Enhance smartphone reception. How to make a cell phone signal booster

Strengthening the 3G, 4G signal is actually not that difficult. There are several ways to improve communication in the country or in the village. You can do this by:

  • change of mobile operator;
  • fine-tuning the modem itself.

To correct the situation with slow Internet, you can also use a special external or internal 3G Internet amplifier. The use of such equipment can actually give a very good effect.

How to choose the right operator

Towers of cellular operators in our country are located extremely unevenly. To find out which company's signal in a particular area will be the strongest, first of all, you need to look at special coverage maps. Every popular operator has them. You can find cards on the official websites of the cellular communication providers themselves. According to many Internet users, the signal from the Megafon operator is best received in remote areas. However, of course, in some cases, the best connection may be from other companies.

You can find out which company's signal is better received in a particular area, of course, not only with the help of maps. Those who want to strengthen the Internet for summer residents and residents of rural areas, among other things, should ask their neighbors which operator they prefer.

3G, 4G signal amplification: modem settings

In order for the 3G modem itself to work better, several changes should be made to its settings. To do this, you just need to open the program that comes with the device and go to the "Network Settings" tab. Next, select the item "Only 3G" and check the box next to the line "Automatically".

Strengthening the 3G signal in the country or in the village using an antenna

Antennas designed to amplify the 3G signal are internal and external. The first type of equipment is cheaper and easy to install. External antennas are more expensive and more difficult to mount.

Internal models can provide good signal amplification 3G, 4G, being simply installed on the windowsill. Recently, parabolic antennas of this type have become very popular. The modem in them is connected in focus to a special connector. Further, through the USB plug, the structure is connected to a laptop or computer. Consumer reviews of internal antennas deserve really good ones. They amplify the signal really well. But only if there is an operator tower nearby.

In very remote villages, of course, the best option to speed up the Internet may be an external antenna to amplify the 3G signal. Models of this type are usually mounted on the roof of a house or on a large tree. The choice of a specific type of antenna in this case will depend mainly on the signal strength of the operator. The weaker it is, the more expensive equipment of this type will have to be purchased.

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The main reason for the low speed of Internet access when using a 3G modem is a poor signal level. To increase it, there are a number of proven methods, many of which can be quite effective.

You will need

  • - Wi-Fi router;
  • - antenna.


Many people know that even within the same room, the network signal level can fluctuate greatly. Naturally, sitting with laptops near the window is an unpleasant pleasure. Especially for such situations, Wi-Fi routers with support for 3G networks have been created. Purchase this equipment.

Connect it to the mains and install the router in an area with good 3G signal strength. Connect your USB to your equipment and set it up to create a wireless access point. Now you can connect several laptops and netbooks to your 3G modem at once.

If you have a USB cable of the right length, you can even take the 3G modem outside the room, for example, on the roof. Be sure to insulate the modem case to prevent moisture from entering. To do this, you can use part of a plastic bottle.


If you have an antenna jack, use any available object as a reception amplifier, such as a metal curtain.

Useful advice

Some USB modems have a socket for connecting an additional antenna, hidden under a plastic case.
Please note that when several devices are connected to the router, the Internet channel will be shared between them, which will lead to a loss of speed for each equipment.

The Internet is connected to almost every area of ​​our lives. With it, we can communicate, work and even have fun. Regardless of the purpose of use, high speed the Internet necessary. Enhance signal modem without changing the tariff plan is impossible, but it is possible to increase the speed by prioritizing the use of traffic.


If you need to improve the cellular signal in a particular room, install a repeater. GSM repeaters serve the quality of cellular communication and pick it up even if there is a weak signal. The antenna broadcasts it to the Megafon network coverage area. Install the antenna in a place where there is at least one signal band, the quality reception Megaphone will improve significantly. Pay attention to the technical characteristics of the GSM repeater. The frequency of the mobile operator must match the frequency of the antenna. Use a repeater that can operate on multiple bands at once.

