Get a job after 35 years. Elderly fund

The economic crisis, changes in consumer markets, new technologies requiring new knowledge make it difficult to find a job. And it is most difficult for middle-aged people. Firstly, sometimes they cannot remain without a stable income even for a couple of months, because they need to financially support their family. Secondly, it is no secret that most Russian companies prefer not to hire people over 35 years of age. The very understanding that you have to compete with young, ambitious candidates who are ready to accept a lower salary can cause stress and a feeling of internal discomfort. But personally, I am sure that in adulthood there are good chances in the labor market if you follow certain rules and principles in your career, do not relax and do not forget that the status and salary level already achieved are not a guarantee that tomorrow everything will be the same .

1. Relax in your comfort zone

What are the main arguments of companies against age specialists? Difficult character, complete or partial lack of physical and psychological energy, lack of ambition, poor motivation, inflexibility, reluctance to develop, insufficient openness to new information, especially technical or technological. There is a risk that an older candidate will not fit into a younger team. Often these are quite objective shortcomings and risks. And the most amazing thing is that people who receive a refusal for their reason, five to eight years ago, worked quite successfully in their chosen direction and even grew. What did they miss? What mistakes threw them to the sidelines of their careers? At what point does a person cross that invisible line beyond which it is difficult to find a job? The very moment he enters his comfort zone.

In interviews with recruiters, adult candidates often state: “I’m experienced,” implying a considerable number of years devoted to their professional field. But there is a small “but”. The number of years is not an indicator of experience. And, most importantly, we must not forget that experience is a very flexible concept.

Let me give you an example. An acquaintance of mine once approached me with a complaint that they broke up with him after 12 years of work. During the meeting, the most frequently heard words were: “I’m experienced,” “my experience,” “my years.” I asked my friend two questions. Question one: “How long does it take to learn to do your job at a normal, acceptable level if you want?” Answer: “One year.” Question two: “What does your 12 years of experience mean? Could you, for example, at the end of the eighth year say that your theoretical knowledge, skills, and technique have improved over the past 12 months? Have you developed professionally over the past 12 years? Or did you continue to do the same thing day after day?” “Of course, I did what was asked of me every day.” “Everything is clear,” I replied. “You don’t actually have twelve years of experience.” You only have one year of experience, which you repeated 11 times. And for this simple reason, it is absolutely easy to replace you with a young specialist, more energetic, ambitious, with more recent knowledge and with a lower salary.”

Having found a job and put daily responsibilities on a well-trodden track, some people subconsciously relax. It is from this moment, when the strongest desire becomes to feel safe, in the comfort zone, that problems begin. I often meet young people who are happy that they finish their work at five or six o’clock in the evening, that during the day they always have a couple of hours of free time to sit on social networks. They call it "good work." But in fact, this is what puts them at risk.

What to do? Realize that 10-15 years in the comfort zone will greatly impact your future career. Eliminate any idleness in your mind during working hours. It is this craving for idleness that, after years of living in a comfortable “cave,” leads to the collapse of its vaults.

2. Stop developing

The world of business moves forward at such a tremendous speed that even six months of inactivity in professional development can fall behind. One basic education received 20 years ago is clearly not enough to keep oneself in professional shape.

At the same time, professional development implies not only technical knowledge, but also a large number of humanitarian skills, which sometimes influence a career more than specific special skills. For example, powerful career catalysts include the ability to establish communications, presentation and self-expression skills, the ability to control stress, and knowledge of personal effectiveness techniques. All this can be learned. And it is necessary.

One of my friends has been complaining for a long time that he has no time to read. Yes, he understands how important it is to gain new knowledge, but there is too much work. And after just half an hour of conversation, it turns out that every day he spends an hour and a half on the road, listening to the radio, he could listen to books. Along with this, it turns out that proper planning of his workday and meetings will free up up to two more hours a day for him. And then there will be time, which is sorely lacking, to pay attention to family and friends.

