Labor intensity of work execution formula. How to calculate the labor intensity of a job

The entire set of works for the construction of a building or structure is divided into technological operations (simple construction processes), for example, installation and dismantling of formwork, preparation of concrete mixture, laying of concrete mixture, installation of reinforcing mesh, etc. As a rule: technological operations correspond to the names of ENiR positions (uniform standards and prices). Their list is contained in the estimate documentation or in the calculation of labor costs.

Technological operations as types of work are reflected in the technological process schedule included in the technological map. Such work is carried out by units, the composition of which is determined by ENiR.

List of main works ( technological operations) for the construction of the object is reduced to table 1 .

The names of individual works (technological operations) must comply with ENiR or other production standards. ENiR (uniform standards and prices) contain the following data on construction and installation work:

a) instructions for the application of standards;

b) the composition of workers to perform the technological operation;

d) standard time (n. time) and price (cost) for performing a technological operation.

EniR consists of the “General Part” and separate collections and issues by type of work. The general part of EniR contains a list of collections and issues, tariff rates by working categories, instructions on the application of correction factors to standards and prices.

Correction factors can apply to all types of work, for example, work performed in winter conditions, and to individual processes. For individual processes, correction factors are given in the “Introductory Part” to the collection or release of ENR, in the “Technical Part” to the section, in the notes to the tables.

The units of measurement for the volume of individual work must also correspond to the data in Unified Energy and Regulation. It should be noted that when determining the scope of work according to the estimate documentation, the units of measurement may not coincide with ENiR.

The list of works in table 1 includes all general construction, installation and special work performed during the construction of the facility. The work is grouped into sections, for example, excavation work, installation of foundations, construction of the above-ground part, installation of the roof, filling of openings, installation of parquet floors and others. If for each section there is a large number of works (more than 15-20), works with labor intensity less than 3% of the total labor intensity should be included in each section in one line. In this case, they are recorded as other work for each section, their volume is not determined, and the labor intensity is summed up.

If their labor intensity is unknown, they can be accepted within 5-15% of the total labor intensity of all work included in this section.

The entire list of work on site is completed by other and unaccounted work that is not included in any section.

The scope of work is determined for each process, for general construction work - in physical terms. Volumes special works(sanitary, electrical, etc.), as well as unaccounted for, preparatory work may not be calculated, and their labor intensity is determined as a percentage of the total labor intensity of the work.

Time standards for each simple technological operation are determined according to ENiR. In EniR, time standards are indicated in people. hours, and for mechanized processes the machine time standards are in machine hours. h.

Labor intensity of TKR (certain types of work) Qk determined by the formula:

Qk = (Vk * Htemp.k) / 8, Where

N-standard time for completing a separate task kth job(process), person/hour;

Vk – volume of k-th work in the physical dimension;

8 is the number of hours in a work shift.

Labor intensity is calculated separately for workers and for machinists.

The labor intensity of sanitary work is 8% of the total labor intensity. They are performed in two stages - the first stage - 60%. At this stage, pipes and equipment are laid. The second stage occupies 40% - unitangents are installed here.

The labor intensity of electrical installation work is 6%. They are also performed in 2 stages (60 and 40%). Landscaping and landscaping account for 2% of the labor intensity for general construction work. For other unaccounted work - 10%.

Calculation data is given in Table 1 “Calculation of labor intensity of work” .

Total labor intensity of the building Q = 9,860.69 man-days, where labor intensity of workers =
= 9,635.21 and drivers = 225.48 machine-hours.

