Specialization in jurisprudence. What can a lawyer do - specifics of the profession

Modern society presents the legal profession as extremely prestigious and well-paid. Hollywood films show lawyers, barristers and judges as some kind of “supermen” who skillfully possess rhetoric, charm, a sharp mind, and excellent logic. After such pictures, many people experience certain illusions in the legal profession, but, as you know, every coin has two sides.

About the specialty Jurisprudence

The specialty “Jurisprudence” in recent years has been one of the most popular among employers and, accordingly, “fashionable” among applicants. Graduates of the specialty “Jurisprudence” work in almost all spheres of society regulated by law.

The word “jurisprudence” comes from the Latin iurisprudentia (m), which in turn is derived from the words iuris (law) and prudential (science, knowledge).

Profession lawyer

A lawyer in the modern world is a profession that is more than in demand. Despite the fact that universities graduate more and more specialists in the field of jurisprudence every year, there remains a persistent shortage in certain areas. One thing is certain: a competent specialist striving for career growth has excellent prospects both in terms of sales and income.

Having a legal education brings together a huge number of specialists in various branches of law:

In other words, a lawyer is also an employee of internal affairs bodies (police, tax service), customs, courts, and the bar.

Legal profession

appeared much later than the state arose. Many centuries passed before legal specialists became in demand by society. At first they were involved exclusively in the law enforcement sphere of life, i.e., the sphere of application of state coercion. Gradually, the courts began to take upon themselves not only the application of punishments, but also the consideration of various disputes between citizens.

For most people, freedom is associated with a big chunk of someone else's money. Overheard on Wall Street.

Lawyer (from Latin jus - right) (German Jurist, English Jurist) - a specialist in jurisprudence, legal sciences, a practitioner in the field of law.

Now the concept of “lawyer” unites all people engaged in diverse professional legal activities - judges, investigators, prosecutors, notaries, legal advisers, lawyers.

This type of activity is considered one of the oldest human occupations.

Specialty - Jurisprudence

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Lawyer is a profession or specialty

Qualification – Lawyer

Becoming and being a real lawyer is difficult, but honorable and profitable. The truth is that legal education itself is a treasure, but the key to it is work.


Legal laws, regulations, their editions, amendments and additions - it is not difficult for an ordinary person to get confused in them.

Dictionary of profession

Government agencies, commercial firms, financial institutions, insurance companies, etc.

Training is conducted in educational institutions:

See also in the dictionary: CRIMINALIST

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Profession lawyer

and is today one of the most popular. Moreover, it is considered fashionable and prestigious among many school graduates. This is probably why there is a lot of competition in law faculties for admission to higher education institutions. As you know, a lawyer is a person who is well versed in the current legislation and applies the laws in practice.

Who can a lawyer work with: 7 options and their advantages and disadvantages + 5 theses on remuneration + life story + 13 films and TV series on the topic.

Are you sure that jurisprudence is yours, no less than that the Earth is round?

But what about the “swarm” of relatives and friends who dissuade you from hiring a lawyer, they say, now there are so many lawyers being “stamped” that after graduating from university, the road to the Employment Center will be carpeted for you to register as unemployed and, in the end, you Will you end your days as a security guard in a supermarket or will you twirl the tails of cows somewhere on a Dutch farm?

We invite you to find out what a lawyer can do, what opportunities this profession opens up and rub the skeptics’ noses at the prospects for your brilliant career.

7 options for how a lawyer can work if the teachers didn’t waste their time

By the proud word “lawyer” we mean a person who received a legal education at a university and became a certified specialist.

Option No. 1. How can a lawyer work as a prosecutor?

This lawyer is an important “big shot” in legal proceedings, as he represents the prosecution.

Often, it is his diligence, efficiency and professionalism that determines whether a seasoned repeat offender will go to jail, whether a corrupt official will return the money to the state treasury or whether he will “fly” with it somewhere on the Cote d’Azur.

In order to become a prosecutor, a lawyer's certificate is not enough - you will have to undergo special training.

Option No. 2. Judge

Oh, this is a real arbiter of destinies! If this is your option, then you need to know:

    The status of a judge is specifically enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    You will be guaranteed immunity. How else can we bring guilty verdicts against bad guys who push drugs to schoolchildren?

    Before you turn 25, you won’t be able to work as a judge.

    Don't be upset! For now, gain patience, knowledge (this work will require additional education) and worldly wisdom;

    your experience as a lawyer must be at least 5 years.

    So if you dream of a judge's robe, do not rush to refuse to work as a legal consultant in a bra manufacturing company forgotten by God and people - this is only the beginning of your glorious career path;

    As a judge, you cannot be a member of any political party, be elected as a deputy or work as a .