What to do? First of all, plan your development. Plans should be made for every month and year, and periodically summarize their implementation so as not to get stuck in your comfort zone. Regular analysis of your achievements will allow you to keep your finger on the pulse of your career and adjust it depending on external conditions.

Read specialized magazines and articles. There are a lot of them on the Internet. A simple example: if you set aside 20 minutes a day to get acquainted with just two articles, over the years you will add 400-500 articles to your luggage and with them a lot of new information, opinions, criticism, knowledge, techniques and tools. And if you listen to audiobooks on the road, you will be provided with at least one book per month. Now remember how many books you have read? And how much time did you spend on the road?

Make your professional development a priority every day. If you can’t sign up for trainings, seminars, master classes, then watch it all on the Internet. At the end of each week, ask yourself: What have I done in the last few days to improve my future? And after a while it will become a habit for you - every day you invest one brick at a time into your future. And remember one important point: what seemed unshakably true a few years ago may not have any relevance today.

3. Lose your work-life balance

Another argument against older candidates is a decrease in activity in all areas, as well as psychological and emotional fatigue. What does this mean?

With age, there are more things to do and worries in both professional and personal life: family, everyday life, children, work. A person who does not know how to manage his time and does not know personal effectiveness techniques becomes more and more tired with each passing month. And this affects everything: face, intonation, temperament and behavior both in everyday life and during an interview as a job applicant.

For years, not paying attention to the quality and diet, encouraging one’s bad habits, not devoting time to sports, a person undermines his body. The first signs of health problems begin precisely in middle age, that is, at the most crucial moment, when activity is extremely important. And if we add to this possible psychological fatigue, then such a candidate is unlikely to give the employer a guarantee of activity, dynamism and efficiency with his appearance and psychological attitude. On the contrary, due to everything said above, such people will strive for more measured work, will pay a little less attention to clients, and will be a little less patient with colleagues. And problems in an organization begin with the sum of all these “little things.”

What to do? Firstly, from a young age, take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, and learn to rest effectively. Secondly, spend at least half an hour every day on physical activity so that you can spend the remaining 23.5 hours more brightly and colorfully. No time for sports? Who’s stopping you from doing just 20 squats every hour? In a day you will do 150-200 of these exercises, you will get your blood pumping, you will lose calories, you will make your legs slimmer, and you will help warm up your spine, which hurts from sitting for many hours. Even such simple actions can make magical changes in a person’s appearance and psychological state.

4. Forget about networking

A network of connections and contacts, along with knowledge and experience, are one of the most important assets of a professional in any field. What happens to some people? They have been working in the same company for years and do not communicate with anyone outside of it. Nobody knows about them. And they themselves do not declare themselves. Even the best but unknown specialist will find it difficult to find a job if no one knows about him and his knowledge.

What to do? Attend seminars, business breakfasts, conferences. Make a rule: at least one event per month. Meet interesting people at these events, exchange business cards, and don’t forget to maintain your existing relationships. To remind yourself, the next day after your first meeting, write to your new acquaintances, thank them, and express your desire to meet again for a cup of coffee. Be sure to get involved in various industry communities to be able to exchange ideas and news. Connections are the most important capital that must be regularly increased by investing your time.

Who is responsible?

One of the main complaints of people who have fallen behind in professional development: the company did not pay attention to my growth. Yes, it's quite possible. It is very likely that the company did not have a budget for employee training. And what? You cannot leave your future, financial well-being, or career in the care of a company. Your company will, without a twinge of conscience, part with a specialist who has exhausted his resource, replacing him with a young promising personnel. It is very easy to part with a person who does not meet modern requirements and realities.

Is this attitude fair to older professionals? As someone who has worked for a long time as a manager in companies that pay exclusive attention to human capital, I can say with confidence that there is a big difference between biological and psychological age. Gain experience, develop, reach out for new things, take care of your health, stay young at heart - there will be no obstacles in front of you.

