Training for teachers. Trainings for teachers and educators Exercises for educators

Setting up the audience to perceive information and attract attention.

Dear teachers, I ask for your attention and support. I would like to present my game training session.

To make the goal clear to you, let’s dive into history.


So, the Roman Emperor Diocletian, after 20 years of successful expansion of the empire, suppressing uprisings and civilizing the barbarians, gave up on everything and went to the countryside to grow cabbage, as evil tongues claimed. For the next 16-odd centuries, ungrateful descendants considered the ancient Roman an ordinary madman, and only recently psychiatrists gave him an accurate diagnosis - the emperor burned out at work.

Professional burnout syndrome is a state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion that manifests itself in professions related to people. This feeling of fatigue, insomnia, negativity towards work, people, children, guilt, anxiety, irritability.


I invite here those who experience something similar or would like to save themselves from this condition. I need 8 participants.

Note that the emperor was remembered for 16 centuries. In order to be remembered even longer and only with kind words, take care of yourself right now.

Exercise – energizer

I am glad to welcome you all. To get some exercise after work, I suggest playing a game. On my command, you need to line up along a certain line as quickly as possible.

- “Line up by height”, - “By shoe size”, - “By eye color starting from light” (from light to dark), - by middle name alphabet, - by date of birth.

Questions to discuss the exercise:

  • What helped you build faster?
  • Would the game take place if everyone were the same in eye color, height, etc.?

The conclusion that the guys come to is: We are all different, but we have fun and interesting together.


Let's get acquainted. As a rule, in training groups it is customary to call each other by name, so for a while forget that you have a middle name.

Stand in a circle. Take turns calling what you would like to be called today. You have to express your mood and inner state in different ways. Pull out cards that say how you need to express yourself (others guess).

Conclusion: Sometimes it is easier to express yourself through images than to tell in words and find the right words. You need to look inside yourself more often. In some cases, this will help you help yourself in time, in others, it will teach you to live here and now.

Before I tell you the purpose of our meeting, I want to show you a little experience.

I invite you to sit down (the participants are already divided into 2 teams as they sit down, the chairs are around 2 tables on which there is also water, a glass, gouache, a brush, glitter, and straws).

Let's conduct an experiment. There is a glass of water in front of you. What kind of water? (Transparent, clean.) What can your internal state be compared to? Thoughts? Feelings? Emotions? Mood? You like it when everything is calm inside you. (What can help us with this.)

Add shine. Now what happens to us? (A sparkle of joy and happiness, they say a sparkle in the eyes) Do we like this state? (which can help us with this.)

In front of you are paints, a brush, water, straws and a glass. Demonstrate experimentally the state of psycho-emotional stress. (Let me remind you that the state of mental, emotional and physical exhaustion is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue, accompanied by insomnia, negativity towards work, people, children, guilt, anxiety, irritability.)

The purpose of the training session is announced:

The purpose of our lesson is create a model that helped preserve our psychological health.

I invite you to a creative workshop (teachers sit around a table with salt on it).

Look, there is salt sprinkled on the tables. What can it be used for?

Now we will try to turn the salt of life into joy.

I suggest you be alone with yourself for a few minutes and listen to your feelings. Ask yourself “What am I feeling, experiencing, thinking right now?” You can close your eyes for a moment to listen to yourself. Focus on this question for a few seconds and think about what colors you could use to reflect your emotional state.

Open your eyes. Now we will create your rainbow of moods.

In front of you is salt and multi-colored chalk. Choose the first color of salt that somewhat resembles what you felt now. (Optionally, you can choose ready-made colored salt.)

Pour some salt onto a piece of paper and begin to color it with chalk. Let's get some sleep. Just do this very carefully so as not to mix the layers of sand, otherwise instead of a rainbow in the bottle you will end up with dirty brown sand. So let's get started

Screw on the lid. The craft is ready!

Next color, etc. until you fill your vessel with rainbow mood.

You can take a wire and try to create some kind of pattern very carefully so as not to mix extra layers. This is how Egyptian masters create creative sand drawings.

This can be done in groups with children; you can color the salt using chalk.

Bottom line: Showcase your masterpiece. Look at the rainbow in the bottle (jar) carefully and say what comes to your mind when you look at it - associations. Does this have anything in common with your inner state sensations?

What do you think we used to try to clean our glass? (Salt, paints, plasticine, sand are methods of art therapy or creativity.)

Conclusion: we are now learning to express our inner state, everything that has accumulated in the soul with the help of creativity. It can be difficult to understand, let alone express in words what you feel - but it is easier to express it in creativity, besides, it relieves accumulated mental stress, helps you calm down or simply concentrate. We have now connected the world of fantasy and the world of reality with the help of an invisible bridge.

You did it great.

Creativity, both a child and an adult, realized in the process of art therapy, makes it possible to express and reproduce internal feelings, experiences, doubts, conflicts and hopes in symbolic form, experiencing once again important events, because spontaneous visual activity is capable of expressing the hidden content of mental life.

The second test awaits us.

Instructions: I want to invite you to play a game called Andersen has a fairy tale with the same name. In this fairy tale, the fairy was given galoshes of happiness for her birthday, which she decided to give to people to make them happier. The person who put on these galoshes became the happiest person. The galoshes fulfilled all his wishes; he could be transported to any time or era. So, I suggest you put on these galoshes and become a happy person.

Of course, there will be obstacles on the path to happiness, but you are wearing lucky galoshes.

So, we break into two teams, stand in a line - count on cats and panthers. Kitties to the right, panthers to the left.

