A trading organization does not have its own warehouse: solution options and tax consequences. A quick decision is required: a product was sold that is not included in the accounting Write-off of product samples

    Good afternoon! I'm faced with the same problem. There are 2 warehouses in the store - the main and additional. The product indicates that the main warehouse has a balance of 0, while the additional one has a balance of 10. The additional one is second in the list of warehouses. Moreover, after...


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    Dear developers!!! It turns out that in Shop-script, in addition to the product status “in stock”, there can only be (!!!) either “out of stock” or “to order”?!!! And without options?! And if some are on order, and some are not available...

    Hello! Options for warehouses do not work: “Hide all products that are not in stock”, “Automatically move down the list all products that are not in stock”. They do not work even on a test empty assembly. Shop-script version...

    Tell me, in the storefront settings in the “Out of stock” section there is a checkbox “Hide all products that are out of stock”, but all products with zero balance continue to be displayed in the category with the inscription “Out of stock...

    +5 Corrected

    I turn on the setting, on the storefront sales come from only one virtual warehouse, which includes two real warehouses. The balance in these warehouses = 0. But the product is in another warehouse - as a result, this product is displayed on the storefront, despite the setting...

    I have looked at only one showcase with the ability to customize. In this showcase there is a checkmark here: Hide all products that are not in stock Products that are not in stock will be published and available on the showcase via a direct link, but will be hidden from all.. .

    +1 Accepted

    There is such a setting: Site -> Structure -> Settings for the routing rule of the "store" application -> "Hide all products that are not in stock" This setting hides products from all lists, but the product is available directly...

    The product in the slider is formed using a list. It includes both goods that are in stock and those that are out of stock. How can I remove it from the list?

    There is a solution

    I installed a notification plugin for product arrival. The corresponding button is displayed if the item is out of stock. Only it looks weird when there is both an “Add to Cart” button and a “Notify about receipt” button together. How can I remove...

    To remove from a product#cart-form input( display: none; )To remove from a catalog#addtocart input( display: none; )Insert these styles into your css file

    Automate the generation of goods on the website from supplier price lists + automatic check of their availability in warehouses

    Website on Shop Script 7 on its own hosting. There are price lists of different sporting goods dealers in different formats(CSV, XML) with different structures. Somewhere just a name with a description and stock status, somewhere else with a photo. Examples of such...

    There is a product that is out of stock or less than what needs to be added to the order. By verbal agreement with the client, the remaining goods are placed in reserve and the client waits for the missing quantity. In this case, the full quantity required by the client is added to the order and...

    We encountered a problem with filtering item names, where the engine produces a mess of goods that are and are not in stock... So. this grossly complicates the process of choosing a product by customers, when they have to manually select the one available for order...

    +43 Under consideration

    I really miss it (many, not just me - https://site/tag/%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4...... | https://experts.webasyst.ru/8363/modul -product-pod-... |...

    Link warehouse balances with the pickup plugin.

    There are three physical warehouses located in different locations, all visible on the storefront. The product is in one warehouse and not in another. At the moment, through the pickup plugin, in the cat. 3 pickup points have been set up, the buyer has the opportunity to order goods...

    Hello! We want the product card to display information about its balances in warehouses. All products, a list of warehouses, balances, everything is downloaded from 1C.Tech. task for version 1.0 (additions are possible in the future): 1. The card of any product must...

    Good afternoon. Is it possible to somehow implement a simple thing: There are several “pickup warehouses” + a remote warehouse (delivery only) The delivery method includes Pickup and delivery. The buyer places an order and chooses pickup, although the product is available...

    Good afternoon! I have a task to display warehouse data on the website depending on the region. in connection with which the following question arises: how to determine in code which warehouse is the main one and how to change the value of the main warehouse, thanks in advance. The situation is as follows: there is...

    Good afternoon! I have a task to display warehouse data on the website depending on the region. in connection with which the following question arises: how to determine in code which warehouse is the main one and how to change the value of the main warehouse for a specific session in advance...

    Problem: when displayed in a category, all products with a total balance in all warehouses of more than zero are displayed, regardless of the warehouses linked to the storefront. As a result, the client has the opportunity to order goods that are not available in his warehouses...


    Now in Webasist the “BUY (“ADD TO CART”) button is active, i.e. through it the buyer can buy a product even if there is ZERO in the warehouse(s). This is possible when the setting is enabled: “The buyer can place an order...

    There is a solution

    How to reserve a product in a warehouse when the product is a Room for rent in a mini-hotel (40 rooms)? How to control something that is occupied for two days (i.e. not in the warehouse), but then (after leaving the room) already available (in stock)?...

    No, there is no such ready-made plugin. It will be difficult to implement this using built-in tools and generally based on Shop-Script; there will be many problems, for example, with choosing a date range, room categories, and so on.


    In Shop-script, in the delivery settings, you can specify the dependence of the delivery method on the region. That is, for example, for Bryansk I can indicate my delivery method (for example, Express delivery for Bryansk), which will be displayed only for Bryansk when...

I am sure that almost everyone who has ever tried to buy any product in an online store has encountered a situation - the website says “in stock,” but when you call the manager replies that the product is not in stock.

Considering the fact that updating current stock balances on the website is very simple, at first it seemed to me that this was some kind of marketing ploy, designed to attract clients and calls - they say, if the client has already called, then we will one way or another try to sell him something.

However, as practice has shown, my hopes were not justified - the source of the problem lies only in the negligent attitude of the store owners to updating the database.