A career is like surfing. The fact that you are on the crest of a wave today does not mean at all that it will be forever. New big waves will regularly roll over you: tasks, projects, affairs, crises. And coping with them will require fresh skills and knowledge. For this reason, while still on the current wave, it is important to think about the next one and prepare for it. And if you relax at the moment of the highest takeoff, a new wave will throw you to the bottom, from where it is more difficult to rise.

Not long ago I turned 33 years old, and I am approaching my first serious milestone - 35 years. This age is the first starting point, after which they may not be hired due to age. We will try to highlight several of the most basic and objective reasons why an employer will refuse candidates over 35 years of age.

Why do people hire people after 35 years of age?

Perhaps these are the most objective and main four reasons why people do not get hired after 35 years. What can we say about employment after 40 years and after 50 years. There, all four of these reasons only intensify and finding a job after 40 or 50 becomes even more difficult. And as people age, job loss often causes potential candidates to fall into long-term depression.

There is also such an unpleasant moment as the sudden uselessness of an employee. It seemed like you were needed, you were on the job, and suddenly the direction was closed, your superior manager was fired or something else, and you were sent out onto the street. Ideally, the state obliges employers to bear social responsibility and try to place an employee in the right place and retrain him, but employers do this rarely and reluctantly. They throw a person out onto the street as unnecessary. These are the disadvantages of capitalism; under socialism this would not have happened. But that’s a completely different story, we’ll discuss it sometime later.

In this darkness of misunderstanding and difficulties of employment, there are some very positive aspects. Fortunately and to our delight, many prospects open up just after 35 years.

In order to be in demand on the market at any age, you need to meet a number of requirements and apply them primarily to yourself. These rules are quite obvious and simple, but often we forget about this; it’s easier for us to blame the cruel world for everything, and not ourselves for our failures. Let's look at these rules for success in employment, regardless of age.

If you are still not hired for a job after 35 years, it’s time to ask yourself a question, perhaps it is within yourself that you will answer honestly and without making excuses to anyone. Thus, by admitting your mistakes, you can start over and never despair, keep trying and luck will definitely smile on you and you will be hired even after 60 years.

p.s. With all the positivity on which I ended my post, I admit that the problem of employment after 35, 40, 50 and 60 years is relevant. Indeed, it is much easier to find a job at 25 years old, but usually it will be paid lower than if a similar job is paid to an employee over 35 years old, although, of course, there are exceptions.

Not long ago I turned 33 years old, and I am approaching my first serious milestone - 35 years. This age is the first starting point, after which they may not be hired due to age. We will try to highlight several of the most basic and objective reasons why an employer will refuse candidates over 35 years of age.

Young team.

Typically, a person over 35 no longer fits into their values ​​and goals. He has already worked in several companies, he already understood why and where to move, in what ways. And he simply has no place in the young team; he will stand out among them.
Typically, in young teams, where more than 80% of ordinary employees are under 35 years of age, the American-style juicer is practiced. These are mainly teams of so-called sales managers, promising designers and similar young professionals.

Young manager or owner of a company.

Nowadays, young people are increasingly being put in leadership positions, and it is more difficult for them to manage people who are older than, for example, twenty-five year olds. Young people are achieving more and more success in creating companies, and they are pulling behind them mostly energetic and also young people.

The owner of a company aged 25 years no longer surprises anyone, because now there are all the opportunities for this. And people are gradually changing and leaving hired work to start their own business. Not all, but this trend is rapidly gaining momentum among young people.

The position requires an age of up to 35 years.

As an example, we can cite a sales manager who must sell and work for results. After 35 years, the number of such sellers decreases exponentially.

It is for this reason that young people are needed, preferably under 25 years old, they can be paid a salary of 5 thousand rubles, and the rest can be given in interest, without risking anything. If you sell, then you will receive, if you cannot fulfill the sales plan, you will suck your paw. And from my own experience I can say that if in three years an ordinary sales manager does not become a manager, he is a lousy sales manager.

