Personal development trainings. The best exercises for personal growth training What exercises have you done?

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Training personal growth is a series of activities aimed at improving individual qualities that contribute to a person’s success. Thanks to exercises focused on personal growth, a person is able to change undesirable character traits to more positive ones, and can free himself from a variety of negative thoughts and negative complexes.

Personal growth is a purposeful process of human improvement, the desire to become better. Personal growth is considered to be all situations, factors and opportunities that bring an individual closer to achieving an ideal.

Personal growth involves the formation of human potential. Potential is a set of characteristics that express its ability to build on internal stable guidelines and maintain stability of activity under periodically changing environmental influences. This is a series of characteristic properties that help an individual become able to regulate behavior and make decisions according to personal ideas.

It is important for each potential group member to know the dangers of personal growth training, so that instead of being useful, you do not receive more damage, and maintain mental health.

The basic goal of personal growth training is the internal growth of the individual, self-development, etc.

Psychological training for personal growth

The purpose of personal growth training is to modify the worldview, change the stereotypes of activities that prevent the individual from being successful and happier.

A subject who wants to transform individual characteristics into more positive and qualitatively different characteristics must undergo personal growth training. An individual who has completed these classes will become calmer, more confident, happier and spiritually free, regardless of the influence of circumstances and environmental factors. Thanks to special psychological techniques a person is capable of being programmed for success. This happens thanks to classes and special exercises that help a group member to comprehend his deepest attitudes, which subconsciously most influence existence and provoke certain results of activity.

The purpose of personal growth training– to know and realize the possibilities (potential) inherent in the individual, which imply qualitative changes. The goal can change depending on the characteristics of the group. Often exercise goals cover some general aspects:

Formation of self-knowledge by reducing psychological barriers and eliminating the feeling of insincerity of the individual;

Development of conditions and factors that will complicate or facilitate the functioning of the group (membership or size of the group);

Studying the relationships of group members;

Mastering the skills of diagnosing organizational, group, and individual problems, such as resolving group conflict situations, strengthening group connections, creating training conditions, and achieving individual requests.

The goal of personal growth training is achieved when a group member can make an independent decision about how he should live. Participants themselves discover how diverse they can perceive the whole life around them, they can make valuable life discoveries regarding their closest people, close friends and themselves.

A person may experience intense emotional shocks and shocks, which often leads to a loss of self-control, since he needs to follow all the exercises or instructions of the trainer, which sometimes do not make obvious sense.

Anyone who wants to participate in such classes needs to think about whether he is really going to change something or whether his current life suits him quite well. If a person is unprepared for changes or does not need them, then the coach will not allow him into the group.

Future members of the training must have the desire to start a new life, but must still meet certain criteria. Those wishing to participate in personal growth trainings must be mentally healthy, emotionally balanced, calm and without mental disorders.

The group trainer should stimulate the acceptance process autonomous solutions individual, his ranking and structuring of life values, guidelines and goals. This is done through the use of various techniques, techniques and research approaches such as Gestalt, cognitive psychology, existential approach.

Types of personal growth training are divided into psychological and esoteric.

Psychological training is performed under the guidance of a facilitator who has completed a psychological education and uses psychological categories and definitions. In contrast to esoteric ones, which are led by a person with knowledge of psychology at the everyday level and possessing esoteric and mystical knowledge.

Types of personal growth trainings:

Personal development (used to master general knowledge necessary for orientation in a wide range of potential situations). For example, a person learns to interact effectively, he develops strong and good traits, acquires confident behavior, and learns self-control;

Psychotherapeutic trainings (conducted with the aim of improving the quality of life, they contain special procedures, techniques, methods and exercises through which methods of behavior in life and personal difficulties are learned);

Condition trainings (this is a special type, including methods of overcoming the condition and other internal barriers and various complexes that arise in a person);

Research trainings (help individuals who set goals to understand personal limitations and gain emotional experience, which often helps in realizing something);

Transformational (focused on a person’s basic (deep) beliefs, values ​​and states). The individual experiences very powerful internal spiritual transformations (insight, breakthrough), thanks to which he will be able to identify something new in everyday life or realize something differently.

Personal growth training for women involves dividing into groups that are completely different. The first group consists of women subject to oppression by family members.

The purpose of personal growth training is to gain self-knowledge and cultivate fortitude, which helps to gain confidence and resist people who want to keep a woman’s will from an independent, happy and self-sufficient life.

Training for women comes in group form and individually. Participation in group trainings gives a woman a powerful boost, because being among like-minded people, she feels confident.

The second group of personal growth training consists of women who work in large organizations and companies who hold leadership positions.

