Demand for Russian goods. What is profitable to sell in Russia now?

Some products become bestsellers as soon as they appear in the store. More than half of the new products do not find much interest among the buyer and quickly disappear from the shelf. And only a few remain true bestsellers for a long time,

These products are so popular that they have an impact on people, society and even culture. Best-selling products were innovative and even considered revolutionary when they were introduced. Experts creating a list of legendary productsanalyzed a huge number of product categories that cause the greatest demand among different groups of the population, with record sales volumes or high circulation, as well as consumer loyalty.

No. 1 - "Rubik's Cube"

Sales: 400 million

Manufacturer: Seven Towns Ltd.

Hungarian sculptor and architecture teacher Erné Rubik invented the first prototype of the Magic Cube in 1974 in Budapest. In 1980, the American company Seven Towns bought the rights to the toy and began producing the Rubik's Cube. The puzzle soon became an incredible international sensation. Amazing bright colors, affordable price and enough high level difficulties have made the Rubik's Cube a best-selling product for many years.

No. 2. iPhone

Sales: 290 million

Manufacturer: Apple

In just 5 years, 290 million iPhones were purchased, making it the most popular smartphone model in the world. Apple's iPhone is a best-selling product among the leading electronics retailers in the United States, such as Verizon, AT&T and Sprint. Apple made a profit of about $190 billion on the iPhone. Today, 6 iPhone models have already been released: the original version, 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S and 5 .

No. 3. "Harry Potter"

Sales (paper copies): 470 million

Produced by: Scholastic (USA publisher)

American publishers Scholastic Corporation released the first volume of the Harry Potter serialized novel in the 1990s. called "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". The book immediately becamesensational, the total profit from sales of all the bestselling novels amounted to $8.1 billion. The adventure chronicle of a young wizard helped the English writer Joanna Rowling become one of the highest paid authors in the world. The latest installment in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows series is recognized as the most popular book in the history of publishing. In the first 24 hours, 11 million books were sold.

Sales: 120 million

Production: Epic Records

The thirtieth anniversary of the release of Michael Jackson's famous album "Thriller" was celebratedthis November. One of the first discs to be promoted using video clips on the MTV channel. "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time in just one year. For this disc, Michael received 8 Grammy awards from the American Recording Academy in 1984. 7 songs on the album were published in the top ten hits according to Billboard magazine.

No. 5. "Mario"

Sales: 275 million

Manufacturer: Nintendo

The character Mario first appeared in 1981 in the top-rated TV series Donkey Kong. Since then, the Italian plumber has appeared in dozens of products, each of which has sold more than 1 million copies. Meanwhile, the game “Super Mario” is considered one of the most popular: the number of sales is 275 million copies.

No. 6. iPad

Sales: 81 million

Manufacturer: Apple

April 2010 Apple releases its first iPad, which instantly became a bestseller. The iPad also became the first commercially successful tablet PC. Not long ago, an American company began producing the third generation of iPad. Over the course of two years, 81 million tablets from Apple were sold. To put this figure into perspective, it took Apple 24 years to sell the same number of regular computers.

No. 7. "Star Wars"

Box office: $4.74 billion

Production: 20th Century Fox

In 2009, the science fiction film Avatar directed by James Cameron was recognized as the highest grossing film in the history of American film distribution. But when adjusted for inflation, 1939's Gone with the Wind continues to be the highest-grossing film, according to Box Office Mojo. On the other hand, taking into account the category of "serials", nothing can compare with George Lucas' masterpiece "Star Wars". The film was first released in 1977 and grossed $1.5 billion. Over five films, the series' box office gross was $4.74 billion.

No. 8. Toyota Corolla

Sales: 41 million

Manufacturer: Toyota

The Corolla car has been on the market for forty years, and during that time 11 models of the most popular brand have rolled off the assembly line. From that momentToyota on average sells 1 Corolla car every 40 seconds. This was the first brand that a Japanese manufacturer decided to assemble in the United States. Today, the latest Corolla consumes 7.1 liters of gasoline per 100 km, and its base price - $16140.