It's time to think about changing your profession before it's too late, because at 40 you will be 100% out of the sales field.

The belief that a young employee is more flexible, more efficient and generally better. For a similar reason, Oleg Tinkov doesn’t hire people, about this in the previous post with video: Why Oleg Tinkov doesn’t hire fat people. There is a category of successful people who do not like to hire fat or “old” employees. They have every right, there is no way to prohibit them, these are their beliefs.

Many managers believe that they need to hire young people, and the line of youth has now clearly shifted to 35 years. Everyone who is younger is young, and everyone who is over 35 years old is no longer young, they already have the baggage of their own cockroaches, their own problems and other aggravating circumstances. This is exactly what they think in some companies now when they are recruiting. The trend towards rejuvenation of the team is obvious, we have to come to terms with and adapt to the circumstances.

Why do people hire people after 35 years of age?

Perhaps these are the most objective and main four reasons why people do not get hired after 35 years. What can we say about employment after 40 years and after 50 years. There, all four of these reasons only intensify and finding a job after 40 or 50 becomes even more difficult. And as people age, job loss often causes potential candidates to fall into long-term depression.

In this darkness of misunderstanding and difficulties of employment, there are some very positive aspects. Fortunately and to our delight, many prospects open up just after 35 years.

In order to be in demand on the market at any age, you need to meet a number of requirements and apply them primarily to yourself. These rules are quite obvious and simple, but often we forget about this; it’s easier for us to blame the cruel world for everything, and not ourselves for our failures. Let's look at these rules for success in employment, regardless of age.

Value as an employee.

The most important rule if you want to be successful in employment after 35 is your worth. Why would a company hire you? How will you be useful to her?

This refers to how competent you are in your field. Simplifying it, will the company benefit from your work and how much better are you really than all the other candidates in the business you are doing. If you performed your duties mediocrely before the age of 35, then your chances of getting a job and increasing your income are rapidly decreasing. Your value is the totality of how helpful, flexible, proactive, hardworking and whether you put your heart and soul into your work.

All of these factors determine your worth. The more valuable you are, the more demand there is for you, and nothing depends on age. If you are 46, and there are 23-year-old employees around you, but you bring value to the company, you will definitely be accepted and promoted up the career ladder within the company. Another thing is that with age, your productivity decreases and, if your potential or current employer notices this, your value as an employee will decrease.

Professionalism and versatility.

The first characteristic is even more important, because if you are truly a professional, you will be swept out of the job market in a matter of days. And they will give you an excellent salary, regardless of your age. Professionalism is one of the most important elements of success. The versatility of a professional provides him with another additional advantage compared to the rest of the labor market.

A modern company is in great need of professionals, but finding them is becoming more and more difficult as people age and their desire to improve their skills and grow in their profession decreases. If your desire has not decreased, you will be successful in almost any endeavor!

The position requires an age over 35 years.

It is for this reason that you should not despair when looking for a job. There is more trust in older people than in young people. Some of the most effective leaders are people over 35 years old. Look at our government - they are all already old, but they are still in demand and difficult to replace. Why? Because they are trusted and listened to.

If they were 25 years old, would 45 year olds listen to them? I doubt. Moreover, employees over 35 years of age are in demand precisely in management positions, or positions that involve some kind of management of people in the process of everyday work.

If you are still not hired for a job after 35 years, it’s time to ask yourself a question, perhaps it is within yourself that you will answer honestly and without making excuses to anyone. Thus, by admitting your mistakes, you can start over and never despair, keep trying and luck will definitely smile on you and you will be hired even after 60 years.

p.s. With all the positivity on which I ended my post, I admit that the problem of employment after 35, 40, 50 and 60 years is relevant. Indeed, finding a job at 25 years old is much easier, but usually it will be paid lower than if a similar job is paid to an employee over 35 years old, although, of course, there are exceptions.