This is also confirmed by the fact that if in the first versions of store management systems the “in stock/out of stock” function was not always present, and pages of missing products cannot be deleted due to the negative impact on SEO and the presence of links to products from catalog services such as Hotline.ua, Price.ua and E-catalog.com.ua, today it is difficult to find an online trading platform that is not equipped with this simple function.

But let's leave aside the understandable issue of negligence and talk about what needs to be done to lose a client in a situation - “He called, but the goods are not in stock?”

According to statistics, only about 20% of customers at the time of the call made a firm decision to buy this particular product and do not agree to any alternative. This 20% includes those who have already read a lot of reviews and made their choice, as well as those who, due to their inner worldview, do not agree to listen to advice. 70% percent are ready to listen to the manager’s advice, and if the latter has something to offer, think about choosing an alternative model.

Every time I found myself in such a situation, in conversations with representatives of online stores, I asked - “ok, since this product is not available, perhaps you can recommend me an alternative model with similar characteristics?” Unfortunately, I never received a sane answer. 90% of the “respondents” basically showed themselves to be “boys and girls on the phone,” and the remaining 10%, without even asking about my needs, advised on the principle of “buy the most expensive and poorly selling one.”

As you yourself understand, such an answer cannot be regarded as a “consultation” in any way. The whole problem lies in the fact that the manager simply couldn't offer me anything- He didn't know my product. As usual, the maximum that the average employee responsible for sales is capable of is to look in the database for the availability of goods in the warehouse. But, as in that old joke: “you won’t sell an elephant with this approach” - in order to advise a client, you need to have an impressive knowledge base.

What needs to be done to overcome such a situation?

1. Divide managers into target groups

It is known that “you cannot grasp the immensity” - managers are not able to memorize all the products in the catalog. It is for this reason that it is necessary to divide your sales division into groups, the members of each of which will be responsible only for certain categories of goods.

2. The manager must know his product thoroughly

Each manager must clearly understand his product group, and also know where and be able to quickly find the necessary information. To do this it is necessary to carry out regular trainings and subsequent coaching.

Why am I talking about coaching and not testing? The fact is that best way check the quality of a manager's work - not exams on product knowledge, but analysis of his communication with live clients. We will talk more about this in other articles.

3. Prepare a table of comparative characteristics

For each type of product there is a certain set of universal characteristics by which it can be identified and also compared. Collect all possible types of product characteristics, then apply this matrix to your sales catalog and “adjust” all incomplete descriptions to it.

On the one hand, this will allow the client to feel the seriousness of your approach to work and the authority of your store - you must agree, it is unlikely that a fly-by-night company will carry out painstaking work on detailing the characteristics of the product. On the other hand, this will allow you to create a basis for subsequent training of managers.

4. Test and write a short review of each product

It goes without saying that there will be no benefit from managers memorizing the characteristics of a product from a sign - Without holding the product in your hands, you cannot evaluate its benefits. Do not put the manager in a forced equal position with the buyer - “remote purchase based on technical characteristics and photographs.” The seller should a priori know more about the product than the buyer— otherwise, what kind of consultation can we talk about?

To do this, you need to conduct at least a general test of the product and write a review of it, answering 3 main questions:

  1. product advantages;
  2. product defects;
  3. product competitors.

5. Create a matrix of competitors

Most manufacturers replenish the lineup in response to the actions of competing companies. Therefore, in order to select a suitable product for a client, it is necessary to identify competing products from your sales catalog - they will become an alternative offer.

6. Use a product selection service based on parameters

Online stores and catalogs have gained popularity so quickly precisely because they allow the user to provide a set of self-service services - without the participation of a consultant.

It is this advantage that must also be used in a telephone conversation with a client - what prevents your manager from opening a website and using the product selection service to find the client an alternative to his request? At the same time, we note that no additional investments in development are required from you - the service is exactly the same that clients use.

7. Automate processes

The client is unlikely to agree to wait on the line while the manager rummages through dozens of folders and hundreds of pieces of paper - so take care in advance to optimize this process.

Since we are talking about an online store, the most logical way would be to create a web service, which will allow the manager to instantly receive all possible information about the product chosen by the client and select the appropriate alternative.

It can be organized either autonomously or on the basis of a ready-made online store, providing access to information to both clients and employees, or, if you are afraid of content theft, limiting access only to managers.

The simplest form of visualization of such a service can be a search and a product card, which will contain:

  1. Name of product;
  2. detailed characteristics of the product;
  3. product advantages;
  4. competing products;
  5. disadvantages of the product compared to competing products;
  6. related products.

P.S. Those who still believe that the problem lies solely with suppliers - read the article Everyday life of an online store: why is the product out of stock? The store owners may not have been able to solve 100% the problem with the relevance of the suppliers’ price lists, but made every effort to achieve this and tried to minimize discrepancies. Learn from the experience!

In addition, one of the options for automating processes may be to use Customer Relationship Management Systems (abbreviated from English: Customer Relationship Management System, CRM system) - Information system, designed to automate the company's CRM strategy, in particular, to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service by storing information about customers and the history of relationships with them, establishing and improving business procedures and subsequent analysis of the results.

To understand the feasibility of using this kind of system, you can use, for example, free version CRM systems Quick Sales and familiarize yourself with its functionality.

Please note that in the free version only one user can work at a time, but even if you have several people in the sales department, install the free version for everyone. As soon as you feel the need for a single database, customer database, customer records, etc. — you can quickly and without loss switch to the network version (paid, the cost depends on the number of users).

What steps would you take?

