Is it harmful to produce antifreeze? Production of antifreeze and antifreeze your own business

Attachments: from 1,320,000 rubles

Payback: from 13 months

Antifreeze is a coolant that protects a car engine from overheating. The business of its production can become quite profitable if you approach it correctly.

Business concept

The production of any chemicals for cars is associated with significant difficulties, and very often it is not possible to implement this direction in conditions individual entrepreneurship. But antifreeze is a liquid that can actually be produced in a small enterprise.

The reasonable price makes the liquid popular among vehicle owners, so it is always in demand. You can build an excellent business in the production of Antifreeze, which will bring stable income in the form of profit.

What will be required for implementation?

The main task facing novice businessmen is correct assessment production volumes, its profitability and qualitative market research for demand and competition.

Based on this, you will need to draw up a competent plan, which will reflect the main aspects related to the implementation of the business idea under consideration.

It is also necessary to register a future enterprise, purchase equipment and raw materials to start production, select personnel, and decide on the type of advertising, which will determine the turnover and income received from the sale of the manufactured product.

Step-by-step launch instructions

  1. Registration. To produce cooling auto chemicals, you do not need to obtain a license. You only need to register the company as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, choosing the appropriate taxation system. You will also need to obtain permits from fire, sanitary and environmental inspections. To ensure recognition trademark, it is worth thinking about a logo, which is also subject to registration to protect against possible counterfeits.
  2. Room. For a steadily developing production, it is necessary to rent a premises with an area of ​​at least 200 m² to accommodate all equipment and ensure free movement of personnel. Regarding the storage of raw materials and finished products, you can organize a warehouse on the street or allocate a few meters for storage in an existing workshop. In addition, the production of coolant should only be carried out if the premises have passed a fire inspection and comply with the third safety class. It is necessary to appoint a person responsible for industrial safety. The workshop must be equipped in accordance with fire safety requirements with a box of sand, fire extinguishers, and an alarm system. There should be no waste left during production. There should be a powerful hood above each piece of working equipment. The rental cost will be approximately 100,000 rubles/month; you will need to invest about 200,000 rubles to prepare the premises for work.
  3. Equipment and raw materials. To launch an industrial line for the production of antifreeze, you will need to purchase and install the following equipment (prices are indicated in rubles): special installation - 150,000; equipment for water demineralization – 80,000; containers where the components will be mixed – 50,000; steam condenser – 150,000; reactor – 300,000; equipment for releasing air from packaging containers – 60,000; filling machine - 60,000. Three main components are used in the production of antifreeze: water, concentrates and additives. Since the business will be organized on an ongoing basis, it is better to immediately conclude agreements with suppliers of raw materials. The cost of components to start production will be approximately 100,000 rubles.
  4. Staff. The number of people working in production will depend on its volume. It is desirable that all people making up the staff have secondary technical education and have the skills to work with equipment. A workshop with an area of ​​200 m² needs to employ at least 10 people, among whom will be operator operators, adjusters, and packers.
  5. Advertising and searching for buyers. It is better to present this product using outdoor advertising: leaflets, banners, signs, information boards. It is recommended to place them in places where there is often a large accumulation of vehicles. It’s a good idea to create your own website to attract potential buyers. In general, to carry out marketing campaign you will have to spend at least 50,000 rubles.

Financial calculations

Starting capital

The amount of initial investment will be approximately 1,320,000 rubles. This will include the following expenses (RUB):

  • registration of documents and permits – 30,000;
  • rent – ​​100,000;
  • preparation of the premises - 200,000;
  • equipment – ​​850,000;
  • raw materials – 100,000;
  • advertising – 50,000;
  • other expenses – 20,000.

Monthly expenses

Included current expenses includes costs associated with:

  • rent – ​​100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 50,000 rubles;
  • payment wages– RUB 350,000;
  • advertising – 10,000 rubles;
  • transport – 15,000 rubles;
  • payment of utility bills - 20,000 rubles.

The total amount will be 545,000 rubles.

How much can you earn?

The production line, located in a 200 m² premises, will be able to produce a minimum of 32,000 liters of coolant per month. The average cost of one liter is approximately 20 rubles. In a month you can earn about 640,000 rubles. Taking into account the amount of monthly expenses, the net profit will be 100,000 rubles.

