Customs business in absentia. Customs business: where to learn a specialty

Customs is a modern, in-demand specialty that involves understanding the complex financial interactions directly related to the foreign and domestic political actions of a given state. Within the constraints of political decisions, customs officers must carry out their work with the honor of the military and the prudence of financiers. Specialists who have received a diploma in the specialty “Customs Affairs” are obliged to serve their state both in the political and economic fields.

Legislation on customs affairs

Providing customs services and all customs work is regulated by the current provisions of the Customs Code. According to Art. 1 of this document, customs business is all methods and means aimed at complying with and ensuring tariff and customs regulation. This also includes existing system prohibitions and restrictions established by the legislative acts of the country and accepted for implementation at all customs offices of our state.

Regulation of the flow of goods and vehicles that cross our borders in a forward or reverse direction - this is the essence of the work of a professional whose diploma says “Customs Affairs”. Universities teaching this specialty are required to provide students with all necessary knowledge about the principles of modern domestic and international legislation, as well as in-depth information on tax, accounting and warehouse accounting, which will certainly be useful to specialists in their future activities.

The second important area of ​​activity for specialists with a diploma in Customs Affairs is the harmonization of domestic laws and regulations with international rules of logistics and trade and with the laws of other countries with which our state has economic relations. Standardization of border crossing rules leads to a reduction in the time of delivery of goods to the end user, which means a reduction in the cost of goods for the consumer.

Structure of customs affairs

The basics of customs affairs can be presented as follows:

  • rules for crossing the domestic border for vehicles and goods;
  • existing customs regulations of various countries;
  • provision of various benefits and preferences individual categories goods and vehicles, if stipulated by current regulations;
  • maintaining customs records, international commodity specifications for various categories of goods;
  • determination of liability for violation of customs rules.

In principle, the profession of a customs officer is based on the listed rules as a systemic basis from which further orders and instructions arise that regulate the work of specialists in this area. Although these points are quite different in their meaning, their compliance leads to the same goal - achieving positive economic, regulatory and law enforcement results.

Where to study?

The specialty “Customs Affairs” has code 38.05.02. This parameter helps applicants identify those educational institutions that provide training in a given specialty. Upon completion of the entire course, the graduate is awarded a bachelor's, specialist or master's degree, and the diploma indicates the specialty “Customs Affairs”. This profession can be studied in full-time and part-time departments of specialized universities, and is currently spreading distance learning, helping people get the profession of a customs officer.


The Faculty of Customs is available in all higher educational institutions specializing in the training of lawyers and economists generalist. The following educational institutions can be distinguished:

  • Russian Academy national economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Customs Academy;
  • Nizhny Novgorod state university them. N.I. Lobachevsky;
  • Northwestern Institute of Management of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

The training consists of a detailed study of the following sciences:

  • In the first years they study the humanities: foreign language, history, philosophy. Some educational institutions introduce a new subject - the history of customs affairs, and some leave the old discipline - domestic and foreign history. Attention is also paid to the study of jurisprudence and economic theory.
  • Studying mathematics and science prepares students for the practical side of customs. This includes mathematics, science and computer science.

Completion of training

In senior years, students begin to be taught subjects directly related to their profession. Along with the discipline “Customs”, universities in our country offer the following subjects for study:

  • merchandising;
  • accounting and financial activities enterprises and organizations;
  • customs control and management;
  • expertise in customs affairs;
  • fundamentals of foreign economic activity;
  • principles of formation of prohibitions and restrictions in foreign trade.

This is not a complete list.


Students who chose this specialty, undergo internships at nearby customs posts, conduct research activities, and can also take part in the development of new projects and customs laws. Persons who have already received a diploma in this specialty have the right to occupy jobs at state customs points, be employees of enterprises specializing in foreign economic activity, or become customs brokers who provide a range of services for goods crossing our borders.

05/38/02. Qualification: customs specialist

Higher education
Remote technologies
4 - 6 years
State accreditation

No reception

Reception after: 11th grade, school, college, university

For admission to universities for “Customs Affairs”, the Unified State Exam or written test is required:

  • Russian language;
  • Social science;
  • Foreign language.

Correspondence higher education, qualification – specialist. Distance learning.

Graduates of our institute in the field of Customs are awarded the qualification “specialist”. Part-time education of a specialist lasts 6 years. This is an up-to-date correspondence higher customs education, it is the second stage higher education , as well as master’s programs (Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education”).

3 advantages of getting an education at the institute - the direction of Customs Affairs.

  • Customs specialists are trained to professional activities in a specific narrow customs area. You will be able to work independently in the customs service or in enterprises involved in foreign economic activity, analyze, design and organize your work.
  • Unlike a bachelor's degree, having received a specialty in customs, you can immediately enroll in graduate school.
  • Employers in our country value a specialist diploma much more highly. Thus, the prestige of a university diploma in customs is several times higher than any bachelor’s degree.

2 disadvantages of correspondence higher education in the field of Customs.

  • The customs diploma is not recognized in Europe. Specialists often face the problem of finding employment abroad. Only a master's or bachelor's degree is recognized there.
  • A graduate of the specialty Customs Affairs cannot study in absentia in a master's program on a budgetary basis, since this will already be a second higher education.

Where can you work after graduating from college - Customs?

  • IN government institutions, controlling the transportation of goods across the border and collecting customs duties and fees.
  • At customs terminals.
  • In trading companies with regional coverage and purchases from abroad.
  • In freight forwarding companies.

What do university graduates majoring in Customs Affairs have to do?

