Journal of recording and planning activities based on interests. Recommendations for keeping a journal for planning and recording the work of an association of interests

planning and accounting for the work of associations of interests

The journal of planning and recording the work of an association of interests is necessary document, reflecting the content of work with students. At the same time, this is a financial document; every additional education teacher is required to maintain it. According to the nomenclature of files, its storage period is 3 years.

All journal entries must be kept clearly, accurately and regularly.

The journal is written in blue ink. Corrections and notes are not allowed. Depending on the language in which education is conducted in the association, the journal can be conducted in Russian or Belarusian. The pages of the magazine are numbered.

Procedure for filling out the journal

The name of the association of interests, UDODiM, is written on the cover of the magazine; on the title page - the name of the association, UDODiM, last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher (in full), last name, first name (in full) of the group leader.

Page numbers are indicated in accordance with the content.

On the subsequent pages of the journal, the association’s work plan for the academic year is recorded, which consists of the following sections:

Section I. Goals and objectives

Taking into account the direction of the association’s activities and the age characteristics of the students, the goals and objectives of the association are determined. When planning, we should highlight substantive and practical tasks (what knowledge, abilities, skills we want to develop), educational (what personal qualities we want to develop), methodological (what and how we want to provide, develop), etc.

Section II. Organizational work

This section outlines the organizational conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process: measures to staff the association, plan its activities, prepare the classroom and equipment for the new academic year, develop and collect teaching materials in the areas of activity of the association, holding organizational meetings with students and parents, choosing self-government bodies, etc.

Section III. Educational and thematic plan

In the educational thematic plan, it is necessary to indicate the topics of the lessons and the number of hours allocated for their study, divided into theoretical and practical exercises. The educational and thematic plan includes hours intended for studying the topics of the educational program, educational excursions, introductory and final classes.

Section IV. Educational work

This section reveals the content educational activities as a necessary component of the educational process in an association of interests. These are traditional affairs of the association, events aimed at developing children's self-government and team building, career guidance for students, participation in exhibitions, shows, festivals, competitions, excursions, etc. This section of the plan must reflect all areas of educational work with students: ideological, civic patriotic, spiritual and moral, environmental, intellectual, formation of a healthy lifestyle, aesthetic.

Section V Contact with educational institutions, public, parents

This section of the plan defines the connection of the association with scientific, specialized institutions, enterprises, public organizations; the forms and goals of cooperation are specified, indicating the timing of the activities. Work with parents is provided (individual work, conducting parent meetings, joint events with parents), performances, exhibitions.

Section VI. Methodical work

The section reveals the teacher’s activities to improve professional qualifications(self-education, mastering an educational program for advanced training, participation in seminars, master classes, conferences, in the work of methodological associations of teachers additional education), content methodological work(development of program and methodological materials, organization and conduct open classes associations of interests, master classes, creative workshops, etc., indicating specific topics and timing of events).

Section VII. Work schedule of the association is compiled in accordance with the curriculum and is divided into quarters. The plan reflects a detailed study of topics during the academic year, indicating the required number of hours and date. The annual work plan of the association is endorsed by a specialized methodologist and the deputy director for educational and methodological work of UDODiM. The work plan of the association is approved by the director.

Section VIII. “Information about members of the association” contains all the necessary information about students. Information about students is updated throughout the year. It is forbidden to cross out dropped out students; an entry “dropped out” is made next to the student’s last name.

Section IX. "Accounting for class attendance" in which the teacher makes systematic notes about the fact of conducting classes. Students who are absent from classes are marked with the letter “n.” The students' first and last names are written down in full. Hours and dates of classes must correspond to the approved class schedule. The dates on the left half of the journal must fully correspond to the dates of the groups on the right half of the sheet and the schedule.

Classes in groups of the second and subsequent years of study begin on September 1 according to the schedule.

The log of the first year of study is also kept from September 1, where in the section “Content of classes” interviews with students and their parents, organizational meetings, preliminary testing, group formation, etc. are indicated. The first two lessons are allocated for the formation period.

On the right page of the spread, the content of the classes, the date and number of hours worked by the teacher in accordance with the schedule and calendar curriculum, taking into account practical and theoretical classes, are recorded.

