Remote work without experience: how I started and some recommendations for beginners. Is there a real work from home? Reviews from people Remote work real income

I continue my review of remote Internet professions, and next up is one of my favorites - working as a content manager. I’ll tell you who it is, what it does and how much you can earn. Who is a content manager on the Internet #A content manager is a specialist involved in filling...

Step-by-step instruction on creating a business profile on Instagram. It will be useful for those of you who came across such a task on a freelance exchange, and directly for those who want to transfer their personal account to a business one. Contents of the article: What does a business account on Instagram give? Pros...

If you are just starting your journey in remote work, most likely, you, like many, started with freelance exchanges. We have already discussed why beginners should start making money on the Internet with them. Now let’s discuss how to work successfully on freelance exchanges...

Most quick way How a newbie can start making money on the Internet from scratch, feel that this is not a scam and you can actually make money through the Internet - go to a freelance exchange. Freelance exchange is a platform for customers and performers, where the first...

The topic of making money on the Internet without work experience is one of the most pressing. I won’t bore you, you can start making money online from home without experience in 1 month, and hundreds of people have proven this. It's not as difficult as it seems, because people initially have the wrong...

In order not to beat around the bush, I’ll say right away: mothers on maternity leave can work remotely and it’s not scary at all! 🙂 Remote work provides an excellent opportunity for mothers on maternity leave to work and be close to their baby: watch him grow, not be afraid to miss...

I know first-hand about the profession of a call center operator. My first Internet job was in a call center. So today I’ll tell you about the nuances of this profession: what kind of work it is in a call center, what you need to do, what skills you have and how much you can earn...

Do you dream about remote work? Are you tired of sitting in the office and want to work from home or sit in a nice cafe? Or maybe you want to travel, but at the same time not lose your job in your specialty? I have for you good news! Working via the Internet is absolutely possible! Despite the frantic development of technology in the modern world, for some reason many still think that remote work is a scam for suckers, that there are no normal vacancies in remote work, that you can only build a career by working in an office, and the salaries of remote employees are several times higher less than office ones. All these are myths that have no logical basis.

Remote work is a reality modern world. Most large, reputable companies have remote vacancies, and some companies even keep their entire staff remote. Why? I answered this question in detail in the article. And today I want to answer another equally popular question that I get asked at every meeting, in personal messages and in blog comments. And this question sounds like this: “Where and how can I find remote work?” I answer: on sites where vacancies in different areas. There are a lot of such sites, and today I am sharing with you links that I have been collecting for a long time for personal use.

I would like to note that here are sites for searching for permanent remote work, in other words, a business contract or employment contract, and not for freelancing or part-time work. Mostly English-language sites are presented here, because... Our remote work market is just developing.

Sites specializing in remote work

1. . About 10-20 new remote vacancies are published on the site every day. Job vacancies can be sorted by profession: web development, mobile software development, design, Information Security and non-IT vacancies. You can also filter out vacancies with the most high salary and startups. On the site you can subscribe to the newsletter about new remote vacancies so as not to miss your dream job.

2. . Another specialized site. Main categories of vacancies: developers and system administrators, programmers, designers, marketers, customer support employees, copywriters, managers and business consultants, other vacancies.

3. It’s hard to believe, but about 100 thousand remote vacancies have been published on this site to date! As the portal itself assures, the most popular remote professions presented in the form of job advertisements are sales managers, administrative staff, customer service managers, health and medical employees. Job vacancies are posted on the website in 55 categories. In addition to vacancies, on the site you can read a lot of interesting articles, collections and tips for finding remote work.

4. A nice website with five categories for searching for remote vacancies: development, design, customer service, administration, management. Here you can also subscribe to daily or weekly newsletters with the latest selections of vacancies.

5. Another interesting resource for searching for remote work in various fields, but as on most sites, IT vacancies significantly predominate. You can filter vacancies by type of work (full-time, part-time, temporary work, internship, etc.), by professional areas, by position level (beginner, leading specialist, etc.), by type of company (startup, small business, medium business, big business, non-profit organization etc.), by country and by salary level.

6. Nothing extra, just vacancies. Lots of vacancies.

7. Jobspresso is a large online platform that aims to connect talented people who are looking for a remote career with innovative, forward-thinking companies that offer remote positions. Listings with vacancies are moderated and updated on a daily basis.

8. On this site, in addition to the notorious vacancies for sales managers and customer support, you can find remote positions in the field of education, HR, marketing and engineering.

9. One of the few sites where there really are a lot of vacancies in completely different areas from IT to copywriting.

10. The site is especially attractive due to the abundance of vacancies in the field of Internet marketing and promotion on social networks.

11. A very large database of remote vacancies. The site has a well-thought-out interface that allows you to store your documents, view interesting research, and use a special guide to finding a job. The site requires mandatory registration.

