Improving organizational culture in mbdou. Formation of the organizational culture of preschool educational institutions - a step towards effective management

Organizational culture as a condition for quality professional activity..._

20. Shspaikov V.A. Galaguzia M.A. Who is for- 21. ShreyOer Yu.A. Utopia or ustroigel-

protects the rights of the child at school Sh Pedagogy - stvo Global problems and universal humanity - 1994. - No. 5. - P. 42-43. what values ​​- M.. 1990. - P.

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Preamble. Based on modern theory and integrative practice, the article reveals issues related to the formation of organizational culture in an institution, the purpose of which is to solve the problem of the quality of professional activity teaching staff.

In the conditions of the modern sociocultural situation, which considers a person’s personality as one of the decisive factors in the renewal of society, there is a need for new approaches to the formation of an employee as a subject of professional activity. In a preschool educational institution, this should be a teacher who is well versed in the abundance of modern pedagogical methods and innovative technologies, who knows how to develop his own pedagogical strategy, has his own opinion and is able to defend it, and is ready for active professional activity.

Such an approach to understanding a person’s personality in the 21st century - in the era of information and high technology - is associated with the concept of organizational culture as the basic basis of a teacher’s personality, combining a subjectively significant attitude towards teaching work and mastery of professional activities at the individual level. At the same time, as the analysis of the problem of professional and personal development shows modern man, level of organizational culture of a “typical” teaching worker educational institution does not satisfy requests modern society and requirements labor process(V.R. Vesnin, O.S. Vikhansky, V.S. Dudchenkp. Yu.D. Krasovsky, V.A. S-pivak, etc.).

Mastery of organizational culture

a necessary condition for the quality of professional activity of a teacher, ultimately contributes to the success of the entire preschool educational institution as a whole. This allows us to consider the formation of an effective organizational culture of a teacher as a goal to achieve the quality of professional activity in a preschool educational institution and how current direction scientific research.

In modern literature there are many definitions of the concept of organizational culture. According to most authors, the culture of an organization is “a complex composition of important assumptions (“often difficult to formulate”), without evidence, accepted and shared by members of a group or organization4.” In a number of works, organizational culture is interpreted as the management philosophy and ideology accepted by the majority of the organization, assumptions, value orientations, beliefs, expectations, dispositions and norms that underlie relationships and interactions both within the organization and outside it. Despite the obvious diversity of interpretations organizational culture, in our opinion, they have common points. In most definitions, the authors refer to patterns of basic assumptions that members of the organization adhere to in their behavior and actions, which is associated with a personal vision. environment subject (group, organization, society) and its regulating variables (nature, space, time, work, relationships).

Given the above, organizational culture is “the set of most important assumptions accepted by members of an organization and expressed in the organization’s stated values ​​that give people guidelines

© L.F. Medvednikova, 2007

their behavior and actions." These value orientations are transmitted to subjects through symbolic means of the spiritual and material intra-organizational environment.

There are two aspects of organizational culture: objective and subjective. The objective aspect is usually associated with the physical environment created in the organization (the building itself, its design, location, equipment, furniture, color and volume of space, amenities, etc.). The subjective aspect comes from the images, assumptions, beliefs, expectations shared by employees, as well as the group perception of the organizational environment with its values, norms, and roles that exist outside of the individual. This includes a number of elements of symbolism, especially its “spiritual part” (heroes of the organization, myths, stories, ceremonies, rituals, etc.) |4, p. 516].

The scientific and theoretical understanding of the research topic is associated with the analysis of the organizational culture of the teaching staff: from the standpoint of essential, substantive, functional and structural characteristics. Identification of the essential characteristics of organizational culture is based on consideration of the basic basis of the teacher’s personality, which combines a subjectively significant attitude towards the profession and mastery of professional activities at the individual level. Analysis of the structural characteristics of a teacher’s organizational culture is associated with the identification of system-forming elements in the structure of the subject’s personality. The functional characteristics of organizational culture are based on the analysis of qualitative features that characterize the professional activity of a teacher who has an organizational culture, and I allow! him to effectively implement the requirements of the educational process. The structural characteristics of the organizational culture require an easy examination of the dynamic cultural-level aspect, in which individual units (modules, components, system-forming elements) are distinguished.

Organizational culture is formed in the process of overcoming the difficulties of external adaptation and internal integration by people working together. It should be noted that in one organization there can be many “local” subcultures, and one of them can transform into

get along with others and have parts (levels; divisions" professional, regional, national, age, gender and other groups). One or more subcultures in an organization may, by their nature, be in the same dimension as the dominant culture in the organization, or create, as it were, a second dimension in it. Countercultures can also exist in an organization, among which the following types can be distinguished: direct opposition to the values ​​of the dominant organizational culture: opposition to the power structure within the dominant culture of the organization; opposition to the patterns of relationships and interactions supported by the dominant culture;

There are three factors that play a decisive role in the formation and maintenance of organizational culture: personnel selection; the activities of senior management and methods that help employees adapt to the organizational environment in the process of professional activity. Let us consider in more detail the last factor - methods.

Method - (from the Greek sheShoyoB - the path of research or knowledge) - “a set of relatively homogeneous techniques, operations for the practical or theoretical development of reality, subordinate to the solution of a specific “task”.

I distinguish three groups of methods for creating an effective organizational culture. The main groups of methods include: objects and subjects of attention, evaluation, control by managers; management response to critical situations and organizational crises; role modeling, training and coaching; criteria for determining remuneration and status; criteria for hiring, promotion and dismissal; organizational symbols and rituals. In addition to the basic methods, there are additional methods of effective organizational culture: focusing on achieving success rather than avoiding failure; a condescending attitude towards mistakes and defeats; work through involvement rather than coercion. Over time and under the influence of circumstances, organizational culture can undergo changes. To methods of changing organizational

Bulletin of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova, 2007, Volume 13

Organizational culture as a condition for the quality of professional activity

cultures include: changes in objects and subjects of attention on the part of the manager; changing crisis or conflict management style; redesigning roles and changing focus in training programs; changing the incentive criterion; change of emphasis in personnel policy; change of organizational symbols and rituals. The use of methods for forming an effective organizational culture of teachers in the process of professional activity has an impact on the quality of work, plays an important role in the implementation of goals and objectives, and in the ultimate success of the preschool educational institution as a whole.

For theoretical justification and organizational and practical support, we have developed a comprehensive program, which is an interconnected and interdependent complex, within which the target component reflects the logic of mastering the technology of an effective organizational culture; the content component determines the volume and nature of the necessary theoretical knowledge; the operational component sets the dynamics of increasing the complexity of practical skills; the diagnostic component reveals the reality of achieving goals based on a system of specially designed control sections; The effective component is to record the level of mastery of this technology and the maturity of the organizational culture in the institution.

When choosing methods for forming an effective organizational culture of teachers in the process of professional activity, priority was given to the following: objects and subjects of attention, assessment, control by the management of the institution; role modeling, training and coaching; criteria for determining remuneration and statutes; organizational symbols and rituals; concentration on achieving success.

The implementation of a comprehensive program for mastering the technology of organizational culture was carried out on the basis of the MDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten No. 84” in Vologda and included three stages:

At the first stage (2003-2004) of the experimental work, the functioning of the developed comprehensive program was aimed primarily at the development of the motivational component of organizational culture as a basis.

the basic basis of the personality of teachers (motives, interests, attitudes, value orientations). This was realized through setting appropriate learning goals and organizing cognitive actions that formed a belief in the importance of technology in organizational culture as effective method in professional activities.

At the second stage (2004-2005), the main emphasis was placed on the development of the operational component of the organizational culture of the pedagogue! *gches-kogo employee, which reflected the substantive level of development of its technology. For this purpose, teachers attended a specialized course “Organizational culture in a preschool educational institution.” The methodology of work within the framework of the special course was based on the application of organizational culture in the institution, during which modeling of the professional activities of teachers was carried out.

At the third stage (2005-2006), the work was aimed at developing reflexivity as a significant integrative characteristic in the structure of the teacher’s organizational culture. To this end, effective ways to introduce organizational culture through educational means were outlined: at the same time, in practice, conditions were created for the formation of adequate self-esteem by the teacher as part of the team implementing organizational culture in the institution.

The data obtained during the experimental work reflect the positive dynamics of the development and implementation of organizational culture in a preschool educational institution. Thus, at the final stage of the productive level, 76% of teachers achieved the formation of an effective organizational culture (at the initial stage it was 34%); Satisfaction with training in the special course was 95% of people. This circumstance allows us to recognize the conduct theoretical research and practical implementation successful, and the feasibility and effectiveness of introducing a comprehensive program for the development of this technology as a condition for the formation of the organizational culture of teaching staff in the process of professional activity is confirmed.

Cultural patterns adopted and assimilated at the MDOU “General Developmental Kindergarten”

Pedagogy Psychology Social work. Juvenology. Sociokinetics, No. 4, 200"?

No. 84." have a significant impact on the quality of professional activities of teachers and various other aspects (on power relations and control relations; attitude towards teaching work; interpersonal relations within groups; intergroup relations; technology, motivation, etc.) We believe that the criteria for the formation of organizational culture among teaching staff should be considered a) the volume of theoretical knowledge and the complexity of practical skills in mastering the technology of effective organizational culture; b) the nature of the need to apply this technology in practice; c) the adequacy of the teacher’s self-assessment of himself as a subject of professional activity, using the technology of an effective organizational culture to implement the requirements educational process.

The successful implementation of the comprehensive program was largely ensured by the high degree of compatibility of the strategy and methods for creating an effective organizational culture. At the same time, the institution’s management adhered to the following approaches: the culture that prevented effective implementation chosen strategy; The management system was adjusted to the existing one in the institution.

research culture; An attempt was made to change the organizational culture in accordance with the chosen strategy. The implementation of this comprehensive program allowed us to achieve significant positive internal and external changes related to the quality of professional activities of teachers.

