Specifications. Ethyl alcohol rectified technical

GOST 18300-87




Official edition

UDC 661.722:006.354 Group L25



Specifications 18300_87

Technical rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications

MKS 71.080.60 OKP 91 S2I3 2000

Date of introduction 01.07.88

This standard applies to technical rectified ethyl alcohol produced from non-edible vegetable raw materials. The product brand "Extra" is intended for use as a solvent and for other purposes. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest and first grades is used as a raw material for the production of chemical products.

The technical level indicators established by this standard for the Extra 1 and Premium grade are provided for the highest quality category.


1.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Depending on the degree of purification, technical rectified ethyl alcohol is produced under the Extra* brand and in two grades: the highest and the first.

1.2.2. By physical and chemical indicators technical rectified ethyl alcohol must meet the requirements and values ​​specified in the table.

Official publication Reprint prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1987 © STANDARTINFORM, 2007 © STANDARTINFORM. 2008

S. 2 GOST 18300-87



The definition of the indicator

Analysis method

brand "Extra* OKP 91 8213 2100

top grade OKP 91 8213 2200

first copy OKI! 91 8213 2300

4. Purity test

Must withstand the use

According to GOST 5964 *

5. Test for oxidizable! b. min. at least

According to GOST 5964 "

6. Mass concentration of aldehydes in anhydrous alcohol. mg/dm 3 , no more

According to GOST 5964 *. sec. 2. and according to clause 3.2 of this standard

7. Mass concentration of fusel oil in anhydrous alcohol, mg / dm 3, no more

According to GOST 5964V sec. 2. and according to clause 3.3 of this standard

8. Mass concentration of acids in terms of acetic acid in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm 5 , no more

According to GOST 5964 *

9. Mass concentration of esters in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm 3 , no more

According to GOST 5964V

10. Test for methyl alcohol

Must pass the test

According to GOST 5964V sec. 2. and according to clause 3.4 of this standard

11. Test for furfural


According to GOST 5964 *

12. Mass concentration of dry residue, mg / dm-", no more

According to GOST 10749.9 and according to clause 3.5 of this standard

13. Mass concentration of sulfur, mg/dm 3 , no more


According to GOST 10749.7

14. Mass concentration of alkali in terms of NaOH, mg / dm 3. no more


According to GOST 10749.4

15. Specific volumetric electrical resistance. Ohm - see no less

Do not define

* Within the territory of Russian Federation GOST R 51710-2000 apply. GOST R 52473-2005 (hereinafter).


1. For the electronic industry, only Extra brand alcohol is intended.

2. The mass concentration of sulfur is determined only in alcohol obtained by processing a mixture of hydrolytic and sulfite alcohols.

1.2.3. Ethyl alcohol, according to the degree of impact on the human body, belongs to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007.

GOST 18300-87 S. 3

The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of ethyl alcohol vapor in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 1000 mg/m 3 .

1.2.4. Ethyl alcohol is a colorless flammable liquid. Flash point - not less than 13 *C, self-ignition temperature - not less than 404 *C, concentrated flame propagation limits: lower - 3.6%. upper - 19% (by volume). The temperature limits for the propagation of a flame of saturated vapors of alcohol in the air: lower - 11 * C, upper - 41 'C. Category and group of explosive mixture of ethyl alcohol with air - IIA-T2. The determination is carried out according to GOST 12.1.044.

1.2.5. tanks, technological equipment, pipelines and filling devices associated with the reception, storage and movement of ethyl alcohol must be protected from static electricity in accordance with the rules for protection against static electricity, approved in the prescribed manner.

Electrical equipment must be explosion-proof.

1.2.6. In emergency conditions with an increased concentration of ethyl alcohol in the air, as well as in case of fire, it is necessary to use means of individual protection of the respiratory organs - filtering gas masks of brand A or BKF.

1.2.7. Extinguishing media: sprayed ox, sand, asbestos blanket, all types of fire extinguishers.

1.2.8. When working with ethyl alcohol, special clothing should be used in accordance with industry standards.

1.3. Marking

1.3.1. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192.

1.3.2. The following additional data is applied to each barrel with the product: the name of the manufacturer and its trademark: name and brand or grade of the product;

party number, number of seats in the party and their numbers; date>" of manufacture:

danger signs according to GOST 19433, group code 3252; the inscription "Flammable"; the amount of alcohol in decalitres: the designation of this standard.

Rail tank cars must be marked with warning labels “Flammable*”, “Poisonous”, as well as a registration stencil.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is poured into specially prepared railway and truck tanks. It is allowed to pack alcohol in hermetically sealed barrels in accordance with GOST 13950 and GOST 6247. bottles according to OST 6-09-108 or metal flasks according to GOST 5037, FL version.

Bottles with alcohol should be placed in plank crates according to GOST 120H2, plank boxes according to GOST 2991 or similar types filled with loose cushioning material.

1.4.2. The degree (level) of filling tanks and barrels is calculated taking into account the full use of their capacity (carrying capacity) and the volumetric expansion of the product with a possible temperature difference along the route.


2.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of alcohol that is homogeneous in terms of quality, one shipment date and accompanied by one quality document.