22 comments on “In stock but out of stock? We avoid losing a client”

    Sometimes it seems to me that in these very stores half of the people don’t know how to use computers at all...

    I remember the story of one of my friends. She worked at Avon. So she filled out the order on the website, sent it and immediately realized that she had mixed up the numbers in the order and, accordingly, what she would have received was completely different. She immediately called Avon, asked them to change the numbers, because the order had not even been processed by their service... To which they told her no, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, etc., etc. People simply don't take a step left or right from their responsibilities

  1. How do managers now search for boring information and find boring information? :)

    Thanks, fixed it.

    The database itself, for example in Excel, or 1C, is always relevant.

    Agree, this is in no way technical problem. In this article, I did not consider the issues of personnel negligence in maintaining the base. And implementing an update from the technical side of the issue is really easy - there are a lot of solutions. The keyword is XML.

    More than half of such stores in our country are based not on their own base, but on the base of some kind of bulk warehouse.

    Another overwhelming problem for all other stores is the presence of universal, simple algorithms for unprepared payment (cooking the courier is a must)

    Their absence in the store’s arsenal does not mean that they do not exist in nature; accordingly, no one bothers to use them. For example, I can name a solution for online stores from Portmone.com.

    As for the Stone Age, paying in cash is the safest way to make purchases. And here the point is not in the innovation and beauty of the solutions used, but in the absence of dependence on the store, which necessarily arises in the case of prepayment. If you are talking about portable POS terminals, then there are really few of them, but this is due to the untested nature of the system itself - even in stores, a much lower percentage of payments are made with cards than in cash.

    And at the end there is a guarantee. Most of these stores do not have a physical address where (and how) you can then turn the goods around whenever you need them.

    The warranty should be provided not by the store, but by the service center and representative office of the manufacturer. The goods are returned to the seller only within 14 days if the packaging and presentation are present. Moreover, even with such a return, in 95% of cases you will be sent to a service center (if it is equipment) to check the product.

    In addition, every store I have ever dealt with had a physical address - and there are many of them. You just shouldn’t choose the really gloomy ones and be sure to look for the presence of a physical address in your contacts.

    Go to ebay, for example, and I’d like to marvel...

    Moreover, I even bought on eBay. In fact, there is nothing special about such a purchase, but to solve controversial issues There is abuse, which responds quite quickly to problems that arise.

  2. I don’t know, maybe this cup has passed me by, but I’ve been buying in online stores probably since 2000. I almost never had to deal with the problem of lack of goods.

    Although he always acted according to the “generally accepted” scheme.

    3. I place an order

    95% successful

    5% of the goods are not available - I order from the next one in the “rating”.

  3. This article is for the owner or manager of a large and serious shop. Small and medium-sized stores will not make as many movements.

    “The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of sleeping with the general” :) Any small store should strive to increase turnover, if not in terms of assortment, then at least in terms of finances. And with the service that the majority provides, it’s hard to expect any serious improvement.

    By the way, I am glad that many users have finally begun to distinguish between the concepts of “there is a service” and “there is no service”, without trying to pull one by the ears to the other. In my opinion, this is completely adequate, since the number of stores has simply proliferated, but there are only a few normal ones among them.

    In addition, this user approach allows a “normal” store to receive regular customers against the backdrop of stupidity.

    So, absolutely nothing depends on the size of the store. Anyone who does not strive for improvement goes steadily into oblivion.

  4. As for the "stone age", paying in cash is the safest way to make purchases.

    This is absolutely wrong, in terms of the safety of the delivery service, if there were reasonable alternatives, we would use them. It’s worth adding at the end of your phrase “...for the buyer

    The database of a wholesale warehouse also exists in nature, and if you have ever worked in sales, you would know for sure that keeping it up to date is not that difficult.

    It’s not difficult, if we are talking about 80-90% correspondence with reality, then various “nuances” come into play, which are either expensive or practically impossible to deal with.

    Well, about this: the manager should know :)

    An interesting situation has developed in our market: when buying on the Internet, many clients “turn off in their memory” the usual retail that they went to before, and guided by the magical keyword“Internet” everyone wants at once -

    and delivery on the same day and free of charge, and you can pay in dollars and return the product in a week just to the store and so that the managers know everything and everyone about the product and answer all questions like in the brain ring.

    As I said above, a lot has been said sensibly :) but let's be honest and go to any chain store... and ask the seller for detailed advice there... and see what he tells us and sells! despite the fact that he has 50 TVs on his shelf, and there are 250 of them in the online store

    etc. and so on.

    And for that matter, let's reconsider the ratio of 20/80 or 30/70 - customers who are ready to consider an alternative purchase option... in the opposite direction))

    P.S. You see what the miraculous power of dofollow does. how much free thematic content has been created))

  5. oh, let's be honest and go to any chain store... and ask the seller for detailed advice there... and see what he tells us and sells! despite the fact that he has 50 TVs on his shelf, and there are 250 of them in the online store

    The approach “they have it bad, so why should we have it better?” - decadent. And they don’t clear the snow here - are you suggesting that we stop cleaning the house? And another 80% of drivers don’t know the rules, do you suggest adapting to them? etc. and so on.

    It makes no difference what a competitor does and how. And the fact that he does something poorly should play into your hands - do it better. In fact, the task is different - to make your clients happy and satisfied.

    And from the fact that you explain to the client, they say, well, yes - everything is not good with us either, thank God, but look - it’s the same with others! By the way, the most paradoxical thing is that there is a certain, albeit small, percentage of stores that have good service. I think they just chose the second position.

