Medical salaries: something went wrong. Gradual increase in salaries for medical workers in Russia Will there be an increase for nurses this year?

Last news confirm the authorities’ intentions to increase salaries for doctors in 2018. President Vladimir Putin emphasized the need to fulfill the obligations set out in the May decrees. Experts believe that the actual planned increase may not coincide with the actual one, since budgets at various levels maintain significant deficits.

Latest news for doctors: expected salary increase in 2018

As part of the May decrees, the salaries of doctors should be significantly increased until 2018. Next year, doctors should receive at least 200% of the average salary in the region. For average and junior staff this indicator cannot be less than 100%. The authorities will fully fulfill this task, emphasizes head of state Vladimir Putin.

Since 2012, doctors’ salaries have constantly increased, officials emphasize. Despite the consequences of the economic crisis, this year the salaries of doctors will reach 180% of the average in the region. Since the beginning of the year, doctors' salaries have been increased by 7.5%, the second stage of increase is scheduled for October 1. At the end of 2016, the average salary of a doctor exceeded 50 thousand rubles; for middle and junior staff, this figure reached 28.2 thousand rubles, respectively. and 18.4 thousand rubles.

The transition to two stages of increasing the salaries of doctors during the year indicates the authorities’ intention to optimize budget expenditures, experts emphasize. The authorities continue to experience a shortage of funds to finance social obligations, which forces them to look for ways to reduce costs. In such conditions, there remains a high probability of an incomplete increase in the salaries of doctors from January 1, 2018.

In addition, some regions lag significantly behind the implementation of presidential decrees, failing to find the necessary funds to increase wages for medical personnel.

Regional features of increase

The head of the Health Foundation, Eduard Gavrilov, emphasizes problems that may prevent the authorities from fully fulfilling their obligations to increase the salaries of medical staff. At the same time, it is worth taking into account the specifics of remuneration for doctors in medical organizations various types. Taking into account regional and municipal institutions, then the ratio of a doctor’s salary to the average level will be 2.8% lower.

To access new level medical salaries in 2018, regions have drawn up their own roadmaps that fix intermediate target values. At the end of last year, more than a third of the regions did not achieve the planned level of increase in doctors’ pay, Gavrilov emphasizes. Also, 16 regions do not meet the indicator for mid-level medical personnel. However, the biggest problems are related to the remuneration of junior staff.

According to the Health Foundation, about 75% of regions were unable to meet the target level of increasing the work of junior medical staff. Such statistics indicate the presence of systemic problems in the implementation of roadmaps. In addition, low pay for junior staff leads to high staff turnover. This trend has a negative impact on the quality medical services, says Gavrilov.

Another negative trend is that some regions make changes to approved roadmaps if they cannot ensure their implementation. A similar situation was observed in the Omsk and Ryazan regions, which at the end of 2016. – early 2017 adjusted their own plans.

Experts emphasize that the main factor in implementing the May decrees remains the availability of money in the state treasury. In 2017, the government expects the economic situation to improve, but the domestic budget remains in a vulnerable position.

Budget restrictions

Increasing the salaries of doctors and fulfilling other social obligations depend on Russian budget revenues. The dynamics of oil prices remain unstable, which creates risks of increasing the state treasury deficit. The baseline forecast assumes stable prices in the oil market, but excessive oil production could lead to a new price collapse.

The government does not rule out a new decline in oil prices, which will significantly limit the financial capabilities of the budget. According to forecasts from the Ministry of Finance, a pessimistic scenario allows for a collapse in prices to $25-30 per barrel. In this case, the authorities will try to delay the planned increase in wages until the end of the year.

Next year, medical workers will face another pay increase. The authorities intend to increase doctors' salaries to 200% of the regional average. For other categories of medical staff, this figure will be 100%.

Experts note regional peculiarities in the implementation of presidential decrees, which indicate the presence of systemic problems. In addition, the vulnerability of the domestic budget to external challenges may hinder the implementation of officials’ plans.