The document must contain:

name of the manufacturer and its trademark; name and brand or grade of the product: batch number, number of places in the batch; amount of alcohol in decalitres or gross and net weight: date of manufacture;

S. 4 GOST 18300-87

the results of the analyzes carried out or confirmation of the conformity of the quality of the product with the requirements of this standard;

quality document number;

designation of this standard;

"Flammable" sign.

When transporting alcohol in railway and road tanks, each tank is taken as a batch.

2.2. To check the quality of ethyl alcohol for compliance with the requirements of this standard, an alcohol sample is taken from each tank or dispensing measuring tank. It is allowed for the manufacturer to take a sample from a commodity storage tank, while determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, a sample is taken from each railway tank car.

From a batch of alcohol in barrels, bottles or cans, 10% of units of production are selected, but not less than three.

The manufacturer determines the specific volumetric electrical resistance periodically at the request of consumers.

2.3. If unsatisfactory analysis results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a second analysis is carried out on a double sample taken from the same batch, or on a double number of samples from the tank. The results of the reanalysis apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Sampling methods

3.1.1. An incremental sample from a tank or storage tank is taken with portable metal samplers according to GOST 2517 in equal parts from three levels: from above, from the middle and from below.

It is allowed to use a sampler of a different design.

An incremental sample is taken from the tempering gauge using sampling cocks. In the absence of taps, the sample is taken in the same way as from a tank. From barrels, bottles and cans, a sample is taken with a clean glass tube, immersing it to the bottom.

The volume of the spot sample is not less than 200 cm 3 .

3.1.2. Selected point samples are combined together, thoroughly mixed, and the combined sample in a volume of at least 2 dm 3 is placed in two clean, pre-rinsed with the same alcohol bottles with ground stoppers with a capacity of 1 dm 3 . The necks of the flasks are wrapped with a piece of cloth or cellophane and tied with twine, the ends of which are sealed or sealed with a wax seal on a cardboard or wooden plate. Bottles with a combined sample are labeled with the name of the manufacturer, product name, batch number, date and place of sampling, standard designation, sampler's name.

One of the bottles is sent to the laboratory for analysis, the other is stored for two months in case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the product.

3.2. Determination of the mass concentration of aldehydes in anhydrous alcohol

In this case, a typical alcohol solution of a mass concentration of acetaldehyde of 4 mg in 1 dm 3 of anhydrous alcohol is used for the Extra * and premium grade, 10 mg in 1 dm 3 of anhydrous alcohol for the first grade.

3.3. Determination of the mass concentration of fusel oil in anhydrous alcohol

The determination is carried out according to GOSG 5964. Sec. 2.

In this case, standard alcohol solutions of a mixture of higher alcohols are used: 4 mg of acetaldehyde and 4 mg of fusel oil in 1 dm 3 of anhydrous alcohol for the Extra brand and the highest grade, 10 mg of acetaldehyde and 15 mg of fusel oil in 1 dm 3 of anhydrous alcohol - for the first grade.

3.4. Test for methyl alcohol

The determination is carried out according to GOST 5964, sec. 2.

GOST 18300-87 S. 5

In this case, a typical alcohol solution with a volume fraction of methyl alcohol of 0.05% is used. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol complies with the requirements of this standard if the color of the analyzed solution is weaker than the color of the standard alcohol solution or the same with it.

3.5. Determination of mass concentration of dry residue Determination is carried out according to GOST 10749.9

In this case, the use of quartz evaporating bowls in accordance with GOST 19908 or platinum bowls in accordance with GOST 6563 is allowed.

3.6. Determination of the specific volumetric electrical resistance

3.6.1. Apparatus, reagents and solutions Conductometer type MM34-04 or similar type.


A set of sensors for conductometric measurements, type UK-02/1 (two-electrode sensor with a smooth platinum surface and a constant of not more than 0.5 cm -1).

Distilled water according to GOST 6709 with a specific electrical conductivity of not more than 2 10 6 Ohm -1 cm -1 or equivalent purity with the same specific electrical conductivity.

Potassium chloride according to GOST 4234, twice recrystallized. concentration c (KCI) \u003d \u003d 0.001 mol / dm 3 (0.001 k.).

3.6.2. Determination of the sensor constant

Potassium chloride solution is poured into the measuring vessel as follows. so that the electrodes are completely covered with it, thermostat at a temperature of (20 1 0.1) "C for at least 15 minutes and measure the resistance of this solution.

3.6.3. Processing /ngresults

The sensor constant (K), cm -1, is calculated by the formula

where a is the specific electrical conductivity of a 0.001 mol / dm 3 solution of potassium chloride, equal to 0.000128 Ohm- "cm-' at 20 * C, Ohm ~> cm ~ ";

R is the resistance of the potassium chloride solution. Ohm.

3.6.4. holding ananpa

The sensors and the measuring vessel are thoroughly washed with distilled water and the analyzed alcohol, then filled with the same alcohol.

The measurement of the specific volume electrical resistance is carried out as indicated in paragraph 3.6.2.

3.6.5. Results processing

Specific volumetric electrical resistance (p,), Ohm cm, is calculated by the formula

where R is the resistance of the analyzed alcohol. Ohm;

K is the sensor constant, cm -1 .