Not everyone is a natural leader, but many have to work in an organization and hold a leadership position. The charismatic attractiveness of a person helps a person achieve significant results in career advancement. Those who do not have this characteristic need to work assertively and cultivate discipline in themselves. However, hard work does not help a woman overcome such a problem as internal timidity in relations with the team she leads. More often, such timidity occurs if the team consists of men.

Personal growth training for women is focused on the development and discovery of internal potential; recognizing fears that prevent you from living fully; development of positive traits and qualities; search for resources to help development.

Not all activities in a row can be equally useful. Quite often they contain a covert threat and can only harm the person himself. The group member must know the dangers of personal growth training and recognize this danger.

In destructive classes, participants are encouraged to destroy their personality or part of themselves that they consider unworthy and to do this extremely harshly, as if cutting it off. Such training does not lead to progress in personal growth at all; on the contrary, it only breaks the human psyche. Advice such as “give up your old self” or “kill your weakness” is very destructive, has nothing in common with professional psychotherapy, and does not contribute to increased personal growth.

The danger of these meetings lies in the personality of the group leader himself. After working with a true psychotherapist, a person begins to notice that his emotional state has improved, fundamental changes occur in his life, and he becomes confident and successful.

As a result of communicating with a destructive coach, a group member feels empty and humiliated. Such a “guru” behaves arrogantly and cruelly towards group members. He insults, puts people in an uncomfortable position, accuses them of weakness and ignorance. Such a leader seems to be deliberately trying to inflict emotional suffering, explaining this as motivation and hardening.

Through emotional buildup, the presenter is trying to earn approval; he wants to assert himself, and not teach this to the participants in the personal growth training. He sees the ultimate goal of this training not to help others, but to subordinate their will to himself in order to force them to follow everything that the “trainer” says.

In order to understand the danger of such training in time, you need to listen to your feelings. If you feel empty and humiliated, you need to run away from this coach.

Destructive trainers teach that experiencing negative emotions, aggression and suffering will only benefit the member in personal growth training. Therefore, instructors often insult group members and try to provoke them into aggression. The person is forced to perform illogical actions: calling himself names, expressing joy for no reason, kissing or hugging strangers, declaring that it is “for their good.”

A destructive trainer teaches participants to be rude and arrogant, since these qualities, in their opinion, characterize a person who is self-confident and therefore successful.

First, pressure, then humiliation, then praise - this is a way of emotional swaying, which leads to the participants’ submission to the trainer.

A truly experienced, intelligent and conscientious psychotherapist leading a group or personal counseling will never humiliate a client in personal practice or force him to do something that he categorically does not accept.

An intelligent and friendly psychotherapist will teach individuals how to stand up for themselves without using rudeness and rudeness.

The danger of these activities may lie in the fact that group members are taught to actively and aggressively attack, rather than defend themselves, thus resulting in a substitution of concepts when they are taught that attack is the best defense, or arrogance is the second happiness.

If a person is taught to be aggressive and rude, then he is in destructive training. After attending such a training, a person feels guilty. Even when he absolutely does not want to step over himself in order to show aggression, he is forced to do so.

If a person nevertheless manages to “squeeze out” an impudent outburst out of character, then the leader and the group approve of this with admiration, although the person himself does not like it. Upon returning home, the person experiences a feeling of shame and considers himself guilty for what he did during the training. The condition is aggravated by the fact that an internal gap is formed between what is imposed on him in training sessions and what he considers to be the norm. It is these sensations that are considered signs of danger in personal growth training. If, at the end of the training, a person feels guilt that was not there before, then there is no need to attend this training anymore.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

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The Group of companies includes:
1. LLC "MBSh", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
2. ANO DPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
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(namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), year of birth, level of education of the Client, chosen training program, city of residence, mobile phone number, address Email).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is the legal representative individual, under 18 years of age, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation), who filled out an Application for training/for receiving information and consulting services on the Website of the Group of Companies, thus expressing their intention to use the educational/information and consulting services of the Group of Companies.

5. The group of companies generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Group of Companies assumes that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on issues proposed in the registration form (Application form), and keeps this information up to date.

6. The Group of Companies collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for conducting admission to training/receiving information and consulting services from the Group of Companies and organizing the provision of educational/information and consulting services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client).

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12. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Group of companies arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

13. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years of age and accept the conditions indicated in the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

14. This agreement governing the relationship between the Client and the Group of Companies is valid throughout the entire period of provision of the Services and the Client’s access to the personalized services of the Group of Companies Website.