Let's compete. Your task, wearing galoshes, is to overcome all obstacles (I’ll demonstrate how to complete the relay):

  • (bumps) - we overcome the bumps of unpleasant, haunting, disturbing, dark thoughts (we walk over them in galoshes);
  • (path) is a river of anxiety, worries, fears. (you need to go through it in an unusual way, never repeat it);
  • (barrier) - your bar is low self-esteem (I can’t, I won’t succeed);
  • A swamp (hoop) of ignorance of others. Think about how to cross it so as not to get stuck in the same swamp;
  • ahead is the goal (pedestal with a medal) - victory (here you have a moment of joy of victory: your gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, exclamations - which will help you convey the feeling of victory) rejoice a little;
  • We return as a proud winner - we pass the baton;
  • The next participant runs.

Summary in interview form:

1. How did you manage to overcome these obstacles so quickly?

2. How do you feel?

3. Did your colleagues help you?

4. Do you have more positive emotions from winning and overcoming such difficult obstacles?

5) What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

7) What in life helps you overcome obstacles on the way to your goal?

8) In life, what is the most difficult thing for you to overcome or cope with?

(A basin with fish filled with water opens.)

In front of us is a basin with fish. You have fishing rods. your task is to catch as many fish as possible in the bucket while the music is playing. The music stops and you approach the aquarium. We do everything quickly, otherwise the fish will suffocate without water.

We approach the aquarium and release only those fish that will serve as reserves of strength for us, thanks to which we can withstand troubles, something that helps maintain our vitality.

All that remains is to guess what all these fish in the aquarium could be called? (You can use brainstorming.)

These are our resources.

Every person needs resources - these are sources of reserves of strength, thanks to which we can withstand troubles, something that helps us maintain our vitality.

Conclusion: This is how we tried today, in symbolic language, to build a certain model of our psychological health.

We all managed to do this together in such a relaxed manner!

Reflection: Let's go in a circle and express our opinion about the last meeting and its significance for you (each participant in turn expresses his thoughts, feelings and sensations).

What feelings did you experience?
What new did you learn, what did you learn? What are you thinking about?
How will this be useful in the future?

The presenter sums up: the ability to relieve one’s psychological and emotional stress, positive thinking, awareness and development of one’s resource state, as well as the positive emotions that we received from the meeting today can help us feel better, raise our mood and self-awareness. And if peace, love, and positivity reign in our own home, then we can create, give, and bring love to the little houses of children’s hearts.

The health of a teacher is necessary not only for his professional activities, but also for the health of children, our students. A healthy teacher means healthy children.

Exercise “Applause” (2 min)

Goal: to cheer up and finish the lesson on a positive emotional level

I would like to end our meeting on a positive note. I would like to give everyone the feeling of victory and applause. I approach any member of our training group and begin to applaud. (Help the audience - the young participants overcome so many obstacles and remain positive.) Then this participant chooses the next one from the group, whom they both applaud. The third chooses the fourth, etc. The last participant is applauded by the whole group.

Psychological training for teachers “All the colors of life”

Frolova Irina Yuryevna, teacher - psychologist, MBDOU D/S13, Belorechensk, Krasnodar region.
Description of material: I offer you psychological training for teachers “All the colors of life.” This material will be useful to teachers - psychologists of kindergartens, as well as secondary schools.
The training is aimed at relieving psycho-emotional stress, emotional stability, uniting the teaching staff, developing communication skills, and a friendly attitude towards each other. By performing training exercises, teachers learn to understand each other. The training motivates teachers to self-improvement, reflection, and mastery of the mechanisms of communicative competence.
Training objectives:
- formation of a favorable psychological climate
- developing the ability to work in a team
- awareness of each participant’s role and function in the group
- improve communication skills of teachers
- increase your mood for luck, happiness, kindness and success.
Necessary materials:
- sheets of A format - 3 according to the number of participants, glue, scissors, glossy magazines, simple and colored pencils, felt-tip pens
- calm music for relaxation

Progress of the training

Leading: educational psychologist.
The facilitator welcomes all training participants and introduces himself to them. To create a favorable atmosphere, an introduction procedure is carried out. Each participant writes his name and the symbol corresponding to his name on a small piece of paper and attaches it to his chest with a pin.

Drawing up group rules
Under the guidance of the facilitator, the group gets acquainted with the rules of the training: confidentiality; confidence; “I-statements”; the ability to say “no”; activity, etc., and accepts them.

Warm up. Exercise “The Secret of My Name”
The names of people are part of the history of peoples. They reflect the life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy and artistic creativity of peoples, their historical contacts. Our country is multinational, and each of the peoples inhabiting it has its own wonderful personal names. Names vary. Like an expensive frame, names emphasize a girl’s beauty. Do you know the history of your name? Participants tell stories about their name. The presenter offers to tell or expand on their names.
Lyudmila: This Slavic name means "Dear to people."
Energy of the name: prudence, independence, practicality.
Patron saints of Lyudmila: Lyudmila of the Czech Republic (name day September 16, 29). Ludmila is revered as the patron saint of the Czech Republic and is also the patroness of grandmothers, mothers and Christian teachers.
Name color: light green, yellowish brown.

Svetlana: This is a Slavic name, derived from the word “bright”, the female version of the little-known male name Svetlana. The Greek equivalent of this name is Photina, usually given to Svetlana at baptism.
Energy named after Svetlana: Optimism, sociability, lightness, emotionality.
Patron saints of Svetlana: Saint Reverend Svetlana (Photina, Fotinia) of Palestine - patroness of women bearing the Russian name Svetlana (name day February 26) People turn to the saint with any everyday problems, ask for health and a happy family life. The icon helps to avoid troubles when traveling by river or sea transport.
Name color: light green, sometimes blue.

