Extracurricular reading in elementary school. System of extracurricular reading in secondary school Organization of extracurricular reading lessons

Search the Internet for “list of books to read after 1st grade” and get lists for all programs. IMHO, but after 1st grade this is not a problem. Just a classic for age, as long as the child reads and can master the proposed volume.

Section: Books (extracurricular reading, grade 3, humorous stories). lists for extracurricular reading- 3-4 grades. Reading lists for 8-10 year olds. Books. Child from 7 to 10. Literature list for elementary school: extracurricular reading.

Literature list for elementary school: extracurricular reading. List of books for summer reading: grades 1-4. Books for extracurricular reading. Buy textbooks and notebooks without leaving home. Extracurricular reading - list of literature.

List of books for summer reading: grades 1-4. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Print version. We make the task easier for those who still have children primary school, and publish True, I spent the entire first grade in parallel with school with my child, 2100 for 1st grade.

I would recommend the seller of books about the robber Hotzenplotz. From the first link... My eldest son was reading in first grade. Books for extracurricular reading for first-graders??? Mine is also a first grader. Reads them 8 pages every day.

Books for extracurricular reading 2nd grade. Fairy tales and epics about Ilya Muromets and Russian heroes. we are first-graders...on extracurricular Literature for elementary school: extracurricular reading. And I looked at the links, it also seemed that a lot of them were not for 1st grade.

Please tell me, who has children going to 4th grade, a list of literature for the summer. Of course, I understand that it differs in different schools, but we need at least an approximate one, at least 5.6 works.

They will not give us a list at all. Anka reads a lot, but mostly fantasy - Legends of the Night Guards, Tanya Grotter, Gymnasium No. 13, etc. Share your lists, maybe I’ll choose what from there. Studying under the 21st Century School program.

Although I read the first 5 books to my child in 2nd grade, since in holiday homes animators often arrange quizzes on this topic. Books for children 7-10 and 10-14 years old. Literature list for elementary school: extracurricular reading. List of books for summer reading: grades 1-4.

Reading standards at school and at home. School. Child from 7 to 10. Dear parents, I know about reading standards - a minimum of words per minute for first-graders. But does anyone know how long at least a child needs to read?

Literature list for elementary school: extracurricular reading. there are many new TEXTBOOKS for primary school - different education systems! Literary reading Grade 2 Reader (Malakhovskaya) 6. Literary reading Grade 3 part 1 (Churakova) 7...

The child was given a list of literature for the first grade, they began to read books from this list, just some kind of nightmare both in terms of text and in the List of literature for elementary school: extracurricular reading. List of books for summer reading: grades 1-4. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Please tell me!. Books. Child from 7 to 10. If you mean from 1st to 2nd grade, then we have Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home”, etc.

Extracurricular reading. New version of the book "Ella in first grade". Girls, please tell me, I need a book for extracurricular reading for children. I gave this to my daughter in the first grade. A gift for a first grader. White paper, normal font...

Dear ladies! As it turns out, I have a huge library and a child who reads, but not what’s in it. I want to optimize the storage of books and transport some of them to the dacha. But I don’t want to throw in there the obligation prescribed in the lists for extracurricular reading. Maybe such lists appear here somewhere in the form of links? Give me some tips please. Thank you!

Literature list for elementary school: extracurricular reading. List of summer books for an 8-year-old. And you need to get used to this in elementary school in order to develop the skill. List of literature recommended for reading in the summer after 1st grade.

Literature list for elementary school: extracurricular reading. List of books to read in the summer. 17. London White Fang 18. Keenan-Rowling Peers 19. Twain Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn 20. Burnet's Secret Garden 21. Wilde's Star Boy 22. Dodge Silver Skates 23. Darrell.

Take a reading textbook for 2nd grade, look at the table of contents - they will study almost all of these works. The textbook contains only excerpts, but it is assumed that you need to know the content of the entire book, at least approximately. That's what our teacher told us...

Reading circle in 5th grade.

Domestic literature.

Alekseev S.P. “Heroic surnames”, “The story of a serf boy”, “Unprecedented things happen”, “Glory Bird”, “Stories about Stepan Razin”, “Stories about Suvorov and Russian soldiers”.

Bianchi V.V. “Odinets”.

Bulychev Kir “Atlantis: Gods and Heroes”; From stories about Alice; "The Great Spirit and the Runaways."

Veltistov E. S. From the series about Electronics.

Volkov A. M. “The Wizard of the Emerald City”, “The Tsargrad Captive”.

Golovina V. A. “Egypt: Gods and Heroes.”

Gubarev V. G. “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors.”

Children's encyclopedia for the lazy.

Jackson T. N. (Sasha Smirnov participated in the compilation of the book). "Scandinavia: Gods and Heroes."

Dostyan R. “Kinto”.

Old Russian literature:

- "Eagle's Nest";

- “The Tale of Evpatiy Kolovrat”;

-"Russian land".

Zaitseva E. E., Yakhnin L. L. “Eldorado: Gods and Heroes.”

Karamzin N. M. “Dense Forest”, “The Beautiful Princess and the Happy Karla”.

Karpov A. Yu. “Tales of the Russian Chronicle.”

Kataev V.P. “Son of the Regiment.”

Konchalovskaya N.P. “Our ancient capital.”

Korolenko V. G. “Children of the Dungeon.”

Kotlyar E. S. “Africa: Gods and Heroes.”

Krutogorov Yu. “The Baptism of Rus'.”

Kryzhanovskaya E. Fairy tale trilogy about Princess Utah - “Princess Utah and cuttlefish soup”, “Princess Utah and the Ogre-eating grandmother”, “Princess Utah and the Pied Piper”.

Krylov I. A. “Swan, Crayfish and Pike”, “Pig under the Oak”, “Donkey and Nightingale”, “Rooster and Grain of Pearls” (in comparison with Aesop’s fable “Rooster and Diamond”), “Wolf and Lamb” ( in comparison with A.P. Sumarokov’s fable “The Wolf and the Lamb”) - at the choice of the teacher and students.

Kulikov A. N. “America: Gods and Heroes.”

Lagin L.I. “Old Man Hottabych.”

18th century literature:

Bolotov A. T. “Children’s philosophy” (fragment from conversation 14).

Kurganov N. G. “Writer’s Book” (fragments of your choice).

Novikov N. I. “Children’s reading for the heart and mind” (fragments of your choice).

Mashkin G. “Blue sea, white ship.”

Moiseeva K. M. “The caravan goes to Palmyra.”

Nekrasov A.K. “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”

Olesha Y. K. “Three fat men.”

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century

Domestic lyrics of the twentieth century (by choice of teacher and students).

Paustovsky K. G. “Hare’s Paws”, “The Thief Cat”, “The Old Cook”.

The first poetic works for children(at the choice of the teacher and students; an introductory approach to learning is preferred).

Polotsk Simeon. "Preface", "Honour";

Savvaty. “This visible little book...” (from various poems).

Petrukhin V. Ya. “Slavs”.

Pimenova I.K. “The Dawn of a New Time”, “History of the Ancient World: from the Beginning of Times”, “The History of Great Rus' from the Beginning of Ages”, “Young Russia”.

Pimenova I.K., Rassokha I.N. “Who was born before everyone else,” “Secrets of ancient civilizations.”

Pimenova I.K., Rassokha I.N., Solomadin I.M., Solomadina N.A. “The Birth of Rus'.”

Pimenova I.K., Solomadin I.M., Solomadina N.A. “Honor, cross and sword.”

“The Tale of Bygone Years” (adapted children's editions).

Pogodin R.P. “A book about Grishka.”

Prishvin M. M. “Island of Salvation”, “Treacherous Sausage”, “Floors of the Forest”.

Prokofieva S. L. “Patchwork and Cloud”, “Lord of the Magic Keys”, “The Magician’s Apprentice”, “Island of Captains”, “Astrel and the Guardian of the Forest”.

Redko-Dobrovolskaya T. I. “Japan: Gods and Heroes.”

Russians folk tales(optional, for example: “White Duck”, “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Finist-Yasny Falcon”, “Three Kingdoms - Copper, Silver and Gold”).

Ryleev K. F. “Ivan Susanin”, “Oleg the Prophet”, “Boyan” (optional).

Tolstoy A.K. “You are my land, my dear land!...”, “Kurgan”, “Ilya Muromets”.

The Kingdom of People: Clothing, utensils, customs, weapons, jewelry of peoples of ancient and modern times: Encyclopedia for kids and everyone, everyone, everyone.

Yudin G. N. “Unexpected joy: Christian stories, fairy tales, parables.”

Yazykov N. M. “Two Pictures”, “Evpatiy”, “Horse”, “Swimmer”, “Motherland”, “Delight” ((excerpt).

Yakovlev Yu. A. “Ledum”, “Woke by nightingales.”

Foreign literature.

Andersen G.H. “The Snow Queen”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Flint”.

Barry D. "Peter Pan".

Blyton E. “The Mystery of the Drumbeat”, “The Mystery of the Little Rag”; from cycles about: The Secret Seven; To the Magnificent Five, the Five Seekers.

De Beaumont L. “Beauty and the Beast.”

Gauf V. “The Story of the Caliph Stork”, “Frozen”.

Hawthorne N. “The Snow Maiden” (“How the Children Created a Miracle”).