    Sergey, the service is like pregnancy - it can’t be a little bit :) No matter what coefficients you calculate, it is initially clear that it either exists or it doesn’t.

  6. The approach “they have it bad, so why should we have it better?” - decadent.

    Of course, everything you said below is also true, but! You are looking from the outside - the ideal theory, i.e. how good everything should be... but I’m a little different, and I don’t mean that the service should not exist at all, the question is its quality and “request coverage.”

    Let's consider a model in which we take the interests/requests of the buyer as 100%

    In addition, you need to remember that your coefficient should include not only direct sales, but also the chance of customer return and repeat purchases.

    When purchasing a deciding factor when choosing a store

    Low price 50%

    Store fame 6%

    Price/fame 41%

    Advice from friends 3%

    I think everyone can do data analysis on their own. And while this situation prevails, what kind of service are we talking about...

  7. there are competitors who satisfy them by 70%, do you think that in order to be a leader you need to have a coefficient of 100% or something else? :))

    This is exactly what it is “You are looking from the outside - the ideal theory” :)

    How do you imagine 70% service?

    — in 70% of cases the product is in stock, and in 30% we don’t have it and never have had it, but is it very useful for SEO to have a description of it on the website?

    — in 70% of cases the manager calls the client back within 10 minutes, and in 30% he doesn’t call back at all?

    - in 70% of cases the manager is polite towards the client, and in 30% he is recklessly rude?

    - the manager knows only 70% of the assortment, and has only heard about the remaining 30%?

    Service by definition must be 100%. Yes, small errors or force majeure are allowed, but you need to be able to correct them. For example, a manager accidentally deleted a customer’s order from the database. The client calls back and finds out about it. The manager’s task is to deliver the goods to the client on the day that was originally agreed upon. How? This is a problem for the manager and the store. If the goods are oversized, then even the employee himself can bring it if all the couriers cannot return.

    Yes, this is a fakap, but the client will appreciate his decision. And most of our stores either simply ignore the problem or offer to reschedule the order for tomorrow.

    And we could do it this way, but let’s imagine that today is a holiday, or the client is going to a birthday party. Does he need tomorrow? Not anymore.

    I’ll give partial indicators here on the issue of repeat purchases:

    I'm sorry, of course, but where is the relationship between voting issues and re-purchase? The question sounds “When shopping, the deciding factor is choosing a store.”. “At purchase” means “at first purchase”.

    Moreover, what can this survey even say? About the fact that when choosing between “store fame” and “ low price» Is price the deciding factor for the client? Honestly, in my opinion, such a survey just wastes space - it’s such an obvious thing that there was no point in even asking.

    Actually, when the question was posed this way, I answered that it was price/fame. Although there are exceptions that greatly depend on the product.

    But you're not asking about the service, are you? About delivery speed? About the speed of reaction of managers? About the politeness of managers? About their awareness? About attitude towards the client? About the assortment?

  8. You and I are starting to talk about different things... did I say that there are


    I spoke about the client’s needs, far-fetched or feasible, this is the second question.

    Here is an example with a shortage of goods - there will be +/- some amount to satisfy needs.

    Simple math.

    but let’s imagine that today is a holiday, or the client is going to a birthday party. Does he need tomorrow? Not anymore.

    Moreover, what can this survey even say? About the fact that when choosing between “store fame” and “low price”, the deciding factor for the client is the price? Honestly, in my opinion, such a survey just wastes space - it’s such an obvious thing that there was no point in even asking.

    I don't understand here. Since when relative values worse than absolute ones. The data is based on a sufficient sample or do you think I have fallen to the level of our politicians and am rigging the voting results))))

    P.S. I don’t want anyone reading this to get the impression that I am defending the actions of all stores or have something against the author, not at all.

  9. Did I say that there is 70% service?

    The conclusion is based on your words: “There are competitors who satisfy them by 70%, do you think that in order to be a leader it is necessary to have a coefficient of 100% or something else? :))"

    The concept of “customer satisfaction” within the framework of this article is equal to the concept of “service”.

    Although, if, as you say, “the service must be 100%,” then how should one treat the comparative degrees “bad,” “good,” “excellent” :)

    Just as to the characteristics of the concepts “quality” and “poor quality”.

    Yes, yes, there are a lot of special cases, and each of us has personal wishes and problems.

    It is not the problems that are important, but the ability to solve them, which is based on the simple desire to do one’s job well. Trust my experience, if an employee really wants to solve a problem that has arisen (and it doesn’t even matter whose fault it arose), he will always find a way.

    Create a business that fulfills your model 100%, and I think I’m not the only one who will be happy to take your experience into account :)

    There are stores already operating on a similar model. I have been shopping in one of them for more than 2 years - I am happy and satisfied with its existence. Moreover, I note that the prices there are slightly higher than the market average, but I am ready to overpay for the service. But I am always sure that I will not have to catch the manager, they will bring me what I ordered and when it was agreed.

    In essence, I did not come up with anything new, I simply consolidated an adequate work model.

    No question, let's put in there the level of service, speed of delivery... and a bunch of other things) just what's the point?

    The point is that an analysis of the situation based on two points, each of which has 50% weight, is ineffective. It is natural to assume that online stores are winning

    Do you want to say that the buyer adds up all these factors and decides to buy? Where does he get this information from? We are talking about the FIRST purchase, of course.

    The data is based on a sufficient sample or do you think I have fallen to the level of our politicians and am rigging the voting results))))

    Not at all, but there is a difference between 20 votes and 1000 votes - the spread can be completely different. But, in essence, I repeat - with this way of setting up the survey itself, this does not play a special role. I simply indicated the fact that the number of respondents was unknown.

