Welding inverter mig mma. Welding types

Serious construction and renovation work often require welding operations of varying degrees of technical and physical complexity, performed at any time of the day and in any climatic conditions. Today, we will look at the main types of welding and talk about the tools that no welder can do without. Even an experienced specialist will find a lot of new things here!

Throughout the twentieth century, welding has become one of the most common technological processes, and today it is difficult to name any other technical process that is developing with the same rapid intensity. Technical problems production and industrial modernity are inextricably linked with the need to obtain welded joints capable of working in the most different conditions, including extreme ones.
There is every reason to believe that welding will not lose its importance in the current twenty-first century, since the constant improvement of previous materials and the creation of completely new materials also involves the development of new technologies and welding tools for increasingly complex welding operations.

Basic types of welding

Depending on the conditions of the process, globally all types of welding can be divided into:

  • welding in terrestrial conditions, i.e. under the influence of gravity;
  • underwater welding;
  • welding in airless space.

There are many welding methods, depending both on the characteristics of this operation and on the materials being welded:

Fusion arc welding (mma)

In the 40s of the last century, a method of automatic welding under a layer of flux (lining) was invented; during the Second World War, this welding was successfully used for the production of tank armored hulls. Manual welding melting, burdened by sometimes difficult environmental conditions, has always been a difficult and labor-intensive process.

A type of arc welding is argon arc welding (tig), carried out by melting or non-melting in an inert gas environment of argon.

Electroslag welding

In the 50-60s of the last century, the electroslag welding process became widespread. This welding method had a very great value for the development of heavy engineering, making it possible to create the largest metal structures with limited foundry and forging capacities. It was possible to weld very thick metal, about two meters in one pass. This method was used in the construction of presses, high-pressure vessels with wall thicknesses of several tens and even hundreds of millimeters, etc. Over time, the productivity of electroslag welding has increased fivefold. Electroslag melting and casting makes it possible to create, for example, submarine hulls and nuclear reactors.

However, this technology also has its drawbacks: severe overheating of the heat-affected zone requires technical normalization of this surface.

Flash welding

This technology is the most in an efficient way metal compounds and continues to develop successfully, its capabilities are far from exhausted. The two parts are directed towards each other, forming metal bridge connections with their edges melting. After melting, the parts are compressed, forming a welded joint. A distinction is made between continuous and pulsating (less energy-consuming and reducing metal loss) melting. Allows you to weld high-strength steels and alloys.

Electron beam welding

The source of heat is a beam of electrons - an electron beam. This method has many engineering and technological solutions in the fields of aircraft construction and rocket production. Welding is carried out in a vacuum space, in particular cases - in local chambers. Non-vacuum (air) electron beam welding creates radiation exposure that must be blocked as much as possible, and requires enormous voltages of hundreds of kilovolts.

Plasma welding

The energy source of this welding method is a compressed arc produced using a direct or indirect plasma torch, called a plasma jet. Welding of this kind involves local melting and blowing of molten metal onto the edges of the parts being welded. In addition to welding, this method is used for the operations of technological surfacing, cutting and spraying.

Hybrid welding

Using two energy sources - microplasma and a laser beam - hybrid welding significantly increases the efficiency of the welding process.

Solid phase welding

In theory, this method appeared in the mid-60s - early 70s of the last century, and the rapid progress in the development of electronic technology, instrumentation and automation made it very popular in various industries. In pressure welding (in the solid phase), a distinction is made between induction, diffusion, magnetic pulse, ultrasonic, etc. It is possible to join almost any metal alloys, metals and semiconductors, ceramics, plastics, etc. using these methods. A feature of this welding method is the possibility of joining fragile materials.


Welding tools

Despite the fact that sophisticated welding machines that operate in all-weather conditions have now been designed and are successfully used, hand-held welding tools have always been and remain in demand among construction and repair professionals.

