed for inclusion in the FAIP”, then the procedure for filling out information about the FAIP object is similar to the procedure for filling out information for a FAIP object with type “01- Included in FAIP”, the description is given above;

If in the “FAIP Object Type” field the value “02- Proposed for inclusion in the FAIP” is selected, but the object is not yet included in the FAIP object directory, then information about the object is filled in as follows:

    • Unique code - not filled in;

    • FAIP section – entered manually;

    • Sign of inclusion in FAIP – set by the user;

    • Federal Target Program (FTP) – filled out on the basis of the directory “Federal Target Programs/Subprograms”;

    • Federal Targeted Program subprogram – filled out on the basis of the directory “Federal Target Programs/Subprograms”;

    • Industry – filled in based on the “Industry” directory;

    • Group of events – entered manually;

    • Group of FAIP objects – entered manually;

    • Developer – entered manually;

    • Power – entered manually;

If in the “FAIP Object Type” field the value “03- Not included in the FAIP” is selected, then information about the capital construction object is indicated as part of the following information:

    • The name of the capital construction object, event, real estate object - is entered manually;

    • Investment direction – entered manually;

    • Accounting unit code – entered manually;

    • Unit of measurement – ​​filled in based on the OKEY directory;

    • Power – entered manually;

    • OKVED – fill in the code and name of the code based on the OKVED directory;
The fields “Procurement Description” and “Procurement Justification” in the “Information” block are filled in by the user manually or selected based on templates of acceptable values ​​(by clicking on the icon). Optional;

If the checkbox “Information about the technical complexity, innovation and special nature of the purchase” is checked, then you have the opportunity to fill out the field manually or select based on templates of acceptable values.

The mark “Mandatory discussion required” is set if a mandatory public discussion is required.

The “Purchase Dates” field is filled in manually or by selecting from the “Calendar”; it is not required to be filled out.

Field “Frequency of planned purchases” – selected from the directory or entered manually, optional.

Fill in the required fields and click on the “Save Changes” button.

Tab “Volume of financial support” is intended to indicate information about the financing of the procurement object with selection by year of publication of the notice, in terms of BCC and years of the planning period.

Drawing. Formation of KUZ-400. Tab “Volume of financial support”

Fill out the table in the “Volume of financial support” block.

To add a new line, click on the “Add new line” button. The following information is required for each line:

To delete a line, click on the “Delete Line” button.

The block “Amount of financial support for procurement, grouping by planned years of placement” is a final table with automatically calculated amounts for each specified year of placement of the notice. Filled in automatically.

Based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 73 dated November 25, 2017, planning documents are subject to mandatory detail for each BCC. Once the planning document items have been created, the appropriate details must be filled in and the necessary funds reserved.

When created in the “Electronic Budget” system planning documents customers have the right to combine several detailed purchases from the PP into one according to OKPD2 codes in accordance with calculated and estimated indicators (combined letter of the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Code of the Russian Federation No. 21-03-04/82833/07-04-05/14-948 dated 12/12/2017) . Identification code in this case, it will be formed in accordance with the regulations established by order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 422 dated June 29, 2015, and in categories 30-33 a code with the value 0000 - “0” will be entered.

All PPs and schedules are formed and approved in the “Electronic Budget” system. After approval, the planning documentation is sent to the Unified information system, directly to personal accounts customers.

Planning documents are drawn up and approved based on the limits of budget obligations communicated to the customer organization within 10 working days. If necessary, changes and additions may be made to the PP and schedules during the reporting year 2019. Correction of detailed orders in the PO according to the parameter " financial support"or according to other parameters is produced in the "Electronic Budget", and then sent for publication to the Unified Information System.

DZ in “Electronic budget”

Detailed procurement in the “Electronic Budget” is a clarification of PP positions for specific specified indicators. According to the list of detailed orders, you can detail the order:

  • according to KBK;
  • according to suggestions.

The algorithm for entering RD into planning documentation consists of the following actions:

1. In order to add an offer for the purchase of goods, works, services, select the required line in the upper area of ​​the “GRU” tab, and in the lower area - the “By offers” cell, then click the “Add line” button.

2. In the pop-up window, check the desired line and click the “Select” button.

3. The position you previously selected will appear at the bottom of the “TRU” tab.

4. If you want to open and view offers or KBK, then select the desired order by clicking on the checkmark in the field of the corresponding position. Then click on the “Open” button and select either the “Offer” or “KBK” cell.

5. A pop-up window will appear to check your details.

6. To remove the window, click on the “Close” cell.

7. In order to add data on the purchase order, click on the “Add line” field and in the “Goods, works, services” tab, select the “Detailed purchase” action.