It is especially relevant in Russia. Especially when it comes to well-known and common professions. What is the current salary of a doctor? The answer to this question will be given in the article.

Earnings of doctors: how are things today?

Determining the exact figure for doctors' income is not so easy. In addition to the fact that you should take into account the region, place of work, specialty and level of qualifications, you should not forget about state decrees that constantly fix new minimums. However, the average indicator can still be identified. Yes, today average income a doctor in Russia is about 45 thousand rubles. The figure, it should be noted, is impressive. In addition, until quite recently (in 2014), a doctor could receive no more than 30-35 thousand rubles for his work. It's all about a special government program regulating the increase in the salaries of doctors to 90 thousand rubles by 2018.

Many doctors, seeing these data, may be slightly perplexed. After all, not every professional medical worker today receives even 40 thousand rubles. Of course, in the regions the income of doctors is much less than what is actually stated. Hospitals and various types of health care facilities may be underfunded, poor or in disrepair. In addition, the amount presented above, which is due to doctors today, already includes various bonuses and allowances.

Earnings by specialization

As mentioned above, a doctor’s salary should not be considered in a general manner. It is necessary to take into account many different factors: from location to specialty.

It is the last factor that will be discussed. For 2016, the following list of main positions and corresponding salaries was compiled:

  • cosmetologist - average income 85 thousand rubles;
  • gynecologist - 90 thousand rubles;
  • osteopath - 70 thousand rubles;
  • resuscitator - 70 thousand rubles;
  • MRI doctor - 70 thousand rubles;
  • dentist - 50 thousand rubles;
  • pediatrician - 50 thousand rubles.

Salary veterinarian today it is about 50 thousand rubles; The salary of a general practitioner is 40 thousand rubles. However, it is worth distinguishing between work activities in private and budget clinics. So, already from the list above it becomes clear that the specialists who, as a rule, are approached by elite and wealthy clients receive the most: cosmetologist, dermatologist, etc.

USA and Russia: salary comparison

Before talking about possible increases and increases in the salaries of doctors in Russia, it is worth paying attention to the income of doctors in the USA. This is necessary, first of all, in order to have an idea of ​​where our country should grow and in what direction. There is no point in denying the fact that the average salary in the Russian Federation is considered relatively low, especially in comparison with European countries and the USA. So how much do medical specialists in the states earn?

The minimum salary for a doctor in the United States is $8,000. Even for a novice specialist this is quite a large amount; all because a doctor abroad is considered an incredibly important and necessary employee. This is truly a necessary person for society. Average salaries in the states are the following:

  • surgeon - 20 thousand dollars;
  • psychologist - 17 thousand dollars;
  • pediatrician - 16 thousand dollars;
  • therapist - 15 thousand dollars.

A doctor is a very profitable and prestigious profession abroad. Doctors, both in the USA and in other developed countries, are very respected and cherished. This respect, first of all, is manifested in the financial component.

Should we expect an increase in income?

Will the average doctor's salary ever increase? How soon can healthcare workers see real gains? Answering all these questions is not so easy. However, today there are many different comments officials and bills being prepared for adoption, according to which it will be possible to track the increase wages.

The first thing worth noting is the presidential decrees presented on May 7, 2012. The so-called “May decrees” are known to almost all Russians, because they concern, first of all, improving the well-being and standard of living of budget workers. According to the decrees, the income level of workers should have increased at least twice. Are the “May Decrees” being implemented effectively? The question is controversial. As of 2016, workers' wages increased slightly. For example, prices for various types of products and services have increased much more.

What more can doctors hope for? In 2016, 332 billion rubles were allocated for medicine. Despite the seemingly impressive amount, many experts talk about a significant regression in the field of medical financing. Thus, in 2015, an amount of 16% more was allocated from the budget.

So should we expect an increase in doctors' incomes? It is not difficult to draw conclusions.

Payroll methods

It is really necessary to mention payroll calculation methods. The fact is that the state has recently developed a new method for calculating average monthly income. What is this method?