LLC "MBSH" legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.
MBSH Consulting LLC legal address: 119331, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 29, office 520.
CHUDPO "MOSCOW BUSINESS SCHOOL - SEMINARS", legal address: 119334, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 38 A.

You are offered to attend wonderful personal growth courses on every corner, promising deep personality transformation and pleasant changes in life in a short time. , success, love of the opposite sex, fulfillment of desires... just come to the courses and a miracle will happen.

Let’s not say that personal growth courses are completely useless. There are people whom they really helped (by the way, they are the ones who are later promoted as advertising), but there are not so many of them. Efficiency is determined by statistics, and if out of 100 students of personal growth courses, at least 50 actually achieved success, then this article would be called differently, for example, “the phenomenon of the amazing effectiveness of personal growth courses.”

Most of the clients of such courses really light up after the first visits, but then become disappointed and return to their previous lives. And all because the “personal growth” industry resorts to typical marketing tricks in the competition.

You can achieve anything you want if you believe in yourself!

People like to achieve their goals. Our hormonal system is seriously working on this feeling. The feeling of satisfaction when achieving a goal is caused by a whole bunch of hormones, but it is believed that dopamine plays the main role here. The same hormone also stimulates movement towards the set goal, being a kind of doping.

Can you achieve anything you want if you believe in yourself? In general, yes. Many talented people truly lack the self-confidence to take the leap to success. But most often, magical self-belief alone is not enough. This sounds too boring for magic courses, so they try not to talk too much about it, but... you need to work. Work towards your goal.

In addition, self-belief of a near-religious nature borders on destructive self-confidence, and self-confidence is blinding. As a result, you cannot sensibly assess your strengths and abilities, and therefore you begin to do things that, if not doomed to failure in advance, have very little chance of success. So, for example, at 30 years old it’s too late to study rhythmic gymnastics at a professional level, and Everest cannot be conquered if you have bad skills. And no amount of self-belief will change that.

It's easy to change!

It is easy to change only in words. People find it so difficult to change that many people have the saying “people don’t change.” And probably in 95% of cases this is true. No positive changes come easy. Often you have to give up something and sacrifice something. For example, if you want a good figure, you will have to give up cheap fats and fast carbohydrates (no! not pies and cakes!), and if you want to earn good money, you will have to give up evening beer and TV and finally do something to no longer go to your low-paying job, but earn decent money.

They really work, but somewhere in the upper layers of the subconscious. Any serious stressful situation will bring you face to face with everything that is repressed into the unconscious - fears, phobias, self-doubt, etc.

You can't just tell yourself "I'm confident" a thousand times and become confident. It doesn't work that way. Kharzima and confidence, just like spiritual weakness and self-doubt, come from the deep, poorly conscious layers of the psyche. Making an insecure person into a strong, charismatic person is a serious challenge for any professional psychologist. This includes working with childhood traumas and self-analysis, and re-experiencing repressed contents and much more. Such a transformation is a serious spiritual and emotional experience, and everything that happens on the surface, such as affirmations and self-hypnosis, remains there.

Do you know why the first rule of a psychologist is not to give advice? Because if the advice helps, the person becomes dependent on the adviser, and if it doesn’t help, then the adviser will share part of the responsibility (and in the mind of the person being advised, sometimes all of it) for failure. In the end, everyone loses: both the one who gives advice and the one who listens to it. Never give advice or listen to other people’s advice, and if you come to a personal growth course where they give you advice, know that the value of such courses is equivalent to the teachings of grandmothers near the entrance, but at least the grandmothers near the entrance are not trying to make money on you.

Knowledge is an investment in human capital, another successfully completed step in self-development, enrichment of the inner world and expansion of the range of competencies. But in addition to purely professional education, which is necessary for work, a modern, promising person seeks to obtain resource information that will allow him to stand out among others. Time management, public speaking, emotion management, interpersonal relationships, effective communications - these and many other knowledge are extremely important for the development of the individual and his full existence in society. The most useful practical courses of this kind are collected on the educational portal Online lectures from the section “Personal development, distance learning” will tell you how to get rid of the fear of public speaking, develop speaking technique, master the art of self-presentation and telephone conversations, and explain how to get along with others. You can learn all this on your own - at a time convenient for you and with the required intensity, but under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Many video courses in the section can be taken for free; others are more than affordable. Lessons from the best teachers at will be useful both for those who are studying the issue from scratch, and for those who are planning retraining or retraining. If you are a professional in the above issues, then we will be glad to see you among our teachers. Choose a topic from the “Personality Development” section online courses", record your own training cycle and receive stable income from its sales.
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