Defoe D. "Robinson Crusoe" (children's version).

"Kalevala". Finno-Ugric epic.

“Kanteletar” - Collection of Karelian-Finnish songs and ballads (runes).

Kipling J.R. "Mowgli."

Korczak J. “King Matt the First”, “King Matt on a Desert Island”.

Lagerlöf S. "Nils's Journey with the Wild Geese."

Lindgren A. “The Adventures of Kale Blumkvist the Detective,” “Rasmus the Tramp,” “Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter.”

Lewis K. S. “The Chronicles of Narnia”: “The Sorcerer’s Nephew”, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, “The Horse and His Boy”, “Prince Caspian”, “Journey into the Light”, “The Silver Chair”, “The Last Battle” "

Myths of Ancient India.

Myths and legends of Ancient Egypt.

Myths and legends of Ancient Greece.

Onua D. “Beauty Golden Curls.”

Perrault S. “Riquet with a Tuft”, “Donkey Skin”, “Sleeping Beauty”.

Raspe E. “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” (children's version).

Rowling J.K. “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.”

Sand J. "Griboul".

Seton-Thompson E. “Little Savages.”

Tales of the peoples of the world (optional).

Twain M. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, “Tom Sawyer the Detective”, etc.

Travers P. “Mary Poppins.”

Uida (Rame L.). Nello and Patrash.

Harris D. "Tales of Uncle Remus."

Ekholm Y. “Tuta Carlson, Ludwig the fourteenth and completely different”, “Tuta Carlson, the first and only.”

Emar G. “A Steady Hand.”

Emden E. “House with Magic Windows.”

Janson T. “Mummy Troll and the Comet,” “The Wizard’s Hat.”

Reading circle in 6th grade.

Domestic literature.

Aksakov S. T. “Childhood years of Bagrov the grandson” (fragments).

Aleksin A.G. “A very scary story.”

Altov G. From “Legends of Star Captains.”

Astafiev V.P. “Kapalukha”.

Bazhov P. P. “Malachite Box”, “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”.

Blokhin N. “Red Corner Curiosities.”

Budogoskaya L. A. “The Tale of the Red-Headed Girl,” “The Sentinel.”

Epics of the Russian people.

Voznesenskaya Yu. N. Trilogy “Juliana” - “Juliana, or the Game of Kidnapping”, “Juliana, or Dangerous Games”, “Juliana, or the Game of Daughters and Stepmothers”.

Gaidar A.P. “Military secret”, “The fate of the drummer”, “Timur and his team”.

Grigorovich D.V. “Gutta-percha boy.”

Dubov N.I. “The Fugitive.”

Zheleznikov V.K. “The eccentric from 6-B.”

Ivanov A. B. “The Imperishable Treasure.”

Ivanov S.A. “He is not among us.”

Kataev V.P. “The Lonely Sail Is White,” “A Farm in the Steppe,” “Waves of the Black Sea.”

Kassil L. A. “Be prepared, Your Highness!”

Kassil L. A., Polyanovsky M. L. “Street of the Youngest Son.”

Krapivin V.P. From the cycle about the Great Crystal; "Riders from Rosa Station."

Kuprin A.I. “White Poodle”, “Taper”.

Lermontov M. Yu. “Ashik-Kerib.”

Nemirovsky A. I. “Myths of Ancient Hellas”

Nikitin I. S. “Meeting winter”, “Stuffy air, Smoke from a splinter...”.

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century.(optionally).


Panteleev L. “Skidsky stories.”

Panteleev L., Belykh G. “Republic of Shkid”.

Pleshcheev A. N. “Old Man”, “Grandmother and Granddaughters”, “Into the Storm”.

Rubinstein L.V. “Grandfather of the Russian fleet. (Historical stories)".

Rybakov A. N. “Dagger”, “Bronze Bird”, “Shot”.

Semyonova I. I. “Who are you.”

Smirnov S.S. “Gavroche of the Brest Fortress.”

Teffi (Lokhvitskaya Nadezhda Aleksandrovna). "Unliving Beast", "Huron".

Chudakova M. O. “The Deeds and Horrors of Zhenya Osinkina,” “The Mystery of Angelica’s Death,” “Portrait of an Unknown Woman in White.”

Chudinova E. P. “Gardarika”.

Foreign literature.

Boussenard L. “Captain Rip-off.”

Weidenmann A. “Baggage receipt No. 666.”

Dickens Ch. “The Adventures of Oliver Twist.”

D. Ervilly E. "The Adventures of a Prehistoric Boy."

Conan Doyle A. “The Lost World.”

Carroll L. “Alice in Wonderland.”

Lindgren A. “Mio, my Mio,” “We are on the island of Saltkrok.”

London J. "Before Adam", "White Fang".

Luts O. “Spring”.

Marshall A. “I can jump over puddles.”

Malo G. "Romain Calbry".

Plutarch “Comparative Lives” (Alexander. Caesar. Demosthenes. Cicero).

Rice K. "Mrs. Cherington's Roses."

Reed M. "The Brave Huntress", "Osceola the Seminole Chief", "The Headless Horseman".

Roni Sr. "Fight for the Fire", "Cave Lion", "Vamireh".

Scott W. "Ivanhoe."

Shklyarsky A. “Tomek in the land of the kangaroo”, “Tomek on the warpath”, “Tomek’s adventures on the Dark Continent”, “Tomek’s mysterious journey”, “Tomek at the source of the Amazon”.

Wells G. “It was in the Stone Age.”

Yarunkova K. “The only one.”

Reading circle in 7th grade.

Domestic literature.

Aleksin A.G. “Crazy Evdokia”, “Homemade essay”, “Call and come” (optional).

Babel I.E. “The History of My Dovecote”, “Awakening” (optional).

Baruzdin S. A. “Her name is Christmas tree.”

Belyaev A. R. “The Head of Professor Dowell”, “Amphibian Man”, “Ariel”.

Bogomolov V. O. “Ivan.”

Bragin V.G. “In the Land of Dense Grasses”: A Fairy Tale Novel.

Gaidar A.P. “Blue Cup”, “Hot Stone”, “Distant Countries”.

Herzen A.I. “The Thieving Magpie.”

Green A. S. “Scarlet Sails”, “Running on the Waves” (and other works of the students’ choice).

Efremov I. A. “On the edge of the Oikumene.”

Koltsov A.V. Poems (optional).

Kravtsova N. F. “Because of the desk to war”, “From dusk to dawn.”

Murashova E.V. “Correction class.”

(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Russian lyrics of the twentieth century(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Pilyar Yu. E. “Five hours until immortality”, “All this happened.”

Pogodin R.P. “Rattle-brain,” “Waiting.”

Polevoy N. A. “Selected historical prose” / Comp., introduction and comments. A. S. Kurilova/.

Putilov B. N. " Ancient Rus' in the faces: Gods, heroes, people.”

Rybakov A. N. “The Adventures of Krosh,” “Krosh’s Vacation,” “The Unknown Soldier.”

Rytkheu Yu. S. “When the whales leave.”

Tendryakov V.F. “Spring shifters.”

Tolstoy A.K. “Prince Silver”; ballads.

Tolstoy A. N. “Engineer Garin’s Hyperboloid.”

Troepolsky G.N. “White Bim, Black Ear.”

Fraerman R.I. “Wild dog Dingo, or the Tale of First Love.”

Charskaya L. “Princess Javakha”, “Lesovichka”, “Magic Tale”.

Shiryaeva G.D. “Gyurgi-Dyurgi-Duke”, “The Man Ivan Chizhikov, or the Tale of a Girl from a Legend.”

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Historian: General History / Comp. N. S. Elmanova, E. M. Savicheva.

Foreign literature.

Aitmatov Ch. T. “White Steamer”, “Early Cranes”.

Bayard J. From the cycle about Michel the detective.”

Bern P. “The Headless Horse.”

Blyton E. “The Mystery of the Underground Kingdom”, “The Mystery of the Eagle’s Nest.”

Bonham F. “The Mystery of the Red Tide.”

Bonzon P.-J. "The Mystery of the Stolen Dog", "Mystery sea ​​urchin", "The Mystery of the Ancient Grand Piano", "The Mystery of the Green Donkey".

Verne J. “The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain,” “The Children of Captain Grant,” “The Mysterious Island.”

Dumas A. “Three Musketeers.”

Kipling J.R. "Kim".

Clancier J.E. “Childhood and youth of Catherine Sharon.”

Cooper F. "Deerslayer", "Pioneers", "The Last of the Mohicans", "Pathfinders" (optional).

Le Guin W. “Magician (Wizard) of the Mediterranean.”

Lindgren A. “Brothers Lionheart.”

London D. “White Silence”, “In a Distant Land”, “Call of the Wild”.

Lofting H. “The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle.”

Luts O. “Walter the Apprentice,” “On the Margins.”

Marshall A. “This is the grass,” “In my heart.”

Mowat F. “The Mystery of the Viking Grave,” “The Dog Who Didn’t Want to Be Just a Dog.”

Aldridge J. "My Brother Tom."

Olivier J. "Viking Campaign".

Seton-Thompson E. “Ralph in the Woods.”

De Saint-Exupéry A. “The Little Prince.”