The average income of doctors is now calculated in a special way: the salary will include both the actual income of state employees and the income of citizens working in private companies. It would seem how this could be related to the basic payment labor activity doctors, what could this affect? Many experts talk about this method of calculating average income as an extremely unfair system. In fact, the promised salary increases can be compared with average incomes in the country and positive conclusions can be drawn. At the same time, few people take into account the fact how much the incomes of state employees and wage earners differ.

“Paper increase” is criticized by the people and supported by the authorities (the latter, in particular, declare “incredible effectiveness” new system calculations). So is there any hope left for an increase in the salaries of public sector doctors?

Situation in 2016

The past year was characterized by extremely deplorable economic indicators. Doctors have acquired new responsibilities. It is becoming increasingly difficult for public sector employees to work, and, unfortunately, an increase in income has not yet been observed. The promised indexation of wages did not happen; almost everyone forgot about the May decrees. The emerging “paper increase” only aggravated the situation.

The salary of a doctor in Russia is really low. You don’t even have to compare it with global indicators - and so it becomes clear that the phrase “live, not survive” is becoming more and more real. Citizens are looking forward to 2017 with hope, expecting at least some decisions from the state. So what should doctors expect?

Forecasts for 2017

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets announced two stages of salary increases in 2017. The first stage was supposed to begin on January 1, the second - on October 1. From the first stage, the amount of payments was supposed to increase by 7.5%. On October 1, a doctor’s salary should be 180% of the average for the regions of the country.

Are there any results already? The question remains open. Of course, some budget companies should have already felt an influx of funding. It is also worth mentioning the state’s plans to equate the salaries of medical workers to 200% of the national average - according to the “May decrees” already mentioned above. This must happen no later than January 1, 2018.

Reduction of doctors: truth or myth?

Rumors of layoffs budget workers have been going for a long time. Healthcare financing really leaves much to be desired. Despite this, the authorities are trying to find at least some way out, so as not to cause a huge number of “victims” of the cuts. So what should you expect today?

It’s worth noting right away that in 2017 it’s impossible to do without cuts to state employees. Thus, the government began an extensive program to optimize the medical sector, in connection with which it adopted a decree on the closure of old and half-empty hospitals and other medical centers. Already in 2016, many doctors and other workers were left without work. However, here, too, not everything is so simple: while there is definitely an abundance of therapists today, there are not so many highly specialized specialists (ophthalmologists, dentists, gynecologists, etc.).

Problems still remain today. Despite the fact that the authorities are taking many measures to resolve them, one should not yet expect a qualitative leap and progress.

"Road map": general characteristics

The question of what doctors' salaries cannot be considered if you do not pay attention to special documents and projects developed by the state for a long time. One of largest projects, developed and adopted by the government back in 2012, is called the “road map”. What it is?

The Road Map includes a number of specific provisions and measures aimed at effectively optimizing the healthcare sector. There are two main groups of measures recorded in this project. The first group is aimed at improving the financial situation of medical personnel. The second group is for increasing wages.

The "road map" regulates the increase in the salaries of chief doctors (as well as ordinary specialists) by 200%, and of middle and junior staff - by 100%. All this should happen by 2018. In addition to salaries, the road map establishes provisions for regulating the level of mortality and disease.

Doctor's salary in Russia: statistics

It is worth summing up all of the above in the form of special statistics. Thus, as of the beginning of 2017, the income of medical workers is approximately the following:

  • the average salary of a doctor is 45 thousand rubles;
  • income of nursing staff - 28 thousand rubles;
  • the income of junior medical staff is 20 thousand rubles.

All these figures, oddly enough, meet the requirements " Road map". In reality, everything is somewhat different. The “paper increase in salaries” greatly distorts the situation. We should not forget about the work of doctors at several rates in order to somehow ensure their lives.


All necessary statistics on income, features of accrual and recalculation were indicated above. The question of whether we should expect an increase in doctors' salaries remains open and very difficult. Despite the fact that the government is really monitoring the situation and trying to somehow resolve it, funding for budgetary areas still remains incredibly low.