Sheet for calculating the volume of work and its labor intensity

Table 1

No. Name of types of work Scope of work Justification for EniR Standard time per person hour Labor intensity per person days Composition of the EniR team
Unit change Qty Workers Qty Workers
1. Excavation Cutting off the vegetation layer of soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. 0,799 2-1-5 1,6 0,1598 1000 m2
2. Machinist 6th grade-1 Moving soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. 0,799 2-1-22 2,33 0,23270875 1000 m2
3. 100 m3 Moving soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. 6,25 2-1-9 2,9 2,265625 1000 m2
4. Excavation of soil in a pit using an EO-3221 excavator with loading onto dump trucks Moving soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. 3,125 2-1-22 0,62 0,2421875 1000 m2
5. Backfilling of soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. Moving soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. 3,125 2-1-23 0,65 0,25390625 1000 m2
6. Refinement of soil manually in a pit, up to 2 meters deep, without fastenings, with slopes. 100 m2 4,51 2-1-60 9,13 5,1470375 Excavator 2 sizes - 1
7. Layer arrangement. m3 312,5 2-1-58 0,52 20,3125 Excavator 2nd grade-1
8. Layer-by-layer compaction. Moving soil with a DZ-18 bulldozer. 3,125 2-1-59 0,89 0,34765625 Excavator 2nd grade-1
Total: 25,80719375 3,1542275
Pile work
Laying and dismantling of the rail track for the PVE-2150 pile driver m 12-82 1,63 16,7075 Track master on 3p-2 rails
Vertical driving of single piles using a rail pile driver equipped with a DEK-251 diesel hammer PC 75,33333333 12-26 3,6 1,2 33,9 11,3 Driver driver 6 r.-1 Rigger 5 r.-1 3 r.-2
Cutting down the heads of piles with a section of 30x30 PC 75,33333333 12-39 1,2 11,3 Concrete worker 3rd grade-1
Total: 61,9075 11,3
Construction of a crushed stone base for the foundation. 100 m2 4,51 19-39 8,45625
Installation and development of panel formwork. m2 4-1-24a 0,71 20,0575 Rigger 4р-1 3р-1
Concrete mix supply m3 56,5 4-1-6 0,29 0,15 2,048125 1,059375 Machinist 6th grade-1 Rigger 4th grade-1 3r-1
Laying concrete mixture in a monolithic grillage structure. m3 56,5 4-1-49b 0,3 2,11875 Concrete worker 4th grade-1 Concrete worker 2nd grade-1
Installation and knitting of vertical reinforcing mesh and frame. PC 4-1-44 0,79 22,3175 Fitter 4 grade-1 Fitter 2 grade-1
Total: 54,998125 1,059375
Foundation waterproofing
Horizontal waterproofing of foundation walls covered with 2 layers of roofing felt. 100 m2 1,13 11-37 19,95 2,8179375
Lateral vertical coating waterproofing with 2 layers of bitumen. 100 m2 2,26 11-40 18,5 5,22625 Waterproofer 4р-1 Waterproofer 2р-1
Total: 8,0441875
Basement structure
Installation of basement wall blocks weighing more than 1.5 tons using a KS-4361 crane. PC 753,3333333 4-3-1 0,66 0,22 62,15 20,71666667
Installation of floor slabs over a basement with an area of ​​up to 10 m2. PC 45,1 4-1-7 2,28 0,76 12,8535 4,2845 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of clean concrete floors. 100 m2 4,51 12-31 9,6 5,412 Concrete worker 4 jobs - 1 Concrete worker 2 jobs - 1
22. Total: 80,4155 25,00116667
Waterproofing basement walls
1 Painting waterproofing of underground walls with hot bitumen manually 100 m2 2,08 11-37 18,5 4,81 Waterproofer 4р-1 2р-1
Total for 0 cycle 235,982506 40,514769
Tower crane installation Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Aboveground part
Installation of external wall panels (thickness 0.4) PC. 4-1-8 4,20 1,05 152,88 38,22 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of internal wall panels (thickness 250) PC. 4-1-8 3,24 0,81 161,03 40,26 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of reinforced concrete partitions PC. 4-1-6 1,20 0,40 22,68 7,56 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of floor panels (S up to 10 m2) PC. 5-1-7 2,88 0,72 146,12 36,53 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of covering slabs PC. 4-1-7 0,84 0,21 4,74 1,18 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Laying staircases weighing from 1 to 5 tons. PC. 4-1-9 3,00 0,75 13,50 3,38 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of stair landings from 1 to 5 tons. PC. 4-1-10 2,28 0,57 9,69 2,42 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of ventilation units, 3 m per floor PC. 4-1-12 1,00 0,25 20,25 5,06 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of sanitary units cabins PC. 4-1-14 2,20 0,55 14,85 3,71 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of garbage chute pipes PC 4-1-14 0,98 0,33 2,205 0,7425 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of volumetric blocks of elevator shafts PC 4-1-15 1,1 0,28 2,475 0,63