  10. We have already moved to that stage of discussion which can be called “find the mistake in other people’s words.” For example, I expected a response like this:

    He folds it based on appearance website, its convenience, the company’s product range, communication with managers, etc. And all this, of course, is done before the purchase.

    I don’t think that the factors you mentioned have anything to do with the essence of the issue. With the same success, you can indicate the numbers at random in the lottery, or you can use the “system”.

    Of course I’m exaggerating, let me explain:

    — Design has only a distant speculative relation to the company’s business processes (ala - once they made a beautiful website, it means they didn’t skimp on the rest)

    - assortment there

    — communication with managers — the good thing is that the concept of “online store” does not include verbal interaction with store employees, in an ideal model :)

    I will not continue the discussion, because... I’m not ready to deal with special cases “I know a store”, etc. And I know a lot of stores and their work patterns...

    We must strive for the ideal, this goes without saying.

    A wet market - where a “store” that opened yesterday (although which of the buyers knows that it opened yesterday :) is not visible from the design and communication with managers :)) they buy because of the 3 dollar difference, because theirs is cheaper and they forget about many factors, and then complain about “online stores”

    raw buyers - not aware of their rights and responsibilities...

    what to talk about.

    Yaroslav, just because you buy from a given company and are satisfied with everything does not mean that this particular store is an ideal model that works for every customer, even taking into account errors.

    A comparison of 2009 indicators with the results of a survey conducted in August 2008 demonstrates that the degree of importance of various positive factors for consumers has remained virtually unchanged over time. The only noteworthy fact is that in 2008 the price criterion was decisive for 65 percent of consumers, while now this number has decreased by 11 percent. This means that in 2009 the price advantage was fundamental only for every second buyer.


  11. We have already moved to that stage of discussion which can be called “find the mistake in other people’s words.”

    Not at all, it’s just that in this part of the discussion it turns out that you first say one thing, and then contradict yourself :) At least, this is my understanding.

    I don’t think that the factors you mentioned have anything to do with the essence of the issue.

    Ok, then a counter question - that is, you think that the client evaluates the store solely by the cost of the goods. It’s trite - whoever is cheaper, I immediately order from him. And it doesn’t matter what the store looks like, it has at least some description, physical address, etc. The main thing is just the price.

    And after the order (I’m already on subsequent orders) it doesn’t matter - the quality of the manager’s work, the quality of delivery, completeness, timing... next time I buy new product- he will definitely turn to this store, because... his is cheaper.

    Am I understanding the logic correctly?

    With the same success, you can indicate the numbers at random in the lottery, or you can use the “system”.

    If we take each point separately, then of course it looks somewhat strange. But let's not lie - general impression consists of a complex, not individual manifestations. It is clear that if a store has a chic design, but the managers work disgustingly, I will not buy anything from it.

    But ok, you don’t agree with the set of components I proposed - name yours. What should a customer get an impression of before purchasing? Again - only from the price?

    I’m not ready to deal with special cases “I know a store”, etc. And I know a lot of stores and their work patterns...

    Well, that’s why I didn’t reduce everything to particulars, calling it exactly model.

    In addition, I can name a car and a small cart of stores that work according to the methodology - “we are 5 bucks cheaper than our competitors - what else do you need?”

    You said it yourself - “Create a business that fulfills your model 100%.”. Ok, it doesn’t matter whether it’s my business or someone else’s - if it works, in the situation we are considering, it doesn’t matter who owns it.

    And you will be surprised, but the client is right - when I first encountered such a moment, I tried for a long time to squeeze the essence of the trip to the SC out of the boy manager. Finally, after half an hour of interrogation and demands to provide me with sane justifications, they invited the sweetest girl to answer the phone, who clearly and clearly explained that this was just a need to check whether anything had happened to the product during my possession.

    But do you know what's funny? I held the product in my hands for 3 minutes, refused it and store courier took him with him. And he refused because (it was a netbook) that the design on the cover did not match the one shown in the picture in the store itself! Whose fakap?

    Now let's look at the situation from my side - I paid the full price (Webmoney), they brought me who knows what, and now they also want me to go to the SC and prove something there. Agree - nonsense.

    The most paradoxical thing is that without understanding each other, both I and the store are right. Thank God that there was that wonderful girl who was able to figure out the essence of what was happening and resolve the issue with the exchange/return in 3 minutes. Well, I can’t help but praise myself for my patience :)

    Any other buyer in my place would have said a couple of unprintable expressions and would have flooded all the forums with the phrase you described. But again, whose fakap is this? A client or a store that could not properly and clearly explain its own policy, giving the client the impression of idiocy.

    Do you know why I chose this store? They were practically the only normal ones who accepted Webmoney at that time. In this case, the possibility of paying with Webmoney can be the same argument as your position on the lowest price.

    they buy because of the 3 dollar difference, because theirs is cheaper and they forget about many factors, and then they complain about “online stores”

    Yes, I don’t argue that many clients really can’t figure out the situation themselves and complain out of the blue. But again, what is the purpose of the store? Should we say, “Oh, our clients are idiots,” or should we build a service model in such a way as to maximize the level of client awareness?

    And most merchants think according to the principle: “I don’t care, if you don’t buy it, someone else will,” and as a result they try to endlessly compete on price.