Doctors and patients have always been in the same boat. That is why the question of the position of doctors concerns absolutely all citizens. There is a direct relationship between the deterioration of an employee’s standard of living and the number of his professional errors. What could be the solution here? On this moment- this is an increase in legal and political culture among the population. Only thanks to this will a person look at the world more broadly, and therefore, notice problems better.

In 2012, Vladimir Putin spoke about the need to increase wages for medical workers. This was set out in the so-called May decrees, signed by him. The deadline for implementing one of the most famous May presidential decrees on a specific increase in salaries for public sector employees is January 1, 2018. By this time, the salaries of school teachers, nurses, cultural workers and some other categories of public sector employees should be equal to the regional average.

Doctors, university teachers and scientists must receive at least 200% of the average salary. It is not specifically stated anywhere that the decrees were successfully implemented, but the figure - 35% for 2016 - appears as the level of income growth for medical workers. This increase in the salaries of health workers occurred due to a reduction in the number of health workers in hospitals and even the closure of some clinics, after which the budget could be distributed to fewer workers. 2017 is the last year to implement the May decrees regarding increasing the salaries of doctors. Today we are already talking about changes in the salary calculation system in 2017. From January 1, 2017, the salaries of medical workers in Russia will be calculated in a new way. If previously the average salary level of a medical worker was calculated only on the basis of statistics from state healthcare institutions, then since 2017 private clinics have also been included in the calculation.

However, now, almost five years after the decrees were issued, despite optimistic reports, it has become clear that the salaries of public sector employees are not so close to the coveted indicators that their achievement in the remaining 11 months seems realistic.

Even at the end of three quarters of 2015, the situation looked better than according to the latest data from Rosstat: over the three quarters of last year, the salaries of teachers and doctors decreased relative to the average. Salaries of doctors decreased in nominal terms in 11 regions over the nine months of 2016 - in the Moscow, Yaroslavl regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Adygea and other entities.

The salaries of teachers and social workers are also not close to the target indicators of the decrees, according to Rosstat. The average salary in Russia for nine months of 2016 was 35,700 rubles. Social workers receive only 58.4% of this amount (20,900 rubles), university teachers - 140% (50,000 rubles). For the same period last year, the ratios were approximately the same.

Closest to the target are 100% of school teacher salaries. They average 32,600 rubles, or 91.4% of the average salary in the region (average for Russia). But the dynamics here are negative: for the same period in 2015 it was 96.5% with an average teacher salary of 31,900 rubles.

In December 2016, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets assured that the May decrees regarding wages would be fully implemented. She also said that salaries, in particular for doctors, will be increased in two stages: by 7.5% from January 1 this year, in the second stage from October 1 they will reach 180% of the regional average, and by January 1, 2018 - 200%. Based on the 137% achieved in the three quarters of 2016, it turns out that doctors’ salaries for the year - from October 1, 2016 to October 1, 2017 - should show an increase of 63 percentage points to the average salary, which, according to government calculations, also will grow. Accordingly, doctors' salaries should increase by about a third, after which they should add at least another 10% per quarter.

Between the regions of Russia there is still a multiple difference in the amount of doctors’ salaries: from 23,200 rubles. in Ingushetia up to 109,000 rubles. in the Yamalo-Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrugs. In Moscow, doctors earn an average of 81,000 rubles. per month, according to Rosstat. But if in absolute terms this salary is higher than in many other regions, then compared to the average for the capital it is lower (117.7%).

The dynamics by region are also different. If in the capital doctors’ salaries increased by approximately 10% (three quarters of 2016 compared to the same period in 2015), then in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, on the contrary, they decreased by 3%.

“Despite all the promises and measures from the federal and regional authorities, over the past years the task of increasing the salaries of health workers has not been solved,” says Eduard Gavrilov, director of the independent monitoring fund “Health”. “It is obvious that the leaders of a number of regions are not coping with the implementation of decrees.”