Sample form in Belarusian language of instruction

Sample filling in Russian language of instruction

You cannot make dashes about the repetition of lesson topics. In the “Hours” column, the teacher indicates the number of hours worked in this lesson in accordance with the schedule (for example, 2 hours). Corrections to class dates and hours are not permitted.

In cases of vacation, business trip, or sick leave for a teacher, missed class dates are not indicated on the left half of the sheet; an entry is made on the right half. For example, from October 15 to October 30 sick leave; from March 20 to April 10 – business trip, order.

During school holidays, teachers can work in accordance with the approved work plan for the holidays and carry out pedagogical, methodological or organizational work related to the implementation of the educational program, about which a corresponding entry is made in the journal.

Section X "Safety training", where the list of students is filled out, the dates of the instruction are noted, the content and duration of the lesson is recorded, and the teacher’s signature is placed. Instructions are provided as needed. The number of classes depends on the specifics and requirements of the educational program.

Section XI. In the final section of the magazine “Administration Notes on Journaling” The following aspects can be noted:

timeliness and correctness of entries in the journal;

implementation of the program (compliance with the curriculum);

variety of forms of conducting classes;

preparation and conduct of final classes;

class attendance.

The magazine is stored in the office room.

After the end of the academic year, the magazine is handed over to the deputy director for educational and methodological work.

artistic creativity children and youth

WITH left by: methodologist of the district educational and methodological office A.V. Wambold


Head of the district educational and methodological office of the department of education, sports and tourism of the Kamenets district executive committee N.V. Kirilyuk

Methodological recommendations “Maintaining and filling out a journal for planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests” contain information on maintaining sections of the journal for planning and accounting for the work of an association of interests.


When drawing up these recommendations, the experience of maintaining and filling out journals of the educational institution "Brest" was studied. state center youth creativity", educational institution "National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth" ("Regulatory and legal methodological materials on the issues of upbringing and additional education of children and youth" 2011-2012 academic year)), educational institution "Republican Center for Technical Creativity".

It should be noted that educational programs of associations of interests recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, the National Institute of Education, or educational programs developed on the basis of Model programs for additional education for children and youth, reviewed by the methodological council and approved in the prescribed manner by the director of the institution, are allowed to be used.

The journal of planning and recording the work of an association of interests is the main document reflecting the educational work of a teacher with students. At the same time, this is an important financial document, on the basis of which the time sheet is filled out and accrual is made. wages, it is required to be conducted by every teacher who organizes the work of an association of interests.

The content of the magazine reflects the quality of the teacher’s work: the level of tasks assigned to the association of interests, the progress of their implementation, the degree of formation of the children’s team. Contents of accounting educational work indicates the nature and directions of ideological and educational work with children.

General requirements

Filling out the log is carried out in accordance with the instructions for keeping a log .

The work of the association of interests is recorded in the standard journal “Journal of planning and work on the interests of the interests” (hereinafter referred to as the journal). According to the nomenclature of files, its storage period is 3 years. During this time, it may be subject to inspection by regulatory authorities.

At the end of each month, the additional education teacher is obliged to provide the journal to the deputy director for educational (teaching and educational) work to monitor its maintenance, implementation of the curriculum, recording of classes, and other purposes.

The journal is written in blue (violet) ink. Corrections, marks, and the use of a proofreader are not allowed. Depending on the language in which instruction is conducted in the circle, entries in the journal can be written in Russian or Belarusian.

All columns of the journal sections are required to be filled out, regardless of whether there is a printed and approved version of the program or not. The attached approved program of association of interests (printed on A4 sheets) does not exempt the additional education teacher from filling out the relevant sections of the journal.

All entries in the journal must be kept correctly, accurately and in a timely manner.

The pages of the magazine are numbered starting from the first page, the number is placed in the lower corner of the page. The cover is not included in the number of pages. Thus, the first page is a page similar (in terms of filling) to the cover.

Reducing (increasing) the number of journal pages is not allowed.

