Swot analysis of an example of a manufacturing enterprise. SWOT analysis of the company's activities using the example of OJSC "VMZ"

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IN modern conditions, when competition in certain areas and sectors of the economy intensifies as a result of reduced demand and decreased production, the need for the enterprise management to draw up a clear action plan that will allow adequate use of strengths and opening up – in a post-crisis economy – opportunities for the enterprise. At the same time, one should take into account such “threats” as the activities of competitors, both existing and possible new ones. Such rational planning will significantly reduce the risk of negative consequences when making certain management decisions.

One of the most common and effective methods of strategic planning is the so-called SWOT analysis. The acronym SWOT was first mentioned by Professor Andrews (Harvard, USA) in 1963 at a business policy conference. Andrews proposed using this type of analysis for the general structuring of economic data about a particular sector of the economy. However, already in 1965, professors from the same Harvard suggested the possibility of using SWOT analysis to model the business strategies of specific enterprises.

So, what is SWOT analysis? In essence, this is a set of regularly collected data on the activities of an enterprise, on the basis of which the enterprise’s business strategy is built. SWOT analysis allows you to regularly identify, evaluate and control opportunities, and adapt the enterprise’s activities in such a way as to minimize the emergence of potential threats or the consequences thereof. Thus, not only the choice of strategic directions of the enterprise’s activities, but also the success of its functioning as a whole depends on how seriously management at any level takes the SWOT analysis.

In Russian practice, a full-fledged SWOT analysis is used, as a rule, only by very large industry holdings or joint ventures in which influence on management decisions have foreign managers.

At the same time, competent and high-quality strategic analysis can help an enterprise of any level obtain a realistic assessment of resources and opportunities in relation to the current economic and financial condition both the enterprise itself and the external competitive environment in which the enterprise operates. The analysis is carried out in several stages, at each of which individual data on the state of the enterprise and the market segment in which the enterprise operates is considered.

SWOT is an acronym made up of the initial letters of four English words: strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. Thus, SWOT analysis consists of identifying the strongest (characteristics of the enterprise that distinguish it favorably from competitors) and the weakest (weakness or underdevelopment in comparison with competitors, which can be eliminated or improved) aspects of the enterprise, analyzing opportunities for expanding areas and segments of activity , and threats emanating from the external environment, such as the activities of competitors, administrative conflicts, etc. “Opportunities” mean conditions that provide all participants of this market an opportunity to expand your business, and “threats” are not only the activities of competitors in the same market segment, but also conditions that reduce the overall attractiveness of this segment for all market participants.

In this paper, we will consider the basic conditions and methods for performing SWOT analysis, the effectiveness of this type of analysis using the example of a specific enterprise, as well as recommendations for the enterprise obtained on the basis of SWOT analysis.

SWOT analysis methods. SWOT matrix

All results obtained during the processing of data about a particular enterprise are summarized in the so-called SWOT matrix, in which the strengths and weaknesses enterprises, as well as market opportunities and threats. Based on this comparison, it becomes possible to clearly predict the future of the enterprise under certain conditions, as well as determine the steps that must be taken by the management of the enterprise for its further successful development. The SWOT matrix is ​​a very convenient tool for the structural description of the strategic characteristics of the environment and enterprise.

Graphically, the matrix is ​​a table divided into four fields:

Table 1 - SWOT matrix in tabular form

Internal environment (S) (W)
[required data] [required data]
External environment (O) (T)
[required data] [required data]

Field (S) – “strength”, may include data on unique know-how, patents, and experimental developments; about the enterprise's access to unique resources, including human resources; high quality manufactured products; recognition and fame trademark, etc.

Field (W) – “weakness”, contains data on the negative characteristics of the enterprise: a narrow range of products; low qualifications of personnel; negative reputation on the market; lack of investment.

Field (O) – “opportunities”, contains information about favorable external environmental conditions that the enterprise can use to obtain competitive advantage on the market: for example, a sharp increase in demand for products, the departure of strong competitors from the market, the emergence of new available technologies to improve product quality, etc. Field (T) - “threats”, contains data on conditions that have a negative impact on the activities of the enterprise: the emergence of a strong competitor on the market, a drop in demand for products, changes in current legislation. Upon receipt of all the necessary initial data, the most complete picture of the current state of the enterprise and the prospects for its further existence and development is formed. However, one of the most important tasks of SWOT analysis is not only the collection and systematization of data, but also the development of a strategy for the internal development of the enterprise (introduction of new production technologies, staff training, cost reduction, etc.) and a market behavior strategy (product positioning, relationships with distributors and competitors, etc.).