June 18, 2017

Illustration for:

By law, an employer must not select a new employee based on his age, gender or marital status. But in practice, many St. Petersburg residents face age discrimination. Unofficially, applicants are explained that they are too old and can only be watchmen, watchmen or cleaners. Some companies in the Northern capital do not want to hire even thirty-year-olds.

To be janitors or scrubbers

St. Petersburg resident Elena Kamalova has not been able to find a job for six months. The reason is that she is 56 years old.

I worked as a technical expert in an insurance company and had an excellent record. I was lured to another company, where they cheated me with my salary. I left, naively believing that with my qualifications and experience I would easily find a job. But it turned out that no one needed a pensioner. Seeing my work experience, they said, “You’re perfect for us,” “Consider that you’re already on staff,” but when they found out my age, they refused. Somewhere they directly explained that they do not hire people over 45-50 years old. Somewhere they offered a “lighter” type of work - as a watchman or scrubber. It feels like I am now a second-class citizen. Should I go steal or just hang myself?

Elena is in a difficult position. Her pension is only 6 thousand rubles. She got a job several times. But the salary turned out to be “black” and low.

Why am I deprived of the opportunity to work? - the “young” pensioner is indignant. “I’m not a grandmother, I’m energetic, ambitious, I haven’t become dull in my old age, I haven’t fallen into insanity.” I own a computer, databases, I want and love to work. It seems that employers only want young, beautiful and unmarried people. I’m not Baba Yaga either, the children are already grown up and I do my job faster and better than many. But after six months of ordeals on the labor market, I realized: age decides everything. Alas, not in my favor.

Some companies in the Northern capital do not want to hire even thirty-year-olds. Photo:

Forever Young

On large Internet sites that offer work, there are no ill-fated restrictions: “gender, age, nationality or registration.” But smaller resources do not comply with the law. Here are a few examples from the websites of St. Petersburg and the region: “Payroll accountant required from 25 to 35 years old”, “Restaurant is looking for a chef - only for women under 40 years old”, “Atelier offers work for a photographer up to 29 years old”, “required for a pharmacy” pharmacist/pharmacist - woman 20-50 years old”, “confectioner - man under 40 years old”.

The requests for personal assistants are stricter: “A young woman from 23 to 32 years old, model appearance, without a family and ready for non-standard work, knowledge of three languages, a computer, basic psychology is required.” It's even harder to be a secretary these days. Often the age restrictions in this profession are very strict - from 17 to 28-35 years. It turns out that after 35, all secretaries must receive a new education and another job. It seems that everyone needs forever young workers. And, unfortunately, discrimination, both gender and age, is firmly ingrained in the heads of bosses. At the same time, specialists from the Employment Center assure that they have not heard of proven cases of discrimination in hiring. They advise you to contact them for help. They say they will find an excellent job, have a positive attitude, and even help with advanced training, if required. True, Elena Kamalova was not very pleased with the Center’s options. “It seemed to me that their task was not to accommodate me, but to tick a box. Recently they sent me a vacancy: “Women needed in warehouses.” What it is? Options for other agencies are network marketing and making money online. It's a scam, not a job."

Europeans are paid more

By the way, young St. Petersburg residents often also have to deal with the bias of their superiors, due to their age, or even nationality.

Alexey Gusarov (last name changed at the request of the hero) works as a cook in a prestigious restaurant. Almost every day for 12 hours on my feet. Earns 25 thousand rubles.

The salary of a guest chef from Europe is 150 thousand rubles. We have the same experience and skill,” says Alexey. “He admits it himself and wonders why I get paid so little.” But the management believes that being from Europe means a master, and being Russian will get by. Many of my friends leave their profession because of this. Migrants are taken in their place. They are paid even less - 20, or even 15 thousand rubles. This is unfair and very offensive. To all my complaints, the management says: “Quit.” And so virtually everywhere...