Olga is the Russian form of the Scandinavian name Helga, which means "Sacred". Energy named after Olga: Activity, sociability, prudence.
Olga's patron saints: Princess Olga (name day July 24), the first Russian ruler to convert to Christianity, and was the harbinger of the Baptism of Rus'. She is revered as the patroness of widows and new Christians.
Name color: steel, light green.

Galina: Translated from Greek, the name means “Calm”, “Quiet”, “Serenity”. In Greek mythology, Galina was the name of one of the sea nymphs.
Energy named after Galina: Balance, prudence, sensitivity.
Patron saints of Galina: Galina of Corinth (name day March 23, April 29) A disciple of the righteous elder Kondrat, St. Galina accepted martyrdom for the faith of Christ along with his other disciples on the first day of Easter in 258. The name Galina translated from Greek means “silence”, “meekness” and symbolizes harmony, calm, orderliness in all matters.
Name color: steel, light green.

Natalia: Translated from Latin, the name means “Native”.
Energy named after Natalya: Emotionality, passion, impulsiveness.
Patron saints of Natalia: Natalia of Byzantium (name day September 8) Saint Natalia is revered in the Christian world as an example of a loving wife and zealous Christian. Until the last hour, she consoled and strengthened with prayers her husband Adrian, a former persecutor of Christians who accepted the faith of Christ and was cruelly executed for this. They pray to St. Natalia for good relationships in the family.
Name color: brown, red, light green.

Larisa: Translated from Greek, the name means “Seagull”. In Greek mythology, Larissa was the name of a Thessalian (Argive) nymph, granddaughter of Poseidon and sister of Cyrene.
Energy named after Larisa: Optimism, mobility, sensitivity.
Patron saints of Larisa: Larisa Gotha (name day April 8) lived in the 4th century. She suffered martyrdom from the pagans, who burned Christian churches along with all the people there. Despite her young age, she showed resilience. Saint Larisa chose to die, but did not give up her convictions.
Name color: light green, steel, sometimes red.

Tatiana: Translated from Greek, the name means “Designated”, “Assigned”.
Energy named after Tatyana: Activity, practicality, impulsiveness.
Patron saints of Tatiana: Tatiana of Rome (name day January 25), daughter of the pious Roman consul, deaconess. She suffered martyrdom during the years of persecution of Christians. On the day of her memory, January 25, Moscow University was created (1755). The temple next to him was consecrated in honor of St. Tatiana. Subsequently, the patronage of the saint spread to all universities in Russia, and Tatyana’s day is celebrated as Student’s Day.

Inna: Translated from Latin, the name means “Coming from the city of Inessa.” Presumably the root of this name means "Stormy".
Energy named after Inna: Emotionality, sensuality, impulsiveness.
Patron saints of Inna: Nowadays, women are baptized with the name Inna, but historically this is a male name, so in the calendar it can be found not among female, but among male names. Inna is patronized by St. Inna of Novodun, a Slav, a disciple of the Apostle Andrew, especially revered in the Crimea, in Foros.
Name color: brown, red.

Exercise “Compliments”
Participants are divided into two subgroups and form two circles, one inside the other. The inner and outer circles face each other.
Leading: Now we will compliment each other. To do this, for one minute, those who stand in the outer circle will compliment the participant from the inner circle standing opposite them, and those who are in the inner circle will thank. After a minute, the participants standing in the inner circle will compliment those standing opposite. Then the outer circle will move clockwise to one person, and the task will be repeated with other partners. The outer circle will move until the first pairs match.
This exercise increases the participants’ self-esteem and actualizes their personal resources.

Collage “What I love!”
Collage “What I love!” is a picture you create that depicts everything you love and want in the reality you dream of. This picture helps you achieve what you want faster; it clearly shows what you need to strive for. How can you make your collage so that your wishes come true quickly and exactly the way you want?
First, you need to make a list of everything you love in order to decide what will be depicted in the future collage. This list should include only what is really important and positive for you.
When your wish list is finally ready, start searching for suitable images. They can be found in magazines, advertising brochures, as well as picked up on the Internet and printed on a color printer. Approach the selection of pictures responsibly, because their fulfillment depends on how accurately you depict your desires in the collage. And now, the collage of your desires is completely ready! Hang it in the most visible place, preferably near the bed, so that when you fall asleep and wake up, you can imagine the fulfillment of your desires. Remember, wishes come true if you really want them!

Exercise “Thank you for existing”
The leader divides the group into two subgroups of equal number of people. Participants form two circles - inner and outer and turn to face each other.
The participants’ task is to look into the eyes of the person standing in front of them and say to him, calling him by name: “Thank you for existing,” and the participant needs to smile in response.
First, these words are pronounced by a participant from the outer circle, and then from the inner circle. If desired, participants can shake hands or hug each other. Then those standing in the outer circle move one person to the right, and the exercise is repeated again until the participants who started this game meet each other. At the end of the exercise, group members return to their seats and share their impressions.

What did you get from the training? What emotions did you experience while doing the exercises? What's your mood? Were your expectations met?
Thanks to all participants! See you again!

Pedagogical communication training for teachers and preschool teachers

Akhankova Svetlana Vasilievna, Teacher-psychologist I / kindergarten “Bolashak” Kazakhstan, Petropavlovsk
This material is part of the training work with the teaching staff. Aimed at reducing psycho-emotional stress and team unity. Helps in resolving conflict situations.