An example of a SWOT analysis operating enterprise telecommunications industry (JSC Yartelecom, Yaroslavl)

One of the main features of the activities of enterprises in the telecommunications (IT) industry is the stable demand for services, with consistently high competition within the industry. With constant progress in the development of data transmission both via wired (wired telephony, xDSL, FTTx) and wireless channels (GSM900/1800, CDMA2000, 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX), the demand for services of IT enterprises.

Consistently high demand for services is observed, first of all, from large national and international holdings and is due to both the high geographic dispersion of individual divisions and the need for fairly rapid data exchange between these divisions. A high-quality IT infrastructure helps consumers of communication services increase the manageability of departments and reduce non-production costs (for example, the cost of sending large volumes of paper documentation by courier), and the supplier receives a stable profit from regular and highly loyal customers.

Constant stable income communication enterprises also increases the capital intensity of this field of activity: the cycle of technological renewal over the past ten years has shortened to 2-3 years. Therefore, the cost of entering the market for new competitive companies increases every year. Also, risks are increasing for enterprises that have been operating in this market for a long time - this is due to increased requirements for the range and quality of services from regular and new customers, as well as the need to constantly update technologies and fixed assets (equipment). All these factors are becoming especially important today, during a period of economic recession, which has caused not only a decrease in purchasing power and consumer demand for services, but also an increase in prices for high-tech communications equipment.

For an example of a SWOT analysis of a telecommunications enterprise, we took Open joint stock company Yartelecom, which provides a full range of communication services (wired and wireless telephony, Internet access, radio communication services, information services) on the territory of Yaroslavl and the Yaroslavl region.

The results of the analysis are presented in the form of a standard SWOT matrix (Table 2).

Table 2 - SWOT analysis of Yartelecom OJSC

Internal environment
(S) (W)
High market share in the city and region Own data networks (cost advantage) Experience in the constant development and implementation of new services and new tariff plans Qualified and experienced personnel and management High brand recognition and competitiveness Administrative resource (is a provider of communication services for regional authorities ) Low motivation of management to introduce innovations - due to high market penetration and high brand recognition Poor organization of marketing activities Lack of funding for departments responsible for developing new strategies for the enterprise's behavior in the market
External environment (O) (T)
Constantly growing demand for communication services and the emergence of new customers Constant development and implementation of new types of services and tariff plans both for regular customers and in order to attract new ones High ability of personnel to improve their skills, which allows the rapid introduction of new technological solutions into the production cycle. Access to highly qualified talent pools and resources Weakening positions of competitors due to falling demand due to the economic downturn; Opportunity rapid development with the beginning of economic growth and restoration of the level of demand for communication services The emergence of competitors on the market with more profitable tariff plans For different categories consumers (for example, similar to the GSM standard telecom operator - Tele2) Slowdown in the growth of the market for wired telephone communications and wired data networks Increased market requirements for the quality of wired and wireless communication services Changes in the nature of demand for various types communication services Fall in demand for individual species communication services Changes in current legislation Unfavorable demographic changes in the region

These results were obtained as a result of research conducted by employees of Yartelecom OJSC.

Bragina Tatyana Evgenievna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russian Federation

Akhmetshina Aigul Ilshatovna

student of the Department of Finance and Taxation, Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russian Federation

Abstract: The article is devoted to determining the essence and purpose of SWOT analysis. The factors determining the internal and external environment of the object of analysis have been studied. The advantages and disadvantages of this method are given. The SWOT analysis of Sberbank OJSC is considered.

Keywords: SWOT analysis, external factors, internal factors, Sberbank OJSC

SWOT-analysis of JSC "Sberbank"

Bragina Tat"jana Evgen"evna

PhD. in Economics, Docent Bashkir State University, Ufa, Russian Federation

Akhmetshina Aygul Ilshatovna

student of finance and taxation Department Bashkir state University, Ufa, Russian Federation

Abstract: Article is devoted to definition of essence and purpose of SWOT analysis. The factors defining internal and environment of object of the analysis are investigated. Advantages and shortcomings of this method are given. SWOT analysis of JSC Sberbank is considered.