Thus, methods for creating an effective organizational culture are an important component of managing a preschool educational institution and are one of the conditions for the quality of professional activities of teachers.


1. Vikhansky O.S. Naumov A.I. Management: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M.: Gardariki, 1999. - 528 p.

2. Kartashova L.V., Nikonova T.V., Solamandina T.O. Behavior in an organization: Textbook. -M.: INFRA-M, 1999 - 220 p.

3. Kodzhaspirova G.M., Kodzhaspirov A.Yu. Pedagogical dictionary: For students of higher and secondary educational institutions. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. - 176 p.

4. Personnel management of an organization: Textbook." edited by A.Ya. Kibanov. - 2nd ed. centralized and revised. - M.: INFRA-M - 638 p.

Yu.Yu. Naumov


Application of pedagogical drawing in art lessons according to the methods of A.E. Terentyeva, N.H. -Rostovtseva A.V. Carlson is the most important component of improving the quality of education. However, mastering the skills of working using this visual method requires constant training from the teacher. Our research on fine arts lessons in rural schools showed that at the first stages of teaching fine arts, the pedagogical lesson is not very effective, which does not detract from its merits in the future. Children who do not know how to draw and use fundamental lines (horizontal and vertical) in a drawing by hand, analyze the proportional relationships of objects, constructions, execution

done “by eye” using ovals of various shapes and sizes seem difficult, and for some, impossible

To make this method easier for teachers to use and understandable for students, we have modified it. The schematic basis of the pedagogical drawing was simplified to the limit; it was based on the geometric method of construction and the technique - proportioning. Hence the name of the method arose - pedagogical drawing by the geometric method based on proportionation, abbreviated as PRGM.

Unlike traditional pedagogical drawing, with the help of the method we propose, using the technique of proportioning, the teacher can explain the construction of the drawing

Bulletin of KSU named after H.A. Nekrasova 2007, Volume 13

“Formation of the organizational culture of preschool educational institutions - a step towards effective management”

Head of the preschool educational institution kindergarten № 25;

Group work plan

1. Introductory part

2. Functions of organizational culture in the activities of preschool educational institutions

3. The concept of organizational culture

4. Components of organizational culture

5. Structure of organizational culture

6. Head of preschool educational institution - personal qualities

7. Characteristics of the personal qualities of the head of the preschool educational institution.

8. Leadership styles

9. Ways to study organizational culture.

10. The result of the study of organizational culture.

11. The main stages of the formation of organizational culture.

12. Conclusion.

Forming an organizational culture of a preschool educational institution is a step towards effective management.

Transformations taking place in all areas Russian society– economic, social, political, cultural, could not but affect the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of the country in the future and is a condition for its prosperity and development. Modern state requirements and the educational needs of parents force preschool educational institutions to quickly rebuild and adapt in accordance with changing external and internal requirements.

Education managers. and these are the head and senior teacher (deputy head for educational and methodological work), who no longer rely 100% on some ideal theory described in the right textbook and capable of changing any situation in the only right direction. We are absolutely clear: in order for our institution to survive and develop effectively, it is necessary to find our own path.

Today, no one needs to be convinced that personnel play a huge role in the success of an organization. It is the people and the atmosphere they create that can cause the defeat or brilliant victory of an institution. It is people, with their habits, characters, skills, values, with their desire (or reluctance) to work to achieve not only personal, but also the goals of the institution.

The ability to change is currently a decisive development factor that ensures the competitiveness of an educational institution.

Sufficient information has not yet been accumulated about the content and specifics corporate culture Russian enterprises, and even more so, corporate culture in educational institutions. So what is corporate culture? And how does it manifest itself in preschool educational institutions?

Many practitioners and theorists, speaking about organizational culture, focus on its external side - on orders, traditions, and organizational symbols. At the same time, the fact that the bearers of organizational culture are the people working in the organization is underestimated. It is in their heads that the order of things, those systems of relationships and those patterns of behavior that develop in the organization due to certain circumstances are reflected.

It would be naive, considering the entire sector of preschool education in the city, to talk about some kind of unified organizational culture that permeates all its institutions. The content of the work, the personality of the leader and leadership style, which he adheres to in his work, the characteristics of the psychological climate in the work team - these and other factors influence the organizational culture of a particular preschool educational institution.

Organizational (corporate culture) is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by members of an organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which provide personnel with guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Organizational culture performs very important functions in the organization's activities:

1. Reproduction function: the presence of a corporate culture ensures the continuity of the organization’s existence and its constant reproduction even if all employees without exception are replaced by other people.
2. Evaluative-normative function: the organization’s value system makes it possible to determine how it should act, and what methods of achieving goals are undesirable or unacceptable for it;

3. Socialization function: a developed corporate culture helps a new employee to better integrate into the organization and meet the requirements placed on him.

4. Communication function: the organization’s values ​​guide employees how to communicate with each other and engage in communication with other organizations and clients.

5. The function of “public memory”": corporate culture cannot be developed through administrative deduction; it is created in the process of interaction between people inside and outside the organization, and therefore helps to preserve those standards and principles that all employees without exception must implement in their actions.

6. Sense-forming function: corporate culture determines that special picture of the world that every employee must share, and which is closely related to the principles and requirements for his activities; corporate culture allows an employee to make his activities more conscious and reasonable.
Under organizational culturewe understand a stable style of work of its employees that has developed during the life of an educational institution, principles of organization internal processes institutions and activity strategies. As a result, an external and internal image institutions and rules of interaction both within the educational institution and with external consumers of the services provided educational services.

Thus, for us the organizational culture is:

· this is what the organization has (rules of behavior, symbols, traditions, values ​​understood and shared by members of the organization);

· this is what the organization is (what is the mission of the organization and how it is implemented by the organization internally and externally);

· these are the ideas, views, fundamental values ​​that are shared by all teachers and which are the distinctive feature of one organization from another.

The stronger and more active the corporate culture of an educational institution, the more effective and efficient the educational process.

A corporate culture, focused primarily on readiness for change, must be adopted by all employees of the preschool educational institution.

We can highlight some components of organizational culture, characteristic of preschool institutions in general: philosophy of the organization, mission of the organization, history, myths and legends of the organization, rituals and traditions. These are the so-called artifacts, as well as conditions and values ​​of the organization. Of course, there are elements of corporate culture in every preschool institution, but only the presence of a holistic structure allows you to achieve high performance results. Therefore, we will consider each element and try to determine its place in preschool educational institutions.

Philosophy of the organization. This is a certain set of intra-company principles and rules of relationships among team members, a unique system of values ​​and beliefs of the institution. Compliance with these principles leads the organization to improvement and successful work, since internal relationships between employees play an important role in the development of the institution and in the formation of a positive attitude towards it from the external public. The philosophy of the organization is not specific, but is the starting point for defining them. The preschool educational institution identifies the basic philosophical principles:

· conscientiousness in work;

· openness and honesty of relationships within the team;

· provision of quality educational services;

2.8. Plans, coordinates and controls work structural divisions, employees of the institution.

2.9. Encourages and stimulates the creative initiative of employees, maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, creates conditions that ensure the participation of employees in the management of a preschool educational institution.

2.10. Creates the necessary conditions for continuous professional development

workers and personnel training.

2.11. Timely familiarizes employees with legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the institution, local regulations.

2.13. Organizes work among parents (persons replacing them) on issues of raising and educating children in the family, promoting pedagogical and hygienic knowledge, attracting parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and parental agreement.

2.14. Regulates activities in the institution public organizations permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation, ensures effective interaction and cooperation with enterprises and organizations, the public, parents (persons replacing them).

2.15. Communicates with schools and children's clinics.

2.16. Represents the interests of a preschool educational institution, acts on its behalf without a power of attorney, represents the institution in state, municipal, public and other bodies and institutions.

2.17. Manages the funds and property of the preschool educational institution within the limits of its powers and in accordance with the charter, ensures accounting, safety and replenishment of the educational material base, compliance by employees with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation.

2.18. Provides working conditions medical workers, monitors their activities, ensures balanced nutrition for pupils, taking into account the operating hours of the institution.

2.19. Organizes licensing of the institution, certification and tariffication of workers within the established time limits.

2.20. Organizes at the institution Additional services(including paid ones) in accordance with the requests of parents (persons replacing them).

2.21. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

2.22. Maintains records of those liable for military service in accordance with established rules.

2.23. Staffs the institution with children of the appropriate age in the manner determined by the founder, and concludes a parental agreement with parents (persons replacing them). Provides social protection for pupils.

2.24. Appoints and dismisses employees, ensures the selection and placement of personnel, manages and controls the work of personnel, uses and develops them professional knowledge and experience, ensures the formation of a personnel reserve for the purpose of replacement vacant positions in the institution.

2.25. Organizes and coordinates the implementation of measures to increase employee motivation for quality work, including on the basis of material incentives, to increase the prestige of work in a preschool educational institution, to strengthen labor discipline.

2.26. Reports on his activities and the state of affairs in the institution to the Founder, parents (persons replacing them) and the team of employees.

2.27. Receives citizens and parents (persons replacing them) at the institution on visiting days and hours.

Thus, given the above, The personality of the head of a preschool educational institution can be characterized by the following qualities:


Self confidence,

Emotional balance

Stress resistance,


Striving for achievements






Let's look at them in more detail.

Dominance (influence)

The head of a preschool educational institution, of course, needs to have this trait. But, while developing it in yourself, one should not forget about the psychological side of the issue.

Firstly, for influence it is completely insufficient to rely only on power, official powers, that is, on formal authority. The influence of a leader, based only on means of a formal organizational nature, must necessarily be fueled by informal influence.

