Vending machines. Food vending machines

Ready-made meals can be sold from a vending machine installed in factories, offices and other organizations. Three automated retail outlets bring owners an average of 300,000 rubles per month

When it's time for lunch - office employees and employees of other organizations take out containers of food brought from home; go to canteens, cafes or a nearby store to buy groceries for a snack. Some people order food delivery.

But not all enterprises have their own canteen, carrying food from home is not always convenient, it’s difficult to find a complete lunch in the store, and you have to wait for delivery. There is an alternative option for organizing meals for enterprise employees - installing a vending machine for selling ready-made lunches.

Vending machines for implementing the idea of ​​selling ready-made meals

The idea of ​​selling ready-made meals can be realized using the vending machines that the vending equipment manufacturer VendShop presented at the Vendexpo 2017 exhibition. These are models SM 6367 and SM 6367 LONG.

The purchase takes place according to the usual scheme: a person selects the necessary product, puts money into a bill or coin acceptor, and receives a ready-made lunch in a package. All that remains is to warm it up.

The second option for selling prepared food is noodle vending machines. Noodle machines are made on the basis of classic vending machines SM 6367 and SM 6367 LONG, supplemented with a niche for dispensing hot water.

The concept of selling ready-made meals was developed by the Wendshop company together with the Food Zavod enterprise, which specializes in the production of ready-made meals. Why is this business model convenient?

Convenience for buyers:

  • Quick purchase: the equipment is located close to the workplace, you can choose and buy lunch within a couple of minutes;
  • Inexpensive cost of dishes and lunch in general compared to food in a cafe;
  • Confidence that the products are always fresh;
  • You can have lunch at any time, and not just during set lunch hours, since the vending machine is open 24 hours a day.

Pros for a business owner:

  • Installing a machine is faster, cheaper and easier than opening a cafe or canteen at an enterprise;
  • There are no costs for preparing meals; you can complete with already prepared meals ordered from suppliers;
  • There is no need to attract additional workers to distribute and cashiers to accept money;
  • You can automate the payment process: compensate employees for the cost of lunch in whole or in part;
  • Vendomats SM 6367 and SM 6367 LONG are universal machines designed for selling any product, from snacks and non-food products to dairy, meat, fish and confectionery.
  • It is possible to install a terminal to accept payments by bank cards;
  • A vending machine does not take up much space - only 1-1.2 m, which has a favorable effect on rent;
  • The ability to control the operation of automated retail outlets online from any device connected to the Internet;
  • You can choose one or more suppliers, which will help diversify the choice of dishes.

Starting a vending business is easy

To start selling ready-made meals through vending, you need to select and purchase equipment with the required configuration.

Order vending machines, decide on the installation location, conclude a lease agreement, find a supplier and order a batch of goods. Set up the equipment, load the products, connect to the power grid. It is enough to run such a business.

Control over the process is ensured by installing a special module - VendShop Online, which allows you to remotely monitor the business process. Such online monitoring notifies you that it is necessary to report goods or collect money.

Advantageous installation locations

  • Factories, enterprises, organizations with more than 30 employees.
  • These could be banks, logistics parks, transport companies, state companies (courts, tax, pension funds), offices large companies, car dealerships and others.
  • Hotels, inns.
  • Educational establishments.

Basic equipment and additional options

The machines have a metal body, a vandal-proof display, and a built-in “anti-fishing” system (the inability to pick up goods without paying for them). Models SM 6367 and SM 6367 LONG differ only in dimensions and quantity of loaded goods, see table 1.

Download a file with a detailed presentation of the SM 6367 SM 6367 LONG machines

Additional useful options can be added to the basic configuration, including:

  • Bank card payment module;
  • Branding of the machine;
  • Horizontal and vertical guides (for small goods or goods in jars);
  • Cooling system with the ability to set the required storage mode in the range from +4 to +12 degrees Celsius or from 0 to +8 degrees Celsius;
  • Illuminated advertising box (lightbox);
  • Bill and coin acceptor with change function;
  • Additional shelf;
  • Special elevator for careful delivery of goods.

Watch the video " Vending machines for selling ready-made meals SM 6367 VendShop"

Capital investment and potential income

Initial investment to start:

  • The cost of the SM 6367 vending machine is from 174,237 rubles in the basic configuration
  • With the optimal set additional functions- 198,390 - 295,290 rub.
  • Internet, electricity and other costs for servicing the machine - 2,000 thousand rubles per month.
  • Rent - on average 15 thousand rubles.
  • The first batch of goods at the rate of 1920 units per month - 96,000 rubles.
  • The number of units per load depends on the dimensions of the package.