Keywords: SWOT analysis, external factors, internal factors, JSC Sberbank

SWOT is an acronym that comes from the names of four factors: strengths - strengths, weaknesses - weaknesses, opportunities - opportunities, threats - threats. Strengths and weaknesses reflect the internal atmosphere of the organization and can be controlled by it. Opportunities and threats determine the external environment of the company. These factors are beyond the control of the enterprise, but have an impact on the economic condition and the process of its development. This method of strategic planning was first proposed in 1963 at a business policy conference by Harvard professor Kenette Andrews. Since 1965, the SWOT analysis technique has been used to develop a company's behavioral strategy.

Strengths are characterized by such indicators as:

  • a clear demonstration of the knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given field;
  • acceptable financial sources;
  • ability to compete;
  • correct understanding of customer needs;
  • a clearly, detailed and well-developed development strategy;
  • advantage in price levels for goods and services offered;
  • level of provision of progressive, perfect, innovative technology;
  • degree of application of research and development developments.

Among the weaknesses are:

  • high prices for goods and services;
  • inability to compete with similar enterprises;
  • use of outdated technology;
  • lack of information about clients and their needs;
  • difficulty in acquiring financial resources, their inaccessibility;
  • lack of a clearly developed development strategy;
  • ineffective management system;
  • weak positions of participation in research and development;
  • unreliable distribution network.

Possibilities include:

  • servicing an additional group of consumers;
  • trust and good attitude clients;
  • availability of new financial resources;
  • increasing customer demand;
  • formation of new market segments;
  • improving the quality of goods;
  • expansion of the range of services;
  • favorable economic, political and social situations;
  • reducing the level of restrictions on the free exchange of goods and services.

Threats are determined by indicators:

  • changing customer preferences and needs;
  • changing demographic situation;
  • increasing sales of substitute goods at low prices;
  • increasing the number of similar enterprises;
  • tougher competition;
  • legislative regulation of prices.

SWOT analysis can be aimed at studying not only enterprises, but also other socio-economic entities: economic sectors, settlements, state and public institutions, political organizations, non-profit firms, as well as individual specialists.

This method is effective for an initial assessment of the current state, but it cannot replace strategy development and analysis of development dynamics.

This element of strategic analysis has both advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits include:

  • suitability for many purposes, possibility of application in a wide variety of economic sectors and areas of management (analysis can be aimed at a specialist, organization, city, region, country, etc.);
  • the ability to freely select elements to be studied based on the goal;
  • the analysis can be aimed at obtaining timely assessments and for strategic planning for the long term;
  • Certain knowledge, experience and special education are not required when applying this method.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • the extreme subjectivity of the method, its result depends on the position and knowledge of the one who carries it out;
  • significant efforts and costs are required to obtain the required large amount of information from a wide variety of industries and areas;
  • describes only general factors without studying them in detail separately;
  • when listing the factors, there is no analysis of the relationships between them;
  • there is no possibility of studying the dynamics of development.

The purpose of a SWOT analysis is to describe the situation regarding which a decision needs to be made. The conclusions drawn from it are descriptive in nature without recommendations, directions or prioritization.

Let's consider a SWOT analysis using the example of the largest bank in Russia and Europe, Sberbank OJSC. A study of the bank's internal and external environment allows us to determine its strengths and weaknesses.

The strengths of the bank are: the status of the main creditor of the national economy of Russia, fame as the largest bank in Russia, the universal approach of the bank, its global network of more than 19,000 branches, development of infrastructure and technology queuing, low level of expenses for servicing the population, confidence in the bank and high trust on the part of the population, stable growth of financial indicators, high rating reliability from leading rating agencies, access to international markets (India and China).

But Sberbank today also has weaknesses: high staff turnover in lower positions, the organizational structure is very large (there is no opportunity to make operational decisions in branches), banking risks, cases of fraud with credit cards, increased costs for total reserves (as of January 2014 28.5 billion rubles versus 11.5 billion rubles a year earlier).

Possibilities credit organization: attracting new client base; with an increase in the level of income, including savings, their deposits will increase; low interest rates on loans compared to other banks, which will help maintain a leading position in the lending market.

