The draft contract does not indicate the specification. Error in OKPD2 in the procurement identification code

  • On 06.10.2017
  • 223-FZ, 44-FZ, State Defense Order, EIS, Purchases from a single supplier, Request for quotations, Competition, Electronic auction, ETP

When faced with procurement under a government order for the first time, the supplier runs the risk of getting confused by the numbers. We are talking about different numbers that are assigned to procedures and contracts. Today we’ll talk about them in more detail.

Registration number or notification number

The first number that the supplier will see is the purchase number assigned to the UIS. The exception is commercial tenders, since they are not published in the system. Purchases under 44-FZ have only one number - the same one assigned to the notice in the Unified Information System. Purchases under 223-FZ have two numbers: a number from the UIS, as well as a number assigned by the electronic trading platform on which the procedure is carried out. Commercial tenders have a single number, which is assigned to the ETP.

Purchase identification code

Procurements within the framework of government procurement have an identification code or procurement number, abbreviated as IKZ. This code is assigned either to the entire purchase or to an individual lot. It must be indicated in planning documents, in the notice, in procurement documentation, in the contract and other documents that need to be used to formalize the procedure in accordance with the requirements of 44-FZ.

Registration in ERUZ EIS

From January 1, 2019 to participate in tenders under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 615-PP registration is required in the ERUZ register (Unified Register of Procurement Participants) on the EIS (Unified Information System) portal in the field of procurement

We provide a service for registration in the ERUZ in the EIS:

IKZ is a number of 36 digits. Knowing the rules for its formation, you can decipher any purchase.

  • this year, all purchases under 44-FZ began with the number 17, since the first two digits of the IKZ are the year the procedure was carried out;
  • the next 19 digital values ​​are the customer code (for all purchases of the organization this part of the IKZ will be the same);
  • Next comes the four-digit purchase number in the procurement plan - it corresponds to the digital values ​​of positions 23-26;
  • positions 27-29 correspond to the three-digit purchase number in the schedule;
  • the next 4 digits, that is, positions 30-33, are the code of the procurement object according to OKPD2 (class, subclass, group);
  • and finally, the last 3 digits of the IPC (positions 34-36) correspond to the code for the type of budget expenditure.

If the purchase is unplanned or small, then “0000” is entered instead of the OKPD2 code. This, for example, is a small purchase of up to 100 thousand rubles, the purchase of medications as prescribed by the commission, the purchase of tour guide services from an individual, and so on.

The IKZ first appears in the schedule and remains unchanged until the end of the document storage period.

Pay attention! If a contract with a single supplier is concluded orally, then the IKZ must be indicated in other documents that accompany the execution of the contract. For example, in an invoice, a certificate of completion of work, and so on. This will allow you to prove that the supply of goods, provision of services or performance of work is carried out within the framework of the concluded government contract.

Numbers in the schedule

Turning to the customer’s schedule, the supplier will see several numbers assigned to this purchase at once.

In the UIS, the supplier immediately sees 3 numbers related to one government procurement:

Contract numbers

Contracts are also assigned a number, and more than one.

If the procedure was carried out not in the form of an electronic auction, but, for example, by a request for quotations or an open tender, then the contract will be concluded in a classic paper version. It will indicate a number determined in accordance with the internal procedure for recording contracts with the customer.

If the procedure is carried out in the form of an electronic auction, then there is no paper contract. But this does not mean that the electronic document does not have a number. Information about the contract indicates its registration number, which may correspond to the number assigned to the electronic auction on the ETP. Or, as in the case of a paper contract, the number can be assigned by the customer in accordance with its internal contract numbering order.

Another number is assigned to the contract when, after its conclusion, it is sent to the Unified Information System in the register of contracts. Using this number, it will also be possible to find the contract in other registries in which it will be included. For example, look at the report on its execution in the report register.

And the last number is the government contract identification code (ICG). It refers to those related to state defense orders and treasury support. It should not be confused with the contract registration number, although they partially coincide. The IGK consists of 20 digits, the first 19 of which are the registration number of the government contract. The last digital value of the ICG: “1” - if the contract is related to state secrets and “0” - if not.

The government contract identifier was introduced to make it easier to track the movement of budget funds. It must be indicated in all documents related to settlements, including invoices - regular, advance and adjustment.

