Requirements for pictorial and safety regulations. Differences between pic and ppr

2. Composition and content of PPR - work projects and technological maps.

2.1. By Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 19, 2004 No. 70, from January 1, 2005, instead of SNiP 3.01.01-85* “Organization construction production", SNiP 01/12/2004 "Construction Organization" was introduced.

2.1.1. At the same time, by Letter of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2005 No. 01/2599-VYA, Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2004 No. 70, which approved SNiP 12-01-2004, was denied state registration.

2.1.2. Thus, from a formal point of view, SNiP 3.01.01-85* remains valid.

2.2. SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization” is advisory in nature and establishes for voluntary use general rules conduct of construction, procedures for monitoring the quality of construction and assessing the compliance of completed real estate objects (buildings and structures) with the requirements of project documentation and the terms of contracts.

2.3. As such, SNiP 12-01-2004 “Organization of construction” only provides for the presence of a project for organizing construction, but does not mention the existence of a project for the production of work, in contrast to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”, which established (or before This establishes) the mandatory composition and content of work projects.

2.4. The return of the work project as a mandatory document as part of the organizational and technological documentation was carried out by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated December 27, 2010 No. 781, when the set of rules was approved and put into effect on May 20, 2011 - SP 48.13330.2011, which updated SNiP 01/12/2004 “Construction Organization”. This set of rules (see clause 5.7.4) provides for the development of the PPR in full and in part. The work project must be developed in full:
- during any construction in urban areas;
- during any construction on the territory operating enterprise;
- during construction in difficult natural and geological conditions, as well as technically particularly complex objects - at the request of the authority issuing a construction permit or for carrying out construction, installation and special works.
In other cases, the PPR is developed by decision of the person carrying out construction in an incomplete volume.

2.4.1. The full scope of work project includes:
- calendar plan for the production of work on the facility;
- construction master plan;
- schedule of arrival at the facility building structures, products, materials and equipment;
- schedule of movement of workers around the facility;
- schedule of movement of the main construction vehicles around the site;
- technological maps for performing types of work;
- layout of geodetic signs; explanatory note, containing solutions for geodetic work, solutions for laying temporary networks of water, heat, energy supply and lighting of the construction site and workplaces;
- justifications and measures for the use of mobile forms of work organization, work and rest schedules; solutions for work execution, including winter time;
- need for energy resources; the need and connection of construction camps and mobile (inventory) buildings; measures to ensure the safety of materials, products, structures and equipment at the construction site;
- environmental protection measures; occupational health and safety measures in construction; technical and economic indicators.

2.4.2. The part-time work project includes:
- construction master plan;
- technological maps for performing certain types of work (as agreed with the customer);
- layout of geodetic signs; an explanatory note containing the main decisions and environmental measures; measures for labor protection and safety in construction.

2.5. In addition to the development of SNiP 12-01-2004 “Construction Organization” before its actualization, several methodological recommendations were developed and are still in effect, clarifying the content and procedure for developing work projects and technological maps:
- MDS 12-29.2006 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of technological maps”;
- MDS 12-81.2007 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work execution project.”

2.5.1. MDS 12-29.2006 is a degraded copy of the “Guidelines for the development and approval of technological maps in construction for SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production””.

2.5.2. MDS 12-81.2007 is actually a modified, towards simplification, copy of appendices 2-5 to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”.

2.6. According to clause 6.2. MDS 12-81.2007 “Methodological recommendations for the development and execution of a construction organization project and a work execution project” work execution projects are developed for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its component parts, for the work of the preparatory period of construction, as well as for the implementation of certain types of construction installation work. As part of the project for the construction of the facility as a whole and (or) its components, the following are developed:
- calendar plan for the production of work on the facility;
- construction master plan;
- schedule for the arrival of building structures, products and materials at the site;
- schedule of labor requirements;
- schedule of the need for basic construction machines;
- technological maps for individual species works;
- maps (diagrams) for quality control of work;
- occupational health and safety measures;
- explanatory note.

2.7. The mandatory presence of a work production plan, its composition and content, depending on the type of work performed, is also provided for and regulated by other existing regulatory documents.

2.7.1. Work on the construction of load-bearing and enclosing structures of buildings and structures, in accordance with clause 1.4. SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures” should be carried out according to an approved work plan (WPP), which, along with the general requirements of SNiP 3.01.01-85, must provide for:
- sequence of installation of structures;
- measures to ensure the required installation accuracy;
- spatial immutability of structures during their enlarged assembly and installation in the design position;
- stability of structures and parts of a building (structure) during construction; degree of enlargement of structures and safe conditions labor. The combined installation of structures and equipment should be carried out according to the work plan, which contains the procedure for combining work, interconnected diagrams of installation tiers and zones, and lifting schedules for structures and equipment. If necessary, additional measures should be developed as part of the PPR technical requirements, aimed at increasing the construction manufacturability of the structures being erected, which must be agreed upon in the prescribed manner with the organization that developed the project and included in the as-built working drawings.

