Educational project in biology. Research project in biology

Creative project in biology: "When there is no clock at hand."

Vinogradova Valeria, student of the 9th grade, MBOU secondary school No. 7 of the urban district, the city of Sharya, Kostroma region
Description: This material can be used by biology teachers, elementary school, educators to study the topic of biorhythms of colors.
Target: Creation creative project in biology.
Tasks: Collect information about the flower clock, conduct an observation, create a flower bed design.

Every summer I spend in the village with my grandparents. One day I managed to make a discovery. In front of the window we had a meadow, all snow-white with many flowering daisies ... Everyone said: “Very beautiful. What a white meadow. It was the middle of June. Early one morning I noticed that the meadow was not snow-white, but green. When I looked at the meadow around noon, the meadow was again all snow-white. I began to observe. By evening the meadow turned green again. Then I went and found a chamomile, and it turned out that she squeezed her petals, just as if our fingers were white from the side of the palm and, clenching our fingers into a fist, we would close the white. In the morning, when the sun rose, I saw how the daisies open their palms, and from this the meadow becomes snow-white again. Since then, chamomile has become one of the most interesting flowers for me, because daisies went to bed with me, got up with me.

My mother and I often go to the forest. Here I made another discovery for myself. Once, while picking strawberries, my mother leaned over one plant, looked, straightened up and said that it was time to hurry up, it would be dark soon - it was already about six in the evening. It surprised me then, how did she know the time? And when I came home, there was no limit to my surprise - the clock showed exactly six o'clock.

I began to study information about plants and found out that there are such flowers in nature, by which you can tell the time, i.e. there is a "flower clock". But reading this is one thing, and checking whether it is really so is another.
I began to observe the plants of our backyard, choosing the most common plants.

There were several issues for me.
Is it possible to tell the time from plants?
Do flowers always show exact time Or does it depend on different factors?
Is it possible to grow a “flower clock” on your personal plot?
I hypothesized:
In some plants, flowers open in the morning, in others in the afternoon, in others in the evening, and in others at night. And they also close in a certain sequence, each at its own time. This leads to the idea that in nature there is a flower clock - "flora clock".
To test my hypothesis:
Picked up and studied popular scientific literature
Monitored the plants in the yard
I created a project diagram for creating a flower-clock flower bed.
In the 20s of the 18th century, flower clocks were invented.
The famous Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus noticed that the opening and closing of flowers of different plants occurs at a certain time. At first, Linnaeus carefully observed and recorded at what time the flowers open or close. He made a list of about 50 plants that told him the time.

Then he collected these plants and planted them in a special flower bed in his garden, arranging them so that, by looking, one could determine the time with sufficient accuracy. This circumstance formed the basis for the creation of a flower clock, "launched" in the city of Uppsala in the twenties of the 18th century.

But he was not the discoverer. The first flower clock was known in Ancient Greece and in ancient Rome
By a live clock, you can find out not only the time, but also weather changes, the timing of the onset of the seasons of the year, the best time for planting or sowing plants, catching certain types fish, etc.
The whole "flower language" is quite difficult to study, since the blooming of flowers depends on many factors. Therefore, I began my acquaintance with the world of flowers and their life from the simplest - establishing the names of plant species and the time of their flowering during the day. I started this work in mid-June and observed it for a month. In parallel, she kept a calendar of observations to see how various factors affect the accuracy of color readings. And during this observation period, the day is the longest. Observations of flowering plants at this time are especially interesting.
Observation of plants in the garden.

Beautiful poppy field. Large flowers, towering on long stems, resemble frozen butterflies.
The plant blooms in June-July.
The flower lives for two days, then falls off.
Corolla petals open
at 5 o'clock, close at 14-15 o'clock.

Perennial bulbous plant.
The plant blooms in June-July.
Flowers open at 5 o'clock and close at 19-20 o'clock.

From the end of June, throughout July and August, the potato fields are covered with white and purple flowers.
Potato flowers open early in the morning between 6-7 o'clock and close in the afternoon, at 14-15 o'clock.
Potato is a herbaceous tuberous plant 60-100 cm high, of the nightshade family.

Bellflower is a herbaceous perennial plant.
The flowers are blue, blue-violet or light purple (rarely white).
Blooms in June - July.
Flowers open at 7 o'clock and close at 19 o'clock.

Marigolds are a genus of annual and perennial plants from the Aster family, or Compositae.
They bloom profusely from June until frost.
Flowers open at 8 o'clock and close at 15-16 o'clock.

Yellow-orange chamomile flowers of this plant are known to everyone. It is often sown around flowerbeds and scattered across lawns.
Blooms for a long time from early June to late October.
Flowers open at 9 o'clock and close at 16-17 o'clock.

It became interesting to me what the flower is guided by, what causes the uneven growth of tepals? Most often it is light and darkness, which is not difficult to verify by experience.
I conducted an experiment, in the early morning I covered a few marigolds that had not yet blossomed with a bucket, and opened them closer to noon. The day was clear and sunny, tight green buds opened before our eyes. She conducted the same experiment in cloudy weather, the opening of the bud occurred a little later, however, in both cases, immediately after the removal of shading, the flowers will still be closed, contrasting with their relatives growing in close proximity.
Along with lighting, the opening and closing of flowers is also affected by air temperature. So, if cut lilies are placed in a warm room, the flowers will begin to open, and in a cool place they will remain closed.
I figured out the reason for the ability of plant flowers to open and close at a certain time
First of all, this is due to the influence of sunlight.
Humidity and air temperature also have a certain effect on daily rhythms.
The daily rhythm of the movement of the petals is the result of uneven growth of the upper (inner) and lower (outer) sides.
Watching the flowers of a particular plant, I noticed that they bloom at about the same time. Of course, on a clear day and in inclement weather, the inflorescences of almost all plants do not bloom at the same time. On a sunny morning, the flowers of most flowering plants will bloom earlier, rushing towards the light and warmth. If the sky is covered with clouds, the flowers are in no hurry to "wake up", and in the rain they, moreover, will remain closed, saving pollen for insects. In general, we can say that flowers of the same species "awaken from sleep" at their own specific time.
After doing research and observation, I came to the conclusion:
Indeed, you can tell the time by some colors.
Flowers do not always show the exact time, it depends on various factors - light, heat
Next summer, I plan to plant a living flower clock in my garden bed. I will decorate the flower bed in the form of a modular flower garden.
A modular flower garden is a decorative arrangement using various flower arrangements in containers.
I bring to your attention the project diagram of the flower clock of my future flower bed.

