Belgorod cement plant. General characteristics of Belgorod Cement CJSC, goals and objectives of the organization

  • Photo documents

  • Historical reference

    Construction of the Belgorod cement plant began in 1946.
    On December 31, 1949, the first production line of the plant came into operation. Since its launch, more than 22 million tons of Belgorod cement have been shipped to consumers. The brand of the Belgorod Cement Plant is known far beyond the country's borders.
    For the early fulfillment of the tasks of the seven-year plan and the successful development of production capacities, on April 22, 1966, the plant was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
    The Belgorod Order of the Red Banner of Labor cement plant is directly subordinate to the Main Directorate of the Cement Industry of the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR.
    The enterprise operates on the basis of the Regulations on the Socialist State Production Enterprise, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of October 4, 1965 No. 731.
    In its activities, the enterprise is guided by the laws of the USSR, decrees and orders of the Government of the USSR, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR and the Charter of the plant. The enterprise is legal entity and carries out its activities on the basis of economic calculation.
    The enterprise has the right to carry out operations necessary to carry out the tasks assigned to it throughout the entire territory of the USSR.
    The subject of the enterprise's activity is cement production.
    The main objectives of the enterprise are:
    1. Implementation of the state plan.
    2. Constant improvement of the quality, reliability and durability of manufactured products.
    3. Systematic reduction of production costs and increase in production profitability.
    4. Steady increase in labor productivity based on the rhythmic work of the enterprise, comprehensive improvement of production technology, introduction of the latest achievements of science, technology and best practices.
    In accordance with these objectives, the enterprise performs the following functions:
    1. Organizes the development of promising and annual plans for all types of enterprise activities
    2. Approves the annual technical and industrial financial plan, quarterly and monthly production plans developed by the enterprise economic activity enterprises
    3. Ensures the plan is carried out
    4. Accepts orders from other enterprises and organizations for the production of products beyond the plan from raw materials and materials of the customer
    5. Organizes uninterrupted and accident-free operation of all types of industrial transport
    6. Carries out capital construction, reconstruction and Maintenance in accordance with approved plans
    7. Approves title lists for the construction of facilities
    8. Ensures compliance with labor legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety regulations
    9. Provides proper organization accounting, operational and statistical accounting
    The company is headed by a director acting on the basis of the plant’s Charter:
    The director organizes the work of the enterprise on the basis of unity of command and bears full responsibility for the condition and activities of the enterprise. Within the limits of his competence, the director issues orders for the enterprise and systematically monitors their implementation, as well as the execution of decisions, orders and directors of higher bodies.
    Director, main shareholder, Chief Accountant enterprises are appointed and dismissed by order of the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry.
    The activities of the enterprise are inspected by the Main Directorate of the Cement Industry, the Ministry of Construction Materials Industry of the USSR and public control bodies.
    The plant management of the cement plant includes the following departments: general, planning, accounting, personnel, NOTES and salaries, SCS, technical department, financial, chief mechanic department, chief power engineer department, safety department, sales department and logistics department, plant manager.
    Documentary materials were processed by the archive department's management team. They were partially processed earlier.
    They were processed poorly. These materials were processed by the business group and included in the consolidated inventory of the cement plant.
    The archives of the cement plant contain documentary materials for the years 1946-1967.
    The fund contains orders from the Ministry of Industrial Construction Materials of the USSR and the director of the plant, technical industrial and financial plans, plans for labor and wages, annual reports, annual reports on capital construction, implemented rationalization proposals, minutes of technical meetings and the Technical Council, reports on victims of accidents, reports on product exports, etc.
    There are no documentary materials in the departments for some years. For 1949-1962 no financial plans, there are no documentary materials for 1967 in the factory committee. They were handed over to waste paper. There are also no documentary materials from the accounting department for 1967. This is explained by the fact that the accounting documents have not been reviewed.
    In the departments of the chief mechanic and chief power engineer there are only technical documentation, and the logistics department only has documentation for a temporary storage period.
    Therefore, they were not processed and are not included in the inventory.
    The inventory was compiled for materials from 1946 to 1967 in structural and chronological order.