Secondly, informal influence gives the desired effect only when it finds an internal response. Without a positive response, the manager's desire to dominate will look like a primitive claim to power.

Self confidence

What does a confident principal mean to teachers and staff? First of all, that in a difficult situation you can rely on him: he will support and protect. A confident leader provides a certain psychological comfort and increases motivation to work simply by the very fact of self-confidence.

However, two important circumstances should be noted. First, there is a difference between self-confidence and overconfidence. This difference is easy to perceive, but difficult to overcome. All that can be said is that a self-confident manager proceeds from realistic ideas about his capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, without minimizing or exaggerating them. Such a leader has real, not imaginary, reasons for confidence.

Secondly, it is known that teachers and staff, as a rule, feel very well the state of the leader, which means that no matter how the circumstances develop, one should, at least outwardly, behave calmly and confidently.

And finally, there is another aspect of management activity in which self-confidence plays an important role. These are contacts and negotiations with the founder and other managers. It is clear that a hesitant and insecure leader is unlikely to inspire trust on their part.

Emotional balance and stress resistance

These are related, close to each other personal traits of the head of the preschool educational institution. They, of course, can be produced and developed, but only if this is done purposefully. Regarding the first of them, researchers in the field of management psychology pay attention to two important circumstances.

Firstly, the need to control your emotions. Uncontrolled emotions (even positive ones) adversely affect the psychological climate in the team. Therefore, the manager is asked mandatory requirement: maintain an even, respectful relationship with all employees business relationship, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

Secondly, the manager is the same person as everyone else: he can indulge in irritation, indignation, despondency, etc. Constant suppression of negative emotions, their containment in a work environment can result in a number of unpleasant consequences - neuroses, mental illnesses and etc. Thus, it is extremely important for a leader to find means of emotional and psychological relief. Such means can be physical exercise, meeting with friends, hobbies, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that stress resistance is a set of personal qualities that allow a manager to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional stress (overload), caused by the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, the preschool educational institution team and one’s health.


This is a person’s ability to creatively solve problems, a very important personality trait, especially significant for innovation. In relation to the management of preschool educational institutions, creativity can be considered from the point of view of the manager’s ability to see elements of novelty and creativity in the activities of teachers and staff and support them.

Achievement drive and entrepreneurial spirit

Without these qualities it is impossible to imagine a successful leader. A person’s desire for achievement reflects one of fundamental needs- the need for self-realization, to achieve goals.

Responsibility and reliability

These personality qualities are a kind of “calling card” of both the preschool educational institution and the head himself.

For a preschool educational institution that values ​​​​its reputation, it is quite obvious that obligations to all participants in the educational process must be fulfilled, namely: to parents, children and employees.


An important feature of a leader is independence. Independence is the manager’s willingness to make decisions independently and bear responsibility for them. No matter how good the consultants are, no matter what advice others give, the manager must make the final decision himself. The more independent a leader is, the more independent he behaves, the more valuable and useful it is for him to listen to the opinions of his colleagues, if they contain a rational grain.

A strong, independent leader can afford to have dissident people among his employees.

Sociability (communication skills)

There is no particular need to prove how necessary it is in the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution. Without sociability and sociability, such a fundamental quality as the ability to build relationships with people is impossible. Sociability is not an innate quality; it can be developed. The development of communication skills is the most important part of self-improvement and self-development of a leader.

These are the main characteristics related to the personality of a leader. It should be noted that a person is not born with a set of the qualities listed above, but they are all a combination of characteristics obtained from nature and the socio-historical conditions of his life.

Social and psychological trainings and other special forms of training can contribute to the formation of the necessary qualities. However, the main thing is that the leader has a desire to improve himself, and he understands that it is necessary to “build” and create his own personality every day.

The corporate culture of a preschool educational institution, like any organization, is determined by the leadership style. There are different styles of managing an organization: authoritarian, democratic, liberal, combined. Depending on the stage of development of the organization, the goals set, and socio-psychological factors, each of them involves the development of certain principles of corporate culture.

The competence of the head of a preschool educational institution is that quality of his personality that helps to consciously produce best style leadership, relying on experience, knowledge of management science, psychological and pedagogical equipment, scientific and general cultural outlook.

If in a preschool educational institution the head adheres predominantly to authoritarian leadership style, then this does not contribute to the formation of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team. With this style, the manager often looks gloomy and preoccupied, too irritated. He is harsh with people. Most instructions are commands and orders. Such a leader treats teachers and staff too formally and is not inclined to take into account the opinion of the team. An authoritarian leadership style can be justified at the first stage of development, when the team and its culture are just being formed. At this time, socio-psychological adaptation of teachers occurs, that is, active adaptation to living conditions in a new team, assimilation of basic requirements, norms and traditions. At authoritarian style management in the team there is a lack of trust and increased conflict, which does not contribute to the formation of a corporate culture.

In the event that the team is dominated by democratic leadership style, then the head treats teachers and staff adequately, he is self-critical. This leadership style is appropriate at the second stage of team formation, at which time employees are more independent in solving group problems. The main feature of this style is constant contact with people, a tendency to delegate power; trust in subordinates and giving them independence. In such a team, delicacy, tolerance towards each other, sociability, absence of conflicts, and a creative attitude to business prevail. All these factors contribute to the development of corporate culture.

At liberal style The manager is not active enough, fears conflicts, avoids responsibility, and easily agrees with the opinions of his subordinates. In a team, responsibilities are not distributed, punishments and rewards are subjective, based on external impressions, and not on in-depth analysis. Such a leader is constantly in a state of uncertainty, and unforeseen situations and conflicts may arise in the team. All this does not contribute to the formation of a favorable climate in the team and the formation of a corporate culture.

It turns out that the head of a preschool educational institution, through his work style, personal behavior, and attitude towards employees, directly or indirectly influences the formation of a particular moral and psychological climate in the team.

The head of a preschool education institution must be able to determine the leading qualities of a person, his psychological state, and this requires observation and constructive thinking from him. Thus, it is important for the head of a preschool educational institution to be able to predict the prospects for the personal development of each employee and model the future of the team.

Human resource management's ultimate goal is always to increase the performance of the people working in the organization. Managing organizational culture is no exception. For culture to work to improve organizational performance, it must support the organizational strategy and mission. This work is directed by senior management and requires a deep understanding of not only economics and strategic management, but also the fundamentals organizational behavior and management psychology.

Studying the existing organizational culture is a prerequisite for its successful change. Before you change anything, you should answer two questions:

1. What is today's organizational culture?

2. what should the organizational culture be like so that it supports the strategy developed by management? organizational development?

Having found out the desired (ideal) state of organizational culture and determined its current (actual) state, you can decide on those actions that will allow you to move from the current state to the desired one.

The culture that has developed in an organization can be studied in different ways, among which are the following:


Indirect methods;


Study of oral folklore;

Studying documents;

Studying the rules, traditions, ceremonies and rituals established in the organization;

Study of current management practices.


One way to begin studying culture is to survey the people in the organization.

You can start with the question: " Can you describe the culture, which has developed in your organization?" To get a more detailed acquaintance with the culture of the organization, it is also important to get answers to the following questions:

Key strategic values: What ideas lie the basis of the organization's existing management practices? What's most important in this matter?? How does this manifest itself in the work of preschool educational institutions?

Organizational symbols: Are there any special concepts, terms, words that are understandable only to members of your organization?

"Heroes" of the organization: What type of people have the greatest chance of making a fast career in your organization? What distinguishes people who have achieved greatest success in your organization?

Rules and traditions: What rules and traditions do members of the organization adhere to at work and during leisure time? What events are celebrated in your organization?

Organizational values: What do people greet? What causes general condemnation or disapproval? What changes in work organization and attitude would employees like to see?

Indirect methods. Very rich information can be obtained by asking employees of an organization to characterize the features of the existing organizational culture not directly, but indirectly, asking them to select several proverbs or sayings that best characterize the most important vectors of relationships in which prevailing values, attitudes and priorities are manifested.

To identify weaknesses, we will focus on the negative, negative aspects of the existing organizational culture.

Using proverbs and sayings to characterize weaknesses in the existing organizational culture.

Relationship vectors

Proverbs and sayings that describe the features of this vector

Behavioral norms behind this proverb

Work behavior

Attitude of ordinary workers to management.

“You’re the boss, I’m the worker, take it yourself and turn it around...”

"One with a bipod - seven with a spoon"

“Don’t rush to follow orders from your superiors”

“In front of your superiors, have a dashing and foolish appearance, so as not to embarrass your superiors with your intelligence.”

Confrontation between management and ordinary workers: us - them.

Mistrust of management.

Relationship tension.

Reduced controllability.

Management's attitude towards employees

“Don’t sit in your own sleigh”

“The dog barks, the wind blows”

"What goes around comes around"

“Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart”

“The powerful are always to blame for the powerless”

“The goose is not a friend to the pig”

“The well-fed cannot understand the hungry”

“Every cricket know its nest”

Inattention of management to the problems of subordinates.

Unfair distribution of work and income.

Low interest of employees in the final results.

Poor control over the work of subordinates.

Reluctance of ordinary employees to show initiative and responsibility.

The attitude of the performers to the work.

"There is safety in numbers"

“The soldier is sleeping - the service is underway”

“Work is not a wolf - it won’t run away into the forest”

“Work loves fools”

Lack of interest in the final result;

Reluctance to give all your best at work;

Reluctance to take responsibility.

Lack of desire to work with high efficiency;

Industrial conflicts;

Sluggishness at work.

Attitude to new things, to changes

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

“Make a fool pray to God, he will hurt his forehead”

“Until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself”

“It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines”

"Do not count your chickens before they are hatched"

Lack of faith in management's promises.