The customer (state budgetary institution) was allocated additional funds for procurement under Federal Law No. 44-FZ for the repair of buildings under KVR 243 and for the supply of equipment under KVR 244. When generating the procurement identification code, the customer correctly generated the procurement identification code under KVR 243, and according to KVR 244 made a mistake. All information is posted in the EIS. When generating notices, conducting an electronic auction, signing a contract, the IKZ remained with an error. How should he proceed now and pay for the goods supplied so that there is no misuse of budget funds?


Oksana Balandina, chief editor of the State Order System

From July 1, 2018 to January 1, 2019, customers have a transition period - they are allowed to carry out both electronic and paper procedures. Starting from 2019, tenders, auctions, quotations and requests for proposals on paper will be prohibited, with eight exceptions.
Read what kind of purchases to make on the ETP, how to choose a site and obtain an electronic signature, what are the rules for concluding contracts during the transition period and after.

Since the IKP remains unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends, in this case, cancel the purchase with the incorrect IKR and create a new position in the procurement plan and schedule.

Since the contract has already been concluded, it must be terminated and a new one must be concluded indicating the correct IPC.

How to change KVR in IKZ

Igor Tsukanov, assistant at the procurement department of the public sector organization of the contract system development department of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia

If you indicated an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new position in the procurement plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IKZ remains unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of Order No. 422 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide “Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules" version 7.0.25).

Magazine "" is a magazine on the pages of which practical explanations are given by leading industry experts, and materials are prepared with the participation of specialists from the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Finance. All articles in the magazine are of the highest degree of reliability.

State Order Information System– an indispensable assistant for thousands of customers and suppliers thanks to competent recommendations, clear answers to questions and unique templates. An online assistant, convenient services and calculators will greatly simplify your work.

The institution operates according to 44-FZ. When forming the procurement plan for 2018, we added a new item for electricity with OKPD2: As a result of a technical error, the above OKPD2 was not added to the individual purchase code. Thus, our new position on electricity was placed with “zero” OKPD2. In the procurement schedule, this position was placed with the correct OKPD2: in the specification. Is it legal to enter into an agreement for this position? Or is it still necessary to make changes to the procurement plan and procurement schedule?


No, it is illegal to enter into an agreement.

Cancel the purchase and create a new position in the procurement plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IKZ is unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of Order No. 422 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide “Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules" version 7.0.25).


How to generate a purchase identification code

What is a purchase identification code?

A procurement identification code, or IKZ, is a digital code that the customer prescribes in the procurement plan, schedule, notice and documentation of the procurement, contract, as well as in other documents provided for by Law No. 44-FZ. The key task of the IKZ is to connect the listed documents with each other. The customer assigns a separate IKZ to each purchase or lot. If you make a mistake in the code, you won’t be able to make changes - you’ll have to cancel the purchase and waste time to place a new procedure. I’ll tell you in detail how customers can create an IKZ without errors.

Situation: how to change KVR in IKZ

If you indicated an incorrect CWR, cancel the purchase and create a new position in the procurement plan and schedule. This is due to the fact that the IKZ is unchanged until the moment when the storage period for information and procurement documents ends (clause 8 of Order No. 422 of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015, section 4.1.9 of the User Guide “Formation and placement of procurement plans and procurement schedules" version 7.0.25).

Situation: what to do if the customer concluded a contract and then discovered that he had incorrectly indicated the CWR code in the IKZ at the planning stage

Terminate the contract and re-purchase. Reason: IKZ is not changed until the period of storage of information and procurement documents ends. This is stated in paragraph 8 of the Procedure for the formation of IKZ, which was approved by the Ministry of Economic Development in order No. 422 dated June 29, 2015.

Author: Herzenberg Anastasia May 25, 2017 To easily and quickly find the desired procedure and ensure the relationship between all documents, the organizer is required to assign a unique identifier to each procedure. Hundreds of different procurement procedures are carried out every day, information about which is collected in the Unified Information System (UIS). In this article we will tell you why IKZ is needed and how to form it according to 44-FZ correctly. What is IKZ in 44-FZ Simply put, it is a digital code (a sequence of 36 digits) that contains information about the customer, order and even the source of financing. IKZ must be indicated in the plan, schedule, contract, notices and other documentation. The responsibility for determining the IKZ is assigned to all customers who place orders within the framework of 44-FZ.