A welder's tool, in the general sense of the word, is considered to be a set of devices necessary to carry out the process. In home and everyday conditions, craftsmen try to use universal-purpose tools that allow for quick assembly of a structure intended for welding, reliable fixation of its parts in the desired position and a safe welding process with minimal deformation of parts. Frequently used and necessary welding tools in the arsenal include:

  • installation tools for reliable fastening of parts in the desired position, differing in functionality and design - stops (permanent, removable or folding), prisms for cylindrical products, templates, squares for positioning parts at a certain angle;
  • metalworking devices for adjusting and straightening gaps of joined parts in order to eliminate the possibility of accidental shift or deformation of welded parts:
    • spring clamps (including corner ones) with fixation of the part by squeezing the handles;
    • clamps - spring, wedge, lever, eccentric;
    • various sizes and configurations of clamps with a constant or adjustable throat size;
    • ties for bringing the edges to be welded closer to a given distance;
    • sledgehammers and spacers for leveling edges, correcting local defects, giving parts the desired shape;
  • universal and specialized electrode holders, welding and plasma torches;
  • electrical engineering devices - transformers, inverters, rectifiers, etc.;
  • For welding the ends of pipes, specialized support devices are used: external or internal centralizers to ensure that the axes of the welded parts of the pipes coincide when their end edges are aligned.

  • tools for cleaning seams and welded edges:
    • grinding and polishing machines, discs and attachments for angle grinders (“grinders”);
    • pneumatic hammers and files for hard-to-reach places;
    • to remove slag crust from inconvenient areas of welds;
    • wire brushes of flat or cylindrical shape (disc or end) for narrow gaps;
  • tool for setting up and setting up welding and technological equipment, quality control of welded joints;
  • measuring instrument for linear and angular quantities (calipers, bore gauges, etc.).

Structurally, the production of welding tools is based on its use in professional work and local household, as well as on unregulated various connection systems.

The issue of choosing a welding tool by the end user is decided by analyzing the material of the surfaces to be welded and the characteristics of the tools that depend on them, the historically established practice of performing welding work, cost criteria, professional skills and personal preferences of the welder himself.

Welding tools are constantly being improved, and they undoubtedly await further progress and a great construction future.


To date, dozens of welding methods have been developed. The most common types are mig, mag, tig, and mma welding. All of them belong to the thermal class according to the method of obtaining energy for the welding process.

The thermal energy released during the formation of an electric arc allows you to weld any metals. The main heat is generated in the arc itself due to the fact that its resistance is greater than the resistance of the electrode and the part being welded, so melting occurs near the arc. This, in turn, leads to the formation of a weld pool, which, when cooled, provides a permanent connection.

MIG welding is the international designation for the welding process of metals in an inert gas environment. Argon, helium or mixtures thereof are used as inert gases.

Gas is supplied from cylinders through high-pressure hoses to the burner. It displaces atmospheric air around the electric arc, thereby eliminating the harmful effects of oxygen on the welding joint.

The seam is of high quality and dense, without pores. The disadvantage of MIG welding is the high cost of inert gas. Argon costs 45 times, and helium 156 times more expensive carbon dioxide.

MAG welding is the international designation for the welding process in an active gas environment. The most widely used active gases are carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Their function is the same as that of inert gases - protection from atmospheric oxygen.

Carbon dioxide in the welding area decomposes into oxygen and carbon monoxide, which leads to harmful effects such as porosity weld. To avoid this, it is necessary to use electrodes or filler wire containing manganese and silicon.

They bind the released oxygen and deoxidize the welding medium. Gases are stored in high-pressure cylinders; reduction reducers are used for use. When using carbon dioxide, it is recommended to turn the cylinder over and release water vapor, only then start MAG welding.

With tungsten electrode

TIG welding is the international designation for the welding process of metals in an inert gas environment using a tungsten non-consumable electrode.

In Russia and the CIS, TIG welding is called argon arc welding due to the inert gas used. Thanks to the constant length of the electrode, the welding process is greatly simplified; the absence of other impurities allows us to obtain seams of the highest quality.

Pulsed TIG welding is a variation of conventional TIG, but uses pulsed current instead of direct current. In some MAG TIG welding machines, this mode is present along with the main one.

It is useful when working with thin sheets, it does not overheat them, and there is no warping during welding. Typically, several modes are set at a frequency of 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 500 Hz. The result is a beautiful scaly seam.

MMA welding is the international designation for manual electric arc welding. It is produced by electrodes coated with a special protective coating. The MMA welding process occurs due to the formation of an arc between the electrode and the part being welded.

The electrode, melting, enters the weld pool, which was formed due to the melting of the edges of the workpieces. The coating also melts and forms a protective layer on the surface of the bath, after cooling it turns into slag. Easily removed with a hammer.

Semi-automatic welding

The choice of equipment for a welder is huge. The MIG MAG welding machine is very popular. It is used in almost all auto repair shops due to the high quality weld it produces.