12. Angel List - a site for finding work in a startup. The resource contains more than 42 thousand remote vacancies. On the site you can also invest in a startup and create a team for your business. Registration is required.

13. Russian site for finding remote work in foreign companies. The site is presented in two languages ​​- Russian and English. The main bonus of this service is the free sending of your resume to 300+ companies for remote work.

General job search sites, with a “Remote work” section

14. . Yes, yes, the same Headhunter that most of us have used at least once in our lives to find a job. To date, offers more than 15 thousand partially or completely remote vacancies. And this number is growing every month (I checked).

15. . The main job search site in Ukraine, an analogue of our Headhunter. My husband once posted his resume there on a whim, and within two weeks he signed a lucrative contract for remote work with a Ukrainian company.

16. A well-known site for professional contacts in Russia and around the world. Today it contains more than 100 interesting remote vacancies.

17. Cool and very unusual job search site. It has a cool, modern interface and an original approach to job descriptions. The Muse is the only online careers resource that offers insight into job opportunities at hundreds of companies while showing the inner workings of the organizations. There are not only vacancies here, but also advice on building a career from famous experts, relevant articles and reviews, individual career advice from the world's best trainers.

18. A simple and understandable American website with a convenient system for filtering vacancies by professional fields (40 areas), companies, cities and states. On this moment There are more than four thousand remote positions on the site.

19. This site mainly presents vacancies from American companies. The range of professional fields is very wide, salaries average $20 per hour and above (in the USA they like to measure salary by salary per hour or per year, but not per month).

20. . About 700 remote vacancies in various professional fields.

21. Idealist contains more than 12 thousand vacancies around the world. A significant part of the vacancies are remote. There is a convenient filter for searching for remote positions, including internships, volunteer projects, project work organizing events, working on blogs and much more. The job description contains all the necessary information about the job and the company. The site requires mandatory registration.

Remote work in the IT field

22. Remote work for IT specialists: developers, designers, testers, support staff. Job vacancies are filtered by date - from the most recent to the oldest.

23. And again IT. The site is an aggregator of vacancies, i.e. it collects deleted vacancies from different sites, passes them through moderation and publishes them. On this site you can be sure that the vacancy is 100% remote and does not require visiting the office even once every few months (as is sometimes the case in some remote positions).

24. Notice board for remote vacancies with a focus on digital and IT.

25. A giant site for finding jobs in the IT field. More than 60 thousand vacancies all over the world. Of course, there are a lot of remote positions that need to be filtered.

26. Nothing special, just a bunch of remote IT vacancies.

27. Good aggregator of remote IT vacancies.

28. An incredibly famous site among developers, where IT specialists of all stripes communicate, solve common problems, and share tips and finds. The site has a section with remote vacancies, but only for IT specialists. Today there are about 80 remote positions on the site.

29. An interesting resource for designers, which, among other things, contains a section where vacancies for designers from all other job search sites are automatically added. You can filter only deleted positions.

30. A very original resource, target audience which are female developers. There are no vacancies for men here, only for the fair sex, who are not afraid of words like front-end, back-end, full stack and the like. Moreover, this is exactly what they do in life. Wow! The site contains success stories of beautiful ladies who found their remote dream job on powertofly.

Hello friends!

Time moves on, everything changes, and Internet technologies are firmly integrated into our daily lives. I personally am very happy about the unique opportunities that have emerged for humans thanks to scientific and technological progress. If you want, if you want, stay at home. The main thing is that there is no need to knock on office doors and spend a lot of time on something you don’t like.

Let's talk today about the most pressing question for beginners: how to find remote work and earn money without leaving home? How can I figure her out, my dear? How to wind it up so that it crackles and rattles like the mechanism of an expensive Swiss watch? Because there is so much information around, and it’s unclear which one to touch, which one to apply. There is no trust, a complete mess. Yes, and on the internet I was breeding for scammers. I myself trampled here for 3 years before I made a decisive breakthrough.

In general, I’ll take on the role of a mentor today and dot some i’s.

Just a couple of years ago this was almost the most important question of my life! I surfed the Internet, talked to people, collected information. After all, we had to start from scratch. As a result, so much information had accumulated that it was time to write a book. However, it was completely unclear from which side to prepare and hill it. Practice decided everything. It is on its basis that I am writing this article.

So, let's go!

Many people ask me “who should I work with”, forgetting about the most important question of remote work – “how?” And if from a technical point of view everything is more or less clear ( good internet, laptop, payment systems), then psychologically everything is not so obvious!

Moreover, information on vocational training(for example,) there are tons of information on the Internet (video materials, educational articles, thematic forums), and even a schoolchild can master it. But developing personal qualities is much more difficult! To do this, you need to grow as a person and sometimes even step on the throat of your own ego with all your heart. Growth without internal resistance is impossible.