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the relative value of the discrepancy between which does not exceed the value of the allowable discrepancy, equal to 5%.

The limits of the permissible relative total error of the analysis result are ± 3% at a confidence level P = 0.95.


4.1. Transportation of ethyl alcohol railway carry out in accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods and liquid cargo in bulk in tank cars and bunker gondola cars.

Transportation of ethyl alcohol in barrels, bottles and flasks by car and in bulk in tankers are carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

S. 6 GOST 18300-87

4.2. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is stored in warehouses in metal tanks specially equipped and intended for it and in accordance with the acceptance rules. storage, release, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol, approved in the prescribed manner.

It is allowed to store technical rectified ethyl alcohol in warehouses intended for the storage of flammable products in the manufacturer's packaging.

OST 6-09-108-85

5. The limitation of the validity period was removed according to the protocol No. 7-95 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-95)

6. REPUBLICATION. January 2007

Reissue (as of April 2008)

Editor R.G. Goverdovskaya Technical editor v.II. Proofreader A/.V. Kuchnaya Compiheria sun pci ka L.N. Zolotareva

Signed for publication on 10.06.2008. Format 60x84"/k - Offset paper. Headset Times. Offset printing.

Uel. nsc. l. 0.93. Uch.-ed. l. 0.72. Circulation 94 copies. Zach. 706.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM.. 123995 Moscow. Garnet lane. 4. www.goMinfo.tu inra№gostinro.ru

Typed in FSUE.STANDARTINFORM- on a personal computer Otpechagaio in the branch of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM- - 1ip. ‘Moscow printer.. I0S062 Moscow. Lyalin per.. 6.




GOST 18300-87

State Committee for Standardization



TermactionsWith 01.07.88

before 01.07.98

This standard applies to technical rectified ethyl alcohol produced from non-edible vegetable raw materials. The product brand "Extra" is intended for use as a solvent and for other purposes. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest and first grades is used as a raw material for the production of chemical products.

The indicators of the technical level established by this standard for the brand "Extra" and the highest grade are provided for the highest quality category.


1.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Depending on the degree of purification, technical rectified ethyl alcohol is produced under the Extra brand and two grades: the highest and the first.

Notes: 1. Only "Extra" brand alcohol is intended for the electronic industry.

2. The mass concentration of sulfur is determined only in alcohol obtained by processing a mixture of hydrolytic and sulfite alcohols.

1.2.3. Ethyl alcohol, according to the degree of impact on the human body, belongs to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007-76.

The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of ethyl alcohol vapors in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 1000 mg/m 3 .

1.2.4. Ethyl alcohol is a colorless flammable liquid. Flash point - not less than 13°С, self-ignition temperature - not less than 404°С, concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 3.6%, upper - 19% (by volume). Temperature limits of flame propagation of saturated alcohol vapors in air: lower - 11°C, upper - 41°C. Category and group of explosive mixture of ethyl alcohol with air - IIA-T 2. The determination is carried out according to GOST 12.1.044-84.

Electrical equipment must be explosion-proof.

1.2.7. Fire extinguishing media: water spray, sand, asbestos blanket, all types of fire extinguishers.

1.2.8. When working with ethyl alcohol, special clothing should be used in accordance with industry standards.

1.3. Marking

name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

the name and brand or grade of the product;

party number, number of seats in the party and their numbers;

date of manufacture;

3.6. Determination of specific volume electrical resistance

3.6.1. Equipment, reagents and solutions

Conductometer type MMZCH-04 or similar type.

A set of sensors for conductometric measurements type UK-02/1 (two-electrode sensor with a smooth platinum surface and a constant of not more than 0.5 cm -1).

Distilled water in accordance with GOST 6709-72 with a specific electrical conductivity of not more than 2·10 6 Ohm -1 ·cm -1 or equivalent purity with the same electrical conductivity.

Potassium chloride according to GOST 4234-77, twice recrystallized, concentration c (CS l ) \u003d 0.001 mol / dm 3 (0.001 n.).

3.6.2. Determination of the sensor constant

A solution of potassium chloride is poured into the measuring vessel so that the electrodes are completely covered with it, thermostated at a temperature of (20 ± 0.1) ° C for at least 15 minutes and the resistance of this solution is measured.

3.6.3. Results processing

Sensor constant (K), cm -1, calculated by the formula

K = σ · R


σ - specific electrical conductivity of 0.001 mol / dm 3 potassium chloride solution, equal to 0.000128 Ohm -1 cm -1 at 20 ° C, Ohm -1 cm -1;

R- resistance of potassium chloride solution, Ohm.

3.6.4. Conducting an analysis

The sensors and the measuring vessel are thoroughly washed with distilled water and analyzed alcohol, then filled with the same alcohol.

The measurement of the specific volume electrical resistance is carried out as indicated in paragraph 3.6.2.

3.6.5. Results processing

Specific volume electrical resistance (ρv). Ohm cm, calculated by the formula


R- resistance of the analyzed alcohol, Ohm;

K- sensor constant, cm -1 .

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the relative value of the discrepancy between which does not exceed the value of the allowable discrepancy equal to 5%.

Limits of permissible relative total error of the analysis result ± 3% at a confidence level R = 0,95.