Threats may be: increased competition by the arrival of new foreign banks, reduction of interest rates on loans from other banks, growth of the organizational structure can lead to the complication of internal interaction, economic crisis, bankruptcy.

The study of external and internal factors of a credit organization helps to maximize the use of strengths, overcome weaknesses, take advantage of favorable opportunities and protect against potential threats.

Thus, SWOT analysis is a method of strategic planning, the idea of ​​which is to make decisions to convert weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities, and to develop the strengths of the firm according to its limitations.


  1. Berezhnaya O. V. SWOT analysis as a tool for developing organizational strategies // Vestnik Sevkavgti. - 2008. - No. 8. - P. 113-116.
  2. Maysak O. S. SWOT analysis: object, factors, strategies. The problem of finding connections between factors // Caspian Journal: Management and High Technologies. - 2013. - No. 1. - P. 151-157.
  3. Taracheva O. V. SWOT analysis as a planning tool. State Matrix // Librarianship. - 2007. - No. 11. - P. 32-33.
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2014 Bragina T.E., Akhmetshina A.I.

Sysolyatin Alexey Vitalievich

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing and Strategic Planning, Faculty of Economics, Vyatka State Agricultural Academy, Kirov, Russia

Abstract: the article describes the results of a SWOT analysis for manufacturing enterprise operating in the regional furniture market.

Key words: SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, industry market

SWOT analysis of the environment of the production enterprises in the furniture market, Kirov

Sysolyatin Alexey Vitalievich

candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor the Department of Marketing and strategic planning economic faculty FGBOU VPO Vyatka state agricultural Academy Kirov, Russia

Abstract: the article describes the results of the SWOT-analysis for production companies operating on a regional furniture market.

Keywords: SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, industry market

The development of the furniture industry is one of the most important areas of socio-economic policy in the Kirov region. This is the most stable and promisingly developing industry. The region's furniture market includes more than 100 enterprises, among them are manufacturers of high-quality furniture, whose products are known not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

The most significant competitors today for the Bazhenov Brothers Furniture Group of Companies are those companies that are represented in furniture stores near sales departments companies, as well as those with their own salons (Table 1).

Table 1 - Characteristics of competitors in the Kirov furniture market


Sales points


Sales policy


Furniture class

Salon "möbel&zeit"

MC "Globus-Furniture"

TC "Megadom"

Shopping center "Furniture Dom.RU"

More than 200 salons across Russia

About 250 titles

Sofa formula

TC "Globus-Furniture"

Shopping center "Maximum"

Shopping center "Vesna"

TC "MegaDom"

More than 200 salons across Russia

More than 100 titles

Shopping center "Mebel-Globus"

TC "MegaDom"

Shopping center "Vesna"

Salons in 90 cities of Russia

About 60 items

Inter Deco

In about 100 cities of Russia and CIS countries

About 300 titles

Furniture salon "Niko"

Interior salon "Spectrum"

About 60 items


"Megadom" shopping center "Furniture"

MC "Vesna"

More than 100 cities of Russia

More than 100 titles

Art furniture

TK MegaDom

SEC Maximum

Shopping center Rosinka Underground

About 20 salons in Russia

About 70 items

Furniture of the Bazhenov brothers

Salon "Furniture of the Bazhenov brothers"

TC "MegaDom"

Shopping center "Vesna"

TC "Globus-Furniture"

More than 50 salons in Russia and CIS countries

About 70 items

In this table we can highlight 2 key “weaknesses”:

2) lack of its own R&D base as such (the development of models “from scratch” has been suspended).

In this analysis, it is necessary to pay attention to the “possibility” of developing your own model range(collections) through R&D to improve the status of the company and open up new opportunities, as well as the “threat” of patenting and certification of innovations in furniture production from competitors, which can most likely lead to litigation.

Thus, the information obtained during the study, combined in a SWOT analysis, will allow a more informed approach to the choice marketing strategy furniture market enterprises.


