Types of batteries for cameras. Which non-original battery to choose for a Canon, Nikon camera? What kind of plastic is the camera battery?

These days, modern video and photographic equipment runs on batteries. They can be built-in and developed by the manufacturer for each specific model, or standard types AA and AAA. As a rule, built-in batteries are included, but they have minimal power and their charge does not last long, which means you always need to have a spare set. Already Many users are abandoning disposable batteries in favor of rechargeable batteries of the same type. Yes, batteries are more expensive, but they can withstand more than one hundred recharge cycles, which means that in the end it turns out cheaper. We offer you an overview of the main types of batteries and their basic characteristics.

A simple and affordable way battery selection for photographic equipment, look in the instructions for your camera or video camera, where the manufacturer always gives clear recommendations on this issue. Only “original” batteries are too expensive or you have to wait a long time for the delivery of the corresponding model. At the same time, the photographic equipment market is represented by wide range analogues from other manufacturers, but they may differ in capacity and price, but they successfully cope with their main purpose - powering the device. So what do you need to pay attention to? buying batteries for cameras and camcorders ?

AA batteries
The AA battery type (rarely AAA) is usually installed on inexpensive cameras, less often on SLR cameras. But in professional models they are used only in conjunction with a booster - an electronic device that increases voltage and stabilizes the energy supply. Different models of AA batteries differ in maximum capacity and output voltage. The capacity is determined by the number of on-off cycles; it is at this moment that higher consumption energy, which means the number of pictures you can take with a given set of batteries is regulated. Nowadays batteries with capacities from 1500-3200 mAh or more are available for sale.
And the output voltage is a characteristic that affects the switching on of the device itself. When the value of this indicator is very low, the camera's electronic system will consider that the battery is low and therefore needs to be replaced.

Special batteries
If you use professional photo and video equipment, then the capacity of AA batteries will not be enough for you; it is better to use batteries that have a larger capacity and power. Usually, the battery of one model can fit for several camera models, so it is better to study the labeling of the device itself or the instructions for the photographic equipment. More often, the manufacturer offers several types of batteries that have the same shape and size, but different capacities (mAh, mAh). Original batteries are more expensive than their counterparts made in China, but they are more reliable and can withstand longer charge-discharge cycles.

Chemical composition
The cheapest are alkaline batteries: nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium. Their main drawback is the presence of a memory effect, which is why the battery must first be completely discharged and then charged; Constant recharging gradually reduces the capacity of this type of battery. And the operating range of such batteries itself ranges from -10 to +40 degrees Celsius. Lead-acid batteries are slightly more expensive and more reliable, but when completely discharged they fail.
Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries, on the contrary, must be charged when the remaining capacity reaches at least 5-10%; or their capacity will decrease by 20% or more. But they are able to work in different temperature conditions, are durable, unlike salt and alkaline ones, which affects their price, and they are only compatible with a certain model of video and photographic equipment. They also have another advantage - they maintain the required voltage level during operation and do not self-discharge.

Battery charger
Depending on the type of battery, the charger is selected. Typically, rechargeable batteries for photographic equipment come with a charger. If you want to purchase additionally, you should study the instructions for the equipment or read the battery manufacturer's recommendations. For AA batteries (rechargeable), the choice of charger is made taking into account their size and chemical composition. For example, for alkaline batteries, chargers with a full discharge function are used, and the corresponding types of equipment for lithium-ion and lithium-polymer are used. Remember that models that have a fast charging function ultimately reduce the life of the batteries, and vice versa, slower charging gives the maximum effect in using batteries for a long time.

Types of batteries for cameras

A photographer must not only be able to take high-quality photographs, but also have a good knowledge of the technique he uses in his work. Therefore, any experienced photographer will tell you how important camera batteries are in its operation. Without batteries there simply won't be any photos. All photographers prepare for their next shoot in advance. And one of the elements of this preparation is charging the batteries for the camera. It is equally important to know what batteries are used in cameras and how they should be handled. This material will discuss the types of batteries for cameras, selection criteria and specific examples.