    Addition to the preface of the inventory of the fund "Belgorod Order of the Red Banner of Labor Cement Plant"
    In accordance with the law of the RSFSR “On the privatization of state and municipal enterprises in the RSFSR" and the conference of the labor collective of the Belgorod Order of the Red Banner of Labor cement plant on December 23, 1988, the lease enterprise "Belgorod Cement Plant" was created and the team received the right to buy out the enterprise.
    The Ministry of Industry and Construction Materials of the USSR and the plant staff concluded an agreement on the right to purchase the property for a period of 10 years.
    The charter of the rental enterprise of the Belgorod Order of the Red Banner of Labor cement plant was registered by the executive committee of the Oktyabrsky District Council of People's Deputies on January 23, 1990 No. 26.
    At the team conference in 1990, in order to further improve the economic mechanism of plant management, in a market economy, the rental enterprise was transformed into a collective enterprise. By decision of the executive committee of the Oktyabrsky District Council of People's Deputies, state registration January 16, 1991 No. 19.
    On April 10, 1991, at a conference of the enterprise’s staff, an agreement on joint production of cement and economic activities was approved between the collective enterprise “Belgorod Cement Plant” and the joint venture “Sovinterfrance”.
    On October 31, 1991, at a meeting of the labor collective of the Belgorod Cement Plant enterprise, the Belgorod Cement joint-stock company was created.
    On March 31, 1992, an agreement was concluded with the State Property Fund of the Belgorod Region on the purchase of rental property into private ownership and a Certificate of Ownership of the Labor Collective No. 8 dated June 11, 1992 was issued.
    Since September 1992, on the basis of a constituent agreement, a closed joint stock company, a joint Russian-Panamanian enterprise, Belgorod Cement, has been created, producing cement, chalk, clinker and other building materials.
    Documents were processed and transferred to the regional state archive from 1983 and from 1984 to 1992 processed and included in the inventory section in accordance with the nomenclature of cases in chronological and structural order: orders, instructions on production activities plant, plans, reports on labor, rationalization, labor protection, safety precautions, decisions, charters, agreements, protocols on privatization.
    In 1992, the professional technical plan, labor plans, reports on personnel, new equipment were not included in the inventory, because were not compiled.

    Preface to the inventory
    Closed joint stock company "Belgorod cement" prepared and transferred plans to the state archive of the Belgorod region mining operations clay quarry "Chernaya Polyana" in connection with the conservation of the deposit of cement clays and loams "Chernaya Polyana", located in the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region. Until 2004, the deposit was the raw material base of the Belgorod Cement Plant (since September 29, 1992, the closed joint-stock company Russian-Panamanian joint venture Belgorod Cement, since September 12, 2005, the open joint-stock company Belgorod Cement, since April 25, 2008 . closed joint stock company "Belgorod cement") and has been in operation since 1966. Mining operations stopped in 2004, conservation work was carried out on the quarry and in 2007 the Department of Technological and environmental supervision The Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision in the Belgorod Region issued an act on the conservation of the quarry No. 18/2-2007 dated February 21, 2007. On the lands disturbed by mining operations, the closed joint-stock company "Belgorod Cement" carried out mining and technical reclamation of the lands and the leased lands were transferred to the administration Belgorod district Belgorod region (resolution of the head of the administration of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region dated November 20, 2006 No. 795)
    The chief surveyor of the closed joint-stock company "Belgorod Cement" E.I. Chernyshev selected and transferred to the state archive 7 tablets of mining plans for the mothballed clay quarry "Chernaya Polyana" (1963-2004), as well as historical information and a brief description of the clay deposit "Chernaya Polyana".
    The Department of Acquisition, Departmental Archives and Office Work compiled an inventory of mining plans for the Chernya Polyana quarry in the amount of 7 items.
    Documentary materials of the Belgorod Order of the Red Banner of Labor cement plant were transferred to the regional state archive for the years 1968-1983. Historical information is available in inventory No. 1. For 1968 staffing table The plant management had the following structure: general department, planning department, labor and wages department, technical department, departments of chief mechanic and power engineer, safety precautions, personnel, sales and supply, financial department and accounting. Until 1983, there were no changes in the plant management structure. The subordination and name of the plant did not change.
    The inventory of permanent storage files includes orders and instructions from the plant director on core activities, labor and financing plans, and technical industrial and financial plans. The fund's documents include reporting documentation: reports on labor and wages, new technology and rationalization, personnel safety.
    The sales department's inventory includes plans and reports on the supply of cement for export. In the department of labor and wages, collective agreements and documents on social competition are included in the inventory. Accounting includes in the inventory reports on core activities and capital construction. The inventories are compiled in chronological and structural order. In total, the inventory includes 333 cases.