Table 2 shows the calculation of the potential possible income when installing one vending machine for the sale of ready-made meals in a business center with a traffic volume of 200-250 people per day for a five-day period working week and markup on goods - 100%.

Table 2 Selling ready-made meals from a vending machine: how much you can earn*

Investments in the purchase of equipment with optimal configuration

198 390 - 295 290

Purchase price per unit of goods, rub.

Sale price, rub.

Daily sales, pcs.

Revenue per day, rub.

Amount of income per month, rub.

180 000 - 240 000

Monthly costs for maintenance, purchase of goods, rub.

Profit for the month, rub.

67 000 - 127 000

Payback, months

* All data presented in the table is based on the calculation of possible income and average sales statistics of automated lunch outlets. In each specific case, profit depends on the number of sales per day, the purchase price of the product, markup, and location of the machine.

They belong to multifunctional vending machines. Depending on the model, they can simply heat up the finished meal using a microwave module, in which case frozen semi-finished products are loaded into the vending module. Or it could be a machine for selling semi-finished products.

The equipment can prepare fresh pizza, French fries, porridge, mix fresh cocktails and other products. The latest models belong to high-tech devices, or as they are also called smart vending machines.

Vending cafe

Vending machines-cafes are becoming increasingly popular in Europe, as they can replace a small cafe, while occupying a small area, on manufacturing plant, at train stations, airports, office centers and other places where people need to buy a full meal.

Food vending machines

Hot dogs, hot pies, donuts (Leningrad donuts), non-standard products and other food products for sale are sold using vending machines. Supomatics - devices for selling soup are available and work successfully in large cities of Russia.

Popcorn and cotton candy vending machines

Devices for preparing snacks and sweets are trading machines such as popcorn vending machines, cotton candy machines, seeds and many other food products.

Fruit machine

A fruit machine - a machine selling fruits or vegetables - is a new direction in the vending business and belongs to the “healthy food” category. Such vending machines are popular for installation in schools, universities, and office centers.

If you need to install a food vending machine, you don’t have to buy it, you can rent it.

The average cost of 1 new fully equipped device is about 200,000 rubles; if the location and trafficability of the place are not good, the purchase may not be economically feasible. A rental machine will allow you to evaluate the profitability of a place without investing in a machine.

Our company In-VEND offers a ready-made solution for your business.

You rent a food vending machine from us, we take care of the rest - setting up, gluing, loading with goods!

This is a great alternative for those who want to expand their business through the use of vending machines!!!

Our prices are the most reasonable.

Vending machines are available, rental price is for 1 month

Rental and rental conditions for food machines

  • We provide food vending machines for rent for a period of 3 months.
  • 3 months rent + security deposit
  • All used devices have a 1 month warranty.
  • During this time the service is free.
  • In case of malfunction, we will refund your money!

Renting food vending machines is one of the most profitable types of small business with a low entry barrier. There are people who are unlikely to ever stop, so this entrepreneurial activity will always be relevant. Live in modern society, especially in large cities like Moscow, is almost always associated with a lack of free time, and here vending machines that sell food for a quick snack can come to the rescue.

Such a service will be in great demand in universities, colleges and other educational institutions, office buildings, and in almost any place where people have a need for quick and tasty food.

Of course, vending, like any other business, has certain risks. First of all, this is the choice of location, which may not be entirely successful. In addition, we can note possible frequent breakdowns, problems with finding a competent mechanic who can monitor technical condition machine. Also, the price of some vending machines is quite high, which can be a disincentive for a person with limited resources.

But there is a way to reduce all of the above negative factors to almost zero. You can rent such a device! If you enter into a rental agreement with our company, then for little money you will relieve yourself of all the hassle of servicing the machine, and you will also be able to test the profitability of the place where you plan to place it without making large financial investments. That is, without risking anything, you have the opportunity to engage in such a profitable and in-demand business as selling food through vending machines.

Regardless of macro- and microeconomic factors, the vending business is the sale of services, industrial goods or food products through special machines, is gaining wide popularity among the enterprising part of the population. Naturally, questions arise about which machine is better to purchase, what is the profitability of this equipment, and so on. Well, let’s answer these and other important questions related to successful management business on vending machines offering the population certain goods and services.