  • Collection customs duties for the import and export of goods;
  • customs clearance and customs control;
  • control over compliance with legislation in the field of customs, taxation, and currency regulation;
  • prevention and suppression of offenses in the field of customs;
  • combating smuggling and searching for contraband goods;
  • customs inspection of things and passengers traveling abroad of the Russian Federation;
  • customs statistics - providing reports on work to higher government organizations.

After graduating from college with a specialty in customs, you will have to start your career from low positions. As a rule, yesterday's graduates of the customs faculty of a university quickly acquire connections and after a few years work at port customs at inspections or in departments that deal with declarations. If you are more interested in earning prospects, we recommend law enforcement customs activities.

Have you decided to enroll in Customs? Check if you have professional qualities:

  • concentration and stability of attention;
  • organization, clarity, discipline;
  • excellent memory - short-term and long-term;
  • ability to accept quick solutions under time pressure;
  • ability to analyze and systematize large number information;
  • observation;
  • emotional stability, self-control;
  • good physical and mental endurance;
  • developed intuition;
  • communication skills (ability to make contact);
  • ability to engage in monotonous work for a long time.

Today's graduates know very well who economists and lawyers are, but what kind of profession “Customs Affairs” is and whether it is worth studying is a difficult question.

The job market is overcrowded with programmers, managers and psychologists, and there are not enough specialists in truly in-demand specialties.

So what are the features of the customs worker profession and what do you need to know about it?

What is the profession of a customs officer?

With a little bit of pathos, we can say that the customs officer is a man on guard national security the whole country.

This is a civil servant who is responsible for controlling the movement of various cargo, goods, and products both to our country and abroad.

His responsibilities also include collecting fees and duties. If a customs officer specializes in passenger transportation, then he monitors citizens' compliance with government rules and laws relating to the movement and registration of arrival and departure, as well as the import and export of goods.

This profession cannot be classified as a hazardous profession; it also does not involve heavy physical activity. Suitable for both men and women.

The main responsibilities of a customs officer are:

  1. Identification and investigation of offenses.
  2. Working with documents.
  3. Work at a checkpoint (checkpoint).
  4. Conducting inspections at airports, railway stations, customs points of hand luggage, baggage and documents of passengers and transported goods.
  5. Accounting and control of confiscated goods.
  6. Search and registration of smuggled goods.
  7. Determination of fees and their collection.
  8. Carrying out preventive measures in the field of customs law.

Usually career path begins with work as an ordinary inspector. Next come the positions of senior inspector and department head. Top career ladder may become a policy developer in the customs sector or the head of the government apparatus. Statistics show that most specialists remain at the entry level.

Worth noting: in the field of customs, along with general professions, there are narrower positions of checkpoint officer, passport control worker, and department specialist.

Which universities in Moscow teach the specialty “Customs Affairs”

In Moscow there is an excellent base for training a future customs officer.

Faculty of specialty are present in the following universities:

  • MFLA Academy;
  • MSEI;
  • RosNOU;
  • RANEPA (budget places available);
  • REU im. G.V. Plekhanov (there is a budget);
  • RUDN;
  • MADI;
  • MGEI;
  • Moscow University named after S.Yu. Witte;

Universities in St. Petersburg with a specialization in “Customs Affairs”

In St. Petersburg, you can study to become a customs officer at the following institutes and universities:

  • University at IPA EurAsEC;
  • SUAI;

What is the salary of customs officers?

According to statistics by region, the highest paid are the Moscow (50,000), Leningrad (43,000) and Samara (41,000) regions.

Average wages in the country is 25,000. Consequently, the level of payment can drop to 18-20 thousand rubles.

At the same time, do not forget that as you gain experience, you can get 2 times more.

Pros and cons of the customs officer profession

The advantages of the profession are:

  1. Social significance.
  2. Benefits related to military service or work in government agencies (early retirement with a financial increase).
  3. Not the most difficult training.
  4. A higher education is not always required.
  5. Work contributes to the development of attention, memory, and acquisition of knowledge in various fields.
  6. Rare employment problems.

The disadvantages of the profession are:

  • stress and psychological pressure;
  • corruption in the field;
  • bureaucracy in the field;
  • frequent purges and staff turnover;
  • average salary;
  • There may be cases of threats to health and life from unscrupulous citizens.

Where to study to become a customs officer after 9th grade

In order to go to work in customs, it is not always necessary to obtain a higher education.

A teenager after 9th grade without education can get a job as a checkpoint or passport control employee, in the international customs department and at a customs inspection point.

If there is a goal, you can get the average vocational education majoring in customs in many colleges across the country (for example, at the Capital Business College).

What subjects need to be taken

To enter a university for the specialty “Customs Affairs”, you must pass the following specialized exams:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Social science.
  3. Foreign language.

How to get a job at customs without work experience

Despite the fact that the profession is in demand, a graduate may face the fact that preference will be given to a person with experience. But this does not mean that getting a job in your specialty will be unrealistic.

Submit your resume to the HR department in person, look for vacancies on a competitive basis where you can prove yourself better.

In addition, if a student was able to prove himself well during the internship, then such a specialist will not have problems with employment in the future.

Is it worth studying for a specialty in Customs?

To sum it up, we can say that this is not the most common profession. However, it cannot be called creative and exciting. This is difficult, monotonous work that can sometimes be dangerous and corrupt.

Despite the ideas about work, it is almost devoid of the romance of the highways. At the same time, working in the specialty “customs affairs” is certainly important. It makes our life safer. She is stable, well paid, in demand and respectable.

If a person feels the need to be needed by the country and is not afraid of difficulties, then this is the profession for him.

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