Planning journal structure and accounting for the work of associations of interests

The journal for planning and recording the work of an association of interests consists of the following sections (pages):

  1. Cover.
  2. The first page is similar to the cover.
  3. Journaling guidelines.
  4. Contents of the magazine.
  5. Work plan of the association of interests for the academic year.

This section is divided into subsections:

I. Goals and objectives.

II. Organizational work.

III. Educational and thematic plan.

  1. Educational work.

V. Communication with educational institutions, the public, parents.

  1. Methodical work.
  2. Calendar plan for the work of the association of interests for the quarter, month.

7. Information about members of the association of interests.

8. Recording of class attendance.

9. Classes on safety measures.

10. Administration comments on journaling.

The procedure for filling out sections (pages) of the journal

Filling out the magazine begins with the cover.

  1. On the cover of a magazine indicated:

The name of the educational institution that is the organizer of the association of interests (the educational institution adopts a uniform use of the name of the institution for the entire institution: full ( government agency education “Secondary school No. 2 of Kamenets”) or abbreviated (secondary school No. 2 of Kamenets);

Academic year.



2. First page of the magazine filled in according to the available fields:

At the top of the page you must indicate the name of the educational institution whose hours are used to organize the work of the association of interests;

Name of the association of interests (in quotation marks and capitalized);

Academic year;

In the column “Head” the full last name, first name and patronymic of the additional education teacher are indicated;

In the “Headman” column, the first and last name of the student is indicated, who is chosen as the leader of the children’s activist group and is an assistant to the additional education teacher in organizing and conducting classes for the association of interests.


  1. On the second page of the magazine contains instructions for keeping a journal.
  2. Third page- content of the magazine. Opposite each specified section in the contents are the corresponding page numbers.


  1. From page four registration begins work plan of the association of interests for the academic year.

Filling out the pages of the journal “Work Plan for Educational Institutions” for the 2017/2018 school year”:


  1. Goals and objectives.

Taking into account the direction of activity of the association of interests, the age characteristics of children, the goals and objectives of the association of interests are determined. When planning, we should highlight substantive and practical tasks (what knowledge, abilities, skills we want to develop), educational (what personal qualities we want to cultivate), methodological (what and how we want to provide, develop), etc.


І. Goals and objectives

Goal: creating favorable conditions for training, education and creative development students through familiarization with decorative and applied arts, its history and traditions.


Contribute to the consolidation and improvement of technical skills in working with various materials(beads, natural and waste materials, fabric, threads);

To contribute to the mastery of more complex handicraft techniques, to expand ideas about various types arts and crafts, folk arts and crafts (weaving, making amulets);

Develop imaginative thinking, imagination, fine motor skills;

Cultivate accuracy and hard work;

To instill artistic taste, to introduce students to folk traditions.

  1. Organizational work.

This section outlines the organizational conditions for the effectiveness of the educational process: measures to staff the association of interests, planning its activities, preparing the classroom and equipment for the new academic year, developing and collecting teaching materials in the areas of activity of the association of interests, holding organizational meetings with students and parents, selection of self-government bodies, etc.


  1. Educational and thematic plan.

In the educational and thematic plan, it is necessary to indicate the topics of the classes and the number of hours allocated for their study, divided into theoretical and practical classes. The educational and thematic plan includes hours intended for studying the topics of the educational program, educational excursions, introductory and final classes.





U tym likku





Introductory lesson

Basic beading techniques

Beading Tools





  1. Educational work.

This section reveals the content of educational activities in an association of interests as a necessary component of the educational process. These are traditional activities of associations of interests, events aimed at developing children's self-government and team building, career guidance for students, participation in exhibitions, shows, festivals, competitions, excursions, conversations, etc. This section of the plan must reflect all areas of educational work with students: ideological, civil-patriotic, spiritual and moral, environmental, intellectual, formation of a healthy lifestyle, aesthetic.


V. Communication with educational institutions, the public, and parents.

This section of the plan defines the connection of the association of interests with educational institutions, enterprises, and public organizations; the forms and goals of cooperation are specified, indicating the timing of the activities. Work with parents is provided (individual work, holding parent meetings, joint events with parents), performances, exhibitions.