Tolkien J. R. R. "The Hobbits."

Whitney F. “The Mystery of the Seagulls.”

Haggard G. R. "Moctezuma's Daughter."

Reading circle in 8th grade.

Domestic literature.

Averchenko A. T. Stories (students' choice).

Annensky I.F. “Old barrel organ”, “In the carriage”, “Old estate”, “Among the worlds” and other works from the book of poems “Cypress Casket” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Akhmatova A. A. Books of poems “Evening”, “White Flock” (in pre-specialty classes - humanitarian and philological).

Baklanov G. Ya. “Forever nineteen years old.”

Balmont K. D. Works from the book of poems “Under the Northern Sky” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology.

Belyaev A. R. “Lord of the World”, “The Man Who Lost Face”, “The Last Man from Atlantis”, “Seller of Air”, “Jump into Nothing”.

Bondarev Yu. V. “The battalions ask for fire.”

Bykov V. “Obelisk”, “Sotnikov”.

Voznesenskaya Yu. N. “Cassandra’s Path, or a Journey with Pasta”, “The Adventures of Lancelotte”.

Gaidar A.P. “School”, “Distant Countries”.

Drunina Yu. V. Lyrics (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Dubov N.I. “The sky is like a sheepskin”, “Boy by the sea”.

Efremov I. A. “Andromeda Nebula.”

Yesenin S. A. Lyrics (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Zheleznikov V.K. “Scarecrow.”

Kaverin V. A. “Two captains.”

Minaev B. “Leva’s childhood.”

Ibragimbekov M. “For everything good, death.”

Karamzin N. M. “Tales of the Ages” (Tales, legends, stories from the “History of the Russian State”).

Lermontov M. Yu. “Masquerade.”

Levshin V. A. "Master of Disseminated Sciences."

Nemirovsky A.I. “Legends of early Italy and Rome”; "Myths and Legends of the Ancient East."

Orlov S.S. Lyrics (optional).

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Russian lyrics of the twentieth century(at the choice of the teacher and students).

Platonov A.P. "Gian".

Pristavkin A.I. “A golden cloud spent the night,” “Kukushata, or a plaintive song to calm the heart.”

Pushkin A. S. Lyrics (optional). "House in Kolomna."

Rasputin V.G. “Live and Remember”, “Fire”, “Farewell to Matera” (optional).

Solomka N. “The white horse is not my grief.”

“A Line Torn by a Bullet” (poems by poets who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War).

Strugatsky A. N., Strugatsky B. N. “Monday begins on Saturday,” “Land of crimson clouds.”

Tolstoy A. N. “Aelita.”

Tolstoy L.N. “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Sevastopol Stories” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Tsvetaeva M.I. “To my poems, written so early...”, “You come, you look like me...” and other works of choice (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Encyclopedia for children. T. 1. World history./Chief editor and compiler S. T. Ismailova/.

Encyclopedia for children. T. 5., part. 1. History of Russia and its closest neighbors/Comp. S. T. Ismailova/.

Encyclopedia for children. T. 5., part 2. History of Russia. From palace coups to the era of the Great Reforms.

Encyclopedia for children. T. 5., part 3. History of Russia. XX century/Comp. S. T. Ismailova/.

Yan V. “Genghis Khan”, “Batu”, “To the Last Sea”, “Youth of a Commander” (optional).

Foreign literature.

Bradbury R. “Dandelion Wine,” “451* Fahrenheit.”

Golding's Lord of the Flies.

Hugo V. “Les Miserables”, “The Man Who Laughs”, “Notre Dame Cathedral” (optional).

Dickens Ch. "David Copperfield" (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Curwood J. “The Extraordinary Adventures of Captain Plume,” “The Burning Forest.”

Keen K. From a series of books about Nancy Drew.

Kipling J.R. The Light Has Gone Out, The Brave Mariners, Lispeth; stories (chosen by teacher and students).

Collins W. “Moonstone.”

Conan Doyle A. "Stories about Sherlock Holmes."

Sabatini R. “The Odyssey of Captain Blood.”

Smullyan R. “What is the name of this book?”

Twain M. "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court."

Tim Tom "Scientific fun: interesting experiments, homemade products, entertainment."

Tolkien D. R. “The Lord of the Rings.”

Wells G. “The Invisible Man,” “War of the Worlds.”

Reading circle in 9th grade.

Domestic literature.

Aksyonov V.P. “Moscow Saga” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Astafiev V.P. “Tsar Fish”.

Baruzdin S.A. “Tasya”, “Repetition of what has been covered” - in pre-profile classes (humanities and philology).

Bondarev Yu. V. “Hot snow.”

Bulgakov M. A. “Heart of a Dog”; stories and feuilletons.

Bunin I. A. Lyrics; "Clean Monday" and other stories of students' choice. The cycle “Dark Alleys” - in pre-professional classes (humanities and philology).

Bykov V.V. “Survive until dawn”, “Sign of trouble”, “To go and not return” (at the choice of the teacher and students).

Vasiliev B.P. “Tomorrow there was a war.”

Volkov O. V. “A century of hopes and ruins” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Gogol N.V. “Petersburg Tales” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Zhigulin A.V. “Black Stones”; poems of your choice.

Zamyatin E.I. Novels and short stories (optional).

Ilf I., Petrov E. “Twelve chairs.”

Kaverin V. A. “Open Book” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Klyuchevsky V. O. “Historical portraits. Figures of historical thought.”

Krapivin V.P. “Green’s Role”. “A Novel about the Grains of Sand of Time: A Fantastic Novel.”

Kuprin A.I. “Garnet bracelet”, “Duel” (in pre-profile classes).

Lermontov M. Yu. “Vadim.”

Obruchev V. A. “Sannikov Land”, “Plutonia”.

Domestic lyrics of the 19th century(optionally).

Russian lyrics of the twentieth century(optionally).

Platonov A.P. “The Hidden Man”, “The Sandy Teacher”, “In a Beautiful and Furious World”, “The Rose Girl”, “On the Graves of Russian Soldiers”; stories (optional); "Juvenile Sea" (in pre-professional classes).

Polonsky G.I. “We’ll live until Monday.”

Polonsky Ya.P. Poems (optional).

Poetry of the “Silver Age” of Russian literature (optional by teacher and students).

Rasputin V.G. “Deadline.”

Rybakov A. N. “Children of Arbat.”

Simonova L. “Circle”.

Tolstoy L.N. “Lucerne”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “After the Ball” (in pre-professional classes).

Tyrdanov I.V. “Battle of the Prophets.”

Ulitskaya L. Stories (optional); “The Kukotsky Incident” (in pre-professional classes).

Chekhov A.P. Stories (optional).

Chudinova E. P. “Casket”, “Lileya”.

Shalamov V. T. “Kolyma stories” (in pre-professional classes).

Shcherbakova G. “Desperate Autumn”, “You Never Even Dreamed of..”, “The Door to Someone Else’s Life” (and other works of your choice).

Encyclopedia for children: Additional volume. Russian capitals. Moscow and St. Petersburg/chief editor. V. A. Volodin/.

Foreign literature.

Amadou J. “Generals of the Sand Quarries.”

Byron J. G. N. “The Giaur,” “Jewish Melodies.”

Balzac O. de “Gobsek”, “Eugenia Grande” (in pre-professional classes).

Bronte S. "Jane Eyre."

Bronte E. “Wuthering Heights.”

Dickens Ch. “The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby” (in pre-professional classes).

Cusack D. “The sun is not everything...”.

London D. “The Little Mistress of the Big House,” “The Iron Heel”; stories (optional).

McCullough K. “The Thorn Birds.”

Merimee P. “Carmen”, “Tamango”, “Double Fault”.

Mitchell M. “Gone with the Wind.”

O.Henry. Novels (optional).

According to E. Novella (optional).

Remarque E.M. “Arc de Triomphe”, “Life on Borrow” (in pre-professional classes).

Stendhal F. “Red and Black” (in pre-specialty classes - humanities and philology).

Reading circle in 10th grade.

Domestic literature.

Batyushkov K. Poems of choice.

Baratynsky E. Poems of choice.

Bulgakov M. “Days of the Turbins.”

Volodin A. “Elder Sister.”

Gogol N.V. “Nevsky Prospekt”, “Nose”.

Goncharov I. A. “An Ordinary Story,” “Frigate” Pallas.”

Dostoevsky F. M. “Netochka Nezvanova”, “Idiot”.

Zhukovsky V. A. “Twelve Sleeping Virgins.”

Zamyatin E. “We.”

Kazakov Yu. “In a dream you cried bitterly.”

Konetsky V. Work of choice.

Leskov N. S. “The Enchanted Wanderer,” “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.”

Lermontov M. Yu. “Scene from Faust”, “Mountain Peaks”, “Masquerade”, “Demon”.

Pushkin A.S. “Village”, “Brownie”, poems addressed to E.K. Vorontsova, “Arap of Peter the Great”, “Mermaid”, “Boris Godunov”.

Olesha Yu. “Envy.”

Rasputin V. “Live and Remember.”

Tendryakov V. “Reckoning.”

Tolstoy L.N. “The Death of Ivan Ilyich.”

Trifonov Yu. “Another life.”

Turgenev I. S. “Faust”, “The Noble Nest”, “Rudin”.