"Training of pedagogical communication"

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our work communication is the most important feature.
Communication is the highest joy given to people. Affiliate communication is communication that takes into account the state, interests, and relationships of the interlocutor. Communication is the interaction of two or more partners.
Psychological adjustment to work. Group cohesion
Exercise "Spark". Teachers in a circle pass each other a “light of goodness” with words of compliments (a lit candle).
Interaction between people begins with establishing contact. Contact depends on how we carry ourselves and what we say.
In order for teachers to feel the importance of establishing contact, we conduct exercise “Are you now...”
Instructions: Observe the external manifestations of the emotional state of others. I throw the ball to any participant and say: “Zhenya, it seems to me that you are sad now.” Zhenya throws the ball to the next participant and says: “Louise, it seems to me that you are irritated now,” etc. Everyone participates in the game.
Mini-lecture: “The concept of “Conflict”. Types of behavior in conflict situations.
The word "conflict" in Latin means "clash."
Distinguishes the following types of conflicts: personal, interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup conflicts.
There are negative consequences and positive functions of conflicts:
What do you think are the negative consequences? To the positive?
Negative consequences:
deterioration of the subjects' health status,
decreased performance,
large emotional costs, etc.
Positive functions of conflicts:
it serves to relieve tension,
receiving new information,
stimulates development and positive changes,

Overcomes stagnation of vital activity,
reveals a “chronic illness”, a contradiction,
helps clarify relationships, etc.
Thus, conflict is the opposition of subjects regarding a contradiction that has arisen, real or imaginary.
The cause of the conflict may be a difference in goals (parents expect only a positive assessment of the child, and the teacher expects the child to acquire knowledge and skills), insufficient awareness of the parties about the event (the parent received information from the child, the teacher himself witnessed the incident); incompetence of one of the parties, low culture of behavior, etc.
Experts identify 4 stages of conflict:
1. The emergence of a conflict (the appearance of a contradiction).
2. Awareness of this situation as a conflict by at least one of the parties.
3. Conflict behavior.
4. Outcome of the conflict (constructive, destructive, freezing of the conflict).
And if previously this situation suited both sides of the interaction, now parents, having certain knowledge and experience in the field of psychology, strive to prevent pressure on themselves from kindergarten workers. In addition, such behavior from a teacher can cause an aggressive outburst even in a peaceful parent. Therefore, in order to avoid deepening and expanding the conflict situation, it is advisable to understand and put into practice the line of partnership interaction “on equal terms.”
Methods for resolving conflicts:
A compromise represents the achievement of a “half” benefit by each party.
Accommodation involves increased attention to the interests of another person, while one's own interests fade into the background.
Cooperation is a strategy that takes into account the interests of both parties.
Avoidance, competition.
In pedagogical practice, there is an opinion that the most effective ways to resolve conflict are cooperation and compromise.
However, any of the presented strategies can be effective in different situations, since it has both positive and negative sides.
No matter how much we would like it, it is hardly possible to imagine, much less implement, completely conflict-free interaction between people. Sometimes it is even more important not to avoid conflict, but to wisely choose a strategy for behavior in a conflict situation and lead the parties to a constructive agreement. However, teachers often face difficult situations when communicating with parents. However, avoiding a conflict situation did not solve the problem, and only negotiations with the child’s mother, which helped to find out the true reasons for her behavior, contributed to the settlement of relationships and the establishment of cooperation between both parties).
Exercise "Impression".
List the impressions your parents might have of you if you show impatience or speak in a raised or irritated tone.
Possible answers:
- you're tired of everything,
- you are not interested in your work,
- you are not friendly,
- you don't respect others.
- You are scared
Exercise “Say the text: “The mistress abandoned the bunny...”
1. Whisper.
2. With maximum volume.
3. Wavy.
4. As if you were terribly cold.
5. It feels like you have a hot potato in your mouth.
6. Like a little girl.
Exercise “Old English game”.
For this game you will need a small prize for the winner (it could be candy, a small toy, a souvenir, etc.). There is only one requirement for the prize: it should not be fragile, since during the game there is a possibility that it will fall to the floor. The teacher-psychologist packages the prize in advance (wraps it in paper, puts it in a box, ties it with ribbons, seals it with tape, etc.). Before the game starts, the group sits in a circle, the chairs are moved as close to each other as possible. The teacher-psychologist turns on cheerful music and hands a large package with a prize to one of the participants sitting next to him. Having received the package, he immediately passes it around the circle to the next player, that one to the next, etc.
Suddenly the music stops and the participant with the package in his hands quickly begins to unwrap the prize. He can do this until the music starts again. From the moment the music plays, the prize again “travels” in a circle until the next musical pause. As soon as the music stops, the participant with the prize in his hands continues to unpack it and, when the sounds of music appear, pass it on in a circle. The prize goes to the one who can finally unwrap it and pick it up.
After the participants have shared their impressions of the game, the educational psychologist asks the following questions: “If you and I were asked to make a film about conflicted people using the example of this game, where and at what moments could we act out the conflicts?
What could cause conflicts? Who could be their potential participants and why?
For example, a conflict could arise when the music stops between the participant who is unwrapping the prize and the participants sitting nearby.
One could accuse the educational psychologist of having a biased attitude towards some participants and using this at the moments of turning the music on and off. Next, the educational psychologist invites participants to answer the questions: “How could the instructions for the game be changed to reduce the likelihood of conflicts? "(Make the instructions clearer, introduce some restrictions, etc.) In which case would it be more interesting to play: in the first (how we played) or in the second (simulated version?)
Final exercise. "Circle of Light"
Psychologist: Passing through the “circle of light”, we carry out a cleansing ritual, mobilize our internal energy, activate our resources and thereby strengthen our health. And now you and I will pass a vessel with lit floating candles around in a circle, with words of gratitude to each other.
Let's all make a wish together, but we won't put out these candles. Let this fire burn in each of us and never go out.