Construction is a very serious area of ​​modern urban development. This area has a wide range of work performed, control by the administration, supervisory authorities and requires precise, impeccable organization. In addition, construction must ensure the safety of the work process, promote labor productivity, and be technically feasible. Therefore, the entire preparatory part and the construction itself are regulated through regulations. These are requirements, rules, standards that establish the order and framework for carrying out construction activities.

What is project documentation

Before you begin production work, it is necessary to draw it up. It will allow you to determine the plan for the future structure, calculate all the necessary loads, which will guarantee the safety of the structure, determine the amount of material required, costs, attraction work force, technology. Also at the preliminary stage, projects are drawn up that are responsible for organizing traffic and the entire construction process. Particular attention is paid to the work project (WPP), which is aimed at achieving the goals of ensuring the safety of persons carrying out work and located on the construction site. PPR in construction, what it is, is determined by the codes of norms and rules governing certain type ongoing work. Often, the PPR is not fully developed for the entire facility due to its large volume, so it is formed from several parts and divided by type of work. These may be separately developed technological issues of scaffolding, roofing, installation of any structural elements, etc.

Why do you need a production project?

The requirements for PPR in the construction of houses are established by SNiP 3.01.01-85, which sets requirements and provides explanations for the development of a project necessary to begin construction of a house. The purpose of its creation, as the document prescribes, is to develop methods for construction activities for their effective implementation, reducing the cost of materials, labor costs, and the use of construction equipment.

Who can develop PPR

The development of PPR in construction requires that those working on it have appropriate education and the ability to use software etc. Because a correctly prepared project will significantly improve the quality of work and reduce the duration of construction of the facility. This is important in the modern construction industry, which is rapidly developing, introducing new technologies, methods, new equipment and equipment.

What is needed to create a PPR

To begin work, construction work will be required. What it is and how to compile it is determined by regulatory documents. To develop a project, specialists will need a number of documents on the basis of which a safe construction project will be created. The first thing you need is a task that is created taking into account the needs, wishes, requirements of standards, and building conditions of the customer. An executive plan for the planned facility and a construction project are also required.

Information is provided on the use of special machinery, equipment, labor, materials at the site, indicating suppliers. Data on the study of already commissioned and used real estate objects is provided, and regional characteristics for PPR in construction are also taken into account. What is it and what is it for? This is necessary so that the project is developed taking into account all the subtleties and possible negative natural factors. Information is used about the state of ambient air temperatures, its changes for specific construction periods, groundwater levels, humidity and other indicators that are important and can affect the progress of construction.

What does a production project consist of?

The composition of the PPR in construction is provided for by a set of norms and rules, which indicates the need to contain three documents in the project. This is a general construction plan (stroygenplan), and information that shows the features of construction, calculations, explanations, justifications. SNiP reveals in detail the content of these documents, fully describes the development scheme, requirements, the presence of certain indicators and calculations. Briefly describe the project blocks general concepts, to present a vision of what PPR consists of in construction. What it is and what it consists of needs to be known to those involved in its development, because each of the three main elements of the project is completed from a number of other constituent documents.

Work schedule

This is a kind of backbone, a model for the future PPR, because the reliability and quality of the future project, as well as the success of its implementation, will depend on its competent development. SNiP PPR in construction makes it clear that the calendar document is key in the entire project, because it establishes the sequence of work performed, which makes construction more rational in the execution process. It also elaborates and specifies all the deadlines, stages, periods, and sequence of work. A ready-made calendar plan makes it possible to proceed to the development of the next document included in the project of the facility.

Construction master plan

At this stage, it is initially necessary to consider and select the most suitable option for organizing the construction site, which will minimize construction costs. Also, the construction plan aims to create conditions for the implementation construction work which must meet safety requirements.

The plan must define the construction site area and take into account nearby buildings and structures. They should also provide for the construction of temporary buildings within the development boundaries necessary for the implementation of construction activities. The availability of existing utility systems near the construction site and the creation of temporary communications to ensure construction. It should be taken into account that when organizing work it will be necessary to install power lines, water supply and sewerage. The need will arise for access roads, maneuvering of large equipment, a tower crane and the delivery of materials to the site. The construction plan must provide a place for storing building materials, safe installation of the crane, its movement across sections of the site, and take into account the possibility of lifting to any part of the facility under construction.

Explanatory note

No less important than the rest is a component in PPR. Building a house can be responsible safe requirements, only with proper drafting, and contains the most important information. All characteristics that provide for the complexity of construction are specified. A number of information on maintaining and protecting the environment must be included.

