Types of certifications in project management. Overview of certifications in the field of project management Levels of international certification of project management specialists

For IT project managers, there are several types of certification, which are not so easy to understand. To make it easier for you, I combined the information on them into one table. I included in the types of certification something that is quite common in Russia and can help you in your career. Generally speaking, there are 3 areas of certification:

  • project management is a general approach to project management. The most famous certification is Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • software life cycle (Application Lifetime Management, ALM) - includes such approaches to software creation as RUP and MSF
  • separate software tools for project management
Type of training Description Project management experience requirements Language Approximate costs for certification Deadlines Where to find information
PMP International Certification in Project Management 3 years of project management English Russian From 20000r to 60000r 1.5 - 3 months pmi.org
PME Russian analogue of PMP No Russian From 7000 rub. If you were trained at pmexpert - from 3000 rubles 1.5 - 3 months pmexpert.ru
IPMA A/B/C/D European Certification in Project Management IPMA C - 3 years management Russian IMPA C - exam cost 25,000 rub. 1-3 months sovnet.ru
MCTS 70-632, 70-633, 70-634 Microsoft Certification for MS Project/Server No English From 1700 rub. 1 - 2 months microsoft.com
ITIL IT Service Management Certification No English Basic level ITIL Foundation - 6600 rub. 1-2 months itexpert.ru
CompTIA Project+ Project management No English From 9000 rub. 1.5-3 months certification. comptia.org
MCP 70-301 Microsoft Solution Framework (removed!) No English From 1700r 1.5-3 months microsoft.com

If you have any questions about how to pass this or that certification, please write a PM. I can advise on obtaining PMP/PME and MCTS. Both certifications are provided through Prometric. You can take the PMP at least in Moscow and St. Petersburg. MCTS 70-632 in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Biysk, Bryansk, Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk and a number of other cities (full information on the Prometric website).

For ALM certifications:

  • RUP certification includes a fairly large number of types. I personally could not fully understand them)). Full list of RUP certification - http://www-03.ibm.com/certify/certs/rl_index.shtml. As I understand it, for beginners in RUP you need the IBM Certified Solution Designer - Rational Software Architect certification
  • MSF certification now includes one type - 70-301 - “Managing, Organizing, and Delivering IT Projects by Using Microsoft Solutions Framework 3.0”. This certification has no relation to MCTS Microsoft Project. And this certification will expire in March 2009, so you either need to prepare for it very quickly or not take it at all. According to Microsoft representatives, the new MSF 4.0 certification may be divided into 2 parts - on Agile approaches and CMMI.
  • There is currently no certification for Scrum, as a matter of fact, it is planned to introduce it in April 2009. You get Scrum degrees http://www.scrumalliance.org/training simply by going through their trainings. Certified trainings are not currently conducted in Russia - so you have to fly to Europe.
As promised, I’ll tell you what I know about the certification of the two largest international organizations PMI and IPMA.

I myself have passed the IPMA - CPMA certification (Certified Project Management Associate, otherwise entry level D), and now I am preparing for PMP certification.

The story does not pretend to be complete, so “don’t hit the pianist, he plays as best he can.” And of course, this is all pure IMHO. :)

Why get certified

When people talk about certification, usually someone remarks, “Should you check or go?” It is my deep conviction that this matter is purely personal and there cannot be a single opinion here.

Naturally, certification is closer to checkers, and not to driving. Only practical experience and skills in project management will help you get there. As they rightly say, project management can only be learned by managing projects. And your projects and the people you worked with speak loudest about your professionalism.

At the same time, I personally am a supporter of certification. Causes:

  • Certification confirms some level of your knowledge and skills in project management.
  • Ensures that you can communicate with other professionals in the same language.
  • Shows that you are capable of putting in extra effort to achieve goals, i.e. you can go the extra mile (after all, you spent your time studying for and taking the exam and had some purpose in doing so).
  • Many employers value them because... In addition to the above reasons, it is important for an organization to have certified specialists on its staff and to include certified specialists in projects, especially if the organization actively participates in tenders.