Consider the position of the phone. The incoming signal of the mobile operator is converted relative to the telephone antenna and is determined in a specific area from this antenna. During a conversation, place the handset vertically, in this position it is better to "see" the operator's signal. You will interfere with the antenna if you hold the device sideways or upside down.

Useful advice

If the cellular signal is very weak and even the antenna did not help, improve reception with a booster. The cellular amplifier is powered by a regular 220-volt home outlet, supplied with an adapter for the car's cigarette lighter. Connect the booster between the phone's antenna adapter and the repeater.


  • improving the quality of communication

Level signal 3G but depends on various factors - your location relative to the nearest tower, the presence of additional wireless devices in the room, the isolation of the room, and so on. In order to improve the signal, you need to pinpoint the cause of the poor call quality.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - modem;
  • - phone with 3G function.


In order to increase the signal of the 3G modem, install it in such a way that foreign objects do not interfere with it. If you have a home desktop computer, use the USB ports on the front or side of it, if provided by the case model, or simply use a special extension cable for USB devices.

Pay special attention to the condition of this cable, because if it is damaged or made of poor quality materials, it is quite possible that it will also cause a deterioration in the level signal.

Make sure the receipt signal the modem is not interfered with by additional wireless devices connected to your computer. If you use a wireless mouse, keyboard, monitor, have an active Bluetooth connection, and so on, make sure that the adapters and modem are not in adjacent USB ports, as they may interfere with reception signal. This is especially true for laptop and netbook users; in portable computers, it is less possible to arrange these devices on different sides, due to the fact that the number of ports is less. Here it is also best to use a special extension cord.

If you are away from home and you are not satisfied with the quality received by your 3G modem signal, change your location to one that is closer to the operator's station. Also note that the call quality is much worse in basements. If it is possible to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, find a place with an access point in case your modem does not receive a good signal.

Make sure that the low data rate depends in this case on the quality of the connection. To do this, check your modem on another device or simply check the Internet connection speed of this operator on your phone, if you have the opportunity to connect it using 3G data transfer technology.

Useful advice

Find out the location of your operator's towers in your city.

If you purchased a replacement 3G modem and connected it to your computer, and the speed remains the same, then this is usually due to a weak network signal in your area. Using an external antenna can correct this situation.

You will need

  • - modem;
  • - external and internal antennas;
  • - coaxial cable.


Check the coverage area of ​​the 3G network of the MegaFon mobile operator, to do this, go to its website and find the coverage of the 3G network. If you are in the zone or on its border, but the modem is to, then the signal level is too weak. This means that it is below the limit of sensitivity. Use an external antenna to amplify the signal. It can provide an increase in speed by one and a half times, due to an increase in the signal-to-noise ratio.

Because everything is like a flat plate the size of a business card, with a circular pattern. Attach the antenna to the modem with tape, so you get a contactless adapter. Connect the antennas to each other using an 8D-FB coaxial cable. Pay close attention to its quality, otherwise connecting the antenna to the modem will lose all meaning, as there will be significant signal losses. You also need to be careful when installing an outdoor antenna. Determine the exact direction to the station, and if it is unknown, find it out empirically using

What is a built-in 3G modem

3G modem is a third generation data transfer standard (3-Generation), operates at a frequency of 2 GHz, the maximum data transfer rate is 3.2 Mbps, although the final result depends on the tariff you choose.

The built-in 3G modem is a device with a slot for a SIM card, available in almost every modern portable computer device. Activating it is simple - just insert a SIM card and you will get access to the Internet.

Internet using 3G technology

The stability of the Internet signal transmitted using a 3G modem depends on many factors. In fact, such an Internet works on the principle of the mobile Internet familiar to everyone, you just need to choose the right tariff. Note that the signal will be better where there is a more stable network coverage area. A coverage area is a territory where an uninterrupted signal is maintained for a long period of time. All mobile operators today have stable network coverage areas almost anywhere, including outside the city. Less reliable is the Internet provided by the Tele 2 operator. Insufficient network signal stability is fraught with the fact that the Internet connection becomes slow, and sometimes even disappears. This deprives the user of the ability to view video files, as well as listen to music.