    Belgorodsky Cement CJSC, part of the EUROCEMENT group holding since 2005, is one of the best enterprises in the Russian cement industry, the first of the CIS cement plants to receive a quality certificate according to DIN 1164 in 1998. Thanks to the high quality of Belgorod cements, the plant is among the leading world manufacturers. Over the 60 years since the plant was launched, more than 110 million tons of products have been shipped to consumers. Belgorod cement is well known construction companies in Russia and 45 other countries of the world. It is used in the construction of residential and administrative buildings, subways, airfields, hydraulic structures, bridges, television towers and many other important objects. The favorable geographical location of the plant near the Russian-Ukrainian border allows for successful export-import operations. Every year the company supplies the market with more than 2 million tons of high-quality products. All types of cement produced by the plant are certified according to the GOST R voluntary certification system. Two types of cement are certified testing laboratory Quality control organizations of the Union of German Cement Works (Dusseldorf, Germany) according to EN 197-1:2000 for compliance with CEM I 42.5N and CEM II/A-S 32.5R. In 2008, production of new products began state standard Russian Federation- GOST 31108-2003. To conduct chemical analyzes and physical and mechanical tests of cements, the quality control department and laboratory of the enterprise are equipped with modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. The quality of the plant's products has been repeatedly awarded by various international organizations. Four types of products - CEM I 42.5N, CEM II/A-Sh 32.5B, CEM I 42.5N and PC 500-D0-N - were awarded the highest award of the All-Russian Brand (III Millennium) competition. Quality mark of the 21st century” - Platinum quality mark. The plant produces the following types of cement: CEM I 42.5N Portland cement class 42.5, normally hardening; TsEM II/A-Sh 32.5B - Portland cement with mineral additives up to 20%, class 32.5, quick-hardening; CEM I 42.5N - Portland cement class 42.5, normal hardening; CEM II/A-S 32.5R - Portland cement with mineral additives up to 20%, class 32.5, quick-hardening; PC 500-D0-N - Portland cement grade 500 based on clinker of standardized composition; PCA - Portland cement for asbestos-cement products. Cements CEM I 42.5N and CEM II/A-Sh 32.5B are packaged in 50 kg bags, in shrink film bags (in one bag there are 34 50 kg bags) and in big bags of 1000 kg.

    "Belgorod Cement" is a supplier of European quality cement for construction complex Belgorod region. The company's products are widely known among consumers of the construction complex of Moscow, Moscow, Belgorod, Kursk regions and other regions of Russia. The maximum capacity of the enterprise is 3.7 million tons of cement per year. For more than 60 years since the launch of the plant, more than 117 million tons of products have been shipped to consumers.


    CJSC "Belgorod Cement", which became part of the EUROCEMENT group holding in 2005, is one of the best enterprises in the Russian cement industry, the first of the CIS cement plants to receive a quality certificate according to DIN 1164 in 1998. The history of the plant begins in 1949. The high quality of Belgorod cement puts the plant among the world's leading manufacturers. Over the 60 years of operation of the plant, more than 100 million tons of products have been shipped to consumers. Belgorod cement is well known to construction companies in Russia, as well as in 45 countries around the world. It is used in the construction of residential and administrative buildings, subways, airfields, hydraulic structures, bridges, television towers and other critical structures. The favorable geographical location of the plant near the Russian-Ukrainian border allows for successful export-import operations. The enterprise's capacity is 2 million 600 thousand tons of cement per year. Every year the company offers to the market more than 2 million tons of high-quality products. To better satisfy the market with cement, in 2006 a new cement grinding shop with three cement mills with a capacity of 1 million tons was put into operation.

    All types of cement produced by the plant are certified according to the voluntary certification system GOST R. Two types are certified by the testing laboratory of the Quality Control Organization of the Union of German Cement Plants (Dusseldorf, Germany) according to EN-197-1:2000 for compliance with CEM I 42.5 N and CEM II/ A-S 32.5 N. The testing department within the quality control department for conducting physical and mechanical tests is equipped with modern equipment from `ELE International` (Great Britain). The plant's products have been repeatedly noted by various international organizations: in 2006, Belgorod Cement took part in the national program All-Russian Brand (III Millennium). The quality mark of the 21st century and was awarded the highest award - the Golden Quality Mark. In the same year, according to the results of the `100 competition best products Russia` three types of cement (PTs 500-D0, PTs 400-D20 and PTs 500-D0-N) were awarded a Laureate Diploma, and Portland cement for asbestos-cement products was awarded a First Degree Diploma.