Those. Personally, it makes sense to receive certificates, but of course only in addition to practical experience, and not instead of it.

If you decide to get certified in project management, there are two main certification programs to consider:

  • PMI - Project Management Institute - American, but de facto international professional organization;
  • IPMA - International Project Management Association is an international non-profit professional organization registered in Switzerland.

There are other certification programs, for example, certification according to Prince2 (British standard for project management), but they are less common and should only be considered if you clearly understand why you need it.

Certification levels

Both certification programs are multi-level, i.e. You can confirm your growth in project management with appropriate certificates.


  • Program Management Professional (PgMP – Program Management Professional) – program manager level.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) – Professional in project management) – project manager level.
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) - Certified Project Management Specialist) – level of project team member.

In IPMA The following hierarchy is provided:

  • Level A. Certified Program or Project Director - CPD (Certified Projects Director - CPD) - level of program and project portfolio manager.
  • Level B. Certified Project Manager - CPM (Certified Senior Project Manager - CPM) - level of manager of a complex project.
  • Level C. Certified Project Management Professional - SPUP ( Certified Project Manager - SMP ) – level of the manager of a simple project.
  • Level D Certified Project Management Associate (CPMA) – level of project team member.

What is the difference between certifications

PMI Certification is conducted on the basis of the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (Guide PMBOK ), which is an American national standard. In turn, certification IPMA in Russia is carried out on the basis of the National Competence Requirements (NTC).

The main difference between these documents is in the approaches to project management outlined. IN PMBOK a process approach is used to describe project management. Those. Project management processes are defined and for each its inputs, tools and methods, and outputs are considered. It was stated in the NTK systems approach, but I can’t say anything about him, because... I still don’t understand what its meaning is, and most importantly, how it can help me in projects.

From my point of view, the fundamental difference was well described by Alexey Soldatov (taken from www . e- executive. ru )

“... The task of any certification is to check the compliance of the certification object (product, service, etc.) with certain requirements (standards, technical specifications and so on.). Keyword here is compliance.

From this point of view, PMI certification corresponds to the concept of certification to the maximum extent possible. The requirements are formalized and verification of such compliance is easier to perform.

In IPMA, the requirements are not clearly defined; national, industry and other specificities are allowed. Therefore, the process of determining compliance allows for interpretation and one’s own opinion on some issues.

This leads to the goals of certification for these different systems:

  1. PMI - determine the compliance of knowledge with formalized requirements in order to ensure a single semantic and conceptual space for project participants, ensure unambiguous understanding and clear interaction, unity of methods and tools.
  2. IPMA - check the general level of training of specialists, taking into account experience (at levels above D a description of experience and a detailed analysis of one of the projects is provided), knowledge and understanding (written exam with the possibility of explaining answers), abilities and skills (team work on a case - 2nd day of certification for level C), the ability to defend one’s position (defending a project and an interview with assessors - day 3 of certification for level C).”

However, the following clarifications are necessary to the above comment:

  1. « In IPMA, the requirements are not clearly defined; national, industry and other specificities are allowed. Therefore, the process of determining compliance allows for interpretation and one’s own opinion on some issues.» - based on my experience in certification IPMA I can say that the reason is not the admission of specifics, but the fact that they simply could not write the document strictly, and therefore cannot make it a standard.
  2. For certification according to PMI starting from PMP confirmation of experience is also necessary, but unlike IPMA it is carried out only in a written description (without cases and interviews with assessors). The topics covered are broader than those described in PMBOK and the Code of Ethics for Project Managers, which implies that the person being certified has experience and skills in project management and knowledge that goes beyond PMBOK.

Accordingly, the written exams for these certifications differ significantly.

In PMI This is a computer-based exam consisting entirely of closed-ended questions; there is no opportunity to comment on them. The exam is taken in Russian, maybe it is possible to take it in English, but I don’t know for sure.