12 Photo: AiF / Tatyana Shvetsova

Humiliated since childhood

Tatyana Gerasimova, sociologist:

I have been researching the problem of age discrimination against women since 1982. And I can say with confidence that the infringement of the rights of women after 40 years when applying for work occurred both in Soviet times and now. When sexual attractiveness is put at the forefront, and not professional qualities. The exception was a short period in the late 90s and early 2000s, when business began to actively develop in Russia and businessmen relied on experience, intelligence and talent. It was in those years that there was a great demand for female labor. By the way, successful companies still operate according to this principle, but there are only a few of them.

Of course, from the point of view of all kinds of state committees, we have no discrimination - vacancies exist even for pensioners. However, the jobs offered are so inadequate to their professional level, the work is so poorly qualified and poorly paid, that such offers cannot be called anything other than humiliation.

An older woman is perceived as a person who is ready for anything and is placed on the same level as migrant workers. From the point of view of a Western person, a woman’s old age is a certain outcome of life. She has already earned herself a social status, is able to provide an appropriate level of health and comfort, and may not depend on relatives.

Russian women, from a young age, are in a situation of constant infringement of human dignity, which reaches its apogee towards retirement. And women with a high level of education and intellectual development are doomed to a miserable existence with their meager pensions. I can tell you this from my own experience, as a science worker with a pension of 7 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, a city with the largest number of educated and culturally developed people, this problem is especially acute. Yes, in the West there are also some restrictions on women’s rights, but in our country they are offended - both in feelings and in terms of professional fulfillment.

However, I would like to note that in Russia there is severe labor discrimination against older men. And a retired person simply finds himself left out of social life.

“An older woman is perceived as a person who is ready for anything, and is placed on the same level as migrant workers.” Photo: Photo by Alexey Gusev

Will there be no respect for summer?

Vladimir Kurenkov, Deputy Director of one of the recruiting firms in St. Petersburg:

Proving discrimination as a reason for refusal to hire is very difficult. We need evidence and ironclad facts. You can refuse an elderly or “green” applicant under various pretexts. No one will give a certificate: “We won’t take it, since you are old, probably get sick often and don’t think well.” The standard answer is: “Sorry, you are not suitable for us,” “Unfortunately, the place is already taken.” And the most popular one is “We’ll call you back.” Some companies enter into employment contracts for 3 months, six months. Retirement age has arrived and the contract will not be renewed. Everything is legal. Naturally, most employers are not delighted with the pre-retirement team. Today, many jobs require quick thinking, physical activity and knowledge of new technologies. This is a tough business and no one will hire someone out of respect for their years.

Be persistent

Olga Chernaus, Head of one of the departments of vocational training, career guidance and psychological support of the St. Petersburg Employment Agency:

We have not received any official complaints of discrimination in employment, but both young people and older people have difficulties finding work. The Employment Service pays special attention to these categories. Job fairs, seminars are held, and individual work is carried out with applicants. If a person is faced with the fact of an illegal refusal by an employer and can confirm this, it is necessary to go to court. Alas, there are cases when an employer, refusing because of age, gives another completely legitimate reason. But citizens who contact the employment service are more protected - we give them a referral to a vacancy and in case of refusal, the employer is obliged to explain the reason. If your level of experience and qualifications is adequate for the position for which you applied, but did not get it, it is much easier to protect your interests in court by having an official document of refusal. It is important to adequately assess your qualifications and experience, as well as write your resume correctly. Don't expect instant success. The first, second and even tenth interview may be unsuccessful, but with activity, perseverance and the right approach to finding a job, the chances are greatly increased. Finally, you need to assess the current labor market situation. Perhaps this will allow you to reconsider inflated career and salary expectations, make a decision to improve your qualifications or obtain an additional specialty.

In July 2013, President Putin signed a law that prohibits employers from indicating in advertisements the gender, race, age, place of residence, marital status and other restrictions not related to the employee’s business qualities. Violators face fines. For citizens - from 500 to 1000 rubles, for officials - from 3000 to 5000 rubles, for legal entities - from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. However, some professions are legally subject to age and gender restrictions. For example, women are prohibited from working as subway drivers, explosives operators, and divers - a total of 456 types of work in 39 areas.

