List of used literature. Educational and methodological complex of the discipline “fundamentals of commercial activity Literature commercial activity

Relevance of literary publications in the field of commercial activity

The theoretical foundations related to the organization of commercial activities became especially popular in the 90s of the last century, when the Russian market became open to all countries of the world and business activity began to develop.

In those days and to this day, a lot of literature related to commercial activities is published and it is still considered in demand in the book publishing market.

Literature on commercial activities

    The textbook “Commerceology: Anticipation of Change: Innovative Business Models of Commercial Activity: Monograph” was published in 2015 by the Siberian Federal University. The total volume of the publication is 160 pages. Author of the work: Gunyakov Yu. V. and Gunyakov D. Yu.

    This publication talks about how to rebuild the domestic market to suit new trends, how to master new directions and trends in commercial activity. The emphasis is also on mutually beneficial commercial relationships that can arise between market entities. Also proposed and described innovative approaches in commercial activities.

    The target audience of the publication is students, graduate students, masters, as well as senior staff and managers of existing commercial enterprises. The purpose of the publication is innovative approaches to business development.

    The textbook talks about modern mechanisms of operation of a commercial enterprise in the market. It also describes modern methods of managing and doing business within the retail and wholesale trade.

    This textbook is well suited for students of the specialties “Commercial activity”, “Commodity experts”, as well as for trade workers, managers of trading companies, etc.

    A textbook of the same name “Commercial Activities” was published in 2017, and can rightfully be considered the most modern publication. The authors of the publication were F.G. Pankratov. and Soldatova N.F. Publishing house "Dashkov and Co." A textbook of 500 pages.

    The textbook contains many sections devoted to the concepts of commercial activity, its types, and main characteristics. The issues of organizing commercial activities are also discussed, the concept of a merchant, his main functions in the market and in the field of commerce are given. Current issues are also touched upon: franchising, leasing, export, import, etc.

    This publication is relevant for higher education students educational institutions, as well as for those who work in the field of commerce and trade.

    Belyaevsky I.K. published in 2008 an educational and methodological complex called “Commercial Activities”, publishing house “Eurasian Open Institute”. The total volume of the publication is 341 pages.

  1. Levkin G.G. in 2015, with the help of the Direct-Media publication, he published a textbook “Commercial Logistics”. 205 pages of the textbook cover issues related to logistics in commercial activities.
  2. In 2016, the publishing corporation "Dashkov and Co" published the works of the authors Sinyaev I.M., Sinyaev V.V. "Marketing in Commerce." 548 pages of the textbook reveal the essence marketing activities, as well as its meaning and impact on commercial activities.

This review of modern literature will allow you to find answers to all pressing questions in the field of commercial activity.

In this article, we offer students a list of literature from the 2012, 2013, and 2014 editions. You can safely use this literature when writing your coursework, as well as simply to add it to the bibliography of completed work in cases where the coursework has already been written and there is not enough literature.

Here you will find textbooks and study guides in such disciplines as:
– analysis (investment, financial, economic);
– state and municipal government;
– urban economy;
– ;
– innovative technologies; innovation management;
– history of economic doctrines;
– marketing; innovation marketing;
– management; risk management; change management; management decisions; risk management;
– logistics;
– assessment of the value of a business (enterprise);
– law (economic, entrepreneurial)
– entrepreneurship; commercial activity; organization of production;
– business psychology; psychology of management; psychology of personnel management;
– property management;
- project management;
– ; money; credit;
– pricing;
– econometrics;
– economics (enterprise, trade industry; institutional, network); labor economics;
– ethics business relations.
You will also find a manual entitled “ Economic justification in ", which will definitely help you in the future, when you move on to your last year at the university.