In IPMA The written exam is taken on paper and consists of 25 closed and 25 open questions. Moreover, due to the lack of strictness of the Scientific and Technical Code, comments on all questions, even closed ones, are allowed to be made, explaining exactly why this answer option was chosen. Personally, this “blurriness” of the exam really bothered me when taking it.

A few words still need to be said about the quality of translation into Russian PMBOK . There is a lot of criticism against translators, even the following statistics are given - the distortion of meanings ranges from 52.1% to 73.9%. These statistics were obtained by comparing the titles of figures and tables in the Russian and English versions and extending the results obtained to the entire text PMBOK . It is interesting that representatives of SOVNET (the project management association, which is a national Russian organization as part of IPMA ). At the same time, I have never come across information about how significantly these distortions influence the acquisition of project management knowledge and their applicability in practice. Personally, I encountered the following “surprise” of translation. IN PMBOK There are five project management process groups and one of them is called the “monitoring and management process group”, i.e. it turns out that among the process groups management there is a special group of monitoring processes and management, and then what do other groups have to do with management? I looked into the English version and it turned out that the English word controlling translated as management, as well as management . It was after this that I began to doubt the Russian translation.

I hope what I wrote will be interesting to someone, and maybe useful.:)

International certification of PM specialists - process of determining compliance:

Professional knowledge, experience and skills of the candidate - established requirements to a PM specialist;

The candidate's activities - the project manager's code of ethics.

The certificate is a confirmation of the experience and professionalism of a specialist in the field of PM by an independent, authoritative body.

Benefits of certified PM specialists:

International recognition of qualifications and competence;

Personal advantage for career growth;

Advantages of companies with certified PM specialists:

Ensuring the organization's need for qualified specialists in the field of PM;

Improving the efficiency of organizations using the services of certified project managers;

Among the international certification programs for PM, the two most significant can be identified:

1) certification according to the standards of the International Project Management Association (IPMA);

2) certification according to the standards of the American Project Management Institute (PMI).

3.2.1. Certification according to the standards of the International Project Management Association (IPMA)

The IPMA certification system is based on international requirements for the competence of project management specialists (IBC - International Competence Baseline). The certification system is designed to determine compliance professional knowledge, experience and skills of candidates to the established requirements for specialists in the field of PM. The IPMA certification program includes four levels, each of which has its own compliance requirements. Based on the results of certification, a specialist may be assigned, depending on the level of certification, one of the following titles:

1) the project director (Project Director, IPMA Level A) is able to manage a portfolio of projects or a program, and not just an individual single project, using appropriate methodology and tools;

2) a senior project manager (Senior Project Manager, IPMA Level B) is able to manage a complex project and coordinate several subprojects within its framework;

3) a project manager (Project Manager, IPMA Level C) is able to manage a project of limited complexity. This indicates that in addition to his ability to apply knowledge in PM, he also demonstrated an appropriate level of experience;

4) an assistant project manager (Project Manager Associate, IPMA Level D) is able to apply knowledge in the field of PM and can be involved in the project as one of the members of the management team, but his general knowledge is insufficient to perform more complex tasks.

Be able to manage all projects of the company, or projects of its department, or all projects of the program;

Have a minimum of five years of experience in managing complex projects and programs, of which at least three years - leadership, coordination and management of a portfolio of projects;

Be able to manage the coordination and control of all projects of the company or its department;

Be responsible for the implementation of the Management Program, the development of guidelines and regulatory materials, as well as the application of the basic methods and tools of the Management Program.

The Senior Project Manager must:

Be able to independently manage complex projects;

Have at least five years of PM experience, of which at least three years - as someone responsible for the leadership and management of complex projects;

Be able to manage the coordination and control of all projects of the company or its department;

Have a portfolio of specific strategic proposals for general management in company;

Take part in the training of personnel involved in PM and project managers;

Be responsible for the implementation of the Management Program, the development of guidelines and regulatory materials, as well as for the application of the basic methods and tools of the Management Program.