No. 9. Lipitor

Sales: $126 billion

Manufacturer: Pfizer

Lipitor is used to lower cholesterol and fat levels in the blood. The drug was invented by Warner-Lambert, which was later bought by Pfizer. Lipitor received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration in 1997. Although Lipitor is not the only drug in its category, the drug's ability to effectively lower cholesterol makes it one of the most popular among many patients. and doctors. Pfizer's patent to exclusively manufacture Lipitor ended last year. Since 1997, the drug's total sales profit has reached $126 billion, which is almost 26% of the pharmaceutical giant's total revenues.

No. 10. PlayStation

Sales: more than 310 million

Manufacturer: Sony

The first PlayStation model was released in 1995. 5 years later, the Japanese electronics manufacturer opened sales of the second generation console - PlayStation 2 (PS2), which became the best-selling model of game consoles in all history. By 2011, sales had increased to 150 million PS2s. In 2006, the newest model (PS3) appeared on the market, but itwas no longer so successful. Despite this, over the entire production period of various models of the PlayStation series, more than 310 million game consoles were sold.

During a crisis, the purchasing power of a significant part of the population is significantly reduced. For this reason, many goods and services become unclaimed. We will try to figure out what is profitable to sell during the 2020 crisis in this article.


When a person lacks financial resources, he buys only what he cannot do without. First of all, these are food products. Of course, in addition to food, people also need clothes and shoes. But during a crisis, you can wear old things, but you can’t live without food. Therefore, if you are wondering what is profitable to sell during the crisis of 2020, try selling products.

A person cannot live a single day without food, so food is in great demand in any economic conditions. Do not forget that expensive gourmet delicacies will not be very popular during a crisis. Therefore, if you decide to sell food, offer customers inexpensive cereals, social varieties of bread or vegetables. The demand for such products begins to grow during a crisis, so you will make a good profit.

Construction Materials

After a sharp rise in the price of the dollar, sales building materials in 2015 they grew by 20–25%. According to experts, in 2020 the demand for them will begin to gradually decline, but despite this, such products will be very popular.

The real crisis in the construction industry will come at the end of 2020, when construction of the projects that have begun will be completed. Since the real estate market is down during the crisis, construction is temporarily suspended, so the demand for building materials will begin to decline significantly at the end of 2020. Therefore, owners of building materials stores will have to think about what they can sell during a crisis in order to survive difficult times.

Chinese products

Many people know that in China consumer goods are much cheaper than in our country. This is due to low production costs.

Chinese manufacturers offer any products at low prices:

  • Clothes and shoes;
  • Kids toys;
  • Electronics;
  • Production equipment and more.

Now let’s figure out how to sell goods from China during a crisis. The simplest and most affordable option is dropshipping. To start such a business, you need to open your own online store and resell products from Chinese suppliers through it.


Medicines are a product for which people pay their last money. Don't know what's best to sell during the 2020 crisis? Open your own pharmacy. Modern people They try not to save on their health, so sales of medicines in difficult economic conditions do not decrease, and in some cases even begin to increase.

In this matter, one very important thing to consider is important point. In order for the pharmacy to have many customers, expensive imported medicines should be replaced with cheap domestically produced analogues. During a crisis, people save money, so they give preference to inexpensive, high-quality medicines made in our country.


Anything, even the best quality, will sooner or later wear out, so you have to buy new clothes and shoes. If you can't decide what products to sell during a crisis, open an inexpensive clothing store. Unlike groceries, clothing sales may decline during a crisis as many people repair and rewear old items. But despite this, such products are always in demand.

The best-selling items during a crisis are used or cheap items. Wholesale or retail second hand. Such a business begins to flourish precisely in difficult economic conditions.

Hygiene items

Personal hygiene items occupy an important place among essential goods. Their sales level may drop slightly during the crisis, but this only applies to expensive imported products. Just like medicines, consumers replace it with inexpensive domestic analogues.