The stability of the signal depends on the base station, how far it is from the Internet user. The farther away, the smaller the coverage area, respectively, the signal quality is rapidly declining. In addition, the frequency range (it determines the channel bandwidth) intended for 3G networks is not so wide as to provide the data transfer rate supported by the 3G standard for all clients. 3G networks, unlike previous generations of communications, do not divide voice and data services into more or less priority ones. That is, if many users of one base station start talking on the phone, then the Internet will have all the remaining speed.

MTS, Beeline and Megafon - the three largest cellular operators - provide Internet via the 3G system in fact at the same level. Of course, the development of information technologies, in particular, the development of the 3G system, and now 4G, is beyond doubt the future of the Internet, affordable for everyone.

As soon as you find a point with a stable signal level and a satisfactory Internet speed, you can decide which equipment to choose to amplify or stabilize the Internet signal. If this point is in the house, then you can simply move the modem to this place, either by moving a laptop with a modem, or by purchasing a simple usb extension cable for the modem. Please note that the longer the usb cable for the modem, the higher the likelihood of problems with the modem. If the point of reliable reception is outside the house, then you can not do without a special external antenna.

The easiest solution for an external antenna is to purchase an inexpensive kit with a block for installing a conventional one. This option is good because it will fit any USB modem, there is no need to look for special adapters for connecting external antennas. The antenna is mounted on houses or on a mast and directed towards the nearest cell tower. Or, taking a laptop and armed with a modem program and a browser version of the speedtest program, the best antenna direction is configured. Thus, I managed to achieve a stable 3G Internet at a speed of up to 8 megabits in a village house, where without an antenna the signal showed only EDGE and was constantly interrupted.

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Useful advice

This method may not work, so do a thorough research before purchasing the kit, and in the store, negotiate the possibility of a return if an external antenna does not help to strengthen the signal.

Mobile communication is an integral part of our lives, leaving far behind. Thanks to her, we can always be in touch, and along with this, have access to the Internet. However, there are situations when the network coverage is not good enough, which in turn negatively affects the quality of voice calls and the speed of mobile Internet. This problem has been actualized by the mass introduction of 4G, the signal of which is not good in all places.

If you have a poor quality of cellular signal coverage at home or in your country house, then it is quite possible to solve this problem, although this will take time and money.

Process feasibility

Before purchasing equipment and installing it, contact the operator.

If the mobile network signal quality is poor, call the operator and report the problem. If your neighbors are also faced with this, then let them contact the operator. The more applications, the more chances that your problem will be solved by the specialists of the mobile operator for their corporate funds.

For its part, the operator can solve the coverage problem in two ways: installing a new base station or installing additional modules on an existing one.

In the case when the operator, for some reason, cannot solve the problem with coverage, this must be solved on his own. Before you do this, you need to calculate everything.

If the coverage of your mobile operator is of poor quality, can you give preference to another? Today, fortunately, the choice of mobile operators is sufficient. When this option is not suitable, and you urgently need to organize a high-quality and reliable coverage - let's get down to action!

Equipment and scope of work

You probably know that cellular communication is divided into 3 types (generations): GSM (2G), 3G and 4G. Each of them operates in a certain frequency range. Depending on the required amplification of the type of network, it will be necessary to select equipment.

It is impossible to amplify the signal of several generations of networks at once with one set of equipment. To amplify the signal, each generation of the network needs its own separate set of equipment.

However, in most cases, only one network generation is needed to amplify the signal, but which one? Everything is complicated by the fact that each of them has its own advantages, but, nevertheless, let's try to come to a common denominator.


First, study the coverage of the network around. If you receive a signal from a base station with 3G or 4G, then it is best to focus on these generations, since it is the latest and also provides access to high-speed mobile Internet. The main thing is that all devices support this type of connection.


The generation of the network must also be chosen from the tasks set. If you need reliable coverage for making voice calls, but the Internet is not needed, then focus on the GSM network - it's simple and practical.