8. In the “Add remote control” pop-up window, check the required line.

9. The newly appeared line will be displayed in the “TRU” tab.

10. Select the required line at the top of the “Goods, works, services” field. After this, a line of the corresponding proposal for the purchase of goods, works or services purchased by the customer organization to meet federal needs will appear at the bottom of this field.

These magical three letters, which mean nothing to ordinary citizens, regularly create headaches for entrepreneurs.

How does KBK stand for?

KBK - budget classification codes

The organizations' BCCs, which are necessary for the payment to go where it was intended, change almost every year. And the responsibility for their correct indication lies with the payer!

Let's try to figure out what these mysterious codes are, why they are needed, how they are formed and why they change regularly. We will also tell you what to do if you find an error in the specified code, and what you risk in this case, and most importantly, how to prevent this risk and not end up with accrued fines and penalties for paying taxes and fees on time.

Current list of KBK for 2019

Budget classification - what is it and why?

In July 1998 Budget Code RF in Federal law No. 145 first introduced the term "KBK", used as a means of grouping the budget.

There are 4 types of KBK:

  • relating to government revenues;
  • related to expenses;
  • indicating the sources from which the budget deficit is financed;
  • reflecting government operations.

What are KBKs used for?

  • organize financial reporting;
  • provide a unified form of budget financial information;
  • help regulate financial flows at the state level;
  • with their help, the municipal and federal budget is drawn up and implemented;
  • allow you to compare the dynamics of income and expenses in the desired period;
  • inform about the current situation in the state treasury.

INFORMATION FOR ENTREPRENEURS! KBK is an internal coding necessary, first of all, for the state treasury, where the distribution of incoming funds takes place. Entrepreneurs need these codes insofar as they are interested in complying with the requirements for processing government payments, especially taxes and contributions to extra-budgetary funds. Therefore, do not forget to indicate the correct and current KBK code in field 104 of the payment receipt.

Structure of the KBK

This code consists of 20 characters - numbers, separated by hyphens into groups, it has the following form XX - X XX XX XXX XX - XXXX - XXX.

Each group of characters corresponds to an encrypted meaning determined by the Ministry of Finance. Let's consider the structure of the profitable BCC, since they are the ones that entrepreneurs mainly have to use (expense codes can be found mainly when returning funds under any government program).

  1. "Administrator". The first three signs show who will receive the funds and is responsible for replenishing this or that part of the budget with them, and manages the received money. The most common codes for businessmen begin with 182 - tax authority, 392 - Pension Fund, 393 – FSS and others.
  2. "Type of income" includes signs from 4 to 13. This group of signs helps to fairly accurately identify receipts based on the following indicators:
    • group– 4th character (that is, the first in this paragraph);
    • subgroup– 5th and 6th characters; a two-digit code indicates a specific tax, duty, contribution, fine, etc.;
    • article– category 7 and 8 (the value of the purpose of the received income is encoded in the settlement documents for the budget of the Russian Federation);
    • sub-article– 9, 10 and 11 digits (specifies the item of income);
    • element– 12 and 13 digits characterize the budget level – from federal 01, municipal 05 to specific budgets of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation – 06, Social Insurance Fund – 07, etc. Code 10 indicates the settlement budget.
  3. "Program"– positions from 14 to 17. These numbers are designed to differentiate taxes (their code is 1000) from penalties, interest (2000), penalties (3000) and other payments (4000).
  4. "Economic classification"– last three digits. They identify receipts in terms of their economic type. For example, 110 speaks of tax revenues, 130 - from the provision of services, 140 - funds forcibly seized, etc.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! The 20-digit code must be entered correctly and without errors in the “Purpose of payment” field (field No. 104) of the payment order. In fact, it duplicates the information indicated in the “Base of payment” field, as well as partially in the “Recipient” and “Recipient’s current account” fields.

Where can I get KBK?

To fill out a payment order, the KBK code can be found in several ways:

  • scroll a little higher - most of them have been published by us;
  • at the State Treasury (by calling, sending a request or making a visit);
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 65N contains all the information about the BCC;
  • When making payments online on many services, BCCs are entered automatically.

Why are budget classification codes changing?

This is the cry from the heart of the vast majority of entrepreneurs: how much easier it would be if these codes were uniform and established once and for all. But the Ministry of Finance makes certain changes to the BCC almost every year. Entrepreneurs and accountants do not always have the opportunity to timely monitor innovations and correct the specified BACs, this is especially evident during reporting periods. Responsibility for wrong specified code lies entirely on the shoulders of businessmen, often resulting in unforeseen expenses and troubles to correct mistakes and prove that they are right.

There are various versions put forward by entrepreneurs and the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice do not comment in any way.