Schwartz E. “Shadow.”

Sholokhov M. “Quiet Don”.

Shukshin V. “Alyosha the unescorted.”

Ehrenburg I. “People. Years. Life.".

Lyrical works by A. Blok, N. Zabolotsky, D. Samoilov, N. Rubtsov, A. Fet, V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, A. T. Tvardovsky.

Foreign literature.

Arro V. “Look who came.”

Galsworthy J. “The Forsyte Saga.”

London J. "Martin Eden."

Campanella T. “City of the Sun.”

Mann T. “Lota in Weimar.”

Faulkner W. “The Sound and the Fury.”

Lyrics by P. Beranger, G. Heine.

Reading circle in 11th grade.

Domestic literature.

Akunin B. Work of choice.

Akhmadullina B. Poems of choice.

Bely A. “At the turn of two centuries.”

Brodsky I. Nobel lecture.

Bulgakov M. “White Guard”.

Bunin I. A. “Village”, “Antonov Apples”, stories from the series “Dark Alleys”.

Vampilov A. “Last summer in Chulimsk.”

Vesely A. “Russia, washed in blood.”

Voinovich V. “We are the best”

Vysotsky V. Lyrics of choice.

Gelman A. "Prize".

Gorky A. M. “Mother”, “The Artamonov Case”, “Egor Bulychev and others”, “Foma Gordeev”, “Konovalov”, “Across Rus'”, “Leo Tolstoy”.

Yesenin S. “Soviet Rus'”, “Moscow Tavern”, “Black Man”, “Pugachev”, “Anna Snegina”.

Kuprin A.I. “Song of Songs”, “Duel”, “Listrigons”, “Gambrinus”, “Olesya” and other stories.

Klyuev N. “Christmas of the Hut”, “There is a vast land in the world...”, “We are rye, oatmeal...” and other poems of your choice.

Lavrenev B. “Forty-first.”

Mandelstam O. “The Noise of Time.”

Mariengof A. “A novel without lies.”

Mayakovsky V.V. “Good”, “Bathhouse”, “Bedbug”.

Nabokov V.V. “Mashenka”, “Defense of Luzhin”, “Feat”, “Invitation to Execution”, “Lolita”.

Okudzhava B. “Poor Avrosimov,” “Journey of Amateurs.”

Platonov A.P. “Fro”, “Potudan River”, “Old Mechanic”, “In a Beautiful and Furious World”, “Return”, “Pit”.

Pilnyak B. “The Naked Year.”

Pristavkin A. “The golden cloud spent the night.”

Serafimovich A. “Iron Stream”.

Solzhenitsyn A.I. “A calf butted an oak tree,” “How can we arrange Russia?”, “Two hundred years together.”

Tvardovsky A. “Terkin in the Other World,” “House by the Road.”

Tokareva V. Play “Fantasy-impromptu”.

Fedin K. “Cities and Years.”

Furmanov D. "Chapaev".

Tsvetaeva M. “My Pushkin”, “Phaedra”, “Poem of the End”, “I came to visit the poet...”, “We have the freshness of words and feelings of simplicity...”, “Reader”, “And you, my friends of the last call! ...", "All the dear souls on high stars...", " Summer garden", "The City of Pushkin".

Chekhov A.P. “Case from practice”, “Enemies”, “In the ravine”, “Bishop”, “Bride”.

Foreign literature.

Apollinaire G. Poems of choice.

Brecht B. “Mother Courage and Her Children.”

Belle G. “Through the eyes of a clown.”

Golding W. “Lord of the Flies.”

Camus A. “The Outsider.”

Kafka F. “Metamorphosis.”

Lorca G. Lyrics.

Mann T. "Doctor Faustus", "The Magic Mountain".

Nietzsche F. “Antichristian”.

Orwell J. 1984, Animal Farm (optional).

Rilke R. M. “Duinese Elegies”, “Sonnets to Orpheus”.

Remarque E.M. “All Quiet on the Western Front,” “Arc de Triomphe.”

Rolland R. “The Enchanted Soul.”

Faulkner W. “Arsonist.”

France A. "Pontius Pilate".

Hemingway E. “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” “The Old Man and the Sea.”

Chapek K. "Poet".

Show B. “Heartbreak House.”

Sappho. Lyrics.

The school equips the child with reading skills, and the organization molds the reader. But this is not enough: she must educate an active reader who would be able to independently read a book and understand it, would have a need for systematic reading, would be able to choose the right book on a certain topic, would read not only entertaining books, but also newspapers and magazines I would use reference books.

The outstanding Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “One of the truths of my pedagogical faith is boundless faith in the educational power of the book. School is, first of all, a book... A book is a powerful weapon, without it I would be dumb or tongue-tied; I could not tell the young heart even a hundredth part of what needs to be said to him and what I say. A smart, inspired book often decides a person’s fate.” Extracurricular reading serves as an excellent means of education: it develops the desire to learn, to know and be able to do a lot, introduces children to the high feats of fighters for the freedom of the people, for communist ideals, and forms the social and civic consciousness of children.

The modern program determines the range of knowledge and skills of students in the field of extracurricular reading: knowledge of the best works of children's writers of pre-revolutionary and Soviet times, the ability to correctly evaluate independently read books, the ability to navigate using index cards, the ability to select the right material, keep a reading diary, etc.

Skills and abilities to communicate with books are developed “step by step”, becoming qualitatively more complex from class to class. This is reflected in the choice of books (topics, genres, language, book sizes), and in the interest in their authors, and in the use of the book apparatus (cover, title page, table of contents, preface, illustrations, etc.), and in keeping records. The school imparts to each student a certain minimum of reading skills and abilities necessary in life. A reading technique is being introduced - looking at a book.

In other words, the school has organized a system for managing students’ extracurricular reading, which provides not only for deepening what children read themselves, but also for special training - the communication of strictly defined knowledge, skills and abilities. The extracurricular reading program is carried out through extracurricular activities, organized by the school and library, through individual work with children, in the family. Introduced since 1959 new form guidance on extracurricular reading, special lessons held weekly in grades I-II, and once every two weeks in grade III. Extracurricular reading lessons have become the main form of school work in this area.

Younger schoolchildren, as a rule, are distinguished by their breadth of interests: they love to read about the Great Patriotic War, about the revolution, about V.I. Lenin, about the life of schoolchildren, about space flights and travel, about animals and in general about nature, about cars, factories , about collective farms and are very fond of fairy tales. They give a clear preference to books about the heroic - about the exploits of revolutionaries, Soviet soldiers, about brave travelers, explorers, about child heroes; However, interest in books about nature, animal life, and science does not decrease.

The successes of Soviet children's literature and book publishing are generally recognized. In our country, children's literature is an independent branch of literature, it is characterized by such names as A. P. Gaidar, S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, S. V. Mikhalkov, G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianki, A. .Barto. A. M. Gorky and V. V. Mayakovsky wrote for children. The range of children's reading also includes works that were not specifically intended for children, but are accessible to them: stories by M. M. Prishvin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, V. M. Peskov, poems by M. V. Isakovsky, A. T. Tvardovsky, S. A. Yesenina. Tens of millions of copies of books for children are published every year.

One of the objectives of the methodology is the selection and recommendation of books for extracurricular reading by students. The modern Russian language program does not provide a list of required works for extracurricular reading: recommended lists are published annually by the All-Union House of Children's Books. What are the methodological principles for selecting books recommended for children?

Firstly, when selecting books, you need to be guided by educational goals. Children's reading should include books about the revolutionary struggle of peoples, about outstanding fighters for the liberation of working people from exploitation, about the defense of the Motherland, about the friendship of peoples, about heroic labor, about moral problems that arise in everyday life, in the family, at school, in relations between comrades, about love for nature and its protection, etc.

Secondly, genre and thematic diversity is necessary: ​​prose and poetry; fiction and popular science literature; books about today and about the past; works of classical and contemporary writers; folklore - fairy tales, riddles; book and magazine, newspaper; works of Russian authors and translations...

Third, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the principle of accessibility. Thus, in the first grade, stories, fairy tales, and poems are recommended on topics accessible to children, such as the Motherland, the life of V.I. Lenin, the exploits of fighters for the revolution, the lives of children, plants and animals, and fairy tales. In the first grade, the authors are K. I. Chukovsky, S. Ya. Marshak, V. A. Oseeva, G. Skrebitsky, as well as A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy.

In the second grade, the topics are expanded and clarified: books appear about pioneer heroes, about the lives of children abroad, about the Great Patriotic War, about work at the factory and on the collective farm, fairy tales of different peoples, popular science books, etc. The names of V. V. Mayakovsky, D. Rodari, C. Perrault, G. X. Andersen, V. Bianchi, E. appear. Charushin, N. Nosov, A. Kononov, S. Alekseeva, Y. Yakovlev, D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak, A. M. Gorky, I. A. Krylov. Children's periodicals appear - magazines, newspapers.