Subscriber device support

The only caveat is that everyone must have devices that support the selected network type. If absolutely all mobile phones and smartphones support GSM, then third and fourth generation networks are far from all. In other words, if you want to implement a 4G network, all households will need to purchase devices with appropriate network support, which are by no means cheap.

In a word, it's up to you. It is better to choose a 4G network, as it provides high-quality communication and at the same time high-speed Internet access. When the planets "came together" and your whole family has devices with 3G support, then by the will of fate you should choose this network. If you do not bother with all this - take GSM.

What equipment is needed:

  • External antenna (sent to the base station to receive the signal);

  • Repeater (a device that amplifies the signal and transmits it to an internal antenna);

  • Internal antenna (provides signal propagation in the room);

  • Cable 5D/FB (cable for connecting an external antenna to the repeater);

  • Connector N111/5D (plug for cable connection).

Regardless of the type of network, a set of equipment has the same components. This kit is suitable for an apartment and a small private house, such as a summer house. In such cases, one repeater will be enough to spread the signal throughout the room. If you need to amplify the signal on several floors or on a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you will need more repeaters.

Be sure to find out at what frequencies your chosen network operates, this is necessary in order to choose the right equipment. Also ask the operator where the nearby base station is located or determine it using special mobile programs. In general, the antenna is mounted where there is the best network signal on the phone.

If you do not have certain skills and knowledge in this matter, then it is better to entrust the choice and installation to professionals.


First you need to strengthen the antenna, depending on its type, installation will be carried out. Fastening is done with anchors.

As mentioned earlier, you need to find the side in which there will be the best signal. This is the direction in which the antenna will point. You can mount the antenna on the wall or. In addition, if necessary, you can even build a metal tower on which the antenna will be mounted - this is a good solution for summer cottages and cottage villages.

The next stage of installation is cable laying. To do this, make a hole in the wall and connect the cable to an external antenna. We lay the inner part of the cable indoors to the location of the repeater. To attach the tips to the ends of the cable, it is better to use the services of a master in the store.

Then we proceed to the installation of the repeater. It is attached to the wall with dowel-nails, and if it is a simple antenna, then it is placed on a shelf. Next, the internal and external antennas are connected to the repeater. After that, we connect the repeater to the mains, configure it and are satisfied with the high-quality network coverage.

When choosing an installation site, before starting all work, draw up a diagram of the equipment installation. Be sure to have a separate outlet near the repeater, and take this into account when drawing up the diagram. The repeater should be located in the center of the area where the signal needs to be improved.

This video will help you to visually get acquainted with the installation procedure and equipment for signal amplification:

Choosing a cellular signal amplifier for giving

On weekends and holidays, citizens tend to spend time away from the bustle of the city in summer cottages and country houses. Many rest their souls, enjoying the fresh air, nature and tranquility. Others are attracted by intricate summer cottages, growing plants, flowers, and harvesting.

Despite the desire to relax, most urban residents cannot do without cellular communications, and since the network sometimes does not catch outside the city, discomfort arises that can distract from the rest. People are wondering - how to strengthen the cellular signal in the country with their own hands? A mobile phone today is not just a household item, it is a part of life, the ability to keep in touch with loved ones, control the performance of work, and remain available anywhere.

Mobile communication may be unavailable due to insufficient operator coverage. The quality of communication is also affected by the materials from which a country house is built.

To get out of this situation and stay in touch, many refuse the joy of a country holiday or prefer to purchase a plot where there is coverage. But there is another way out. You can not refuse your favorite remote area and spend a lot of time on it by installing specialized equipment that can amplify the network signal - a cellular and Internet signal amplifier for summer cottages. This mobile communication amplifier for summer cottage provides high-quality and uninterrupted communication in any part of the house. There will be no need to look for the most suitable place to talk trying to pick up a signal.

General information

The problem of a poor-quality network will be solved by a device called repeater. To forever forget about poor coverage, you need to install special equipment in your country house. Its operation does not depend on a particular operator. The services of which mobile company a person would not use, the signal will be improved. The quality of the signal amplified by the device is not affected by the frequency and standards used.