Target: help participants overcome internal barriers and fears of a crisis situation; popularization of training as a form of education and methods of conflict resolution; development of confidential communication skills of training participants; activation of creative search and experience of training participants; creating a friendly, trusting atmosphere in the group.

During the training the following tasks are solved:

Demonstrate the benefits of teamwork;

Improve team communication;

Master feedback skills;

Enjoy working together.

Equipment: chancellor pins, paper, pencils, pens, newspaper (magazine) clippings, handouts, glue, Whatman paper.

Participants: kindergarten teachers.

Time spending: 1.4 hours

The structure of the training includes three blocks:

introduction: introduction, introduction of work rules.

the main part, during which the skills of working in a team to remove barriers are developed.

conclusion: behavior of the results.

Methods, used in the program of this training: discussions, role-playing games, psycho-gymnastic exercises and testing. The main direction of their use and interpretation is the creation of a cohesive group focused on joint work.

Progress of the training:

Introduction – 2 min.

Why do misunderstandings and conflicts occur? People are different, with different experiences, different beliefs, principles, which sometimes interfere with seeing another person, understanding his feelings and interests.

Our training will be devoted to the skills of seeing and hearing a person, listening to his thoughts. The training form of work requires trust in the group, so we need to develop general rules for work.

The “here and now” rule. It is important to understand the processes, thoughts and feelings that arise in the group at the moment. In this way, participants are taught to focus their attention on themselves and what is happening around them in the present time. The way a person manifests himself “here and now” shows how he behaves “in life”. And training participants should pay attention to this.

The rule of sincerity and openness. It is necessary to ensure that group members do not dissemble or lie. A sign of a strong and healthy personality is a certain openness to others about their feelings about what is happening. This is the basis of effective interpersonal interaction. Naturally, this cannot be achieved at the beginning of the group’s work. It is not always necessary to achieve full disclosure of group members, because they will continue to work together. But each of them should feel protected and have the right to open up to the extent that he sees fit for the given moment.

Rule "I". In the group it is prohibited to use reasoning such as: “Everyone has this opinion...”, “We believe...”, etc. These statements shift responsibility for the feelings and thoughts of a particular person to a non-existent “we”. All statements must be constructed using “I”. Thus, we teach a person to take responsibility and accept himself as he is.

Activity rule. There should be no passive observers in the group. All participants are included in the exercise. If they refuse to participate, it is worthwhile to take time to discuss their motivation for attending the training.

Privacy Rule. Whatever is said in the group regarding the members must remain within the group. This is a natural ethical requirement, which is a condition for creating an atmosphere of psychological safety and self-disclosure. But specific techniques, knowledge, techniques can and should be used outside the group in professional activities, in everyday life.

Rules accepted. Thank you. Each participant must adhere to them.

“Getting to know each other” – 2 min.

And now it's time to get acquainted. Draw your “business card”, write your name on it, how would you like to be called at the training? Name the quality that characterizes you starting with the first letter of your name.

Main part – min.

Exercise 1. “Confusion” – 10 min.

Goal: Increase the tone of the group and unite the participants.

Progress of the exercise: Participants stand in a circle and extend their right hand to the center. At the leader’s signal, each player finds a “handshake partner” (the number of players must be even). Then everyone extends their left hand and also finds a “handshake partner” (it is very important that this is not the same person). And now the task of the participants is to unravel, i.e. line up in a circle again without separating your hands. The task can be complicated by prohibiting all verbal communication.

Exercise 2. “My representation of the conflict” - 10 min.

Now everyone will think and decide for themselves, how do you understand what a conflict is?! But we will not just write, but for each letter of the word.

Reflection: what are more characteristics of the conflict - positive or negative?

And now I invite everyone in turn to continue the sentence “Conflict for me is...”.

Exercise 3. “Pros and cons of conflict” - 10 min.

A conflict, like, probably, any phenomenon of reality, can be looked at from different points of view and one can find its pros and cons.

Participants are divided into two groups. The first team will need to write down as many positive consequences of conflict situations as possible in brainstorming mode, and the second team, accordingly, will need to describe the negative consequences of conflicts.

Reflection: was it difficult to do the exercise? What do you think is easier to write – “+” or “-”?

N.V. Klyueva offers a characterization of the conflict:

Constructive sides of the conflict:

Conflict reveals a “weak link” in an organization, in relationships (diagnostic function of conflict).

Conflict provides an opportunity to see hidden relationships.

Conflict provides an opportunity to throw out negative emotions and relieve tension.

Conflict is an impetus for revision and development of one’s views on the familiar.

The need to resolve conflict determines the development of the organization.

Conflict promotes team unity when confronting an external enemy

Destructive sides of the conflict:

Negative emotional experiences that can lead to various diseases.

Violation of business and personal relationships between people, decreased discipline. In general, the socio-psychological climate is deteriorating.

Deterioration in quality of work. Difficult restoration of business relationships.

The idea of ​​winners or losers as enemies.

Temporary losses. For every minute of conflict there are 12 minutes of post-conflict experiences.

Exercise 4. “Thin paper” – 5 min.

Thin sheets of A-4 size paper are distributed. Participants are asked to take the sheet of paper in their hands, close their eyes and follow the commands: Fold the sheet of paper in half, smooth out the fold and tear out a piece of paper along the fold line; Fold the sheet in half again and repeat the procedure.

And so on until the participants can fold the sheet and tear out pieces of paper along the fold line. When small, repeatedly folded sheets remain, offer to unfold them and return the sheets to their original position - in front of you. Then invite the group to open their eyes.