Be careful about new things.

Skeptical attitude towards solutions to leadership problems.

Reinsurance, delay of changes.

Overly optimistic attitude towards new things, low quality of planning.

Resistance to change.

Low level of interest in changes.

Making wrong decisions, approving unrealistic plans.

Low competitiveness of the organization.

Conflicts, deterioration of the psychological climate in the organization.

The use of indirect methods allows employees of an organization to better understand the existing organizational culture and how it affects the work and other results of personnel.

Questionnaire survey. Ensuring the reliability of the information received is facilitated by the use of a whole range of methods, where questioning of the organization’s employees can play a vital role.

Study of oral folklore. Every organization has its own folklore, which is not written down anywhere and is passed on from mouth to mouth. It is in it that the main features of the existing organizational culture are reflected. Values ​​and attitudes that have a decisive influence on the behavior of the organization’s employees are not transmitted through written instructions, orders or instructions. They are mainly transmitted and manifested in informal communication.

The heroes of the stories are those members of the organization (currently working or previously working) whose behavior patterns best promote the values ​​and priorities of the existing organizational culture.

Document analysis. The culture of the organization is reflected in documents (plans, programs, orders, instructions, regulations). Although living culture is reflected more in the beliefs and values ​​of employees and managers than in documents, this source of information should not be ignored. Analysis of the information contained in the documentation can help identify management's main views - real, not declared - regarding the management process. How bureaucratic is the organization? Is there a discrepancy between word and deed - between stated principles and actual management practice? What values ​​are reflected in the documents? Attitude towards people? How conscious and purposeful is the work to form or maintain organizational culture? Answering these and other questions will help you take the first step towards creating an organizational culture that will contribute to achieving the organization's strategic goals.

Studying the rules and traditions established in the organization. The life of any organization is subject to a certain system of formal and informal rules. An example of established formal rules is the Internal Labor Regulations. Informal rules relate to communication with colleagues, subordinate-supervisor relationships, dress, professional jargon, etc. In many organizations, employees strictly follow unwritten rules regarding maintaining a certain level of productivity. Those who “stick their neck out” and set performance records are usually subject to certain sanctions from the team.

The study of the traditions, formal and informal rules operating in the organization should be aimed primarily at determining what impact they have on the working behavior of staff and to what extent they support the organizational development strategy developed by management. The management of the organization will receive a huge gain if it abandons the contemplative attitude towards the traditions that have developed in the organization (“what has grown, has grown”) and begins to actively build, shape, cultivate new system rules and traditions that meet the development goals of the organization.

Study of current management practices. An organization's management practices are also an important source of information about the prevailing organizational culture. To what extent does the organization prevail? authoritarian management how decisions are made (by a narrow circle of people or wider participation of workers in the preparation of the most important decisions is allowed), the prevailing control systems, the degree of awareness of workers about the state of affairs in the organization - all these are the most important features of management practice that influence the main components of organizational culture.

The result of studying the cultural environment that has developed in the organization should become solving three problems:

First task- clearly understand (prescribe, formulate) the leading values, priorities, and attitudes designed to support a promising organizational strategy.

Second task- clarify what cultural values ​​will help (or hinder) the implementation of the organization’s strategic goals.

Third task- assessment of the existing gap, that is, the degree of compliance of the existing organizational culture with the organization’s development strategy developed by management.

The existing organizational culture does not always contribute to efficient work personnel. The reason may be that organizational culture is not characterized by high level trust between employees and management, in the absence of employees’ desire to take responsibility, take initiative, adhering to a passive, wait-and-see position.

When the word “initiative” is heard in the audience, you hear in response: “punishable.”" In general, employees’ fear of taking initiative is characteristic of the organizational culture of most Russian organizations.

Organizational culture can act as an effective tool to ensure that staff are motivated to be highly productive and of high quality in their work. Forming and maintaining a culture that would increase the productivity of people working in an organization and contribute to increasing its efficiency and competitiveness is one of the most important strategic objectives senior management.

If management wants employees to profess values ​​and behavior that will contribute to the success of the organization, then this requires serious and focused work. To build an organizational culture that supports the organizational development strategy, management must take a number of steps.

diagnostics of the state of organizational culture: problems and vision of the future.

Work can be carried out in four directions:

human capital

(a survey of teachers, including questions about the institution’s mission, core values; assessment of the motivational environment in a preschool institution and the properties of the psychological climate in the team);

process capital

(survey of teachers and junior educators on satisfaction with their working conditions);

innovation capital

(diagnostics of teachers’ receptivity to innovation, assessment of the level of innovation; creative potential);

management capital

(survey to identify the nature and effectiveness of control over the activities of teachers by the administration; survey of teachers about the content of methodological work in kindergarten).

formation of a unified information space.

At this stage, it is necessary to formulate a mission, identify the main values ​​of the preschool educational institution in the present, and determine the main values ​​in the future. Create a “Model of a preschool educational institution graduate”, corporate media (Internet site, stand, newspaper).

Determine the logo, corporate color, motto, slogans, uniform symbol. It is necessary to outline trends towards the creation of organizational traditions.

Stage 3

creation of corporate rules (corporate code).

All created rules and values, created traditions must be enshrined in some kind of “code of laws”.

Common to each employee in an individual kindergarten, from the janitor to the manager, the immutable truths, enshrined through a corporate code carefully developed by the entire team of employees and periodically updated, must be implemented with the clarity inherent in the fundamentals, with the specificity and simplicity of the business and business principles laid down in the foundation. human relations rules of coexistence and interaction between oneself and another, employee and partner, parent and teacher.

Among other things, a well-drafted corporate code also contains a system of personnel motivation that goes from the root - from principle to implementation.

Stage 4

strengthening teacher loyalty.

At this stage, an adaptation program for new teachers is developed and implemented.

Training is also highly effective. personal growth teachers, trainings aimed at forming a preschool educational institution team.

It is necessary to continue work on organizing and holding corporate events, corporate competitions, and developing the traditions of preschool educational institutions.

Stage 5

diagnostics of corporate culture and development of new tasks.

Diagnostics (however, it can already be called monitoring, since this procedure will be carried out regularly and using the same diagnostic materials) of corporate culture. Evaluation of actions taken and comparison with assigned tasks. Development of tasks for the new cycle.

ABOUT main stages in the formation of organizational culture

An organization, including a preschool institution, is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is corporate culture. Since the culture of an organization plays a very important role in the life of the organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to and is strongly influenced by organizational culture, but can in turn influence the formation and development of organizational culture.

Thus, the presence of a corporate culture in a preschool educational institution is necessary, since it creates the image of the organization and makes the team a single team. Creation code of ethics And right choice leadership style creates in employees a sense of belonging to the kindergarten and a sense of pride in it. The interaction of all elements of corporate culture improves the quality of the kindergarten’s work and makes the preschool institution competitive in the educational services market.

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" Formation of the organizational culture of a preschool educational institution - a step towards effective


V.P. Lokhmatikova

Head of MDOU kindergarten No. 25

Forming an organizational culture of a preschool educational institution is a step towards effective management.

The transformations taking place in all spheres of Russian society - economic, social, political, cultural - could not but affect the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of the country in the future and is a condition for its prosperity and development. Modern state requirements and the educational needs of parents force preschool educational institutions to quickly rebuild and adapt in accordance with changing external and internal requirements.

Education managers. and these are the head and senior teacher (deputy head for educational and methodological work), no longer rely 100% on some ideal theory described in the right textbook and capable of changing any situation in the only right direction. We are absolutely clear: in order for our institution to survive and develop effectively, it is necessary to find our own path.

Today, no one needs to be convinced that personnel play a huge role in the success of an organization. It is the people and the atmosphere they create that can cause the defeat or brilliant victory of an institution. It is people, with their habits, characters, skills, values, with their desire (or reluctance) to work to achieve not only personal, but also the goals of the institution.

The ability to change is currently a decisive development factor that ensures the competitiveness of an educational institution.

Sufficient information has not yet been accumulated about the content and specifics of the corporate culture of Russian enterprises, and even more so, corporate culture in educational institutions. So what is corporate culture? And how does it manifest itself in preschool educational institutions?

Many practitioners and theorists, speaking about organizational culture, focus on its external side - on orders, traditions, and organizational symbols. At the same time, the fact that the bearers of organizational culture are the people working in the organization is underestimated. It is in their heads that the order of things, those systems of relationships and those patterns of behavior that develop in the organization due to certain circumstances are reflected.

It would be naive, considering the entire sector of preschool education in the city, to talk about some kind of unified organizational culture that permeates all its institutions. The content of the work, the personality of the manager and the leadership style that he adheres to in his work, the characteristics of the psychological climate in the work team - these and other factors influence the organizational culture of a particular preschool educational institution.

Organizational (corporate culture) is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which provide personnel with guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Organizational culture performs very important functions in the organization's activities:

1. Reproduction function: the presence of a corporate culture ensures the continuity of the organization’s existence and its constant reproduction even if all employees without exception are replaced by other people.

2. Evaluative-normative function: the organization’s value system makes it possible to determine how it should act, and what methods of achieving goals are undesirable or unacceptable for it;

3. Socialization function: a developed corporate culture helps a new employee to better integrate into the organization and meet the requirements placed on him.

4. Communication function: the organization’s values ​​guide employees how to communicate with each other and engage in communication with other organizations and clients.

5. Function" public memory": corporate culture cannot be developed through administrative deduction; it is created in the process of interaction between people inside and outside the organization, and therefore helps to preserve those standards and principles that all employees without exception must implement in their actions.

6. Sense-forming function: corporate culture determines that special picture of the world that every employee must share, and which is closely related to the principles and requirements for his activities; corporate culture allows an employee to make his activities more conscious and reasonable.

