Leading labor organization engineer. Labor standards engineer is a person on whom the efficiency of an enterprise depends

1.1 This job description establishes the job responsibilities, rights, service relationships and responsibilities of the leading engineer for the organization and regulation of labor at the iron foundry (hereinafter referred to as LZ) of PJSC "Enterprise" (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise).

1.2 A person with a higher professional (economic or engineering-economic) education and professional experience in the field of labor organization and remuneration of at least 5 years is appointed to the position of leading engineer for organization and regulation of labor (hereinafter referred to as leading engineer) of the LZ.

1.3 The leading engineer reports functionally (hereinafter PEO) of the enterprise, administratively to the head of the production and economic service - deputy. director of the foundry (LZ).

1.4 The appointment, transfer and dismissal of a leading engineer is carried out by order general director enterprises on the recommendation of the head of the PEO.

1.5 In case of temporary absence (business trip, illness, vacation), the duties of the leading engineer by order of the head of the PEO are performed by another specialist appointed by the head of the production and economic service, with mandatory familiarization with this job description.

1.6 In his work, the leading engineer is guided by:

  • valid on the territory of the Russian Federation labor legislation;
  • regulations, instructions, other guidance materials and regulatory documents on issues of organization and payment of fees;
  • orders, instructions, instructions from superiors;
  • The company's quality policy;
  • norms and rules established at the enterprise;
  • this job description.

2 Job responsibilities

The leading engineer is obliged to:

2.1 Carry out the full range of work to improve the organization and
labor standards, analyze the state of the organization and
labor standards, develop and implement measures to
increasing employee productivity and efficiency

2.2 Analyze the degree of validity and intensity of norms on
homogeneous work performed under the same organizational and
technical conditions.

2.3 Conduct (as necessary) timekeeping and photographs of the worker
time in order to identify outdated and erroneously established standards,
carry out work to timely replace them with new ones as changes occur
organizational, technical and economic working conditions
enterprise and its divisions.

2.4 Keep records of the quantity, composition and level of compliance with labor cost standards.

2.5 Study the extent and reasons for the discrepancy between the actual time spent and the normative ones, participate in the preparation of proposals that ensure compliance with the established standards.

2.6 Make calculations of experimental and statistical time standards (production) and prices for basic, one-time and additional work, performed by employees of the enterprise, to ensure the timely implementation of approved standards in production.

2.7 Conduct research and prepare proposals for expanding the service area and combining professions.

2.8 Monitor the correct application of labor regulations in departments and promptly communicate newly introduced or amended standards and prices to the heads of health care facilities.

2.9 Perform calculations (based on standard technical documents) the optimal number of key workers, taking into account the current situation and the development prospects of the enterprise.

2.10 Conduct a monthly analysis of the level of remuneration of employees of the LZ departments.

2.11 Monitor the execution of work orders for work performed in order to identify inaccuracies in their completion. Enter information contained in work orders into the 1C database, perform calculations wages.

2.12 Ensure timely introduction of changes to the staffing schedule of health care units.

2.13 Prepare draft orders, instructions and other documents,
related to the remuneration of labor protection workers.

2.14 Develop and implement provisions on bonuses for health workers.

2.15 Develop and implement measures to eliminate losses of working time and improve its use.

2.16 Collect, process, analyze, compile reports and store information on issues of remuneration and bonuses for employees.

2.17 Timely and accurately execute production orders of the general director of the enterprise, production tasks, instructions and orders of the head of the PEO, head of the production and economic service (LZ).

2.18 Execute job responsibilities provided for by this
job description and employment contract.

2.19 Comply with the internal labor rules established at the enterprise

2.20 Do not engage in activities that directly or indirectly cause harm
interests of the enterprise.

2.21 Constantly improve the results of your professional activities.

3 Professional requirements

The lead engineer must know:

  • Fundamentals of labor legislation, regulatory materials and other guidance materials on issues of standardization, organization and remuneration.
  • Prospects for the development of the enterprise.
  • Standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation.
  • Study and design methods labor processes, use of working time, definitions economic effect from planned activities, methods for assessing the level of labor organization and management.
  • Existing forms and systems of remuneration at the enterprise.
  • The procedure for tariffication of work and workers, methods for calculating bonus indicators, methods of accounting and analysis of labor and wage indicators.
  • Fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products.
  • Methods for determining the number of employees.
  • Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4 Rights

The leading engineer has the right:

4.1 Receive from employees of health departments and other employees
enterprises necessary for him to fulfill the requirements established by this
instructions job responsibilities information and explanations.

4.2 Providing working conditions necessary for the performance of official duties

4.3 Use the benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation
Federations and those provided for by workers in the collective agreement.

5 Service relationships

5.1 The leading engineer carries out all orders of the head of the PEO and
Head of the production and economic service for labor protection.

5.2 The leading engineer interacts:

5.2.1 With the heads of LP departments on issues of obtaining and providing information related to remuneration, bonuses for personnel, calculation of headcount, time standards, vacancies in departments; statements of time standards and prices; analysis of wage levels by profession; calculating the number of main workers by profession; changes to staffing table; measures to eliminate lost working time; photos of the working day; calculating standards for basic, one-time and additional work and their implementation in production.