Payback period

It will be possible to recoup the investment in an average of 13-16 months.

Risks and disadvantages of business

Demand for this type production is growing from year to year. But, opening this production, you need to prepare for the fact that competitors also do not stand still. Moreover, they are led by illegal underground workshops, which are most widespread today. By adding prohibited methanol to the coolant, they thereby reduce the initial cost of production and throw the product onto the market at reduced prices. This is why it is so important to come up with your own logo and register it.


Purchase only high-quality raw materials from regular reliable suppliers, follow technology production process, recruit competent and responsible people to your staff, then you will quickly recoup your investment and be able to expand your company by launching the production of new products. For example, antifreeze, which is similar in composition to antifreeze.

The number of car owners in Russia is growing steadily. Having a car in a family is considered the norm, not a luxury. Each car also requires special maintenance, which is impossible without auto chemicals. You can build a good business on this, for example, setting up the production of antifreeze. This is not difficult to do.

Features of antifreeze production

Nowadays no one pours water into the radiator and expansion tank, as our grandfathers did. At least in the cold season. There is a wonderful substance that, when exposed to negative temperatures, does not freeze, but simply thickens. Every driver is familiar with antifreeze. In order to avoid the need to obtain a license, it all comes down to obtaining standard permitting documents and brand design.

Not every antifreeze is created equal

Antifreeze liquids can contain various chemicals. You, as a future businessman, must choose the best formula for yourself that will make your product competitive and attractive for continuous use.

  1. Adding saline solution or hydrochloric acid will help achieve a non-freezing effect, but such antifreeze will not be successful, since the effect on the metal has an extremely negative effect.
  2. Alcohol-containing antifreeze antifreezes are now not used as widely as we would like.
  3. Glycol antifreezes are now the most popular and widespread. They are not afraid of frost even at -60 degrees.

In addition to the main substance, it is necessary to add fragrance, demineralized water and dye to the antifreeze composition.

We research the sales market

Having decided what kind of antifreeze will be produced at the future enterprise, you can move on to the next stage on the path to building a business with your own hands. And it consists in carrying out marketing research market features. You will need to cover not only your region, but also neighboring ones.

The ideal option would be to conclude an agreement for the supply of antifreeze with at least one enterprise. It's worth trying to achieve state support, citing the fact that your business provides new jobs and contributes to economic development region.

We delve into the essence of the antifreeze production process

A business based on the production of antifreeze automotive fluids does not require deep knowledge of chemistry. Moreover, even the involvement of a person with the appropriate education is not required. And all because the antifreeze production process is extremely simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. water purification;
  2. connection of all the components listed above;
  3. heating the resulting mixture;
  4. bottling antifreeze into plastic bottles.

When producing antifreeze, it is necessary to observe certain proportions of the components used.

When compiling, do not forget about the cost of electricity, which will have to be spent on heating the mixture. If tens will be responsible for this process, then when ordering equipment it is necessary to separately negotiate with the manufacturer about equipping the reactor with a heating element. You can go the other way and purchase steam condensate from a thermal power plant. It will be additional equipment, the purchase of which will increase the initial investment, but will allow you to save on electricity in the future.

These are all the main stages of antifreeze production necessary for organization by a businessman who will create a business from scratch with his own hands. Small involvement expected labor force, since almost all the work is done on the equipment. So it's time to learn the technical side.

Choosing a room

The production workshop must have a number of features so that in the future there will be no problems with regulatory and inspection authorities.

  1. Fire safety. The workshop must meet the third class. To do this, you need to appoint a responsible person, put a box filled with sand, organize a fire shield and take care of fire extinguishers. All this is easy to do with your own hands, without the involvement of specialists.
  2. Environmental safety may not concern you, since production may be waste-free.
  3. Sanitary requirements require the presence of a washbasin and an exhaust system.
  4. The area cannot be less than 50 square meters. meters. In this case, the equipment for antifreeze will occupy only 10 square meters. meters. This issue is difficult to cover, since each businessman independently decides the need to allocate warehouse for storage of containers, finished products and concentrates.

