Own business: pasta production. Abstract: Pasta production technology

Characteristic feature modern pasta production is the widespread use of production lines that combine everything into a single complex technological operations, starting from the receipt of raw materials for production and ending with dispatch to the warehouse finished products. In certain sections of these lines, automatic regulation and control of processes is carried out. The functional diagram of pasta production is shown in Fig. 1.6.

The technological scheme for the production of pasta includes the following processes:

Preparation of raw materials for production;

Kneading the dough;

Formation and separation of raw products;


Package finished products.

Preparation of raw materials. Preparation of flour consists of mixing, sifting, magnetic cleaning and weighing. Egg and milk additives are stored in refrigerators. Preparing eggs for production consists of disinfection, since eggshells are often contaminated with bacteria, and rinsing with water. To do this, they are immersed in a 2% solution of lime, then in a 2% solution of baking soda, and then washed with cold water. To avoid spoiled eggs, break them into separate dishes in small portions (3-5 pieces each). The resulting egg mass must be filtered through a sieve with cells no larger than 3x3 mm. Before use, the melange is defrosted by placing the jars in warm water at a temperature of 40-45 ° C for 3-4 hours. Tomato paste is stored in sealed containers made of non-corrosive metal at a temperature of 0 to 20 ° C, avoiding freezing. Vitamins are stored in a dry place in packaged form. The packaging should be opened only immediately before assembling the vitamin mixture.

To ensure uniform distribution of additives in the dough, they are mixed with water in vats with mixers. To avoid protein coagulation, the water temperature for stirring egg additives should be no higher than 45 ° C, for milk powder - no higher than 55, for other additives - 55-65 ° C.

Rice. 1.6. Generalized diagram of pasta production

Pasta dough is significantly different from all dough mixtures for food use. It is kneaded steeply and consists mainly of flour and water.

At first the dough is a loose mass with grains of small lumps. Then, during subsequent processing under pressure in the screw chamber of the press, it gradually turns into a thick dough mass.

Shutters. The term “kneading” for pasta dough is used conditionally. In the tistozmishuvachi of a pasta screw press, a completely finished dough is not obtained. Here the dough ingredients are only pre-mixed to form a grain-like mass. Preparation of the dough begins with a dose of ingredients.

In the mixing bowl, flour is supplied continuously from the dispenser in a thin layer. Here the flow of flour as it falls meets water, in the form of thin streams or splashes coming from another dispenser. From the first moment of collision of these components, the process of binding water with flour colloids and their swelling begins.

Flour and water are dosed in the ratio necessary to ensure the given recipe and productivity.

The dough is kneaded continuously, which ensures continuous operation of the dispensers in the same mode. The kneader of screw presses produces brittle dough with different particle sizes. The purpose of kneading dough is not only to distribute the mixed components evenly, but also to ensure certain physical properties that determine the high quality of the finished product.

Modern pasta presses use a large dough kneader with vacuumization of the dough during the kneading process. In the first trough, intensive pre-kneading of the dough is carried out. In the second and third (under vacuum) the final mixing of the dough and its vacuum processing are carried out.

In the presses of the Braibanti company, the tistozmishuvach also consists of three or four sections. In the first one, preliminary mixing of the dough components is carried out, in the subsequent ones - final kneading, and in the last one - vacuuming. The Pavana presses have two kneading chambers and two under vacuum. In the presses of the company "Euler" (Switzerland), the tistozmishuvachi have one compartment with a vacuum device at the end of the chamber, but in this compartment there are two screw-type kneading organs. The Aktiva twin-screw press is equipped with a tistozmishuvach with a cylindrical chamber 3 m long.

In the mixers of screw presses, powdered dough is obtained in the form of small grains or lumps. This dough is convenient for direct pressing. Therefore, tistozmishuvachi of screw presses are conventionally classified as tistozmishuvach machines, since they do not knead the dough, but only evenly moisten the flour by spraying with water. Next, the dough is processed in the channel of the screw chamber of the press, where its dough-like mass, under the action of a screw blade, is gradually compacted and plasticized, acquiring the structure and properties necessary for subsequent formation. The final stage of formation of the structure of pasta dough takes place in the screw chamber, which differs significantly from the structure of bread dough.

To prepare pasta dough, you need to expend a significant amount of energy. This can be done in small bursts over a period of time or in large doses over short time.

Increasing the rotation speed of the kneading blade leads to strengthening the structure of the dough. This is due to the fact that pasta dough after kneading is a three-phase dispersed system and the role of the solid dispersed phase is played by moistened dough - flour grains and starch grains. The dispersion medium is plasticized gluten, the third gaseous phase is the inclusion of air. Such a heterogeneous system, unlike a homogeneous one, is capable of becoming denser and stronger.

Depending on the humidity,%, there are three types of dough kneading: hard - 28-29, medium - 29.5-31.0, soft -31.5-32.5. The most common medium batch. The dough in this batch is loose and quite loose. Products after pressing retain their shape well, do not wrinkle or stick together during decomposition and are poured in several layers. In a soft knead, the dough is plastic, easy to form, the products have a smooth surface, but dry slowly. At the lower moisture limit, products dry faster, but have a worse appearance.

Hard kneaded dough, krichtopodibne, low-knit. It is difficult to process, the process is slower than in other batches. Rarely used, only for stamped products of complex shape.

Soft dough with large lumps does not fill the crimping auger well. Raw products made from it easily wrinkle, stick together, and stretch out. Therefore, it is used only for the preparation of very flexible products that need to be figured into a skein, bow, “swallow’s nest” and others.