Please note to the participants that initially all the sheets were exactly the same, and each of them followed the same commands from the leader, however, the pattern turned out different for everyone. Ask why this happened? Listen to the answers.

Reflection: Conclude that each person is unique and this is why he is valuable to others.

Exercise 5. “Two Hearts” – 10 min.

Instructions. “Now you are all professional surgeons of a large American clinic. Each of you is caring for your own patient who needs an urgent heart transplant. But the situation is complicated by the fact that the clinic currently has only two hearts suitable for transplantation. After your discussion as you see fit, you need to decide which two patients will receive a heart transplant. The decision must be justified and communicated to the relatives of all patients.”

Brief characteristics of patients:

Female, Chinese, 35 years old, leader of a team of doctors developing a cure for AIDS;

Woman, Belgian, 32 years old, cardiologist, has hundreds of successful heart surgeries;

An American man, the father of three children aged three, five, seven, is raising his children alone;

Japanese girl, 12 years old, outstanding pianist;

Oncologist, woman, 33 years old, under her leadership an effective medicine against blood cancer is being developed;

Russian boy, 11 years old, a large Russian-American medical center is interceding for him;

African American, Olympic runner, 25 years old;

A girl, 19 years old, dependent on two younger brothers, eight and ten years old. Daughter of a deceased US Senator;

Priest, 50 years old, well-known preacher, well-respected in Canada and the USA.


1. How was the players’ value system taken into account when making the decision?

2. Did participants take a more pragmatic or humanistic approach?

3. For whom was it important to defend their patient at all costs and ensure that he received a heart transplant? What was done for this, what arguments were used, how effective were they?

4. Who deferred to colleagues in choosing a patient for a heart transplant, what justified this decision?

5. Who took responsibility for communicating the outcome of the discussion to the relatives of patients who were not scheduled for a heart transplant?

6. How were roles distributed during the group discussion? And which role was easier to cope with?

Methodological notes. The exercise (in addition to the content load) has a certain emotional background. It is quite rigid in form and reflects real foreign medical practice. At the same time, the exercise usually gives a significant training and educational effect (working with the value system). Upon completion, it is necessary to identify and emphasize the playful nature of the situation, avoiding the emotional focus of the participants on negative experiences. The role of relatives is played by participants free from the game and the teacher himself.

Exercise 5. “I am strong, I am weak” – 5 min.

Leading. I suggest you check how words and thoughts affect a person’s condition. To this end, we will perform the following exercises, for which we need to break into pairs.

(Help from one of the participants).

Please extend your hand forward. I will lower your hand down, pressing on it from above. You must hold your hand while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong!” Now we do the same, but you must say: “I am weak,” saying it with the appropriate intonation, that is, quietly, sadly...

You see how supportive words help us cope with difficulties and win.

Reflection: how do you understand this exercise? How does it relate to our topic?

Exercise 6. “Conflict situations” – 10 min.

Training participants are asked to divide into subgroups. Each subgroup draws cards with conflict situations written on them. It is necessary to find a way out of every situation, to find ways to resolve the conflict.


The junior teacher does his job (washes dishes in the kitchen, etc.), and the senior teacher urgently needs to leave the group (talk on the phone). She asked the junior teacher to look after the children, but she refused. An argument ensued between them. What to do in this situation?

The senior teacher asked the junior teacher to sit with the children during quiet time, and she herself left the group. Quiet hour passed, but the teacher did not return to the group. You need to go get an afternoon snack, but there is no one to leave the children with. At that moment, a specialist came into the group, and the junior teacher asked to sit with the children so that she could go and get an afternoon snack. When the teacher returned to the group, between the younger children. and the “elders” a conflict ensued. To which the teacher replied to the junior child: “You must help us when we need it.” What to do in this situation?

In response to criticism from a subordinate, voiced at an office meeting, the boss began to find fault with him over trifles and increased control over his official activities. What is the cause of the conflict? Identify the conflict situation.

The manager turns to his deputy with the words of reproach: “You could not ensure the timely completion of the task.” Deputy: “I was distracted by family circumstances.” Conduct an analysis of interpersonal interaction.

One employee complains to another about numerous and frequently repeated errors in her work. The second employee takes the complaints expressed as an insult. A conflict arose between them. Solution?

The manager hired a specialist who should work for his deputy. The hiring was not approved by the deputy. The inability of the hired employee to perform his duties soon became evident. The deputy reports this to the manager with a memo...What would you do if you were the manager?

At the meeting, one of the subordinates, unable to withstand the pressure from the manager, half-jokingly drew attention to this pressure. The manager couldn’t find anything to say, but after this incident he began to act even more harshly, especially in relation to the “joker”. What to do in this situation to avoid conflict?

Exercise 7. “Colleague – image – 10 min.

Remember one of your colleagues. Which of the definitions proposed here would be suitable to characterize his personality (check several qualities):

anxious - calm

scattered - purposeful

reserved - sociable

frivolous - serious

excitable - balanced

compliant - principled

"upstart" - modest

hot-tempered - reserved

hypocritical - sincere

pessimist - optimist

weak-willed - strong-willed

stupid - smart

aggressive - peaceful

vulnerable - unperturbed

rude - tactful

lazy - hardworking

callous - responsive

evil - good

passive – active

narcissistic - self-critical

If you cannot evaluate a colleague only using a two-factor assessment (“stupid - smart”), then next to each characteristic, put a certain point based on a six-point system. Try to evaluate 5-7 of your colleagues in this way).

Exercise 8. “Collage” – 10 min.

Participants are offered a large number of clippings of pictures, phrases, words, photographs, from which they must choose those that, in their opinion, most accurately and completely characterize the conflict.