    Full and abbreviated name of the enterprise.

    Closed Joint Stock Company "Belgorod Cement" (CJSC "Belgorod Cement"). Postal and legal address: RF. 308015, Belgorod, st. Sumskaya, site 11 of the cement plant.

    Organizational and legal form

    Public corporation. Has a private form of ownership. Supreme body the board is a meeting of shareholders. The controlling stake in the plant belongs to the EUROCEMENT group holding.

    The main management body of EUROCEMENT group OJSC is the Board of Directors.

    General Director CJSC "Belgorod Cement" is Viktor Ivanovich Khludeev.

    CJSC Belgorod Cement has two subsidiaries:

    1. LLC "Record - Center". Types of activity: wholesale and retail, warranty and post-warranty repair of radio equipment.

    2. Rodnichok LLC. Types of activity: trade food products and catering.

    CJSC Belgorod Cement uses a linear-functional management structure. It represents the principle of constructing the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization (marketing, production, research and development, finance, personnel, etc.).

    Company structure.

    CJSC Belgorod Cement uses a linear-functional management structure. It represents the principle of constructing the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization (marketing, production, research and development, finance, personnel, etc.). For each of them, a hierarchy of services is formed that permeates the entire organization from top to bottom. Linear authority is authority that is transferred directly from a superior to a subordinate and then to other subordinates.

    Many years of experience in using linear-functional management structures have shown that they are most effective where the management apparatus performs routine, frequently repeated and rarely changing tasks and functions. With such an organization of production management, an enterprise can function successfully only when changes occur evenly across all structural divisions. But since this is not the case in real conditions, the control system’s response to requirements becomes inadequate. external environment.

    The organization of foreign economic work consists of two parts. Foreign economic activities Import is handled by the production and technical department, export is handled by the marketing and foreign trade department. They are engaged marketing research, analysis of sales markets, analysis of prices, guarantees, financial reliability of companies wishing to cooperate with the enterprise.

    The production structure and management scheme of Belgorod Cement CJSC is presented in Fig. 7:

    Rice. 7 Production structure and management scheme of JSC Belgorod Cement

    The organizational and management structure of Belgorod Cement CJSC is presented in Fig. 8:

    Rice. 8 Organizational and management structure of Belgorod Cement CJSC

    Enterprise mission.

    The mission of the enterprise is to provide high quality cement to enterprises producing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products, ready-mixed concrete, mortar, asbestos-cement products, as well as house-building plants, construction organizations and the population using cement for civil engineering.

    Characteristics of the enterprise's products.

    Currently, the company produces 9 types of cement and ships commercial clinker.

    List of cements produced by the Belgorod Cement JSC plant:

    · CEM I 42.5N (CEM I 42.5N) – Portland cement class 42.5, normal-hardening. Used for the manufacture of high-strength precast, conventional and prestressed reinforced concrete structures; hydraulic structures (in fresh water); external parts of monolithic concrete massive structures; thin-walled monolithic structures; for the production of concrete works with rapid demoulding.

    · CEM II/A-Sh 32.5B (CEM II/A-S 32.5R) - Portland cement with mineral additives up to 20%, class 32.5, quick-hardening. Concrete and reinforced concrete monolithic structures with quick formwork are manufactured.

    · PC 500-D0-N - Portland cement grade 500 based on clinker of standardized composition. It is used for the production of concrete road and airfield pavements, reinforced concrete pressure and free-flow pipes, reinforced concrete sleepers, bridge structures, high-voltage power transmission line towers, contact networks railway transport and lighting.

    · PCA – Portland cement for asbestos-cement products. Used for the production of asbestos-cement products.

    Cements CEM I 42.5N and CEM II/A-Sh 32.5B are packaged in 50 kg bags, in shrink film bags (in one bag there are 34 50 kg bags) and in big bags of 1000 kg.