4.1. Transportation of ethyl alcohol by rail is carried out in accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods and liquid cargo in bulk in tank cars and bunker gondola cars.

Transportation of ethyl alcohol in barrels, bottles and flasks by road and in bulk in tankers is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

4.2. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is stored in warehouses in metal tanks specially equipped and intended for it in accordance with the rules for acceptance, storage, dispensing, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol, approved in the prescribed manner.

It is allowed to store technical ethyl rectified ethyl alcohol in warehouses intended for the storage of flammable products in the manufacturer's packaging.


1. DEVELOPEDAndINTRODUCEDMinistrymedicalandmicrobiological industrythe USSR


And. M. Golubkov, L. P. Vyrodova, To. G. Shulakova, M. To. Shelepanova

2. APPROVEDAndINTRODUCEDATACTIONDecreeState committeethe USSRonstandardsfrom 26.06.1987 G. 2705

Chemical industry. GOST 18300-87: Rectified technical ethyl alcohol. Specifications. OKS: Chemical industry, Organic chemicals. GOSTs. Ethyl alcohol rectified technical. .... class=text>

GOST 18300-87

Ethyl alcohol rectified technical. Specifications

GOST 18300-87
Group L25


Technical rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications

MKS 71.080.60
OKP 91 8213 2000

Introduction date 1988-07-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Medical and Microbiological Industry of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 06/26/87 N 2705

3. INSTEAD OF GOST 18300-72


Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 12.1.007-76

GOST 12.1.044-89

GOST 2517-85

GOST 2991-85

GOST 3639-79

GOST 4234-77

GOST 5037-97

GOST 5964-93

1.2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

GOST 6247-79

GOST 6563-75

GOST 6709-72

GOST 10749.4-80

GOST 10749.7-80

GOST 10749.9-80

GOST 12082-82

GOST 13950-91

GOST 14192-96

GOST 19433-88

GOST 19908-90

OST 6-09-108-85

5. The validity period was removed according to protocol N 7-95 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-95)
6. REPUBLICATION. January 2007
Reissue (as of April 2008)

This standard applies to technical rectified ethyl alcohol produced from non-edible vegetable raw materials. The product brand "Extra" is intended for use as a solvent and for other purposes. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest and first grades is used as a raw material for the production of chemical products.
The technical level indicators established by this standard for the “Extra” and premium grade are provided for the highest quality category.



1.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Depending on the degree of purification, technical rectified ethyl alcohol is produced under the Extra brand and two grades: the highest and the first.

1.2.2. According to physical and chemical indicators, technical rectified ethyl alcohol must comply with the requirements and values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the table.

Name of indicator


Analysis method

the first
OKP 91 8213 2300

brand "Extra"
OKP 91
8213 2100

top grade
OKP 91
8213 2200

1. Appearance

Clear, colorless liquid without foreign particles

According to GOST 5964*

2. Smell

Typical for rectified ethyl alcohol, no smell of foreign matter

According to GOST 5964*

3. Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, %, not less than

According to GOST 3639

4. Purity test

Must pass the test

According to GOST 5964*

5. Test for oxidizability, min, not less

According to GOST 5964*

6. Mass concentration of aldehydes in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm, no more

According to GOST 5964 *, section 2, and according to clause 3.2 of this standard

7. Mass concentration
fusel oil in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm no more

According to GOST 5964*,
section 2, and according to clause 3.3
this standard

8. Mass concentration of acids in terms of acetic acid in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm3, not more than

According to GOST 5964*

9. Mass concentration of esters in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm, no more

According to GOST 5964*, section 2

10. Test for methyl alcohol

Must pass the test

According to GOST 5964*,
section 2, and according to clause 3.4
this standard

11. Test for furfural


According to GOST 5964*

12. Mass concentration of dry residue, mg/dm, no more

According to GOST 10749.9 and according to clause 3.5 of this

13. Mass concentration of sulfur, mg/dm, no more


According to GOST 10749.7

14. Mass concentration of alkali in terms of NaOH, mg/dm, no more


According to GOST 10749.4

15. Specific volume
electrical resistance,
Ohm cm, not less

Do not define

* GOST R 51710-2000**, GOST R 52473-2005 (hereinafter) apply on the territory of the Russian Federation.
**Probably an original error. Should read: GOST R 51710-2001. - Database manufacturer's note.

1. Only "Extra" brand alcohol is intended for the electronic industry.

2. The mass concentration of sulfur is determined only in alcohol obtained by processing a mixture of hydrolytic and sulfite alcohols.

1.2.3. Ethyl alcohol, according to the degree of impact on the human body, belongs to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007.
The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of ethyl alcohol vapors in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 1000 mg/m.

1.2.4. Ethyl alcohol is a colorless flammable liquid. Flash point - not less than 13 °С, self-ignition temperature - not less than 404 °С, concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 3.6%, upper - 19% (by volume). Temperature limits of flame propagation of saturated vapors of alcohol in air: lower - 11 °С, upper - 41 °С. Category and group of explosive mixture of ethyl alcohol with air - IIA-T2. The determination is carried out according to GOST 12.1.044.