5.2.2 With the accounting department of accounting and IT on issues of wages: transmits and receives information on the calculation of wages for time-based and piecework payment labor, bonuses, etc.

5.2.3 With the PEO on the provision of reports and analyzes on the remuneration of ChLZ employees, the time standards used and prices; receiving information about tariff changes, average number etc.

6 Responsibility

6.1 The leading engineer is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for failure to perform or improper performance of job duties provided for in this job description.

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labor standards engineer
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I. General provisions

  1. A labor standards engineer belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. For the position:
    • An engineer for labor standards is appointed a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education and work experience as a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with a secondary education. vocational education, at least 5 years;
    • labor standardization engineer of category II - a person who has a professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a labor standardization engineer or other positions filled by specialists with higher professional education for at least 3 years;
    • category I labor standardization engineer - a person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering-economic) education and work experience as a category II labor standardization engineer for at least 3 years.
  3. Appointment to the position of labor standards engineer and dismissal from it are made by order of the director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of the head of the department of organization and remuneration.
  4. A labor standards engineer must know:
    1. 4.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, methodological and regulatory materials on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor.
    2. 4.2. Methods of labor standardization.
    3. 4.3. Economics, organization of production, labor and management.
    4. 4.4. Technological processes and production modes.
    5. 4.5. Unified system technological documentation.
    6. 4.6. Forms and systems of remuneration.
    7. 4.7. Regulations on bonuses, tariff-qualification reference books and other regulatory and teaching materials, the procedure for developing calendar plans for the revision of standards and organizational and technical measures to increase labor productivity, labor organization plans, tasks to reduce the labor intensity of products.
    8. 4.8. Requirements rational organization labor during development technological processes(production modes).
    9. 4.9. Methods for analyzing the state of labor regulation, the quality of standards, labor indicators, studying labor processes and the most effective techniques and methods of labor, and the use of working time.
    10. 4.10. Means computer technology, communications and connections.
    11. 4.11. Fundamentals of sociology, physiology and labor psychology.
    12. 4.12. Advanced domestic and foreign experience organization, regulation and remuneration.
    13. 4.13. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    14. 4.14. Rules and standards of labor protection.
  5. A labor standards engineer in his activities is guided by:
    • 5.1. Regulations on the department of organization and remuneration.
    • 5.2. This job description.
  6. The labor standards engineer reports directly to the head of the labor organization and remuneration department.
  7. During the absence of a labor standards engineer (vacation, illness, business trip, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the enterprise, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Labor standards engineer:

  1. Develops and implements technically sound standards of labor costs in relation to specific production and technical conditions for various types work performed at the enterprise, based on the use of intersectoral, sectoral and other progressive labor standards, taking into account psychophysiological and socio-economic factors, as well as local standards calculated on the basis of technical data on equipment productivity, results of analysis of working time costs when using the most productive techniques and methods of work.
  2. Analyzes the state of standardization, the degree of validity and intensity of standards, carries out work to improve their quality, ensure equal intensity of standards for homogeneous work performed under the same organizational and technical conditions.
  3. Establishes time (output) standards for one-time and additional work associated with deviations from technological processes.
  4. Exercises control over compliance with the requirements of rational labor organization in the established standards when developing technological processes (production modes), determines the economic effect of the introduction of technically sound labor cost standards.
  5. Checks current labor standards in order to identify outdated and erroneously established standards, works to timely replace them with new, more progressive ones as organizational and technical measures are implemented.
  6. Determines the number of employees by management functions and structural units in accordance with industry headcount standards, identifies deviations of the actual number from the standard number and the reasons for such deviations, develops proposals for eliminating excess numbers.
  7. Draws up draft calendar plans for the revision of standards based on the organizational and technical measures planned for implementation, ensuring the fulfillment of established tasks for increasing labor productivity.
  8. Participates in the preparation of draft programs and annual plans improving the organization of work at the enterprise.
  9. Determines the labor intensity of products as a result of the implementation of measures that ensure increased labor productivity and improved product quality, as well as new types of products in connection with the introduction of new equipment and progressive technology, rationalization proposals and inventions, improving the organization of labor and production, developing tasks to reduce standard labor intensity.
  10. Studies the level of compliance with standards, examines directly at the workplace the degree and reasons for deviations of actual labor costs from standard ones, participates in the preparation of proposals for creating the necessary conditions for all employees to master labor cost standards.
  11. Exercises control over the timely communication of new standards and prices to workers and employees, and the correct application of labor regulations at the enterprise.
  12. Participates in the development of measures to reduce the labor intensity of products, in identifying reserves for increasing labor productivity by improving the quality of standardization, expanding the scope of standardization of labor for temporary workers and employees, to eliminate losses of working time and improve its use, in preparing proposals for improving remuneration systems, material and moral incentives for workers.
  13. Provides instruction on mastering newly introduced standards.
  14. Conducts work to study labor processes and the cost of working time to perform operations using modern computer technology, communications and communications, analyzes the data obtained, identifies the most effective techniques and methods of work, and promotes their dissemination.
  15. Exercises control over the correct application of labor standard materials (categories of work, prices, tariff schedules and rates when registering) in the departments of the enterprise primary documents for recording production, downtime, additional payments in the presence of deviations from normal working conditions, etc.).
  16. Draws up notices of changes in approved standards of labor costs and prices.
  17. Participates in determining the mutual obligations of the administration, workers and employees included in collective agreements to reduce the labor intensity of products, increase labor productivity, the level of its standardization, including obligations to increase the share of technically sound standards, as well as to organize regulatory research work, contributing to an increase in the level of labor standardization, expanding the scope of its application, and the development of intersectoral and sectoral regulatory materials on labor.
  18. Organizes the implementation and verification in production conditions of projects of intersectoral and sectoral regulatory materials for labor standardization and their implementation after approval.
  19. Keeps records of the quantity, composition and level of implementation of labor cost standards, the implementation of tasks to reduce the labor intensity of products, the application of technically sound standards, as well as the economic effect of their implementation.
  20. He studies advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of organization, regulation and remuneration of labor and uses it in his work.
  21. Provides reporting on the state of labor standards.