Then they paste it on whatman paper to make a collage.

At the end of the exercise, they talk and explain why they did it this way, why they chose these pictures (photos, words, phrases), and why they did not choose the remaining clippings.

Parable – 5 min.

Buddhist parable “Take what is yours”

One day Buddha and his disciples passed by a village in which opponents of Buddhists lived. The villagers rushed out of their houses, surrounded the Buddha and the disciples, and began to insult them. The disciples also began to get excited and were ready to fight back, but the presence of the Buddha had a calming effect. But the Buddha's words confused both the villagers and the disciples.

He turned to the disciples and said:

– You disappointed me. These people are doing their job. They are angry. It seems to them that I am an enemy of their religion, their moral values. These people insult me, and that's natural. But why are you angry? Why did you allow these people to manipulate you? You are now dependent on them. Aren't you free?

The villagers did not expect such a reaction. They were puzzled and quiet. In the silence that followed, Buddha turned to them:

-Have you said everything? If you haven’t said everything, you will still have the opportunity to tell me everything you think when we return.

The people from the village were completely perplexed, they asked:

- But we insulted you, why aren’t you angry with us?

“You are free people, and what you did is your right.” I don't react to this.

I am also a free person. Nothing can make me react and no one can influence or manipulate me. I am the master of my manifestations. My actions flow from my inner state. Now I would like to ask you a question that concerns you. The villagers next to yours greeted me, they brought flowers, fruits and sweets with them. I told them: “Thank you, but we already had breakfast. Take these fruits with my blessing for yourself. We can’t carry them with us, we don’t carry food with us.” Now I ask you: “What should they do with what I did not accept and gave back to them?”

One person from the crowd said:

“They probably took it home, and at home they distributed fruits and sweets to their children, their families.”

Buddha smiled:

– What will you do with your insults and curses? I don't accept them. If I refuse those fruits and sweets, they have to take them back. What can you do? I reject your insults, so you too take your load home and do with it whatever you want...

Museum of Hurtful Memories – 5 min.

The greatest power in terms of changing a person himself is imagination. Each of us has been offended more than once. But some people know how to quickly part with grievances, because resentment is nothing more than “rust that eats away the soul.” Others treat their grievances as a great value. They hide them, protect them, accumulate them. And in a conflict they present it, strengthening, as it seems to them, their position. The result of such gathering is illness. Let's write all our grievances on a piece of paper, look at them carefully and tell them: “Grievances, you will forgive me, but I am sending you to the museum of offensive memories. You remain in the past, and I live in the present and future. I don't need any extra weight! Farewell!" And tear this sheet, or crumple it. There should always be coziness and comfort, calmness and wisdom in the soul.

- “Man blocks his own light,” said Emerson. Try not to do this.

Thank you all very much for your work!

Anastasia Krylova
Training for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Day of psychological unloading”

Training for preschool teachers« Day of psychological relief» .


Formation of favorable psychological climate;

Team building, creating trusting relationships;

Prevention of professional burnout;

Development of communication skills, emotional sphere;

Relieving emotional stress.

The target audience: preschool teachers.

Form of conduct: training.

Equipment: an audience with chairs arranged in a circle (according to the number of participants, a ball, a radio tape recorder, a disk with slow dances, a disk with music for relaxation, fabric blindfolds, sheets of paper, ballpoint pens according to the number of participants and felt-tip pens.


1. Greeting


Introduce group members to the greeting ritual and involve participants in work.

Psychologist: Hello dear teachers! I'm glad to see you all. Today we have gathered in our hall to rest a little, relax, and get to know each other a little better. At the beginning of our event, I invite all participants to say hello to the unusual way: each member of the group, with his little fingers, connects with the neighbor sitting next to him, and at my command, together, let’s say "Hello".

2. "Acquaintance"


Set up each participant to work in a group;

Create a feeling of trust and psychological comfort in this group of people.

Psychologist: Before starting further work, I think we should get acquainted again. IN training we are given a wonderful opportunity, usually unavailable in real life, to choose a name for ourselves. After all, often It happens: someone doesn’t really like the name given to him by his parents; someone is not satisfied with the form of address that is familiar to others - say, everyone around calls a girl Lenka, but she wants to be addressed as “Lenochka” or “Lenulya” or especially unusually and affectionately, as her mother addressed her in childhood. Some people like it if they are called by their patronymic, without a name - Petrovich, Mikhalych. And someone secretly dreams of a beautiful name that his idol bears. There are people who had a funny nickname in childhood and would not mind being addressed that way in an informal setting even now. You have thirty seconds to think and choose a game name for yourself. Write it on a paper card and attach it to your clothes. All other members of the group throughout training will only address you by this name."

Now, let's make ourselves comfortable, introduce ourselves, passing the ball and saying our name, as well as a word reflecting our mood or state (Katya – friendly).

3. Rules of our group.


Outline the rules of behavior in the group throughout training.

We are starting our training session. Any training has rules. I believe that it is advisable to discuss and decide what rules we will adhere to throughout training.

Law "zero zero", providing for the timely start training, its ending and equally timely return to the audience after the break.

Addressing each other to "You"(for working with children, this norm may be slightly modified, but addressing the leader by name, without patronymic, is highly desirable).

Job "from and to": the person who made the decision to participate in training, seeks the opportunity to be present at all classes from the beginning to the very end.

Confidentiality of information discussed in the group, its closeness to discussion outside training situation. The work of the group unfolds only in the space of the current experiences and needs of the participants. The subject of discussion may be past events and past relationships between the participants, but only in the context of their current attitude towards those situations and relationships. The states, experiences and relationships that are born directly in group interaction have the greatest value. You cannot change the past, but you can live the present deeply and brightly, taking the best into the future.