Depending on the range of products, quantity and quality of flour gluten, the following indicators of dough moisture content,% are accepted:


hanging drying 31.0-32.5;

with a diameter of 6 mm or more 29.0-31.0;

with a diameter of less than 6 mm (drying cassette) 29.5-31.5;

vermicelli and pressed noodles 29.0-31.0;

figured products, horns (pressed) 29.5-31.5.

Temperature significantly affects the structural, mechanical and rheological properties of the dough, which largely determine the results of pressing raw products. The temperature of the dough depends not only on the temperature of its components, but also changes in the tistozmishuvachi and in the screw chamber, where the mechanical energy of the working organs of the tistozmishuvach and the press is almost completely converted into heat energy, due to which the dough is additionally heated. In addition, the screw chamber may have heating or cooling devices, which also make adjustments to the temperature of the dough.

There are three types of kneading depending on the water temperature, ° C: warm - 55-65, hot - 75-85 and above, cold - 20-25.

Vacuum processing dough, a significant technological effect is achieved: the rheological characteristics of raw products and the appearance of the product are improved, strength increases and the culinary properties of pasta are significantly improved.

If the included air bubbles are not removed from the dough before or during pressing, then in raw semi-finished products small air bubbles under pressure expand during heating and drying and destroy the microstructure of the product. It is even visually noticeable how unvacuumed raw pasta with a perfectly smooth and yellow surface gradually acquires a matte tint during drying, similar to slightly frosted glass covered with small white drops. The reason for the color change and appearance In pasta products, air is retained in the dough mass during pressing in the form of compressed microbubbles, which loosen the surface structure of the products during drying.

After vacuum processing, no similar change in the color and appearance of pasta is observed. In addition, deaeration of the dough improves the quality indicators of pasta: it increases the density and strength of dry products, improves culinary properties, and the like.

Forming pasta. Nowadays, two methods of forming pasta are used: pressing and stamping. The most common method is pressing.

The production of stamped products is also associated with pressing. The strip of dough, from which products of complex spatial shapes are stamped, is produced by pressing the dough through a thin slot in the matrix of a pasta press.

Pressing. To form pasta, continuous screw presses are used, an integral part of which are devices for continuous dough preparation - tistozmishuvachi.

Using special means, the dough components in a strictly defined volume are continuously dosed into the kneading chamber of the test-stozmishuvach. Here the dough is formed, which then enters the screw chamber of the press through the holes. There it is subjected to intense machining from the side of the screw blade of the auger, it gradually compacts and becomes a thick elastic-plastic and viscous mass. The dough formed in the screw chamber is pumped further into a small pre-matrix space, ends with a press matrix, through the holes of which it is pressed out thanks to the pressure created in the screw chamber. This pressure develops due to the resistance of the molding holes of the matrix to the flow of stiff pasta dough. Its value depends on the humidity and temperature of the dough, pressing speed, cross-sectional area of ​​the holes and their configuration, the nature of the flow of dough through the holes and a number of other interrelated factors.

The shape of products obtained by pressing depends on the configuration, cross section molding holes of the matrix. There are mainly two types of holes: solid and with liners of different configurations. Solid holes produce thread-like products, while holes with liners produce tubular products. The inserts with their shoulder pads (in some the feather-shaped shoulders are placed at an angle of 120 ° C, in others they are T-shaped) rest on the edges of the input side of the matrix holes. The movement of compressed threads and tubes can be endless, since pressing with a screw is carried out continuously. The threads are cut into pieces according to the type of product using special cutting mechanisms. The main working body of the pasta press, which determines the type and type of pasta, is the matrix.

Screw pasta presses, thanks to heating the dough to 40-45 ° C, make it possible to press the dough at high speed, which sets certain requirements for the quality of matrices made of bronze, brass or with plastic inserts.

The temperature of the dough significantly affects its rheological behavior and colloidal processes and biochemical transformations. The temperature of the pasta dough does not exceed 40-45 ° C. Overheated above 55-80 ° C, the dough gradually turns white, loses its plasticity, becomes inelastic and breaks. During pressing of such dough, the working pressure increases significantly, the surface of the products becomes rough, dark or powdery white, and the products themselves easily rupture under their own weight. Raw and finished products from overheated dough are unstable during drying and storage, affected by cracks, brittle and brittle.

A low dough temperature is also undesirable: the process of hydration of gluten proteins is delayed, the dough loses its plasticity, becomes more elastic, and the roughness of the surface of raw products increases. Energy costs for pressing cold dough increase sharply.

The dough reaches its best properties in the temperature range of 50-55 ° C. It becomes as flexible as possible, the surface of the products remains smooth or slightly matte at a significantly increased pressing speed. Press productivity increases without increasing energy consumption for pressing. This also affects the improvement of the quality of finished products: their strength increases, glassiness is preserved when cracked, excellent color, elastic consistency during cooking.

Processing of raw products includes blowing them with air to dry them, cutting them to a given length and decomposing them on a drying device. The purpose of the totality of these operations is to prepare the mass of extruded products for a longer and more important stage of production - drying. The quality of processing of raw products largely determines the drying results.

Raw products are blown with air to quickly dry their surfaces in order to reduce plasticity and provide them with elasticity and resistance to deformation, especially sticking and bending. To perform the cutting operation of most products, blowing with a stream of air is used perpendicular to the fibers of the products. To cut vermicelli and hanging noodles in order to obtain straighter drying products, it is better to blow air along the fibers at a certain length.