III. Rights

A labor standards engineer has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.
  2. On issues within his competence, submit for consideration to the head of the department of organization and remuneration of labor proposals to improve the activities of the enterprise and improve the forms and methods of work; options for eliminating existing shortcomings in the enterprise’s activities.
  3. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from heads of departments and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill his official duties.
  4. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to it (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the managers).
  5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in fulfilling its official rights and responsibilities.

IV. Responsibility

The labor standards engineer is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Single qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and other employees (EKS), 2019
Section “Qualification characteristics of positions of employees of nuclear energy organizations”
The section was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 2009 N 977

Labor organization and regulation engineer

Job responsibilities. Studies the state of labor organization and regulation, develops and implements measures to improve them in order to increase labor productivity and production efficiency. Participates in the preparation of draft programs and plans for the organization of work of the enterprise, carries out necessary calculations economic efficiency of planned activities, and also develops planned indicators of technical labor standards and monitors their implementation. Carries out using modern technical means research of labor processes, collection, processing and analysis of initial data necessary for the development of progressive labor standards; monitors the correct application of labor regulations. Provides methodological and practical assistance to structural divisions of the enterprise in the development and implementation of programs and plans for improving the organization and standardization of labor. Studies the extent and reasons for the discrepancy between the actual time spent and the normative ones, participates in the preparation of proposals that ensure compliance with the standards, instructs workers in the departments of the enterprise in order to ensure that all workers master technically sound standards. Analyzes current labor standards in order to identify outdated and erroneously established standards, works to timely replace them with new, more progressive ones as organizational and technical measures are introduced to ensure an increase in labor productivity. Analyzes the existing organizational and technical conditions of production, labor processes, helps improve the efficiency of labor organization based on the development of collective (team) forms of organization and stimulation of labor, certification and rationalization of jobs, expanding the combination of professions and positions, multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance and other advanced methods labor. Carrying out work to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity by improving its organization and standardization, as well as the widespread use of these reserves. Participates in the identification and dissemination of rational labor methods, organization of exhibitions, seminars, and competitions. Studies best practices in the field of organization and labor regulation, generalizes them and promotes their implementation. Prepares reports on the organization and regulation of labor. Automates his work using developed programs for organizing, rationing and remuneration of labor.

Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, methodological and regulatory materials on the organization, regulation and remuneration of labor; structure and staff of the enterprise, specialization and prospects for its development; labor economics; economics and organization of production; the procedure for developing programs and plans for improving the organization and standardization of labor; methods for studying and designing labor processes, using working time, determining the economic efficiency of measures to improve the organization and regulation of labor, assessing the level of labor organization, production and management; organization of a reference and information fund; procedure for drawing up technical documentation and reporting on improving the organization and regulation of labor; fundamentals of quality management and environmental management; means of computer technology, communications and communications; fundamentals of sociology, physiology and labor psychology, technical aesthetics and ergonomics; standards for a unified system of organizational and administrative documentation; basics of production technology; advanced domestic and foreign experience in improving the organization and regulation of labor; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management; basics of labor legislation; security rules environment; labor protection and fire safety regulations; internal labor regulations.

Qualification requirements.

Engineer for organization and regulation of labor of category I: higher professional (engineering, economic or technical) education and work experience as an engineer for organization and regulation of labor of category II for at least 3 years.

Engineer for organization and regulation of labor, category II: higher professional (engineering, economic or technical) education and work experience as an engineer for organization and regulation of labor or in other positions filled by specialists with higher professional education, at least 3 years.

Engineer for organization and regulation of labor: higher professional (engineering, economic or technical) education without requirements for work experience, or secondary vocational education and work experience as a technician of category I for at least 3 years or other positions filled by specialists with secondary vocational education, at least 5 years.

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