Under organizational culturewe understand a stable style of work of its employees that has developed during the life of an educational institution, principles of organizing the internal processes of the institution and operating strategies. As a result, the external and internal image of the institution and the rules of interaction are formed both within the educational institution and with external consumers of the educational services provided.

Thus, for us the organizational culture is:

· this is what the organization has (rules of behavior, symbols, traditions, values ​​understood and shared by members of the organization);

· this is what the organization is (what is the mission of the organization and how it is implemented by the organization internally and externally);

· these are the ideas, views, fundamental values ​​that are shared by all teachers and which are the distinctive feature of one organization from another.

The stronger and more active the corporate culture of an educational institution, the more effective and efficient the educational process .

A corporate culture, focused primarily on readiness for change, must be adopted by all employees of the preschool educational institution.

We can highlight some components of organizational culture, characteristic of preschool institutions in general: philosophy of the organization, mission of the organization, history, myths and legends of the organization, rituals and traditions. These are the so-called artifacts, as well as conditions and values ​​of the organization. Of course, there are elements of corporate culture in every preschool institution, but only the presence of a holistic structure allows you to achieve high performance results. Therefore, we will consider each element and try to determine its place in preschool educational institutions.

Philosophy of the organization. This is a certain set of intra-company principles and rules of relationships among team members, a unique system of values ​​and beliefs of the institution. Compliance with these principles leads the organization to improvement and successful work, since internal relationships between employees play an important role in the development of the institution and in the formation of a positive attitude towards it from the external public. The philosophy of the organization is not specific, but is the starting point for defining them. In preschool educational institutions they allocatebasic philosophical principles:

· conscientiousness in work;

· openness and honesty of relationships within the team;

· provision of quality educational services;

· use of innovative teaching technologies in work;

· creation of comfortable living conditions in kindergarten and a high level of service;

· pedagogically appropriate attitude of staff towards students;

· stimulating and establishing good human relations with parents, suppliers, and the population of the area where the kindergarten is located.

Mission (purpose) of the organization there is its purpose, that is, what it exists for, what are its main differences from the organizations around it. Types of missions: universal purpose, main strategic goal, self-improvement mission, national idea, provision of quality educational services. That is, this is the goal or several main goals of the organization’s existence, developing a collective consciousness, establishing guidelines for relationships between employees, patterns of behavior in relation to the objects of interest of the organization, mobilizing for the achievement of corporate goals and setting the significance of the organization’s activities in the social aspect.

History, myths and legends of the organization. This is the entire history of the creation and development of the organization from the day of its founding to the present moment of work. Here it is necessary to find out what exactly employees know about its development, which stories have become the most common. Through this, it is determined what values ​​are supported by these stories and why these particular values ​​are dominant. If the preschool educational institution appears new employee, he is not only introduced to the team, but also given a tour of the kindergarten. The newcomer learns that the institution’s staff is very close-knit, creative and friendly; he is told about important achievements and events that occurred in kindergarten before his arrival.

Traditions of the organization. Tradition is usually understood as a system of repeated symbolic events designed to satisfy the need for recognition and reinforce values ​​in the organization. Through various traditional forms of interaction, corporate spirit and unity among all employees can be created. Traditions ensure continuity between generations of institution staff and allow traditions to be passed on through symbols in an informal setting that is different from everyday life. An important aspect of traditions is to fill people's lives with the meaning of joining the whole - a work group, a profession, the whole society. Corporate party(like all labor holidays) introduces people to cultural values ​​and achievements (working life), and therefore becomes an effective means of influencing people. At preschool educational institutions, it becomes a tradition not only to introduce a new employee to the team, but also to collectively discuss the results of work after an important event, respectfully treat experienced teachers, and celebrate various events (public holidays, birthdays).

Terms and values. It is legitimate to talk about corporate culture only when several conditions for the work of personnel are met, in particular, when employees are satisfied with the job in general, satisfied with working conditions, relationships in the team, provision of social benefits, when the situation in the team is non-conflict. Only after satisfying their basic material needs can employees turn to the values ​​of corporate culture. The moral principles of employees should be so close to the organization’s value system that they do not cause conflicts. Otherwise, the employee will be disappointed and will not be able to work effectively. The advantages of working in this institution are proposed as values ​​on which an “ideal” corporate culture can be based: good team, trust in management, ability to work in a team and belief in mutual assistance, a sense of belonging to a common cause.

What could it be approximate structureorganizationalculture?

First level (artifacts). This:

1) Appearance buildings, group and other premises, territory preschool.

2) Appearance of employees (if there is a uniform accepted in the organization).

3) The presence of a special style of the organization: logo, symbols, their use in the design of workplaces and in the preparation of documents. The presence of a kindergarten logo and anthem determine recognition in narrow circles of the public, and also show the main goals of the preschool institution and its philosophy. The logo is posted in the kindergarten premises, is depicted on the badges of each employee, and is also on the kindergarten website.

4) Characteristics of the communication system: type of communication used within the organization (oral, written, electronic); technical means used.

5) Special documents that describe the values ​​of the organization.

The first level embodies the spiritual values ​​of corporate culture and allows you to create the individuality of a particular organization that distinguishes it from others.

Second level (values).

Each of the components of this level is a key category that determines the success, job satisfaction and professional prestige of the organization. Knowledge of the value system and the ability to determine their place and role in the institution allows the manager to combine the ideas of the creators and staff in the mainstream of the organization’s activities. Values ​​can be both positive, guiding people towards patterns of behavior that support the achievement of organizational goals, and negative, which negatively affect organizational effectiveness. corporate culture behavior

Examples of positive and negative values

Positive values

Negative values

The job can only be done perfectly

You can't trust your bosses, you can only trust your friends

Truth is born in dispute

You're the boss - I'm a fool, I'm the boss - you're a fool

The success of the preschool is my success

Working well is not the most important thing in life

An attitude of mutual assistance and support good relations with colleagues at work, partnerships with parents

Parents are conflicting people, they only cause inconvenience and interfere with our work

Not competition, but cooperation in working towards a common goal

You can't redo all the work

We will still focus on positive values. In a preschool institution, first of all, these are moral values ​​- humanity, justice, humanity, empathy, mutual assistance. The high level of self-control of teachers allows the manager to delegate authority and be completely confident in the high-quality and timely execution of assignments. Mutual assistance unites and unites kindergarten employees and evokes a sense of belonging to a common cause. The organization of workplaces, modern kindergarten equipment, accessibility to work with it and provision of employees with the necessary materials make the teacher’s work comfortable and makes it easier. Knowledge of business ethics determines respectful, tactful relationships within the team.

Of course, big, if not - The leading role in determining the corporate culture of a preschool educational institution is played by the head, who should have a fairly clear understanding of what culture is in general, and separately - corporate culture. As a result of the established leadership style, these specific values ​​are firmly established among the team and are passed on to new employees. The creation of a code of ethics and the correct choice of leadership style create in employees a sense of belonging to the kindergarten and a sense of pride in it. From disparate people, employees turn into a single collective - a team.

I will begin the conversation about the role of the manager in the formation of the corporate culture of preschool educational institutions by voicing officialeresponsibilitiesAndhead.

So, the head of a preschool educational institution:

2.1. Manages the institution in accordance with its charter and legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. Provides systematic educational, educational, methodological and administrative work of the institution.

2.3. Determines the strategy, goals and objectives of the development of the institution, makes decisions on program planning of its work.

2.4. Studies and implements best teaching practices.

2.5. Together with the Council of the preschool educational institution, it develops and implements development programs for the institution, internal labor regulations and other local acts, approves them and promotes the development of the institution in accordance with modern requirements, and manages the pedagogical council.

2.6. Creates optimal conditions for the full comprehensive development and training of students, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution.

2.7. Based on the working conditions and the focus of the programs being implemented (type of educational institution), determines the management structure and staffing table institution within the limits of funds allocated to it in accordance with the established procedure for remuneration.

2.8. Plans, coordinates and controls the work of structural units and employees of the institution.

2.9. Encourages and stimulates the creative initiative of employees, maintains a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, creates conditions that ensure the participation of employees in the management of a preschool educational institution.

2.10. Creates the necessary conditions for continuous professional development of employees and training.

2.11. Timely familiarizes employees with legislative and other regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the institution, local regulations.

2.12. Establishes official salaries (rates wages) employees, allowances and additional payments to official salaries(rates) of employees of the institution in accordance with the remuneration system established collective agreement, local regulations in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

2.13. Organizes work among parents (persons replacing them) on issues of raising and educating children in the family, promoting pedagogical and hygienic knowledge, attracting parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and parental agreement.

2.14. Regulates the activities in the establishment of public organizations permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation, ensures effective interaction and cooperation with enterprises and organizations, the public, parents (persons replacing them).

2.15. Communicates with schools and children's clinics.

2.16. Represents the interests of a preschool educational institution, acts on its behalf without a power of attorney, represents the institution in state, municipal, public and other bodies and institutions.

2.17. Manages the funds and property of the preschool educational institution within the limits of its powers and in accordance with the charter, ensures accounting, safety and replenishment of the educational material base, compliance by employees with the rules of sanitary and hygienic regime and labor protection, accounting and storage of documentation.

2.18. Provides working conditions for medical workers, monitors their activities, and ensures balanced nutrition for students, taking into account the operating hours of the institution.

2.19. Organizes licensing of the institution, certification and tariffication of workers within the established time limits.

2.20. Organizes additional services at the institution (including paid ones) in accordance with the requests of parents (persons replacing them).

2.21. Complies with labor protection and fire safety regulations.

2.22. Maintains records of those liable for military service in accordance with established rules.

2.23. Staffs the institution with children of the appropriate age in the manner determined by the founder, and concludes a parental agreement with parents (persons replacing them). Provides social protection pupils.