The project manager must:

Be able to independently manage simple projects and assist the manager of complex projects in all functional areas of the management program;

Have at least three years of PM experience as a manager in the functional areas of a simple project;

Be responsible for the implementation of a simple project;

Manage small groups of PM personnel;

Apply PM methods, tools and tools;

Be able to work as a leader of a team of specialists within a complex project team and be responsible for its relevant parameters.

The Assistant Project Manager must:

Have knowledge in all areas of PM and be able to apply them in some areas as a specialist;

Have a wide range of knowledge in PM and be able to apply this knowledge in practice;

Be able to act as a member of a project team in any functional area of ​​PM.

The requirements for project management specialists of different certification levels are given in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1. Requirements for PM specialists of different certification levels

Requirements for specialists

Certification level

1. Ability to manage:

– a program, a set of projects

– complex projects

– simple projects, basic functions in complex projects

– individual functions in the project based on your knowledge

2. Work experience:

– program coordinator, complex of projects (five years)

– project manager (five years)

– in the project team (three years)

3. Higher education

4. Knowledge of one of the foreign languages ​​(English, French, German)

General scheme stages of the certification process for different levels of certification are presented in table. 3.2.

Table 3.2. General diagram of the stages of the certification process for different levels of certification


Certification level

1. Providing entrance documents

1.1. Certificate of payment of the certification fee

1.2. Application for certification and questionnaire

1.3. Completed self-assessment form

1.4. List of completed projects

2. Participation in the seminar

3. Submitting a summary of the project

4. Presentation of the project report

5. Written exam

6. Interview

7. Certificate delivery/appeal

8. Recertification

Certification is carried out by authorized certification bodies in IPMA member countries. Certification can be carried out both on the basis of 1CB and on the basis of national requirements for the competence of specialists, developed in accordance with the requirements of 1РМА. 1РМА maintains a general register of certified specialists and ensures that certificates issued in one country are valid in any other country.

3.2.2. Certification according to the standards of the American Project Management Institute (PMI)

The PMI certification system is based on the PMBOK standard.

Certification levels:

Professional project manager (PMP - Project Management Professional);

Certified PM specialist (CAPM - Certified Associate in Project Management).

Professional project manager (PMP - Project Management Professional). PMP certification requires theoretical knowledge of PM and demonstrated practical experience in applying this theoretical knowledge.

At the time of application, the candidate must have a higher education with at least a bachelor's degree and at least 4,500 hours of work in the field of PM in five groups of processes. The number of hours on completed experience verification forms must total 4,500, and the project dates must show that the candidate has at least three years (36 non-overlapping months) of PM experience within the six years prior to submitting the application.

If at the time of application the candidate does not have higher education, but has a high school diploma, he must demonstrate at least 7,500 hours of work in the field of PM in the period eight years before submitting the application.

A separate experience verification form must be completed for each project in which the candidate has participated. In addition to project information, the candidate must indicate the approximate number of hours spent on the project in one or more process groups (total for all projects, the candidate must have experience in all process groups). This description should contain a list of specific management procedures that the candidate performed as a project manager, structured within five main processes (initiation, planning, execution, control, completion).

The candidate must also have at least 35 hours of training in PM. The candidate may list any training in this field regardless of date. In addition, the candidate must sign and comply with the Code professional ethics project manager.

The final step in obtaining PMP status is passing an exam-test designed to objectively assess the candidate's knowledge in the field of project management. The PMP exam takes place at Prometric international centers located around the world. There are currently two such centers in Russia - in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The entire exam is allotted four astronomical hours, during which it is necessary to answer 200 questions. The candidate must choose the correct answer from four options provided. Most questions assume detailed knowledge of the PMI standards (PMBOK). However, there are questions that require the candidate to have practical experience. Since 2006, the exam can be taken in Russian. To pass the exam, a candidate must answer approximately two-thirds of the questions correctly.