At the heart of the action of a cellular communication amplifier for giving is a signal amplifier. The antenna receives the network signal and the other antenna transmits. The device operates under the control of the controller and duplexer. They are frequency filters to improve the quality of communication. The design of the device allows you to amplify the signal of the cellular network in both directions. Through the radio channel, the signal is amplified for all telephones within the range.

The principle of operation of the cellular signal amplifier

The effectiveness of the device is to use two antennas - external and internal. External is located outside the building. For fastening, the wall of the house or the roof is most suitable. The antenna is installed in the direction of the nearest mobile communication station. The antenna is connected to the main unit via a cable. The external antenna operates by receiving the incoming signal and sending it to the internal antenna - repeater.

The device must be installed in a certain order. One of the key points is the length of the cable. The shorter its length, the better the quality of the received connection. The most practical place for fastening the device is the facade of the building. The distance from the external to the internal antenna must be at least 20 meters.

Additionally, you need to install power dividers if the device is planned to be used over a large area. With the help of dividers, you can connect more antennas to the repeater. To do this, select places indoors on the walls and ceilings. This allows you to get a uniform signal of good quality, regardless of obstacles in the form of walls and blocks.

Choosing a repeater - where to start

In search of an opportunity to amplify the mobile signal in the country or in the house, some craftsmen are trying to create a cellular amplifier with their own hands. But it is much more reliable to leave the solution of this issue in the hands of an experienced specialist than to make a home-made device or buy equipment from a manufacturer. VEGATEL, which is considered one of the best in the domestic market.

But not everyone is stopped by the possibility of failure. Some craftsmen still take up the assembly of the amplifier. The most primitive way is to connect a telephone set and an external antenna. This is the cheapest of the effective methods, but the most inconvenient, since the person on the phone will be tied to a place. Another disadvantage is the increase in work for only one phone, so that other family members will not be able to use high-quality telephone communications.

The most practical to use and of high quality is a cellular amplifier for giving a professional factory release. When purchasing a device for industrial production, you need to pay attention to such points as:

Average price;

Complete kit for installation and use;

Application guide for installation and use;

Availability of warranty repair service from the manufacturer.

Compliance with these criteria ensures the implementation of the price = quality ratio and gives a guarantee of the result. A model that meets these requirements will last long enough and efficiently. Sufficient mobile signal will be provided to all users in the area using a commercial repeater.

Installing a single repeater to enhance communication in the country is a fairly budget option. Having invested a slightly larger amount of funds, you can install a mobile signal repeater. It is more powerful and enhances not just the signal of the mobile operator, but the Internet coverage. That is, in addition to communicating by phone, you can purchase the opportunity to use high-speed Internet.

Installation and configuration of the kit with a repeater

After a successful purchase of a complete repeater, it's time to install the device and enjoy the benefits it creates.

Installation of a cellular signal amplifier for a summer residence takes place in several stages;

The first step is to measure the quality of the signal. This is done to correctly position the external antenna and check the power of the device itself. Measurements are made by means of a special professional program. The place with the best signal quality is determined and an external antenna is installed here.

Next, the direct process of assembling signal amplifying equipment. At this stage, the help of a professional is also important. Installation involves work on the roof, actions with a puncher and other tools that not every owner has in stock. However, for a person who has the tools and skills to work with them, assembling a repeater will not be an impossible task.

The repeater should be installed near a power source to recharge the device. The repeater can be installed horizontally or vertically, this does not affect its operation.

The final stage is the installation of the repeater's internal antenna. You need to remember about the necessary 20-meter distance between the external and internal antennas for the successful operation of the repeater.

After installation, the signal amplifying device is adjusted. Adjustment comes down to connecting cables to N-type connectors. After that, the amplifier is ready to perform its functions.

Setting up the device consists in setting the gains for each channel.


This article is devoted to the principles of operation of a repeater for a summer residence or a country house. We hope that the collected information was useful in the selection, installation and configuration of the device. This device is designed to provide users with high-quality cellular communications.