2.24. Appoints and dismisses employees, ensures the selection and placement of personnel, manages and controls the work of personnel, uses and develops their professional knowledge and experience, ensures the formation of a personnel reserve in order to fill vacant positions in the institution.

2.25. Organizes and coordinates the implementation of measures to increase employee motivation for quality work, including on the basis of material incentives, to increase the prestige of work in a preschool educational institution, to strengthen labor discipline.

2.26. Reports on his activities and the state of affairs in the institution to the Founder, parents (persons replacing them) and the team of employees.

2.27. Receives citizens and parents (persons replacing them) at the institution on visiting days and hours.

Thus, given the above, The personality of the head of a preschool educational institution can be characterized by the following qualities:


Self confidence,

Emotional balance

Stress resistance,


Striving for achievements






Let's look at them in more detail.

Dominance (influence)

The head of a preschool educational institution, of course, needs to have this trait. But, while developing it in yourself, one should not forget about the psychological side of the issue.

Firstly, for influence it is absolutely not enough to rely only on power, official powers, that is, on formal authority. The influence of a leader, based only on means of a formal organizational nature, must necessarily be fueled by informal influence.

Secondly, informal influence gives the desired effect only when it finds an internal response. Without a positive response, the manager's desire to dominate will look like a primitive claim to power.

Self confidence

What does a confident principal mean to teachers and staff? First of all, that in a difficult situation you can rely on him: he will support and protect. A confident leader provides a certain psychological comfort and increases motivation to work simply by the very fact of self-confidence.

However, two important circumstances should be noted. First, there is a difference between self-confidence and overconfidence. This difference is easy to perceive, but difficult to overcome. All that can be said is that a self-confident manager proceeds from realistic ideas about his capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, without minimizing or exaggerating them. Such a leader has real, not imaginary, reasons for confidence.

Secondly, it is known that teachers and staff, as a rule, feel very well the state of the leader, which means that no matter how the circumstances develop, one should, at least outwardly, behave calmly and confidently.

And finally, there is another aspect of management activity in which self-confidence plays an important role. These are contacts and negotiations with the founder and other managers. It is clear that a hesitant and insecure leader is unlikely to inspire trust on their part.

Emotional balance and stress resistance

These are related, close to each other personal traits of the head of the preschool educational institution. They, of course, can be produced and developed, but only if this is done purposefully. Regarding the first of them, researchers in the field of management psychology pay attention to two important circumstances.

Firstly, the need to control your emotions. Uncontrolled emotions (even positive ones) adversely affect the psychological climate in the team. Therefore, there is a mandatory requirement for the manager: to maintain smooth, respectful business relationships with all employees, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

Secondly, the manager is the same person as everyone else: he can indulge in irritation, indignation, despondency, etc. Constant suppression of negative emotions, their containment in a work environment can result in a number of unpleasant consequences - neuroses, mental illnesses and etc. Thus, it is extremely important for a leader to find means of emotional and psychological relief. Such means can be physical exercise, meeting with friends, hobbies, etc.

Thus, we can conclude that stress resistance is a set of personal qualities that allow a manager to endure significant intellectual, volitional and emotional stress (overload), caused by the characteristics of professional activity, without any particular harmful consequences for the activity, the staff of the preschool educational institution and his own health.


This is a person’s ability to creatively solve problems, a very important personality trait, especially significant for innovation activity. In relation to the management of preschool educational institutions, creativity can be considered from the point of view of the manager’s ability to see elements of novelty and creativity in the activities of teachers and staff and support them.

Achievement drive and entrepreneurial spirit

Without these qualities it is impossible to imagine a successful leader. A person’s desire to achieve reflects one of the fundamental needs - the need for self-realization, to achieve goals.

Responsibility and reliability

These personality qualities are peculiar " business card"both the preschool educational institution and the head himself.

For a preschool educational institution that values ​​​​its reputation, it is quite obvious that obligations to all participants in the educational process must be fulfilled, namely: to parents, children and employees.


An important feature of a leader is independence. Independence is the manager’s willingness to make decisions independently and bear responsibility for them. No matter how good the consultants are, no matter what advice others give, the manager must make the final decision himself. The more independent a leader is, the more independent he behaves, the more valuable and useful it is for him to listen to the opinions of his colleagues, if they contain a rational grain.

A strong, independent leader can afford to have dissident people among his employees.

Sociability (communication skills)

There is no particular need to prove how necessary it is in the activities of the head of a preschool educational institution. Without sociability and sociability, such a fundamental quality as the ability to build relationships with people is impossible. Sociability is not an innate quality; it can be developed. The development of communication skills is the most important part of self-improvement and self-development of a leader.

These are the main characteristics related to the personality of a leader. It should be noted that a person is not born with a set of the qualities listed above, but they are all a combination of characteristics obtained from nature and the socio-historical conditions of his life.

Social and psychological trainings and other special forms of training can contribute to the formation of the necessary qualities. However, the main thing is that the leader has a desire to improve himself, and he understands that it is necessary to “build” and create his own personality every day.

The corporate culture of a preschool educational institution, like any organization, is determined by the leadership style. There are different styles of managing an organization: authoritarian, democratic, liberal, combined. Depending on the stage of development of the organization, the goals set, and socio-psychological factors, each of them involves the development of certain principles of corporate culture.

The competence of the head of a preschool educational institution is that quality of his personality that helps to consciously produce the best leadership style, relying on experience, knowledge of management science, psychological and pedagogical equipment, scientific and general cultural outlook.

If in a preschool educational institution the head adheres predominantly to authoritarian leadership style, then this does not contribute to the formation of a positive moral and psychological climate in the team. With this style, the manager often looks gloomy and preoccupied, too irritated. He is harsh with people. Most instructions are commands and orders. Such a leader treats teachers and staff too formally and is not inclined to take into account the opinion of the team. An authoritarian leadership style can be justified at the first stage of development, when the team and its culture are just being formed. At this time, socio-psychological adaptation of teachers occurs, that is, active adaptation to living conditions in a new team, assimilation of basic requirements, norms and traditions. With an authoritarian leadership style, there is a lack of trust and increased conflict in the team, which does not contribute to the formation of a corporate culture.

In the event that the team is dominated by democratic leadership style, then the head treats teachers and staff adequately, he is self-critical. This leadership style is appropriate at the second stage of team formation, at which time employees are more independent in solving group problems. The main feature of this style is constant contact with people, a tendency to delegate power; trust in subordinates and giving them independence. In such a team, delicacy, tolerance towards each other, sociability, absence of conflicts, and a creative attitude to business prevail. All these factors contribute to the development of corporate culture.

At liberal style The manager is not active enough, fears conflicts, avoids responsibility, and easily agrees with the opinions of his subordinates. In a team, responsibilities are not distributed, punishments and rewards are subjective, based on external impressions, and not on in-depth analysis. Such a leader is constantly in a state of uncertainty, and unforeseen situations and conflicts may arise in the team. All this does not contribute to the formation of a favorable climate in the team and the formation of a corporate culture.

It turns out that the head of a preschool educational institution, through his work style, personal behavior, and attitude towards employees, directly or indirectly influences the formation of a particular moral and psychological climate in the team.

The head of a preschool education institution must be able to determine the leading qualities of a person, his psychological state, and this requires observation and constructive thinking from him. Thus, it is important for the head of a preschool educational institution to be able to predict the prospects for the personal development of each employee and model the future of the team.

Human resource management's ultimate goal is always to increase the performance of the people working in the organization. Managing organizational culture is no exception. For culture to “work” to improve organizational performance, it must support the organizational strategy and mission. This work is directed by senior management and requires a deep understanding of not only economics and strategic management, but also the fundamentals of organizational behavior and management psychology.

Studying the existing organizational culture is a prerequisite for its successful change. Before you change anything, you should answer two questions:

1. What is today's organizational culture?

2. What should the organizational culture be like so that it supports the organizational development strategy developed by management?

Having found out the desired (ideal) state of organizational culture and determined its current (actual) state, you can decide on those actions that will allow you to move from the current state to the desired one.

The culture that has developed in an organization can be studied in different ways, among which are the following:

* interview;

* indirect methods;

* survey;

* study of oral folklore;

* study of documents;

* study of the rules, traditions, ceremonies and rituals established in the organization;

* study of existing management practices.


One way to begin studying culture is to survey the people in the organization.

You can start with the question: " Can you describe the culture, which has developed in your organization?" To get a more detailed acquaintance with the culture of the organization, it is also important to get answers to the following questions:

Key strategic values: What ideas lie the basis of the organization's existing management practices? What's most important in this matter?? How does this manifest itself in the work of preschool educational institutions?

Organizational symbols: Are there any special concepts, terms, words that are understandable only to members of your organization?

"Heroes" of the organization: What type of people have the greatest chance of making a fast career in your organization? What differentiates the people who are most successful in your organization?

Rules and traditions: What rules and traditions do members of the organization adhere to at work and during leisure time? What events are celebrated in your organization?

Organizational values: What do people greet? What causes general condemnation or disapproval? What changes in work organization and attitude would employees like to see?

Indirect methods. Very rich information can be obtained by asking employees of an organization to characterize the features of the existing organizational culture not directly, but indirectly, asking them to select several proverbs or sayings that best characterize the most important vectors of relationships in which prevailing values, attitudes and priorities are manifested.

To identify weaknesses, we will focus on the negative, negative aspects of the existing organizational culture.

Using proverbs and sayings to characterize weaknesses in the existing organizational culture.

Relationship vectors

Proverbs and sayings that describe the features of this vector

Behavioral norms behind this proverb

Work behavior

Attitude of ordinary workers to management.