    By the way, again, if interested, read reviews about the work of Western online stores, you might be surprised :)

    Believe it or not, I’ve read a lot :) And again I’m ready to agree with you - in many ways it all depends on the buyers themselves and their level. But this does not mean that you should treat them according to the principle “as long as you are suckers, we will not improve anything.”

    Yaroslav, just because you buy from this company and are satisfied with everything does not mean that this particular store is an ideal model

    I agree, but that is why I periodically, even when ordering a product for someone (there is already a cumulative discount for so many years), I indicate, purely for the sake of interest, something other than my phone number. You will be surprised, but nothing changes - the same call within 10 minutes, the same polite conversation, the same delivery on time.

    Since I like to analyze, somehow out of curiosity I made an order not to my account, with a second phone number and not to my address - everything is the same.

    How else would you suggest checking? Yes, there is a guest book on the site, in which clients sometimes leave not entirely complimentary reviews, but you know what’s important? The store reacts to them.

    I’m not saying that they can’t have problems (by the way, there was one time when they were understaffed), but they solve them (again, personal experience).

    if my selection is questionable for you:

    As you can see, clients learn and the percentage becomes smaller. Think about how long it will take for them to realize that poor service can cause a refusal?

    ZY This is no longer a comment, but an article :)

  12. I held the product in my hands for 3 minutes, refused it and the store courier took it with me

    I suggest not touching service issues; this is not even a topic of an article, but at least “war and peace”. In this case, if the courier left WITHOUT the goods, then your direct route to... not even the SC, but the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, because... SCs do not issue certificates stating that “everything is fine” with the product, but the store wants to have such a certificate in order to insure itself against unscrupulous buyers (and there are many of them, you can believe it). But of course there will always be a “girl”, and then it’s luck... either the store will lose money or the client. The same applies to cases of manufacturing defects (unless, of course, you agree to fix it under warranty)

    By the way, a striking example, I did not analyze the prices, but they are in the search results for a highly competitive request with an ad that violates the rules of Edwards


    Let's imagine that they have a low price and? Why not a store? I specifically gave a link to a characteristic page... well, the guys didn’t have time to enter their phone numbers... they have to be crazy)))

    What do thousands of housewives know about quality design? Do you know how well “scammers” are able to communicate on both sides, they don’t say “we will scam you” :)). It's clear where I'm going with this :)

    ***** on average costs about 600 Baku... And here for 542 also with a bag and a map for 4 hectares... hmm Tempting. Maybe this is how you guys get rid of cameras with badly damaged matrices???

    Again, I’m exaggerating, but again I’m inclined to think that in the phrase

    This means that in 2009 the price advantage was fundamentally ONLY for every second buyer.

    the word “ONLY” should be replaced with “AZH”. And keep in mind that this is Runet information...

    Don’t think that I’m a barbarian, we love and value our clients and of course there is a percentage of regular customers and those who recommend us to their friends. But once again I am convinced that the phrase “the customer is always right” does not always work in our society, because... this same client does not know where exactly he needs to be right and that “urinating in the pool is not accepted in society”

    P.S. I re-read it again about the netbook... some kind of nonsense, you refused the purchase in the presence of the courier, you don’t have the goods in your hands, what SC can we talk about... as I understand it, there was an advance payment via WebMoney. There is clear stupidity of the seller here, there is only one method of influence in case of refusal to return funds, the usual legislative one, it doesn’t even need to be applied, it is enough to explain to the seller about the application.

    And according to the phrase I cited, “about the washing machine.” no, the client is wrong. If we read the legislation, then yes, “within 14 days... but on condition!!!” and then read it very carefully... and in addition, the seller can (and if he does not want to receive a loss, he must) put forward counterclaims for examination.

    In short, the fairy tale called “online trading” is still quite scary :)

    As soon as the topic of service came up, I wanted to suggest doing mathematical modeling or, if you like, playing role-playing games :)) Take some generalized Vasya and Petya. put them in a wild market (ours) and let Vasya maniacally fight for the service, and let Petya relate to the service only indirectly and model their development for 5 years

    I haven’t counted it yet, but the result seems to me like Vasya-sucks - no, he works, and even earns money and everything seems to be fine, but Petya compared to him is a monster, with large volumes))

  13. In this case, if the courier left WITHOUT the goods, then your direct route to... not even the SC, but the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, because... SCs do not issue certificates stating that “everything is fine” with the product, but the store wants to have such a certificate in order to insure itself against unscrupulous buyers (and there are many of them, you can believe it).

    I believe, but please note that the problem was initially on the store’s side - the product did not correspond to what was declared. Moreover, I already paid the full cost of the goods. That is, there can be no questions about an attempt to defraud someone on my part.

    But instead of resolving the problem on its side, which the store does - rightly so - it shifts it onto me.

    Well, the guys didn’t have time to enter their phone numbers... we need to sausage)))

    According to the link, there is generally some kind of murky situation - in the header there are only phone numbers (that’s why the Adsense rules passed), in the text - one matches and some third... Well, tell me, will you buy it in such a store yourself? This is what I meant when I spoke about those “milestones” by which the client initially evaluates the store.

    And here’s an example, again from my own bell tower:

    I’ll answer you too :) You yourself initially understand that the price looks somewhat disproportionate to the prices of competitors, right? And what prevents you from writing next to the price: “The product is complete, new, fully working. Mandatory comprehensive customer inspection before payment".

    Agree, it’s not difficult, right? And it refers to the concept of “working with problem clients.” From the very beginning, you exclude the moment of such comments - it is clear that you cannot prove anything remotely, BUT! You promise the client that he can check everything himself before giving you the money.