This is approximately how to come to real production after college. You come so young and handsome with a beautiful diploma, and then it’s a bummer: you have to learn everything from the very beginning.

Qualities of a remote worker and freelancer

  1. Responsibility. No nice stories or excuses. If you don't deliver a project on time, take responsibility. If you mess up while performing a task, fix it at your own expense.
  2. Openness. Be positive and open. They like to collaborate with those who know how to do their job with calmness and a smile.
  3. Love for your own business. Many people ask me: where do they pay more? And they completely forget that a person makes a money profession.
  4. Discipline. There will be no more evil uncle with carrots and sticks. The only motivation to do anything is you and your tasks. Therefore, the issue of self-organization here must be resolved at its roots.

Workplace at home

It would seem that all points are obvious and banal! However, it is a puncture in them that most often closes the way for people to travel and work remotely. So, on the now popular workzilla exchange The contractor, without providing me with a single intermediate result, began to demand additional payment for the work. Another, responding to my task, without even greeting me, begins to bargain. At the same time, he does not provide a portfolio or even a verbal justification for his price. The third one with a negative rating is trying to take on the task without a single comment.

What are the most common places to get pierced?

The most interesting thing is that these same people are very surprised by what they write negative reviews and are denied work. Therefore, more often than not, orders are received by adequate guys, albeit without experience, but with the desire to complete the task one hundred percent.

There is another approach for beginners. They often ask: “Where do they pay more?” or “what if I’m new and don’t get paid much?”

The reason here is also banal: a newcomer is not paid simply because they do not trust him. Good remote work is handled by the pros. This could be professional incompetence or simply insufficient acquaintance with the person! How can they trust big money to a person they don’t trust? I very selectively select my company for a day in the mountains, but a joint business is an even more serious undertaking... Money = responsibility and vice versa!

To more clearly present the difference between would-be deleters and samurai, let’s make a table with typical situations:

SituationReaction of the would-be deleterSamurai reaction
Internet turned off I didn’t have an Internet connection, so I couldn’t get in touch and submit everything on time (the excuse is irritating)Please forgive me for the delay. This is entirely my fault. I will fix everything and provide you with 5 options instead of 3 as compensation
The customer asks to speak with him on Skype Why on Skype? Nowadays everyone uses Telegram. We will work there (puts the condition out of the blue)Of course, whatever is more convenient for you
TK for 100 points I did 80 and am asking for additional payment for the remaining 20, because they are more difficult than I expected (I changed my shoes along the way)Made it at 110 and provided 5 more free bonuses
Response to an application posted on the exchange marked URGENT I'll do it, contact me. How urgently do you need it? (inability to read the customer’s actual pain)Ivan, hello! I carefully studied your terms of reference for creating a website. Since your project is URGENT, I’m ready to start it right now. I have 100 years of experience and 25 of my own experiences to speed up development, so I am confident in my results. To evaluate the level of my work, look at my portfolio

There can be a lot of similar situations. And the vast majority of would-be remote workers will continue to work exactly as shown in the second column. The samurai will immediately look at the root. Because he is not only a pro in his field, but also a sensitive and attentive person who, based on the text of the assignment alone, is able to determine what kind of pain the customer has.

Finding a remote job is easy

A simple life hack: Show the customer that you not only know how to dig or not dig, but also love this job and can tell you, like a professional, why your hole is better than your neighbor’s.

Moreover, often pros can do fantastic things, but at the same time they continue to limp somewhere in the end, completely unable to get along with people or sell their skills. This is sad!

Making money remotely is much easier than it seems, because people most often fail not because of lack of experience, but because of their inability to conduct a dialogue with a potential employer.

Working evening at a Goan dacha

Finding a remote job without experience is quite possible, but be prepared to work for some time “for the idea.” At one time, I perceived this as an important investment, which later paid off for me handsomely.

How to develop the qualities of a real samurai remote worker??? Answer

Where to look for remote work?

Freelance exchanges

The simplest and most effective way to search. For beginners, I recommend these 2 sites:

  1. — I wrote a couple of articles about her a little earlier
  2. — for those who want to try themselves in copywriting.

You can find a more detailed list in my article about freelance and remote work exchanges.

Search on labor exchanges

On the same headhunter you can find options marked “remotely” or “at home”. However, vacancies there may be empty or fraudulent. Watch carefully, don't let your guard down.

Ignore pen collectors and typesetters demanding a guarantee deposit of 500-1000 rubles. I already wrote about this in an article about.

Direct company search

For example, you are a fan of SEO or Korean cosmetics. Find companies that are engaged in activities that interest you, write letters to them. It is likely that one of them will need additional workers to whom some of the responsibilities can be transferred.

Just don't be greedy. While you are a beginner, your income will be quite low. The myth of freebies on the Internet is nothing more than a myth.

Social networking features

Business leaders, especially those with an online presence, carefully monitor their social networks. Find their direct contacts, write them letters, try to interest them in you.