Drying is carried out with air taken from the workshop premises. Do not blow cold air onto the products, as moisture may condense on the cooled products. Blowing must be carried out in such a way that cracking of the surface layer of the product does not occur. Long hanging-drying pasta is cut using self-drying cutting devices, and products for cassette drying are cut using special folding cutting machines.

Important indicators such as the performance of drying equipment, raw material consumption and product quality depend on the quality of cutting and decomposition. During pressing, the pasta under the matrix reaches a length of 1.5-2.0 m, then it is mechanically picked up and placed on cassettes, after which it is cut manually or mechanized.

Short-cut products (vermicelli, noodles, horns, figured products, soup fillings) are cut with special mechanisms with one or more knives, which cut the products directly at the matrix opening or at some distance from the matrix. The speed of movement, the number of knives and the cutting method vary depending on the type of product.

Vermicelli and noodles are cut on a suspension at some distance from the matrix after the products dry out a little during blowing. This should reasonably be carried out in combination with drying raw products by impregnating air along the fibers. During drying, decomposition ensures uniform access of air to all parts of a large mass of dried product.

Short-cut raw products from the place of their formation to the dryers are transported by pneumatic transport or gravity flow along inclined surfaces. If production is located on one floor or dryers are located on the upper floors and presses below, pneumatic transport is used to move small raw products (vermicelli, noodles, soup fillings, etc.) for drying. From a technological point of view, this is not only some drying of the product, but also preventing the sticking of individual particles of the product.

Long products for hanging drying are placed in even rows on Bastun with the help of automatic, self-unfolding machines, which are part of the production lines.

To produce pasta on presses with round dies, a cassette dryer with double wooden cassettes 500 mm long with slots on the side walls and tables are used. As soon as the length of the fiber reaches 1.5-2 m, a table with cassettes laid on it is rolled under it and all the fiber is manually cut off at the matrix. Then, through the slot of the cassettes, the fibers are cut into pieces 250 mm long.

During cassette drying, use various options mechanization of cutting and decomposition of tubular products. For cutting all types of short pasta pressed through a round die, a universal cutting device is used. The cut pasta is poured into directed trays onto a conveyor belt. The cutting apparatus is mobile, installed under a press and can be easily moved with the help of rotating wheels.

Drying is the final stage of pasta production. An effective method of controlling the drying process is regulation according to the parameters of the drying object itself. Therefore, for a scientifically based drying regime, it is first necessary to know the properties of the material being dried. To prevent warping and cracking, you should strive to ensure uniform drying of the product both along its cut and along its length. An exemplary regime will be in which the internal moisture flow does not lag behind the moisture transfer from the surface of the products. It is very difficult to implement such a regime, since during drying a significant moisture gradient is formed in the mass of products, in which the supply of moisture from the deep layers is significantly less than that evaporated from the surface of the products. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a gradient value at which the drying intensity would be greatest.

When drying the pasta dough, the following rule is applied: as long as the dough is plastic, it can be dried quickly (stresses and resulting cracking may not be observed even if the difference in moisture content in the center and on the surface is significant).

For drying pasta, the most common three-hundred-mil or pulsating air drying mode: with constant drying capacity, with variable drying capacity, with preliminary heat treatment of raw products. In each mode, the main goal is to prevent cracking of products.

The three-stage drying regime consists of three stages, or stages. The first stage is pre-drying. Its purpose is to stabilize the shape of raw products, prevent souring, mold and stretching. Drying lasts from 0.5 to 2 only compared to hard modes. During this time, between one-third and one-half of the moisture that should be removed from the pasta is released.

Such intensive dehydration in a relatively short time is possible only at the first stage of drying, when the pasta is still plastic and there is no threat of cracking.

The second stage is malignancy. By increasing the relative humidity of the air, softening of the skin is achieved - moisturizing the surface layer, as a result of which the humidity gradient is reduced and the tension that arose in the first stage is relieved. This process is best carried out at relatively high temperatures and relative air humidity, at which the rate of moisture diffusion increases and the healing time is reduced.

The third stage - final drying - is carried out with a soft mode, since the products are in the zone of elastic deformation. During this period, the rate of moisture evaporation from the surface should be the same as the rate of moisture supplied to the inner layers from the outer ones. At this stage, drying alternates with cold storage.

The three-stage drying regime was widespread in Italy back in the days when drying was carried out under natural conditions, alternating between drying in the sun and curing in cellars. Later this regime was justified theoretically and began to be used in industrial production pasta.

Packaging of pasta. It is not advisable to pack pasta immediately after drying, since their temperature is relatively high. In addition, the products continue to equalize moisture along the cut. The moisture content of the entire pasta mass, as well as each product, remains heterogeneous after drying: on the surface of the product it is drier, in the thickness it is more moist. In products subject to hard drying, internal stresses arise due to uneven linear curling. Their size may not yet be sufficient to cause destruction of the products, but if they fall onto the packaging immediately after drying, then the inevitable mechanical operations can increase stress and deteriorate the quality of the products.

To relieve internal stress, the technological process includes proofing or stabilization of products in appropriate devices to relax internal stresses caused by the coagulation of products during drying, and their gradual cooling to the air temperature in the packaging room. Refrigerated items do not dry out.

Packaging includes feeding products to packing tables or bins, sorting, checking products on magnetic separators (for short-cut products), placing them in containers, vibrating seals, weighing, hammering the lid, and markings. The main manifestation good quality products is the absence of zlipan, that is, tubes of pasta, strands of vermicelli or strips of noodles glued together. The pasta tubes should separate freely from each other when lightly shaking. Partially dried products must be sent for further drying.