Most welding machines now use inverters. The frequency of the welding current in them is practically independent of changes in the mains voltage. At the same time, they have compact dimensions and weight, which allows them to be mobile.

Since the power source for most types of electric arc welding has the same parameters, manufacturers began to create universal models capable of operating in various modes and different types burners Semi-automatic MIG MAG and TIG welding has especially developed.

Welding wire

Semi-automatic MIG MAG TIG welding involves the use welding wire, which is inserted into the device. The quality of the seam also depends on its characteristics. In some cases, you can even do without shielding gas when using cored wire.

There are four types of additives: aluminum, steel, copper and powder. The last two are the most popular. Their use guarantees no splashes and high productivity.

In addition to cored wire, filler wire must be used in a protective gas atmosphere. When purchasing, be sure to check compatibility with the materials and tips being welded.

Universal semi-automatic

A striking example of universalization is a semi-automatic welding machine of the Triton MIG MT 250 brand. This semi-automatic machine belongs to professional equipment and is a small-sized inverter on wheels that produces 250 A in peak mode.

It provides high-quality welding in MIG, MAG, TIG DC, MMA modes and can weld with Spot Stitch technology. For this purpose, the delivery package of the welding machine includes torches for three types of welding.

In peak mode, the on-time is 60%, at currents up to 200 A - 100%. For easy and reliable initiation of the electric arc, the Arc Force and Lift TIG function is provided.

To supply filler wire, a 4-roller drive is used; it is possible to use a 300 mm reel.

A special connector allows the device to work with push-pull and spool gun burners. These are torches that have their own filler wire feeder, with a coil located on it. Filler wire is used of any grade, including flux-cored wire with a diameter of up to 1.2 mm.

Operating modes

A welding machine with four modes (MIG, MAG, TIG, MMA) opens up wide possibilities. It allows you to create a seam in different positions, weld ferrous and non-ferrous metals, galvanized, thin and thick sheets.


“Dot/stitch” - this is how you can translate the name of the mode. In it, the MIG MT 250 welds with stitches. The welding drop is transferred when there is no short circuit, which reduces heat input into the product being welded. This eliminates overheating and warping of the metal.

The mode is used when welding galvanized products and stainless steel. Reduced heating of the electrode and the part allows you to increase the performance of the device and its service life.


In MIG and MAG modes, the welding machine operates semi-automatically. The filler wire is fed evenly with the simultaneous supply of shielding gas.

The welder only has to move the torch along the future seam at a certain height from the part being welded. This ensures a high welding speed and a high-quality weld, thanks to protection from air oxygen by inert gas. The welding current can be adjusted over a wide range from 30 to 250 A.


Unlike most semi-automatic MIG MAG devices, the MIG MT 250 model can weld metals in TIG mode using direct current. The device provides for rapid ignition of the electric welding arc when the end of the electrode touches the part to be welded.

There is no high-frequency interference at the moment of arc initiation, which allows it to be used in the radio industry and other areas of manufacturing (or amateur welding) related to electronics.


Traditional manual arc welding provides welding of ferrous metals and their alloys. Direct current allows you to obtain a stable arc.

A special function of the ARC-FORCE welding machine provides adjustment of the arc power, which allows you to obtain the required parameters and a high-quality weld.

Additive supply

The additive supply device is located inside the inverter housing. The drive feeds the wire evenly without jamming, it does not slip or stretch. The device can be filled with a coil weighing 15 kg along with filler wire, the diameter of which varies from 0.8 to 1.2 mm.

The delivery set of the universal welding machine includes:

  • inverter type power supply;
  • MIG/MAG torch with 3 m cable;
  • TIG torch with 4 m cable;
  • network cable;
  • hose for supplying shielding gas;
  • holder with cable for self made MMA;
  • cable for ground connection (it has a clamp).

The weight of the device with MIG, MAG, TIG and MMA functions is 32 kg, and there are wheels for transportation. The front panel displays all information about the current state of the device.

Connectors are located for quick disconnection of cables. The pin connector provides connection to SPOOL GUN torches, which makes it possible to use almost any type of welding wire. This, in turn, allows us to greatly expand the list of welded metals and their alloys.

Protection against overheating and overload is provided.

This selection of functions of the device allows it to be a universal device, which ensures the performance of almost all types of welding work without purchasing additional equipment.