    All brands of cement produced at the plant are certified in the voluntary certification system GOST R. Two brands are certified by the testing laboratory of the Quality Control Organization of the Union of German Cement Plants (Dusseldorf, Germany) according to EN-197-1:2000 for compliance with CEM I 42.5 N and CEM II/A-S 32.5 N. In addition, these cement brands are certified in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Estonia.

    The plant's products have been repeatedly noted by various international organizations, and two types of cement PC 500-DO and PC 400-D 20 were awarded the Diploma “100 Best Products of Russia” in 2004.

    The goal of Belgorod Cement JSC is to maximize profit.

    The Belgorod Cement enterprise is a closed joint stock company. The main activity of the enterprise is the production and marketing of the cement it produces, as well as saturating the building materials market with its product. CJSC Belgorod Cement produces a limited range of products of various brands. Goals and their structure are presented in the goal tree (Fig. 9).

    Expanding product markets
    Reducing production costs

    Fig.9. Goal tree

    The main goal of the enterprise is to obtain maximum financial return from the enterprise's activities, i.e., profit maximization. This state can be achieved by increasing labor productivity, reducing production costs and, accordingly, entering or expanding product markets. The goal tree shows that in order to achieve the main goal of the enterprise, it is necessary to achieve the sub-goal of the enterprise.

    Organizational structure determines the relationship between management and subordinates at all levels of the organization and between its main divisions (Fig. 10).


    Rice. 10. Structure of Belgorod Cement CJSC

    The structure has the most direct impact on productivity through the ratio of the number of administrative and managerial personnel and the number of key employees.

    The total number of employees of the plant is 1204 people, of which about 300 are women. Main production workers and auxiliary workers - 1008 people, engineering - technical workers– 79 people, employees – 6 people, managers – 111 people.

    The age composition is as follows:

    under 20 years old – 24 people;

    from 20 to 30 years old – 452 people;

    from 30 to 40 years old – 584 people;

    over 40 years – 144 people.

    Qualification composition of the organization's personnel:

    one or more higher education– 94 people;

    secondary specialized education - 1082 people, including 990 of them with secondary technical education;

    initial vocational training – 28 people.

    Personnel covers the processes: interaction between managers and workers, hiring, training, promotion, performance evaluation, labor incentives.

    Organizational culture – evaluates the relationships between people in the company, the company’s relationships with clients, competitors, government agencies and the population of the regions. The image and culture of a company are customs and morals, rules of behavior in the company; The company's management attracts new employees to the company who are ready to always support the culture. Concern for the company's image in the eyes of outsiders is created by its products, its many years of work and the quality of the product.


    About 540 thousand tons of cement were shipped to consumers by Belgorod Cement JSC in four months of 2012. This is 30 percent more than in the same period last year. It is especially worth noting the shipment of packaged cement in bags; compared to 2011, it increased by 120%.

    The favorable geographical location of the enterprise (42 km from the Russian-Ukrainian border) allows for successful export-import operations. The shortest route to the ports of the Azov and Black Seas, to Europe in transit through Ukraine makes it possible to export products with the lowest delivery costs to partners. Well-established production relations with forwarding companies and ports enable the plant to deliver products at the request of partners around the world.

    The largest consumers of cement from Belgorod Cement JSC are Belgorod enterprises producing Construction Materials based on it. More than 16% of cement is supplied to JSC BelACI every year. Cement is also sold to the Moscow region, Smolensk, Kursk and other regions (Table 1).

    Table 1

    The largest consumers of cement are ZAO Belgorod Cement

    Enterprises Consumption share, %
    JSC "BelACI", Belgorod, st. Michurina 16,5
    OJSC Belgorod ZhBK-1 plant, st. Communal 5 1,1
    JSC "Belgorodstroydetal", st. Michurina 0,8
    Mostotryad – 18, Moscow st. Earthworks 0,55
    Mostotryad - 90, Moscow region, Dmitrov 0,45
    Dmitrovsky reinforced concrete building complex, Moscow region, Dmitrov 0,5
    CJSC "Smolensk Concrete Concrete Plant-2", Smolensk 1,04
    OJSC "Kursk KPD Plant", Kursk 0,45
    Shop of JSC "Belgorod Cement"
    Others 1399 800 76,6
    Total 1824 800

    Thus, the main consumers of cement are enterprises producing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products, ready-mixed concrete, mortar, asbestos-cement products, as well as house-building plants, construction organizations engaged in both housing, civil and industrial construction. In addition, there is a rather promising group of cement consumers - the population using cement for individual, garden and civil construction.