  1. 1.Open Day (September, January).
  2. 2.Conducting parent meetings (December, April).
  3. 3. Conducting open classes for parents (December, May).
  4. 4.Involvement of parents in educational process through organizing their participation in the preparation and holding of events, holidays, and the design of personal children's exhibitions (during the school year).
  5. 5.Organization of meetings with the IDN inspector (November).
  6. 5.Organization of meetings with employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (December, May).
  7. Etc.

VI. Methodical work.

This section reveals the activities of a teacher of additional education to improve professional qualifications (self-education, advanced training in institutions of additional education for adults, participation in seminars, master classes, conferences, in the work of educational and methodological associations of additional education teachers, methodological councils, etc.), content of methodological work (development of program and methodological materials, organization and conduct of open classes of associations of interests, master classes, creative workshops, etc., indicating specific topics and timing of events).


  1. 1. Study of regulatory documents.
  2. 2. Study of new products methodological literature by area of ​​activity (during the academic year).
  3. 3.Work on the topic of self-education “Person-centered approach to working with children” (2017/2018 academic year).
  4. 4.Production of visual and didactic materials(during the academic year).
  5. 5. Selection of materials, scenario developments for educational activities (during the academic year).
  6. 6.Formation of a portfolio, educational and methodological complex for a teacher of additional education (plans and notes of open classes, methodological developments, scenarios of educational activities carried out in an association of interests, etc.) (during the academic year).
  7. 7. Preparation and conduct of open training sessions and educational events (November 2017, April 2018).
  8. 8.Participation in the work of pedagogical and methodological councils.
  9. 9.Participation in the work of the regional educational and methodological association of additional education teachers.
  10. Etc.
  1. Calendar plan for the work of the association of interests is compiled for a quarter or month in accordance with the work plan of the association of interests for the academic year. Often the calendar plan is drawn up for a month.

When drawing up a work schedule, a teacher of additional education must be guided by the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education, the Concept of the continuous education of children and students in the Republic of Belarus, and other normative legal acts Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Calendar work plan for ab’yadnannya at intaresakh for the September quarter (month)


Topic, program section


Necessary hour. (gadzins)



Basic beading techniques

The main material of beading.

Tools for weaving from beads.

6 hours

3 hours


The calendar plan columns “Topic, section of the program” and “Content of work” are filled out in accordance with the work plan of the interest association for the academic year and reflect a detailed study of topics during the academic year.

The work plan of the association of interests is strictly mandatory for implementation.

If educational program associations of interests provide for several years of study, and a teacher of additional education, implementing this program, completes groups of the first, second and subsequent years of study, then a work schedule must be developed for each year of study.

Work of an additional education teacher in summer period(which is not aimed at implementing the program of association of interests) is not recorded in this journal.

  1. On the pages "Zvestki ab members ab"yadnannya pa intaresakh" information is recorded about all students enrolled in the association of interests (full name, in full and in alphabetical order), date of entry into the association of interests, year of birth, school, class, home address, telephone number, information about parents, date and reasons for leaving the circle). It is forbidden to cross out dropped out students: a corresponding entry is made about this (dropped out).
  2. On the pages "Ulik to find a job" The additional education teacher regularly makes notes about the actual lessons conducted. Students who are absent from classes are marked with the letter “n”. Students' first and last names are written down in full and in alphabetical order.

"Ulik to find a job"


Months, dates


and name

Ivanov Andrey

Kulik Sergey

Yanchuk Tamara

The additional education teacher fills out the section “Accounting for class attendance” from September 1 (from the first scheduled lesson) according to the tariff.

On the right page of the section “Accounting for class attendance,” the additional education teacher writes down the date of the lesson, the topic of the lesson, practical work, topics of conversations or other educational activities, their duration (number of hours) and signs.



Place of work, names of topics, execution of attempted and completed practical work

Get busy

Signature kіraўnіka gurtka (ab’yadnannya)


Beading Basics.




Basic beading techniques. Conversation “The benefits of healthy eating”

3 hours


From 9 to



In cases of vacation, business trip, or sick leave for a teacher, missed class dates are not indicated on the left half of the sheet; an entry is made on the right half. For example, from September 9 to September 30, 2017 - sick leave; from April 20 to April 21, 2018 - business trip, order of the head of the department of education, sports and tourism of the Kamenets district executive committee (or director high school No. 2 of Kamenets) No. 145 dated 03/05/2016.

