Profession test for girls. Choosing a profession

You scored the most points by profession



This profession will suit you because you are morally stable: lawyers are often subject to both psychological and physical pressure, which they need to be able to withstand. At the same time, you have a high level of intelligence and a broad outlook. You always think soberly and know how to quickly make logical decisions due to your analytical mindset.

The profession of an accountant is suitable for you because you have good mathematical abilities and analytical thinking. To work in this area, the following important qualities are perseverance, perseverance, tolerance, responsibility, accuracy, honesty, and the ability to self-control.

This profession will suit you because you take an active life position, are distinguished by high communication skills, activity, resistance to stress, organizational skills and business growth.

This profession will suit you because you are morally stable, at the same time have a high level of intelligence and a broad outlook. You always think soberly and know how to quickly make logical decisions due to your analytical mindset.

The profession of an accountant is suitable for you because you have good mathematical abilities and analytical thinking. To work in this field, the following important qualities are perseverance, perseverance, tolerance, responsibility, accuracy, honesty, the ability to self-control, good memory and technical training.

This profession will suit you because you have such characteristic features as discipline, courage, determination, quick reaction, responsibility, physical strength and endurance, agility and a strong nervous system, the ability to distribute your attention and plan actions, the ability to move on to intense actions without hesitation , a sense of camaraderie, optimism and confidence in the importance of their work.

This profession will suit you because you take an active life position, are distinguished by high communication skills, activity, resistance to stress, organizational skills and business growth.

This profession will suit you because you have such characteristic features as discipline, courage, determination, quick reaction, responsibility, physical strength and endurance, agility and a strong nervous system, the ability to distribute your attention and plan actions, the ability to move on to intense actions without hesitation , a sense of camaraderie, optimism and confidence in the importance of their work.

You have a tendency to work in the field of law (lawyer profession), because this is facilitated by the main qualities of your character, such as the ability to adequately respond to a wide variety of people, communication skills, the ability to learn quickly, and the desire to grow and develop.

You have a predisposition to the profession of rescuer (EMERCOM), because you are characterized by discipline, courage, quick reaction, responsibility, the ability to distribute your attention and plan actions, the ability to move on to intense actions without hesitation and confidence in the importance of your work.

You have every chance to become not only a good accountant, but also a sales manager, because you have a good memory and technical training, the ability to analyze, synthesize and summarize information.

You are predisposed to the profession of an accountant, because you have good mathematical abilities and analytical thinking. To work in this field, the following important qualities are perseverance, perseverance, tolerance, responsibility, accuracy, honesty, the ability to self-control, good memory and technical training.

You have a predisposition to the profession of a lawyer, because you are responsible, with quick reaction and endurance, and have a great desire to help people who are in an unpleasant situation.

You are inclined towards the profession of an accountant, because you have good mathematical abilities and analytical thinking. To work in this field, the following important qualities are perseverance, perseverance, tolerance, responsibility, good memory and technical training.

You have a predisposition to the profession of rescuer (EMERCOM), because you are characterized by discipline, courage, quick reaction, responsibility, the ability to distribute your attention and plan actions, and confidence in the importance of your work.

You also have a predisposition to the profession of sales manager, because you are sociable, stress-resistant, honest and know how to convince other people.

We are all interested in a successful future and each of us asks one question - what profession should we be in life? This topic plays a vital role in a person’s destiny, so it needs to be given special attention.

Making the right choice is often quite difficult. In order to make an informed decision, it is recommended to consider some recommendations.

1. Determination of personal interests and aspirations. You should think about what abilities a particular individual has. You can make a list of areas of work activity in which a person has the greatest interest.

2. Identifying life goals. For example, if the financial side of this issue comes first, it is necessary to study in detail professions that generate significant income.

3. Education. To obtain a leadership position, you must have a higher professional education. If you want to achieve more in life and constantly strive to advance your career, you need to take care of the proper level of training.

4. Comparison of desires and possibilities. There is an opinion that the possibilities of a person striving to achieve his goals have no limits. To quickly get the desired result, it is important to focus on one desire. Don't waste time on fleeting needs that may seem stupid in the future.