Roughness and damage to products by cracks are determined organoleptically by comparison with reference samples.

Particular attention is paid to mold damage to products. Often it begins to develop inside the pasta tube in the form of a network of thin mold filaments. On the surface of products affected by mold, spots and stripes of different colors appear - from white to green.

Signs of non-standard products: the presence of ingots and lumps, mold, the presence of foreign impurities, increased acidity and humidity, severe curvature and increased roughness, dark color.

Each batch of short-cut products, after passing through a magnetic separator, is subject to inspection for the presence of metal impurities. If they exceed the norm, the batch is subject to repeated magnetic testing. To do this, the magnet is first cleaned of retained metal impurities, after which the products are re-passed through a magnetic separator.

Pasta products are produced in packaged and in an undeveloped form. Products are packaged in boxes or bags made of paper, cellophane, varnished cellophane or other packaging films that are harmless to human health. All types of packaging must be placed in an outer container. Deviation in net weight is allowed ± 5 g. The outer packaging of pasta must ensure its safety during transportation and storage. The packaging of long-cut pasta differs from the packaging of short-cut pasta. The first includes strict strength requirements. The deflection of the pasta tube over a length of 250 mm should not exceed 3-4 mm.

The room for storing pasta must be clean, dry, well ventilated, and not infested with barn pests. Products packed in cardboard boxes and bags are placed in stacks, the height of which should not exceed six boxes or seven bags.

Pasta defects

The cause of defects in pasta is the low quality of flour. fortifiers and flavoring additives, non-compliance with the recipe and manufacturing technology, violation of storage conditions and periods. The most common defects of pasta include foreign taste and odor, rancidity, darkening, rough surface, deformation and sticking of products, the presence of broken products and crumbs, cracks (Table 1.4).

Table 1.4

DEFECTS in pasta



Foreign taste and odor

They may have products for the manufacture of which flour with these defects was used, stale eggs and egg products. Low-quality milk and dairy products, sour tomato paste and tomato puree, etc. Foreign odors may occur if the product proximity is not observed (sorption of vapors and gases). Pasta may acquire the smell of petroleum products, fish, etc.


Found primarily in enriched pasta. This is the result of the oxidation of fats, and especially those containing polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such fats are found in flour, dairy and egg products. The process of oxidation of pasta fats is accelerated by high humidity and elevated temperature storage Flour made from wheat with a high content of wormwood, wyazel and other weeds can cause a bitter taste to pasta.


It may be caused by the formation in semi-finished products (dough) of dark-cured compounds - melanins as a result of the enzymatic oxidation of phenolic compounds that are in flour (tyrosine, phenylalanine, tannins, etc.). Most often, darkening occurs in products made from bread flour or soft wheat pasta flour.

Rough surface

Appears when there is insufficient gluten content in pasta flour, as well as when the moisture content of the dough is low.

End of table. 1.4



Presence of broken products and cracks

It is caused by the high temperature of the dough during pressing, excessive temperature of drying and drying of raw products, rapid cooling of the finished product. This defect may appear due to careless packaging, transportation

Presence of cracks

The result of rapid cooling of pasta after drying, as well as a sharp temperature change during storage


Occurs when storing pasta at high relative air humidity (above 75%), as well as during sudden temperature changes

Increased acidity

Caused by the staleness of raw materials, the long duration of kneading dough, forming and drying raw products. May occur during long-term storage of products at high humidity and temperature

Presence of dark inclusions

Associated with the presence of shell particles, aleurone layer and germ of wheat grain in flour

Caused by mold fungi at high humidity of products. Especially if it is stored at temperatures above 18-20 ° C

Just a few years ago, pasta was considered a cheap product for preparing simple and affordable everyday dishes. At the same time, their benefits were questioned by supporters of healthy and dietary nutrition. The myth about the dangers of pasta for the figure seemed to be a completely natural and obvious fact, and therefore those who watch their shape tried to include it less often in their menu.

In recent years, attitudes towards this product have changed dramatically, including thanks to our citizens becoming more familiar with European cuisine. It turned out that pasta can become the basis of truly healthy, delicious and even low-calorie dishes. Today this product is in demand by all categories of citizens, and the new premium class segment that has emerged makes it possible to make the production of pasta quite interesting and profitable business. Competition in the elite segment is lower, and the demand for products in this group is quite high and growing every year. That is why now is the ideal time to “get into the flow” and open own business for the production of high quality pasta.

Contents of the business plan: main organizational points

Pasta is consumed by everyone, from children who are served it for lunch in kindergartens and schools, to business people who dine with this dish in restaurants. In this regard, high-quality production will definitely find its niche and will be provided with demand in the food market.

Anyone who has decided to connect their activity with pasta and make it a profitable business needs to decide on a number of important issues. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan for pasta production, and this article is intended to help with this. Key points to decide:

  1. Consumers and distribution channels for finished products.
  2. Types and technology of pasta production.
  3. The need for resources, including raw materials, to organize the production process.
  4. Equipment for a production workshop.
  5. Technical business case pasta business, including investment, profitability and profitability.

Pasta production as a business today is quite an attractive activity that can provide a good profit to the owner. Having resolved the main issues regarding opening your own manufacturing enterprise, you can proceed directly to its actual implementation. Let's start studying them by identifying the main consumer of future pasta products.