Installation of balcony slabs, weight up to 5 tons PC 4-1-12 0,5 Machinist 6th grade-1 Installer 4th grade-1 Installer 3rd grade-2 Installer 2nd grade-1
Installation of canopy slabs with an area of ​​up to 8 m2 PC 4-1-9 1,59 0,53 0,3975 0,1325 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Installation of porches with installation of floor bases and fences PC 4-1-9 1,59 0,53 0,3975 0,1325 Machinist 6 grade-1 Installer 4 grade-1 Installer 3 grade-1 Installer 2 grade-1
Waterproofing of vertical and horizontal joints 100 m linear 11,6 4-1-27 15,6 22,62 Insulator 4р-1 3р-1
Total 555,2125 140,96
Roofing device
Cement screed release device 100 m2 4,51 7-15 14,09375 Insulator 2 raz.-1
Vapor barrier device using rolled material 100 m2 4,51 7-16 3,94625
Thermal insulation with foam concrete slabs in 2 layers 100 m2 4,51 7-14 11,5 6,483125 Insulator 3 slot-1 Insulator 2 slot-1
Laying cement mortar over slab insulation 100 m2 4,51 7-15 13,5 7,610625 Insulator 4 slot-1 Insulator 3 slot-1
Roof covering with roll material in 4 layers 100 m2 4,51 7-1 9,7 5,468375 Insulator 4 slot-1 Insulator 3 slot-1
Total 37,602125
Openings (windows and doors)
Installation of window blocks with an opening area of ​​more than 2 m2 m2 6-1-16 2,56 97,28
Installation of wooden window sill boards for openings up to 2 meters high m2 51,2 6-1-14 0,31 1,984 Carpenter 4 grades - 1 Carpenter 2 grades - 1
Glazing of wooden window frames 100 m2 3,04 8-1-33 22,5 8,55 Glazier 3 raz.-1
Installation of internal and external door blocks m2 6-1-14 0,91 81,9 Carpenter 4 grade-1 Carpenter 2 grade-1
Installation of window sills made of galvanized steel 100 linear m 2,56 7-7 4,7 1,504 Roofer 4р-1 3р-1
Total 191,218
Installation of 20 mm thick concrete cement screed on floor slabs 100 m2 38,43 19-43 110,48625 Concrete worker 3rd grade-1 Concrete worker 2nd grade-1
Floor covering with linoleum on synthetic mastic m2 3369,6 19-3 0,15 63,18 Cladding with synthetic materials 4р-1 3р-1
Installation of wooden skirting boards 100 linear m 4,96 19-46 8,9 5,518 Joiner 3r-1
Installation of cast waterproofing (in plumbing cabins) 100 m2 1,62 11-39 9,1125 Waterproofer 4р-1 2р-1
Floor covering with ceramic tiles m2 19-18 1,2 24,3 Tile maker 4р-1 3р-1
Total 212,59675
Finishing work
Plastering walls:
a) Continuous alignment over the walls m2 8-1-5 0,3 502,2 Plasterer 4 rubles - 2 Plasterer 3 rubles - 2
b) preparing the surface of walls in living rooms and kitchens for wallpapering 100 m2 133,92 8-1-28 16,9 282,906 Painter 3r-1
Plastering ceilings: Plasterer 4 r.-2
a) applying spray and primer solution with a pump 100 m2 38,43 8-1-2 23,5 112,888125 Plasterer 3 r.-2 Plasterer 2 r.-1
b) applying a coating layer of mortar with a pump 100 m2 38,43 8-1-2 4,3 20,656125 Plasterer 4р-1
c) grouting surfaces and corners 100 m2 38,43 8-1-2 12,5 60,046875 Plasterer 4р-1
d) care of plaster 100 m2 38,43 8-1-14 1,8 8,64675 Plasterer 4 r.-1
Ceiling painting: Painter 3r-1
a) puttying and sanding 100 m2 38,43 8-1-15 21,9 105,202125 Painter 3r-1
b) priming with water-imulsion compositions 100 m2 38,43 8-1-15 9,3 44,674875 Painter 3r-1
c) painting with water-imulsion compositions using an electric spray gun 100 m2 38,43 8-1-15 3,1 14,891625 Painter 3rd grade-1
Wallpapering wall surfaces 100 m2 133,92 8-1-28 8,6 143,964 Painter 3rd grade-1
Wall cladding of sanitary cabins with ceramic tiles m2 8-1-35 1,4 141,75 Tiler tiler 4 grades - 1 Tiler tiler 3 grades - 1
Primer with simple plaster for painting staircases 100 m2 3,834 8-1-5 5,8 2,77965 Plasterer 4th grade-1
Oil painting of staircases 100 m2 3,834 8-1-15 35,5 17,013375 Painter 3rd grade-1
Preparing windows for high-quality oil painting 100 m2 3,04 8-1-15 24,32 Painter 3rd grade-1
High quality oil paint 100 m2 3,04 8-1-15 14,06 Painter 3rd grade-1
Preparing doors for high-quality painting 100 m2 7,2 8-1-15 49,2 44,28 Painter 3rd grade-1
High-quality oil-based door painting 100 m2 7,2 8-1-15 25,2 Painter 3rd grade-1
Total 1565,479525
Total for civil works 2828,09141 191,47664
Plumbing work (8%) 226,2473125 15,31813153
Electrical installation (6%) 169,6854844 11,48859865
Improvement and landscaping (2%) 56,56182813 3,829532883
Other works (10%) 282,8091406 19,14766442
Total for object 3563,3952 241,261