The educational project is addressed to students in grades 7-11 for a deeper acquaintance with the subjects "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography".



Project theme: "Planet in plastic packaging"

Methodical presentation:

  1. Introduction;
  2. Methodological passport of the educational project;
  3. Project implementation;
  4. Conclusions;
  5. Student submissions in a learning project.

1. Introduction:

The theme of the project was chosen taking into account the educational situation in the subject of geography, biology, chemistry to deepen knowledge and apply them in life.


  1. by type of activity - search;
  2. by the nature of the subject-content area - ecological;
  3. by the nature of contacts - long (1 academic year).

2. Methodological passport of the educational project:

  • Addressing: The educational project is addressed to students in grades 7-11 for a deeper acquaintance with the subjects "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography".


The educational project is included when studying the topics: "Interaction between man and nature" in grade 7, "Natures of Russia" in grade 8 and "Chemical industry" in grade 9. In the 10th grade when studying the topic: "Global problems of mankind."


Included in the topics "High-molecular compounds" grade 10, "Structure of matter" grade 11.


The educational project is included when studying the topics: "Prokaryotes" Grade 7, "Man and environment» Grade 8, “Relationship between a person and the environment” Grade 9, “Cage” Grade 10, Grade 11 “Global environmental problems”.

  • Topics of the educational and thematic plan of the subject:


Interaction of human society and nature (Grade 7);

Biological resources, protection of flora and fauna. (Grade 8)

Chemical industry (grade 9)

Global problems of mankind (grades 10-11);


Diversity, structural features and origin of prokaryotic organisms (Grade 7)

Man and his health (Grade 8)

Biosphere and man (grade 9)

The structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (Grade 10)

Biosphere and man (Grade 11)


Polymers (Grade 11)

Biopolymers. Organic and inorganic polymers. Reactions of polymerization and polycondensation (grade 10)

  • Educational, developmental, educational goals and objectives:

1. Involvement of students in various activities and independent acquisition of new knowledge;

2. Introducing students to understanding the environmental problems of our time;

3. Individual organization of students' activities and development of communication skills through work in small groups;

4. Formation of skills to logically build forecasts, projects, defend and argue your point of view

5. To form a positive emotional and aesthetic experience of students.

6. Expanding horizons and developing interest in school subjects.

  • Age of students– 9-10 grade.
  • Project time- 1 academic year.

3. Security:

  • Material and technical equipment and information support:




Photos from areas contaminated with plastic waste

Photos of plastic bottle recycling plant

Laboratory equipment and chemicals

Exhibition of samples of plastic packaging material

Samples of recycled plastic bottles

Video material - interviews with city residents and housing and communal services workers

Additional attracted information resources: reference materials, Internet resources.

  • General academic skills required for students to work on the project: the impact of pollution on the environment.
  • Motivation to work:

Search for the causes of environmental pollution;

What is the impact of packaging material on the environment

Methods for recycling plastic waste.

4. Status of the educational project:

  • Project authors - 9th and 10th grade students.

Solyanova Ksenia 10th grade

Erokhin Vladislav Grade 10

Rybalsky Kirill Grade 10

Kazakova Maria 10th grade

Tenchurina Victoria 10 cells.

Karpushov Maxim 9 "b" class.

Sborshchikova Victoria 10 cells.

Pavlishina Polina 9 "b" class.

Klygin Anton 9 "b" class.

Geography teacher - Panfilova T.I.

Biology teacher - Trishkina O. V.

Chemistry teacher - Zaletova O. M.

  • User Experience- in educational activities;
  • Degree of distribution: FKOU secondary school named after A.N. Radishchev, Kuznetsk-12.

5. Implementation of the project:

Work on the project began with an excursion into nature with 9th grade students. We saw the degree of pollution of the forest area of ​​our city with plastic waste, which greatly changed its appearance. This led to the idea of ​​studying the issues of creating packaging material from plastic, its impact on the biosphere and ways of recycling plastic waste.

"That bird is bad,

who pollutes her nest"

(folk proverb).

Have all mankind and each of us become like this bird?

In September of this academic year, we traditionally went on an excursion into nature in order to study water, air and soil. Every time we see a serious anthropogenic impact - large piles of garbage, the basis of which is plastic packaging. And we wondered if our planet would be completely wrapped in plastic. Do we really need such packaging, why does it accumulate so much in the environment, is there a possibility of recycling it at the present time?

For man, as for any species, nature is the environment of life and the source of existence. Currently, environmental problems are a very acute issue. People especially suffer from pollution by industrial waste.

We tried to answer these questions in the course of our work.

One of the main sources of pollution is the products of the chemical industry, which is the "locomotive" of scientific and technological progress. The uniqueness of this industry lies in the fact that with its help people can create materials that do not exist in nature. The product range of the chemical industry is plastics, synthetic resins, synthetic rubber and polymers, etc.