In the third grade, educational, documentary, and popular science literature is added to the specified topics and genres, for example, the encyclopedia “What is it?” Who it?" “About You” by A. Dorokhov, “Gaidar’s Guerrilla Path” by B. Kamov, historical literature appears - “Our Ancient Capital” by N. Konchalovskaya, etc.; biographical works, memories of great people - “Stories about Dzerzhinsky” by Yu. German, “The Life of Lenin” by M. Prilezhaeva, adventures - “Treasure Island” by L. Stevenson, feats of science - “The Road to Space” by Yu. A. Gagarin, science fiction . Third graders read: M. Yu. Lermontov and S. T. Aksakov, N. A. Nekrasov and A. P. Chekhov, A. I. Kuprin and Mark Twain, D. Defoe and K. Paustovsky and B. Polevoy.

The selection of literature is the work of the teacher and librarian. But the recommendation must be tactful, the book cannot be forced, the book must interest the young reader.

The fourth principle of selecting books for children is the principle of individual interest, student independence in choosing a book. Independence does not mean spontaneity, self-flow: independence is nurtured, it is led to. It is valuable for the education of the reader if he chooses the book he needs, and this book will be really good.

Finally, the fifth principle: children should be recommended only truly artistic, exemplary books that are distinguished by high artistic merit. Of course, bad books, and especially ideologically vicious books, are not published here (unlike capitalist countries). Nevertheless, not all books can really be called exemplary in language or in accordance with the truth of life. Therefore, you need to focus primarily on books that have already been recognized, have received positive reviews from critics, as well as those that have stood the test of time. It is this consideration that explains the fact that pre-revolutionary, Soviet and foreign classics occupy such a large place in our published recommendation lists.

Extracurricular reading develops in close connection with classroom reading. Class reading lessons develop reading skills that are absolutely necessary for extracurricular reading, teach you to understand the work being read, enrich your vocabulary, and instill a love of reading and books. In turn, extracurricular reading, as a more interesting, exciting activity, increases interest in reading in general and in classroom reading lessons, broadens children’s horizons, and provides material for comparisons - for connecting classroom reading with extracurricular reading.

In general, classroom reading is a means of preparation for life, and extracurricular reading is life itself. With this view, extracurricular reading ceases to act as something secondary, auxiliary, and turns into the most important business of the school - a promising, vital matter.

As already mentioned, the main form of guidance for students' extracurricular reading is through special lessons; Separate paragraphs of this chapter are devoted to the methodology of these lessons. Auxiliary forms that ensure the continuity of all work, creating the background for extracurricular reading lessons, will be described here.

Propaganda of books. Lists of recommended literature are posted at school and in classrooms; they are periodically updated and supplemented. The library or teachers organize exhibitions of new books or books on the themes of the dates of the red calendar, exhibitions dedicated to the work of the writer of the day, etc. The newspaper (schoolwide, class) contains student reviews of the books they read, montages are published about the work of the writer, about books on this or that topic, etc. Books are also promoted in direct communication with students: in librarian speeches in class, in individual conversations between teachers and children.

Individual assistance and daily supervision. Conversations with a student about the book he is reading or has read, exchanging opinions, comparing a book with a movie, discussing illustrations, viewing student notes on books read, analyzing essay reviews about what he has read, visiting a library or bookstore with a teacher and a student, visiting a student at home and getting to know his home library, talking with parents about the student’s reading, etc.

Massive extracurricular activities: literary matinees, quizzes, KVN, meetings with writers, journalists, high school literature teachers, literary excursions. Schoolchildren themselves necessarily participate in the preparation of public events: they prepare for performances, produce montages, set up exhibitions, welcome guests, organize games and quizzes. High school students are involved in the preparation of public events.

Parents are invited to public events; They often participate in the preparation of a holiday, matinee, or meeting.

Library entry. First-graders are enrolled in the school library with the permission of the teacher, as they master the skill of reading. By the end of the first half of the year, all first-graders already become library readers. 1-2 times a month the teacher visits the library, gets acquainted with reader forms and talks with the school librarian.

Usually, children also enroll in another library - district, city, village, club, etc. Visiting a non-school library greatly develops children, and this work should be encouraged.

Read tracking. You can take into account what you read using library forms. But it is advisable to involve every student reader in this work. The school uses reading diaries starting in the first grade. In first grade, by the end of the year, children write down the title of the book and the name of its author; in grade II, a subtitle, number of pages, place and year of publication, and date of reading are added to this; in third grade - a review of the book or a brief note about its content. The second form of recording what is read is envelopes, into which sheets of information about the book read are inserted; such an envelope is given to the teacher upon request. The third form is the same cards, but they are not placed in envelopes, but in individual pockets on a special classroom stand; the latter form is convenient because any student in the class can find out what his friend is reading.

Reader's diaries are most widespread in schools, as they are better preserved and easier to check.

What is read is also taken into account in oral forms: students talk about the books they read during extracurricular reading lessons, during regular reading lessons, and in individual conversations with the teacher.

Starting from the second grade, the schoolchildren themselves are involved in organizing reading work; they receive instructions in their October stars. Such assignments include maintaining the class library, participating in the preparation of public events, mutual assistance and mutual control in the class team, preparing exhibitions and installations, participating in the repair of books and other assistance to the library, etc. To teach children to properly communicate with books, to caring for books is an important task of the school.

Thus, the management of extracurricular reading is a complex set of forms of work for students, teachers, and librarians. But the types mentioned here do not yet create a system: the system is not complete without the main form of guidance for students’ extracurricular reading - special lessons.

Extracurricular reading lessons have their own specifics and are fundamentally different from regular classroom reading lessons! As already mentioned, other problems are solved on them.

On the one hand, these are relatively free lessons in which reading interests, children’s horizons, their aesthetic feelings, perception of artistic images, their imagination and creativity are developed.

On the other hand, these lessons fulfill certain program requirements and develop the skills and abilities necessary for an active reader.

Extracurricular reading lessons should be exciting, become celebrations of books, children look forward to them, and prepare for them over the course of a week or two.

Since extracurricular reading lessons are designed to develop schoolchildren and instill activity in them, the structure of the lessons is extremely varied and does not follow any pattern. Each lesson is the creativity of the teacher and students, and the more variety, the more liveliness and flexibility can be achieved in these lessons, the more success the teacher will achieve with his class.

But with all this, extracurricular reading lessons are subject to certain requirements, without which the lessons do not fulfill their tasks. Let's consider these requirements.

At each lesson, recommendations of new books are organized. The forms of recommendation are varied: an exchange of opinions, a direct recommendation from the teacher with a showing of the recommended book, and small exhibitions in the classroom - thematic or author-specific, and reading an excerpt from a recommended book that can interest students, and a display of illustrations, and a demonstration of slides, film fragments, etc. . P.

At each lesson, children read a story, tale, fairy tale, poem; read the work in its entirety, if it is small in volume, read in a row in 2-3 lessons, or read excerpts from a book that the whole class is reading (or from several books). Most often read aloud; but quiet reading, poetry reading by heart, dramatization, and role-playing are also used.

At each lesson, there are elements of analysis of the work read - not only in the form of a conversation (answering the teacher’s questions), but preferably in the form of free statements. In the latter case, the question is posed in general view: “What can you say about this book?” or “What did you like most about her?” In the process of analysis, as a rule, a moral idea is highlighted and emphasized, everything that is lofty and heroic, which is especially valuable in the communist education of students.

Each lesson teaches something new in reading skills: the ability to find information about the author, the ability to navigate a book based on its table of contents, the ability to create an exhibition, the ability to write a review of a book or keep a reading diary, etc.

How are traditional work methods used in extracurricular reading lessons - retelling, vocabulary work, etc.?

Vocabulary work, like work on the means of language in general, in extracurricular reading lessons plays only a supporting role: difficult words are explained, students’ attention is drawn to especially bright, successful turns of speech that should be remembered. It is simply impossible to understand all the words that may be difficult or incomprehensible for children during extracurricular reading lessons (unlike regular reading, where all words and figures of speech must be understood by children, and most of them must be activated). Vocabulary work here is largely guided by reference books, by references and footnotes at the bottom of the page, and by notes at the end of the book. In other words, this work approaches the forms that are used in life.

Retelling read in extracurricular reading lessons gradually moves away from the traditional form of close-to-model retelling: children convey the plot of the book they read (i.e., they retell it concisely), retell the passages they liked (selective retelling), convey what they read in roles, and dramatize individual scenes from the book they read. As we see, extracurricular reading lessons create conditions for creative forms of retelling, as well as for other types creative work: illustrating what has been read (verbal and graphic), for applications and modeling, etc., for musical accompaniment - sound recordings, musical and literary compositions based on works, paintings, portraits, filmstrips are used. This type of children's creativity is also systematically used, such as an essay in connection with what they read, an essay like a review of what they read, notes in a newspaper about a book they read, etc. Thematic albums and montages are compiled.

Conversation in extracurricular reading lessons, as already mentioned, it is used, but not as extensively as in regular reading lessons. The discussion of books read and the recommendation of new ones takes the form of a conversation; elements of the conversation help highlight the main thing in the read work, find out the sequence of events, time and place of action, cause-and-effect relationships. The peculiarity of the conversation in extracurricular reading lessons is that all questions are designed to allow students to be more independent than usual, to provide detailed, complex answers, and to draw in additional information - from life, from other books.

As at regular meetings, “conversations can be introductory (introductory), accompanying and generalizing, and final.