Required equipment

Equipment will take up a large portion of your budget, so be prepared for the expense. Each item from the list below will be mandatory and indispensable:

  1. A reactor with a three-layer design, in which the prepared mixture will be heated to the required temperature.
  2. A container equipped with a motor, gearbox, and blades, which are necessary for thoroughly mixing the antifreeze components.
  3. Pipelines connecting tanks and containers to each other.
  4. A compressor that will be responsible for transporting the substance within the production system.
  5. Automatic equipment for packaging antifreeze into bottles, capping them and gluing labels.

The money that will be invested can be returned in a month, six months or even a year. To shorten the payback period and make the business more profitable, you can use the same technical equipment to start producing other antifreeze liquids for car care. This could be windshield washer and car shampoo. Expansion of production units will require the purchase of a special reactor, which will be used to wash containers during the transition from shampoo to antifreeze.

An expanded product range will facilitate entry into the automotive chemicals market.

Equipment can vary greatly in cost, the level of which will fluctuate depending on its power, performance and country of origin. You can choose Italian equipment or pay attention to offers from Russian companies. The choice is yours.

  1. If there is sufficient demand, the business will definitely be profitable.
  2. Maintain product quality at high level- this will allow you to take a strong position in the market and hope for successful promotion of the brand.
  3. The name of the antifreeze should be sonorous and easy to remember.
  4. The information on the label must be complete and truthful.
  5. Consider operating production in shifts.

Organizing an antifreeze production business with your own hands is not at all difficult if you are not afraid of difficulties, believe in yourself and move forward purposefully.

Cars require special care. Therefore, it is necessary to select high-quality consumables for them, for example, such as antifreeze and antifreeze. Without them, the machine will not be able to function normally. Antifreeze production could become profitable business for an experienced or novice businessman.

  • What is antifreeze?
  • Market analysis
  • Step-by-step plan for opening antifreeze production
  • Selecting a room
  • What equipment to choose for production
  • Purchase of raw materials
  • What is OKVED for business?
  • Which tax system to choose for production
  • Do I need permission to open a workshop?
  • Antifreeze production technology
  • Staff
  • Sales markets
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Selecting a tax regime for antifreeze production
  • How much money does it take to produce antifreeze?
  • How much can you earn and payback period
  • Conclusion

Typically, the process of manufacturing consumables is quite complex. Therefore, it is rarely carried out in small enterprises. But antifreeze can be produced within a small business.

What is antifreeze?

Antifreeze is a coolant that prevents the engine from overheating. It doesn't freeze when the car is driving. In the last century, this “consumable” did not exist, so drivers used water. In fact, such actions (pouring water into the car) can lead to damage to the engine and radiator, since in the cold season the liquid can freeze. Therefore, the car stood until the water drained into the cooling system, and only then began to move.

Antifreeze can be used throughout the winter, since the temperature at which it freezes is 13-50 degrees below zero.

But it is used not only for cars, but also for autonomous heating systems for houses and premises, equipment cooling systems, ventilation, and air conditioners of certain categories. But the article will talk about automotive antifreeze.

Market analysis

Before opening own business it is necessary to evaluate all aspects of this segment. Every year there are more motorists, which means the demand for consumables, including antifreeze, is growing.

The development of a company depends on its territorial location. Each region has its own characteristics in this area. Somewhere there are more cars (large cities), and somewhere less (provinces, villages). Therefore, it is worth assessing the situation in a specific location and finding out information about competitors.

Before starting a business, it is important to determine the possible market for the product. It is advisable to open production near large cities and metropolitan areas. This ensures that there is demand for your products. Basic wholesale buyers antifreeze and antifreeze - auto parts stores, car washes, service stations and small retailers selling directly on the road during the season.

Opening own production auto chemical goods, be prepared for serious competition. Moreover, your main competitor is underground workshops. Most of what is sold on the market today is produced there. In order to reduce costs, artisanal manufacturers add prohibited methanol to antifreeze. This makes the final price lower, which attracts many car owners who do not think about the consequences of using low-quality antifreeze.

Financial investments in the business amount to about 1.5 million rubles. The main costs include:

  • Purchase of equipment - from 650 thousand rubles.
  • Arrangement of the premises (shelving, auxiliary tools) - from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for renting premises - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - from 100 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - from 50 thousand rubles.
  • Development of the technology, costs for launching the project - from 150 thousand rubles.
  • Reserve fund - from 200 thousand rubles.