Contains a document justifying the required areas, buildings on the site, communications, lifting mechanisms, equipment, machinery that were specified in the general construction plan. You can clearly see in the note all the calculations proving the needs, as well as the economic indicators of construction.

It is mainly regulated by the “Manual for the development of construction organization projects and work production projects for housing and civil construction” (to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”), and the design must comply with GOST 21.101-97 “SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation."

12.2. Text and graphic materials, according to GOST 21.101-97, are usually completed in the following order:


Title page;

Project composition:

Explanatory note;

Basic drawings required by building codes.

12.3. Since the requirements of GOST 21.101-97 are mainly advisory in nature, for ease of development and familiarization with the PPR, it is advisable to divide the project into the following main parts:

Common data;

Explanatory note;

The grafical part;


12.3.1. General data should consist of materials directly related to the entire project as a whole, as well as defining its structure and content:

Title page;

Project composition;

Scroll reference documents and materials used.

12.3.2. The explanatory note should be drawn up depending on the complexity of the construction project, as well as on the types, composition and specifics of the work for which the PPR is being developed:

Scope of application (with definition of the types of work performed and the specifics of the construction project);

- organizational and technological sequence of work production (for work production projects consisting of several different types technologically interconnected work, as well as work performed on objects of increased complexity, large volumes of construction and high-tech facilities);

Instructions for the performance of work (technological measures and regulations) for each type of work performed at the construction site, including in winter;

List of used mechanisms and equipment;

Technological kits for work;

Instructions for storing materials;

Fire safety measures;

Environmental protection measures;

Safety and labor protection requirements for each type of work performed on a construction site.

12.3.3. The graphic part must be drawn up taking into account the requirements of the “Manual for the development of projects for organizing construction and projects for the production of work for housing and civil construction” (to SNiP 3.01.01-85 * “Organization of construction production”) and include the following graphic materials:

- calendar work production plan by type of work depending on the developed work plan for the main construction period, preparatory period or for certain types of work (provided by the customer of the work plan);

Construction master plan for the type of work, depending on the developed PPR for the main construction period, the preparatory period or for certain types of work (developed according to the instructions of the PPR customer);

Work plans for individual sections, phases of queues, depending on the complexity of the object, as well as the type of work, clarifying the technological sequence of construction;

Sections (facades) necessary for each stage of construction or type of work;

Technological diagrams performing individual operations and work included in PPR composition.

12.3.4. Applications include lists of persons familiar with the PPR, approval sheets, licenses and certificates construction organization, certificates of certification of PPR developers, etc. materials not developed by the author of the project, but directly related to the PPR, at the discretion of the customer or developer of the PPR.

12.4. Text and graphic materials must be prepared on sheets of standard format, in accordance with GOST 2.301-68 “ESKD. Formats" (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) with a frame and a stamp of the form established for each sheet, according to Appendix D, GOST 21.101-97.

12.5. When drawing up an explanatory note, you should be guided by the requirements of GOST 2.105-95. " General requirements To text documents", in particular according to clause 4, adhere to the same sequence of numbering of chapters, sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs for all sections in the explanatory note. Tables, diagrams, drawings, etc. included in the explanatory note should be numbered in the same way.

12.6. Drawings of the graphic part (plans and sections) must be carried out on the scale established by GOST 2.302-68 “ESKD. Scales”, while Stroygenplan is carried out, as a rule, on a scale of 1:200 and 1:500. Technological diagrams can be made on an arbitrary scale, provided that the basic proportions are observed and the actual dimensions, marks, etc. are indicated, in accordance with GOST 2.701-84 “Schemes. Types and types. General requirements for implementation."

12.7. The procedure for developing and completing projects for the production of work using lifting mechanisms, as well as individual sections within the PPR for types of work technologically related to the use of lifting mechanisms, is regulated by the requirements of RD-11-06-2007 " Methodological recommendations on the procedure for developing projects for carrying out work using lifting machines and technological maps for loading and unloading operations.”

PPR is a document developed in a construction organization. The PPR must be transferred to the construction site no later than 2 months before the start of work. The work project is drawn up by a contractor organization or a design organization under a contract at the expense of overhead costs.

Composition of the PPR.

    Schedule plan for the facility by type of work.


    Movement schedules of work crews, main construction machines and mechanisms around the site.

    Schedules for placing material resources, equipment at the site and distribution among teams.

    Technological maps for certain types of work with operational quality control systems.

    Geodetic works.

    Technological equipment, installation equipment, labor protection and safety precautions.

    Explanatory note - justification for all decisions made, as well as measures to protect existing buildings and structures and environmental measures.

    Technical and economic indicators (TEI): volume of construction, duration of construction, unit labor costs, level of mechanization, cost of work, profit.

Initial data for developing PPR:

    development task with deadlines;

    working documentation, including PIC;

    conditions for the supply of material resources, equipment; use of construction machines, Vehicle and provision of workers;

    materials of technical inspection of buildings and structures, reconstructed objects, or existing ones nearby;

    requirements for construction and installation work (CEM) in conditions existing production(during reconstruction).