Certified Project Management Specialist (CAPM - Certified Associate in Project Management). This certificate is intended for specialists who have knowledge in the field of PM, but do not yet have sufficient practical experience. A CAPM is a PM practitioner who has demonstrated basic knowledge as well as the ability to apply PM tools and techniques. As a member of the project team, the certified professional typically seeks guidance, mentoring, and approval from more experienced PM practitioners.

CAPM usually performs the following tasks:

Assistance in evaluating PM plans;

Assessment of performance indicators and reserves;

Assistance in clarifying project requirements, assumptions and limitations;

Support with administrative and financial completion.

To earn the CAPM degree, a candidate must meet the education and experience requirements of PMI and demonstrate a high level of understanding and knowledge of PM as demonstrated by the Certified PM Practitioner examination. The exam is similar in format to the PMP exam, but consists of 150 questions and lasts three hours.

At the time of application, the candidate must have a higher education with at least a bachelor's degree and at least 1,500 hours of work in the field of PM in five groups of processes. If at the time of submitting the application the candidate does not have a higher education, but has a diploma of complete secondary education, then he must confirm at least 2,500 hours of work in the field of PM in the period three years before submitting the application. The candidate must also have at least 23 hours of training in PM.

Starting in 2007, PMI plans to open new program Program Management Professional (PgMPSM) certification.

    Certified Program or Project Director (Level A)

    Certified Project Manager (Level B)

    Certified Project Management Professional (Level C)

    Certified Project Management Professional (Level D)

Organization SOVNET (branchIPMAin the Russian Federation) – NTK standard

NTK(National Competency Requirements) represent the main regulatory document of the National Certification Program in Russia. NTC are developed in accordance with IPMA requirements, based on ICB, and take into account the national characteristics of culture, economics and achievements in the field of project management in Russia.

The STC is based on a system model of project management, which is based on three main blocks: management subjects, management objects and management processes. Each block has a hierarchical structure, which in turn correlates with sections of the scientific and technical code.

Control objects– these are projects, programs, organizations, systems. During the management process, each object goes through certain phases of its life cycle.

Subjects of management– these are the participants of the project (program), i.e. all those who are directly involved in the project or whose interests may be affected as a result of the implementation of the project (program). The STC identifies the following groups of participants: main (key) project participants, project management team, other project participants.

Management processes include:

    project initiation;

    project planning;

    organization and control of project implementation;

    analysis and introduction of corrective actions during the project;

    closure of a project or its stage.

The following are implemented in the project management process: Features:

    domain management;

    management of project time parameters;

    cost management in the project;

    quality management in the project;

    project risk management;

    personnel management in the project;

    project communications management;

    management of contracts and procurement in the project;

    project change management.

Object management can be carried out at different levels: strategic, operational, temporary and others.

National standards for project management

Great Britain. PRINCE2 is a British standard created in 1989 for the management of government projects in the field of information technology. The latest version of the standard was published in 2002. PINCE2 is based on process approach and allows you to manage any type of project. Due to its detailed elaboration, extremely clear description and flexibility, this standard is quite popular outside of Britain.

Japan Project & Program Management (P2M) is a Japanese standard that is attracting more and more attention from specialists around the world. At the heart of the P2M model is a close connection between the organization's strategy and the ways it is implemented through projects.

China C-PMBOK - PMBOK modified to suit the realities of China. The first version of the standard was published in 2002. This document is used as a guide for project management professionals to prepare for certification.

International standards regulating the content of Project Management

In the field of systems management, a number of international standards are used, supported by relevant international organizations. These standards define the norms and rules for managing processes in technical systems projects, system life cycle processes, design processes, etc. For example, ISO/ IEC 12207, Information TechnologySoftware life cycle processes (1995); ISO/ IEC TR 15271, Information TechnologyGuide for ISO/ IEC 12207 (1998); ISO/ IEC 15288 CD2, Life Cycle ManagementSystem Life Cycle Processes (2000) and others.