1.2.5. Reservoirs, process equipment, pipelines and loading and unloading devices associated with the reception, storage and movement of ethyl alcohol must be protected from static electricity in accordance with the rules for protection against static electricity, approved in the prescribed manner.
Electrical equipment must be explosion-proof.

1.2.6. In emergency conditions with an increased concentration of ethyl alcohol in the air, as well as in case of fire, you should use means personal protection respiratory organs - filtering gas masks brand A or BKF.

1.2.7. Fire extinguishing media: water spray, sand, asbestos blanket, all types of fire extinguishers.

1.2.8. When working with ethyl alcohol, special clothing should be used in accordance with industry standards.

1.3. Marking

1.3.1. Transport marking - according to GOST 14192.

1.3.2. The following additional data is applied to each barrel with the product:

party number, number of seats in the party and their numbers;
date of manufacture;
danger signs according to GOST 19433, group code 3252;
the inscription "Flammable";
the amount of alcohol in decalitres;
designation of this standard.
Railway tanks must be marked with warning labels "Flammable", "Poisonous", as well as a registration stencil.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is poured into specially prepared railway and truck tanks. It is allowed to pack alcohol in hermetically sealed barrels in accordance with GOST 13950 and GOST 6247, bottles in accordance with OST 6-09-108 or metal flasks in accordance with GOST 5037, FL version.
Bottles with alcohol should be placed in plank crates according to GOST 12082, plank boxes according to GOST 2991 or similar types, filled with loose cushioning material.

1.4.2. The degree (level) of filling tanks and barrels is calculated taking into account the full use of their capacity (carrying capacity) and the volumetric expansion of the product with a possible temperature difference along the route.


2.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of alcohol that is homogeneous in terms of quality, one shipment date and accompanied by one quality document.
The document must contain:
name of the manufacturer and its trademark;
the name and brand or grade of the product;

party number, number of seats in the party;
the amount of alcohol in decalitres or gross and net weight;
date of manufacture;
the results of the analyzes carried out or confirmation of the conformity of the quality of the product with the requirements of this standard;

quality document number;
designation of this standard;
"Flammable" sign.
When transporting alcohol in railway and road tanks, each tank is taken as a batch.

2.2. To check the quality of ethyl alcohol for compliance with the requirements of this standard, an alcohol sample is taken from each tank or dispensing measuring tank. It is allowed for the manufacturer to take a sample from a commodity storage tank, while determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, a sample is taken from each railway tank car.
From a batch of alcohol in barrels, bottles or cans, 10% of units of production are taken, but not less than three.
The manufacturer determines the specific volumetric electrical resistance periodically at the request of consumers.

2.3. If unsatisfactory results of the analysis are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a second analysis is carried out on a double sample taken from the same batch, or on a double number of samples from the tank. The results of the reanalysis apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Sampling methods

3.1.1. An incremental sample from a tank or storage tank is taken with a portable metal sampler according to GOST 2517 in equal parts from three levels: from above, from the middle and from below.
It is allowed to use a sampler of a different design.
An incremental sample is taken from the tempering gauge using sampling cocks. In the absence of taps, the sample is taken in the same way as from the tank. From barrels, bottles and cans, a sample is taken with a clean glass tube, immersing it to the bottom.
The volume of a spot sample is at least 200 cm 3.

3.1.2. The selected point samples are combined together, thoroughly mixed, and the combined sample in a volume of at least 2 dm3 is placed in two clean flasks with ground stoppers with a capacity of 1 dm3, pre-rinsed with the same alcohol. The necks of the flasks are wrapped with a piece of cloth or cellophane and tied with twine, the ends of which are sealed or sealed with a wax seal on a cardboard or wooden plate. Bottles with a combined sample are labeled with the name of the manufacturer, product name, batch number, date and place of sampling, standard designation, sampler's name.
One of the bottles is sent to the laboratory for analysis, the other is stored for two months in case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the product.

3.2. Determination of the mass concentration of aldehydes in anhydrous alcohol

In this case, a typical alcohol solution of acetaldehyde mass concentration of 4 mg in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol for the Extra brand and the highest grade is used, 10 mg in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol for the first grade.

3.3. Determination of the mass concentration of fusel oil in anhydrous alcohol
The determination is carried out according to GOST 5964, section 2.
In this case, typical alcohol solutions of a mixture of higher alcohols are used: 4 mg of acetaldehyde and 4 mg of fusel oil in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol for the Extra and premium grade, 10 mg of acetaldehyde and 15 mg of fusel oil in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol - for the first varieties.

3.4. Test for methyl alcohol
The determination is carried out according to GOST 5964, section 2.
In this case, a typical alcohol solution with a volume fraction of methyl alcohol of 0.05% is used.
Technical rectified ethyl alcohol complies with the requirements of this standard if the color of the analyzed solution is weaker than the color of the standard alcohol solution or the same with it.

3.5. Determination of mass concentration of dry residue
The determination is carried out according to GOST 10749.9.
In this case, the use of quartz evaporating bowls in accordance with GOST 19908 or platinum bowls in accordance with GOST 6563 is allowed.