    The one who does not compare prices will simply make sure that you are approaching the sale responsibly, and the one who has doubts will be able to see for himself. And the question has been removed.

    To whom should the service be provided? People who are accustomed to being scammed by everyone, from the state to any commercial structures?

    Yes, I would also like for Ukraine to cease being a third world country and for the concept of “rule of law” to be put into practice, and not just be lines on a tattered piece of paper. But if you yourself know this and understand that the client is afraid of fraud, but you still do business in this country, you must initially take into account the mentality of customers. And this is also part of the service. Prove to the client that you really work carefully, efficiently and seriously - and he will come to you.

    But once again I am convinced that the phrase “the customer is always right” does not always work in our society, because... this same client does not know where exactly he needs to be right and that “urinating in the pool is not accepted in society”

    The client is not always right. His rightness is limited only by what is permissible - otherwise he will simply sit on his head and dangle his legs. I completely agree with you, unfortunately, it is absolutely not uncommon for a client to act on the principle “I don’t understand anything, but the seller is to blame.” Unfortunately, so far most clients have only learned to download their licenses, but are not aware of their responsibilities. Although, on the other hand, this state of affairs is largely the fault of the stores themselves.

    P.S. I re-read it again about the netbook... some kind of nonsense, [...] Here the seller is clearly stupid

    This is exactly what this entire article is about :) A manager should not be a dumb appendage to the telephone - he should think first of all about the client and provide him with quality service. It was easier to ask right away - “do you have the goods in your hands or did you give it to the courier?” And the issue would have been closed in 5 minutes. But for this it was necessary not only to act according to the instructions, but to think and not suspect the client of all mortal sins.

    Actually, this is the very part of the guilt that I am talking about above.

    And here it’s clear who’s bad? the store, of course... regardless of whether there is a factory defect or maybe she turned it on incorrectly or the movers dropped it... but in any case the seller is to blame :) (the seller's movers, yes, I brought them on purpose so that not everything should be blamed on the buyer))))

    The correct position of the store in this situation is as follows. Before presenting any claims or demands to the client, you need to take a break and try to figure out the current situation yourself. Yes, if it is a large product - a washing machine, then you will have to come to the client, inspect it and try to evaluate what exactly happened. If it was dropped, the packaging will be broken. If the fuses are connected incorrectly and blown, this is the client’s problem.

    And after that, calmly, quietly and peacefully explain to the client who will do what. Loaders are the store's problem. Connection is the client's problem.

    But even if the client is at fault, you can simply offer to help him - for example, provide him (for a fee, of course, but for a reasonable price) with a car and loaders who will take the washing machine to the service center. Yes, this will cost some stress for the store in terms of agreeing on a car, but on the other hand, the client will feel that he was not just presented with a fait accompli, but is ready to help.

    Do you know what causes clients to become hysterical most often? Out of fear and misunderstanding - what to do now? Help the client, explain to him further actions and this will defuse the situation.

    I'm not saying that you need to do everything for him or admit your guilt - not at all. You just need to make it clear that even if the client is at fault, nothing terrible happened - there is a car, loaders, a service center and everyone knows what to do.

    I don’t argue - there may also be inadequate people who will still be hysterical. In this case - “whatever you do - add it”, if you are not satisfied - in accordance with the law.

    Well, I really can’t say enough today, apparently it’s painful)

    For my part, Sergey, I sincerely want to thank you for the conversation. It is always interesting and pleasant to communicate with a person who, on the one hand, understands the issue, and on the other, knows how to argue his point of view in a reasoned and polite manner.

    I haven’t counted it yet, but the result seems to me like Vasya-sucks - no, he works, and even earns money and everything seems to be fine, but Petya compared to him is a monster, with large volumes))

    Hypothetically, I can agree that you are right. Unfortunately, this is absolutely real - after all, clients buy in the same Foxtrot, where they can neither find sellers, nor show anything, nor really tell them anything.

    However, there is one small “but” - if tomorrow another crisis falls on his head, then Vasya, due to his loyalty to clients, will survive it quietly and calmly, while Petya will have to fight for every sale - cutting points, staff, etc.

  14. Dreams Dreams. You write everything correctly. But since you have already started about Ukraine. Give an example of a store.

Any economic organization It is necessary from time to time to write off goods in the warehouse. This may be preceded by various reasons: damage to goods, loss of their consumer qualities, obsolescence, as well as lack of demand for it in the market.

All goods must be accounted for, and their movement is carried out in accordance with regulations. IN primary documentation the receipt of inventory items, their movement and release, which has a quantitative and cost expression, is reflected. All source documents are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on Accounting and Reporting of the Russian Federation with the content of mandatory or additional details.

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In case of movement of goods from the supplier to the consumer, shipping documents are drawn up in accordance with the terms of delivery of goods. Received goods are received at the warehouse, and the application of a stamp certifies their quality and quantity. Primary documentation is kept in the Goods Receipt Journal. To release goods from the warehouse, there are:

The correctness of the receipt and write-off of goods, as well as the preparation of reports, must be monitored by an accountant. The goods should not leave the warehouse without paperwork. All reports of materially responsible persons on the movement of goods are stored for 3 years.

In case of shortage of goods

Shortages that arise for various reasons: in connection with theft, abuse of materially responsible persons, accounting errors, natural loss, misgrading and other factors are identified as a result of an inventory, which allows you to control the safety of property and efficient use resources.