Our study began with an integrated lesson in geography, chemistry and biology, which introduced the production of plastics. Then, using Internet resources, the students got acquainted with the production of plastic packaging (plastic bottles). The children studied in great detail the production of polyethylene terephthalate and its products. Different types of containers (plastic and glass) were compared, advantages and disadvantages were revealed. At first glance, plastic packaging is an excellent packaging material. But the amount of plastic packaging is increasing every year not only in production, but also in waste. Plastic products are thrown into nature as waste, in the amount of 260 million tons. in year. Plastic waste as household waste heavily pollutes the surface of the entire earth, they are carried by rivers and streams into the oceans, forming giant floating islands. Which cause significant damage to the Earth's ecosystem. We have proven that the chemical industry is not only a vanguard industry, but also an environmental disaster.

Based on the integrated lesson, the idea arose to study in more detail the impact of plastic waste on the Earth's ecology and present the material in the form of a project. Working groups were created, the participants of which showed the results of the research in the form of presentation reports.

The first group conducted a raid on the outskirts of our city. The guys took pictures of the resting places of the townspeople. Most of the trash found was plastic bottles. Then they conducted a social survey of housing and communal services workers and residents of the city. The report was presented in the form of a video report.

The second group investigated the impact of plastic waste on the environment. The guys presented material on the pollution of land and the oceans. They showed the threat to living organisms from plastic waste (bottles, corks, disposable syringes, bags, etc.), which cause the death of marine and terrestrial animals. Getting acquainted with the material, they found that nature itself activated evolutionary mechanisms and began to "create" bacteria that "eat" plastic.

Another group of students explored the possibility of recycling plastic waste. They got acquainted with the Resurs LLC plastic bottle processing plant, which is located on the territory of the Penza region in the village of Chaadaevka, at which 100 tons of bottles are processed per month. This is an excellent raw material for the production of paving slabs, packaging tape, brooms and accessories for kitchen sets.

Students presented a research report on a given topic in the form of a report, video material and presentations at a scientific and practical conference of students from their school.

We students, the new generation, want to know what the future holds for us.

We want to offer people to live more rationally:

  • use only environmentally friendly type of packaging material;
  • clean and waste-free production;

Changes in the natural environment that are unfavorable for mankind can be eliminated using modern achievements.

If each of us begins to take care of nature at least at the household level, then we can reduce the negative impact on the planet.


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"Planet in plastic packaging" Conference


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Advantages of plastic packaging over other types of packaging

Scope of plastic packaging Boxes Cubic containers Barrels and cans Canisters Bottles and cans Cube containers Containers Waste containers Pallets (pallets) Buckets and cans

glass 1. Heavy 2. Transparent 3. Colors - brown or green 4. Breaks during transportation 5. Recyclable 6. Shelf life of products in containers - many years

plastic 1. Weighs about 28g 2. Transparent 3. Attractive appearance 4. Painted in various colors 5. Comfortable to hold in hands 6. Does not break during transportation 7. Recyclable 8. Shelf life of products in containers - 2 weeks according to German standards, in Russia - up to 3 months. 9. In the light, it passes ultraviolet rays and oxygen inward, and carbon dioxide outward.

Is it useful to use plastic? Today, when we drink drinks from plastic bottles, coffee from plastic cups, we snack on the go from plastic plates with plastic forks. When water runs into our houses through plastic pipes, and the walls are pasted over with plastic panels, in a word, when “the plastic world has won”, it would be reasonable to ask the question, how safe is it all? .. .


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GARBAGE NEAR US Photoshoot from places of "rest" of residents of the city of Kuznetsk - 12

In our town there is such a problem as unorganized waste disposal. We often witness how garbage is not thrown into bins or special containers, but right under our feet or into the bushes. We invite you to visit the resting places of our citizens

Each person throws out about 400 kg of household waste per year, which contains food waste - 40%, waste paper - 15%, textiles - 5%, wood - 5%, household appliances - 0.5%, plastic - 20%, scrap metal - 3 %, glass - 3%. And that's just the garbage that ended up in landfills. And how much of this garbage is thrown out in the forest belt, on roadsides and other places? Let's get a look!

At the House of Officers

Behind the officer's house

Pavilion "Sura"

Walkway to the stadium

In the woods behind the cafe "Beehive"

On the way to the garages

On the shore of a picturesque lake

Behind the bench in the stadium

Appeal to residents: Yes, it is possible to change the trend of increasing garbage thrown out by each individual resident of the town. But it is in our power to stop throwing garbage at our feet, first of all polluting our native and beloved city of Kuznetsk -12.


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Recycling plastic bottles

In Russia, PET bottles are not recycled en masse. In 2008, in the village of Chaadaevka, Penza region, an LLC (an open enterprise with limited liability) "Promupakovka" for the processing of plastic bottles.

This is where used plastic bottles are transformed from recycled into a new product.

Initially, the bottles are crushed and washed. They produce flake - plastic flakes. Crushed plastic bottles are chemically decomposed into their constituent parts.

1 The granules are used to make packaging tape. The company processes 100 tons of bottles per month and receives 70 tons of packaging tape every month, that is, about 1,000 tons of products per year.

Standard tape width - 12 mm, thickness - 1 mm. Its strength allows you to hold a maximum weight of 1,400 kg. These products are sold in: Kazan, Samara, Voronezh, Tambov, Saransk, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Syktyvkar, Moscow.

1 Notably, plastic bottle caps are used to manufacture car tires, ceramic tiles that use plastic as a binder instead of cement. It is with such tiles that many territories and sidewalks of the city of Penza and the region are laid out. They also produce other commercial products.