It is sometimes difficult for a non-specialist to understand the terms and definitions used in welding. The complexity is additionally caused by the fact that there are no strictly regulated and classified methods and techniques. However, manufacturers of welding equipment and materials adhere to generally accepted English abbreviations, which will be discussed in this article.


MMA(Manual Metal Arc) - manual arc welding with piece (coated) electrodes using or. The technical literature of Soviet times used the designation RDS.
The welding process occurs due to the melting of a metal rod - an electrode, coated with a special coating, which have their own. Its main purpose is to protect the weld pool from air, preventing oxidation of the metal. The molten rod forms a weld and the used coating remains as slag.

Covered electrode welding

RDS is possible on both direct and alternating current. With direct current, there are two options for connecting the ground clamp and the electrode holder, so there is welding on. AC does not have this feature - how to connect the electrode in this case does not matter. The following will help you choose a device that will last for many years.

Since the MMA method is the most popular due to its simplicity and relatively inexpensive equipment, it is definitely worth familiarizing yourself with the issue.


TIG(Tungsten Inert Gas) – technology of arc welding in an inert gas environment with a non-consumable electrode. Tungsten is a very refractory metal with a melting point of about 3500 C, so it is the basis for the production of this kind of electrodes. Sometimes you can find other variations of this method:

  • WIG (Wolfram Inert Gas) – the name is derived from the German spelling;
  • GTA (Gas Tungsten Arc) - this abbreviation omits the chemical reaction of the shielding gas.

The selection of materials is carried out according to the designation of the types of metals being welded, as well as welding modes.

Because the electrode is non-consumable, the argon welding process occurs according to a different scenario:

  • an electric arc is excited between the end of the electrode and the metal being welded;
  • filling weld seam occurs by feeding a special filler material - a rod - into the welding zone;
  • the weld pool is protected by a gas cloud.

TIG welding process

Protective inert gas, i.e. a gas whose molecules do not chemically interact with the base and filler materials during the welding process; in this case, argon is used. That is why the name “” or RADS was assigned to it.

It is worth noting that this name is not entirely correct, because Other gases, such as nitrogen, helium, and gas mixtures, can be used as a shielding gas.

Argon can be used when welding consumable electrodes - the MIG method, which will be discussed below.

IN technical specifications welding equipment, in addition to the designation TIG, is always supplemented by a mention of the type of welding current DC (Direct Current) - direct current or AC/DC (Alternating Current / Direct Current) - alternating / direct current. In this case it is very important. For example, it is produced on alternating current.


MIG/MAG(Metal Inert/Active Gas) - a method of arc welding in a protective atmosphere of inert/active gas using a consumable electrode in the form of steel or other wire, depending on the type of metal being joined.

Schematic representation of the mig/mag method

MIG or MAG welding usually means. The main objective of this method was the idea of ​​​​creating an “endless electrode”, thereby achieving significant welding productivity. Indeed, with the RDS method, you often have to change the electrode as it is used up, which in some cases is extremely inconvenient. As with TIG welding, shielding gases are used here.

The role of inert is usually argon and its mixtures, which is suitable, for example,. The active gas, i.e., the one that interacts with the metal being welded during the process, is usually carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide). You may hear a welder use the phrase “ “, implying the MAG method.

This method is the most common due to increased productivity compared to MMA, and gives a better result in the quality of the weld. Based on reviews from experienced welders, you will be able to decide on the choice of welding machine.

We hope that this article will help you understand the classification of basic welding methods, and will also be useful when choosing equipment and materials with English abbreviations.

TESLA is one of the leading manufacturers of welding equipment. The company has been operating in this market segment for 30 years. TESLA's mission is to produce welding machines that meet the highest global standards. TESLA products are intended for consumers such as enterprises maintenance and car repair, engineering and construction companies, professional welders. For each of the above groups, TESLA offers a large selection of welding equipment: welding machines, welding inverters, semi-automatic welding machines, plasma cutters - the most high quality allowing you to achieve the best results in your work.

TESLA specialists, the vast majority of whom are experts high level in the field of welding, they are constantly working on developing new products for welding machines and improving existing projects. TESLA constantly and actively monitors current trends in the global welding equipment market and manages the production process of welding machines in accordance with them. With a developed network of representative offices and distributors in more than 37 countries, the company plays an important role in the global market.

When you buy TESLA welding machines, you get much more than just welding equipment. You acquire part of the technical know-how, experience and tradition of the company. The quality of TESLA welding machines, well known throughout the world, is confirmed by the CE certificate and many other international certificates.

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