The price of a repeater depends on the country and manufacturer, as well as on the expected power. We recommend the manufacturer VEGATEL, whose products are optimal in terms of price / quality ratio. Even the simplest repeater can significantly improve the quality of coverage in the country and provide uninterrupted mobile communication with the outside world.

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Dense urban development, terrain, power lines and remoteness from transmission towers greatly affect the quality of signal reception, which can disappear at the most inopportune moment.

And today I want to talk about several ways to strengthen cellular communications on the phone with my own hands and how really they help. But before you perform any actions with your device, you need to make sure that it is working.

After all, poor reception may be due to a malfunction of the radio module, unreliable contact with the internal antenna, or firmware that has flown down.

Making sure that your smartphone is working is very simple. It is enough to compare its reception level with another, obviously working, not necessarily of the same model.

If it is very different, then most likely the mobile phone is faulty and it has a direct road to the repair shop. But there is no need to rush. I had a similar situation with Lenovo 316i, when the level bars on the display constantly disappeared, while other mobile phones worked fine. For some reason, I sinned on the buggy software.

And, of course, I tried to reflash it, but the result did not change. Having studied a considerable number of forums, I was inclined to the conclusion that the cause of poor reception may be poor contact at the junction of the antenna and the motherboard.

This is a common disease of Chinese gadgets. The next step I decided to take was to disassemble it.

And in fact, having opened the case, I found that the middle spring tab on the board is slightly bent down and does not come into contact with the antenna, which is a flexible cable glued to the cover.

Armed with tweezers, I bent it up a little, screwed everything back on, replaced the SIM cards, the battery and pressed the power button. After the system booted, all four divisions appeared in the status bar and this time they did not disappear.

Thus, having skills and certain knowledge, I myself managed to repair my mobile. But now let's talk about the methods by which you can significantly improve the quality of communication.

Software way to amplify a cellular signal

This time we will not disassemble anything, but we will install a special MTK Engineering Mode application on Android, with which we will enter the engineering menu and change some parameters there. It is free and you can download it from the Play Market. Please note that it is only suitable for devices based on the MediaTek processor. You can find out which processor you have using the CPU-Z program, which you can download, again, from the Play Market. So, we click on the shortcut of the program and immediately get into such a menu.

Go to the MTK Settings tab

As a result, we will see such a window with settings on the display, where we remove all the checkmarks. We leave only

  • EGSM900;
  • DCS1800;
  • WCDMA-GSM-900.

Thus, we turn off unnecessary frequencies that are not used in our country.

We do the same operation with SIM2.

Then we go to the “Network Selection” where we select the GSM only item. This is a 2G communication standard, which originally appeared when building telecommunications networks.

It has wide coverage across the country and handles voice calls very well. Select this tab if you do not use 3G internet.

After these manipulations, your handset will work longer by turning off scanning of unnecessary frequencies and keep the radio signal more stable, as it will not jump between WCDMA and GSM standards.

Connecting a homemade antenna

In the past, cell phones had an external radio antenna, or a plugged jack located on the back of the case, into which any piece of wire could be plugged, which significantly increased reception.

Now everyone has modern smartphones, to which, apart from charging and headphones, nothing can be connected anymore. But, if you disassemble it, then inside, on the board, you can see a small golden cylindrical connector with a hole in the middle.

It is intended for network diagnostics and is used only in service centers. But, if you insert a small piece (no more than 5 cm) of a thin insulated wire into it, you can observe a noticeable increase in the signal level.

Only in this case it is necessary to comply with certain conditions. The wiring should not bend anywhere and touch the current-carrying parts. You can carefully lay it inside the case, between the battery and the cover.

Again, this method is not suitable for everyone, since most devices are non-separable or do not have such a connector.

Installing a repeater

This option is ideal for use in the country or in the countryside, where, as a rule, the quality of communication is not important due to the remoteness of the towers.