Among personal care products, the best-selling products during the crisis are:

  • Toothpaste and brushes;
  • Soap;
  • Shampoos;
  • Washing powders;
  • Detergents and cleaning products;
  • Inexpensive perfumes and deodorants.

Companies that sell hygiene products during the crisis are refocusing on domestic producers producing inexpensive, high-quality products.

Auto parts

During a crisis, people refuse to buy new cars, so the trade in spare parts rises to the highest level in difficult economic conditions. To expand the range, you can trade various technical fluids, oils and other consumables.

An auto parts store is a great option for those looking for... In the future, it is possible to cover several segments of the automotive market, for example, car repair or self-service car washes. At the same time, the most investment-intensive ideas should be excluded.

It should be noted that trading in auto parts is a profitable and reliable investment. Nowadays, cars have become a part of people's lives, so there is a great demand for spare parts in any economic conditions. The profitability of this business reaches 80-110%, which is quite a high figure for retail trade.

Ritual goods

People are born, die and get married, no matter what their situation is. world economy. This process cannot be slowed down or stopped, so various ritual goods are always in great demand.

Any person can open such a business, even if he has never encountered the provision of funeral services. This is the easiest way. Before you start work, you should decide on the direction of your activity. It could be a small funeral home or wedding salon. Some ritual goods can be taken for sale in order to save on their purchase. If you offer high quality and excellent service to your customers, your business will prosper.

Childen's goods

The demand for quality children's products is constantly growing, as modern parents want to give their children the best. Some mothers and fathers, who are constantly busy at work, try to compensate for the lack of attention with expensive toys and fashionable clothes. This is a rather sad fact, but it is what raises the level of sales in children's goods stores. If you are thinking about what is best to sell during a crisis, pay attention to children's toys and essential goods - diapers, bottles, diapers, wipes, etc.

If we talk about children's clothing, focusing on it is quite risky. Of course, caring parents will not leave their child without the necessary things. But during a crisis, many are happy to accept used clothes as gifts, so they are in no hurry to go to the store for new things. You shouldn’t completely exclude children’s clothing from the assortment, but its share should be no more than 10-15% of the total volume of products presented in a children’s store. If you can determine what is profitable to sell during a crisis, your business will prosper.


Alcohol products are very popular at any time. During a crisis, the demand for alcohol begins to grow, as many people try to relieve stress and relax a little with the help of alcoholic drinks. Despite the fact that the state introduces various restrictions to protect citizens of our country from excessive alcohol consumption, the demand for these products is constantly increasing.

Trade alcoholic products considered very profitable and profitable business, but before you start such a business, you need to formalize permits and officially register your business. If you manage to organize your business correctly, it will generate decent income even during a crisis.

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Used items

Many entrepreneurs ask the question: how to sell expensive goods during a crisis, if people even start saving on food? Of course, too high prices scare consumers away, so in times of crisis they begin to pay more attention to second-hand items.

We have already mentioned second-hand stores above. You can also sell used video and photographic equipment, used phones and construction tools.

Last time e-commerce attracts many aspiring entrepreneurs. If you decide to open your own online store, you first need to carefully consider what you will sell in it. The best-selling products on the Internet in 2020, collected in this article, will help you choose the right assortment that will attract the attention of buyers.

What to sell?

As a rule, beginners who open their own business online choose 2-3 categories from the top best-selling products on the Internet. In the future, they gradually expand their range. For example, if you sell shoes and clothing, over time, when free funds become available, you can offer watches and jewelry to consumers. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase your profits.

Since the Internet is visited by a huge number of people every day, any product can be sold here. But, if you want to earn a good income, you first need to carefully study the ranking of the best-selling products on the Internet. After this, you can begin to form an assortment.