All camera batteries can be divided into two large groups.

  • Individual. These are rechargeable batteries that, in their design, are suitable only for a specific camera model or for a series of devices from one manufacturer;
  • Classic. Type AA and AAA. We know these batteries under the names finger and little finger batteries, respectively.

Camera batteries can also be divided according to their type:
  • (Li─Ion);
  • (Ni─MH).

You can also classify camera batteries into removable and built-in. Built-in batteries are charged directly in the camera. There are few similar models on the market, but sometimes you can find them. Of course, in practical use this is far from the best option.

Below are various types batteries for cameras.

Individual rechargeable batteries for cameras can be either Ni-MH or lithium-ion. Lithium type batteries are most often found in this design. Individual nickel-metal hydride batteries are most often simply composed of several AA elements. That is, they are a connector block that connects to the camera’s power system.

If your camera has an individual rechargeable battery, a charger must be included in the package. With its help you will regularly charge the battery. If your model uses AA and AAA batteries, then you can use universal chargers (chargers) for charging.

In the group of nickel-metal hydride batteries, we can note models with low self-discharge. Their markings usually contain the letters “LD”. It is no secret that immediately after the battery is charged, its self-discharge begins. For Ni─MH type batteries, the discharge in the first day can reach up to 20─25%. Then it decreases and is about 1% per day.

The result is the following situation. You charged the battery, and a week later, when you need the camera, the battery has already lost a third of its capacity. And, if lithium batteries can be charged at any time, then it is better not to do this with metal hydride batteries. Ni─MH batteries should be fully discharged before charging, as they have a “memory effect”.

What to consider when choosing?

When choosing a battery for a camera, there are usually two options. If you have an individual battery, then you should look for exactly the same one for a specific model or series of cameras. Others simply won't fit. If you have universal “finger” or “little finger” batteries, then there is already room for maneuver. What parameters should I pay attention to?

  • Capacity. The battery life of the camera depends on the size of the capacity. That is, the number of shots taken. The bigger it is, the better;
  • Self-discharge. This parameter affects the rate at which the battery discharges during storage. The lower this figure, the better. Some manufacturers have achieved serious success in this direction and continue to work to reduce self-discharge;
  • Voltage. Most cameras have a voltage rating of 3.7 volts. This is one can of lithium battery. Often there are models with a voltage of 7.4 volts (two banks). In the case of nickel-metal hydride batteries, the voltage will depend on the number of batteries in the assembly. The rating of one Ni─MH battery is usually 1.2 volts;
  • Current output. This parameter is not as obvious as the previous two, but is also important. This value shows how capable the battery is of providing the camera with the required electrical energy at peak load;
  • Charging speed. No one wants to sit and wait for days for the battery to charge. If you look at the types of batteries, lithium ones look preferable in terms of charging speed. They can withstand a charge of 1-2 amperes without consequences. As for Ni─MH, they are charged with a current of 0.1*C (0.1─0.2 amperes).

Every photographer knows firsthand how much his work depends on batteries and accumulators. No batteries - no pictures. When setting off to shoot another photo shoot, every photographer is obliged to provide himself with high-quality batteries. And how to make sure that they don’t let you down, we’ll talk in this article.

How familiar is the situation when, at the very important point The flash that is so necessary right now does not work. This is the result of inefficient batteries that you charged just last week.

The solution to this problem is, in fact, quite simple. You need LSD type batteries. This abbreviation is familiar to many, but in this area it has a different meaning and is translated as “low self-discharge”. As can be judged from the name itself, the operating time of such batteries significantly exceeds the operating time of conventional ones. Another plus is that they are compatible with most devices, cameras, flashes, strobe lamps and others.