Target consumers and ways to sell pasta

It is very important to clearly define for whom the products of your workshop or factory will be produced. There are consumers in any segment, but the most profitable and cost-effective is the premium segment. With a fairly low cost of products (including the highest class), the cost of the finished product is several times higher than the price of economy and middle class pasta. The emphasis here is not on quantity, but on quality, which allows you to increase profits by setting higher prices.

At the same time, in the elite segment (as in all others) there are several options for selling products:

  • direct sale retail chains supermarkets and grocery stores;
  • wholesale sales to large distributors;
  • supply to restaurants, cafes (HoReCa sector);
  • supply to the municipal sector, i.e. budget organizations(suitable for economy and middle class products).

An analysis of consumer demand in your region, as well as competitors already playing in this market, will help you decide on the choice of segment and sales channels.

Making pasta: types

There is a fairly wide range of pasta varieties that can be produced within any chosen segment. They differ in the type of flour (the first, category "B", and the highest - for category "A"), in shape and length. In addition, the type of pasta depends on the composition and nutritional value. There are different types of pasta:

  • thread-like (web, thin or ordinary vermicelli);
  • ribbon-shaped (smooth, grooved noodles, with wavy edges);
  • tubular (feathers, horns, etc.);
  • curly (various shapes).

There are also pasta with various flavors and natural dyes, nests and skeins, fillings for first courses, and instant noodles. The use of different production technologies makes it possible to obtain such diverse types of pasta. Recently, one of the most popular, especially in the premium segment, is vacuum technology. It allows you to improve the consumer properties of pasta and obtain a more transparent finished product (vitreous), which does not stick together and does not become soft during cooking.

Raw materials for the production of pasta: main and additional

Depending on the type of pasta, raw materials of varying quality are used, as well as additional ingredients. High-grade flour is the main raw material for the production of pasta in the middle and elite segments. It must meet certain characteristics:

Minor products for production

In addition, additional ingredients are used to produce some types of products: eggs and egg powder, dairy and vegetable products (in particular, natural juices), food coloring (beta-carotene, tartrazine, etc.).

Surfactants are also used in production to preserve the quality and external properties of pasta for a long time, preventing them from sticking and boiling. These nuances must be taken into account when organizing your own pasta production.

It is important to decide on the supply channels for raw materials, especially flour, in order to receive it in a timely manner and of proper quality. Today there are grain holdings of large producers created to optimize raw material supplies, including control logistics processes and preventing failures. Joining them can increase the profitability of production and provide production with affordable quality raw materials.

Pasta production process: technology and equipment

The specific technology for the production of pasta depends on the type and recipe of the products being produced. And the equipment is purchased taking into account the planned production volumes and assortment.

Stages of the production process

However, the main stages boil down to the following processes:

  • preparation of raw materials (sifting flour and heating, mixing different batches in order to improve quality indicators);
  • preparing the dough (loading flour with drinking water into the dough mixer, adding other components according to the recipe, kneading, vacuuming);
  • auger compaction and shaping;
  • blowing with a built-in fan, cutting and laying out products on a tray;
  • preliminary (on the table of the press machine) and final (in a drying cabinet) drying to a humidity level of 19%;
  • aging pasta in cardboard containers until the humidity reaches 13%;
  • examination of pasta (for condition, moisture, strength, boilability, etc.);
  • packaging using filling machines.

In addition, there are various nuances in the technological process. For example, flour can be stored in containers or in bulk (pour into a bunker). The second is preferable, as it minimizes the loss of flour during the packaging process, minimizes the cost of sewing bags and reduces the use of manual labor.

Various methods of drying products before packaging are also used. The use of hydrothermal technology makes it possible to significantly shorten this process: due to special equipment, the finished product is quickly cooled, after which the pasta is directly packaged and packaged.

Equipment for organizing pasta production

The main costs when organizing a pasta business are associated with the purchase of special equipment. The production of pasta requires the presence of the following items:

  • semi-automatic or automatic line for the production of pasta (their productivity is approximately 100 kg and 500 kg per hour);
  • form matrices (their set depends on the range of pasta);
  • filling and packaging machine.

The entire set of equipment required for production includes a flour sifter, a press, a drying line, conveyors, and stabilizer bins (they are usually supplied complete with high-performance lines).

The choice of specific types and models of equipment depends on production volumes and the available budget. Thus, for packaging you can purchase both automatic and semi-automatic equipment, and, if necessary, an entire line. The same applies to matrices and other devices. Among other things, you will need carts for transporting raw materials, racks for storing finished products, knife sharpening devices, etc.

Main economic indicators associated with organizing a pasta business

Pasta production can be both profitable and unprofitable. In the latter case, this is due to the acquisition of expensive equipment for the manufacture of products that are either low cost or not in great demand. That is why, before starting production, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis of this industry in your region, assess demand and competition in a particular segment, calculate costs, expected profits and profitability.

Costs of organizing pasta production

Minimum starting capital, in order to start a pasta production business, is approximately 800 thousand - 1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  • costs for the acquisition of a complete set of production equipment (the main item), as well as its delivery and installation, commissioning;
  • rental of production and warehouse premises, utility bills;
  • purchase of necessary raw materials - depends on production volumes;
  • personnel costs (salaries, training);
  • costs for registering a company and opening a current account;
  • other expenses.

Of these, monthly payments include rent, expenses for the purchase of raw materials and wages of personnel, transportation costs, taxes and some others.

Profitability of production

At the same time, the production of pasta pays off within at least 15-18 months if the supply of raw materials and sales of finished products are successfully organized. Of course, this largely depends on the profit received from the sale. In the premium segment it will be much higher than average. At the same time, although the costs are higher, they do not differ very significantly with proper organization. production process and establishing relationships with reliable suppliers.