I.3. Calculation of work duration

I.3.1. Determination of the nomenclature and duration of execution of types (complexes) of work

IN course project As a rule, a calendar plan for the production of work is developed, which is included in PPR composition(work production project). At this level of planning, the type of work is technological process, performed on a private front by a permanent composition of performers (link, team), connected by a single final product. For example, the construction of monolithic foundations is carried out by teams of concrete workers, carpenters, and reinforcement workers.

Thus, the nomenclature of work is a list of general construction, installation and special work performed by separate teams during the construction of the facility.

To obtain such a nomenclature, separate work is required
(i.e. technological operations corresponding to ENiR) are enlarged, forming technological work packages from them.

The main conditions for the formation of TKR are:

ü the possibility of combining individual technological operations to perform them on one private front;

ü presence of leading work. The leading one is the most labor-intensive work or using a driving mechanism. The remaining works are related. The result of the leading work is the finished appearance of the structural elements of the building (for example, installation of a frame, roofing, etc.) or an intermediate technologically necessary stage of construction (for example, a foundation pit);

ü strict technological compatibility of individual works and the possibility of their implementation by one specialized or complex team.

The nomenclature of types of work is compiled in the technological sequence of their implementation. An approximate list of types and technological complexes of work is presented in the following example:

· cutting off the plant layer of the pound;
· soil movement B
· excavation of soil in a pit with an excavator; · moving soil for backfilling with a bulldozer
imprecise precast foundation · finishing the soil manually;
· arrangement of crushed stone base for the foundation;
· installation of prefabricated strip foundations; · horizontal waterproofing of foundations;
· cleaning the bottom of the pit manually;
· arrangement of crushed stone base for the foundation; · installation and dismantling of formwork;
· supply of concrete mixture by jib cranes;
· laying concrete mixture in the structure; · installation of vertical reinforcing mesh;
· horizontal waterproofing;
· lateral waterproofing · ½ from layer-by-layer soil compaction; · ½ of backfilling of sinuses
· installation of basement wall panels;
· installation of clean concrete floors;
Installation of floor slabs above the basement
BACKFILLING · lateral painting waterproofing;
· arrangement of layers
from panels · installation of external and internal wall panels, lintels up to 1 g, · installation of floor panels, covering slabs, flights of stairs, landings, ventilation blocks, sanitary cabin blocks, canopy slabs; porch; partitions;
· grouting of vertical and horizontal seams of wall panels;
· vertical and horizontal sealing; · installation of thermal insulation joints and waterproofing
installation of a cement screed on the covering slabs, a vapor barrier from one layer of roofing felt, insulation from hard mineral wool slabs, a cement screed on the insulation, a roof from 4 layers of roofing felt AND
· installation of window blocks with separate sashes, wooden window sill boards;
· glazing of window frames; · installation of external and internal door blocks; installation of window sills;
· installation of logs from bars, straight plank flooring, block parquet coverings;
· sharpening of floors with a parquet-planing machine; · sanding parquet floors with a parquet sanding machine, near walls with a hand plane;
· varnishing parquet floors
· sharpening of floors with a parquet-planing machine; R
INSTALLATION OF CLEAN FLOORS installation of linoleum floors and wooden baseboards
· high-quality plaster of external walls with cement-lime mortar; · installation and dismantling of scaffolding




OTHER UNACCOUNTED WORK Duration of continuous performance of type of work at the facility t i: t i = (∑Q k) / (N i *n i), where

∑Q k - labor intensity of individual work, person-days;

N i is the number of people in the team performing

i-th type

works, people; n i is the number of shifts per day when performing the i-th type of work. The duration of a set of works on private fronts is proportional to the volume of work. With the same volumes of work on private fronts, the total duration of a set of works is divided by the number of private fronts.

Definition and meaning of the labor intensity indicator.

Labor intensity represents the cost of working time to produce a unit of product.

General formula

labor intensity: where t is the labor intensity of a unit of production; T – time spent on the production of all products;

P – quantity of products produced. Labor intensity is determined per unit of production in physical terms across the entire range of products and services included in the gross (commodity) output of the enterprise. At large assortment

But at present this indicator is still less common than production. It is not always used in planning and accounting. It is not always used in planning and accounting. In a number of industries (ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil production, textiles) labor intensity is not determined at all. It should be noted, however, that in the future the value measured and accounting for labor costs directly by working time will increase.

The ratio of labor intensity and output. There is an inversely proportional relationship between labor intensity and output, i.e., when labor intensity decreases, output increases, and when it increases, it decreases.

If, for example, the labor intensity was 5 minutes, and then it decreased by 20%, or to 4 minutes, then output per shift will increase from 84 units. (), i.e. for 21 pcs. (105-84), or by 25% ().

The relationship between an increase in output and a decrease in labor intensity is calculated using the following formulas:

where a is the percentage of reduction in labor intensity;

c – percentage increase in output.

Types of labor intensity. The following types of labor intensity are distinguished depending on the composition of labor costs included in it:

technological complexity(T tech), which includes all labor costs of the main workers - both piece workers and time workers;

labor intensity of production maintenance(T ob), determined by the labor costs of auxiliary workers;

production labor intensity(T pr), representing the labor costs of all workers (main and auxiliary):

labor intensity of production management(T y), including labor costs of engineering and technical workers, employees, junior service personnel and security;

total labor intensity(T p), representing the labor costs of all categories of industrial production personnel:

T p = T tech + T ob + T y

Each of these types of labor intensity can be normative, actual and planned.

Standard labor intensity is the cost of working time per unit of production, established according to current time standards, service standards, staffing, etc.

Actual labor intensity represents the actual labor time spent per unit of production in a given period.