An example of writing off goods in the Class365 system

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To carry out this procedure, a materials write-off act is filled out. This specific document transfers the materials used to the category of unused materials. The text block should decipher the reason for drawing up the act, which indicates the name, units of measurement, quantity, price and the immediate reason why the goods are transferred to another category. Documents based on the results of the inventory must be signed by all members of the commission and approved by the head.

Write-off of balances from the warehouse is carried out using the “cost of each unit” method, that is, it must be written off at the cost at which it was purchased. Some entrepreneurs establish a suitable one for their accounting policy method. When closing or repurposing trade organization Unsold balances are also subject to write-off.

The cost of warehouse balances is calculated using three methods:

  • on average - used in synthetic accounting and when maintaining inventory records manually;
  • batch - used in analytics, is more complete and accurate, includes FIFO, LIFO, manual and combined accounting methods;
  • at fixed prices - used for retail trade.

If the product is out of stock

To take into account identified deficiencies in tax accounting, there is a provision of the Tax Code. To reflect shortages that do not exceed standards natural loss, there is clause 2p.7 art. 254 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This provision does not apply to shortages or damage during transportation and storage of goods.
When collecting shortfalls from guilty persons, clause 3 of Article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is provided.
If there are documentary evidence expenses incurred, then the taxpayer will reduce income by the amount of these expenses in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The following serve as identification documents:

  • inventory list
  • certificate confirming the shortage
  • commission conclusion
  • explanatory letter.

If these documents are available, the amount of the shortage is taken into account in full as part of the organization’s expenses.
As the main production department, the warehouse affects the work of the entire company, as well as its competitiveness. To improve customer service, it is necessary to automate it.

Warehouse automation reduces time and labor costs for order picking, improves quality (eliminates mis-grading and incomplete picking), allows for the best use of warehouse space, organizes and optimizes the work of warehouse workers, the movement of goods and document flow, and ensures transparency and controllability of supply chains.

A set of warehouse management system tools will allow you to make the right decisions and make the most efficient use of company resources.

If the product is damaged or expired

Products that have expired, are stale, damaged during transportation or storage, require disposal in accordance with the law. State regulations have been established for this procedure. Product examination is carried out.

If low-quality goods that pose a threat to health or unsuitable goods are identified, acts are drawn up that reflect this and signed by members of the commission.
There is no established procedure for writing off expired goods due to their expiration date. If this is identified during the inventory process, a record is made according to general scheme reflection of the results.
As a result of the inventory, a shortage may also be identified, then in accounting and tax accounting the amount of this product attributed to:

  • costs associated with circulation or production within the limits of natural loss;
  • the number of persons guilty of this is in excess of the norms of natural loss;
  • other expenses of the organization - without identifying the perpetrators.

The actual presence of inventory items is entered into the inventory list (INV-3 form). To reflect the identified deviations between accounting data and actual availability, the INV-19 matching statement is intended. The final data is transferred to the INV-26 statement.

How to simplify warehouse accounting?

Business automation software Class365 is an indispensable assistant in working with warehouse operations. The online solution allows you to work anywhere, from any device with Internet access, without being tied to a work computer.

Features of Class365 for warehouse accounting:

  • acceptance, write-off, inventory, revaluation of goods 2 times faster
  • automatic issuance of accounting and accompanying documents, invoices, orders
  • 1-click reports, analysis of illiquid goods
  • control of an unlimited number of warehouses
  • batch accounting
  • address storage of goods
  • control of product shelf life

Thus, working with the warehouse can be much faster and easier. To do this, you just need to register in the Class365 online program and receive a link to log into your account.

Absolutely free of charge, you will be provided with functionality for automating warehouse operations, financial and trade accounting, working with clients (built-in CRM module) and an online store.

You can control your entire business in ONE program!

What you need to do: Conduct a random inventory backdating to identify and register goods before they are sold.

There was unreceived goods in the company's warehouse. No one knows for sure where he came from and where the documents are. They decided to sell the product. The buyer made an advance payment to the bank account or to the company's cash desk. But in order to process the shipment, you need documents that will confirm that the goods were listed in the warehouse. After all, it is impossible to realize what does not exist.

But even if you sell goods at retail and have total accounting, it is still better if the goods are first posted to the warehouse. Then there will be no confusion in accounting. And the accounting and warehouse data will be identical.

To capitalize goods for which there are no documents, you need to conduct an inventory. If the goods were sold today, then the inventory documents must be completed yesterday. That is, the inventory results must be reflected in accounting by the date preceding the sale. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to do a complete inventory - with a large range of items, this is a very labor-intensive procedure. You can get by with a random check. This type of inventory is provided for in paragraph 23 of the Methodological Guidelines for Accounting for Inventories, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 28, 2001 No. 119n.

A random check is carried out on individual items or groups of goods. Therefore, the head of your company needs to issue an order to conduct a selective inventory of the group of goods to which the unaccounted item belongs. Based on the results of this check, issue a report and, based on it, accept the goods for registration.

The goods must be received at market value excluding VAT (clause 29 Guidelines). At the same time, you make the following entries in accounting:

DEBIT 41 CREDIT 91 subaccount “Other income”

— goods identified during checking the availability of goods in the warehouse have been capitalized.

You will not have “input” VAT that could be deducted, since there is no invoice. In tax accounting in the same month market value the goods must be included in non-operating income (clause 20 of article 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

When selling capital assets, you will need to charge VAT on their value in as usual. The amount received from the buyer should be included in revenue. And include the accounting value of valuables as expenses. Both in accounting and tax accounting. Thus, in the end, the cost of the goods, attributed according to the inventory results to income upon sale, you will write off as expenses.

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