3.6. Determination of specific volume electrical resistance

3.6.1. Equipment, reagents and solutions
Conductometer type MMZCH-04 or similar type.
A set of sensors for conductometric measurements type UK-02/1 (two-electrode sensor with a smooth platinum surface and a constant of not more than 0.5 cm).
Distilled water according to GOST 6709 with a specific electrical conductivity of not more than 2·10 Ohm·cm or equivalent purity with the same electrical conductivity.
Potassium chloride according to GOST 4234, twice recrystallized, concentration c=0.001 mol/dm (0.001 N).

3.6.2. Determination of the sensor constant
A solution of potassium chloride is poured into the measuring vessel so that the electrodes are completely covered with it, thermostated at a temperature of (20 ± 0.1) ° C for at least 15 minutes and the resistance of this solution is measured.

3.6.3. Results processing
Sensor constant , cm, calculated by the formula

where is the electrical conductivity of a 0.001 mol / dm solution of potassium chloride, equal to 0.000128 Ohm cm at 20 ° C, Ohm cm;
- resistance of potassium chloride solution, Ohm.

3.6.4. Conducting an analysis
The sensors and the measuring vessel are thoroughly washed with distilled water and analyzed alcohol, then filled with the same alcohol.
The measurement of specific volumetric electrical resistance is carried out as indicated in paragraph 3.6.2.

3.6.5. Results processing
Specific volume electrical resistance, Ohm cm, is calculated by the formula

where is the resistance of the analyzed alcohol, Ohm;
- sensor constant, see
The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the relative value of the discrepancy between which does not exceed the value of the allowable discrepancy equal to 5%.
Limits of permissible relative total error of the analysis result ± 3% at a confidence level of 0.95.


4.1. Transportation of ethyl alcohol by rail is carried out in accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods and liquid cargo in bulk in tank cars and bunker gondola cars.
Transportation of ethyl alcohol in barrels, bottles and flasks by road and in bulk in tankers is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

4.2. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is stored in warehouses in metal tanks specially equipped and intended for it in accordance with the rules for acceptance, storage, dispensing, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol, approved in the prescribed manner.
It is allowed to store technical ethyl rectified ethyl alcohol in warehouses intended for the storage of flammable products in the manufacturer's packaging.

Vodka products have gained great popularity, they are mainly produced from rectified alcohol. The most common are two types: alcohol, intended for Food Industry, and technical.

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The areas of use for each of them are different. When controlling the quality of produced ethanol, all references are related to GOSTs.

Ethanol standards for the food industry

The numbers of GOSTs related to food products are as follows:

  • 5962;
  • GOST R 51652;
  • 5962.

The first is valid, from 01.07.2014. it is considered national standard RF. Manufacturers are guided by it, producing ethanol from raw materials that contain sugar and starch.

Fruit is an exception. Alcohol is obtained as a result of the rectification of crude ethanol, or from alcohol solutions. According to this standard, the head fraction can be a raw material. In this project, 6 types of ethanol have been identified.

Specifications GOST 5962

2013, for rectified ethyl alcohol contain not only the requirements for the product, but also methods for their control, and the necessary measures for safe work.

It also clearly spells out how products should be received, transported and stored. In accordance with this GOST, products of each specific type must comply with applicable standards, norms of chemical, physical and other characteristics. The latter include those that a person can evaluate without any analysis, using only the senses. In addition, the document contains indications regarding the raw material. It also spells out how products should be packed and in what, and how to label.

GOST R 51652, the year of adoption and the name of which is 2000, "rectified ethyl alcohol from food raw materials" was canceled in 2015. GOST R 51652 was replaced by standard 5962 introduced in 2014.

The technical conditions of GOST 5962, reviewed in 1967, "rectified ethyl alcohol" contain norms for the following types of ethanol: "lux", "extra", 1st and premium. The head fraction is not used as a starting material. This normative document- not active.

Ethanol for technical needs

Regarding ethanol for industry, the following standards are valid: GOST 55878, GOST 17299, GOST 18300–87.

The third replaced the standard, the year of adoption -1972, "rectified ethyl alcohol technical."

GOST R 55878, year of introduction - 2013, "technical hydrolysis rectified ethyl alcohol". The norms prescribed in it relate to the production of non-edible alcohol. The raw material base for its production is non-food plant material. The scope of this substance is industry. It is used as a solvent (brand "extra") and as a component of chemical products (highest and first grade). It is also added to automotive fuel and is exported.

Ethyl alcohol according to GOST 55878, like any other product, can be bought from distributors in Moscow. It is advisable to purchase ethanol from reliable suppliers.

GOST 17299, year of consideration and title - 1978, "technical ethyl alcohol", contains standards related to the products in question. It is obtained (alcohol) by biochemical processing of aqueous solutions of wort, formed as a result of the hydrolysis of wood and solutions resulting from sulfite pulping. After that, the alcohol-containing solution (braga) is additionally distilled.

GOST 17299 "technical ethyl alcohol", specifications relate to ethyl products of grade A, obtained from an aqueous solution of wort, and grade B - from solutions that are formed during sulphite pulping.

GOST 32039, adopted in 2013, “vodka and ethyl alcohol from food raw materials” contains standards for the mentioned liquids and defines a method that detects impurities that should not be in them.

In the production of products that are oriented to the relevant standards, the manufacturer must check the references indicated in it. This will help avoid unpleasant situations during checks.