A significant difference in salaries is also noted depending on the form of ownership of a particular hospital: it is more profitable to work in federal ones; over the nine months of 2016, there was the largest increase in doctors’ salaries (by 8%). In regional clinics, doctors' salaries increased approximately at the rate of inflation - about 5%, while in municipal clinics the growth was almost zero (negative taking into account rising prices).

“The decrees most likely will not be implemented on time,” noted economist Evgeny Gontmakher in an interview with Gazeta.Ru. - Indeed, the gap is very large, such a miracle cannot happen even in two years, so most likely not. The impracticability of the decrees was clear for a long time; one of the ways to solve the problem could be a postponement, but the president himself has not yet agreed to it. The day of reckoning will come sooner or later. The only question is: when? If it is a cutoff date of January 1, 2018, that’s one thing. But our colleagues from the government can say anything: 2018 will pass, and we will sum up the results... The political situation in 2018 is changing - there will be a change of government and so on, so it is possible that the logic is to hold out until May. The most likely option would be a statement from the president about force majeure. The situation in the economy has deteriorated sharply compared to 2012, when the decrees were signed, so we can refer to force majeure.”

The fact that the government is preparing to postpone hour X is indirectly evidenced by passed law on the budget of the Federal Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, which states that the federal subvention ensures the implementation of the presidential decree within the framework of the ratio of 180% (for doctors) in 2017, and the 200% indicator is planned to be achieved in 2018. This may mean that wages will be increased during the 2018 election year, and not at the beginning of it, as is implied in the decrees. Then, in 2019, it is planned to maintain the achieved level of wage ratio.

Doctor is a very popular profession in the territory Russian Federation. All over the world, representatives of the medical industry are highly valued and receive considerable money for their work. But, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Russia. Despite all the prestige of the profession, the salaries of doctors in this state leave much to be desired. According to statistics, 20% of doctors in the Russian Federation receive a decent salary for such a responsible profession.

Differences in salaries of medical workers in different cities of the Russian Federation

The table below shows the average salary of doctors by region of the Russian Federation, as well as by district. Data taken from the official website.

Table: average salary of doctors in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2019

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation Average salary in thousand rubles
Belgorod region 57,974
Bryansk region 50,307
Vladimir region 57,405
Voronezh region 57,910
Ivanovo region 46,869
Kaluga region 67,121
Kostroma region 50,269
Kursk region 54,435
Lipetsk region 56,993
Moscow region 96,240
Oryol Region 49,034
Ryazan Oblast 56,422
Smolensk region 53,605
Tambov Region 51,145
Tver region 53,891
Tula region 63,647
Yaroslavl region 59,192
Moscow 139,152
Republic of Karelia 73,975
Komi Republic 93,503
Nenets Aut. district 164,433
Arhangelsk region 79,734
Vologda Region 65,715
Kaliningrad region 64,122
Leningrad region 83,002
Murmansk region 95,340
Novgorod region 55,200
Pskov region 50,817
Saint Petersburg 105,521
Republic of Adygea 48,634
Republic of Kalmykia 45,618
Republic of Crimea 53,779
Krasnodar region 59,177
Astrakhan region 57,435
Volgograd region 56,287
Rostov region 55,744
Sevastopol 57,526
The Republic of Dagestan 44,371
The Republic of Ingushetia 43,434
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 44,348
Karachay-Cherkess Republic 44,460
Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 43,876
Chechen Republic 49,271
Stavropol region 51,892
Republic of Bashkortostan 63,427
Mari El Republic 50,201
The Republic of Mordovia 49,305
Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan) 63,977
Udmurt republic 58,543
Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia 53,521
Perm region 61,119
Kirov region 51,310
Nizhny Novgorod Region 59,819
Orenburg region 58,054
Penza region 55,839
Samara Region 57,869
Saratov region 49,574
Ulyanovsk region 49,089
Kurgan region 57,122
Sverdlovsk region 72,665
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region Okrug-Ugra 129,508
Yamalo-Nenets Aut. district 182,651
Tyumen region without cars. districts 89,888
Chelyabinsk region 66,289
Altai Republic 56,417
Tyva Republic 62,462
The Republic of Khakassia 63,855
Altai region 47,621
Krasnoyarsk region 80,073
Irkutsk region 77,085
Kemerovo region 63,897
Novosibirsk region 70,148
Omsk region 59,986
Tomsk region 71,246
The Republic of Buryatia 65,038
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 120,610
Transbaikal region 67,993
Kamchatka Krai 130,631
Primorsky Krai 76,514
Khabarovsk region 90,031
Amur region 79,003
Magadan Region 144,071
Sakhalin region 142,406
Jewish Autonomous Region 71,878
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 186,906