“You’re the boss - I’m the worker, take it yourself and turn it around...” “One with a bipod - seven with a spoon” “Don’t rush to follow the orders of your superiors” “In front of your superiors, look dashing and stupid, so as not to embarrass your superiors with your intelligence”

Confrontation between management and ordinary workers: us - them. Mistrust of management.

Relationship tension. Reduced controllability.

Management's attitude towards employees

“Don’t sit in your own sleigh” “The dog barks, the wind blows” “What goes around comes around” “Friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart” “The strong are always to blame for the powerless” “The goose is not a friend to the pig” “The well-fed does not understand the hungry” "Every cricket know its nest"

Inattention of management to the problems of subordinates. Unfair distribution of work and income.

Stress. Low interest of employees in the final results. Poor control over the work of subordinates. Reluctance of ordinary employees to show initiative and responsibility.

The attitude of the performers to the work.

“Alone in the field is not a warrior” “A soldier sleeps - the service is on” “Work is not a wolf - it will not run into the forest” “Work loves fools”

Lack of interest in the final result; Reluctance to give all your best at work; Reluctance to take responsibility.

Lack of desire to work with high efficiency; Industrial conflicts; Sluggishness at work.

Attitude to new things, to changes

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

"Make a fool pray to God, he'll hurt his forehead"

"Until the thunder strikes, the man will not cross himself"

“It was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines” “Chickens are counted in the fall”

Lack of faith in management's promises. Be careful about new things. Skeptical attitude towards solutions to leadership problems. Reinsurance, delay of changes. Overly optimistic attitude towards new things, low quality of planning.

Resistance to change.

Low level of interest in changes.

Making wrong decisions, approving unrealistic plans.

Low competitiveness of the organization.

Conflicts, deterioration of the psychological climate in the organization.

The use of indirect methods allows employees of an organization to better understand the existing organizational culture and how it affects the work and other results of personnel.

Questionnaire survey. Ensuring the reliability of the information received is facilitated by the use of a whole range of methods, where questioning of the organization’s employees can play a vital role.

Study of oral folklore. Every organization has its own folklore, which is not written down anywhere and is passed on from mouth to mouth. It is in it that the main features of the existing organizational culture are reflected. Values ​​and attitudes that have a decisive influence on the behavior of the organization’s employees are not transmitted through written instructions, orders or instructions. They are mainly transmitted and manifested in informal communication.

The heroes of the stories are those members of the organization (currently working or previously working) whose behavior patterns best promote the values ​​and priorities of the existing organizational culture.

Document analysis. The culture of the organization is reflected in documents (plans, programs, orders, instructions, regulations). Although living culture is reflected more in the beliefs and values ​​of employees and managers than in documents, this source of information should not be ignored. Analysis of the information contained in the documentation can help identify management's main views - real, not declared - regarding the management process. How bureaucratic is the organization? Is there a discrepancy between word and deed - between stated principles and actual management practice? What values ​​are reflected in the documents? Attitude towards people? How conscious and purposeful is the work to form or maintain organizational culture? Answering these and other questions will help you take the first step towards creating an organizational culture that will contribute to achieving the organization's strategic goals.

Studying the rules and traditions established in the organization. The life of any organization is subject to a certain system of formal and informal rules. An example of established formal rules is the Internal Labor Regulations. Informal rules relate to communication with colleagues, subordinate-manager relationships, clothing, professional jargon, etc. In many organizations, employees rigidly follow unwritten rules regarding maintaining a certain level of productivity. Those who “stick their neck out” and set performance records are usually subject to certain sanctions from the team.

The study of the traditions, formal and informal rules operating in the organization should be aimed primarily at determining what impact they have on the working behavior of staff and to what extent they support the organizational development strategy developed by management. The management of the organization will receive a huge benefit if it abandons the contemplative attitude towards the traditions that have developed in the organization (“what has grown, has grown”) and begins to actively build, form, and cultivate a new system of rules and traditions that meets the development goals of the organization.

Study of current management practices. An organization's management practices are also an important source of information about the prevailing organizational culture. The extent to which authoritarian management predominates in the organization, how decisions are made (by a narrow circle of people or wider participation of workers in the preparation of the most important decisions is allowed), the prevailing control systems, the degree of awareness of workers about the state of affairs in the organization - all these are the most important features of management practice that influence the main components organizational culture.

The result of studying the cultural environment that has developed in the organization should become solving three problems:

First task- clearly understand (prescribe, formulate) the leading values, priorities, and attitudes designed to support a promising organizational strategy.

Second task- clarify what cultural values ​​will help (or hinder) the implementation of the organization’s strategic goals.

Third task- assessment of the existing gap, that is, the degree of compliance of the existing organizational culture with the organization’s development strategy developed by management.

The established organizational culture does not always contribute to the effective work of staff. The reason may be that the organizational culture is characterized by a low level of trust between employees and management, in the absence of employees’ desire to take responsibility, take initiative, adhering to a passive, wait-and-see position.

When the word is heard in the audience" initiative" , then you hear in response:" punishable"In general, the fear of employees to take initiative is characteristic of the organizational culture of most Russian organizations.

Organizational culture can act as an effective tool to ensure that staff are motivated to be highly productive and of high quality in their work. Forming and maintaining a culture that would increase the productivity of people working in the organization, contribute to increasing its efficiency and competitiveness, is one of the most important strategic tasks of senior management.

If management wants employees to profess values ​​and behavior that will contribute to the success of the organization, then this requires serious and focused work. To build an organizational culture that supports the organizational development strategy, management must take a number of steps.

diagnostics of the state of organizational culture: problems and vision of the future.

Work can be carried out in four directions:

human capital

(a survey of teachers, including questions about the institution’s mission, core values; assessment of the motivational environment in a preschool institution and the properties of the psychological climate in the team);

process capital

(survey of teachers and junior educators on satisfaction with their working conditions);

innovation capital

(diagnostics of teachers’ receptivity to innovation, assessment of the level of innovation; creative potential);

management capital

(survey to identify the nature and effectiveness of control over the activities of teachers by the administration; survey of teachers about the content of methodological work in kindergarten).

formation of a unified information space.

At this stage, it is necessary to formulate a mission, identify the main values ​​of the preschool educational institution in the present, and determine the main values ​​in the future. Create a “Model of a preschool educational institution graduate”, corporate media (Internet site, stand, newspaper). Determine the logo, corporate color, motto, slogans, uniform symbol. It is necessary to outline trends towards the creation of organizational traditions.

creation of corporate rules (corporate code).

All created rules and values, created traditions must be enshrined in some kind of “code of laws”.

Common to each employee in a particular kindergarten, from the janitor to the manager, the immutable truths, enshrined through a corporate code carefully developed by the entire team of employees and periodically updated, must be implemented with the clarity inherent in the fundamentals, with the specificity and simplicity of the business and business principles laid down in the foundation. human relations rules of coexistence and interaction between oneself and another, employee and partner, parent and teacher. Among other things, a well-drafted corporate code also contains a system of personnel motivation that goes from the root - from principle to implementation.

strengthening teacher loyalty.

At this stage, an adaptation program for new teachers is developed and implemented. Also highly effective are trainings for personal growth of teachers and trainings aimed at building a preschool educational institution team. It is necessary to continue work on organizing and holding corporate events, corporate competitions, and developing the traditions of preschool educational institutions.

diagnostics of corporate culture and development of new tasks.

Diagnostics (however, it can already be called monitoring, since this procedure will be carried out regularly and using the same diagnostic materials) of corporate culture. Evaluation of actions taken and comparison with assigned tasks. Development of tasks for the new cycle.

ABOUT main stages in the formation of organizational culture

Organization, incl. and a preschool institution is a complex organism, the basis of whose life potential is corporate culture. Since the culture of an organization plays a very important role in the life of the organization, it should be the subject of close attention from management. Management not only corresponds to and is strongly influenced by organizational culture, but can in turn influence the formation and development of organizational culture.

Thus, the presence of a corporate culture in a preschool educational institution is necessary, since it creates the image of the organization and makes the team a single team. The creation of a code of ethics and the correct choice of leadership style create in employees a sense of belonging to the kindergarten and a sense of pride in it. The interaction of all elements of corporate culture improves the quality of the kindergarten’s work and makes the preschool institution competitive in the educational services market.

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The transformations taking place in all spheres of Russian society - economic, social, political, cultural - could not but affect the education system, which determines the intellectual potential of the country in the future and is a condition for its prosperity and development. Modern state requirements and the educational needs of parents force preschool educational institutions to quickly rebuild and adapt in accordance with changing external and internal requirements.

Education managers. and these are the head and senior teacher (deputy head for educational and methodological work), no longer rely 100% on some ideal theory described in the right textbook and capable of changing any situation in the only right direction. We are absolutely clear: in order for our institution to survive and develop effectively, it is necessary to find our own path.

Today, no one needs to be convinced that personnel play a huge role in the success of an organization. It is the people and the atmosphere they create that can cause the defeat or brilliant victory of an institution. It is people, with their habits, characters, skills, values, with their desire (or reluctance) to work to achieve not only personal, but also the goals of the institution.

The ability to change is currently a decisive development factor that ensures the competitiveness of an educational institution.

Sufficient information has not yet been accumulated about the content and specifics of the corporate culture of Russian enterprises, and even more so, corporate culture in educational institutions. So what is corporate culture? And how does it manifest itself in preschool educational institutions?

Many practitioners and theorists, speaking about organizational culture, focus on its external side - on orders, traditions, and organizational symbols. At the same time, the fact that the bearers of organizational culture are the people working in the organization is underestimated. It is in their heads that the order of things, those systems of relationships and those patterns of behavior that develop in the organization due to certain circumstances are reflected.