1 PET granules are also used in other industries. And it makes a good raw material for textile industry, manufacturing tiles. From recycled PET, after adding fiberglass to it, abrasive wheels are produced for grinding and polishing. The company "Ford" casts engine covers for trucks, and "Toyota" - panels, bumpers, doors for cars from polymer compositions containing recycled PET.

Less and less nature, More and more environment! Robert Rozhdestvensky


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Shugurov Alexander

Yakupova Kamila

Maltseva Julia Arkhipov Mikhail

Klygin Anton Makarenko Kirill

Melnikov Daniil Golovanova Alina

Karpushov Maxim


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Favorite city - Kuznetsk -12

The conference was prepared and held by: 1 . Kazakova Maria 2. Sborshchikova Victoria 3. Erokhin Vladislav 4. Rybalsky Kirill 5. Solyanova Ksenia 6. Tenchurina Victoria 7. Pavlishina Polina 8. Karpushov Maxim 9. Klygin Anton 10. Teachers: Zaletova O.M., Trishkina O.V., Panfilova T.I.


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Developed by: 10th grade student Ksenia Solyanova Checked by: chemistry teacher Zaletova O.M.

What is plastic The history of plastic The difference between polymer and plastic and its production The use of celluloid The basis for the production of synthetic plastics Polymerization Polycondensation

The first plastic was obtained by the English inventor Alexander Parkes in 1855. Parkes named it parkesine (later celluloid). The development of plastics began with the use of natural plastic materials. Then continued with the use of chemically modified natural materials


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The impact of modern packaging on the environment Less and less environment, More and more environment! Robert Rozhdestvensky

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) argue that various toxins enter the human body through plastic utensils and packaging for various food products. Stylish, colorful and original packaging for any product is a kind of fashionable and spectacular branded clothing, as well as a guarantee of the efforts and costs invested in the production of products. Statistics proves the fact that well-designed products in high-quality packaging are sold much easier and more expensive than similar products in “gray and faceless” packaging, or without it at all.



Yaneeva Elena Evgenievna

Municipal community educational institution- main comprehensive school Aleksandrovka village, Sovetsky district, Saratov region

State educational standards suggest the possibility of implementing currently relevant competency-based, student-oriented, activity-based approaches that define a number of tasks for teaching biology. One of these tasks is mastering the ability to creatively solve educational and practical problems, independently perform various research work, and participate in project activities.

This is the reason for the introduction of methods and technologies into the practice of educational institutions based on the design and research activities of students. Graduates must master the components of research and project activities, including the ability to see the problem, raise questions, put forward hypotheses, explain, prove, defend their ideas.

In my teaching practice important place I take the design andresearch activities. This type activity is associated with the solution of creative, research problems with a previously unknown result. Educational research is aimed at acquiring by students the skill of research activities, mastering the research type of thinking, and forming an active position in the learning process.

What tasks do I set when teaching students project and research activities?

Formation and development of creative abilities of students;

Development of skills and abilities in posing problems and finding ways to solve them;

Creation of a motivating factor in learning and self-education;

Development of individual responsibility for their actions, decisions and actions;

Development of the student's communication skills.

Competently conduct research can not only a person engaged in science professionally, but also someone who is still in school. Therefore, one of essential conditions improve efficiency educational process is the organization of educational research activities and the development of its main component - research skills that not only help schoolchildren to better cope with the requirements of the program, but also develop their logical thinking, create an internal motive for learning activities in general.

Sukhomlinsky also wrote: “This terrible danger is idleness at the desk, idleness for months, years. It corrupts morally, cripples a person and ... nothing can compensate for what is missed in the most important area where a person should be a worker - in the sphere of thought.

The variety of objects and processes studied in biology lessons provides great opportunities for research activities, during which students learn to express their thoughts, work individually, in a group and in a team.

Methodical literature offers an algorithm for performing research work in a certain sequence:

1) the formulation of the topic

2) formulation of the purpose and objectives of the study

3) conducting a theoretical study;

4) experimental verification;

5) analysis and presentation of results scientific research;

6) implementation and effectiveness of scientific research results;

7) public presentation of works at scientific and practical conferences.

Research assignments fascinate children. I conduct research activities in three stages: research work for students in grades 5-6; projects for middle management grades 7-8; research work grades 9-11. Receiving their own experimental material, students conduct an analysis and draw conclusions about the nature of the material being studied.

Students in grades 5-6 successfully work on the creation of design work.To boost research activities junior schoolchildren and the formation of motivation, it is advisable for them to get acquainted with the research work of high school students. This system of gradual involvement of students in research activities contributes to the development of their interest in knowledge in the field of biology, as well as the identification of talented and gifted students.

The children of the 5th grade completed the work "Home weather forecasters". The purpose of this workLearn how to predict the weather based on observations of pets. The object of the study were domestic cats.

To achieve the goal, the guys set the following tasks: select and study the literature on this topic, apply the knowledge gained in practice (observe and predict), analyze the data obtained.

Practical significancework lies in the possibility of its use in the lessons of natural history and ecology, makes it possible to better study your pets, allows you to confirm the accuracy of scientific weather forecasts. The students used the following research methods: analysis of scientific and journalistic literature, generalization and classification of the information received, observation of the behavior of cats and natural phenomena.

The children of the 6th grade worked on the project "Plastic bottles: a find or a problem of mankind?".The aim of this work wasresearch on the importance of plastic bottles in life modern man and their impact on the environment.

The students set themselves the following tasks:

    learn the history of the creation and use of plastic bottles;

    explore Chemical properties the material from which plastic bottles are made;

    consider environmental problems associated with environmental pollution with plastic bottles;

    to cultivate a careful attitude of students to natural resources;

    develop a sense of responsibility for the ecological state of the planet;

    explore possible ways to use plastic bottles in everyday life.

