A simple sample packing list in Russian. What is a packing list

The design of a packing list is used when transporting various types of goods. This is a shipping document drawn up in the form of an inventory that reflects the name of the transported inventory items, their quantity, weight, etc. options.


The list of information contained in the packing list may include any indicators of the cargo, except its cost.

This is quite natural, given the fact that the document is located outside the package and is easily accessible (i.e., without indicating the price of the product, the sender provides an additional measure for its safety). Roughly speaking, a random person will not know the price of the cargo.

When to Use a Packing List

The packing list is used when transporting goods with the help of transport companies - in this case, the use of this document, although not mandatory by law, is often registered in accounting policy carrier.

In the case of transporting inventory items abroad, drawing up a document is necessary (to present it at customs).

The packing list can be issued for a homogeneous or different cargo product range, packed in one commodity item (box, crate, pallet, bundle, barrel, etc.). It is located on the surface of the package in such a way that it can be easily found and familiarized with all the necessary information.

The packing list can be an independent document or serve as an attachment to an invoice, for example, if the weight, quantity and type of each item of goods are different or a large volume of inventory items is transported.

Why do you need a packing list?

The role of this document is quite simple: it serves as an integral annex to the transported cargo. Since the transported goods somehow pass through the warehouses of the logistics companies involved in its movement, it is mixed with other goods.

A packing list, containing all the necessary information and attached directly to the packaging, helps transport company employees quickly determine the integrity of the goods, navigate where exactly it is being transported, its quantitative characteristics, weight, etc.

This makes it possible to save time when sorting cargo and avoid making mistakes with the destination specific product, and not lose it at various stages of transportation.

Rules for drawing up a packing list

There is no specific, mandatory form of packing list - the form can be issued in any form with the inclusion of any items not contrary to the law RF. The main thing is that it contains:

  • information about the shipper,
  • recipient,
  • exact destination address,
  • form of packaging,
  • the name of the goods being transported,
  • its quantity and weight.

You should be careful when preparing the document, try to avoid mistakes, and if any do occur, it is better to draw up a new sheet. This is important because from the moment the cargo is accepted for transportation until the moment it is handed over to the receiving party, the carrier is responsible for the integrity of the inventory items.

Here it should be emphasized that the transport company is responsible for the integrity of the packaging, but it is not responsible for maintaining the quality of the goods during transportation.

In other words, if the customer saved on packaging and packed the goods in improper containers, then in the event of internal damage during transportation, it will be problematic to prove the carrier’s guilt.

Design rules

You can draw up a packing list on a regular A4 sheet, both printed and handwritten. In this case, the document must contain "live" signature the sender of the goods, i.e. packer It is not necessary to certify the packing list with a seal, since since 2016 legal entities are completely exempt from the requirement to use stamps and seals in their activities.

The document is being drawn up at least two copies, one of which remains with the sender, the second is handed over to a representative of the transport company. If necessary, a third copy can be created and sent to the recipient of the cargo.

Example of a packing list

  1. The name of the document is written at the top in the middle of the line, then below is the full name of the sending company.
  2. The following information is provided below:
    • name of the recipient company,
    • the address to which the cargo should be delivered,
    • if necessary, a link to the main document is provided (in this case, it is an invoice),
    • type of packaging
    • the number of packages that the cargo occupies.
  3. Then there is a table in which the necessary parameters are entered:
    • name of inventory items,
    • unit of measurement (pieces, liters, meters, etc.),
    • quantity,
    • weight.

    Also, special notes should be noted in the document: for example, about the fragility of the cargo, careful handling, etc.

  4. Below the table it should be noted product weight net (without packaging) and gross (respectively, in packaging).
  5. Finally, the document should sign the packer, as well as the one who checked the packaging (usually a representative of the transport company directly involved in transportation).
  6. Placed below Date of preparation packing list.

A packing list, or Packing list, is one of the main elements in the shipping documentation set for international cargo transportation. It contains complete information on the list of goods, their dimensional characteristics, customs codes, etc. Together with the invoice (invoice) and the delivery agreement, it must be presented to customs, so it is very important to include all information about the cargo in it.

Correct sample packing slip

The packing list does not have a standardized form and is often compiled in free form. However, it must contain everything necessary for customs clearance cargo information to eliminate downtime and other problems.

A correct sample packing slip should include:

  • date of preparation and number of the packing list, as well as the supply agreement (application, contract, etc.);
  • complete information about the seller and buyer (details);
  • a complete list of commodity items with descriptions and information on the quantity of cargo on the goods item (pieces in a box, on a pallet, in a container, etc.);
  • number of the package or place in transport;
  • overall and weight (gross, net) characteristics of each item of goods (boxes, pallets, etc.), total weight and volume of cargo;
  • type of packaging.
The packing list should not contain information about the cost of the goods and shipping specifications. Issued in 2 copies: one is attached to the package on the outside of the package, the second is attached to the set of documents for insurance or payment. The packing list must have the signature of the packer or the person responsible for shipment.

You can download and study a sample packing list on the website of any major transport company.