Just please don't be annoying. And don't give up if you are rejected. By the way, I was once refused in a rather rude manner. I was not offended and was even glad that the Gods saved me from such a boss.

Of course, for this you need to learn how to write letters that may be of interest to your potential employers and clients. Such a skill requires thoughtfulness and a careful approach. And most likely, your first attempts to hook your desired recipients will be a failure. In order not to waste time, I recommend undergoing specialized training.

Who to be?

The question that should follow from the first... Although, it is advisable, before starting to work remotely, to outline the field of future activity. In what area would you like to benefit people? What profession should I master?

For those who have not yet solved this, I suggest a simple technique (writing practices work wonders):

  • Take a regular piece of paper and divide it into 2 halves (left and right). On the left write down all your interests (from knitting to flying light aircraft), on the right - all professional experience(Who did they work for and what did they get paid for).
  • After you write, see if there are any intersections in these two lists?? If yes, your direction was found at the intersection of interest and existing profession. If not, then you will have to study the profession from scratch and take it from your list of interests.

After we have decided on the lists, we go to Google, enter your interest into the search, find sites, and, if the site is large, we write to the admins that you really love this topic and would gladly take part of the routine for a certain amount of money. working on the site for myself. This is especially true for online stores, as obviously commercial sites that generate profit. Please: one of the ways to make money on the Internet has been found!

I warn you: there may be a lot of refusals. But this means absolutely nothing on the path to your dream?

Well, yes: love wins! Do what you really love, then the question is “how to start working remotely?” will take on a completely different meaning. Your vector will be aimed at developing the qualities of a marketer. And for this, see the paragraph below...

For those who are completely confused, I wrote an article “” with a list of the easiest professions to master. I recommend checking it out.

A quick way to remote work

“There’s tons of information on the internet, there’s no time to sort it out. I don't want to waste time. I want to get results as quickly as possible.”

In this case, professionals will help you. I myself followed this path, abandoning all stupid attempts to dig something up myself. Because I always want to achieve results in the shortest possible way. This is exactly what courses and trainings are for!

I had approximately the same reaction after the training. An open world of possibilities

So, in May 2014, I completed the “Work at Home 2” training, a review of which

Everything that helps me stay afloat in today’s difficult realities was developed by me with the skills I acquired during the training. By paying money for training, I not only recouped its cost (in less than a month), but also saved a lot of time (according to my conservative estimates, a couple of years). In addition, this became an incentive for me to regularly invest in my own development and buy courses in other specializations, instead of a long and tedious search on the Internet.


Many people are ruined by the desire for freebies. It’s like a metastasis in the soul, it haunts you and is constantly looking for where to intercept something for free. However, you will always give: if it’s not money, then it’s time.

And the second is much more valuable than saving a couple hundred dollars. That is why I always try to evaluate any action that I have to do on the watch, and understand what I can do more useful during this time. This is where efficiency and delegation begin.

There is no life hack here. We simply move the cart to its rightful place, behind the horse! and answering the question “how to work remotely”, we first learn to work effectively. And then everything else: professionalism, as a measure of experience; and travel as an application point for a way to earn money via the Internet.

[By the way ], I'm driving. If you are interested in how you can work and travel, CONNECT!

To get started, I’m posting a video of one of the webinars I conducted, where I talked in detail about how and where it’s best to look for remote work on the Internet and what paths to this exist.

That's all, friends! I am happy when my content turns out to be interesting and useful. Therefore, if you liked the article, please share it on social networks? What if someone else gets inspired?

No similar articles

Working from home is quite an interesting activity. Reviews about this type of employment of the working-age population can now be found absolutely everywhere. But which ones are real and which ones are not? To be honest, this can be very difficult to judge. After all, each person at home can perform completely different tasks. And with all this, he may not be able to do what others do. This is where disagreements arise. Plus, work from home, reviews of which we are now learning about, includes various vacancies. And different types of fraud. Let's try to understand how realistic the dreams of making money from home are.

Handle assembly

The first option that you can come across is working on assembling handles at home. Reviews about this vacancy are now literally overflowing the World Wide Web. But before we get to know them, let's figure out what you and I will have to do.

Our only task is to collect ballpoint pens at home. And then send them to the customer. Working as a pen assembler at home, reviews of which we will learn a little later, as a rule, guarantees quick and good income no stress. It is enough to work only 4 hours a day. All materials are sent to your home, and you collect them at finished goods. Next, send it to the return address and wait for payment.

That's all. This is the job of assembling handles at home. The reviews here, to be honest, are negative. After all, we are dealing with a very subtle fraud. The first thing the employer will ask is to make an insurance contribution (from 250 rubles). He will justify his demands by the fact that unscrupulous workers have already taken orders and then disappeared. You will also be reimbursed by insurance with the first completion of the work. And so every time. But as soon as you transfer the money, the employer disappears. Thus, work from home (pens) receives extremely negative reviews. They are written exclusively by deceived users. This is how scammers make money from people’s naivety.