The students chose a fairly relevant topic, since today millions of plastic bottles are produced and thrown away every year.Used bottles are a big environmental problem.One of the most pressing environmental problems in the world is the recycling of plastic containers.

A huge amount of garbage on the streets of the village of Aleksandrovka, most of which is plastic bottles, made students think about the question: what carries plastic bottle man - benefit or harm?

Practical significanceresearch was to to teach schoolchildren to take care of the nature around us, to come up with a second life for plastic bottles. The results of the work can be used to solve the problems of environmental education not only for children, but also for adults.The following research methods were used: study of literary and Internet sources, experiment, questioning, observation.

The children presented the results of the study to students in grades 5-6, issued environmental leaflets and hung them on the streets of the village of Aleksandrovka. This allowed once again to draw the attention of residents to the problem of garbage in our village and to remind that we ourselves are responsible for the cleanliness and beauty of our native village.

Grade 9 students completed the work “Study of biorhythms of students in grades 9-11 MBOU-SOSH p. Aleksandrovka. They revealed the influence of biorhythms and chronotype onintellectual activity and physical condition of high school students.Guys panalyzed the scientific literature on the research problem to determine the main theoretical concepts and provisions of the research, conducted a study of biorhythms and chronotypes of students in grades 9-11,developed recommendations for improving the performance and streamlining the daily routine of students,optimization of their own learning activities;

The study is interesting and relevant today, since the study of human biological rhythms opens up new opportunities for the regulation and management of processes occurring in the human body.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that students were able to coordinate their own educational activities, their daily routine, general physical condition, managed to interest others, involve them in the study, and, if they had knowledge, make the educational activities of high school students more effective.

One of the most interesting projects was"Determination of the harmony of physical developmentstudents in grades 8-9 MOU-SOSH with. Aleksandrovka according to anthropometric data.studentsdetermined the level of physical development of high school students.Using the equipment of the school medical office, anthropometric measurements were carried out (height, weight, BMI, VC, chest excursion, hand muscle strength), the results were evaluated and compared with the average statistical data.

When discussing the results of the study with students in grades 8-9, the guys came to the conclusion that they should learn to explore their own body, it is necessary to form a cult of health.You should start solving this problem with the study of your own health and knowledge of the patterns of its correction, strengthening and development.

The work "The use of SMS to remove oil pollution from the surface of aquatic animals. This work has a meta-subject character. The study is devoted to the problem of removing oil pollution from the surface of the bodies of animals, feathers of birds, for which the aquatic environment is the habitat. The goals and objectives of the work were determined: to find the most optimal, cheap and affordable ways to remove oil from the surface of the bodies of animals and bird feathers, to consider the effect of oil pollution on aquatic animals; to study methods for cleaning oil pollution, to determine experimentally the possibility of using synthetic detergents to remove oil pollution from the surface of bird feathers and animal fur, to identify the most effective and safe brands of SMS that can be used for these purposes. Experimentally proved the possibility of using various grades of SMS to remove oil from the surface of aquatic animals.

The practical value of the work is related to the possibility of using the results of the study in the practice of removing oil pollution from the surface of animals caught in an ecological disaster zone.

The result of research activities is the participation of my students in project competitions, scientific and practical conferences at the school, municipal and regional levels. We cooperate:together we set goals and objectives, select the facts that are significant in this work, formulate a hypothesis, draw up a plan for conducting an observation.

The student, having completed the project and defended it, learns:

    plan work;

    present the results of their work in writing and orally;

    defend and defend their point of view;

    be responsible for the results of work;

    arrange work, etc.

Constantly mastering the skills and abilities of rational educational work, training yourself on questions and tasks, observations and experiments with naturalb projects, students independently acquire knowledge, supplementing and deepening it.

The experience of research activity is a necessary component of preparing schoolchildren to solve various educational, later life tasks, including the choice of a future profession.Professional success in modern world is largely determined by the ability of a person to be able to set goals, outline a plan of action, find and analyze the necessary information and resources, and correctly evaluate the results achieved. Creativity, independence in decision-making, mobility and initiative are needed. It is assumed that it is at school that the foundations for the development of a thinking, independent, creative personality will be laid. Therefore, in education, there is an extremely high interest in research methods of teaching.

Thus, the project and research activities of students, like no other educational activity, will help teachers to form in the student the qualities he needs for further studies, for professional and social adaptation.


1. Tyaglova E.V. Educational and research work of students in biology. Method. manual / E.V. Tyaglova.-M .: Globus, 2008.-255 p.

2. Biology. 5-9 grades: project activity students. author-compilation E.A. Yakushkina and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-186 p.

3. Artsev M.N. Educational and research work of students: guidelines for teachers and teachers // Head teacher. -2005. - No. 6.

4. Biology and ecology. 10-11 grades: project activities of students / author-compiler M.V. Vysotskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.-2003 p.

5. Biology. 5-9 grades: project activities of students. author-compiler E.A. Yakushkina and others - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.-186 Research activities of students in a specialized school / Ed.

6. Pakhomova N. Yu. Method of educational project in an educational institution: A manual for teachers and students of pedagogical universities. - M.: ARKTI, 2003.-165 p.

7. Tyaglova E.V. Educational and research work of students in biology. Method. manual / E.V. Tyaglova.-M .: Globus, 2008.-255 p.

Internet resources:

www. Internet portal for research work schoolchildren.

Currently, the issue of modernizing education is being widely discussed, the purpose of which is to create conditions for improving the quality of the educational process.

The problem of finding a solution to the problems of modernization is how to practically reorient the dominant educational paradigm to a modern one that meets the requirements of the 21st century?