Distinctive feature successful organizations is to have a system for developing and assessing the competencies of its employees. A special place in this system is occupied by the task of forming a management reserve, on which the future of the company largely depends. Understanding of management processes, knowledge of modern techniques, as well as the ability to organize a project team and the ability to ensure the achievement of the set goal are necessary competencies project manager.

There are many associations in the world involved in developing competencies in project management, but the leading positions are occupied by two - International Project Management Association(IPMA) and Project Management Institute(PMI) ® . Systematization of knowledge, definition of business processes, formation of approaches to assessments of project team members - this is just a small list of questions, the answers to which are reflected in numerous works of associations.

Project Management Institute (PMI) ® is a professional project management association that unites more than 500 thousand people, was founded in 1969 in the USA and today has branches in more than 180 countries around the world. In Russia the association has six branches, the largest of which is Moscow branch of PMI. The purpose of the association is to unite and certify professionals who connect their activities with project management and represent a wide range of industries. One of the most famous publications of the association is Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide PMI), which presents a project management process model and best project management practices.

International Project Management Association (IPMA) was founded in 1965 in Switzerland. The purpose of the association was to unite specialists in the field of project management in order to discuss problems and find solutions in this area. Currently, the association has representative offices in more than 50 countries and employs more than 190 thousand certified specialists in the field of project management. In Russia, the national representative of IPMA since 1991 is Project Management Association "SOVNET". Under the auspices of the association, numerous works have been published by leading specialists and practitioners whose lives are inextricably linked with the management of projects, programs and project portfolios. Systematization of the experience and best practices of association members became the basis of the ICB ( International Competence Baseline) and served to define approaches to the assessment and certification of specialists. The Russian association for project management "SOVNET" has prepared a publication based on ICB on National requirements for the competence of specialists in Project Management(NTK).

Attention all PMP © PMI certificate applicants: Changes in exam content!
In early 2016, PMI ® is changing the content of the PMP certification exam.

January 11, 2016 is the last day when you can take the exam according to the current rules. All subsequent exams will be conducted according to the new requirements.

The changes were made based on the latest study of expectations from project managers (Role Delineation Study (RDS)) and are reflected in the exam description (Exam Content Outline). The five main areas of activity of project managers remain the same, but some tasks within the areas Initiation, Planning, Execution, and Monitoring of the project have changed.

Area 1

Project initiation
3 tasks added – task 2, task 7, task 8

Area 2

Project planning
1 task added – task 13

Area 3

Project implementation

Area 4

Project monitoring and control
2 tasks added – task 6, task 7

Area 5

Closing the project
No tasks added

From December 1, 2015, changes will also be made to the program for monitoring the professional development of certified specialists (Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR) program). The changes affect the forms and accounting procedures for Professional Development Units (PDUs) in accordance with the PMI ® Talent Triangle concept.

The PMI ® Talent Triangle defines the ideal mix as a combination of technical competencies, leadership competencies, strategic and business management competencies (technical, leadership, and strategic and business management expertise).

It is worth noting that the strategic and business competencies of management are most fully revealed in the concepts of System and Cost Engineering, and from technical expertise there is one step to Project Engineering.

All future changes have been made to the University course programs and teaching materials. Our listeners meet the future with the necessary knowledge!

Preparation for certification in professional communities

Course code Course name
M004-A Basic knowledge in project management
M004-B Stakeholder and project resource management
M004-C Procurement management
M004-D Management of risks
M004-E Applied tasks in the field of project management
Preparing a specialist to pass the PMI ® certification exam, which includes students mastering the basic terms, basic knowledge and information about best practices in project management necessary for efficient work in projects in any form of organization and in any roles.
The course is developed based on the requirements and content of the standard “Project Management: Fundamentals of Professional Knowledge, National Requirements for the Competence of Specialists” (NTK) Russian Association project management SOVNET (NCB-SOVNET National Competence Baseline).