Of course, working as an assembler at home sometimes receives reviews that are both suspiciously strange and positive. You should not believe such words - they were either written by the employer, or the scammer paid someone to create a whole “package” of flattering words about the vacancy. As you can see, work from home (assembly) did not receive particularly good reviews. But there are still so many vacancies! Which ones? Let's try to figure this out.

PC operator

For example, the second very popular vacancy is a PC operator at home. Similar advertisements can now be found everywhere. So, let's try to figure out what's what here.

They say that this position requires simple typing at home with editing. You will have to retype handwritten text (or photographed text printed on paper), then edit it according to the rules and send it to the customer. This type of work from home has received mixed reviews. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

The thing is that the material for work will be sent to your home. Doesn't remind you of anything? And, of course, you will have to pay the insurance premium again. How do you think this will all end? Of course, by deception. After all, working as a PC operator is just another scam.

However, not always. You can try to contact printed publications and ask if they need a typist. If the answer is yes, then you can get a job with them. There will be no investment required, and earnings will be credited quickly to the card (or in cash). If the publishing house is in your city, you can personally pick up the printed text or order courier delivery. As a last resort, receive it by mail. And this is why reviews about PC operators are mixed. But mostly negative. They are also written by deceived people. In general, it is better to abstain from this vacancy so as not to end up “without your nose.”

Sales Manager

The truth is, remote work does exist. For example, sales manager is a very popular vacancy among all ages. You will just have to look for clients and make purchases on specialized sites (online stores). And your employer will pay a small salary for this (about 5,000 - 6,000 rubles), as well as 10% of the order amount.

This type of remote work from home is already receiving positive reviews. True, the user’s income will depend solely on the intensity of work and searching for clients. Do you know how to sell? Then this activity is right for you. If the salary is sufficient, then you can simply place several orders a month - and all problems will be solved.

Usually, sales managers meet on social networks - there they have work pages that redirect to the online store. Honestly, it's very convenient. Only some employees complain about the increased competition. However, reviews remain generally positive. They do not require any investment from you, and, as a rule, they give a discount on the purchase of employer goods.


There is also such work from home, reviews of which are available on almost all review sites. This is nothing more than a home operator. In truth, this position is not suitable for everyone. In particular, such work is carried out by those who have the opportunity to talk using a computer during the day. And they usually hire girls for this position.

You undergo a short training and then do your work using Skype. This is either making “hot” calls or making “cold” calls for the purpose of advertising and selling any services. Quite often, you simply inform customers about new products, as well as ongoing promotions. It is the operator without sales that is the most profitable and successful offer. True, you can earn in this way, as people say, about 15,000 rubles.

But in cases of working as an operator for the purpose of selling services, in addition to the salary, you will receive 10% of the order amount. So some manage to earn 50,000 rubles a month. This is work from home without investment, the reviews of which are only encouraging. However, it is not suitable for shy people, as well as for those who do not want to “shove in” potential client product. Plus, if you don’t have the ability to communicate using a computer, you can forget about the vacancy.

Selling "handmade"

There is also a job that involves selling own goods. In other words, handicrafts. This is called "handmade". All you need to do is create a product you sell yourself, and then find buyers. Typically, sales work well using social media.

This type of work from home has received good reviews. If you have “golden hands”, then you can easily make furniture, dishes, jewelry, toys, clothes, works of art and interior design, and then sell them online. Plus, if things go well, you can always make something specific, to order.

True, you shouldn’t expect mountains of gold here right away - it takes time to make good money. Although the average starting income, as a rule, for people in this business is about 10,000 rubles. Not much, but stable. And with great success, some are able to receive both 50,000 and 60,000. It all depends on you. And there is no deception here.

How long do you work? People say that it also depends on each person, individually. Maybe the work will take you 4 hours, or maybe it will take you a week. Depending on the nature of the handicraft and its cost. Nevertheless, many generally engage in this activity without interrupting their daily routine.

Selling cosmetics

Cosmetics are what every woman needs. And therefore, our next fairly successful vacancy is a cosmetics seller. This is a very popular work from home job. Reviews about it are spread all over the Internet. Moreover, they are positive.

You will need to place orders for cosmetics from a specific company. Usually, to simplify the search for clients, they use social media. After you place an order, you get about 10% from it in your pocket. Plus salary. It ranges from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles. And, of course, your total monthly earnings depend only on you.

It is also worth considering that the employee will receive a discount when purchasing goods that he sells himself. This makes many girls very happy. Sometimes the discount is very large. You should only work about 4 hours a day. The work does not require any investment. True, some sellers complain about competition and the difficult process of finding clients. I usually use this vacancy as a part-time job. In case of great success - as the main source of income.