It is appropriate to note that many extracurricular reading lessons are structured to a large extent as generalizing lessons (for example, a lesson on the topic “Books about V.I. Lenin” or “The Work of A.P. Gaidar”). Elements of generalization take place in the structure of most extracurricular lessons reading. The task of generalization determines both the selection of methodological means and the construction of the lesson: the formulation of questions that require highlighting the main thing, comparisons, conclusions, the use of additional materials, etc. Generalization is facilitated by exhibitions, the compilation of albums, and the use of paintings.

One of the most important tasks of extracurricular reading lessons is to develop students' reading independence. But at the same time, the specifics of the lesson are such that it is not easy to cover all students with independent work. Moreover, it is easier for a teacher to focus his work only on “strong” students, then the “weak” ones remain in the role of passive listeners. . Therefore, the teacher, when developing an extracurricular reading lesson, thinks through the forms of independent work of students and ways to involve all students in it: in each lesson - 4-6 speeches about what they read, as a result, each student will give such a message twice during the school term; every student must take part at least 1-2 times a year in some kind of mass event; Everyone reads in class, even poor readers (they can be prepared to read a certain passage so as not to put them in an awkward position in front of their friends); Conversations are of a discussion nature, questions stimulate an evaluative approach to what they read, which also contributes to the development of student independence.

Significant place in extracurricular reading lessons belongs to the elements of entertainment. Some have already been mentioned above creative types works, such as: dramatization, illustration, composition, recitation, etc. Literary quizzes (one of the most favorite forms of work by students), competitions for the best essay, for the best reading of poems, for the best illustration, guessing riddles (maybe there may even be a lesson “Holiday of Russian Riddles”), compiling an album of riddles and even composing your own, improvising fairy tales - collective or individual, elements of humor - jokes, funny jokes, anecdotes from the life of schoolchildren, apt sayings of writers and proverbs, cartoons, caricatures, etc. We must not forget how great the role of interest, mood and emotional factors is in the development of a child. Some teachers introduce permanent moments in extracurricular reading lessons - “Just a minute for a joke!”, “5 seconds to think” (quiz), “Guess the riddle”, “Club “Connoisseurs””, etc. Elements of competition, entertainment, revitalization of work are very important in the classroom extracurricular reading; Children love these lessons very much and look forward to them like a holiday.

Since extracurricular reading lessons are held relatively rarely - once a week in grades I-II and once every two weeks in grade III - the question of their system, of their planning for the long term, is very important. It is usually recommended to plan extracurricular reading lessons for six months or the whole year. Planning lessons for a long time makes it possible to provide for their diversity, consistency, connection between them, as well as the distribution of types of work in lessons, the distribution of topics in accordance with the tasks of raising and developing children, with the dates of the red calendar, with the calendar of significant dates, seasonal interests of students and others factors.

The system of extracurricular reading lessons is generally determined by the program of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the school should equip children with.

It is very important for the development of a system of extracurricular reading lessons, as well as other forms of this work, to highlight the stages of formation of reading independence of primary schoolchildren.

The tasks facing students at these stages, as well as the methodology, were developed by N. N. Svetlovskaya.

The first stage is preparatory- covers the first half of the first grade. In the strict sense, there are no extracurricular reading lessons here yet: for the purposes of extracurricular reading, 20-minute lesson fragments are allocated, in which the teacher or students who have mastered literacy read accessible works to first-graders. Children learn to listen to a story or a fairy tale, give simple assessments of what they read, correlate the content with the title, draw word pictures for what they read, and become familiar with the basic rules of hygiene for reading and handling a book.

The second stage is initial- second half of the first grade. Independent weekly extracurricular reading lessons are being introduced. The circle of reading is expanding. An acquaintance with the book occurs: children learn to find the author's name, the title of the book, look at illustrations, determine the approximate content of the book before reading it, learn to talk about what they read, discuss it and briefly express their attitude towards it, and make simple notes about what they read.

At this stage, there are still significant differences between children in the pace of reading: some read in words, others read in syllables. Both of them cannot yet freely read books that really attract them. Slow, inexpressive reading does not give children satisfaction; the joy of communicating with a book is overshadowed by poor reading technique. At this stage, a tactful and attentive individual approach from the teacher is especially needed. It is necessary to accustom the little reader to communicate with a book one-on-one. Therefore, at the initial stage of extracurricular reading, it is still impossible to assign a book to the class by the specified deadline; general books are read in class; home reading assignments are strictly individualized. There are always several students in the class who read freely. The teacher relies on them to organize mutual assistance.

Reading tasks are also differentiated during the lesson: “weak” students read small passages of the work that do not contain complex structures and unfamiliar words.

At the end of the initial stage (i.e., first grade), students’ reading skills have already stabilized somewhat, children switch to synthetic reading in words, many read smoothly and expressively. Individual differences are somewhat reduced. The general level of reading of children and their experience of educational work increases. All this creates the prerequisites for the transition to the next, main stage in the formation of children’s reading independence.

Main stage covers two years - grades II and III, the period is significant: during its duration, reading skills are strengthened, general development schoolchildren change beyond recognition. It is at this stage that extracurricular reading in the full sense becomes extracurricular, that is, extracurricular, and the so-called extracurricular reading lessons become a form of guidance for independent extracurricular reading.

At the main stage, grading for extracurricular reading is introduced (giving a negative grade is not recommended). When assigning a grade, we take into account, firstly, mastery of the requirements of the program for extracurricular reading, secondly, the student’s activity in general class work on extracurricular reading, and finally, the quantity and quality of independent reading, the ability to understand what is read, the reader’s horizons, judgments about what has been read, etc. Mastering reading techniques is not assessed in extracurricular reading lessons - children must know this.

By the end of the third, main stage, everything junior schoolchildren must be equipped with the skills and abilities necessary for an active reader: reading techniques, orientation and hygiene skills, and most importantly, they must love books and independent reading.

If we take into account the differences between the stages of organizing extracurricular reading and the unusually wide range of requirements for a young reader over the course of three years of study, it becomes clear how varied the lessons are; dedicated to solving these problems. The features of the lessons are determined, firstly, by the stages of the extracurricular reading system, and secondly, by educational tasks, i.e. the program; thirdly, educational tasks set by the school or teacher in the classroom, fourthly, the interests and inclinations of the students themselves. In the first grade, lessons predominate in which new texts are read by the teacher or individual students who have already mastered the skill of reading (the first half of the year is the preparatory stage); at the second stage - the initial stage - in extracurricular reading lessons the schoolchildren themselves read, and not just individual ones; and that’s all, but students’ independent reading at home is still poorly developed. At the preparatory stage, for a 20-minute fragment of a lesson, a work (story, fairy tale, poem) is selected that is accessible and interesting to first-graders; designed for 5-6 minute reading, so that there is time left for conversation, retelling the content, looking at the cover, illustrations.

A possible option for constructing such a fragment:

1. Introductory conversation: “Guys, who saw the hedgehog? Seryozha, show me the hedgehog. (Seryozha, prepared in advance, shows the class a stuffed hedgehog.) What does the hedgehog have on its back?” Etc. The teacher briefly talks about the hedgehog (no more than 2 minutes).

2. Reading the story “Hedgehog” by M. M. Prishvin; read by a third grade student prepared in advance.

3. Conversation based on the reading: “Why did the hedgehog stop being afraid of people? How many of you have animals - a cat, a dog? Do you love them? How do you contact me? Tell us how a hedgehog defends itself from enemies. Why did the hedgehog need a newspaper, since he’s illiterate?”

Look at the pictures: “Tell me how the hedgehog swims!” How does a hedgehog drink milk? How does he carry apples to his nest?

4. “Guys, how many of you know the fairy tale about the hedgehog? Who knows poems about a hedgehog? Read a poem about a hedgehog."

5. “Look at the cover of the book and tell me who wrote the story “The Hedgehog.”

They look through other books about animals brought to class by the teacher, read their titles and the names of the authors (G. Skrebshgkiy, E. Charushin, N. Sladkov). “What animals are written about in these books? Is there anything about a hedgehog? Who do you want to read about next? Who has books about animals at home? Who read about them themselves?”

6. “At home, retell the story “The Hedgehog” to your mom, dad, grandfather or grandmother. Draw a hedgehog or other animal."

At the initial stage, there is a need to provide all students in the class with the same books. This is a difficult task, and it is not always possible to complete it. For successful work in the lesson, it is very important that all students can work on the text of the book.

In the second half of the first grade, the following types of lessons are held: the main type - a lesson in which 1-2 poems are read, and both the teacher and the students read; These lessons introduce elements of generalization of what children have read previously, familiarization with the structure of books and writers. Over the course of six months, 6-7 thematic or original exhibitions are held in lessons, one album or montage is produced, 2-3 competitions are held, a class library is created, and a matinee is prepared. On-screen aids are used in 2-3 lessons, musical accompaniment in 4-5 lessons, and illustrations of what is read in 6-7 lessons. One lesson is held in the library for the purpose of caring for books, with the purpose of learning how to repair a book.

At each lesson, a fragment of orientation is introduced based on the cover, table of contents, and illustrations.

At the preparatory stage, children still read poorly, as a result, the integrity of perception may be impaired, and therefore it is especially important to ensure a high emotional level of lessons: the teacher himself should carefully practice expressive reading, more often practice preparing students for reading in front of the class, use enlivening means - music, illustrations, (_declamation, dramatization, etc.