One of the advantages of this drink is its ability to unite almost all people! That is, selling coffee is appropriate in the office, mall or just on the street near the metro! Taking into account the fact that such a machine can offer more than a dozen drink options without the intervention of a bartender, it is able to give several pleasant moments to a person during working day or travel.

Thanks to this feature of the drink, analysts recommend starting a vending business by purchasing and installing these particular machines in the following places in the city:

  • Shopping or business centers.
  • Waiting rooms – airports, railway stations, bus stations.
  • Various financial institutions - banks, tax office foyer, and so on.
  • General education school, higher education institutions.
  • Mail.
  • Cinemas, theaters, entertainment centers.

Attention! There are actually many options for placing coffee machines. However, it is advisable to install them indoors, since successful operation of the unit requires a temperature range from -40C to +400C!

Experience or marketing research can give accurate figures regarding expected profits. Yet the most basic calculations can show a clear picture of potential profits. A coffee machine will cost its owner from 1,500 to 5,000 North American rubles - it all depends on the versatility of the model and the ability to purchase used equipment. From 150 to 200 of the same North American rubles per month will be required to load a coffee machine. The same amount of money needs to be spent to buy hot chocolate and tea.

With average power, the machine dispenses about 40 – 120 glasses of aromatic drink daily, the cost of which is from 10 rubles. Even such average indicators bring profit to the entrepreneur in the amount of 12,000 rubles per month! Let’s add here the sale of portions of coffee with additives, which are a priori more expensive than a regular drink, and bring this amount to 20,000 rubles! Let's take away the rent of space, taxes, maintenance of the unit and the cost of ingredients - the net profit will be about 5 - 6 thousand rubles per month from one machine. Full payback occurs within 1 – 2 years.

A relatively new business for Russian expanses, the business of snack machines - units equipped with refrigeration units and selling small-packaged products, as well as drinks in bottles, cans, and tetrapacks, is confidently gaining popularity.

Fact! The ancestor of the modern vending machine was found by archaeologists during excavations in China. The device was dated back several thousand years and was intended to sell pencils!

Units can be divided into the following types:

  1. Conveyor – powerful machines that got their name due to the principle of supplying products (conveyor-elevator delivery). They are universal, since they can be loaded with various types of small-packaged products of any size and shape, as well as in fragile packaging.
  2. Spiral – these snack machines are characterized by the fact that the purchased products are moved directly to the tray, and from there to the buyer. The dimensions and shape of the goods do not matter, and a lift is provided for fragile packages.
  3. Cellular . The name of the machine speaks for itself. The buyer takes the purchased products from the unit cell. Using such equipment, you can sell large-sized products - fruits, vegetables, offal, cakes, and so on.
  4. Mini snacks . This type of machine is characterized by its small size. Accordingly, it is not intended for large loads of a particular product. Good to use in combination with, for example, coffee machine. The unit can be mounted on a wall, on a bar counter or on the floor.

The cost of snack machines depends on the manufacturer, volume, type. For example, one of the most reliable universal anti-vandal machine SM6367 from VendShop in this segment will cost 174 thousand rubles, and a floor-mounted snack unit from North American manufacturers is offered at a price of 327 thousand rubles. Naturally, used units will cost less. By the way, the service life of the units is 10 years. With proper maintenance, this period can be extended to 20 years! Therefore, it is advisable to hire an operator who will monitor the technical condition of the machines.

Attention! The secret to the success of a vending machine business - snack units are no exception - is the correct placement of the equipment. These must be places with high level trafficability of the population (potential buyers) - shopping and entertainment centers, metro stations and train stations, underground passages, offices, educational establishments and so on. Having chosen the optimal location, the snack machine will pay for itself within six months!

Vision problems occur in almost every second person. For many reasons, people with poor vision prefer contact lenses. Therefore, a vending machine for selling lenses is a relevant startup for those who are taking their first steps in entrepreneurship and do not operate with impressive capital. The cost of such machines varies from 150 to 200 thousand rubles - depending on the brand of the model.

Payback – within 5 – 8 months, provided the equipment is well located:

  • Gyms and sports complexes.
  • Clinics.
  • Educational institutions and so on.

