Why do whales jump out of the water? Scientists have discovered why whales jump out of the water Why do whales jump out

From time to time, nature reveals itself in full splendor to remind us of how small we really are. This force was recently captured in the Californian waters of Monterey Bay. The bay is home to many species of marine mammals and gray and humpback whales migrate through these waters, making it a popular whale watching destination.

A huge humpback whale was captured jumping out of Monterey Bay in California.

Stunning photos and video (which you can see below) show the whale breaking through the water next to an unsuspecting fisherman. “The whale is huge! If I were a fisherman, I would probably need new underwear,” the photographer who captured the incredible moment told reporters.

The creature made the fishing boat incredibly tiny compared to itself

The photographer - Douglas Craft - took pictures from the window of another boat from the bottom up, which made the sea animal appear even larger. "I went below deck to take photographs from a porthole located near the water line," Douglas told the news agency.

Inspiring photographs were taken by photographer Douglas Craft

Another whale lover, Kate Cummings, was able to capture video of the whale jumping out of the water.

The woman told the media: “It was interesting making this video. The whale has already jumped out much further from the fisherman several times. But sometimes, when whales jump out multiple times, they move in a certain direction while they're underwater, creating momentum for the next time they surface. I figured the next jump would be near the fisherman, because the whale was heading that way, sure enough! Although I didn’t expect the whale and the boat to line up so perfectly.”

Adult humpback whales weigh about 30 tons

Their sizes vary in length from 12 to 16 meters. The humpback whale is known for its leaps, making them very popular among whale watchers.

Watch incredible footage of a humpback whale jumping out next to a fishing boat:

Australian scientists have discovered why whales jump out of the water. It turned out that this was their way of communication.


University of Queensland biologists observed the behavior of 95 groups of humpback whales in their natural habitat, including using tags and acoustic monitoring. Experts noticed that the whales were actively jumping and making a lot of noise when another group of humpback whales was within 4,000 m.

If the distance was greater, activity decreased. The whales made noise and jumped even more actively when groups separated or joined, or when a newcomer joined the group of whales.


Previously, scientists discovered a rare manifestation of interspecific altruism in humpback whales. Researchers were able to record how humpback whales save seals from killer whale predators that attack baby whales.

According to scientists, when attacking killer whales, humpback whales instinctively protect their babies and follow a simple rule: if you see a killer whale attacking someone, intervene.


Zoologists studied 115 known cases of whale attacks on killer whales and found that in 90 percent of the victims of killer whales were not children of whales, but other animals.

This is precisely what became proof of the altruism of whales, reports the Living Planet portal.


The humpback whale or long-armed minke whale got its name either because of the dorsal fin, the shape of which resembles a hump, or because of the habit of strongly arching its back. The average body length of an adult is 14 meters, and the weight is from 30 to 40 tons and females are larger than males.

Among all minke whales, these animals have the largest thickness of subcutaneous fat in relation to body size. They are also distinguished by their characteristic shape, size of pectoral fins and large “warts” on their snout. Moreover, each whale has an individual coloration, but to identify an individual, they usually look at the lower surface of the caudal fin. It becomes noticeable when a whale, during a deep dive, vertically extends its tail fin out of the water.

By the way, the humpback whale became the first species of mammals, individual individuals of which were identified using genetic markers. Samples were collected from the North Atlantic right whale population from 1988 to 1995.


Humpback whales do not form permanent groups. With the exception of the mother/calf bond, relationships between individuals are usually unstable, but today these animals are found throughout the world's oceans. They migrate locally, depending on food availability, and seasonally. In our country, humpback whales can be found in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. Their speed of movement is relatively low, from 8 to 15 km/h. The duration of diving depends on the time of year. In summer it's usually 5 minutes. In winter, dives continue for up to half an hour.

For quite a long time, humpback whales were the object of whaling, and during this time their numbers decreased. Now the situation has changed and the population is estimated to range from 30 to 60 thousand. Life expectancy, according to some sources, is from 40 to 50 years.

why and why do whales jump out of the water...? and got the best answer

Reply from Ilya Yushkov[newbie]
Wow, as teenagers who are offended by the world say
then their dream is they want to fly, yeah right now, get some air...

Reply from Natalya Bakirova[newbie]
– Why does everyone love whales so much?
- In terms of?
“They write about them in poetry, they name films after them. Why whales?
– Because whales are a dream.
- How to understand?
– I heard a legend that whales jump out of the water in order to fly. This is their dream. They jump out of the water and fall each time, hitting the water. They strive for their dream, even though it is impossible.

Reply from ++++ [active]
Why do teenagers love whales?
- In terms of?
- They write about them in poetry, they name films after them. Why whales?
- Because whales are a dream.
- How to understand?
- I heard a legend that whales jump out of the water in order to fly. This is their dream. They jump out of the water and fall each time, hitting the water. They strive for their dream, even though it is impossible. So are teenagers, they strive for their dreams, no matter how difficult it may be. Keith is a dream.

Reply from Karina Maharramova[guru]
To breathe

Reply from Yofya[master]

Reply from On the dude Igrets[guru]

Reply from Nastyusha[active]
Well, it’s like dolphins...they also jump out to “take” some oxygen!

Reply from Dimulka[guru]
suicidal people

Reply from Leonid[guru]
why do people jump from the 16th floor? roughly the same answer)

Reply from Anatoly Rudnev[master]
To get some air.

Reply from Ivan Andreikin[guru]
You SERIOUSLY expect to find HERE the answer to a question that not the stupidest inhabitants of the planet have been struggling with for DECADES OF YEARS :) There are HUNDREDS of versions... There is no single and PROVEN one... P.S. Sorry... The answer has been removed.... I read how “why they jump onto the SHORE” And, therefore, I answered it. Apparently it's time to sleep... 🙂

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