GOST 5964-93

1.2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

GOST 6247-79

GOST 6563-75

GOST 6709-72

GOST 10749.4-80

GOST 10749.7-80

GOST 10749.9-80

GOST 12082-82

GOST 13950-91

GOST 14192-96

GOST 19433-88

GOST 19908-90

OST 6-09-108-85

5. The validity period was removed according to protocol N 7-95 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-95)

6. REPUBLICATION. January 2007

Reissue (as of April 2008)

This standard applies to technical rectified ethyl alcohol produced from non-edible vegetable raw materials. The product brand "Extra" is intended for use as a solvent and for other purposes. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol of the highest and first grades is used as a raw material for the production of chemical products.

The technical level indicators established by this standard for the “Extra” and premium grade are provided for the highest quality category.



1.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Characteristics

1.2.1. Depending on the degree of purification, technical rectified ethyl alcohol is produced under the Extra brand and two grades: the highest and the first.

1.2.2. According to physical and chemical indicators, technical rectified ethyl alcohol must comply with the requirements and values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the table.

Name of indicator


Analysis method

the first
OKP 91 8213 2300

brand "Extra"
OKP 91
8213 2100

top grade
OKP 91
8213 2200

1. Appearance

Clear, colorless liquid without foreign particles

Typical for rectified ethyl alcohol, no smell of foreign matter

3. Volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, %, not less than

4. Purity test

Must pass the test

6. Mass concentration of aldehydes in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm, no more

9. Mass concentration of esters in anhydrous alcohol, mg/dm, no more

10. Test for methyl alcohol

Must pass the test

12. Mass concentration of dry residue, mg/dm, no more

14. Mass concentration of alkali in terms of NaOH, mg/dm, no more


15. Specific volume
electrical resistance,
Ohm cm, not less

Do not define

* GOST R 51710-2000**, GOST R 52473-2005 (hereinafter) apply on the territory of the Russian Federation.
**Probably an original error. Should read: GOST R 51710-2001. - Database manufacturer's note.


1. Only "Extra" brand alcohol is intended for the electronic industry.

2. The mass concentration of sulfur is determined only in alcohol obtained by processing a mixture of hydrolytic and sulfite alcohols.

1.2.3. Ethyl alcohol, according to the degree of impact on the human body, belongs to the 4th hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007.

The maximum permissible concentration (MAC) of ethyl alcohol vapors in the air of the working area of ​​industrial premises is 1000 mg/m.

1.2.4. Ethyl alcohol is a colorless flammable liquid. Flash point - not less than 13 °С, self-ignition temperature - not less than 404 °С, concentration limits of flame propagation: lower - 3.6%, upper - 19% (by volume). Temperature limits of flame propagation of saturated vapors of alcohol in air: lower - 11 °С, upper - 41 °С. Category and group of explosive mixture of ethyl alcohol with air - IIA-T2. The determination is carried out according to GOST 12.1.044.

1.2.5. Reservoirs, process equipment, pipelines and loading and unloading devices associated with the reception, storage and movement of ethyl alcohol must be protected from static electricity in accordance with the rules for protection against static electricity, approved in the prescribed manner.

Electrical equipment must be explosion-proof.

1.2.6. In emergency conditions with an increased concentration of ethyl alcohol in the air, as well as in case of fire, personal respiratory protection equipment should be used - filtering gas masks of brand A or BKF.

1.2.7. Fire extinguishing media: water spray, sand, asbestos blanket, all types of fire extinguishers.

1.2.8. When working with ethyl alcohol, special clothing should be used in accordance with industry standards.

1.3. Marking

1.3.1. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192.

1.3.2. The following additional data is applied to each barrel with the product:

party number, number of seats in the party and their numbers;

date of manufacture;

danger signs according to GOST 19433, group code 3252;

the inscription "Flammable";

the amount of alcohol in decalitres;

designation of this standard.

Railway tanks must be marked with warning labels "Flammable", "Poisonous", as well as a registration stencil.

1.4. Package

1.4.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is poured into specially prepared railway and truck tanks. It is allowed to pack alcohol in hermetically sealed barrels in accordance with GOST 13950 and GOST 6247, bottles in accordance with OST 6-09-108 or metal flasks in accordance with GOST 5037, FL version.

Bottles with alcohol should be placed in plank crates according to GOST 12082, plank boxes according to GOST 2991 or similar types filled with loose cushioning material.

1.4.2. The degree (level) of filling tanks and barrels is calculated taking into account the full use of their capacity (carrying capacity) and the volumetric expansion of the product with a possible temperature difference along the route.


2.1. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is accepted in batches. A batch is considered to be any quantity of alcohol that is homogeneous in terms of quality, one shipment date and accompanied by one quality document.

The document must contain:

name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

the name and brand or grade of the product;

party number, number of seats in the party;

the amount of alcohol in decalitres or gross and net weight;

date of manufacture;

the results of the analyzes carried out or confirmation of the conformity of the quality of the product with the requirements of this standard;

quality document number;

designation of this standard;

"Flammable" sign.

When transporting alcohol in railway and road tanks, each tank is taken as a batch.