In the process of conversations on what has been read, one cannot limit oneself to questions and tasks that require only the reproduction of what has been read: here it is necessary to develop analysis, questions should prompt students to think, compare, and draw conclusions. "At the initial stage, children learn to express their attitude to what they read.

Children are responsive to the grief and joy of others, moral problems are accessible to them, they are pleased by honest people and outraged by deceitful and vile people. Children have a developed imagination, they empathize with the heroes of works of art, and take part in dramatizations and retellings. All this must be taken into account when organizing a lesson.

We will show one of the possible options for an extracurricular reading lesson at the initial stage on the topic “Fairy Tale Holiday”.

Preparation for the lesson “Fairy Tale Holiday” begins two weeks before it takes place. A group of schoolchildren, on behalf of the teacher, is preparing an exhibition of fairy tale books, fairy tales written by the students themselves are selected, the children draw illustrations for fairy tales (the task was given in the previous lesson). Each first grader brings his own book of fairy tales to the “Fairy Tale Holiday” lesson.

Lesson structure:

1. The lesson is opened by two students dressed as heroes of one of the fairy tales, they read by heart a poem about fairy tales or a saying, for example: On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tree - golden domes. A bayun cat walks along this tree: it goes up and starts a song, it goes down and tells fairy tales. This is not a fairy tale yet, but a saying, and the whole fairy tale lies ahead.

2. Children briefly talk about fairy tales that they know (fairy tales they read or listened to). Show them their fairy tale books. You can listen to 5-6 people. The others' books are on their desks.

3. Teacher's conversation: a short emotional introductory speech on the topic of fairy tales, the ideological orientation of fairy tales, their moral content.

4. Reading a fairy tale by the teacher, for example the fairy tale “Cat, Roosters, Fox.” A short conversation about this fairy tale.

5. Reading one or two fairy tales by students, of their own choice. A short conversation on these fairy tales. Reading can be done in roles, preferably dramatizing a fairy tale.

6. Work on pictures for fairy tales. Examination and discussion of pictures drawn by students.

7. Impromptu fairy tale (by preliminary selection). The author of the story reads it himself.

9. Homework assignment: choose a fairy tale and prepare it for the competition for the best storyteller (the results of the competition will be announced in two weeks).

This holiday lesson is distinguished by high emotionality, creative direction of all work, wide involvement of all students in its preparation and implementation, and the introduction of game techniques.

At the initial stage, the teacher takes care of increasing the cognitive activity of students in the classroom and is guided by this goal in the selection of methodological techniques for working in the classroom and in organizing the educational work of students.

At the third, main stage of education (grades II-III), extracurricular reading lessons serve as a summation of what has been read in a week (in grade II) or two weeks (in grade III), and often over a longer period. In most cases, at this stage, the books children read are significant in volume and cannot be read in one lesson. Consequently, during the lesson only excerpts are read, analytical work is carried out, summarizing everything read, discussion, etc. In other words, lessons at this stage are primarily of a generalizing nature.

Naturally, there are differences between classes II and III. In grade II, there are still lessons of the same type as at the initial stage - in the second half of grade I. The teacher often reads here. In general, the second grade reads independently. In the lessons, more attention is paid to authors - famous children's writers. There are special lessons on getting to know the magazine “Murzilka” and the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda”, one or two lessons on writing a collective review of a book read by all students and discussed in class. When planning extracurricular reading lessons for the year, 12-15 lessons are provided dedicated to the work of individual writers (S. Mikhalkov, A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, V. V. Mayakovsky, E. Permyak, N. Nosov, Gianni Rodari , G. X. Andersen, etc.); 6-7 lessons about books dedicated to the theme of revolution, the theme of the Motherland, the most important events in the history of the USSR and outstanding figures of the Soviet people1 (“Books about V.I. Lenin”, “Happy Birthday, Motherland of October!”, “Books about the Great Patriotic War”, “What we read about the heroes of the civil war”, “Guarding the Motherland”, etc.); 2-3 lessons are devoted to fairy tales - folk and written by writers (2-3 lessons - students’ favorite books of their free choice, 3-4 lessons - books about nature, about animals, about the forest; about modern science, about technology, about people’s work - 4-5 lessons; at the beginning of the year there is a lesson-report on what has been read over the summer; 5-6 lessons are devoted to moral problems. Humorous works are read in several lessons.

The cognitive activity of second-graders in the classroom is increasing. Techniques such as discussion of books, creative retelling, dramatization, illustration, expressive reading, mutual recommendation of books, etc. are more widely used.

In the third grade, work to familiarize children with the works of writers deepens, and the nature of generalization intensifies. More works are recommended for discussion. Students are also introduced to the works of classical writers. The number of lessons in grade III is two times less than in grade II, so the duration of preparation for each lesson increases to two weeks or more. Here, each lesson is accompanied by an exhibition, competition, quiz, preparation of speeches, etc.; but much is taken outside the scope of the lesson and carried out in the system of extracurricular work, according to the October stars.

In the third grade, a lesson is taught on “Pioneer Truth”; a lesson can be taught on some new magazine, for example, on the magazine “Young Naturalist”; writing a review of a book read is carried out 1-2 times a year on individual topics, unlike in grade II (each student writes about the book he has chosen).

In extracurricular reading lessons in the third grade, more serious work is carried out with the book (analysis of its reference apparatus), with catalogs and card indexes.

Let's give examples - possible options lessons in grades II and III: “Books by S. V. Mikhalkov for children” in grade II and “We read the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda” in grade III.

Preparation for a lesson about the poems of S. V. Mikhalkov begins a month before it takes place: the teacher recommends to the children some of the writer’s works, finds out in the library whether there are enough copies of S. V. Mikhalkov’s works, and from time to time asks the children what and how they read. A week before the lesson, a group of students is created who prepare an exhibition of S. V. Mikhalkov’s books, find his portrait, draw 2-3 illustrations for his books, and also prepare 4-5 excerpts from S. V. Mikhalkov’s poems to be read by heart during the lesson . The teacher, by agreement with the high school literature teacher, invites a student of grade VIII or IX to give a “report” - a short message, for 7-8 minutes, about the life and work of S. V. Mikhalkov. A record is selected with a recording of S. V. Mikhalkov’s poems performed by masters of words.

The lesson is structured like this:

1. The lesson opens with a group reading of S. V. Mikhalkov’s poems “The Cheerful Tourist”, “About Mimosa”. Then - a “living exhibition”: 8-10 students, holding books by S.V. Mikhalkov in their hands, line up in front of the class, each shows his book, reads its title and briefly, in one or two sentences, speaks about its merits.

2. Reading the poem by S. V. Mikhalkov “In the Museum of V. I. Lenin” (in excerpts). Students read. Reading is accompanied by illustrations.

3. Conversation based on reading: “Who visited the V.I. Lenin Museum? Name the books about V.I. Lenin that you have read. What other works by S.V. Mikhalkov about V.I. Lenin do you know?” (In first grade, children read S. V. Mikhalkov’s poem “In the Homeland of V. I. Lenin.”)

4. Reading satirical and humorous poems by S. V. Mikhalkov: “Foma”, “How an old man sold a cow.” Read by specially trained students in the class.

5. Reading a poem from the Spanish cycle “Three Comrades.” Conversation. A short report on the struggle of Spanish communists against the fascists.

6. Final conversation. The diversity of S. Mikhalkov’s creativity: thematic, genre.

The lesson ends with reading a humorous poem by the poet or singing a song based on his words.

Lesson “We read the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda” in third grade.

On each desk is the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda” for the same date. There is a file of this newspaper on the teacher's desk. Exhibition of newspapers and magazines: “Funny Pictures”, “Murzilka”, “Pioneer”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “Lenin Sparks”, etc.

During the classes:

1. A story prepared in advance by students about how Lenin’s Iskra was published, how it was secretly transported to Russia, how workers read it. Lenin's "Pravda". Younger sister"Pravda" - "Pioneer Truth".

2. Consideration of the title part of the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda”: why is it called that? What do the calls “Workers of all countries, unite!” mean? and “To fight for the cause of the Communist Party Soviet Union be ready!"? Orders, images of which are placed in the title: Order of Lenin, Order of the Red Banner of Labor and Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Who is the publisher of the newspaper? When did it start publishing, how long has it been published? Find the newspaper number, indicate the date and year.

All this information is given in the form of a conversation, on high level cognitive independence of students.

3. The structure of the newspaper: first, second, third and fourth pages of the newspaper; main content of the strips.

Leading article. The most important messages on the front page. Headings and subheadings.

News from all over the country and all over the world. Articles, notes, letters, reports, photo information.

A story or tale that goes from issue to issue. Poems, feuilletons. Corner of humor. Riddles, puzzles and other entertaining materials.

At the end of the fourth page there are announcements and information.

Editorial address.

4. Reading articles and other materials: from the front page - the editorial “Medal for battle, medal for labor” (April 29, 1975).

On the second page they read: “Pioneer banner recaptured in Berlin” from the selection “Salute, Victory!” (letter and report).

On the third page - “Red Tie Festival”, article.

On the fourth page there are illustrations “Fun Zoo” and captions under the illustrations.