  1. SWOT analysis. – URL: http://www.swot-analysis.ru.
  2. Aaker D. A. Strategic market management. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. – 544 p.
  3. Kataeva N.N. Marketing analysis external environment trading enterprise on the market of electrical goods in the city of Kirov // Economy and Society. - No. 2. - URL: http://iupr.ru/domains_data/files/zurnal_11/Kataeva%20N.N..pdf.
  4. Marakulina I. V., Anfertyeva N. I. Application of methods of strategic analysis in substantiation competitive strategy organizations // Concept. – 2013. – No. 08 (August). – ART 13160. – 0.4 p.l. – URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2013/13160.htm.



Faculty of Economics

Department of Agribusiness Economics and Foreign Economic Relations

Swot - analysis of JSC "Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant"

Completed by: student of the 41st group

full-time education

specialty: accounting, analysis and audit

Kuzmina A.V.

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor

Kislyakova M. D.

Orenburg - 2010


1 Brief description of the economic and financial activities of OJSC “Novosergievsky Mechanical Plant”……………………………...6

2 Analysis of the external environment……………………………………………………………7

2.1 Analysis of the legislation of the Orenburg region in the field of small and medium-sized businesses……………………………………………………………………...7

2.1 Macroenvironment………………………………………………………12

2.2 Immediate environment………………………………………………………….13

3 Analysis of the internal environment………………………………………………………...18

4 Formation of the SWOT analysis matrix…………………………… 21

5. Determination of the main directions of development of the enterprise……….23

Conclusions and proposals……………………………………………………………...22



The main tool for regular strategic management or a matrix for qualitative strategic analysis is SWOT.

SWOT is an abbreviation of the initial letters of English words:

Strengths - strengths;

Weaknesses - weaknesses;

Opportunities - opportunities;

Threats - threats.

Thus, SWOT analysis is the determination of the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise, as well as opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment).

Strength – strength: an internal characteristic of a company that favorably distinguishes this enterprise from its competitors.

Weakness – weakness: an internal characteristic of a company that looks weak (underdeveloped) in relation to a competitor, and which the company has the power to improve.

Opportunity – opportunity: a characteristic of a company’s external environment (i.e. market), which provides all participants in a given market with the opportunity to expand their business.

Threat – threat: a characteristic of the company’s external environment (i.e. the market), which reduces the attractiveness of the market for all participants.

Based on a consistent consideration of these factors, decisions are made to adjust the goals and strategies of the enterprise (corporate, product, resource, functional, managerial), which, in turn, determine the key points in organizing activities.

The procedure for conducting a SWOT analysis in general view comes down to filling out a matrix that reflects and then compares the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as market opportunities and threats. This comparison allows you to clearly determine what steps can be taken to develop the company and what problems need to be paid special attention to.

This matrix provides company managers with a structured information field in which they can strategically navigate and make decisions.

I would like to note that external analysis, in addition to assessing market conditions, as mentioned above, should cover such areas as economics, politics, technology, international situation and socio-cultural behavior, i.e. carried out in accordance with the GETS model, which means four groups of external pressure forces:

Government - government;

Economy - economics;

Technology – technology;

Society - society.

Internal analysis procedures can and should include an assessment of the uniqueness of resources and technologies, the main components of management, corporate culture, and, above all, the product itself and its quality.

An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of an enterprise in relation to the opportunities and threats of the external environment determines whether the company has strategic prospects and the ability to implement them. It is clear that in this case, obstacles (threats) will arise that must be overcome. This implies a reorientation of methods for managing the development of an enterprise from relying on already achieved results, mastered goods and used technologies (internal factors) to studying the restrictions imposed by the external market environment (external factors).

So, the SWOT analysis matrix is ​​a convenient tool for a structural description of the strategic characteristics of the environment and the enterprise. When constructing the matrix, the so-called “dichotomous procedure” was used, which is used in many fields of knowledge (philosophy, mathematics, botany, socionics, computer science, etc.). Then the elements of the matrix are “dichotomous pairs” (pairs of mutually exclusive features), which makes it possible to reduce the entropy of interaction between the environment and the system by describing the situation in a “large stroke”.

It is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the enterprise strategic analysis matrix. The purpose of SWOT analysis is to formulate the main directions of development of an enterprise through systematization of available information about the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as potential opportunities and threats.

Objectives of SWOT analysis:

1. Identify strengths and weaknesses compared to competitors;

2. Identify opportunities and threats in the external environment;

3. Link strengths and weaknesses to opportunities and threats;

4. Formulate the main directions of development of the enterprise.

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