In the event of a lesson being postponed at the request of an additional education teacher and in accordance with the order to reschedule the lesson, the date of the lesson is entered according to the fact.

During school holidays, teachers work in accordance with the approved work plan of the association of interests.

Each lesson topic is written with a capital letter. The topic of the lesson can be written in two rows in the one horizontal column allocated for this. If necessary, when writing a topic, abbreviation of words is allowed.

Records of completed classes must be kept in a timely manner, since in the event of a financial audit, control services have the right not to count the completed classes and make a deduction cash(if there is no record of the lesson in the journal). The administration (deputy director for educational (teaching and educational), methodologist) of the institution, when filling out the accounting sheet at the end of each working month, calculates the total number of hours actually allotted, as evidenced by entries in the journal, and puts its signature.

  1. Page design “Work with precautions” is carried out in accordance with the letter of the education department of the Brest Regional Executive Committee dated 08.08.2011 No. 07/16-36 “On training in safety measures and rules of conduct for students and pupils.”

On the first day of the school year (at the first lesson of the association of interests), the additional education teacher familiarizes students with the rules of conduct in the institution and outside it, with a mandatory entry on a specially designated page of the journal. Before leaving for the holidays, additional education teachers remind students of the rules safe behavior on the street and road, in public transport, on a pond, in the forest, during a thunderstorm, Fire safety rules, etc. with an entry in the appropriate journal.

At the first lesson of the association of interests in the new academic year and the first lesson in the second half of the year with teachers, the additional education teacher conducts classes on general safety measures when in the appropriate rooms according to the approved and registered Program by the head of the institution (his deputy). He is obliged to familiarize students with the rules of safe behavior in the office (workshop, gym, sports ground), the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules, Sanitary standards and rules, electrical safety, dangerous factors and moments that can be encountered during classes, with appropriate precautions and the procedure for providing first aid. A record of training is made in the journal in the column “Instruction location” before the topic of the lesson in the following form:


Safety training (SRT), program No. XX.

In subsequent lessons, before studying each new topic or a section of the curriculum of an association of interests, before starting practical work and at the beginning of each quarter of the academic year, it is necessary to conduct training in safety measures using the approved “Safety Requirements” (HS). A record of student training is made in the journal of planning and recording the work of the association of interests in the column “Instruction places”.


OPB, TB No. XX, or

P.b. at training sessions of associations of interests, T.b. No. XX (embroidery).

On the pages of “Activities on Care Measures,” the additional education teacher notes absent students. If a student is absent from the lesson at which safety measures were taught, he is additionally studied about safety requirements at the next lesson with registration in the journal.


OPB Ivanova I.S., TB No.XX.

Instruction programs on safety requirements are developed by a teacher of additional education and agreed upon with the deputy head of the institution, who is entrusted with the responsibility for organizing work on labor protection and approved by the head of the educational institution.

The study of safety measures for students participating in tourist trips (excursions) and other similar extracurricular, non-center activities is carried out by their immediate supervisors (teachers of additional education) according to duly approved Programs or Safety Requirements with the execution of a protocol in the form approved by a letter from the education department of the regional executive committee dated December 15, 2008 No. 07/16-P.

The signature of students is not required for safety instructions given to them.

  1. On the page "Zauvagі administrіstratsyі pa vyadzenі ab'yadnannya na intaresah" a note is made by the administration of the institution about comments on keeping the journal, indicating the date of inspection, the content of the comment on filling out the journal of the work of the association of interests. If there is a comment, the inspector makes a note about the comment itself and the timing of its elimination, and subsequently monitors the elimination of the comment (without recording in the journal that the comment has been eliminated).

The mandatory minimum documentation includes: club charter, work plan, subscription, event diary, lists.

Club Charter

The fundamental documents of clubs are the charters and regulations. In their meaning, content and purpose they are unambiguous. The charter usually begins with an epigraph, which may be the club's slogan or motto. The charter stipulates all the main aspects of the organization and activities of the club.