Sales revenue and net profit

If the production of pasta is carried out on equipment with a capacity of 150 kg/hour, then with a 50% load and a 12-hour shift (30 days a month) you can get about 27 thousand kilograms of finished products. Determine the planned price (wholesale) of each kilogram and get approximate monthly revenue.

On average, it will be 600-800 thousand rubles, of which more than half will go to cover monthly expenses: purchase of raw materials, wages of employees, rent and utility bills, tax deductions, transportation costs, etc. On average, the net profitability of such an enterprise varies in the range 100-300 thousand rubles.

To sum it up

In this article, we examined the main issues related to this type of business, such as the production of pasta. We highlighted issues related to the selection of the segment and types of products produced, the determination of technology, raw materials and equipment necessary for organizing the production process.

In conclusion, approximate data were given on the required initial investment and monthly expenses, profitability and profitability of this type of production. We hope this information will be useful to you and will help you correctly approach each stage of organizing your own pasta making business.

Hardware and technological diagram shown in Fig. 1 characterizes the sequence of production processes in a modern pasta factory.

Reception and storage of raw materials at the pasta factory (this includes flour and eggs) are carried out according to the following scheme. Flour from the flour truck is supplied by a pneumatic conveyor to flour silo 3, where it is stored until it is put into production, and in winter it is heated to the air temperature of the flour warehouse.

The air removed from the silo is removed through filters 2. Flour from the silos enters the auger 4, which feeds it through a centrifugal sifter 5 into the flour dispenser 7 of the press 8. The dusty air from the cyclone-unloader enters the filter 6.

Eggs in boxes are placed on refrigeration racks, where they are stored for 5 days at a temperature of 2-4°C.

The compliance of flour and egg products with standards is determined in the laboratory.

Preparing flour for launch into production comes down to compiling a mixture of individual batches, if this operation is caused by technological considerations, cleaning it from possible foreign impurities and weighing it on automatic mill-type scales.

Preparing eggs comes down to washing them in a washing machine, breaking them on a special table and diluting them in water (egg melange is also diluted in water) to prepare a water-protein emulsion.

To prepare water, continuously operating mixers equipped with a temperature control device are used.

Rice. 1. Hardware and technological scheme for the production of pasta:

1 - receiving hopper for filling flour from bags; 2 - filters for air purification from flour dust; 3- flour silos; 4- auger; 5- centrifugal sifter; 6-filter; 7- cyclone unloader and flour dispenser; 8 - screw pasta press; 9 - pre-drying chamber; 10 - final drying chamber; 11-cellophane bag or cardboard box; 12- filling machines; 13 - finished products warehouse; 14 - self-weighing.

The dough is prepared in dough mixers; Flour, water and water-protein mixture are dosed with special dispensers. Dough mixers consist of one or more compartments.

On the Braibanti press, the dough mixer consists of three or four sections connected in series. In the first, preliminary mixing of flour and water is carried out, in the next two - final kneading, in the fourth - vacuumization of the dough and feeding it to the injection screws. The vacuum is created by a vacuum pump.

From the last compartment of the dough mixer, the dough flows by gravity into the receiving hole of the screw chamber, where it is subjected to intensive mechanical processing by the screw and gradually moves along the screw channel to the matrix. In the press Soviet design one injection screw was installed, and twin-screw presses were installed in the production lines B6-LMV and B6-LKS.

The prematrix space, or, as it is called, the tube (diffuser) pipe, ends with a matrix, round or rectangular. In production lines with hanging drying, presses with rectangular dies are installed.

The pressed products hang from the holes of the matrix in two long strands, 1-3 threads in each. |The strands are received by an automatically operating self-weighing system, with the help of which they are hung in even rows with a bend in the middle on metal bastuns and cut off. On the one hand, strands are obtained of exactly the same length, up to 0.5 m, and on the other, they are of different lengths, corresponding to the individual speed of pressing the threads and the duration of the pressing cycle of a portion of products to load one bastun. The ends of the threads on the uneven side are trimmed automatically. Waste in the form of segments (ends), obtained by trimming the uneven side, is crushed and supplied by pneumatic transport to the dough mixer for recycling.

The self-hanging 14 is installed on rails along which it can be pulled out from under the press for cleaning or preventative repairs.

Pasta hung on bastuns is moved to pre-drying chamber 9, which has three tiers. From the third tier of this chamber, the bastuns are transferred to the upper tier in the final drying chambers 10, where the bastuns are placed in five tiers.

In the chambers for preliminary and final drying of the product, two zones pass in succession: first, a zone of intense blowing with heated air, and then a refrigeration zone (equalization of humidity throughout the entire volume of the product), after that - again a blowing zone, and then a refrigeration zone, and so on until end of stay of products in each chamber. The specified drying modes (temperature and humidity) in each zone are maintained individually using air conditioners equipped with automatic thermostats and humidity regulators.

After drying, the products are transferred to special devices - storage tanks - for cooling. The presence of storage devices makes it possible to transfer the packaging department of the factory to two-shift operation. Night production of products can be stored in storage until the morning shift.