Planned labor intensity is the planned cost of working time per unit of production in a given period.

Planned labor intensity is the planned cost of working time per unit of production.

The complexity of an individual operation, part, product, process, commercial product, gross output, etc. can be determined.

Labor intensity is considered either in absolute units of working time (man-minutes, man-hours) or in relative ones (percentages, shares).

Determination of technological labor intensity. Standard technological labor intensity of piecework and time-based work. The initial data for determining the standard labor intensity are: the volume of manufactured products, the technological process of its production, standardization cards, statements of time (output) standards, service standards, equipment productivity standards, headcount standards, staffing tables or placement of the main temporary workers in their workplaces.

The standard labor intensity of piecework work is determined by the summation of piece-calculated time standards.

When working as a team, the standard labor intensity includes the sum of the normalized time spent by all team members.

For multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance, standard labor intensity can be calculated using the formula:

where T n is the standard technological complexity of the operation;

F – duration of the work shift, hour;

m is the number of workers simultaneously servicing the equipment.

The complexity of a single job is expenditure of working time of performers to perform the work in question in man-days (man-hours).

She may be:




Regulatory the amount of labor intensity of any work is determined by multiplying the volume of work by the standard labor costs of the unit of measurement of work in accordance with the RSN, SNiP or other regulatory documents.

Planned the amount of labor intensity of any work can be determined:

1. Multiplying the volume of the corresponding work by the planned labor intensity of the unit of measurement of this work. Moreover, the planned labor intensity is calculated on the basis of normative or actual, taking into account the implementation of organizational and technological measures that ensure a reduction in working time costs.

2. Through the physical volume of work and planned labor productivity in physical terms for similar work.

3. Through the volume of work in value terms and the planned labor productivity in value terms for similar work.

Actual labor intensity of work is the total expenditure of working time of performers when performing this work. Calculation of actual labor intensity is carried out according to the actual work time sheets of performers.

The complexity of building a facility is the total cost of working time necessary to perform all the work provided for in the estimate and organizational technological documentation(for example, scaffolding, formwork, vibration, etc.) for the construction of the object in question.

Labor intensity is measured in man-days (man-hours) and, in general, represents the time in which one worker could complete this work (build an object).

For example, the standard labor intensity for the construction of a 60-apartment residential building is 4,250 man-days. This means that one worker could, having completed all the work, build this object in 4250 work shifts (days).

Labor intensity (as an indicator) can be:




To determine the value normative labor intensity of construction of the facility it is necessary:

Know the entire range and scope of construction and installation work that needs to be performed;

Using the standards of the RSN (or other) regulatory documents, determine the labor intensity of each work;

Determine the difficulty of the work of the preparatory period, sanitary and electrical work, installation work technological equipment and other specialized works;

Sum up the labor intensity of all work.

Planned labor intensity calculated taking into account the implementation of organizational and technical measures when developing construction schedules.

Actual labor intensity construction of an object is the total actual labor costs of all participants in the creation of construction products who participated in the creation of these products.

The amount of actual labor intensity for the construction of a facility is, as a rule, determined based on data from the time sheets actually worked by each employee.

What resources are needed to build the facility? On the basis of what documents is it established that a construction project needs the required amount of material resources and the time frame within which these resources must be put into action and delivered to the construction site?

The material and technical resources necessary for the construction of the facility and, accordingly, the implementation of decisions on the calendar plan for the construction of the facility include:

Expenses of working time of construction workers (labor intensity);

Computer time consumption;

Estimated cost (financial resources);

Materials, structures, products (material resources);

Energy resources (heat, water, electricity, oxygen, acitelen, propane, butane, fuels and lubricants, etc.).

The need for material and technical resources for each job and for the entire facility in general can be determined:

According to approved regulatory documents, and primarily according to collections of resource estimate standards (RSN) of the Republic of Belarus for relevant structures and work;

Based on factual, statistical data;

Taking into account the norms for writing off material resources;

Experienced way.

All calculations are summarized in the appropriate tables (statements, sets, applications, etc.).

Deadlines, when these resources are needed (laying in the case, supplying materials to the construction site), they are established (accepted) according to the calendar plan developed for the construction of the object in question.

Duration of individual work, duration of construction of objects: types, methods of calculation (definition), standard value of the backlog, standard distribution of estimated cost

In construction practice, all work can be divided into::

Manual, when the duration of their execution will depend solely on the number of performers (for example, manually excavating trenches for foundations);

Mechanized, when the duration of their implementation will depend mainly on the productivity and number of machines (for example, digging a pit with an excavator).

Duration execution handmade can be determined through labor intensity, number of workers and shifts. The relationship between duration, labor intensity, number of workers and shifts is expressed by the formula:

where is labor intensity i-that work (person-hour, person-day),

Number of workers per shift performing i-that job

k- shift work.