All statements must come from their own name: "I think.", "I think.", but not “everyone is thinking now.”, "most of us." etc.

Non-judgmental statements regarding other group members. Feedback in the form of a description of behavior and expression of one's own feelings about this behavior is allowed and encouraged, but not an assessment of the individual.

Active participation in work: if you want to say something, you need to do it, even if it’s awkward, scary, and you don’t want to prolong the discussion. But at the same time, participants have the right to remain silent and not take part in the exercise if this is dictated internal state.

The right to speak and the duty to listen. No one has the right to monopolize the discussion or deprive others of the opportunity to take part in it. Everyone can speak out and should give others the opportunity to be heard and understood.

4. Exercise "Interview"



Creating an environment of trust

Psychologist: Friends, imagine that you are participants in a press conference. Everyone writes three questions on a piece of paper. We ask questions that relate to life, professional views, interests. Then the piece of paper is given to another participant. (for example, to the 3rd person sitting on the right side of the question author). Next they pass "press conferences". Everyone takes turns reading the questions and answering them.

5. Passing objects around


Exchange of moods and feelings in a circle

Psychologist: Now I propose to pass in a circle from hand to hands:

1. flower,

2. bead

After which we "my" hands in a clean mountain stream and "splash" on top of each other with crystal clear water. This releases group energy and allows participants to relax. Psycho-gymnastics ends with another circle with a description of one’s current state, feelings, and mood.

6. Musical exercise "Dance for Two"


Establish contact on a non-verbal level, feel trust in your partner and yourself.

Psychologist: And now pleasant music will play. All participants with their eyes closed (you can wear cloth blindfolds) They begin to perform dance movements, after which you must find a partner and continue the dance together. As soon as the music stops, open your eyes and thank your partner.

After the exercise, participants share their feelings. It is important to find out whether their expectations from their partner were met, what feelings they experienced when they took off their dark glasses.

7. Relaxation session. "Hands"


Relieving fatigue, establishing mental balance.

Psychologist gives an attitude towards relaxation, achievement inner peace, positive attitude. A calm melody is playing.

Sit comfortably. Stretch your legs, hang your arms. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue flows out of your hands onto land: here it flows from the head to the shoulders, flows over the forearms, rushes to the hands and seeps down through the fingertips into the ground. You clearly physically feel a heavy weight sliding over your hands. Sit like this for 1-2 minutes, and then lightly shake your hands.

8. Formulas psychological stability

Psychologist: I want to introduce you to the formulas psychological stability and recommend repeating this text to yourself from time to time. Don't forget to tell yourself encouraging words. Think about happiness, strength and peace. I wish you success. I suggest you recite these formulas if you wish. (participants receive printed formulas) Annex 1.

9. "Reflection"


Get feedback from group members.

Providing opportunities to express their feelings that arose during classes.

Psychologist: Let’s go around the circle, passing the ball into our hands, and express our opinion about the last meeting and its significance for you. You can express your thoughts, feelings and sensations; what you liked best, what you didn’t like; what was the most difficult to accomplish, what was easiest; what surprised; your wishes, etc.

10. Final stage.


Get feedback from group members

Get information about what issues they want to discuss teachers at further trainings what forms of work they like.

Psychologist: now I want to give you questionnaires (Appendix 2). You will take them with you, I ask you to return the completed forms in a couple of days. Processing survey results (Appendix 3).

11."Parting" It was very interesting and pleasant for me to work with you. I invite everyone to stand in a circle, hold hands together and say loudly “Thank you everyone, everyone, everyone for your work.”.

Annex 1.

Formulas psychological stability

I stand firmly on the ground

I stand firmly on the ground. Like this!

I will kick my misfortunes in the ass. Like this!

I will hug my friends. Like this!

I will laugh loudly. Like this!

Just laugh

Just laugh and smile, but don’t give up, don’t give up!

And get up, and straighten up, hold tight and laugh again!

Formulas for accepting misfortune

Whatever happens to me

No matter what happens to me, I am completely calm,

Because I relax and then, like a child, I smile.

What is inevitable in fate

What is inevitable in fate, I easily accept.

It is impossible to live without misfortunes, I understand this well.

Formulas for positive thoughts

My new one begins day

My new one begins day,

My new life begins!

A new light lights up in me,

And a miracle life is born in me!

Hello, my new beautiful one day!

Hello, my new miracle life!

Hello, wonderful new light in your heart!

Hello, my new miracle - thought!

Formula for increasing self-esteem

and positive perception of others

I'm good

I, I, I'm good. I, I, I am calm. I, I, I'm healthy. I, I, I'm funny.

I, I, I'm very smart. I, I, I am very kind. I, I, I am very strong.

I love you.

Appendix 2.


Please mark with «+» the most significant points for you regarding the work of our training and add your personal request within this topic (if he is):

Themes training

Basic rules of communication



How to deal with emotions

Forms of work with parents

Stress management (stress management)

Confident communication behavior

My individual request within this topic (if there is)

Forms of work on training



Interaction Skills Exercises

Exchange of experience with participants training

Joint discussion of problems

Work organization

On one's own

In subgroups

Appendix 3.



occurrence «+» Result

Themes training___

Basic rules of communication

Features of communication with parents



How to deal with emotions

Forms of work with parents

Stress management

(stress management)

Confident communication behavior

Number of individual requests

Forms of work



Practice exercises

interaction skills

Exchange of experience with participants training

Joint discussion of problems in a circle

Work organization

On one's own

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