2.2. To check the quality of ethyl alcohol for compliance with the requirements of this standard, an alcohol sample is taken from each tank or dispensing measuring tank. It is allowed for the manufacturer to take a sample from a commodity storage tank, while determining the volume fraction of ethyl alcohol, a sample is taken from each railway tank car.

From a batch of alcohol in barrels, bottles or cans, 10% of units of production are taken, but not less than three.

The manufacturer determines the specific volumetric electrical resistance periodically at the request of consumers.

2.3. If unsatisfactory results of the analysis are obtained for at least one of the indicators, a second analysis is carried out on a double sample taken from the same batch, or on a double number of samples from the tank. The results of the reanalysis apply to the entire lot.


3.1. Sampling methods

3.1.1. An incremental sample from a tank or storage tank is taken with a portable metal sampler according to GOST 2517 in equal parts from three levels: from above, from the middle and from below.

It is allowed to use a sampler of a different design.

An incremental sample is taken from the tempering gauge using sampling cocks. In the absence of taps, the sample is taken in the same way as from the tank. From barrels, bottles and cans, a sample is taken with a clean glass tube, immersing it to the bottom.

The volume of a spot sample is at least 200 cm 3.

3.1.2. The selected point samples are combined together, thoroughly mixed, and the combined sample in a volume of at least 2 dm3 is placed in two clean flasks with ground stoppers with a capacity of 1 dm3, pre-rinsed with the same alcohol. The necks of the flasks are wrapped with a piece of cloth or cellophane and tied with twine, the ends of which are sealed or sealed with a wax seal on a cardboard or wooden plate. Bottles with a combined sample are labeled with the name of the manufacturer, product name, batch number, date and place of sampling, standard designation, sampler's name.

One of the bottles is sent to the laboratory for analysis, the other is stored for two months in case of disagreement in assessing the quality of the product.

3.2. Determination of the mass concentration of aldehydes in anhydrous alcohol

The determination is carried out according to GOST 5964, section 2.

In this case, a typical alcohol solution of acetaldehyde mass concentration of 4 mg in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol for the Extra brand and the highest grade is used, 10 mg in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol for the first grade.

3.3. Determination of the mass concentration of fusel oil in anhydrous alcohol

The determination is carried out according to GOST 5964, section 2.

In this case, typical alcohol solutions of a mixture of higher alcohols are used: 4 mg of acetaldehyde and 4 mg of fusel oil in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol for the Extra and premium grade, 10 mg of acetaldehyde and 15 mg of fusel oil in 1 dm of anhydrous alcohol - for the first varieties.

3.4. Test for methyl alcohol

The determination is carried out according to GOST 5964, section 2.

In this case, a typical alcohol solution with a volume fraction of methyl alcohol of 0.05% is used.

Technical rectified ethyl alcohol complies with the requirements of this standard if the color of the analyzed solution is weaker than the color of the standard alcohol solution or the same with it.

3.5. Determination of mass concentration of dry residue

The determination is carried out according to GOST 10749.9.

In this case, the use of quartz evaporating bowls in accordance with GOST 19908 or platinum bowls in accordance with GOST 6563 is allowed.

3.6. Determination of specific volume electrical resistance

3.6.1. Equipment, reagents and solutions

Conductometer type MMZCH-04 or similar type.


A set of sensors for conductometric measurements type UK-02/1 (two-electrode sensor with a smooth platinum surface and a constant of not more than 0.5 cm).
c = 0.001 mol/dm (0.001 N).

3.6.2. Determination of the sensor constant

A solution of potassium chloride is poured into the measuring vessel so that the electrodes are completely covered with it, thermostated at a temperature of (20 ± 0.1) ° C for at least 15 minutes and the resistance of this solution is measured.

3.6.3. Results processing

Sensor constant , cm, calculated by the formula

where is the electrical conductivity of a 0.001 mol / dm solution of potassium chloride, equal to 0.000128 Ohm cm at 20 ° C, Ohm cm;

- resistance of potassium chloride solution, Ohm.

3.6.4. Conducting an analysis

The sensors and the measuring vessel are thoroughly washed with distilled water and analyzed alcohol, then filled with the same alcohol.

The measurement of specific volumetric electrical resistance is carried out as indicated in paragraph 3.6.2.

3.6.5. Results processing

Specific volume electrical resistance, Ohm cm, is calculated by the formula

where is the resistance of the analyzed alcohol, Ohm;

- sensor constant, see

The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the relative value of the discrepancy between which does not exceed the value of the allowable discrepancy equal to 5%.

Limits of permissible relative total error of the analysis result ± 3% at a confidence level of 0.95.


4.1. Transportation of ethyl alcohol by rail is carried out in accordance with the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods and liquid cargo in bulk in tank cars and bunker gondola cars.

Transportation of ethyl alcohol in barrels, bottles and flasks by road and in bulk in tankers is carried out in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport.

4.2. Technical rectified ethyl alcohol is stored in warehouses in metal tanks specially equipped and intended for it in accordance with the rules for acceptance, storage, dispensing, transportation and accounting of ethyl alcohol, approved in the prescribed manner.

It is allowed to store technical ethyl rectified ethyl alcohol in warehouses intended for the storage of flammable products in the manufacturer's packaging.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2008

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