There are many recommendations on the topic of choosing a profession. At the same time, statements are highlighted that should not be taken seriously. Among these, it is necessary to highlight the 2 most popular:

Life is a lottery. Only people who were unable to achieve their goals due to laziness think this way. What is planned is not always given easily and simply. It is important not to give up at the first defeat, but to move on;

Life is a project. A person must live as his ancestors planned. If the medical profession has occupied a leading position in a family for many years, it does not mean that every member of this family should become a doctor.

Personal abilities and professional suitability play a key role when choosing a specialty.

Basic criteria for building the future

In order to determine who to be in the future, you need to understand three concepts:

  1. “I WANT” – you love to do it.
  2. “I CAN” – there are possibilities.
  3. “MUST” – the market is ready to pay.

The concept “WANT” is what the person himself wants (interests, inclinations, talents) and implies an explanation of what the individual strives for. These are personal qualities that are individual in each case. A competent determination of professional inclinations plays a key role in choosing a specialty, and in particular who to be. The direction of work activity and the success of training depend on this. It should be taken into account that one “I WANT” is not enough.

The next important criterion when choosing a life’s work “I CAN” is physical capabilities, health status and other market barriers. Why barriers? Because if a person does not have “ideal health” he cannot be a pilot of a civil aircraft. (But he can be the pilot of his own plane ;)

An equally important role is occupied by the concept of “NEED” - this is demand in the labor market. Activities for which the market is ready and will pay money. You need to find out which profession is in greatest demand on the labor market.

And now the main question: what profession should you be in life? It’s simple - success is the intersection of all three criteria: “I WANT”, “I CAN” and “I NEED”! If there is an overlap, why not get educated accordingly?

What to be in life by profession

To make choosing a specialty easier, tests for choosing a profession were created. Their technology is quite simple. The person is presented with multiple choice questions. Based on the test results, the program provides a possible direction of activity in which a particular person can achieve success.

If possible, it is recommended to try yourself in the profession that, based on the test results, suits you best. Practice is especially important in this case. In addition, you need to study the features of the specialty and try to find out all the subtleties that exist in it. Work is something on which a person spends a significant part of his life. Therefore, it is important to choose its specifics in the most competent manner.

Test what to be by profession will help you make the right choice and protect you as much as possible from errors of this type. Testing will help determine your predisposition to a particular field of activity and identify your abilities. All this will allow you to choose a specialty that you will like and will bring you joy.

On our website, anyone interested in a successful future can take a profession test online. Testing will help determine the direction of the most suitable work activity.

According to statistics, the vast majority of people make mistakes when choosing a specialty. Often, many people choose the level of earnings and the prestige of the profession as a guideline, forgetting to take into account that work should bring pleasure and then life will be a joy!

According to statistics, 90% of people are dissatisfied with their workplace and want to change their field of activity. These figures indicate that the population is very irresponsible in choosing a profession. Some take into account only the opinion of their parents, others choose a university that is located in their city, not paying attention to the lack of the required faculty.

In this case, the working day becomes a heavy burden, and the constant routine eats away from the inside. This problem especially affects the fair sex. By taking the “Future Profession” test for girls, you will be able to more accurately determine your preferences based on your personal perception of the world around you. By answering questions sincerely, you can get an interesting result, revealing new directions and expanding the horizons of your knowledge.

A free profession test for girls will help you determine:

  • suitable profession;
  • optimal activities;
  • discover talents for further development;
  • creative potential.

Once you receive a detailed answer, you will understand which field of activity will suit you best. You shouldn’t follow other people’s lead or society’s trends. Your happiness and the possibility of strengthening it depend on the right choice.

Online profession test: Which profession to choose?

consists of 30 questions| rating 4.1 out of 5 points

Test for applicants. What profession should you study for?
Eleventh grade is a very important period in the life of every student. At this time, you need to decide on the choice of your future profession. Universities today offer a huge number of professions to applicants. Who do you want to be: a doctor, an economist, a designer, a programmer, or maybe a veterinarian? If you find it difficult to decide on your future profession, take our test, we hope it will help you make the right decision!

Psychological test Which profession should I choose? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate it. Happy testing!