Internet commerce in crisis

Let's try to figure it out, shall we? If you believe the statistics of the best-selling products on the Internet, in difficult economic conditions the demand for expensive luxury products is beginning to grow. It is bought by wealthy people who have worried about their financial well-being in advance. In addition, during a crisis, many citizens try to invest their savings in jewelry made from precious metals and antiques to protect money from inflation. Therefore, such goods are sold in relatively large volumes.

During periods of economic instability, demand for products in the mid-price segment drops significantly. This is due to the fact that people with average incomes have reduced wage Therefore, in order to save money, they are forced to give up many usual purchases. Therefore, if you decide to engage in e-commerce in 2020, you should not rely on a mid-priced product.

During a crisis, the best-selling products through an online store are cheap products. The bulk of the population of our country saves money, so they prefer to buy inexpensive goods of low and average quality. Demand for budget clothing, furniture and food is beginning to grow rapidly as buyers from the former middle class move into this segment.

If you cannot determine what the best-selling product in Russia is online, choose one of two strategies:

  1. Sell ​​expensive goods to wealthy people;
  2. Engage in mass supplies of cheap goods, for example from China.

We form an assortment

Let's try to make a list of the 10 best-selling products on the Internet.

Quadcopters and accessories

You probably know what drones or quadcopters are. Such aircrafts were originally developed for military purposes. Over time, these devices began to be actively used in everyday life and for entertainment. If you're looking, try trading drones. The demand for such a product is constantly growing, so you can make good money on it.

Gadgets and mobile phones

Marketers have found that such products are the top sellers on the Internet. This category includes any product costing no more than $600. The attractive prices offered by many online stores attract consumers. About 10% of our country's citizens can afford to regularly update various gadgets and mobile phones. Moreover, most often, they make such purchases online. Consumers compare prices online and in physical stores, and see that there is a significant difference. After this, they have no problem parting with their money, because they realize that they have saved a decent amount.


These products are among the top 10 best-selling products on the Internet. But many people today are afraid to make expensive purchases online. Despite the fact that prices in online stores are much lower, most buyers still go to supermarkets.

The fact is that such expensive things are rarely purchased, so consumers want to personally compare different models and make sure that they do not have any defects. In addition, some people have never experienced sending goods by mail. They believe that it is much more convenient and profitable to order delivery within the city. Therefore, if you have not yet decided, start with another, more popular product.

Green tea

Trading different varieties of green tea is an excellent business. Modern people care about their health, so green tea, which has healing properties, is very popular. Another popular product is green coffee. But the demand for it is beginning to gradually decline, so if you want to earn good money, focus on trading green tea with different extracts.

Products for cleansing the body

Healthy, nutritious foods, known as detox foods, are rapidly gaining popularity. On this moment Various herbal teas and decoctions are in greatest demand. They filled all social networks. Surely each of you has come across such a product in your feed at least once. Some products are truly healthy, but there are also those whose composition resembles regular tea with different fillings. And yet, it is quite profitable, since detoxes are sold online in huge volumes.

LED lightening

This segment opens up broad prospects for budding entrepreneurs. Experts say that literally in 10 years all lighting fixtures in the world will be replaced with LED ones, since they can significantly save energy. Besides LED lights last much longer than conventional incandescent lamps.

Such an idea for your business with minimal investment in 2020, with the right approach, it will make you a wealthy person, since LED lighting is becoming indispensable in the everyday life of modern people.


Despite the fact that recently many people have begun to use electronic reading devices, regular paper books continue to be a popular product. Literary publications on specialized online sites are much cheaper than in real bookstores. In addition, many online stores offer customers good discounts and lucrative bonus programs. The buyer can find any publication he needs online. Each book is accompanied by an annotation with which you can familiarize yourself with its contents.

Shoes and clothing

This is a product that is in demand on the market in any economic conditions. So that consumers can choose the right things for themselves, online stores provide detailed information about each product:

  • Color;
  • Textile;
  • Size;
  • Basic operational characteristics.