Cooled products from the storage unit are supplied for self-removal. Using this machine, dried products are removed from the bastuns. Empty bastuns are sent along the return conveyor to the self-weighing unit to receive a new portion of raw products. Meanwhile, dry products are fed by two horizontal conveyors to circular saws, with the help of which they are cut into equal sections 23-25 ​​cm long. They are then transported along the conveyor to a special assembly device located on the side of the self-ejector. It rhythmically makes a 90° turn, feeding the elevator-conveyor bucket with a new portion of products at each turn. An elevator-conveyor with a lowering tray delivers products to packaging machines 12 for packaging. The bucket elevator works synchronously with the assembly mechanism.

Packaging machines are used to pack products into boxes; Each machine is equipped with four scales, to which the products are supplied through a distribution device. The machines consist of a box storage unit, a mechanism for opening them, filling them with product, closing the valves, gluing and drying the glue. The execution of all these operations is synchronized with the operation of the scales.

Tubular products are packaged in plastic bags using a weighing machine.

For packaging long pasta (500 mm long), semi-automatic packaging machines are used, in which the scales are loaded manually.

Below we discuss automatic production lines of domestic production.

Production lines for the production of tubular pasta are produced in Russia by Rostov-on-Don machine-building plant"Prodmash". In the early 60s, the plant launched the production of LMB production lines (pasta line B series) with a capacity of 500 kg/h for finished products. Since 1976, the plant began to produce more powerful lines, for example B6-LMG (Fig. 2). The line is served by an LPSh-1000 press (screw press with a capacity of 1000 kg/h for finished products). In addition to the press 1, the line includes a pre-drying chamber 2, a drying unit 3, a stabilizer-storage 4, a device for receiving products from bastuns 5, a bastun return line 6.

In Fig. Figure 3 shows, as an example, a hardware-technological diagram of a comprehensively automated production of short-cut products (noodles, horns, vermicelli, etc.). The main units of the production line are three LPL-2M presses serving the KSA-80 dryer.

Rice. 2. Production line for the production of tubular pasta B6-LMG.

Rice. 3. Production line for the production of short-cut products:

1 - distribution screw; 2 - bunker; 3 - press LPL-2M; 4 - blowing head; 5 - cutting apparatus; 6 - spreader; 7 - dryer KSA-80; S - conveyor; 9 - cooler-storage; 10 - vibrator; 11- scales; 12 - conveyor.

In recent years, attitudes towards pasta have changed for the better. It turned out that pasta can be the basis of healthy and truly delicious dishes. And, most importantly, the product can bring significant profits to those who dare to build their own business on the sale of pasta. We advise you to pay special attention to the production of premium products. High quality pasta will always be in demand.

Business in the production of pasta. Organizational aspects

Pasta is the basis of a wide variety of dishes, from economy options to exclusive restaurant dishes involving valuable and expensive ingredients. As we can see, the demand for the product is undeniable. And thoughtful pasta production will find its niche. If you are afraid of risks, you can organize a mini-production of pasta. In this case, you can consider producing pasta at home (at the same time you will save on renting premises).

If you decide to start producing pasta, it is worth drawing up an effective business plan that will cover the key points and lead you to a stable profit. The main things you need to decide:

  1. Potential consumers and channels through which you will sell your products.
  2. Methods, production technologies, types of pasta.
  3. Organization of the production process, raw materials.
  4. Selection of equipment.
  5. Profit calculation, economic justification of the project, accounting of existing investments.

Target consumers and types of pasta sales

One of important stages building a business means deciding potential consumers products. Of course, there will be consumers in any case, but the most profitable segment is premium pasta. After all, the cost of even very high-quality pasta will not be high, but at the same time, the price of such a product is significantly higher than the cost of middle and economy class pasta. In this case, we rely not on quantity, but on quality. Several product sales options:

  1. Retail sales (supermarkets, grocery stores).
  2. Wholesale.
  3. Sale to cafes and restaurants.
  4. The point of sale is the municipal sector (if you decide to produce economy and middle class pasta).

If you are wondering which production to focus your attention on (economy, middle or elite class), it is worth conducting an analysis of the consumer market in your area and competitors’ enterprises.

Pasta has large number varieties, and within any type of segment it is possible to produce various types products. Depending on the type of flour, your products may be of the first category or the highest. The type of flour affects the composition and nutritional value. In addition, pasta varies in shape and size:

  1. Thread-like pasta (vermicelli, thin or web-shaped).
  2. In the form of ribbons (corrugated noodles, smooth, wavy edges).
  3. Tubular (horns).
  4. Various figures in one package.

There are also pasta with additives, dyes, products with fillings for first and second courses, instant noodles, etc. Accordingly, such a large selection requires the purchase of various types of equipment for production. By the way, new technology, called vacuuming, allows you to make the taste properties of pasta even more perfect. Such pasta does not stick together and does not boil over. Such properties will certainly increase consumer demand.

Raw materials

Depending on what class of pasta you have chosen, you need to select raw materials and additional ingredients. If you decide to produce pasta in the middle and elite segments, then the flour must be of the highest grade, and the composition of the products must meet the following characteristics:

  1. Humidity level is within 15 percent.
  2. Gluten - from 30 percent.
  3. Enrichment with vitamins is desirable.

Equipment for the production of pasta

Most of the costs in the production of pasta will go to the purchase of equipment. Required items:

  1. Production line (automatic or semi-automatic) whose efficiency ranges from 100 to 500 kg per hour.
  2. Forms (the set of these positions depends on the range of your products).
  3. Packaging machine.


In order to start a pasta production business, you need to have capital in the range of 0.8-1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  1. A complete set of production equipment, its delivery, installation, commissioning.
  2. Rent of premises, utility bills.
  3. Raw material costs.
  4. Training, employee salaries.
  5. Registration of individual entrepreneurs, opening of a current account.
  6. Other expenses of an unforeseen nature.