When calculating the duration of work, where the leading element is a machine or mechanism, the cost of machine time is used. The relationship between the cost of machine time, shifts and the number of machines and mechanisms is expressed by the formula:


where is the cost of machine time (machine-hours, machine-cm.),

Number of machines and mechanisms employed per shift in the work performed (pcs.),

k- shift work,

Execution Duration i-that mechanized work.

The duration of a set of works can be determined in the following ways:

1. Through the volume of work in physical terms, the normative, actual or planned labor productivity of a worker of this specialty in physical terms, the number of workers and work shifts.

t = V/N*n*B v (3)

where: V - volume of work in natural meters;

B v _ normative, actual or planned labor productivity (output) of a worker in this specialty in natural measures.

2. Through the volume of work in cost measures, the standard, actual or planned labor productivity (output) of a worker of this specialty in cost measures, the number of workers and work shifts.

The formula for determining the duration of work in this case is:

T = C/N*n*B c (4)

where: C - volume of work in cost meters;

N is the number of workers scheduled to perform the work in question per shift;

n is the accepted shift of work;

B с _ standard, actual or planned labor productivity (output) of a worker in this specialty in cost terms.

Indicator of duration of construction of a facility- one of the most important indicators used at the stage of competition for a construction contract, for planning activities, for analyzing results economic activity construction organization and for other calculations.

The duration of construction of the facility, depending on the time factor, can be:




The main governing document regulating the organization of construction was SNiP 3.01.01-85* (currently TCP 1 “Organization construction production"), in accordance with which, before the construction of facilities begins, a PIC, PPR, and POR must be developed.

Who, first of all, should have information about the standard duration of construction of the proposed facility?

This information is needed first of all to the customer, regardless of the form of ownership. Having such information, the customer, long before the start of construction, can first of all clearly imagine the total duration of construction of the facility and link the expected duration with its main activity, will be able to imagine the nature of the proposed development Money and, accordingly, manages financial resources wisely.

The basis of the definition the standard duration of construction of facilities lies normative document- “SNiP 1.04.03-85*. Standards for construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. - Enter. 1991-01-01.- M.: TsNIIOMTP, Submitted: Change No. 1, 2000-01-01. -Mn. NIAP "Stroyekonomika", 1991. Currently, republican standards for the duration of TCP 45-1.03-122-2008 are being developed.

The standard duration of construction of an object is more accurately determined, taking into account the features of space-planning and design solutions, binding conditions and other factors, when developing design estimates as part of the PIC (construction organization project).

“Duration standards………” allow all interested organizations to obtain (have) the following necessary information:

1. The total standard duration of construction of the facility, including the duration of the preparatory period, the construction of the above-ground part, the period of installation of technological equipment, etc.

2. Standard distribution (development) of the estimated cost of construction and installation works with a cumulative total from the beginning of construction to completion.

3. The standard value of the reserve depending on the deadline for delivery of the object.

Standard value the backlog for the construction of an object, the start of construction of which is expected in the planned year, is the amount of work expressed in cost terms that should be completed on the object in question before the end of the planned year.

For example, if it is known that the standard duration of construction of a facility is 12 months, and commissioning is scheduled for September of the next year after the planned year, then the start of construction of the groundwork facility should be no earlier than October of the planned year

To construct a schedule for the standard development of the cost of construction and installation work, it is necessary to use in the recommended “Duration Norms...” percentage data for the development of funds with an accrual total, given by month or quarter.

Information about the standard duration of construction of an object is also necessary for the general contractor, since when participating in tenders or developing a calendar plan for the construction of an object, he does not have the right to ignore the standard terms of construction of the object, especially since the customer, as a rule, indicates the recommended ones when announcing tenders regulatory deadlines for the construction of the facility.

Planned duration construction of any facility can be determined only on the basis of the developed construction calendar plan (schedule). The planned duration of construction of the facility should not be longer than the normative one, and should satisfy the wishes of the customers, unless this contradicts the normative requirements.

Actual duration construction of an object is the duration of construction of an object from the start of the preparatory period to the signing of the act of acceptance of the object into operation. The actual duration of the completed project is usually entered in State Register, should be accumulated in a data bank on objects in a construction organization and used in analyzing the results of the organization’s economic activities.

When drawing up a production plan for an enterprise or organization, the main point is to calculate the labor intensity of the planned work. This indicator is also calculated to review the actual labor efficiency of employees. Labor intensity characterizes the labor costs of workers per 1 ruble of the cost of manufactured products.

You will need

  • Formula for calculating labor intensity:
  • Tr = Kch/Sp, where
  • Tr – labor intensity, man/hour/rub.
  • Kch – general fund of working time, person hour,
  • Sp – volume of products produced, rub.


1. Calculate the total number of actual hours worked by the main workers of the enterprise for the reporting month. To calculate the actual working time, it is allowed to use source documents according to its accounting (sheets of accounting for the use of working time by production workshops or areas). Calculate the total amount of man-hours worked per month by the main workers in these areas.