1. Agarkov, S. A. Risk management: textbook; recommended by UMO RAE / S. A. Agarkov, E. S. Kuznetsova. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – 112 p.
2. Aleksina, T. A. Business ethics: textbook for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / T. A. Aleksina. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 384 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
3. Aliev, I. I. Labor Economics. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors; recommended by the scientific and technical council of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance / I. I. Aliev, N. A. Gorelov, L. O. Ilyina. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 671 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
4. Alontseva, N. V. English language for the direction “Management”: textbook / N. V. Alontseva, Yu. A. Ermoshin. – 3rd ed., erased. – M.: Academy, 2014. – 272 p. – (Bachelor's degree).
5. Astakhov, V.P. Accounting (financial): textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO VO / V. P. Astakhov. – 11th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 984 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
6. Audit. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO VO / under general. ed. N. A. Kazakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 385 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course)
7. Babushkina, E. A. Impact assessment on environment: method. instructions for practice works / comp. E. A. Babushkina, E. E. Ibe; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 36 p.
8. Babushkina, E. A. Environmental impact assessment: method. instructions for implementation independent work/ E. A. Babushkina, E. E. Ibe; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 13 p.
9. Babushkina, E. A. Independent work of students in the discipline “Ecology”: method. instructions / Comp. E. A. Babushkina, A. V. Demin; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 12 p.
10. Barancheev, V. P. Innovation Management: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / V. P. Barancheev, N. P. Maslennikova, V. M. Mishin. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 711 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
11. Blagikh, I. A. History of economic teachings: a textbook for academic bachelor’s degrees; admitted by UMO VO / I. A. Blagikh, A. N. Dubyansky; edited by A. N. Dubyansky. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 611 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
12. Boldin, A. P. Fundamentals scientific research: textbook / A. P. Boldin, V. A. Maksimov. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Academy, 2014. – 352 p. – (Bachelor's degree).
13. Borgoyakov, A. S. Production management. Coursework: methodological instructions / A. S. Borgoyakov; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 16 p.
14. Bureeva, M. A. Methods of optimal solutions: a collection of tasks. / M. A. Bureeva; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 32 p.
15. Busov, V. I. Estimation of the value of an enterprise (business): a textbook for bachelors; admitted by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / V. I. Busov, O. A. Zemlyansky, A. P. Polyakov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 430 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
16. Busov, V. I. Real estate management: theory and practice: textbook for academic bachelor's degree; admitted by UMO VO / V. I. Busov, A. A. Polyakov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 517 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
17. Busov, V. I. Management decisions: a textbook for academic undergraduates / V. I. Busov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 254 p. – ( Tutorial)
18. Bychkov, V. P. Economics motor transport enterprise: textbook / V. P. Bychkov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2015. – 384 p. – ( Higher education: Bachelor's degree).
19. Vendeleva, M. A. Information in management: a textbook for bachelors / M. A. Vendeleva, Yu. V. Vertakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 462 p.
20. Wilhelm, A. S. Labor Economics: textbook; recommended by the Educational Institution of Russian Universities for Education in Economics / A. S. Wilhelm, I. V. Panasenko; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2013. - 190 p.
21. Voitolovsky, N. V. Economic analysis: textbook for bachelors / N.V. Voitolovsky, A.P. Kalinina, I.I. Mazurova. – 4th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 548 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
22. Voronova, E. Yu. Management accounting: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by Educational Institution for Education in Finance / E. Yu. Voronova. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 390 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
23. Gavrilov, L. P. Innovative technologies in commerce and business: a textbook for bachelors / L. P. Gavrilov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 372 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
24. Gorelov, N. A. Methodology of scientific research: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate studies / N. A. Gorelov, D. V. Kruglov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 290 p. – (Bachelor and Master. Academic course).
25. Urban farming: textbook / T. G. Morozova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 361 p.
26. Urban management: textbook; recommended Scientifically - methodologically. Council on Correspondence Economic Education / T. G. Morozova [and others]. – M.: INFRA, 2012. – 361 p.
27. Gumba, Kh. M. Pricing and estimating in construction: textbook and workshop for applied bachelor’s degree / Kh. M. Gumba, E. E. Ermolaev, S. S. Uvarova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 419 p.
28. Erofeeva, V. A. Audit. In 2 vols. T. 1: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / V. A. Erofeeva, V. A. Piskunov, T. A. Bityukova. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 323 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
29. Erofeeva, V. A. Audit. In 2 vols. T. 2: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / V. A. Erofeeva, V. A. Piskunov, T. A. Bityukova. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 348 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