Where is the IK indicated in the contract?


Federal Law No. 44-FZ dated April 5, 2013 “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services to meet state and municipal needs.” Here the IKZ must be indicated in accordance with paragraphs. 1.1 clause 1 part 2 art. 25 of the Law on the Contract System. Part 2 Art. 114 of the Law on the contract system. For example, the Decision of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2016 in case No. KGOZ-026/16. Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2016 No. OG-D28-3732. Part 3 Art. 23 of the Law on the Contract System, Procedure for the formation of IKZ, approved. Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2015 No. 422. The procedure for assigning, applying, and changing identification codes of banks and customers for the purpose of maintaining a register of contracts concluded by customers, a register of contracts containing information constituting state secrets, and a register of bank guarantees, approved.

By Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2013 No. 127n.

IKZ in the contract in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 44-FZ

Purchases from a single supplier, contractor, performer (EP) for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand or 400 thousand rubles. (for a state or municipal cultural institution, the statutory goals of which are the preservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage objects, as well as other state or municipal institutions (zoo, planetarium, cultural and recreation park, nature reserve, botanical garden, national park, natural park, landscape park, theater, institution carrying out concert activities, television and radio broadcasting institution, circus, museum, house of culture, palace of culture, club, library, archive), for a state or municipal educational organization, physical culture and sports organization) (clauses 4 and 5 of paragraphs 1 Art. 93). 3.

Where in the contract must the procurement identification code be indicated?

An “other document” can be, for example, an agreement on holding a joint competition or auction. This article will discuss the features of applying the rule and forming the IPC.
The requirement to use IKZ came into force on 01/01/2016, and therefore if, for example, when placing a schedule for 2016 in the EIS on the last day of 2015, the customer could not indicate this code in it and in the corresponding subsequent procurement notice, in actions the customer has not yet violated the Law on the Contract System, then from 01/01/2016 this is already a violation. Thus, the use of the IPC is provided for in planning documents (procurement plan and schedule) for 2017 and subsequent periods, and the indication of the IPC in other documents (notification, procurement documentation, contract) without its indication in the procurement plan and procurement schedule The law does not provide for a contract system.

Purchase identification code


Unique values ​​from 001 to 999 are assigned within the corresponding procurement sequence number in the procurement plan (see the previous paragraph). Moreover, at the stage of formation and approval by the customer of the procurement plan for the next financial year and planning period, when generating the procurement identification code, the values ​​“0” are indicated in the above categories.


And at the stage of formation and approval by the customer of the procurement schedule for the next financial year, these categories indicate the serial number of the record of this purchase, formed within the number of the enlarged purchase in accordance with the approved procurement plan. Thus, it is possible to create several items of the procurement plan based on one item of the procurement plan, as stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2016 No. D28i-2671.


X in the contract

The procurement identification code is generated using the Unified Information System. Which documents require a code? The Organizer must include it in all the following documents:

  1. Plan, as well as prepared schedule.
  2. Order notification.
  3. Invitations that are sent to potential participants in the procedure.
  4. Procurement documentation.
  5. The contract and all appendices thereto.

After the final formation of the IKZ and inclusion in the plan, changes are not allowed. The storage period for this information in accordance with the law is 5 years. What does the IKZ (purchase code) consist of? The first two digits (1-2 digits) indicate the year in which the procurement procedure is carried out.

The last pair of digits is taken, for example, for 2018 - 18. The next 20 positions (3-22 digits) are the identifier code of the customer organization.

Forum about government procurement and tenders good-tender

Thus, categories 30-33 are not indicated (0000 is entered instead) if the following are purchased:

  • services for organizing concerts or festivals;
  • services of teachers or guides;
  • services related to business trips;
  • medicines;
  • from a single supplier.