2. Determine the cost of products produced by the enterprise per month. Coming finished products according to planned accounting prices, calculate according to the data accounting. Next, divide the actual working time of the main workers in man-hours by the cost of manufactured products. The resulting figure will be an indicator of the labor intensity of production. According to the same thesis, the planned labor intensity of production is calculated (for the calculation, planned calculated indicators of the number of working hours and the volume of output of finished products are used), the labor intensity of a particular type of product, and technological labor intensity.

3. Analyze the results obtained. The lower the labor intensity work, the higher the efficiency of workers. Check how the production plan is being implemented and identify deviations from planned indicators. Consider the impact of individual factors on the growth or decline in labor productivity at your enterprise (quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, qualifications of workers, etc.). Make the necessary conclusions.

One of the key parameters characterizing the economic productivity of production is the labor productivity indicator. It is needed for economic calculations, as an indicator of the productivity of workers and manufacturing enterprise In total.


1. Actual labor productivity operating enterprise is calculated based on the indicators obtained as a result of tracking: total labor costs and volume of products produced. In order to calculate labor efficiency, the actual number of products produced (in units of production or in volumetric terms) is divided by the actual total labor costs (in man-hours). Thus, labor efficiency is the reciprocal of labor intensity. Based on the specifics of the initial data, it shows how many products are actually produced by a given production in the actual production and economic conditions per unit of living labor expended in production.

2. To review the potential for formation and viability of an enterprise within the boundaries of a branch, in economic theory indicators such as available and potential labor efficiency are used. Available productivity is calculated similarly to actual productivity, but the highest number of products produced during the period with minimal labor costs is taken as the initial data, that is, with conditions when production operates in conditions of minimizing and eliminating associated costs and downtime. The purpose of this operation is to calculate the maximum labor productivity achieved under given economic conditions (available equipment, raw materials, production organization).

3. Potential productivity, as the logical development of a universal idea, considers the data of maximum production output in the conditions existing at a given stage of technical development. It is assumed that the most modern high-tech equipment will be used, the best (acceptable) raw materials, etc., and, accordingly, the minimum achievable labor costs in the time dimension.

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Helpful advice
In total, the higher the labor efficiency, the more commercial products the enterprise is able to produce with given labor costs, which naturally also affects the cost per unit of output. Tea, with increasing productivity, unit costs decrease according to the core pricing item, which considers wages the main workers of production. The essence of the calculations reveals and makes clear the significance of the role of increasing labor productivity for the economy, both production in the aggregate and its individual components.

Labor intensity- this is an economic indicator, one that shows how much time it takes to produce one unit of product. This value is inversely proportional to labor productivity, which shows how many units of product are produced by a worker in a certain time. There are technological, total and production labor intensity.


1. Technological complexity shows costs work force, which influence the means of labor. To calculate it, add up all the costs for piece workers and hourly workers. After this, calculate the number of products they produced. And after that, divide the 1st indicator by the 2nd - the resulting number will be an indicator of technological labor intensity.

2. There is also the labor intensity of production services - it includes labor costs associated with service. To do this, also sum up all costs and divide by unit of production.

3. Production labor intensity includes the cost of the main workforce and the attraction of auxiliary labor per unit of manufactured product. In order to calculate it, add up the indicator of technological labor intensity and the indicator of production service.

4. Labor intensity production management, calculate by adding up all costs for bosses, employees, experts and security. After this, also divide the resulting value by the number of products produced.

6. Labor intensity is also distinguished by the nature of labor costs. There are three types: planned, normative and actual labor intensity. The standard shows the amount of labor costs within the normal range. Calculate it using the product of the standard time in minutes by the number of units produced.

7. Planned labor intensity shows the amount of labor costs per unit of output, taking into account processing or shortcomings of the specified standards. To calculate it, multiply the standard labor intensity by the number of products produced.

8. Actual labor intensity shows how much labor was spent, including losses in work time per unit of production.

Helpful advice
Labor intensity can be measured using three methods: labor (person-hour, person-shift, etc.), cost (thousands of rubles) and natural (parts, units of production).

Production capacity is an indicator of the maximum permissible output of products, provision of services or performance of work in accordance with the established nomenclature and using all available sources. This value is measured in natural terms (tons, pieces, kilometers, etc.) and depends on the probabilities of the enterprise equipment.


1. Specify the production and technical design of the site and workshops. Distribute work among pieces of equipment. Analyze production processes, occurring in the course of activities and production.

2. Determine the labor intensity of the site according to current standards, taking into account the progressive use of equipment. Later, determine the throughput of the equipment, dividing it into interchangeable groups. To do this, you first need to calculate the effective annual equipment time fund. It is equal to the product of the number of working days in a year by the length of the working day and the number of shifts per day of equipment operation.

3. Later, adjust the resulting value by one minus the indicator of planned time loss, divided by 100. Multiply the resulting annual time fund by the number of pieces of equipment and divide by the time required to manufacture products on this equipment.