Reviews about the profession test:

  • Dayana| Ekatirinburg
    Few questions

  • Julianna| Ternovka
    Good test, helped me a lot

  • Catherine| Feodosia
    The test is good, but I will never go to the doctor or veterinarian


  • Alina| Kharkov
    I really wanted to become a landscape designer and, based on the test, I was also offered this profession!!! THANK YOU

Boys and girls in adolescence change very quickly inclinations, preferences and interests. Today a young man dreams of becoming a policeman, and the very next day he is more impressed by the profession of logistics. It can be very difficult to follow a teenager's train of thought, however, by the time they graduate from school, it is important to make sure that the child understands what his purpose in life is and what field of activity is best for him to work in.

Today, there are many different ways to determine which profession is best suited for your son or daughter. Of course, the child must decide for himself in which direction he will receive further education, and in which field of activity he can achieve success. You can only help your offspring and “push” him to the right choice.

The simplest and at the same time effective direction is to conduct various tests aimed at determining the range of interests of the child and the professions suitable for him. You can organize such tests for your son or daughter at home, since they do not require any special equipment. In this article we will introduce you to some of them.

Test to determine a future profession for schoolchildren by J. Holland

The test for choosing a profession for teenagers by J. Holland is extremely simple. With its help, you can determine what type of personality a student belongs to, and in what field of activity he can work with great success and enthusiasm.

J. Holland's questionnaire consists of 42 pairs of professions. The child who takes the test must, without hesitation, choose in each pair the job that is closest to him. J. Holland's list of questions is as follows:

  1. Process engineer (1) or designer (2).
  2. Electrician (1) or sanitary doctor (3).
  3. Cook (1) or typist (4).
  4. Photographer (1) or store manager (5).
  5. Draftsman (1) or designer (6).
  6. Philosopher (2) or psychiatrist (3).
  7. Chemical scientist (2) or accountant (4).
  8. Scientific journal editor (2) or lawyer (5).
  9. Linguist (2) or translator of fiction (6).
  10. Pediatrician (3) or statistician (4).
  11. Head teacher for extracurricular activities (3) or chairman of the trade union committee (5).
  12. Sports doctor (3) or feuilletonist (6).
  13. Notary (4) or supplier (5).
  14. Computer operator (4) or cartoonist (6).
  15. Politician (5) or writer (6).
  16. Gardener (1) or meteorologist (2).
  17. Trolleybus driver (1) or paramedic (3).
  18. Electronics engineer (1) or clerk (4).
  19. Painter (1) or metal artist (6).
  20. Biologist (2) or ophthalmologist (3).
  21. TV reporter (5) or actor (6).
  22. Hydrologist (2) or auditor (4).
  23. Zoologist (2) or chief livestock specialist (5).
  24. Mathematician (2) or architect (6).
  25. Children's police room worker (3) or accountant (4).
  26. Teacher (3) or leader of a club for teenagers (5).
  27. Teacher (3) or ceramic artist (6).
  28. Economist (4) or head of department (5).
  29. Proofreader (4) or critic (6).
  30. Housekeeping manager (5) or conductor (6).
  31. Radio operator (1) or nuclear physicist (2).
  32. Watchmaker (1) or assembler (4).
  33. Agronomist-seed grower (1) or chairman of an agricultural cooperative (5).
  34. Cutter (1) or decorator (6).
  35. Archaeologist (2) or expert (4).
  36. Museum employee (2) or consultant (3).
  37. Scientist (2) or director (6).
  38. Speech therapist (3) or stenographer (6).
  39. Doctor (3) or diplomat (5).
  40. Copier (4) or director (5).
  41. Poet (6) or psychologist (3).
  42. Telemechanic (1) or foreman (5).