In addition, they post photographs in which you can see what this or that thing looks like. As a rule, clothes are shown by models, so the buyer can visually assess how it looks on a person. Despite the fact that many citizens of our country continue to buy clothes in regular stores, this product is among the top ten best-selling products online. By the way, reselling clothes is a great option for people who are interested in...

Children's toys and gifts

Many modern consumers prefer to order gifts and children's toys on the Internet. There are many websites on the Internet that offer their services for choosing gifts. Thanks to this, a person can easily choose a suitable surprise to please his family or friends. To make the gift unique, you can personalize it, that is, order some original inscription or engraving.


Experts believe that cosmetics and perfumes are the best-selling products online. Many online stores that sell products from well-known brands offer consumers video tutorials and master classes from experienced specialists. Thanks to this, consumers receive quality products at affordable prices and learn how to properly use the purchased products. cosmetics. If we talk about perfumes, usually only proven popular fragrances are purchased online.

10 criteria profitable niche: What to sell online?

During the crisis, many entrepreneurs who trade on the Internet go bankrupt or lose most of their profits. This happens because they don't want to change the way they work. If you choose the best-selling products on the Internet and fill the site with them, online trading will bring huge profits, regardless of economic conditions.

Before choosing a profitable one, first thoroughly research the market and study consumer demand. Each city has its own product categories that are most in demand in your region. Trading such products will allow you to earn a good, stable income.

Our age of high technology is good because many things can be done without leaving the computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to establish and successfully develop a business selling goods online. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study sales statistics over recent years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their implementation will not bring much profit. So what is profitable to sell? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling products on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Chinese products.

Depending on size starting capital you need to select the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to statistics in 2019, the most sold goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, cost becomes a more important criterion than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What should you not sell?

Among the best-selling products on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and household appliances. If you decide to sell the most in 2019 popular goods on the Internet, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms in Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothes and shoes

Although shopping for clothes and shoes usually requires trying on items, these are the top-selling items online today. Why? – yes, because a quality item on the Internet costs much less than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and put on shoes regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store – different. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, make high quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, you should carefully approach client consultations. At the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profits. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling product for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money are gradually gone. New technologies, including e-commerce, make it possible to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without leaving the couch. E-tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are committed to serious work on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners – event organizers – can also make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand among buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online perfume and cosmetics store, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, sell only high-quality products from well-known brands. If you think about what are the best-selling products on the Internet in pre-holiday days, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and March 8th.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can be harmful to human health. When reselling such products, be careful to sell only high-quality products. Pay special attention to the expiration dates of the product and the authority and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume half as much electricity as conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as during the crisis people strive to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although competition in this area is already quite strong.


Rapid market development e-books could not completely replace traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling products on the Internet, how to find out? – It’s very simple: take a closer look at what many people are doing on public transport. – They read paper publications! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome task. Therefore, buyers look for books on the Internet. Therefore, the resale of traditional books is profitable business, despite the fact that many of us consider the electronic form of publications and documents more convenient. The markup for this category of goods can reach 50–60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese businessmen have successfully implemented ideas for producing in-demand items. Purchase price Chinese goods ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet remain counterfeits or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • Adidas;
  • NIKE;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • Converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling items on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese of very high quality. Consumers do not see the point in overpaying “for the name” of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets of the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

First of all, find suppliers. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock in order to quickly reorient yourself in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items being sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several interaction options:

  1. Purchase with further storage in your warehouse;
  2. Purchase from the supplier's warehouse based on availability;
  3. Selling directly from a third party warehouse (dropshipping) is the best solution to the question: “?”

The next steps will be: registration of hosting (about 1000 rubles per year) and domain (about 100 rubles per year), creation of an online store website using a special designer, launch, filling the site with goods and thematic content, advertising and promotion of the online store, analysis sales indicators and finding ways to increase them. The profitability of the online store in the first stages will be 20-25,000 rubles. per month. If you wish, you can turn a small online store into a huge platform where hundreds of products will be sold. Income will directly depend on the quality of your work.

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