    Chalk is mined in its own quarry. According to records, mining is carried out to a depth of 130 m, but there is a possibility of chalk mining below 130 m.

    Clay is mined in our own quarry. Difference in chemical composition makes it difficult to maintain technological process. Reserves ensure the operation of the plant for 40 years.

    Gran-slag - comes to the plant from the Zaporozhye-Dneprodzerzhinsk plant.

    The cinders are from the Voskresensky Chemical Plant.

    Fuel - natural gas from the Tyumen mine.

    Gypsum - comes to the plant from several plants.

    Electricity - from our own substation.

    Water comes from our own artesian wells.

    Steam comes from the boiler house of the Belgorod asbestos-cement products plant.

    The basis for choosing the wet method of cement production at Belgorod Cement CJSC is that the raw materials are located in the immediate vicinity of the plant and have high humidity (38%).


    When considering the external environment of an enterprise, the focus is on competitors. Let's analyze the competitive environment of Belgorod Cement CJSC.

    As mentioned above, Belgorod Cement CJSC is part of the EUROCEMENT group OJSC holding, which is the largest domestic holding company specializing in the production and sale of cement, with a capacity of 33 million tons per year.

    The holding includes 14 more cement plants:

    · "Maltsovsky Portland cement" (Bryansk region),

    · "Mikhailovcement" (Ryazan region),

    · "Lipetskcement" (Lipetsk region),

    · “Savinsky Cement Plant” (Arkhangelsk region),

    · "Nevyansky cement worker" (Sverdlovsk region),

    · “Katavsky cement” (Chelyabinsk region),

    · "Kavkazcement" (Karachay-Cherkessia),

    · "Oskolcement" (Belgorod region),

    · "Pikalevsky cement" (Leningrad region),

    · "Podgorensky cement worker" (Voronezh region),

    · "Ulyanovskcement" (Ulyanovsk region),

    · "Zhigulevskie building materials" (Samara region),

    · “Kramatorsk cement plant “Pushka” (Ukraine, Donetsk region),

    · “Balcem” (Ukraine, Kharkov region).

    Naturally, there is fierce competition between the products of these cement plants, which is determined by their different technical equipment, since both the quality of cement and its prices depend on it.

    Full and abbreviated name of the enterprise.

    Closed Joint Stock Company "Belgorod Cement", CJSC "Belcement".

    Date of registration of the enterprise.

    "Belgorod Cement" is a legal entity and registered as a closed joint-stock company "Belgorod Cement" by the State Registration Chamber on April 25, 1996 (certificate No. R-540.16.1).

    Postal and legal address of the enterprise: 308015, Russian Federation, Belgorod, st. Frunze, pl. Tsemzavod.

    Main activities.

    Production of cement, clinker, chalk, potassium-lime fertilizers, construction work, mediation activities, sales of own products and services in the Russian Federation and abroad, services for processing of customer-supplied raw materials.

    Organizational and legal form of the enterprise. Closed Joint Stock Company. The legal status of a joint stock company, the rights and obligations of shareholders are determined in accordance with Civil Code RF and the law on joint stock companies (the federal law dated July 8, 1999 No. 138-FZ).

    The form of ownership is private.

    Included in State Register Russian Federation of monopolistic enterprises: Federal.

    Organizational structure of enterprise management.

    The main governing body of Belgorod Cement CJSC is the general meeting of shareholders. Between general meetings, management is carried out by a board of directors consisting of the chairman of the board of directors, the general director and five directors.

    By decision of the annual general meeting Shareholders of Belgorod Cement CJSC on June 17, 2004 elected the following composition of the board of directors: E. N. Baturina - Chairman of the Board of Directors, V. N. Baturin, O. L. Burlakov, V. A. Guz, O. M. Soloshchansky. , Fominov V. A., Edel K. E.

    On November 19, 2004, the Board of Directors decided to elect Vasily Ivanovich Fominov as General Director of Belgorod Cement CJSC from November 21, 2004.

    The most important factor in the development of Belgorod Cement CJSC as an enterprise using a forward integration strategy is a rational organizational structure, that is, the type of management device within the enterprise. The organizational structure today has been chosen to ensure the implementation of its strategy. As strategies change over time, management makes corresponding changes in the organizational structure.