Lenses are a product that can be classified as expensive products. An infrared sensor installed in the machines monitors sales - if the goods, for some reason, were not issued to the buyer, the amount of money will not be debited from the customer’s credit card. If for one reason or another the product is not in demand for a long time, the unit can always be converted to sell another product.

The profitability of a lens vending machine can be calculated using simple mathematical operations. The average cost of one lens with a markup of 300 - 400 rubles is 600 “wooden”. Monthly through such an automatic outlet 100 lenses are sold - a vending machine installed where the level of human traffic is high can increase this figure several times. So, we multiply 400 by 100 and get 40,000 rubles monthly from one unit! From this we take 10,000 rubles for renting the space occupied by the machine, tax, maintenance and get 30,000 rubles of net income!

Soda water vending machine

In terms of cost/benefit ratio, a good old soda vending machine business is considered profitable. The cost of machines ranges from 75 to 200 thousand rubles.

  1. The cost of one glass of simple soda is 10 rubles. Taking into account the sale of 50 cups per day, we get 15,000 rubles per month.
  2. The cost of one glass of water with syrup is 20 rubles. Taking into account the sale of 150 cups per day (“soda” with syrup sold better in Soviet times), we get 90,000 rubles per month.
  3. We subtract the monthly costs of ingredients - bottles of water and syrup, tax, rent of space occupied by the machine, fare, electricity, maintenance. As a result, we get a figure of approximately 65 thousand rubles.

Thus, payback occurs within 4 – 5 months. Naturally, the above figures are the costs and profits from one machine! The machines should be installed in places where the traffic level is at least 2,000 people per day, then in winter the sales will be at least 100 - 150 cups of soda per day.

Fact! This direction in the vending machine business is quite free - demand is not satisfied by supply. Even in Moscow, only half a thousand of these units were installed, whereas during the Soviet Union in Zlatoglavaya there were 10,000 vending machines selling the famous “soda” for 3 kopecks with syrup and 1 kopeck for a glass of regular soda water.

Ice cream vending machines

Selling cold delicacies through vending machines is a relatively young area of ​​vending that is steadily gaining popularity. The unusual process of serving ice cream using a pump-action arm, which can be observed through the transparent front wall of the machine, is a real show, especially mesmerizing for children!

The vending machine sells ready-made ice cream in the following form:

  • In horns.
  • In briquettes.
  • Popsicle on sticks.
  • Cold ice.

Depending on the model brand, the capacity of the unit can reach up to 500 servings and over 10 types of cold delicacies! The average price of ice cream machines fluctuates around 150 thousand rubles.

Fact! In the event of a power outage, enhanced freezing of products keeps the goods in the machine usable for 12 hours!

Another positive characteristic of such units is that they occupy an area of ​​only 1 m2, which allows the machines to be installed in a wide variety of places.

For example, where the flow of people exceeds 2,000 people per day:

  • Railway, air and bus stations.
  • Shopping and entertainment centers.
  • Educational establishments.
  • Cinemas, museums and so on.

The relatively small dimensions of such machines also help to reduce the rent for a retail space, which even in the most accessible place will not amount to more than 10 thousand rubles per month. With an average cost per portion of 50 rubles, you can count on 30 sales per day (the machine operates around the clock). Accordingly, monthly revenue will be 45,000 rubles. Of this amount, 35% or 15,000 rubles is the entrepreneur’s net profit.

Based on these figures, we get that the machine will pay for itself within 10 months.

Photo kiosk as a business

A metal case with a built-in computer for viewing photographic images, a printer for printing, connectors for connecting a variety of digital media, a bill acceptor and a device for issuing a receipt - a photo kiosk, the cost of which varies depending on the model between 4 and 9 thousand North American dollars. Top up function mobile phone, as in terminals, allows the owner of the machine to have additional income.

The main functions of the photo kiosk include:

  1. Recording this or that information on a digital medium.
  2. Editing photographic images.
  3. Photo printing.
  4. Accepting money for payment mobile communications and Internet providers.

Like terminals that accept payments for various services, the photo kiosk has an Internet connection, which allows its owner to control the operation of the unit from a distance - the number of trading operations performed by the machine, the consumption of materials, ink, receipt tape and so on.

The demand for such machines is observed in megacities, as well as in resort cities, where tourists rush to quickly get photos of memorable places and similar images.

Photo kiosks are usually installed in the following places:

  • Shopping and entertainment centers.
  • Hotels, hotels.
  • Restaurants.