4. Analyze the obtained value and select the leading group that will be used when calculating the power of the site. Identify bottlenecks that involve using equipment that has much lower throughput than the lead team. Develop measures to eliminate them and to use underloaded equipment.

5. Calculate the production capacity of the workshop, taking into account the production capacity of the site. Thus, by increasing the objects, you will reach the enterprise in the aggregate. After determining production capacity, it is necessary to analyze the state of the enterprise and adjust its action to changing needs. To reflect the effectiveness of the use of equipment, it is necessary to divide the actual or planned volume of production by production capacity and compare the resulting value with other indicators of the reporting periods.

Reducing the labor intensity of work leads to savings in labor costs, which ultimately reduces the cost of production and increases the revenue of the enterprise.

Helpful advice
The introduction of modern special technologies, improvement of labor organization, use of high-quality raw materials and materials in production, the use of modern equipment helps to increase the volume of manufactured products and reduce its labor intensity.

The total labor costs for the production of zero-cycle work are calculated for each object separately. The basis for calculations is the labor costs per unit of work or the standard time in man-hours, which are taken from the regulatory literature. Unit labor costs (or time standards - N time) show the amount of labor spent per unit of work and necessary to produce a unit of good quality products by workers of the corresponding profession and qualifications working in conditions proper organization labor and production. For example, for 100 m 3 of soil during excavation, for the installation of one column, for 10 m of the length of the sealed seam between the covering slabs, etc.

When the actual volume of work is known, standard labor costs (or standard labor intensity) are determined in man-hours:

where N time is the time standard adopted according to ENR collections, person-hour.

V is the volume of work in those units for which the time standard is given.

Unit standard labor costs for different kinds works are presented in collections:

EniR - uniform standards and prices

VNiR – departmental standards and prices

MNiR - local standards and prices

The collections for each type of work provide: a complete description of the scope of work for the operations, professional and numerical composition of the team, prices in rubles, and special conditions for the execution of work.

Based on labor costs, you can determine the duration of each type of work in hours:

where n is the number of workers performing the corresponding type of work.

It is recommended to appoint a link of performers based on what is given in the ENR collections. To speed up the work, you can use 2-3 units, of course, linking the accepted number of workers with the size of the work area on which the workers are placed and the shift shift.

Calculations are given in tabular form “header”

Continue performance of work, see

Prices (salary)

for the entire volume, rub

unit volume, rub

Name of machines

Composition of the EniR team

number of people

prof., rank

Labor costs

for the entire volume

units volume

for the entire volume

per unit volume


Scope of work

Name of works

Let us explain some stages of the development of “costing”.

In columns 3 and 4, enter the volume of work on the object being developed in those units for which the labor cost standards are given in EniR.

In column 5, you should write down the exact “address” from where the labor costs per unit of work (N time) were taken. For example, entry §E 2-1-36, table. 2, b3, K y = 1.2 means the following:

E2 – used ENiR, collection No. 2,

1 – release of this EniR No. 1, i.e. section “Buildings and industrial structures”,

36 – paragraph number in collection No. 2, first issue,

table 2 – table number, because a paragraph can have several tables

c3 – location of the cell from which the time norm is taken; the tables have alphabetic and numerical markings like a chessboard or a game of “Battleship”,

K y =1.2 – working conditions coefficient equal to 1.2; in the notes to paragraphs or in the “Technical Part” of the EniR collection, descriptions of deviations from the work conditions for which the table was compiled are often given. If the standardized work coincides with the instructions of such notes, this coefficient should be used.

In columns 6 and 7, respectively, enter the time standard in man-hours from the EniR and the calculated labor intensity for the entire volume, also in man-hours.

In columns 8 and 9, enter the norms of machine time from ENiR in machine hours and the calculated machine capacity for the entire volume, also in machine hours.

In Column 12 enter the name and brand of the mechanism used to perform the work, a hand mechanized tool, or put a dash if nothing is used.

In columns 13 and 14, respectively, enter the salary values ​​per unit of work volume (price) taken from Unified Work and Development in rubles and the salary for the entire volume of work performed, also in rubles.

Column 15 contains the calculated values ​​of the duration of each work. in shifts. Note that if to calculate the duration we use labor costs from column 7 in man-hours, then the result must be divided by the duration of the shift (8.2 hours).

Based on the “Calculation”, technical and economic indicators are calculated:

    standard labor costs of workers, man-hour

    standard machine costs, machine-hour

    wages of construction workers, rub.

    wages of workers - machine operators, rub.

    cost of performing certain types of work: excavation, installation, concrete, etc., rub.

    output per 1 worker per shift in natural meters

    specific labor intensity by type of work.

Total labor intensity per type of work per person see. divided by the volume of this type of work.

Output is determined by dividing the numerical value of the final product indicators by the standard labor costs of workers in man-hours and multiplying by the duration of the work shift. Production can be determined per worker or team and has dimensions of m 3 / person, lm / person, m 2 / person.