Approach to IPMI certification (SOVNET)

When assessing specialists, IPMA (SOVNET) uses a 4-level certification model (Level A, B, C and D). Each certification level is focused on assessing knowledge and skills in a specific area of ​​management - portfolio, program or project. At all levels of certification, the applicant will be required to answer direct questions, write an essay on a free topic (for example, a description of a process) and complete an intellectual task (for example, analyzing a mini-situation). Levels A, B And C additionally include team work on the project and interviewing the applicant. Below is a brief description of each certification level and the basic requirements for the applicant:

  • Certified Project Director (IPMA Level A) – Certified Project Director: highest level for professionals – the holder is capable of managing all project portfolios of the organization and has a minimum of 5 years of experience in project, program and portfolio management.
  • Certified Senior Project Manager (IPMA Level B) – Certified Project Manager: the manager is able to manage complex projects; 5 years of project management experience is required, of which at least 3 years - as someone responsible for leading and managing complex projects.
  • Certified Project Manager (IPMA Level C) – Certified Project Management Professional: professional manager project; At least 3 years of project management experience is required, including simple projects;
  • Certified Project Management Associate (IPMA Level D) – Certified Project Management Specialist: Basic level of certification - the specialist has a sufficient level of knowledge in all areas of project management to act as a member of the project management team, project administrator.
document published on the official SOVNET website.

Feedback on completed certification

Grigory Tsipes, First Certified Program and Portfolio Management Consultant (PPMC IPMA®): “It was a very interesting experience. If we talk about the exam part, in my opinion, it does not pose any particular difficulty for practicing consultants. I am inclined to credit the authors of the standard for this. A concise and succinct presentation of material on the key, truly important elements of the competence of a project management consultant allows, on the one hand, to clearly understand the authors’ approach to certification and, on the other hand, to comprehend and structure your own experience in this area.
The second part of the exam, the interview, is much more difficult and interesting. A conversation with experienced assessors (who themselves have extensive consulting experience) is an opportunity to check the quality of their decisions, at least using the example of one project. But there will be no discounts on experience, track record, credentials, etc. But isn’t that the point of certification - to get an objective assessment of your professional competence?” (hide text)
Source: www.sovnet.ru

The PMI ® Certification Approach

Unlike IPMA, the American PMI ® Association, when assessing the level of knowledge of specialists, uses only a defense test format with a large number of questions. However, the PMI ® certification is aimed at a wider range of project team professionals and offers eight different certifications. Below is a brief description of PMI ® certifications:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP) – Project Management Professional is a project management degree available to professionals from a variety of industries. By earning your PMP degree, you become a member of the largest and most prestigious community of certified project management professionals.
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) – Certified Project Management Professional is a project management practitioner who has demonstrated basic knowledge and the ability to apply project management tools and techniques to projects. As a member of the project team, the CAPM typically seeks guidance, guidance, and approval from more experienced project management practitioners.
  • Program Management Professional (PgMP) – Program Management Professional– identify and coordinate resources between program projects, their tasks include constantly adjusting the content of programs in accordance with the strategic business goals of the company. Program managers make decisions to initiate projects, assign project managers, and assign them to manage project costs, schedules, and performance while ensuring the success of the entire program.
  • Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP) – Professional in project portfolio management– responsible for the execution of project portfolio management processes, managing communications during the execution of the project portfolio and issuing recommendations for actions. While project and program managers are responsible for “getting the job done right,” this certification is ideal for those who are responsible for ensuring “getting the job done.” proper operation» organizations.
  • PMI® Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) – PMI Certified Agile Practitioner.
  • PMI ® Project business analysis (PMI-PBA) – Certified Business Analyst- responsible for working with interested parties, formation of business requirements and evaluation of project results.
  • PMI® Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) – PMI ® Risk Management Professional– risk manager – an expert in managing project risks, identifying them, preventing threats, capitalizing on opportunities based on existing general knowledge and practical participation in all other areas of project activity.
  • PMI® Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP) – PMI ® Professional in the field scheduling – Must be able to develop, maintain and analyze a project schedule, and report and inform project team members on the status of the project schedule.
    More detailed information on the certification format and admission conditions can be found in the following document, published on the official PMI website.
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