The packing list is very similar to the invoice and often a lot of information is duplicated in these documents, but the packing list, in addition to information about the sender, recipient of the cargo, and the name of the cargo, also indicates the weight characteristics of the cargo and packaging, their volumes and information about what and how the cargo is packed.

The main difference between a packing list and an invoice is the lack of information about the price of each item and the cargo as a whole. But no one can prohibit you from providing this data. There is no specific form and each company comes up with its own form of packing list.
The packing list is very convenient for the carrier and everyone who deals with loading, unloading, sorting and accounting for cargo; it is used to count the number of pieces and check the integrity of the cargo.

Packing list examples:

Number of seats

In freight transportation, a place or package is usually called a unit of measurement of cargo that the carrier accepts (considers or does not consider) for transportation. For example, one place is one box or one pallet or one box or bundle. Two pieces of cargo can be one box and one box. Cargo space in transport documents denote COLLI, when the cargo is packed on pallets (pallets) write PLT.
You need to understand that the carrier is transporting exactly the items - he took 10 items (boxes) for transportation, handed over 10 items and does not care much about what happens inside, the main thing is that the packaging is intact and the number of items matches.
According to the CMR convention, the carrier is not responsible for internal damage (what is inside the container), i.e. If the goods inside the packaging are damaged, the carrier will not accept the claim. If the sender or customer skimps on packaging, then this is his problem.

Packing list ( Packing List) has much in common with the classic invoice, and a large amount of information in these documents is completely duplicated. The main difference between the documents is that the packing list provides information about the weight parameters of the packages and cargo used, the actual volumes and information about what the goods were previously placed in. The main difference between the document and a standard invoice is the absence of marks indicating the cost for each item in the shipment, as well as the entire cargo. A strict form of packing list is not provided, and each company develops the best options independently.

In practice, using a packing list, you can quickly check the actual integrity of the existing cargo and determine the number of places available for transportation. The document must be certified by a personal signature on the part of the carrier. In order to easily detect the sheet, an additional pocket with a signature in a foreign and Russian language is attached to the outside of the package, depending on the format of filling out the order.

At the same time as translating information in a document into different languages, it is necessary to change the language for logos, stamps, and shipping papers. To eliminate potential discrepancies during the translation process, the packing list of the goods and the invoice are reconciled.

Where is it used and what information does it contain?

Packing list is applied by logistics and transport companies, since the cargo is necessarily passed through warehouse complexes, which are actively used in the delivery process. In those situations, if the goods are exported outside the country, the document must be drawn up and handed over to customs representatives. The sheet is fixed on the packaging so that you can get the necessary information as quickly and conveniently as possible.

When filling out the packing list, companies develop their own document standard, which is subsequently used as accompanying papers for the invoice. The document is used as an addition to the invoice in situations where the transportation process involves a large number of product items with different weights or contents. The peculiarity of filling out the papers is that the content is almost identical to the invoice, with the exception of the mark with the cost of the product. The packing slip contains the following information:

  • individual number and date of the document compiled;
  • product names, legal addresses parties to the sender of goods, sellers, recipients of goods, as well as buyers;
  • personal number and date of the concluded contract and order;
  • a list of transported products with a detailed description and marks of goods;
  • number of units of goods in the package;
  • number of the selected package;
  • packaging format;
  • actual overall dimensions of loading positions;
  • net and gross weight within a specific package;
  • total weight and volume of cargo.

Sample and established rules for entering information to fill out

Because of large quantity For different types of goods, there is a need to sign boxes, boxes and pallets with special packing slips. The use of documents saves time and resources in the process of shipping consignments, eliminates mis-grading with the emergence of situations when the client receives goods that were not intended for him. The safety of product names is checked, and the risk of losing cargo units when moving through the terminal is reduced.

A packing slip form is an official document that serves as a product accompaniment, and it is recommended that the papers be compiled only by qualified specialists. As a basis for the correct entry of data, a free-form sheet can be used. There are also no actual regulations for the submission of data provided by the manufacturer.

Drawing up the document is relevant for cases where the cargo package may include goods of different types. In situations where packing lists do not arrive with the goods or are lost during transportation, this fact may have a negative impact on the assessment of the reliability of the established value during the customs procedure.

When implementing freight transport the place is traditionally the unit of change of goods that the carrier undertakes to transport. An example is a box, crate or package. One box or drawer can be placed within one space. For designation purposes, the name COLLI is used. When packing goods on pallets, the PLT indication applies.

You should pay attention to the fact that the carrier transports exactly those places: he received 10 places and as a result handed over 10 places. Under the CMR convention, the carrier is not responsible for possible damage inside the container. Accordingly, for those situations where the product was damaged inside the formed packaging, the carrier’s side does not accept claims for consideration.

The sample packing slip provides an example of the information required to indicate. A special sheet is drawn up with the legal name of the company sending the goods, as well as the recipient of the products. The main field includes a table with the name of the goods and the number of units. In additional fields, marks are set with the number of boxes, gross and net masses.

Markers with container dimensions have been added, thanks to which you can calculate the space required for storing products. Information with the contract number, the date of its conclusion, as well as the date of drawing up the packing list is required. Last name and initials are highlighted general director– the person responsible for drawing up the document.

Video on the topic: “Packing list and filling it out”

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