The payback period and profitability of a photo kiosk can be seen in the following example - for example, the cost of the machine is 5,000 conventional units. The average photo printing rate per month is 1,500 images. The cost of one image is 32 cents, and the cost price is 15 cents.

Accordingly, we multiply 17 cents by 1,500 photos and get an income of 255 North American rubles monthly. To this amount you need to add another 300 dollars - a percentage of the replenishment of mobile devices and Internet payments. As a result, we have a figure of 555 dollars, from which we subtract rental costs retail space(1.5 m2), taxes, starting materials, which in total will be 50 conventional units. The remaining $500 is net profit, showing that the photo kiosk pays off within 10 months.

Such vending units are very popular on popular tourist routes - for a small fee, the traveler receives a souvenir coin, packed in a plastic bag, with an image of the city’s coat of arms, landmarks, etc. Moreover, the process itself resembles a kind of game, which fascinates tourists even more! Installed in places where the flow of people is at least 2,000 people per day - air and bus stations, railway stations, shopping and entertainment centers, recreation parks and so on.

Vending machines for selling souvenir coins have four chutes where minted coins of 4 types are placed. Each slot holds 30 souvenir coins.

  1. The cost of the machine varies between 60,000 rubles.
  2. The cost of a souvenir coin is 40 rubles.
  3. Souvenirs are sold for 100 rubles apiece.

Using obvious calculations, we see that the payback of such a unit occurs in 1 – 2 months!

Kvass vending machines

The cold season is over. There are hot days ahead and unbearable thirst, which a priori arises in people trying to drink a glass of another traditional refreshing drink! Therefore, kvass vending machines are a great idea to start with. entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, with a competent approach, the investment will pay off within 4 - 5 months (summer season), and if you make an effort, you can make a net profit! The next season will be extremely profitable!

Based on the figures below, it is easy to calculate the profitability of the kvass vending business:

  1. The cost of the unit is from 140,000 rubles.
  2. The capacity of the machine is 100 liters of kvass, which it serves to customers from standard kegs of 20 or 50 liters.
  3. Taking into account the use of 200 ml cups, a one-time refill of the machine is enough for 500 servings of drink. The unit holds 600 cups.

Through simple calculations we see the payback and profitability of this business. Even with the cost of renting a trading platform for a machine, taxes, and so on.

The temperature of the drink is maintained at a constant level by a special cooling element installed in the machine. In addition, it is possible to offer potential buyers both carbonated and traditional kvass, significantly expanding the clientele. You can install a remote control system on the unit and monitor the operation of the machine from a distance using SMS notifications.

Regarding the location of the machine, here are the recommendations, as for all vending units - next to the flow of people. If this is some kind of trading platform– it is better to give preference to a store with glass doors or large windows so that the machine, which can be painted in eye-catching bright colors, is clearly visible from the outside.

The main attraction of shoe shine vending is its relatively small start-up capital. The cost of the machine ranges from 700 to 1,500 North American “evergreens,” depending on the model. There are units that are more expensive, but there is no point in purchasing them, at least in the first stages of business.

  1. Business, shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Buildings of administrative and state significance.
  3. All types of stations.

Payback occurs within 1 – 2 months. Of course, it all depends on where the unit is installed. However, this applies to any vending machine. It is possible to hang it on the wall or place it on the floor. Most machines are designed for cleaning leather or suede shoes, but there are combined models.

Before starting to organize this type of business, you should study the characteristics of the locality and the solvency of the population. Vending machines for charging mobile devices are recommended to be located in cities with a population of at least 500,000 people. They should be installed, like all vending machines, in places with the greatest flow of people and the ability to connect to the power grid - stations of all types, as well as gas stations. The minimum starting capital is from 35,000 rubles, where 30,000 rubles will be the cost of a simple machine with 6 connectors.

The operating principle is simple:

  1. The client connects his mobile device, laptop, multimedia player, etc. to the appropriate connector.
  2. Pays for the necessary time.
  3. After the signal, he turns off his device.

Depending on the solvency of the population, the cost of 10 minutes of charging can vary from 10 to 50 rubles. With a good location of the machine and active advertising activities he can give from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles monthly. If we take the minimum indicator, then minus the costs of renting retail space, tax, maintenance, the entrepreneur’s net income will be 9–10 thousand rubles per month. Thus, payback occurs within 4 – 5 months.

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