    So keep your monarchical views and plans to lead a party of beer lovers to yourself for now.

Option No. 3. A lawyer can safely work as a lawyer

Yes, yes, this is exactly the cool dude who defends the rights of people or organizations in court. Can act for both the defense and the prosecution.

Although why are we spraying ourselves here? Surely you have seen a lot of interesting films about court proceedings and have a good idea of ​​what a lawyer does.

If your personal answer to the question “What can a lawyer do?” - this is “Lawyer”, then you need to know:

    in order to start working as a lawyer, you need to have at least 5 years of experience as a lawyer;

    You will have to train for at least a year with an experienced lawyer before starting to work on your own.

    So remember your glorious student past and stock up on notebooks;

    You will also face a serious examination by the Chamber of Lawyers commission to obtain the status of a lawyer.

    a lawyer can engage in creativity, teaching, and science.

    Therefore, you should not throw your easel into the far corner of the attic - paint pictures to your health!

Option number 4. Notary

This lawyer, after an internship, passing an exam and obtaining a license, is engaged in certifying documents, signatures, and translations of official papers into.

A notary may be a government employee, work for a company, or be in private practice.

Let’s be honest: notary is not the most fun and interesting activity for a lawyer, it’s quite a “bread-and-bread” one.

Option number 5. How a lawyer can earn his daily bread - become an investigator

A lawyer who works in the prosecutor's office or police to investigate crimes of all types and scales (it all depends on the place of work). After completing the investigation, he must “concoct” a conclusion (indictment) for the prosecutor.

Here the brain should display footage from detective series on your internal “monitor”.

Option No. 6. Legal consultant

Such a lawyer works in a public or private organization, institution, or enterprise.

He spends every day drafting and proofreading contracts with counterparties and other documents, preparing for legal proceedings (if any) and making sure that his dear bosses, in their pursuit of profit, do not “expose” themselves by breaking the law.

Option No. 7. What kind of work can a good lawyer with knowledge of foreign languages ​​do – an international lawyer

He is an ace (at least he should strive for this) in the field of international law and works in diplomatic (embassies, consulates, etc.) or foreign economic structures (international organizations, etc.).

If you want to join these “chosen ones”, an impeccable knowledge of the laws will not be enough - learn languages. And the more and better you know them, the higher your chances will be of rushing off on business somewhere to sunny Philadelphia.

Two sides of the coin: what kind of work can a lawyer do and what does this “threaten” him with?

No.What can a lawyer do?AdvantagesFlaws
1 Prosecutor
relatively good wages and pensions;
exciting work
moral pressure;
2 Judgeprestige;
social benefits from the state;
relatively good wages and pensions
responsibility, including moral;
3 Advocateexcellent career prospects;
high income;
interesting work
moral pressure;
income instability
4 Notarygood income (if you open a private practice);
normal working day
the need to work with a large number of documents and people
5 Investigatorreally interesting work;
social benefits from the state
irregular working hours;
night duty;
relatively low wages
6 Legal Advisordemand;
good income;
job security (compared to an investigator and a lawyer)
the need to work with a large number of documents and people
7 International lawyerhigh wages;
opportunity to travel
possible force majeure when working abroad

A “selfish” question: what kind of work can a lawyer do in order to have enough for bread and butter and more?

A newly minted law school graduate thinks about how much he can earn with a legal education:

    Whether you can afford a holiday in the Seychelles and a country house of 600 square meters depends on the industry in which you will work as a lawyer.

    They work in the banking sector (on average $1500-2000 per month). Lawyers at manufacturing enterprises earn the least (up to $1,000 per month);

    Sledak's income is about a thousand dollars a month.

    Are you still dreaming of the glory of Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov?

    the salary of an international lawyer starts from $500-700 per month (for young green ones) and reaches $1000-8000 per month (lawyers with extensive experience);

    a beginner lawyer can count on $400-1000 per month.

    The number of zeros in this figure will increase in direct proportion to the experience gained and the number of cases won;

  • a legal assistant will initially work for a modest $300-400 per month, legal consultant– for 500. But a lawyer with impressive experience can count on wages 3-5 times more;
  • cool “specialists” who are engaged in private practice and know foreign languages ​​earn from $4,000 per month.

    Hmm, do you also have a desire to tear your butt off the sofa and go get an English textbook? Yes, there is probably already a layer of dust on it, as thick as a thumb.

Egor's real story about working as a lawyer if his ambitions are off the charts...

The author of the article met the modest, quiet Egorka at a sign language training session with the “great and terrible” Alan Pease. At first glance, the guy looked like the good-natured Shurik from “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” but we all know who is in the still waters...

During the coffee break, it turned out that Egorka, at 25, heads the legal department of one of the largest construction companies in Ukraine.