One of the conditions for solving problems is the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies, including project technology.

The technology of the project helps to overcome the dominance of the "knowledge" approach in favor of the "activity" one, which allows one to more productively assimilate knowledge, learn how to analyze, generalize, integrate it, make it more practice-oriented, which is ultimately pursued by the education modernization program.

The project provides a close link between theory and practice. For the teacher, this is an opportunity to realize theoretical knowledge through productive pedagogical technologies; for students - the achievement of such a level of education, which will ensure the solution of problems in various spheres of life, using theoretical knowledge.

The phased implementation of the project allows you to clearly set the problem, goals, objectives, ways of their implementation; create conditions for individual and collective activities, for independent and group work of students, creating a situation of success and cooperation. The teacher, together with the students, sets a task of a problematic nature and indicates the ultimate goal of the work at each stage, which requires students to study, comprehend ways to solve the problem, draw up an action plan and independently implement it.

Stages of project implementation

Stage name

Time of completion


· Definition of research subtopics;

· Identification of proposed areas of work;

· Drawing up the schedule of observations;

· Development of criteria for assessing the results of the project.

September October


· Preliminary acquaintance with the methods of observation;

Definition of the problem and objectives of the study (using the method of "round table");

· Proposing hypotheses and ways to solve them;

· Discussion of research methods (experiment, observation, etc.);

· Distribution of work among participants of the group project;

· Initiation of data collection.

November December


· Continuing work on collecting information;

Independent (individual, pair, group) activities of students in the implementation of the project;

drawing up a research scheme.

· Systematization and analysis of the obtained data;

· Discussing how to design the final results;

Summing up, presentation of results



Presentation of the results of completed projects (report, model, diagram, graph, etc.)

Project presentation

· Reflection

· Making adjustments to the work and preparation of reports.


The school works according to the Basic Plan of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 2005, which contribute to the implementation of project activities, especially in the senior classes. The profile course in biology includes students in grades 10 and 11, so work on projects is carried out for 2 years. The first 3 stages of preparatory, primary and main are implemented during the 10th grade; final stage - 11th grade. The selected topics of the projects are relevant, as the emphasis is on the interests of students, their environment, and ecology. The most interesting is the research single-subject project "School as an Ecosystem", the purpose of which is to identify the impact of the environment on the school as an ecosystem.

The students were given the following tasks:

1. Describe the school as an ecosystem.

2. Determine the sources of "pollution" of the environment in the school and measures to reduce their impact on a person.

3. Draw up an environmental passport for the school.

For 2 years, the guys conducted experimental work, calculating the pollution of the atmosphere with dust particles, making an approximate calculation of exhaust gases from cars passing on the freeway closest to the school. The students noted that the air pollution around the school is insignificant, but the environmental discomfort is caused by the village boiler house and household waste.

In the course of the work, an environmental passport of the school was compiled, which notes an environmentally friendly architectural and planning, visual noise environment, as well as environmental discomfort in the light, temperature, and electromagnetic environment.

In conclusion, the guys identified the problems of the school as an ecosystem and ways to solve them.

Problems of the school as an ecosystem and their solutions



environmental pollution

1. Maintain order on the streets.

2. Actions to protect the environment.

Ecological attractiveness of the territory and visual school environment.

1. Competition for the best design of the external and internal appearance of the school.

2. Change of landscape design, gardening.

Temperature and light discomfort

1. Improving the temperature and light conditions.

2. Rational use of resources (water, electricity, heat).

Ecological cleanliness of human activity

1. Healthy lifestyle.

2. Ecological education of schoolchildren

A summary of the work was presented at the regional scientific-practical conference "Step into the Future" in 2006. The students were awarded diplomas of the 1st degree.

"Profilists" created such interesting projects as "Apartment as an Ecosystem", "Design of a School Plot", "Arrangement of Desks in a Classroom (Psychological Space of a Student in a Classroom)", "We are in our school. Rational nutrition is the basis of schoolchildren's health.

The project “From Global to Local” so captivated students that “professionals” in physics, computer science, literature, pre-profile education began to work on this topic, and this resulted in a scientific and practical conference “Step into the Future”, which was held at the school with an invitation Administration of the village of Vitim, deputies of the village council. As a result of this environmental conference, joint specific directions were developed to improve the sanitary condition of the village.

For the last 2 years, project activities have been widely used in valeology lessons - grade 9. Work on mini-projects is carried out throughout the academic year. At the end of the year (April-May) there is a defense.

The topics of the projects correspond to the main topics of the program, but are necessarily tied to the adolescence of students.

If the guys can take the theoretical part from different sources of information, then they do the research work themselves.

Project work is interesting for students as they explore themselves.

A group of students, working on the “Know Yourself” project from the field of palmistry, conducted research among classmates, but soon other children and school teachers voluntarily joined the experiment. As a result of the work carried out, interesting characteristics were obtained.

Conclusion of the work: we will never be able to complete research related to the field of palmistry. After all, we are talking about a topic that is inexhaustible, in which new questions appear daily, and in the center is the most interesting creature that is between heaven and earth - man.

All projects have a practical focus based on actual experiments. For example, "the formation of the correct posture", the theoretical part is fixed by practical work.

1. Identification of a violation of posture

Operating procedure.

1. Stand with your back against a wall with your head, shoulders and buttocks resting against the wall.

2. Try to stick your fist through your lower back and wall.

3. If this is not possible, stick your hand in there.

Evaluation of results

Normally, in this position, the fist should not pass between the wall and the lower back. If this is the case, the posture is broken. The posture should be considered normal if the palm passes between the lower back and the wall.

2. Maintaining correct posture when standing

Operating procedure.