Goals and objectives

Clubs contribute to the development of people's activity, broadening their cultural horizons, improving the organization of leisure, the formation of high moral qualities, and the development of organizational and creative abilities.


In some associations, access for new members is subject to certain requirements. Their composition is usually stable and changes are minor. Most clubs do not put forward any serious restrictions on the composition of their members. Membership can be paid or free.

Rights and obligations of club members:

Members acknowledge the goals and objectives of the club;

Regularly attend meetings;

Carry out instructions conscientiously;

Everyone has their own opinion and defends it;

Shows initiative and makes proposals to improve the integrity of the club.

Organization. Self-government bodies.

Self-government in the club is evidence of democracy and initiative. The decisive body of the club is general meeting(2-3 rubles per year). It elects a council, approves plans and programs, and at the end of the year gives a report on the work done.

Club attributes

The attributes of the club are the motto, anthem, emblem, flag, which are exponents of the essence of the club, its goals, and serve as a beacon.

Work plan

This is an important document of the association, drawn up in the form:

      serial number;

      date of the event;


      completion mark.


Compiled for the year and reproduced, as a rule, by typography

way. A subscription is a statement of the club’s program events, indicating the days, hours and location of their holding. A subscription is both a reminder and an invitation, and a document indicating involvement in a given club.

Association Journal

This is the main document reflecting the work of the association. Journal form: 1) date; 2) a brief description of the event (where it was held, successful moments); 3) number of people present; 4) note.

Lists of organizers

The mandatory minimum also includes lists of organizers, members of the club, the Council, and the board.

Sample work plans

Charters of amateur associations

and interest clubs in various areas of activity

Work plan of the socio-political club


Club objectives: to promote the formation of high moral qualities among young people, to develop their socio-political and social activity, and to facilitate the organization of leisure time.

October - the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus with the countries of the Near and Far Abroad

November - youth issues of security and cooperation in Europe

December - issues of war and peace in the modern ideological struggle.

January - art in the struggle for peace (exhibition of wall newspapers and posters by amateur artists dedicated to the theme of peace and solidarity of peoples)

February - viewing of the republican television program “The World – Today”

March - “Studio 9”, “International Panorama”, “Current Camera”

April - political song concert

May - excursion to the political map of the world “Planet of the Future”

Ratings: 4.8 5 20

from Anonymous

Good and high quality


Price: 25
Discount: %? We have a discount system
take more - pay less
when ordering from 50 pcs. - 5% discount
when ordering from 100 pcs. - 10% discount
when ordering from 300 pcs. - 15% discount
when ordering from 500 pcs. - 20% discount
when ordering from 1000 pcs. - 25% discount

including VAT 20%

In stock

You ordered a thin magazine again.
Perhaps you need a magazine with more pages and other features.
Please use calculator

Article: 00517601
Year: 2020
Format: A4
Binding: Paperback

Setting up a block of pages

Show ▼

Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (60 pages recommended )

Select number of pages

Paper weight: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used for printing newspapers or similar products. It has low density and, accordingly, low wear resistance. The advantage of this paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in household printers. The strength of this paper is significantly higher than the previous two types of paper. It is recommended to order magazines from this paper for production (dust, dirt), catering units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 buyers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order page numbering


Page numbering starts from the title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located in the lower corners of the magazine.


The magazine block is punched with two holes with a diameter of 6 mm, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, on the spine side in the middle of the magazine.


The magazine is laced with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secure with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

Setting up the cover

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Sewing-adhesive bonding ? Sewing binding

(makes binding more durable)

Sewing binding During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used, consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with paper vinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a sheet of paper. A captal is glued to the upper and lower parts of the spine of the block for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing to the cover; gold foil is mainly used (but silver, blue, and red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can emboss it along with the magazine name

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it And traffic record book work records and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

More about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and quickly produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are fastened with a paper clip, and if the block contains more than 60 pages, then the bonding is carried out using a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Soft binding, due to its ease of execution and affordable price, is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of binding.