30. Ertskina, E. B. Psychology and pedagogy: at 2 o’clock: textbook / E. B. Ertskina, S. P. Oreshkova; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014 - Part 1: Pedagogy. – 88 s.
31. Zub, A. T. Psychology of management: textbook and workshop for undergraduate economics; admitted by the UMO of higher education / A. T. Zub. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 372 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Academic course).
32. Zub, A. T. Project management: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates; recommended by UMO VO / A. T. Zub. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 422 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
33. Ivanova, E. V. Business law: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by the UMO of higher education / E. V. Ivanova. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 269 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
34. Informatics for economists: textbook for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / ed. V. P. Polyakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 524 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
35. Information Technology in marketing: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / under general. ed. S. V. Karpova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 367 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course)
36. Information technologies in management (management): textbook and workshop; admitted by UMO VO / under general. ed. Yu. D. Romanova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 478 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
37. History of economic doctrines: textbook for bachelors; recommended by the UMO of universities / edited by I. N. Shapkin, A. S. Kvasov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 492 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
38. Kazakova, N. A. Financial analysis: textbook and workshop / N. A. Kazakova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 539 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
39. Karpova, N. V. Economics and sociology of labor: textbook; admitted by UMO AM / N.V. Karpova, A.G. Skhirtladze, V.P. Boriskin. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – 144 p.
40. Karpova, N.V. Marketing: textbook / N.V. Karpova. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2015. – 448 p.
41. Kasyanenko, T. G. Business valuation: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “State Institute of Management” / T. G. Kasyanenko, G. A. Makhovikova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 411 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
42. Kolosov, A. V. Institutional economics: a textbook for academic undergraduates; recommended by UMO VO / A. V. Kolosov. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 384 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
43. Commercial activity: textbook for bachelors; admitted by the UMO of higher education / I.M. Sinyaeva [etc.]. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 506 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
44. Konovalenko, V. A. Psychology of management. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors; admitted by the UMO of higher education / V. A. Konovalenko, M. Yu. Konovalenko, A. A. Solomatin. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 368 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
45. Konovalenko, V. A. Psychology of personnel management: textbook for bachelors; admitted by the UMO of higher education / V. A. Konovalenko, M. Yu. Konovalenko, A. A. Solomatin. – M.: Yurayt, 2014 (Krasnoyarsk). – 477 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
46. ​​Korotkov, E. M. Change management: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates; recommended by UMO VO / E. M. Korotkov, M. B. Zhernakova, T. Yu. Krotenko. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 278 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
47. Corporate social responsibility: textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO for education in management / ed. E. M. Korotkov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 445 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
48. Kruglova, N. Yu. Economic law: textbook; recommended by the RF Ministry of Defense / N. Yu. Kruglova. – 6th ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 883 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
49. Krui, M. Fundamentals of risk management: trans. from English; scientific ed. V. B. Minasyan / M. Krui, D. Galai, R. Mark. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 390 p.
50. Kuzmina, E. E. Organization entrepreneurial activity. Theory and practice: textbook. manual for bachelors / E. E. Kuzmina, L. P. Kuzmina. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 508 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
51. Kuznetsov, B. T. Investment analysis: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates; recommended by UMO VO / B. T. Kuznetsov. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 361 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
52. Lipsits, I.V. Investment analysis. Preparation and evaluation of investments in real assets: textbook; recommended by the Educational Institution for Education in Economics / I. V. Lipsits, V. V. Kossov. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 320 p. – (Higher education: Bachelor's degree).
53. Malugin, V. A. Mathematical analysis for undergraduate economics: textbook and workshop; admitted by the UMO for classical university education / V. A. Malugin. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 557 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course)
54. Marketing of innovations: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / under general. ed. N. N. Molchanova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 528 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
55. Melnikov, V.P. Logistics: a textbook for bachelors / V.P. Melnikov, A.G. Skhirtladze, A.K. Antonyuk. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 287 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
56. Mokiy, M. S. Methodology of scientific research: a textbook for masters; admitted by the UMO of higher education / M. S. Mokiy, A. L. Nikiforov, V. S. Mokiy. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 255 p. – (Series: Master).