Purchase identification code according to 44-FZ, sample As an illustrative example, we will draw up an IKZ for the purchase of cable and wire products, which is carried out by the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, in 2018. In this case, the compilation sequence is as follows.
Step 1. The order is carried out in 2018, which means the first pair of numbers are 1 and 8. Step 2. Determine the ID of the State Hermitage - 17830002416784101001. Step 3. Enter the purchase number. Let’s say this is the fifth procedure at the Hermitage this year. Therefore, the number is 0005. Step 4.

Application of procurement identification code

The procurement identification code must be indicated in the procurement plan, schedule, notice of procurement, invitation to participate in the selection of a supplier carried out in a closed manner, procurement documentation, contract, as well as in other documents, for example, in an agreement on a joint tender or auction Let's consider the features of the application and formation of IKZ 06.29.2017 Author: K. G. Chagin When making purchases under the Law on the Contract System, the procurement identification code (IKZ) must be indicated in the procurement plan, schedule, notice of procurement, invitation to participate in the determination supplier (contractor, performer), carried out in a closed way, procurement documentation, in the contract, as well as in other documents provided for in Part 1 of Art. 23 of this law.

Bad request

GWS) to meet state and municipal needs, formed on the basis of OKPD 2, with detailing up to the GWS group, where the 30th, 31st categories are a class, the 32nd category is a subclass, the 33rd category is a group. Please note that before placing it in the UIS and starting to use the specified catalog, customers need to be guided here only by OKPD 2. 6. 34th - 36th digits (3 digits) - code of the type of expenses according to the budget classification of the Russian Federation, determined in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation . As an example, let us analyze the IKZ of a specific purchase, information about which is posted in the Unified Information System - the purchase of a set of software for organizing an electronic archive of internal documents by the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation through an electronic auction with the NMCC in the amount of 500 thousand.

Forum of the Institute of Public Procurement (Moscow)

Good afternoon, Svetlana Nikolaevna, Article 23 of the Federal Law No. 44-FZ establishes, 1. The procurement identification code is indicated in the procurement plan, schedule, notice of procurement, invitation to participate in determining the supplier (contractor, performer), carried out in a closed way, documentation on the purchase, in the contract, as well as in other documents provided for by this Federal Law.

The draft contract is part of the documentation. In addition, Federal Law 44 states that the contract is concluded by including in the draft contract attached to the documentation the terms of the contract proposed by this participant. (that is, you draw up a contract, filling out the project only with the conditions from the participant’s application).

You can identify a purchase or lot in a large purchase using a special number. This issue is regulated by Article 23 of the law on public procurement. This norm came into force at the beginning of 2016. The regulations regulate the following issues regarding the procurement identification code: purpose of formation; in which documents it is necessary to indicate; how to generate the code.

Which documents indicate the procurement identification code?

The purchase code must be generated in the following documents:

  • procurement plan;
  • procurement schedule;
  • notice of procurement;
  • an invitation sent to participants to identify a supplier;
  • procurement documentation;
  • contract;
  • other documents specified in 44-FZ.

The law indicates that a special code in procurement serves as an element for the interconnection of documents in which it is indicated.

How to generate a purchase identification code?

The issue of forming a special code in public procurement is regulated, among other things, by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 29, 2015 No. 422. This document states that IKZ is a digital, machine-readable code.

When conducting government procurement, an identification code must be generated for each purchase or lot if there are many lots in the purchase. The following cases are exceptions:

  • purchase of medicines in accordance with clause 7, part 2, art. 83 FZ-44;
  • purchases from the EP for an amount not exceeding 100 thousand rubles or 400 thousand rubles (according to clauses 4 and 5 of part 1 of article 93 of Federal Law No. 44);
  • procurement of services related to business trips in accordance with clause 26, part 1, art. 93 FZ-44;
  • purchase of services of a teacher, guide in accordance with clause 33, part 1, art. 93 FZ-44.

Let's consider the structure of the IKZ in the form of a table:

Discharge What to indicate Exceptions
1-2 The last two digits of the year when the notice was posted in the Unified Information System or the invitation was sent, or from the date of conclusion of the contract
3-22 A special customer number, which should have been assigned to each customer by the Treasury before 01/01/2015 by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 12/18/2013 No. 127n
23-26 Purchase number according to the procurement plan (value from 0001 to 9999 is indicated in ascending order within the year)
27-29 Purchase number according to the procurement schedule (indicate a value from 001 to 999)
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