Here's another work from home without cheating. As a rule, few people leave reviews about it. And this is done only because you don’t really want to make competition for yourself. After all, we are talking about working as a translator.

The point is that this vacancy is very successful. You can now find quite a lot of “free places” on the World Wide Web. Translations are usually necessary or with in English, or from German. A wage translator's salary ranges from 25,000 rubles to 60,000. Some work 4-6 hours to receive the specified amount per month. And, of course, no one wants to create competition for themselves.

Thus, this work Rarely receives feedback at home. But positive. The main thing here is to know languages, as well as to have perseverance. If you are confident in your abilities, then you can try. It's not as scary as it seems.


Editor is another very popular job on the World Wide Web. And, to be honest, it doesn’t require any investment from you. Also, this “place” receives the most good feedback. After all, all that is required of you is to edit the text and then send it to the customer.

The salary here is usually about 20,000 rubles. And this is taking into account work of approximately 4 hours a day. Very good vacancy for women on maternity leave, or those who are raising children. And with modern tools for working with text on a computer, working as an editor becomes more than simple. Most apps automatically fix errors and also offer you possible options developments of events. In addition, some simply highlight suspicious passages of the test, drawing special attention to them.

Payments occur once a month. The only thing you can see complaints about is that you have to really work for these 4 hours. That is, “kicking the bulldozer” will not work. After all, you will be paid for the work performed. However, for a conscientious employee this is not a problem.


Teachers and instructors are needed everywhere now. So this vacancy became available even remotely. Distance education is precisely what gave the main impetus to the creation of such vacancies.

There are two options: a private teacher or a hired one. The second option, as users say, is mainly used in universities. You receive exactly the same salary as a teacher, but you conduct all your lectures at home. It is very convenient for both you and the students. But a private teacher has great opportunities. After all, he can teach not only academic subjects, but also various clubs. There are handicrafts, carpentry, language learning, cooking - everything your heart desires.

To be honest, reviews of private teachers say that it is best to recruit whole groups of students. This way you can work less and get more. If in educational institutions a teacher will receive about 15-20 thousand rubles, then a private owner can earn 2 times more.


The next vacancy is a webmaster. This employee, as a rule, must create and maintain websites. This used to be a fairly common office job. But now there is an opportunity to work remotely.

This is work from home without cheating. She receives different reviews. As many users emphasize, the main difficulty here is writing the site code. If you are a pro in this matter, then you shouldn’t even start worrying.

A webmaster's earnings are decent. Usually they charge from 10,000 rubles for 1 order. And with all this, about 60-80 thousand come out per month. Plus website support - about 5,000 rubles. A very profitable, but difficult occupation. It is not suitable for everyone. But the main thing is that this work is safe. And that is why the vacancy receives, for the most part, positive reviews.

Writing texts

The latest common online job is writing. Usually limited to copywriting and rewriting. What is this? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

The first term means writing your own original articles on a specific topic. Second - recycling finished text into your own, with high uniqueness. In other words, we are talking about writing articles to order. This type of work from home receives extremely positive reviews. After all, there is no deception, fees or any special conditions. Just find a customer, agree on payment (they usually charge 30-40 rubles for 1,000 printed characters), and then do your job.

How much is required for this activity? From 4 hours. This time is enough to earn 15,000 per month. More is possible. People advise looking for orders on special websites. They are called freelance or copywriting/rewriting exchanges.

As you can see, working from home exists. The main thing is to know what to pay attention to. Finding something suitable for yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Set a goal and move towards it - success will definitely await you. The main thing is to remember that working as an assembler at home receives negative reviews and is a scam. And also do not forget about other types of virtual fraud. And then everything will work out for you.

The employment process went like this: I applied for a vacancy on HeadHunter and received a test task. It was designed to last 30 minutes, but it took me 50. After the test there was an interview stage. We agreed on a convenient time and called on Skype.

That's how I got into Tilda and started working remotely from home. There were no difficulties: I worked half the shift, minded my own business, and then got back to work. It was cool because I used to spend two hours a day commuting to and from work.

Most support guys split their workday into two parts. During the break, I managed to get to the ocean to surf - this really helped me get less tired at work.

Three life hacks to help you find remote work

1. Find out if you can switch to remote work at your current job. This is the simplest and most comfortable option. Talk to your manager and explain the situation to him: you don’t want to spend an hour or two every day on the way to the office, so the only option that will suit you is remote work. If this option is possible, agree on how the transition will take place. If not, think further about how to develop within this company.

2. Write to employers directly. It often happens that the company you would like to work for does not have open vacancies on its website. Try writing a letter with an offer and a description of how you can be helpful. There is a high probability that the company is ready to work with remote workers under certain conditions. Even if there are no open vacancies in your field, do not hesitate to offer your services.