Its principle of operation is to capture electromagnetic waves, preamplify them and transfer them to the user's phone. The system consists of a unit - a repeater, an external and internal antenna. The disadvantage of this equipment is the expensive price of the device, the complexity of installation, configuration and a small radius of action. But you can try to build a home-made installation to amplify the signal yourself.

To do this, we need a metal rod, about 50 cm long, a coaxial cable, a piece of foil about 100 by 40 mm in size, glued to plastic or plywood. It would be better if you have foil textolite.

So, we bend our rod in the shape of a rhombus and solder a cable to it, the other end of which is soldered to the foil.

An example of connecting a cable to a rod

We install our rhombus on the roof of the house or on a pole, preferably higher.

Now let's check the amplifier. To do this, we put the phone close to the plywood and notice how much the signal quality has improved.

sticker sticker

Often on sale you can find a universal compact antenna amplifier, which is a thin self-adhesive plate with a special geometric pattern of metal tracks, which, according to the manufacturer, reduce the amount of interference and can significantly enhance the signal where there is practically no cellular connection.

The sticker is glued to the inner surface of the phone, under the battery. But to buy it, in my opinion, there is no point. With the same success, you can put a piece of foil under the battery and the effect will be the same.

Here, with the help of such simple manipulations, you can do it yourself, with the help of inexpensive materials, to amplify a weak cellular signal on your phone.

P.S. I am attaching a screenshot of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can earn money in this way, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means to learn from those who are already earning money, that is, from Internet business professionals.

If the apartment has a zero signal level of a mobile phone or the connection of subscribers is unstable, then this situation can be corrected in several ways.

  1. Change cell phone carrier. There is no guarantee that the signal of another telecom operator will pass better, especially since the main cellular companies in Russia (Beeline, Megafon, MTS) operate according to the same standards and in the same frequency range.
  2. Installing a femtocell (miniature cellular base) means going through a series of complex regulatory procedures (revision of tariff plans, creation of a project, examination, obtaining a sanitary passport for permission from the State Committee for Radio Frequencies) within several months.
  3. Install an antenna booster, but then cellular communication will only work on one mobile phone.
  4. Install a cellular signal amplification system in the apartment.

Let's take a closer look at the last option:

Cellular Booster Capabilities

Installation of a cellular amplification system in an apartment does not require permits, but is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the RF Radio Supervision. These requirements are known and taken into account by every qualified installer of radio equipment, therefore, it is better to entrust the installation and adjustment of a new signal amplification system to a professional.

The GSM amplifier installed in the apartment (it is also called a repeater or repeater), thanks to wireless signal transmission, serves several subscribers at the same time. This is a bidirectional radio wave transmission device - from the operator to the subscriber and vice versa.

The signal amplification system kit consists of several elements:

  • external antenna,
  • repeater,
  • internal antennas.

There can be one indoor antenna if the area of ​​the apartment is less than 200m 2 , or several connected by power dividers when the area of ​​the apartment is more than 200m 2 and a large number of rooms. Antennas receive and emit signals, and the repeater filters noise, selects the main frequency of signal reception and transmission and amplifies it.

The whole complexity of installing a gain system lies in the proper selection and placement of antennas: they should not interfere with the operation of mobile phones of neighbors and their own telecom operator, and should not cause “self-excitation” of the repeater (when the radiation sectors of the external and internal antennas intersect). The interference caused by the amplifier is fixed and can lead to penalties, and the "self-excitation" of the repeater - to its failure

There are several positive properties of a home repeater:

  • the output power of a mobile phone (radiation power) decreases, which means that its negative effect on the human body decreases;
  • phone batteries at low power work with less wear, i.e. their service life is increased;
  • internal antennas that emit radio waves are installed on the ceiling or in a non-working area, which means that their impact on the residents of the apartment is minimal.

The overall dimensions of the repeater are so insignificant (approximately 140x245x50 mm) that it not only does not affect the interior of the room, but remains invisible. When moving to a new apartment, the communication amplifier can be easily dismantled and transferred. to a new place. You can find out how to install repeaters with high quality

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