While all his classmates, studying to become lawyers at a provincial university, were hanging out in the park with a bottle of beer, Yegor read textbooks, notes, laws and regulations and other legal tediousness until his eyes hurt.

In my last year, I asked to work not just for anyone, but for my current employers in the capital. Those, for fun (we know, they are so young and green), offered him, as a test task, to draw up an agreement, which was signed with the developer.

And here Egorka did not fail - all the letters, commas and legal terms fit perfectly on the paper. The frantic heads of the company had no choice but to actually offer him the position of assistant lawyer.

But there was no stopping the guy! “I’ll get everything I can out of this company,” he decided and began to work for three.

Needless to say, a couple of years later he got the position of head of the legal department and a salary that his classmates, who mostly went to work in neighboring Poland, never dreamed of?

When the law is not a drawbar: 13 cool films and TV series that will tell you what a lawyer can do and why he is cool

After watching these TV series and films, you will not only understand what a lawyer can do, but you yourself will want to try on an expensive suit and rub the nose of some corporation that violates environmental laws:

No.Title of the film/seriesRelease year
1 "My Cousin Vini"1992
2 "Firm"1993
3 "Verdict"1992
4 "Philadelphia"1993
5 "Devil's Advocate"1997
6 "Erin Brockovich"2000
7 "Michael Clayton"2007
8 "Reader"2008
9 "Defender"(2001-2004)
10 "Boston Lawyers"(2004-2008)
11 "The Good Wife"(2009-2016)
12 "Force Majeure"(2011 – not completed)
13 "Better Call Saul"(2015 – not completed)

We are sure that having figured out who a lawyer can work with and armed with knowledge, patience and a desire for continuous self-development, you will have an excellent career in the legal field.

Who is a good lawyer these days?

See below for the ins and outs of the profession:

Don’t believe those who say that there are plenty of lawyers now – there are always not enough truly great ones.

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Legal training involves a detailed study of such disciplines as civil, land, international, environmental, tax, criminal, and business law; criminology, criminal procedure, and others. Here students learn:

  • qualified interpretation of laws and other regulations and their application;
  • development of regulations in accordance with the profile of their work;
  • making decisions and taking actions in accordance with the letter of the law;
  • participation in legal proceedings;
  • correct execution and drafting of legal documents;
  • participation in inquiries;
  • correct qualification of circumstances and facts;
  • analysis and evaluation of examinations;
  • taking measures to restore violated human rights;
  • prevention of crime and identification of circumstances conducive to it; and much more.
The educational process also involves extensive practice in various courts and related departments, such as the prosecutor's office, the ministries of internal affairs and justice; in the police, forensic laboratories, notary and law offices, customs services, private detective and security agencies, etc.

Who to work with

Those who have completed their studies at the Faculty of Law have broad prospects in terms of choosing a future place of work. These could be federal, arbitration or constitutional courts, where a bachelor of jurisprudence can work as a forensic expert, bailiff, or judge; Prosecutor's office - at the initial stage it is possible to work as an assistant prosecutor or lawyer; law enforcement agencies (police), where it is possible to work as a district police officer, investigator, police officer, criminologist, investigator. There are broad prospects in private practice, where you can work as a legal adviser, lawyer, or attorney. But your best chance is to find a job in a private company and get the position of a corporate lawyer who monitors the legal purity and legality of the company’s activities. The task of a corporate lawyer also includes monitoring all changes in legislation, drawing up and checking contract forms, and providing consultation to all departments of the company.

A lawyer is a specialist in the legal protection of citizens or organizations. In particular, in court. This is the most independent of all participants in the judicial process.

Anti-collector is a lawyer, a specialist in debt optimization, protecting borrowers from banking arbitrariness and illegal pressure from collectors.

A collector in the financial system is a person who ensures the collection and repayment of debts. Collectors are also called agencies that specialize in such work.

A mediator is an independent individual who acts as an intermediary between the parties, organizing communications to resolve disputes. Conducts its activities on a professional or non-professional basis.

Notary is a person authorized to certify copies of documents and extracts from them, the authenticity of signatures on documents, the accuracy of translation of documents from one language to another, and other notarial actions.

A patent attorney is an intellectual property specialist who conducts business with government agencies.

Handwriting examination is one of the most important methods of establishing the identity of the artist of handwritten text and his signature.

A prosecutor is a person authorized to present charges in court, as well as to monitor compliance with the law in almost all spheres of life in the country. And all this is on behalf of the state.

An investigator is a lawyer who investigates crimes. If the case concerns murder, robbery, theft, then it is often impossible to do without such a specialist as an investigator. He is engaged in analytical and management work...

Ballistic examination based on the science of ballistics, which studies the movement of bodies thrown in space.