Salary in different districts of the Russian Federation

By district, the leadership in terms of doctor's salary is occupied by the Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets districts. The highest salaries for doctors in Russia are in the following areas:

  1. Leningradskaya.
  2. Moscow.
  3. Magadan.
  4. Chukotka.
  5. Kamchatskaya.

If we compare the salaries of doctors by region with the levels of average salaries, the Altai Republic becomes the leader. Doctors in this republic earn 202.3% more than the average salary in the region. In St. Petersburg this figure is 137%, while in Moscow this figure is only 18.9%. Therefore, the wages of Moscow doctors can hardly be called high compared to the average monthly income of other professions.

Table: average salary of doctors in Russia by district in 2019

Analysis of the salary level of doctors by specialty

In Russia in 2020, the average salary of doctors is approximately 76,989 thousand rubles.

But even despite this, there is a catastrophic shortage of qualified medical personnel in the Russian Federation.

Many Russian doctors prefer to go to work abroad because of more attractive and comfortable conditions labor. The main incentive to move to work in another country is better pay.

For example, you can compare the salary of an anesthesiologist in Russia and the United States of America. In Russia, a doctor in such a specialty does not earn more than 69 thousand rubles, while a similar specialty in the United States pays approximately $19,600.

Average salary for doctors for 2020:

  • Cosmetologist - 90 thousand rubles.
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist - 90.
  • Anesthesiologist-resuscitator - 66 thousand.
  • Osteopathic doctor - 65.
  • Neurophysiologist working in government agencies - 62.
  • MRI specialist - 60.
  • Ship's doctor - 60.
  • Homeopathic doctor - 55.
  • Dentist - 50.
  • Cytologist - 50.
  • Children's pediatrician - 47.
  • Geriatrician - 46.
  • Microbiologist - 45.
  • General practitioner - 40.
  • A doctor involved in functional diagnostics - 35.
  • Periodontist - 63.
  • Urologist - 30.
  • Military doctor - 40-50.

site data

Doctors perform incredibly complex and responsible work. Protecting people's health is a difficult task that also requires adequate remuneration. After all, every person wants to receive a salary equal to the efforts they put in at work. This is especially true for medical workers, who, before starting to treat people, undergo a long period of training and all sorts of low-paid or even free internships.

Unlike private clinics, government workers in medical institutions complain not only about inappropriate working conditions, but also about low wages. Domestic doctors are not inferior to foreign ones in knowledge, but the latter’s wages, as well as the level of respect in society, are many times higher.

How are doctors' salaries determined?

The government drew attention to the current situation regarding salaries of health workers. Promised in 2019 carrying out large-scale work to popularize the profession, and the salary level should be indexed by 6%.

There are several stages after which banknotes fall into the hands of a medical worker:

  1. The standard salary established by the state medical institution. Every physician receives it, the size varies depending on the position held.
  2. Increases for the complexity of the work performed and the loads tolerated. This type most often occurs in surgeons who do not leave the operating table for hours. The body is at the limit of its capabilities all this time, so after the operation doctors need to have quality rest.
  3. Influence of doctor category: second, first and highest. For the latter, the premium is the most significant.
  4. Experience. If a doctor has spent more than ten years in medicine, he is entitled to incentives for years of service.
  5. Inflation compensation. Usually this is a one-time increase in the salaries of all categories of employees throughout the country. It is no more than 5%, depending on the degree of inflation.
  6. Dependence on region. Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own economic situation. Somewhere the standard of living will be much higher than in other regions. In such cases and government agencies set minimum wages with the expectation that employees can pay for transportation, food and other vital needs.