Many of today's photo devices only run on built-in batteries, so you don't have much choice. But if your camera still runs on AA batteries, then you need to do right choice from all their diversity. NiMh or Nickel Metal Hydride batteries will likely be your best option. Before using them, it is better to read the instructions for your device and find out whether it supports this type of battery. Several sets of these batteries will allow your device to last as long as possible.

NiMh, Li and Zn batteries

The modern market for batteries and accumulators is quite diverse, so before purchasing, you better study the main types in order to know where to choose.

There are many lithium and nickel batteries sold in stores. They have both their pros and cons. Moreover, the number of minuses often outweighs. You can talk for a long time about the intricacies and reasons for choosing this or that type of battery, but it will suffice to say, based on experience, that for a photographer, either nickel-metal hydride or NiMh batteries will be the best. As mentioned above, in addition to a longer service life, these devices are used not only in cameras, but also in all kinds of auxiliary devices.

We must not forget the benefits of using certain batteries. For example, using NiMh batteries in LED lights, flashes and even radio triggers, the batteries will last slightly less than others, but in the end they will cost you less. It’s good to have several charged sets of four with you, then you don’t have to worry about any device malfunctioning.

More about NiMh batteries

If you have chosen NiMh batteries, then it’s time to find out that they are not the same. It just so happens that not all manufacturers provide the buyer with comprehensive information about their product, limiting themselves to a couple of phrases like “ready to use.” However, in reality there are several types of NiMh batteries. The first of them are ordinary NiMh, they consume charge even when the device is at rest. On the first day, about 23-24% of the charge is consumed, and another 1% on each subsequent day. Having carried out simple calculations, we see that more than half of the charge is consumed per month just like that.

The second type of battery is LD-NiMh. As mentioned above, this abbreviation stands for “low self-discharge”. If you do not use such devices, they will retain their charge at 85% for a year. That is, by charging such batteries and putting them in your bag, after any time during the photo shoot you can safely use them and not be afraid that they will run out at the wrong moment.

Thus, the difference is obvious: regular NiMhs will have to be recharged before each shoot, LD-NiMhs can remain charged for a whole year.

Are LD batteries suitable for me?

Perhaps, in terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency, there is no better option than NiMh. When using, the main thing is to remember to recharge them on time. But after trying LD-NiMh, you begin to feel significant differences between them.

The fact is that the capacity of conventional batteries is larger, on average 2700 mAh, for LD-NiMh batteries the capacity is 2100 mAh. It may seem that replacing batteries with a larger capacity with a smaller one is not profitable. But in practice, you will see that this is not what you need to worry about.

The solution to this issue is simple: if you choose a smaller capacity, then you can assume that you will have more spare charged sets, that’s what you need to take care of.

If you don't feel the need for more capacity, and don't forget to charge your batteries on time, then the LD-NiMh is exactly what you need.

Eneloop XX batteries from Sanyo

This product has been on the market since 2005 and can rightfully be called legendary. They are based on technology that dictates market development in this area.

AA and nickel-metal hydride batteries released by Sanyo can retain their charge for 5 years. New Eneloop batteries are designed to operate for 1800 charge and discharge cycles. The previous generation lasted 1,500 cycles, which is 20% less than the new product.

Perhaps these batteries are one of the best on the market in at the moment. The problem is that they are not so easy to find everywhere. However, other companies are also actively improving LD-NiMh battery technology. Products from Energizer, Duracell or Ansmann are available in abundance. For example, you can find batteries with an increased capacity of 2500 mAh, which, accordingly, increases their operating time.

Panasonic batteries

Another option that is fairly easy to find on the market is Panasonic batteries. They can withstand up to 1600 charge and discharge cycles, which is 600 more than previous models. In addition, it is no secret that Panasonic bought the Sanyo brand, so it is natural that their technologies will be mixed and in the near future, the consumer will not experience any special differences between the two types of batteries.

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more tips. If you decide to use rechargeable batteries, make sure they are purchased from a reputable store. Do not waste time on charging; fast charging can only be used when there is an extreme lack of time. The indicated number of charge and discharge cycles will only be valid if charged correctly. And yet, there is no need to mix and use old and new batteries at the same time. It is best to use specific markings so as not to confuse fresh batteries with used ones.