    The enterprise uses a linear-functional management structure. It represents the principle of constructing the management process according to the functional subsystems of the organization (marketing, production, research and development, finance, personnel, etc.). For each of them, a hierarchy of services has been formed that permeates the entire organization from top to bottom.

    In vertically integrated companies, there is a close technological relationship between the main blocks of the structure (single-industry businesses). There is a need to form corporate headquarters groups that are engaged in monitoring, coordinating and planning the activities of areas, as well as evaluating plans proposed by management in various areas of strategic and operational activities (marketing, production, etc.).

    For example, the organization of foreign economic work at an enterprise consists of two parts. The production and technical department, headed by L.I. Ponomarev, is engaged in foreign economic activity on imports; the marketing and foreign trade department, headed by O.F. Derin, is engaged in exports. They are engaged in marketing research, analysis of sales markets, analysis of prices, guarantees, and financial reliability of companies wishing to cooperate with the enterprise. In this regard, the main mechanism for coordinating activities should be planning their interaction, carried out at the corporate management level and the management system is highly centralized

    Given that the interests of each department depend on the performance of others, their management must be able to influence decision-making processes related to the transfer of resources within a vertically integrated system.


    CJSC Belgorod Cement is part of the holding company OJSC EUROCEMENT group, which is the largest domestic holding company specializing in the production and sale of cement, with a capacity of up to 33 million tons per year. The holding includes 14 more cement plants:

    CJSC Belgorod Cement has two subsidiaries:

    • 1. LLC "Record - Center". Types of activity: wholesale and retail trade, warranty and post-warranty repair of equipment.
    • 2. Rodnichok LLC. Types of activity: trade in food products and public catering.

    Economic characteristics.

    "Belgorod cement" is one of largest enterprises domestic cement industry. Its capacity is 2.6 million tons. In 2004, 1.7 million tons of cement were produced here, or 13% more than in 2003. In just 55 years of operation, the enterprise shipped more than 100 million tons of products .

    For 9 months of 2005, production increased by 15.4%. In total, 1.45 million tons of cement were produced during this period.

    The company produces products:

    1. Portland cement (GOST 10178-85): PC 600 DO; PC 550 DO; PC 500 DO;

    PC 500 DO-N; PC 400 D20; ShPTs 400 DO.

    • 2. Portland cement for the production of asbestos-cement products (TU 21-26-18-91): (PTsA), CEM I 42.5 N and CEM II/A-S 32.5 N.
    • 3. Portland cement clinker.

    All brands of cement produced at the plant are certified in the voluntary certification system GOST R. Two brands are certified by the testing laboratory of the Quality Control Organization of the Union of German Cement Plants (Dusseldorf, Germany) according to EN-197-1:2000 for compliance with CEM I 42.5 N and CEM II/A-S 32.5 N. In addition, these cement grades are certified in Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Estonia.

    The plant's products have been repeatedly noted by various international organizations, and two types of cement PC 500-DO and PC 400-D 20 were awarded the Diploma “100 Best Products of Russia” in 2004.

    The main economic and financial indicators of the enterprise are shown in table. 1. and table. 2

    Table 1. Product shipment (tons)

    The share of export products in shipments in 2004 was 17%.

    Table 2. Dynamics of the most important economic and financial indicators of the enterprise’s activities (thousand rubles)

    The authorized capital of the enterprise is 168,920 rubles. Ordinary registered shares with a par value of 5 rubles in the amount of 39,425 rubles and preferred registered shares with a par value of 5 rubles in the amount of 3,359 rubles were placed.

    When setting prices, the company uses the average cost plus profit pricing method. It seeks to set a price for cement such that it fully covers all costs of its production, distribution and sales, including a fair rate of return for the effort and risk (Table 3).

    Table 3. Selling prices and cost of cement (domestic market) (in Russian rubles and US dollars per ton)

    As can be seen from this table, selling prices for the products of Belgorod Cement CJSC are significantly lower than the national average.

    The average number of employees at the enterprise for 2004 was 1,337 people.

    The wage fund for payroll employees is 267,615.1 thousand rubles, of which the average monthly social payments per employee amounted to 162 rubles. The average monthly income per employee in 2004 was 20,447 rubles.

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