Bonding method:



Cover color: white

Laminate the cover: ?
Lamination- This is the coating of printed products with film. Lamination will allow you to maintain an attractive look for a long time. appearance printed products and reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out single-sided and double-sided lamination up to A1 format using special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all sorts of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users also know about another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image “appears” and the colors become more contrasting and richer. The "develop" effect gives inexpensive laminated paper the appearance of luxurious photo paper.

Glue the spine with vinyl vinyl: ?

More about hardcover

Hardcover- has high performance characteristics and looks the most aesthetically attractive. At your request, the cover can be embossed.

We produce magazines in two versions of hardcover 7BC - sewing binding, and 7B hot-melt binding.

The difference between these types of binding is that when sewing, the magazine blocks are additionally stitched with thread and the spine material is glued, which gives the binding additional strength.

Eyelets: ?

Holes for stitching are punched into the magazine cover and metal rings are installed. This significantly increases the strength of the cover and resistance to abrasion by the thread with which the magazine is stitched.

The cost of installation of eyelets is 60 rubles.

Cover color: vinyl blue

Bumvinyl Leatherette Paper

Your organization's logo on the cover: ?

You can for free place your organization's logo on the cover of the magazine.

Logo will be placed above the magazine title in the center.

The file size should not exceed 2 MB.
The uploaded logo file format must be jpg, jpeg, gif or png.
The file name must contain only English letters and numbers.
The color of your logo can be either black and white (grayscale) or color.

Example of logo placement on a vertical cover

Example of logo placement on a horizontal cover

Upload file.


Configuring advanced settings

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Handle on rope: ?

Ballpoint pen on a rope attached to a magazine cover

This option is suitable for magazines that are filled out by different people, or the magazine is in a publicly accessible place. For example, a book of reviews and suggestions, logs of acceptance and delivery, etc.

Sample log: ?

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The journal of the association's work in the system of additional education for children is designed for the academic year and is maintained in each association.
The head of the center of additional education is obliged to ensure the storage of logs of the work of the association in the system of additional education of children and systematically monitor the correctness of their maintenance.
Maintenance requirements journal for recording the work of the association in the system of additional education for children .
All entries in the journal must be made with a blue (purple) ballpoint pen clearly and accurately, without corrections. Corrections made in exceptional cases are indicated at the bottom of the pages.

Corrections in the register of the work of the association in the system of additional education of children are allowed only by order of the school administration and are certified by the signature of the school director and.
On the first page of the journal for recording the work of the association in the system of additional education for children, the head of the association writes down the name of the association; schedule; last name, first name, patronymic of the manager (in full). All changes to the schedule are carried out in agreement with the head of the center and are noted on the first page of the journal.
To record the work of the association, a separate page is allocated in the journal for each month of the academic year, which indicates the list composition of the association (last name, full name), the content of classes, the date and number of hours of operation of the association in accordance with the schedule.
The head of the association systematically notes in the journal on the days and hours of classes of the association: those who did not show up - beech, sick - beech in the column corresponding to the date of classes.
The head of the association compiles a list of students in the association based on the application of the legal representatives of the students and fills in the appropriate fields. In the event of a change in the composition of the association, those who leave are noted, and those newly admitted are included in the List indicating the date of entry into the association (based on the Order of the school director on enrollment)
The head of the association systematically conducts safety briefings with students, noting the date of the briefing, the number of instructions with the obligatory signature of the instructed person.
HEAD OF THE ASSOCIATION with the direct participation and assistance of the manager
Laboratory, office, workshop:
1. Takes the necessary measures to create healthy and safe conditions conducting classes.
2. Ensures compliance with current rules and regulations on safety and industrial sanitation.
3. Conducts classes and work in the presence of appropriate equipment and other conditions,
Provided by safety rules and regulations.
4. Ensures the safe condition of workplaces, equipment, devices, tools and the sanitary condition of premises.
5. Instructs students in the association on safety precautions with appropriate documentation of the instructions in the journal
6. Develops safety measures for inclusion in the occupational safety plan and agreement.
7. Does not allow students in the association to carry out work or classes without the provided protective clothing and protective equipment.
8. Suspends work or activities that pose a danger to life and reports this to the head of the institution.

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