3. Apply for vacancies with office work. Let's say you come across a vacancy on HeadHunter or SuperJob that clearly states: work in an office, at a metro station. Respond and send a letter in which you describe in detail your professional experience, how you can be useful and why you think that you should get this position. But please clarify that you live in Kursk and successfully work remotely. Even large companies will pay attention to the letter if the specialist really deserves it.

4. Features of working in Bali

Seva Petrov

I worked remotely from Rostov-on-Don, but I wanted to try. Therefore, when I found out that Ivan was leaving for Bali, I decided to follow him - when you have friends in a foreign country, it’s already calmer. Before that, I had not traveled to Turkey or Egypt, nor had I been to neighboring countries - this was my first big trip.

Regarding what our working day looked like: life on the island does not compare with life in the city. Now I look outside the window, and there are concrete slabs and panel houses. And there are unusually beautiful views all around: the ocean on one side, the sea on the other, mountains, forests, rice fields on the third.

It seems that not workplace changes, and you yourself change. Your environment greatly influences you. It’s more pleasant to work there, even if the conditions are worse than in the city. For example, in Bali I didn’t have a special workplace: I worked at home at a coffee table or went to a cafe.

We had one advantage - time zones. We could get up early, go somewhere or go surfing, and at 11 am local time we sat down to work - at 6 am Moscow time. That is, we had 4-5 hours in the morning and 4 hours during the break to rest and explore the island.

The Internet in Bali is worse than in Russia. Therefore, when there were connection problems, we went to warungs - small cafes where there is free Wi-Fi. And of course, we always had with us Mobile Internet, but it is quite expensive: 600−1,500 rubles for 30 GB of Internet, which does not always work.

Ivan Bystrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

When I got tired of working from Krasnoyarsk, I bought tickets to Bali, rented a hostel for the first month and went to a country I knew nothing about before. All issues were resolved on the spot. Here are some tips that may be useful to those who want to repeat our experience.

How to get a visa to Indonesia

You do not need a visa for a period of up to one month. If you want to stay for a couple of months, you just need to pay for an on arrival visa at the airport. It costs $35 and allows you to stay on the island for up to 2 months without leaving the country. The only thing you need to do is to extend your visa after the first month. It also costs $35 if you do it yourself, and $50 if you entrust it to an agency.

After the visa expires, you need to leave the country and repeat the procedure for subsequent residence. In Malaysia you can get a social visa (you need a letter from an Indonesian resident, can be done through an agency) for 6 months at once. This visa can be extended directly in Bali, but you cannot leave the country - it will burn out.

Where is the best place to rent and how much does it cost?

Housing is no more expensive than in Russia, but the quality is better. The average option will cost approximately 3,000,000 Indonesian rupees - about 13,000 rubles per month. This is a guest house, essentially a small hotel. We lived in rooms with air conditioning, large beds and all amenities. The kitchen is shared among 5 rooms. Nearby there is a bar, a swimming pool, and parking for a bike. The price includes Wi-Fi and cleaning once a week.

How to get around the island

Unexpectedly, there is no public transport in Bali. Therefore, renting a bike is as necessary here as finding housing. Prices range from 600 thousand rupees per month to 2 million. In rubles this is 2,500–8,500 per month. For 2,500 rubles you will get a moped to move around the island, and for 8,500 you will rent a Kawasaki Ninja and enjoy the speed.

How much does food cost in Bali?

Prices for locals and tourists may differ significantly. For example, a coconut costs 40 rubles - you can both drink and eat it. A serving of rice with chicken - 60 rubles. That is, for 150 rubles you can have a good lunch and drink freshly squeezed juice, if you know where. I've seen that the price of the same dishes increases up to ten times if you eat in a restaurant and not in a cafe where locals eat.

Do you need health insurance?

Necessarily. I didn’t need it, but my friend needed medical help twice: because of poisoning and toothache. If there was no insurance, we would have to pay 80-100 thousand rubles. Health care It's very expensive here.

5. How to organize work so as not to let clients and colleagues down

Ivan Bystrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

To communicate with colleagues we use chat in Telegram, it’s convenient to exchange anything there. From time to time we test other services, for example, we change platforms for scheduling - we try to find the most suitable one.

We also try to meet with colleagues if we cross paths in some cities. Part of the Tilda team communicates in person, while we try to communicate via video chats. For example, on Fridays we hold video meetings where all support staff discuss tasks for the week and say what needs to be added and what to pay attention to.

When a newcomer joins the team, we don’t need to explain that we work remotely - this becomes clear already in the process. We, in turn, help him gradually get into the swing of things. We are only for it if a newbie asks questions and marks us in their tasks. We help and don’t burden him with complex questions on the backend until he masters the main points.

Alexander Marfitsin

Content Director at Amplifera.

I can give three simple pieces of advice to a specialist who wants to start working remotely.