A pasta production business pays for itself in about 1.5 years, but only if the supply of raw materials and sales of products is well thought out. It is worth noting that in the premium segment the payback will increase significantly. But the most important thing is to establish relationships with reliable suppliers and competently organize the production process.

Net profit

Revenue from the sale of products averages 600-800 thousand rubles, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Production is carried out on equipment that has an efficiency of 150 kg per hour.
  2. The staff working day is 12 hours.
  3. Working days - all 30 days.

Based on these calculations, we get 27 kg of pasta and an approximate profit. But do not forget that more than half of the resulting amount will be spent on monthly expenses: wages employees, purchase of raw materials, rent, taxes, transportation costs, etc. Approximately 100-300 thousand rubles remain. This is pure profit. Pasta production as a business is a very profitable enterprise if approached wisely.

The pasta business is currently profitable investment capital. The demand for this product is constant; according to a sociological study, 40% of Russians eat pasta three times a week. When organizing activities, not only an automated pasta line is important - production is a more complex process, it includes preparation of premises, selection of qualified personnel, selection of suppliers of high-quality raw materials, and effective marketing activities.

What you need to know about pasta?

Classic pasta is made from two main ingredients - flour and water. Depending on the quality of flour, there are different types of pasta:

Main ingredients for pasta

  • “A” - durum wheat;
  • “B” - soft flour (made from crushed wheat);
  • “B” is baking flour.

Products vary in shape:

  • long – from 14 cm;
  • short curly – up to 14 cm;
  • small soup products;
  • layers for baking.

To expand the range of pasta products, the company can improve the recipe by introducing new ingredients - eggs, mineral and vitamin supplements, new types of flour.

Organization of production

How to open a pasta production line? First you need to take care of production facilities. The workshop where the line will be located must be dry, heated, with a good ventilation system, and all utilities must be connected. The production area must be at least 100 m2, it is necessary to provide premises for an office and household rooms, as well as a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. If not own premises, it would be advisable to rent rather than purchase a new one, the monthly payment will be 15 thousand rubles, utility bills - 15 thousand rubles.

To service the line, two workers and a chief technologist will be needed, in addition, a loader, storekeeper, manager and driver will be needed. With a small production volume, you can combine vacancies. The monthly wage fund, when working 22 days in one shift, will be 60 thousand rubles.

The basic recipe for classic pasta will require premium or first grade flour, depending on the class of product. The consumption rates of raw materials per 1 kg of finished products are 0.950 kg. The wholesale price of flour is 12 rubles per kilogram, respectively, the cost of production will be 11.40 rubles, excluding the cost of water. It is advisable to use purified water; to do this, install industrial filters, then the cost of water will be included in utilities.

Production equipment

The main component technological process is an automatic pasta production line. The cost of its acquisition constitutes a large share of all investments. On Russian market presented as domestic producers, and foreign. Italian equipment (Realpast) is in greatest demand, but it is also the most expensive; a cheaper analogue is lines made in China(Milltech). Domestic ones are in no way inferior to foreign competitors; the Makis line of the Ural Machine-Building Plant has proven itself to be excellent.

Components of the Makiz pasta mini-line:

Flour sifter
  • press machine;
  • conveyor dryer;
  • pneumatic conveyor;
  • stabilizer-cooler;
  • storage bunker;
  • bag holder

A flour sifter is necessary to remove impurities, accidentally introduced foreign bodies and metal particles. Specifications:

The press machine is used to make dough. It is equipped with a vacuum hopper for mixing ingredients, thanks to which air bubbles are removed from the mass, which further improves the taste and structural qualities of the finished products. Specifications:

  • power – 14 kW;
  • productivity – 240 kg/h;
  • electricity – 380 V;
  • dimensions – 1860*1950*750 mm;
  • weight – 550 kg.

A pneumatic conveyor is a device for transferring products from a press machine to a conveyor dryer, an integral mechanism of a pasta production line.

Mini line for the production of pasta

The conveyor dryer carries out high-temperature drying of products. This unit has automated system control system, which maintains the required humidity, temperature, and controls the residence time of products in the dryer. Specifications:

  • power -84 kW;
  • electricity – 380 V;
  • productivity – 200 kg/h;
  • dimensions – 1500*1300*6400 mm.

The storage hopper is designed for collection and temporary storage of finished products; its volume is 1000 kg.

The bag holder is part of the packaging mechanism - it packs products into paper bags, unloading the storage hopper.

The price of the line for the production of Makiz pasta is 350 thousand rubles.

Economic benefits of production

Payback is the main issue in deciding to organize production, since any entrepreneur is interested in making a profit. Net profit is obtained by subtracting production costs and fixed costs from gross revenue.

Cost calculation: 100 kg of finished products per day, 22 working days per month, cost of raw materials for 1 kg - 11.40 rubles. 11.40*100*22 = 25080 rubles

Fixed costs:

  • rent – ​​15,000;
  • utilities - 15,000;
  • transport costs -12,000;
  • packaging - 4000;
  • salary – 60,000;
  • raw materials -25080 rubles.

The total cost of production is 131,080 rubles.

Gross revenue: the price of 1 kg of pasta is 32 rubles, per month it turns out 72 * 100 * 22 = 158,400 rubles.

Profit – 158,400 – 131,080 = 27,320 rubles.

It will take one year to fully recoup the cost of a pasta production line. And if you organize work in two shifts, then the desired results can be achieved in six months.

Video: Pasta making machine

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