1. Stand against a wall.

2. Keep your head straight, look forward (do not lift your nose up and do not push your chin).

3. Raise and slightly move your shoulders back.

4. Draw in your stomach.

5. Move the pelvis forward. The gap between the wall and the lower back should be narrowed to normal. Check it with your hand.

6. Move away from the wall, maintaining the adopted position. Remember this position and try to keep it in the future. Rate your posture.

3. Maintaining correct posture while sitting and walking

Operating procedure.

1. Put a hockey puck on your head.

2. Try to sit on a chair, walk around the room.

3. To control yourself, do the following: go to a closet or wall, lean on them with your head, shoulder blades and buttocks. Now squat down, sliding on the support. If the puck falls, determine what mistake you made.

4. Determining the presence of flat feet

Operating procedure.

1. Stand with wet, bare feet on a piece of paper. Circle the resulting trace with a pencil.

2. Measure the width of the metatarsal part of the footprint in centimeters.

3. Measure the footprint width at the midfoot and heel.

4. Divide the number indicating the width of the foot print in the middle part by the number indicating the width of its metatarsal part. Express the result as a percentage. If the resulting percentage does not exceed 33%, the leg is normal, there is no flat foot.

Signs of correct posture; signs of proper seating at the table; signs of correct gait.

Such research papers as "Auditory Analyzer", "Sense of Taste in Man"; "Human Eye"; "Health at school"; "Human Ecology" - expand the knowledge of students, provide an opportunity to engage in self-education, pay attention to their health

Research projects are one of the conditions for the formation of personality quality, providing a solution to cognitive, communicative, developing creative tasks.


1. Velichkovsky V.G. Human health and the environment. -M: New school, 1997.

2. Delacour J.B. Big Dictionary characters. -M: "Zeus", 1997.

3. Novikov Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man. - M: Trading house "Grand", 2001.

4. Fedorova L.I. Biology teaching technologies in modern school. –Yakutsk. Institute for Advanced Studies of Educational Workers, 2001.

Municipal educational institution Orekhovskaya secondary school

biology project

"10 most amazing plants in the world"


teacher of geography and biology,

Rasseikina I.G.

s.Orekhovka, 2014


1. The ten most amazing plants in the world

1.1. Velvichia is amazing - a tree or a bush?

1.2. Rafflesia or "corpse lily"

1.3. Amorphophallus - " flower giant»

1.4. prickly pear bigelow

1.5. carnegia giant

1.6. Nepenthes

1.7. Venus flytrap

1.8 Ficus Bengal

1.9. Sequoia evergreen

1.10. Puya Raymonda



The plant world is very beautiful and diverse. Today there are about 360.000 various kinds plants (trees, herbs, shrubs, etc.). Among them there are special, amazing species that have surpassed all other types of plants in various indicators, firmly securing the title of "most-most".

On our Earth, 90% of the biological mass is made up of plants, there are almost half a million species of them. Without plants, life on earth would be impossible, since they are the lungs of the planet. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful substances and release oxygen at night, which we breathe. I want to tell you about the most amazing plants of our planet.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the amazing plants of the Earth.

    Study the literature on this subject.

    Write a description of rare and amazing plants

    Consider the scope of plants.

    Prepare work and make a presentation

1) Working with sources of information: additional literature, reference books, atlas-determinant.

2) Comparison, analysis, description.

On our planet there is a huge number of all kinds of plants, seeing which one can only be surprised at how nature could come up with something like this. An incredible number of species and subspecies of plants, many of which amaze with their qualities - from survival and adaptability, to colors and sizes.

Did you know that the height of the tallest trees exceeds 100 meters? Have you heard anything about plants that are able to "kill" and "eat" animals?

Ten most amazing plants in the world

1.1. Velvichia is amazing - a tree or a bush?

Fig. 1 Velvichia amazing

It grows in southern Africa, in the desert of Namibia. This desert dwarf tree can be up to 2,000 years old. From the short stump-like trunk of the plant, two huge leaves extend in both directions, which, as they grow, are longitudinally torn into ribbons, and the tips dry out. The age of these giant leaves is equal to the age of the tree. Leaves constantly grow from the base, and the tips die off. In some cases, the length of the leaves can reach 8 meters, and the width is 1.8 meters.

The genus Velvichia was named by the English botanist Joseph Hooker in honor of the Austrian (Slovene) botanist and traveler Friedrich Velvich, who discovered this plant in southern Angola in 1860.

Bushmen tribes call this plant "otji tumbo", which means "big master".

Velvichia can be cultivated as a greenhouse or houseplant. They do this not because of its high decorative qualities, but because of the exceptional dissimilarity of Velvichia to any other plant.

Velvichia grows very slowly. Sensitive to frost. Requires well-drained soil that is deep enough for its long main root. For normal development requires a dry climate, direct sunlight; daytime temperature 21-23 °C, nighttime - 10-12 °C. Water the plant during the growth period should be regularly, but moderately, without excessive drying of the earthy coma; Let the topsoil dry out between waterings. During the dormant period, the plant is not watered.

1.2. Rafflesia or "corpse lily"

Fig.2 Rafflesia

Rafflesia does not have organs in which the process of photosynthesis would take place; moreover, representatives of this genus lack both stems and leaves. Rafflesia receives all the substances necessary for its development from the tissues (roots or stems) of the host plant through sucker roots.

The locals of the island of Sumatra, in the forests of which rafflesia was discovered, have long known this plant and used it for medicinal purposes. In particular, an extract from rafflesia buds was used to restore the figure in women after childbirth.

1.3. Amorphophallus - "flower giant"

Fig.3 Amorphophallus

These plants are different sizes- from small to giant. They grow from underground tubers the size of a grapefruit and weighing about 5 kg, some from rhizomes or stolons. These plants have a dormant period, some of them are evergreen herbs.