Recently, a friend of mine decided to change his job. He’s a good specialist, he’s just tired of the team and long trips to the other end of the city. I thought that I would get a job in another organization without problems, but everything turned out differently. Age turned out to be the only stumbling block. The man is 42 years old, looks about 30, is always smart, neat, dresses stylishly, and plays sports.

He didn’t even suspect that he would be on the list of “old men.” For six months, he sent out resumes, made calls, and went to interviews. All to no avail. In all the places he applied, there was one answer: “we need an employee aged 25-35.” As a result, he returned to his previous job, where during his absence they realized all his advantages as an employee.

I know one lady, she is over 40, but it is difficult to find a more stylish and energetic person at her age. A kind of girl without age. She is a creative person: she paints pictures, writes poetry, tried herself in clothing design, but eventually came to the conclusion that she wants to be an interior designer and that’s it. A good portfolio immediately attracted potential employers, they immediately called her back, but as soon as they heard the number 47, they immediately refused. At first, the woman was offended by such attacks, indignant and perplexed. And one fine day, without calling, she arrived at the head office of the design company N with her works, taking with her works from other areas (fashion, poetry and graphics). Everyone gasped! They began to lament how long they had been looking for just such a specialist and no longer hoped to find her, that they were hiring her right now, they paid compliments and sang praises.

Our heroine listened to everything calmly, and then said that she had called them several times, that she had sent her resume, but they refused to even meet with her, naively assuming that at 47 years old a woman looked like an old, torn galosh. Everyone was dumbfounded and that same silent scene hung in the air. How so? The lady looks about 30-35 years old, no more.

And the lady collected her work from the table, and before closing the door behind her, said: “Never judge people by the numbers in their passport. You can become a pensioner at heart at 25, but someone at 70 can create, enjoy life and give their talent and experience to the next generations!” Now our heroine lives and works in St. Petersburg.

Up to what age do people get hired?

Today I went to a couple of “Work” sites and saw for myself that in all areas employers indicate the age for applicants as 20-35 years old. In my opinion, for some professions this is even funny! Would a 40-year-old manager do a worse job selling the same advertising than a 20-year-old? Or is his brain not working so creatively?

What about managers? It is impossible to get a job as a simple loader if you are 37. For simple work vacancies, the age range is 18-30! Can you imagine an 18-year-old boy carrying furniture? Why is a 37-year-old seasoned man, who served in the army for half his life, worse in matters of loading? Getting a job after 40 is the stuff of science fiction these days. Who put these frames? Who benefits from them? Would you say the employer doesn’t want to hire a person before retirement? But the retirement age of our men starts at 60, not 40! Simple calculations suggest that the applicant is still 20 years away from retirement.

If we can only get a job without problems in the period of 20-40 years, then what is our life like? Think about it: until the age of 6 we go to kindergarten, from 7 to 17-18 we study at school, from 18 to 23 we study at a university. From 23 to 26 we are called “young specialist without experience”, and after 40 no one needs us anymore. This means that we have been living fully in terms of self-realization for 14-15 years! Wow!

It is very stupid and short-sighted to measure all people on one scale. Age – it also has more than one scale! There are the following types of human age: biological, psychological and actual. The actual one is indicated in the passport. Biological age is the state of your body, the supply of physiological and energy resources, physical fitness, etc. Psychological age characterizes how holistic and harmonious a personality is, how old your inner child and inner adult are.

According to the passport, a person may be 25, but the biological age is 60, and the psychological age is 14 (this is called infantility). Do you need such an employee? Unlikely... But here’s another scenario: according to the passport, 45, biological age 25, psychological coincides with biological, i.e. also 25. I would hire such an employee, because... he has experience and a decent education, and he thinks modernly and creatively.

Do you think it is worth setting such strict age restrictions as 20-35 years?

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