5. One of the articles read is being discussed (there is not enough time to discuss everything). In this case, the article is “Red Tie Celebration”; The article gives recommendations for holding such a holiday, students make their suggestions.

6. General conversation: how is the newspaper built? What does it talk about? What materials does it contain? See from which republics, countries and cities materials were sent to the issue. (Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia - Novosibirsk, Moscow, as well as Portugal, Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic.)

What newspapers and magazines do your family subscribe to? Which ones are you reading? Which ones does your father read? What newspapers do we publish for young people? For employees Agriculture? Industry? For military personnel?

The lesson ends with the task: keeping a file of “Pioneer Truth” at home. Mark your favorite articles with a red pencil. Collect material for the 35th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the beginning of the next school year (in fourth grade), another lesson on the newspaper “Pionerskaya Pravda” will be held.

The system of extracurricular reading lessons in the 3rd grade should be promising: it lays the foundations of reading in the 4th grade (selection of books, their recommendation, beginning of preparation for thematic lessons that will be held in the 4th grade, for public events).

In the third grade, the individual inclinations and interests of students are already noticeable. Therefore, in the organization of extracurricular reading, an individual approach plays an increasingly important role - both in choosing books to read and, especially, in their analysis.

Thus, in the primary grades, a system is being developed for organizing independent reading for schoolchildren, a system for educating them as active readers and lovers of literature. This system is characterized not so much by a program of knowledge, but by a program of skills and orientation in the world of books. It is subordinated to the task of instilling the need to read books, newspapers and magazines, since in modern society,.in the age of scientific and technological revolution, every person must be prepared for self-education, for independent “acquisition of knowledge”, for updating their knowledge. He must be a versatile reader - be able to understand fiction, political, and scientific literature.


a pedagogically organized process of preparing students for independent reading of books in accordance with individual and socially significant interests and needs. The term was proposed (1886) by V.P. Sheremetevsky in the methodology of teaching reading; from 2nd floor 19th century entrenched in Russian ped. science and school practice to designate the compulsory reading section of the program. In Fatherland V.'s school became an element of educational education. process, covering all levels of education, including senior.

Specifics of V. h. lit. works is that its goals and selection of books are predetermined and limited, on the one hand, by the educational system and the capabilities of the real book fund, on the other, by the choice of the teacher-organizer. Historically, the following have been assigned to V. parts. basic Goals: expanding and deepening the reader's horizons, knowledge. interests, individual inclinations of students and the formation of their desire and purposefully read books in their free time on their own. choice. Means ped. V.'s organizations are varied: reading aloud, the living word of the teacher, audiovisual aids promoting the best books, recommendation lists, acquaintance with library and library-bibliographic. types of assistance to the reader, as well as directly. uch. in an accessible reading range, systematically. its study as a sphere of selective communication. For V. h. are characteristic and specific. forms of educational organization process: classroom (extra-curricular reading lessons, library lessons, etc.) and extracurricular (literary holidays, conferences, competitions, visits to literary museums, book exhibitions, etc.), i.e. group (based on interests) and individual work with reader-students within the walls of a school, library, etc. external. institutions.

The hierarchy and priority of the goals of teaching, the choice of means and forms of teaching depend on the system of guidance for children's, adolescent and youth reading, which is followed by the teacher-organizer.

The original, traditional, ped system. children's organizations reading in mass schools developed empirically (in Russia it began to take shape in the 18th century). In this system, the first place as a goal was put forward to expand and deepen the knowledge and skills provided for by the school. program, starting with the direct improvement of reading techniques in the beginning. school before subsequent career guidance. Cultivating a love of books and self-reliance. reading was considered as a logical consequence of the axiomatic. and authoritarian attitudes such as: “If you read a lot, you will know a lot!”, “Love books - a source of knowledge!” Accordingly, among the means of teaching, preference was given to conversation, stories about books and the benefits of reading, reading aloud, recommendation (and in fact mandatory) lists, which, in the opinion of the teacher, are needed equally by all students. Basic forms of leadership V. ch. in this case - lessons. V. hours (their frequency was regulated by the curriculum and program), as well as all types of extracurricular work with readers. Moreover, these forms of work were practically not differentiated, since their functions were the promotion of books and control over children. reading - coincided. Ch. the condition for the effectiveness of this system is high social status teachers, and as students grow older, the prestige of knowledge and education itself. The disadvantage of the system is the lack of organized training, as a result of which the students did not learn the range of reading available to them in its entirety, they did not know how to use a book, they did not try to choose books based on themselves (books were “given” or “assigned” to them). That is, the necessary reading knowledge, skills and habits within the framework of higher education in school. did not purchase the course.

The V. h. system was more advanced, the appearance of the cut in. 19 - beginning 20th centuries associated with the creation and distribution of special children, libraries, including school ones, and reading rooms. True, the goals of this system went beyond the scope of the academic hour itself and, as it were, integrated in-class and extracurricular reading into the beginning. school, classroom and extracurricular - on Wed. link, program and extra-program - in Art. classes, because the culture of reading was brought into focus among students.

The leading means are ped. organizations are independent. Work with literature, in addition to reading aloud, stories about books and various kinds of conversations, became acquaintance with the library, developing skills in using it, and students acquiring knowledge about the types of assistance to the reader. The forms of organization of the library were a combination of appropriate lessons (based on the material of extracurricular literary works, often collected for convenience in special anthologies by grade) with library lessons, for which special lessons were developed. lesson programs (also by grade). V.'s lessons duplicated the goals and content of classroom reading and literature lessons. In practice, teaching seemed to bifurcate, either becoming optional in a school setting, or turning into strictly regulated work (extracurricular or extracurricular) for children with a book in a library. The effectiveness of training was due to the presence of specialists near schools. det. library and reading room with an organized book collection, the personality and level of qualifications of the librarian, the consistency of the pedagogical and the reading habits and actions of the teacher and librarian within the framework of this system. Practice has shown that it is extremely rare to maintain the unity of these three factors. In the optimal case, when special teaching is given to individual and group work with readers, children quickly develop practical skills. skills of contacting a library, working in a reading room. This ensures the expansion and deepening of the reading. outlook, development of pos-navat. interests. Using the library, students can gain experience in public speaking at debates, conferences, etc. and become involved in creative and scientific research. activities. However, since directly with a book is carried out only in conditions, then the lack of a book fund in the classroom leads to a loss of interest in children in reading and literature lessons. Under these conditions, students do not receive enough skills to learn independently. reading, which is even qualified. The librarian, meeting with the class once a week, cannot make up for it.

In some cases, without special programs and teaching material for the V. Ch., entrusts its organization to the librarian. Studying, especially in the beginning. classes where reading is developed, as a rule, they come to the library only for library lessons. Often they are “carried out” strictly according to a schedule for the whole class, without regard to individual desires and needs; Students must report to the librarian for their reading. This leads to the fact that instead of a culture of reading, students develop a strong “immunity” towards the book.

With the development of psychological-pedagogical, bibliological and other sciences in the 20th century. det. literature began to be perceived not just as a certain body of works for children. reading, but as a special book world, specific. part of the culture. Theoretical understanding of children reading intensified significantly in the 70s. from the standpoint of the activity approach. Theoretical and experimental experiments were carried out at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. research and proposed a theory of the active formation of students' reading activity. On this basis, a new system of higher education has been developed. Its main goal is to educate students, starting from juniors. school age, interest in the book as an experience necessary for a developing personality, and reader independence. This sequentially conducted ped. The activity is aimed at awakening and awareness by each student of his personal socio-cultural needs and capabilities, then at their stabilization and development with the help of selective self-sufficiency. reading. Basic - studying the book as a tool of education, the world of books as a treasury of socio-cultural experience and cultivating an attitude towards reading as an activity that provides for a growing person. Leading forms of educational organization process - lessons in reading independence, running in parallel, first with teaching literacy, then with teaching independent reading. working with text lit. works in classroom reading lessons in the beginning. school or lit. readings and literature on Wed. and art. classes. All extracurricular forms of organization of children. readings (school and extracurricular) retain their importance and are used in working with students outside of school hours at individual request. These forms of organization of military training can also be considered as a means of selective creative self-expression of students in their movement along the path of self-education, self-education and self-development.

Conditions for effective implementation of the system in the practice of mass schools: provision of teaching. process (especially in elementary grades) children. books of various contents of all basics. types and structures; the teacher’s knowledge of the objective laws that determine the teaching methodology by stages and periods of training, depending on the level of students’ readiness for different types reading activity; systematic students visiting the library - individually, with a personally conscious purpose (for independent use of a subscription, work in the reading room). In this case, a minimum is possible. self-dependence. reading activity of students directly. organizer V. h. and max., freedom to awaken and form personal needs and preferences in children. The system is also designed for the fact that as the teacher masters the teaching methods, he not only gets the opportunity to differentiate the teacher. work and individualize reading, but also improve himself as a professional and.

Improving reading techniques in modern times. conditions provides the ability to search alternative systems ped. organizations V. h.

Lit.: Sheremetevsky V.P., Soch., M., 1897; Current problems of teaching reading methods in the beginning. classes, M., 1977, ch. 5; Svetlovskaya N. N., Independent. reading ml. schoolchildren (theoretical-experimental), M., 1980; hers, Methods of extracurricular reading, M. M. N. Svetlovskaya.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”. Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

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