57. National economy: textbook; approved by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / ed. P. V. Savchenko. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 832 p. – (“Higher professional education”).
58. Novikov, V. E. Information support logistics activities trading companies: textbook manual for bachelor's and master's degrees / V. E. Novikov. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 136 p. – (Bachelor and Master module)
59. Oreshkova, S. P. Development of students’ intellectual skills: developing the ability to structure theoretical material in educational activities/ S. P. Oreshkova. – Saarbrucken. Deutschland: AV Akademikerverlag GmbH, 2012. – 108 p.
60. Okhotsky, E. V. Theory and mechanisms of modern public administration: educational – methodological complex; recommended by the UMO of the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / E. V. Okhotsky. – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 701 p. – (Series: Master).
61. Production management. Theory and practice: textbook for bachelors / I. N. Ivanov et al.; edited by I. N. Ivanova. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 574 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
62. Business psychology. Theory and practice: textbook for masters; admitted by the UMO of higher education / editor: N. L. Ivanova, V. A. Shtroo. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 509 p. – (Series: Master).
63. Regional economics: textbook for academic bachelor's degree / ed. E. L. Plisetsky, V. G. Glushkova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 583 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course)
64. Rogov, V. A. Risk management: textbook; recommended by UMO AM / V. A. Rogov, A. D. Chudakov. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – 340 p.
65. Rodygina, N. Yu. Ethics of business relations: textbook and workshop for academic undergraduates / N. Yu. Rodygina. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 430 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
66. Romanenko, L. A. Psychology of management: method. instructions for organizing independent work / L. A. Romanenko; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2013. - 20 p.
67. Romanenko, L. A. Psychology of management: method. instructions for preparing for practical classes/ L. A. Romanenko; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2013. - 44 p.
68. Romanova, M.V. Project management: textbook; admitted by the Council of Educational Institutions of Russian Universities for Education in Management / M. V. Romanova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2014. – 256 p. – (Higher education).
69. Samarina, V. P. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship: a textbook / V. P. Samarina. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – 292 p.
70. Sovetov, B. Ya. Information technologies: textbook for applied bachelor's degree; recommended by UMO VO / B. Ya. Sovetov, V. V. Tsekhanovsky. – 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 263 p. – (Bachelor. Applied course).
71. Solovyova, T. V. Network economics: method. instructions / comp. T. V. Solovyova; Sib. federal University; KhTI is a branch of Siberian Federal University. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 28 p.
72. Timofeev, V. S. Econometrics: a textbook for academic undergraduates; recommended by UMO VO / V. S. Timofeev, A. V. Faddeenkov, V. Yu. Shchekoldin. – 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 328 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course).
73. Trofimova, L. A. Methods of acceptance management decisions: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree; recommended by the Administration of the Russian Federation / L. A. Trofimova, V. V. Trofimov. – M.: Yurayt, 2015. – 335 p.
74. Tulchinsky, G. L. Corporate social responsibility: technologies and performance assessment: textbook for bachelors; admitted by the UMO of higher education / G. L. Tulchinsky. – M.: Yurait, 2014. – 338 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
75. Real estate management: a textbook for academic undergraduate education / ed. A. V. Talonova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 411 p. – (Bachelor. Academic course)
76. Project management: textbook for bachelors; admitted by the UMO of higher education / A. I. Balashov, E. M. Rogova, M. V. Tikhonova; ed. E. M. Rogova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 383 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
77. Uchaev, P. N. Engineering computer graphics. Introductory course: textbook / P. N. Uchaev and others; under general ed. prof. P. N. Uchaeva. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – 216 p.
78. Finance, money circulation and credit: textbook for bachelors; recommended by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / ed. L. A. Chaldaeva. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 542 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
79. Khokhlova, T. P. Theory of management: history of management thought: textbook; recommended by FSBEI HPE / T. P. Khokhlova. – M.: INFRA-M, 2013. – 384 p. – (Bachelor's degree).
80. Pricing: textbook and workshop; recommended by UMO VO / ed. G. A. Makhovikova. – 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 463 p. – (Bachelor. Advanced course).
81. Chaldaeva, L. A. Enterprise Economics: a textbook for bachelors; recommended by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation / L. A. Chaldaeva. – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 410 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Basic course).
82. Shaklanova, R. I. Economics of the trading industry: a textbook for bachelors; admitted by UMO VO / R. I. Shaklanova, V. V. Yusova. – M.: Yurayt, 2014. – 468 p. – (Bachelor. Basic course).
83. Shapkin, I. N. Management: textbook for bachelors; admitted by the educational institute of universities of the Russian Federation / I. N. Shapkin. – M.: Yurayt, 2013. – 690 p. – (Series: Bachelor. Advanced course).
84. Shersheneva, V. A. Formation of professional competence of students of technical universities on the basis of interdisciplinary integration: monograph / V. A. Shersheneva, E. V. Perekhozheva. – Abakan: Ed.-ed. Sector of KhTI - branch of Siberian Federal University, 2013 (Krasnoyarsk). – 142 p.
85. Shulmin, V. A. Economic justification in diploma projects: textbook / V. A. Shulmin, T. S. Usynina. – Stary Oskol: TNT, 2014. – 192 p.