Please note that after each profession name there is a number in parentheses. This is the number of the group to which the child’s answer should be assigned if he has chosen this area of ​​activity. After the teenager gives all the answers, you need to add up how many professions are chosen in each category. Depending on which group the student chose the most works in, you can understand which field of activity he is located in, like this:

  • guys who gave their preference professions from the first group, can work as a mechanic, engineer, agronomist, driver, as well as perform any work related to the execution of clearly defined tasks;
  • second group of professions determines the choice of people whose work should be associated with an ongoing thought process. These are, first of all, theoretical scientists working in fields such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, and so on;
  • boys and girls who chose predominantly answers from third group, They cannot imagine their life without communicating with people. Ideal professions for them are doctors, teachers, psychologists, tour guides;
  • to the fourth group include office clerks - accountants, managers, clerks, secretaries, and so on;
  • professions from the fifth group are chosen by guys with pronounced leadership qualities and organizational skills. They will make excellent managers, directors, co-operators;
  • finally to sixth type include all boys and girls with pronounced creative inclinations. These are future actors, singers, conductors, musicians and all workers in similar professions.

Test “How to decide on a career choice for a teenager?” I.L. Straw

Questionnaire I.L. Solomina is based on the famous test of Academician Klimov. During this testing, the child being tested is asked several statements, each of which he must evaluate on the following scale:

  • 0 – not at all;
  • 1 – perhaps so;
  • 2 – true;
  • 3 – absolutely true.

The first group of statements begins with the phrase “I want...”:

    1. Serve people.
    2. Do treatment.
    3. Train, educate.
    4. Protect rights and safety.
    5. Manage people.
    1. Drive cars.
    2. Repair equipment.
    3. Assemble and set up equipment.
    4. Process materials, make objects and things.
    5. Engage in construction.
    1. Edit texts and tables.
    2. Perform calculations and calculations.
    3. Process information.
    4. Work with drawings, maps and diagrams.
    5. Receive and transmit signals and messages.
    1. Engage in artistic design.
    2. Draw, take photographs.
    3. Create works of art.
    4. Perform on stage.
    5. Sew, embroider, knit.
    1. Take care of animals.
    2. Prepare products.
    3. Work outdoors.
    4. Grow vegetables and fruits.
    5. Deal with nature.
    1. Work with your hands.
    2. Carry out decisions.
    3. Reproduce existing samples, multiply, copy.
    4. Get specific practical results.
    5. Bring ideas to life.
    1. Use your head.
    2. Make decisions.
    3. Create new samples.
    4. Analyze, study, observe, measure, control.
    5. Plan, design, develop, model.

The second group of questions begins with the phrase “I can...”:

    1. Meet new people.
    2. Be sensitive and friendly.
    3. Listen to people.
    4. Understand people.
    5. It is good to speak and perform in public.
    1. Troubleshoot and troubleshoot.
    2. Use devices, machines, mechanisms.
    3. Understand technical devices.
    4. Handle tools deftly.
    5. Good spatial orientation.
    1. Be focused and diligent.
    2. It's good to count in your head.
    3. Convert information.
    4. Operate with signs and symbols.
    5. Find and correct errors.
    1. Create beautiful, tasteful things.
    2. Understand literature and art.
    3. Sing, play musical instruments.
    4. Compose poetry, write stories.
    5. Paint.
    1. Understand animals or plants.
    2. Raise plants or animals.
    3. Fight diseases and pests.
    4. Find your bearings in natural phenomena.
    5. Work on the land.
    1. Follow directions quickly.
    2. Follow the instructions exactly.
    3. Work according to a given algorithm.
    4. Do monotonous work.
    5. Comply with rules and regulations.
    1. Create new instructions and give directions.
    2. Make non-standard decisions.
    3. It's easy to come up with new ways of behavior.
    4. Take responsibility.
    5. Organize your work independently.

As you can see, the statements are grouped into groups of 5 each. In these groups, it is necessary to calculate the total number of points (it will always be in the range from 0 to 15) and compare these values ​​with each other. Initially, the obtained values ​​are compared in groups 1-5; they indicate the following types:

  1. A person is a person.
  2. Man is technology.
  3. Man is a sign system.
  4. Man is an artistic image.
  5. Man is nature.

After this, it is determined which group has more points, 6 or 7. Depending on this, you can find out which type of profession the child is more inclined to - executive (group 6) or creative (7). By combining all the obtained indicators, we can determine a list of professions that is most suitable for each teenager:

With the help of these and other tests, you can easily select for each child an interesting profession in which he can succeed.

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