  • Designate an area in your apartment where you will work. Don't let anyone in there within range of a cannon shot all day long. If you don’t abstract yourself, you will be jerked around all day, and you won’t work properly.
  • Don't spare money on a good chair and table.
  • Run, swim, go to the gym, play football, basketball, practice. Choose anything, but be sure to engage in physical activity.

Seva Petrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

Most of our communication takes place on Telegram. But we also use the excellent task manager Trello. There we enter our wishes, tasks, bugs. And when problems are solved, we add new ones.

Sometimes non-trivial tasks arise, for example, when users ask for features that we had not even thought about. We look at the reaction of users: if 30-40 identical requests are collected, then we definitely pass them on to the developers for consideration.

We have built a small hierarchy: we communicate with users, identify queries and bugs, and pass them on to front-end or back-end specialists. If I need a developer’s help to get a good answer, I send him to a special chat.

Tanya Abrosimova

Producer of the magazine "Knife".

Setting up processes turned out to be very simple. I worked remotely in Moscow for a year, and now in Tbilisi. All our work communication is concentrated in Telegram, complemented by Trello and Google Docs. It turned out that everything can be done remotely.

But there are also some peculiarities: while working remotely, I got lost, so I can wake up at 12 o’clock in the afternoon and fall asleep at 4 in the morning. That’s why I can write to my colleagues at 3 am. But I never demand an immediate answer. If they have a different routine, they will simply do the work when it is convenient for them. It often happens that when I wake up, the results have already been sent to me.

Alexander Marfitsin

Content Director at Amplifera.

To build processes when working with remote workers, you don’t need to do anything unusual: you just explain to them how everything happens. Any adequate person can work remotely. And if he can’t, then he won’t cope in the office either. To remain a sought-after specialist remotely, you need to do the same thing as in a regular job: do your job well, be in touch and be able to communicate with people.

6. How to work outside the office and not feel disconnected from life

Sergey Bolisov

One of the common problems of remote workers, which many of my colleagues are familiar with, and I myself once experienced, is a certain isolation from the world. Personally, I have two ways to help me deal with this. The first way is that I artificially come up with reasons for myself to leave the house. Even if I don’t need anything in the store, I’ll figure out what to buy so I can walk an extra 10-15 minutes. And the second way is this.

Seva Petrov

Leading support specialist at Tilda Publishing, working remotely for 1.5 years.

Content Director at Amplifera.

If we compare the office and remote work, the office is still preferable for me. But the secret is that you can’t work in one place for too long. Office the better that this is a special place where people come to work - you won’t lie around on the couch in your underpants. But if you sit in the office for too long, productivity decreases. Therefore, when I was freelancing, I constantly went to cafes, libraries, and coworking spaces.

7. What will help you remain in demand as a specialist?

Sergey Bolisov

Lifehacker Distribution Director, Netology lecturer, Tilda Publishing evangelist, has been working remotely for 12 years.

I have two pieces of advice from personal experience and the experience of my colleagues, which will help me remain in demand. Both of these tips assume that anyone remote employee hidden from view large companies and well-known HR specialists.

Go to public events

At least from time to time, once every six months or a year, go to a major conference in Moscow or St. Petersburg. This is an opportunity to ask questions to colleagues and experts, learn something new, and meet people. This will help you become more visible in your field.

Tell us about your work

Everyone has something to talk about. Share interesting things from your experience on a blog, social networks, Telegram channel or YouTube. If you are involved in SMM, tell us how you used new mechanics in social networks. Tell us about new approaches to infographics if you are a designer. Or show what's interesting going on in your work. Share this so that people around you and followers can see how you can be useful. And when they need to hire an employee with the same skills, they will remember you. Even if they are in Moscow, and you are in Novosibirsk.

Tanya Abrosimova

Producer of the magazine "Knife".

I've been working remotely for a year now, and in my opinion, this is the best thing that can happen to a person. But this realization did not come immediately.

At the very beginning it was difficult when I had to learn to switch from the state of “I’m resting at home” to the state of “but I’m already working.” I didn’t have a workspace, and the sofa was so conducive to just lying down. Friends gave advice on self-organization: setting up a work space in order to make clear boundaries, starting a work mug, and even changing into work clothes. Very good advice which I didn't use. It turned out that the most effective thing for me is to make a list of tasks, complete them and cross them off.

There was a lack of socialization. In the office, between tasks, you could chat with colleagues, exchange jokes, play, and go to a bar in the evening. The large open space was conducive to this - many colleagues, many friends. And when you work remotely, the maximum you can do during a break between tasks is to go to the kitchen to fry cutlets.

If we compare the results of remote and office work, the results outside the office are higher. What was a plus in terms of socialization also turned out to be a minus: when you are distracted by colleagues laughing and being flooded in the chat, the likelihood of working with concentration drops to zero. That’s why I used to do most of the tasks at home, when no one was writing or bothering me.

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