Based on materials from the site:

Every amateur photographer, at the wrong time, often in the midst of an exciting shoot, is faced with the problem of dead batteries. How many worthwhile shots are lost forever and how many times creative inspiration has suffered? It is necessary to put an end to this once and for all and thoroughly understand which batteries are best suited for the camera. Buy what you need and indulge in your favorite activity with pleasure, no longer experiencing problems from poor-quality power supplies.

An undeniable advantage of using AA and AAA batteries in cameras as a power source is the availability and relative cheapness of the products. It is very convenient to purchase and have the required number of batteries in stock, replacing the ones that run out right during shooting. The negative point is the small capacity of the battery and the abundance of low-quality products that run out after several dozen captured frames.

Main types of batteries:

  1. Salt batteries, famous for their low price. Weak batteries that quickly lose voltage during operation. They have a short shelf life. At subzero temperatures they completely lose their charge. Suitable for devices that do not create long-term loads and do not require strong impulses. Use in modern cameras is not recommended.
  2. Alkaline batteries are the most common batteries on the market today. They have an average power reserve. An imported manufacturer labels products with the inscription Alkaline. They have a shelf life of about 5 years. Coping with intense loads, they have the widest application.
  3. Lithium batteries are quite expensive and efficient batteries. Able to cope with long-term loads. They have an average shelf life of 7 years.

The Russian market is saturated with batteries from well-known manufacturers, offering consumers a large selection. The best option For use in the camera, use alkaline batteries marked Alkaline.

How to choose the right energy source for a specific brand?

In the operating instructions, manufacturers of well-known brands of cameras Canon, Nikon, Samsung, Olympus, Fujifilm, Sony clearly state the required parameters and the type of batteries used. When purchasing new batteries for your camera, you must strictly follow these instructions.

Rivalry between batteries and rechargeable AA batteries

A modern camera consumes quite a lot of energy. The use of even the best batteries does not guarantee uninterrupted operation of the camera. After shooting several hundred frames, you have to buy a new set, spending regular cash. The endless process can be interrupted by purchasing a high-quality, rechargeable battery set once. They can be recharged and used several hundred times.

Manufacturers also support their use, recommending in their operating manuals that batteries be used as the energy source, using alkaline batteries in rare and exceptional cases. Released today large number of these products, and you need to know some nuances so as not to make a mistake and choose for digital camera a win-win option.

Basic criteria for choosing batteries:

  • quality product from a trusted manufacturer;
  • large capacity, ranging from 1200 to 3200 mAh;
  • good current output, promoting full dedication containers for powering the camera;
  • long remaining shelf life;
  • low self-discharge.

To charge batteries, you also need to purchase a high-quality charger. Many manufacturers, simplifying the choice for consumers, offer kits that include AA batteries along with chargers. More powerful and capacious adapters are also on sale.

Which rechargeable batteries are best for a camera?

There are several types of rechargeable AA batteries, differing chemical composition working fluid, cathode and anode material. Nickel-cadmium and lithium-ion are well-proven power sources, they are rarely used as AA batteries and are expensive. The main niche of the market, coping with its task perfectly, is occupied by nickel-metal hydride power supplies.

Nickel-metal hydride (NiMh) batteries, which have a high specific energy, have long and firmly taken their place in newfangled gadgets. The ability to recharge power sources is emphasized by the Rechargeable inscription on the product body. The battery capacity is also indicated there, measured in milliampere-hours (mAh). There is no need to try to take power supplies with the highest capacity. As practice shows, such products have an increased tendency to self-discharge.
The best choice of rechargeable power source is to purchase low self-discharge nickel metal hydride (NiMh) batteries. Such products are marked with the inscription LD-NiMh. They are the ones you should choose for long and reliable operation of the camera.

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