The judge is the dispenser of justice; a person with judicial power who has the final say in judicial decision-making.

A private detective is an independent detective specialist.

Fingerprint examination is a study that is carried out to establish the identity of a person by papillary patterns of fingers to clarify the circumstances of the crime

Linguistic examination is a study of the products of speech activity, aimed at establishing significant facts and obtaining answers to the questions posed to the expert.

A technical and forensic examination of documents is carried out to establish the method and technical means by which these documents and their details were produced, as well as to clarify the question of whether changes and corrections were made in the original version and how.

Higher education is an important and responsible choice, and the number of specialties today is twice as large as in the recent past. Applicants often cannot decide until the last minute and choose the most profitable option. But which specialty is really in demand and can bring success in the future? Higher legal education has been considered very promising since the 2000s. The specialty of jurisprudence is the most popular and is considered one of the most prestigious. Let's take a closer look at the possible admission options and all the necessary information about this choice.

Jurisprudence is a social science and specialty that studies law as a separate system included in social norms, forms of law in state organization and activity, in the general political social system. This knowledge allows lawyers to maintain law and order and implement legal norms for all spheres of public life. Studying in the legal field implies acquiring full training in this specialty, a solid foundation of knowledge that allows you to carry out this type of activity at the highest possible level.

Types of university programs “Jurisprudence”:
Master's degree

Areas of specialty in jurisprudence

Universities offer various ways to acquire such qualifications. Examples:

1) Bachelor's degree
The direction of preparation for the specialty Bachelor of Law is 521400, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The graduate receives the qualification – lawyer, bachelor of jurisprudence.
4 years are allocated to study all disciplines and the compulsory bachelor's program.

2) Specialist
Direction of training specialty 030501 jurisprudence, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
The graduate receives the qualification of a lawyer, a specialist in jurisprudence.
A period of 5 years of full-time study is allocated for mastering and training in this specialty.

3) Master's degree
Direction of training – 521400 code of specialty jurisprudence, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Upon completion of education, the graduate receives the qualification of a lawyer, Master of Law. To master the entire scope of the program and study all the necessary disciplines, 2 years are allocated after studying for a bachelor’s degree.

Moscow universities specializing in jurisprudence

  • Higher School of Economics (National Research University) HSE
  • It is considered one of the most prestigious universities in the country! According to known data, the university has the most highly paid qualified teachers; it was founded on November 27, 1992. It has more than a hundred foreign universities as partners and provides the opportunity for exchange studies. However, it has a high price for paid training - 220,980 rubles.
  • All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (VAVT)
  • VAVT provides specializations - international law and foreign economic activity. Studying at this university provides high-quality training in international legal specialization, and includes in-depth study of disciplines and foreign languages. The All-Russian Academy employs some of the best teachers with extensive experience in this field. There is a more affordable price for training - 150,400 rubles.
  • Institute of International Trade and Law (IMTP)
  • This university is not state-owned and is not as large as the previous ones. The institute is especially famous for its special approaches to teaching. The university studies economic disciplines and foreign languages ​​in depth, which allows for better international legal specialization. IMPT also provides employment for graduates, provides a vibrant student life and more. The price for training is 98,000 rubles.

Specializations of the specialty jurisprudence

Specializations have different disciplines of study and corresponding future professions. A Jurisprudence graduate can become a lawyer, corporate or international lawyer, etc. Types of specializations:

  • Advocacy
  • International legal
  • Constitutional and legal
  • Information and legal
  • Banking and legal
  • State legal specialization and this is not the whole list.

The list of specializations covers almost the entire social life of society; absolutely everyone can find their own profession. The qualification of a lawyer specializing in jurisprudence is especially popular now. To make a quality choice, you need to consult with the university of admission; there are also tests that determine the best affiliation with a particular specialization.

Work in the specialty of jurisprudence

According to rough estimates, almost 30% of applicants dream of enrolling in a law degree. But given the wide specializations of this field, graduates who have received higher education in the specialty of jurisprudence are divided into specialists in a huge number of future professions and can work in different structures and organizations.

An international lawyer is a qualified specialist who has a higher legal education and speaks one or more foreign languages.

An investigator is a specialist who investigates crimes, performs data analysis, compares and finds solutions and assumptions, it is noted that jurisprudence is a criminal law specialty that involves training prosecutors, lawyers and more.

A lawyer is a specialist who provides legal protection to individual citizens and organizations.

A mediator is an independent intermediary who acts between several parties and organizes the resolution of disputes.

A notary is one of the most popular professions in this field; he is a specialist who provides notarial services for citizens or companies, acting in their interests. A notary certifies documents, certifies authenticity, makes a certificate of ownership, and more.

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