Premises and equipment

To the number necessary equipment to organize the bottling of auto chemicals include a reactor (0.5 m3), a measuring tank, a pressure tank, pumps, pipelines and fittings. The estimated cost of the kit is 650 thousand rubles. The productivity of the lines, depending on the volume of the reactor and the number of personnel, ranges from 0.7 to 1.5 tons/hour.

The area of ​​the room must be at least 50 square meters. m, minimum ceiling height is 2.5 meters. A 380 W ventilation, water supply and electricity system is required.

Personnel requirements

One of the biggest difficulties of the business is working out the production recipe and choosing the right ingredients. To do this, you will need to hire or use the services of an experienced chemical technologist.

Directly on production site 2-3 people required. There are no serious requirements for employees. The main thing is the presence of secondary technical education. There is an opinion that women are better at bottling products.

Raw materials issue

First of all, you need to decide on suppliers of raw materials. To produce antifreeze, you will need three components: distilled water, ethylene glycol and a package of anti-corrosion additives.

The most expensive component in the raw material is ethylene glycol. For a ton of this component you will have to pay from 60 - 70 thousand rubles.

Antifreeze is a colorless liquid, but there is a misconception among car owners that the color of antifreeze indicates its quality. To add color to the liquid, you will need to purchase dyes that do not in any way affect the quality of the antifreeze.

Production technology

The production technology for most types of auto chemicals, including antifreeze, consists of mixing components such as water, concentrate and an additive package in different proportions. The main production process involves heating the mixture in a special reactor equipped with heating elements. The production of antifreeze does not pollute the water, and in the event of a liquid spill (which often happens), after some filtration it is returned to the technological cycle.

The cost of producing antifreeze is estimated at 23-25 ​​rubles/l., antifreeze at 30-35 rubles/l. The markup when releasing goods ranges from 50 to 100%.

Antifreeze filling line - video


Company Complex systems offers ready business for the production of auto chemicals. This is: a package of documents - technical specifications, technological regulations, formulations of antifreeze, windshield washer fluid, car shampoos, household and auto chemicals and much more, a set of equipment for finished production. Basic equipment complexes of different capacities - "ChemComplex-1" and "ChemComplex-2".


Materials and equipment: The main parts of "ChemComplex-3" are made of polymer materials. "ChemComplex-3" is equipped with polymer pipelines and fittings, and is equipped with a chemical pump and a thermoelectric heater.
Productivity: 0.65 tons of final product per hour.
Energy consumption: no more than 4.5 kW
Service staff: 1-2 people
Requirements for the premises: occupied area - 4.5 sq.m., ceiling height - at least 3.5 meters.
The cost of "ChemComplex-3" together with a package of documentation (specifications, technical regulations, recipe for the production of antifreeze concentrate, antifreeze 40M, antifreeze 65M): 90,000 rubles.

Contact seller

Materials and equipment: The main parts of "ChemComplexes" are made from stainless steel. At the request of the customer, the reactor jacket can be equipped with heating elements, which allows maintaining a certain temperature inside the apparatus without foreign coolants (steam, hot water, etc.). "ChemComplex" is equipped with polymer pipelines and fittings, and is equipped with 2 special pumps.
Filling unit: allows you to pour the final product into any container.
Requirements for the room: area 50-120 m2, ceiling height - 3-5 meters, power supply 220 - 380 V, containers for starting products are not included in the package.

Service and guarantees: together with "ChemComplex" the customer is given a package of documentation and a basic recipe for the production of antifreeze. Warranty for individual parts and the complex as a whole are specified in the supply contract and may vary depending on specific conditions and configuration. The Himstroy-Plus company is ready to provide warranty and post-warranty service. Supervised installation of equipment, commissioning and initial training of customer personnel are carried out for a fee by agreement of the parties.

Equipment delivery time: within 30 days from the date of receipt of money to the supplier’s bank account. Payment is made in installments as agreed by the parties. Transportation costs are not included in the price.
You can also purchase packages separately from the equipment technical documentation(THAT, technological regulations and recipes). .
The Integrated Systems company is also pleased to offer you its new development - an installation for the production of glass washer coolant "ChemKompleks-3". Using this installation, you can set up your own production of antifreeze glass washer fluid. The equipment has a modular structure and allows simultaneous production and bottling of the final product into any consumer container, as well as barrels and other containers

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