PPR can be developed on:

    for the construction of individual structural elements, parts of buildings and structures;

    for the construction of buildings and structures in general;

    for the performance of certain technically complex construction, installation and special construction works and for the work of the preparatory period.

13. Organizational and technological documentation for the construction of facilities.

Organizational and technological project documentation (OTD) includes a construction organization project (COP) and a work production project (WPR), as well as other documents that contain decisions on the organization of construction and work technology.

The minimum composition must ensure labor protection, population and environment and also the ability to perform all types of control necessary to assess the compliance of the work performed with the requirements of design documentation and the contract.

A construction organization project as part of a project or detailed design is developed by a general design organization or, under its leadership, by another design organization.

The initial data for developing a PIC are:

□ materials on “Justification of investments in construction”;

□ engineering surveys;

□ information on providing construction with temporary utility networks, as well as local construction materials;

□ space-planning and design solutions for buildings and structures and basic technological diagrams of the main production, broken down into start-up complexes;

□ land use agreement or situational construction plan;

□ data from design documentation for similar buildings and structures;

□ information about the use of areas outside the construction site for construction;

□ Specifications for engineering support of the facility or solutions for the demolition of buildings and structures or relocation utility networks, falling into areas of construction;

□ other information and measures: the need to design temporary housing, interaction with operational services during reconstruction, the impact of the planned construction on nearby buildings and structures, etc.

The minimum composition of the PIC consists of the following documents:

□ construction calendar plan (CP);

□ construction master plan (CMP), if necessary, separately for the preparatory and subsequent construction periods;

□ explanatory note.

The need to develop a PIC in a more expanded version is accepted by the Developer or Investor in agreement with the authority issuing a construction permit. This instruction is reflected in the design specification.

The work project is developed by the general contractor or subcontractor at its own expense or on their instructions by third-party contractors who have a license for technological design.

Initial data for drawing up PPR serve:

□ standard technological maps;

□ maps of labor processes;

□ quality manuals;

□ standards of organizations for which the PPR is being developed;

□ current regulatory documents (SNiP, UKN, instructions and guidelines for the production and acceptance of work, including labor protection, fire safety standards, sanitary standards, etc.);

□ device rules and safe operation lifting machines;

□ rules for electrical installations and rules for technical operation of networks;

□ terms of delivery of structures, materials and equipment.

The PPR is approved by the head of the contracting organization. The PPR for the construction of buildings and structures on the territory of the existing production is agreed upon with the operational service of the enterprise.

The minimum composition of the facility's PPR consists of a SGP or technological diagram with binding of installation mechanisms, control instructions for the execution of work and safety solutions.

To obtain a warrant to carry out work and equip the construction site with lifting mechanisms, the general contractor develops a work organization (WPO) for each building consisting of:

□ schedule for the construction of the facility, agreed upon with the Customer and approved by the Developer;

□ technological diagram of the work with horizontal and vertical alignment of assembly cranes with designation of the boundaries of working installation and hazardous areas;

□ special events for the joint work of the erection crane with other construction machines and equipment;

□ load slinging diagrams and weight tables of lifted and moved loads;

□ operational control schemes for the installation of structures.

It is created to select an effective scheme for construction and installation processes, which helps improve the nature of work. A plan is a key act in building an organization and technical organization construction of works and carries out the following tasks:

  1. regulates the labor production system for each individual facility in accordance with scientific and technical instructions, conditions for work safety, environmental protection and the level of labor;
  2. determines the quality of technical equipment of the construction site;
  3. guarantees the forecasting of the construction process, forecasting probabilities and identifies the appropriate construction time.

Who should develop the PPR?

The work project is developed by a special company in accordance with an agreement with the leading contracting company under the contract. Thus, the plan is capable of creating on its own a construction enterprise engaged in construction and installation activities at the site, if its employees include a highly qualified designer with the skill of creating PPR.

The work project is created on the basis of the construction organization project (COP) and introduces specifics into the POS regulations for individual objects in the construction area. This leads to the fact that the PPR cannot but coincide with the construction organization plan. It turns out that the POS includes all objects of construction on the construction site, and the PPR is done for any object of this construction site and any type of work separately.

Cost of PPR

The cost of developing a PPR primarily directly depends on the immediate task of the PPR. The price can vary from fifteen to forty thousand rubles. This is due to the fact that the development of the PPR must have a specific goal and specific task behind it, so that the designer can complete all calculations within the established deadlines for the development of the PPR.

The development of a work project greatly depends on the provided initial data and the skill of the specialist performing the project. The better and more meaningful the information provided by the company, the easier it will be for the master to do his job, since calculating probabilities will not take up a large number of time.

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