Tuber compressed-spherical shape, sometimes unevenly cylindrically elongated, turnip-shaped or cone-shaped

Genus Amorphophallus, as well as the genus Rafflesia is famous for its "delicate aroma" of decaying flesh. The smell emanating from the flower is terrible. Few are able to admire amorphophallus without a gas mask. The flower of most representatives of this genus is huge in size and can reach a height of 2.5 meters with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In many eastern countries, the tubers of this plant are used in the preparation of various culinary dishes and medicines.

Amorphophallus tubers are widely used in traditional Japanese cuisine to make soups or add to stews. They are also used to make noodle flour and a gelatin-like substance, which is then used to make special tofu.

It is believed that eating dishes that include amorphophallus tubers helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and reduce weight. This plant has been grown in China for 1500 years and used as a dietary product to lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

In medicine, amorphophallus tubers are used as a raw material for the manufacture of diabetic products.

1.4 Opuntia Bigelow

Fig.4 Prickly pear Bigelow

Opuntia Bigelow - This is one of the most amazing species of the Opuntia genus of the Cactus family. These are amazing fluffy cacti, up to two meters high.

Prickly pear is distributed over vast areas of North and South America, including the West Indies. In Mexico, which is the main region of the genus, almost half of the prickly pear species are concentrated. According to Aztec legend, Tenochtitlan (present-day Mexico City) was founded on a place where prickly pear grew, on which sat an eagle eating a snake. This scene from the legend is displayed on the coat of arms of Mexico. As introduced plants, some species of prickly pear have spread to tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Prickly pear is cultivated for its fruits, as well as livestock feed and hedges.

On the island of Malta, a liqueur (Ambrosia Bajtra 21% vol.) is produced from prickly pear fruits, which is the national alcoholic drink.

1.5. Carnegia giant

Fig. 5 Carnegia giant

Carnegia giant (Saguaro)) is another amazing plant of the Cactus family. The most amazing feature of this cactus is its large size. The height of individual plants is about 14 meters, and the diameter is more than 3 meters! At the same time, the age of individual cacti reaches 150 years.

The genus is named after Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), an American entrepreneur, steelmaker and multimillionaire.

It grows in Mexico, California and Arizona.

1.6. Nepenthes

Fig.6 Nepentes

Nepenthes. Most plants from this genus can be called "predators" without exaggeration, which obtain the necessary missing nutrients by "digesting" the caught insects. The plant has modified leaves that are shaped like jugs. The inner surface of the pitcher is lined with cells that secrete nectar, which serves to attract insects, as well as "hair cells" that make it impossible to release the trapped insect. The surface of the "neck" of the jug is very slippery, so there is practically no chance for an insect walking along the neck not to slip down. The insect falls into the water (in some species, a jug can contain up to 2 liters of water) and drowns. Further, enzymes are produced that completely "digest" the insect. Sometimes not only insects are trapped, but even mice, rats, birds.

The species of the genus are mostly shrub or semi-shrub vines growing in humid habitats. Their long thin herbaceous or slightly lignified stems climb the trunks and large branches of neighboring trees to tens of meters in height, carrying their narrow terminal racemose or paniculate inflorescences to sunlight.

1.7 Venus flytrap

Fig.7 Venus flytrap

Venus flytrap is an even more amazing "killer plant" that takes more active steps to kill its prey. Modified leaves - "jaws" of this plant encroach on the life of not only insects, but also on the life of snails and even frogs.

Scientific species name ( muscle) is translated from Latin as "mousetrap", probably by mistake of a botanist, at least it is commonly believed.

The species received its Russian name in honor of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and plants.

1.8. Ficus Bengal

Fig. 8 Ficus Bengal

ficus bengal- a tree of the Mulberry family, growing in Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Growing, it is able to turn into a large tree, occupying several hectares, having a crown circumference 610 meters long.

It forms powerful branches to support which shoots grow, which, letting go down to the ground, take root, forming powerful columns-trunks.

The fruits of the plant are eaten by birds and mammals.

1.9.Evergreen sequoia

Rice. 9 Sequoia Evergreen

This is the tallest tree on our planet. Our temperate forests are grass compared to the forest of these mighty giants. The height of many trees exceeds 110 meters, and the age is more than 3500 years! Previously, houses were hollowed out in sequoia trunks and even tunnels were cut through which roads passed. In windy weather, many visitors to the forest of giants feel uneasy from the noisy "grinding" and swaying of the mighty sequoia trunks. Grows in California. The name of the genus was given in honor of Sequoyah (George Hess) (Sequoyah, c. 1770 - c. 1843) - the Cherokee Indian leader, the inventor of the Cherokee syllabary (1826), the founder of the Cherokee newspaper.

1.10.Puya Raymonda

Fig. 10 Puya Raymonda

Puya Raymond.

Belonging to the Bromeliad family, native to the Bolivian and Peruvian Andes, has the largest inflorescence with a diameter of 2.5 meters and a height of about 12 meters, consisting of approximately 10,000 simple flowers. It is a pity that this amazing plant blooms only when it reaches the age of 150, and then dies.

Puya Raymonda is also the least rare plant on our planet. Once upon a time, puya grew almost everywhere in mountainous areas, and now it can only be found in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes at an altitude of 4000 meters above sea level. But even in these places you can see only one puyu per square kilometer.


H Our planet is rich in flora, which never ceases to amaze us with its unique plants. They can differ from the usual forbs and take your breath away with their exoticism.

Human life has always been closely connected with the world of plants. From ancient times, man used plants for food, made clothes, tools, weapons from them, used them to build a dwelling, obtained paints, medicines, poisons from them.

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