  1. The more receipts passed through incorrect BCCs, the more funds will be “suspended” for some time as unknown. Until errors are corrected, they can be used for unseemly purposes, and on a national scale this is a huge amount.
  2. Additional filling of the budget by charging fines and penalties for “overdue” payments that were made through the already inactive BCC. Proving timely payment is quite troublesome.
  3. Inconsistency between the actions of the Ministry of Finance, which assigns codes, and the Ministry of Justice, which approves them.
  4. Since the KBK is directly “tied” to the public sector, any changes within the relevant structures, the receipt of new directives, etc. lead to a change in coding.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! There are opinions that since this coding is an internal matter of the Treasury, it should be done by them, and not by taxpayers. The KBK code can be assigned by bank employees based on the specified data about the recipient and purpose of the payment, or by treasury employees upon receipt of it. However, today the additional work of coding is placed on the shoulders of payers; they cannot avoid it, which means that all that remains is to comply with the current requirements and keep abreast of the latest innovations.

What are the consequences of an error in the KBK?

If the payment purpose code is specified incorrectly, the payment will be transferred to the budget, but it will not be distributed correctly there, which means that the state will not actually receive it. The result may be the same as if the money had not been transferred at all: the tax office will count the arrears under a certain item. At the same time, if the BCC is simply mixed up, there may be an overpayment under another item.

As a result, the tax office will issue a demand for payment of arrears, a fine for late payment of tax or a fee and penalties for late payment. This situation is extremely unpleasant for a conscientious entrepreneur who paid the tax on time, whose entire fault lies in confusion with numerous CBCs.

The usual procedure for an entrepreneur when an error is detected in the KBK

  1. The most important thing is to make sure that the error did not lead to non-receipt of income to the budget, otherwise it will be considered that the funds were not paid, with the payer being fully responsible for this.
  2. Submit to your account tax office a statement about the detected error and a request to clarify the basis, type and affiliation of the transfer of funds, if necessary, the tax period or tax payer status.
  3. The application must be accompanied by payment orders for which the tax was paid and received by the budget.
  4. If necessary, a reconciliation of paid taxes is carried out jointly with the inspector (a report is drawn up about it).
  5. After a few days (the period is not defined by law), a decision is made to clarify this payment and is handed over to the applicant.

IMPORTANT! When a payment is clarified, it is considered completed on the day the payment order is submitted with an incorrect BCC, and not on the day the decision on clarification and offset is received. Thus, delays obligatory payment, providing for penalties, does not actually occur.

Let's look at various cases that occur due to errors in the CBC and analyze what an entrepreneur should do.

  1. The inspectorate assessed penalties for non-payment of taxes. If there was a beneficial request from the payer to offset the amount paid, then you should additionally ask the tax office to recalculate the accrued penalties. If the tax office refuses to do this, going to court will most likely allow for a recalculation (there is a rich arbitrage practice with similar precedents).
  2. BCC does not correspond to the payment specified in the assignment. If the error is “within one tax”, for example, the KBK is indicated on the USN-6, and the payment basis is indicated on the USN-15, then the tax office usually easily makes a re-offset. If the KBK does not completely correspond to the basis of the payment, for example, a businessman was going to pay personal income tax, but indicated the KBK belonging to the VAT, the tax office often refuses to clarify, but the court is almost always on the side of the taxpayer.
  3. Due to an error in the KBK, insurance premiums were unpaid. If the funds do not reach the required treasury account, this is almost inevitably fraught with fines and penalties. The entrepreneur should repeat the payment as quickly as possible with the correct details in order to reduce the amount of possible penalties. Then the money paid by mistake must be returned (you can also count it against future payments). To do this, an application is sent to the authority to whose account the money was transferred erroneously. Failure to comply with a request for a refund or re-credit is a reason to go to court.
  4. The funds arrived in the planned fund, but under the wrong heading. For example, the payment slip indicated the KBK for the funded portion of the pension, but they intended to pay for the insurance portion. In such cases, contributions are still considered to have been made on time, and you must proceed in the same way as under the usual procedure. The court can help with any problems with a fund that refuses to make a recalculation, and an illegal demand for payment of arrears and the accrual of penalties.

REMEMBER! According to the law, an error in the KBK is not a reason for which the payment will not be considered transferred. The payment order contains additional information indicating the purpose of the payment and its recipient, therefore, if it is indicated correctly, there is and cannot be a reason for penalties against the entrepreneur; other decisions can be challenged in court.

  1. Regularly check with the tax office how payments made are reflected in your personal account.
  2. If you have received a request to pay a tax, contribution, etc. that you have already transferred, contact the relevant authority (tax, off-budget fund) for reconciliation of calculations.
  3. If you yourself see a mistake in the KBK, write a request for clarification.
  4. Try to stay informed latest changes in legislation, in particular, the latest version of codes.
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