Federal laws of the Russian Federation

  • 1. Constitution Russian Federation(adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, taking into account the amendments introduced by the Laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2014 No. 11 - FKZ).
  • 2. Civil code Russian Federation dated November 30, 1994 No. 51 - Federal Law as amended. dated 05.05.2014 No. 124 - Federal Law.

Code of Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 No. 195 - Federal Law as amended. dated 05/02/2015 No. 120 - Federal Law.

Federal law"On production and consumption waste" dated June 26, 1998 No. 89 - Federal Law as amended. dated December 29, 2014 No. 485 - Federal Law.

Federal Law "On Licensing individual species activities" dated 04.05.2011 No. 99 - Federal Law as amended on 31.12.2014 No. 519 - Federal Law.

6. Federal Law "On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ, as amended. dated December 28, 2013 No. 396-FZ.

Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation

7. Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2014 No. 2733 “On approval of the development of trade in the Russian Federation for 2015-2016 and the period until 2020.”

Basic literature

  • 8. Valerich R.P. and others. Economics trading enterprise. Textbook / R.P. Valerich. - Mn.: Higher. school, 2012 - 542s.
  • 9. Vashchekin A.I. Modeling and selection of rational strategies for commercial activities of wholesale trade enterprises. Monograph/ A.I. Vashchekin. - M.: 2014 - 263s.
  • 10. Daniyalov D.Ch. Improving the management mechanism of enterprises in wholesale trade. Dissertation/ D.Ch. Daniyalov. - Makhachkala, 2010
  • 11. Inkova N.A.: Modern Internet technologies in commercial activities / N.A. Inkov. - M.: OMEGA-L, 2010. - 412s.

Kurylev B.V. Exploring the significance of the application modern technologies processing scrap ferrous metals. Abstract/ B.V. Kurylev. - Samara, 2010

  • 13. Mikhailova K.E. Managing the process of purchasing and selling scrap ferrous metals based on price forecasting. Dissertation / K.E. Mikhailova. - M., 2011
  • 14. Pankratov F.G.: Commercial activities / F.G. Pankratov. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2010. - 389s.

Polovtseva F.P. Commercial activity: Textbook. Grif Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation / F.P. Polovtsev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010. - 367s.

  • 16. Sorokin V.A. Improving competitiveness management wholesale enterprise. Abstract/ V.A. Sorokin. - N. Novgorod, 2011
  • 17. Shevchenko I.K. Organization of business activities. Textbook / I.K. Shevchenko. - Taganrog: TRTU, 2010. - 369s.
  • 18. Shchur D.L., Trukhanovich L.V. Basics of trading. Wholesale trade / L.P. Shchur, L.V. Trukhanovich. - M.: Depot and service, 2010. - 258s.

Further reading

  • 19. Henry N. Dr. Deming’s space: Principles for building business sustainability / N. Henry. - M: Business Book, 2010. - 354s.
  • 20. Golubkov E.P. Fundamentals of Marketing / E.P. Golubkov. - M.: Delo, 2014. - 423s.

Densburg V., Moncrief R., Taylor V. Fundamentals of wholesale trade. Practical course / W. Densburg, R. Moncrief, W. Taylor. - St. Petersburg: Seymour, 2013. - 329s.

  • 22. Kovalev V.V. Financial analysis: Capital management. Choice of investments. Analysis of reporting / V.V. Kovalev. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2013. - 504c
  • 23. Kravchenko L.I. Analysis economic activity enterprises. Educational-practical allowance/ L.I. Kravchenko. - Mn., Finance, accounting, audit. 2011 - 387s.
  • 24. Kreinina M.N. Financial condition enterprises. Assessment methods / M.N. Kreinina. - M.: ICC "Dis", 2013. - 353s.
  • 25. Kruglova N.Yu.: Commercial law / N.Yu. Kruglova. - M.: Yurayt, 2012. - 521s.

Pronina M.G. etc. Legal regulation economic activity of the enterprise / M.G. Pronina. - Mn.: Higher. school, 2010 - 391s.

  • 27. Edited by: M.M. Rassolova and others; Rec.: N.M. Korshunov, V.Ya. Gorfinkel; Collection author: N.D. Eriashvili et al.: Commercial law. - M.: UNITY-DANA: Law and Law, 2010. - 352s.
  • 28. Sheremet A.D., Negashev E.V. Methodology for financial analysis of activities commercial organizations/ A.D. Sheremet, E.V. Negashev. - M.: INFRA-M, 2010. - 463s.
  • 29. Shestovskaya E.B. Controlling in an enterprise management system. Abstract / E.B. Shestovskaya. - Murmansk, 2012
  • 30. Handfield M. et al. Reorganizing supply targets. Creation of integrated value formation systems / M. Henfield. - M: Williams, 2013. - 569s.
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