As a rule, when it comes to indexations and raises, this concerns only the first item listed: salary.

Doctors receive the bulk of their income not from salary, but from bonuses and compensation.

It is very easy to miss these additional payments at the end of the month. After all, their presence depends not on the state, but on the desire and capabilities of the immediate head of the institution.

Growth prospects

The salaries of public medical workers in 2019 are calculated as follows:

  • for doctors, the salary should be three times higher than the average salary of other workers in the region;
  • for junior and mid-level medical personnel, salaries will increase by 100% of the average salary in their region, that is, twice.

The Russian government also states that progress has already been made in certain areas on this issue: in 2019 Some government doctors will receive an increase of 200% of their previous salary. This gradually brings the indicators closer to the desired level.

IN state budget for 2019 there is a column responsible for increasing salaries for medical workers. Thus, the government is working not only to increase the prestige of the profession, but also to improve the quality of services provided by doctors. After all, the better compensation they receive for their time and effort, the more comfortable they are in doing their job.

Moreover, in many public hospitals and clinics now not enough staff, which leads to significant processing. The increase in allocations should attract new specialists, without the need to fire existing ones.

A comment was also made about uniformity of payments received. It's no secret that salaries in Moscow and St. Petersburg are significantly higher than salaries in other regions. However, sometimes there are gaps between them. According to the current policy of the authorities, salaries will be equalized to such a level that they correspond to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The current situation with the remuneration of health workers

The veracity of government statements is regulated by the actual situation in doctors' workplaces.

Many doctors note that their real income actually fell, although salaries are indeed gradually increasing.

This is due to the reasons mentioned above: doctors receive their main income not from salaries, but from bonuses. Many also work part-time in additional positions.

Doctors receive compensation for working conditions, overtime, and bonuses. Together with state requirement raise salaries; medical institutions did not receive money for this. There was only one way out: the basic salary was increased, and allowances and bonuses were reduced.

Using the example of a therapist position, you can see how doctors’ salaries differ from region to region:

  • in Moscow, a therapist receives 90,100 rubles per month;
  • already in the region this amount has dropped to 45,000 rubles;
  • in Kalmykia, therapists are paid 29,900 rubles;
  • The Leningrad region is paid lower than the Moscow region: 40,000 rubles.

Statistics are not a truly reliable source. Indeed, when compiling data, not only state clinics and hospitals are taken into account for one profession, but also expensive private institutions, in which the same therapist receives several times more more money. Thus, the real average salary of public sector employees is even lower.

For comparison, in US average salary for a therapist in terms of rubles will be 415,000, in Europe – more than 200,000 rubles per month.

As for the younger one medical personnel, then their average income is 20,000 rubles. Doctors in certain regions receive slightly more: only 30,000.

A number of regions have distinguished themselves by the fact that the wages of medical workers are fully higher education, despite official statements, has actually decreased. Kalmykia receives the least amount of money as payment for performing their duties: The average salary of a doctor is 27,000 rubles. Samara, Penza and North Ossetia are not far behind: from 28,400 to 29,900, respectively.

Changes and indexing

Many experts conclude that on the eve of the presidential elections, workers the medical sector can really expect a salary increase. The average salary in 2019 is 52,900 rubles.

As a rule, a significant increase in salary accompanied by a wave of mass layoffs. At the same time, doctors often do not have enough free hands. Although doctors practicing part-time (and this is almost all Russian government doctors) will receive half as much money as before.

So far the government cannot name specific dates for salary increases, as well as their new sizes.

Happened in 2019 salary indexation by 6%. Such an increase merely compensates for the current level of inflation.

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