It would be naive, considering the entire sector of preschool education in the city, to talk about some kind of unified organizational culture that permeates all its institutions. The content of the work, the personality of the manager and the leadership style that he adheres to in his work, the characteristics of the psychological climate in the work team - these and other factors influence the organizational culture of a particular preschool educational institution.

Organizational (corporate culture) is a set of the most important assumptions accepted by members of the organization and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which provide personnel with guidelines for their behavior and actions.

Organizational culture performs very important functions in the organization's activities:

  • 1. Reproduction function: the presence of a corporate culture ensures the continuity of the organization’s existence and its constant reproduction even if all employees without exception are replaced by other people.
  • 2. Evaluative-normative function: the organization’s value system makes it possible to determine how it should act, and what methods of achieving goals are undesirable or unacceptable for it;
  • 3. Socialization function: a developed corporate culture helps a new employee to better integrate into the organization and meet the requirements placed on him.
  • 4. Communication function: the organization’s values ​​guide employees how to communicate with each other and engage in communication with other organizations and clients.
  • 5. Function of "public memory"": corporate culture cannot be developed through administrative deduction; it is created in the process of interaction between people inside and outside the organization, and therefore helps to preserve those standards and principles that all employees without exception must implement in their actions.
  • 6. Sense-forming function: corporate culture determines that special picture of the world that every employee must share, and which is closely related to the principles and requirements for his activities; corporate culture allows an employee to make his activities more conscious and reasonable.

By organizational culture we mean a stable style of work of its employees that has developed during the life of an educational institution, principles of organizing the internal processes of the institution and operating strategies. As a result, the external and internal image of the institution and the rules of interaction are formed both within the educational institution and with external consumers of the educational services provided.

Thus, for us the organizational culture is:

  • · this is what the organization has (rules of behavior, symbols, traditions, values ​​understood and shared by members of the organization);
  • · this is what the organization is (what is the mission of the organization and how it is implemented by the organization internally and externally);
  • · these are the ideas, views, fundamental values ​​that are shared by all teachers and which are the distinctive feature of one organization from another.

The stronger and more active the corporate culture of an educational institution, the more effective and efficient the educational process.

A corporate culture, focused primarily on readiness for change, must be adopted by all employees of the preschool educational institution.

We can highlight some components of organizational culture, characteristic of preschool institutions in general: philosophy of the organization, mission of the organization, history, myths and legends of the organization, rituals and traditions. These are the so-called artifacts, as well as conditions and values ​​of the organization. Of course, there are elements of corporate culture in every preschool institution, but only the presence of a holistic structure allows you to achieve high performance results. Therefore, we will consider each element and try to determine its place in preschool educational institutions.

Philosophy of the organization. This is a certain set of intra-company principles and rules of relationships among team members, a unique system of values ​​and beliefs of the institution. Compliance with these principles leads the organization to improvement and successful work, since internal relationships between employees play an important role in the development of the institution and in the formation of a positive attitude towards it from the external public. The philosophy of the organization is not specific, but is the starting point for defining them. The preschool educational institution identifies the basic philosophical principles:

  • · conscientiousness in work;
  • · openness and honesty of relationships within the team;
  • · provision of quality educational services;
  • · use of innovative teaching technologies in work;
  • · creation of comfortable living conditions in kindergarten and a high level of service;
  • · pedagogically appropriate attitude of staff towards students;
  • · stimulating and establishing good human relations with parents, suppliers, and the population of the area where the kindergarten is located.

Mission (purpose) of the organization there is its purpose, that is, what it exists for, what are its main differences from the organizations around it. Types of missions: universal purpose, main strategic goal, self-improvement mission, national idea, provision of quality educational services. That is, this is the goal or several main goals of the organization’s existence, developing a collective consciousness, establishing guidelines for relationships between employees, patterns of behavior in relation to the objects of interest of the organization, mobilizing for the achievement of corporate goals and setting the significance of the organization’s activities in the social aspect.

History, myths and legends of the organization. This is the entire history of the creation and development of the organization from the day of its founding to the present moment of work. Here it is necessary to find out what exactly employees know about its development, which stories have become the most common. Through this, it is determined what values ​​are supported by these stories and why these particular values ​​are dominant. If a new employee appears at a preschool educational institution, he is not only introduced to the team, but also given a tour of the kindergarten. The newcomer learns that the institution’s staff is very close-knit, creative and friendly; he is told about important achievements and events that occurred in kindergarten before his arrival.

Traditions of the organization. Tradition is usually understood as a system of repeated symbolic events designed to satisfy the need for recognition and reinforce values ​​in the organization. Through various traditional forms of interaction, corporate spirit and unity among all employees can be created. Traditions ensure continuity between generations of institution staff and allow traditions to be passed on through symbols in an informal setting that is different from everyday life. An important aspect of traditions is to fill people's lives with the meaning of joining the whole - a work group, a profession, the whole society. A corporate holiday (like all labor holidays) introduces people to cultural values ​​and achievements (working life), and therefore becomes an effective means of influencing people. At preschool educational institutions, it becomes a tradition not only to introduce a new employee to the team, but also to collectively discuss the results of work after an important event, respectfully treat experienced teachers, and celebrate various events (public holidays, birthdays).

Terms and values. It is legitimate to talk about corporate culture only when several conditions for the work of personnel are met, in particular, when employees are satisfied with the job in general, satisfied with working conditions, relationships in the team, provision of social benefits, when the situation in the team is non-conflict. Only after satisfying their basic material needs can employees turn to the values ​​of corporate culture. The moral principles of employees should be so close to the organization’s value system that they do not cause conflicts. Otherwise, the employee will be disappointed and will not be able to work effectively. The advantages of working in this institution are proposed as values ​​on which an “ideal” corporate culture can be based - a good team, trust in management, the ability to work in a team and faith in mutual assistance, a sense of involvement in a common cause.

What could it be sample structure of organizational culture?

First level (artifacts). This:

  • 1) The appearance of the building, group and other premises, the territory of the preschool institution.
  • 2) Appearance of employees (if there is a uniform accepted in the organization).
  • 3) The presence of a special style of the organization: logo, symbols, their use in the design of workplaces and in the preparation of documents. The presence of a kindergarten logo and anthem determine recognition in narrow circles of the public, and also show the main goals of the preschool institution and its philosophy. The logo is posted in the kindergarten premises, is depicted on the badges of each employee, and is also on the kindergarten website.
  • 4) Characteristics of the communication system: type of communication used within the organization (oral, written, electronic); technical means used.
  • 5) Special documents that describe the values ​​of the organization.

The first level embodies the spiritual values ​​of corporate culture and allows you to create the individuality of a particular organization that distinguishes it from others.

Collection output:


Bukharina Natalya Valerievna

Assistant, Department of Preschool Education Management, Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

The article examines the content of the manager's activities in managing organizational culture, as well as difficulties in carrying out these activities and possible ways to overcome them.

Organizational culture is the subject of research by many foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners (E. Shein, V. Sathe, G. Hovstede, S. Yoshimuri, I. Ouchi, S. Handi, K. Cameron, R. Quinn, O. S. Vikhansky, A. I. Naumov, A. N. Zankovsky, S. A. Maksimenko, T. O. Solomanidina, V. A. Spivak, P. N. Shikhirev, K. M. Ushakova, O. A. Glushchenko, and etc). Scientists and practitioners have recognized that organizational culture has a great influence on the activities of the organization, performing various functions: integrating (unifying), normative-regulatory, meaning-forming, motivating, adaptive (socializing), protective (stabilizing, supporting), innovative, etc. Therefore, the study , comprehension and correlation of Russian and foreign experience managing an organization through managing its culture in relation to the specifics of managing preschool educational institutions becomes especially significant. In the domestic practice of managing organizations, including preschool educational institutions, this approach is not widespread, which is associated with numerous difficulties that arise for managers in managing organizational culture.

The question of the nature of organizational culture and the ability to manage it is controversial. Traditionally, there are two main approaches to understanding the nature of organizational culture: rational-pragmatic and phenomenological. Representatives of the first direction (E. Shane, I. Ansoff, T. Peters, R. Waterman, T. Deal, K. Cameron, A. Kennedy, R. Quinn, W. Bennis, R. Kilman, A. Ageev, M. Grachev, V. Rudnitsky, etc.) organizational culture is considered as an attribute of the organization, a regulator of employee behavior in the organization, which can be managed along with finances, personnel work, etc. Within the framework of this approach, various “recipes” for formation, development, change are developed organizational culture. Representatives of the second direction (M. Louis, J. Mercier, A. Pettigrew, S. Robbins, D. Silverman, P. Berger, I. V. Katerny, S. V. Shcherbina, etc.) interpret organizational culture as a designation of the very essence organizations. Organizational culture is not considered as a factor that directly programs the behavior of individuals in an organization, but rather as a factor that provides the condition for a conventionally consistent perception of reality and coordinated group behavior of people. Recent publications note the development of a new approach that overcomes the extremes of “overly optimistic views of the rational-pragmatic concept and skeptical views of the phenomenological direction on the possibilities of managing organizational culture.”

Analysis of literature sources shows that basically, researchers describe management through functions. In our opinion, a more productive approach is one in which the management of organizational culture is considered as a process that includes a number of stages: motivational-informational, diagnostic, design and guiding. Let us consider in more detail the content of activities to manage organizational culture at each stage.

Let's start with a description of the motivational-informational stage, which includes the manager's awareness of external and internal factors of organizational culture. The need for such an analysis is determined by the fact that failure to take into account the strength and nature of the impact of the main factors can lead to the ineffectiveness of measures to manage organizational culture. The leader has a great influence on the organizational culture: his life values, ideas about the ideal organization; the image of an ideal (effective) organizational culture; managerial competence (awareness about the essence of management activities and the implemented management style). Please note that registering this information presents significant difficulties for the manager. The fact is that these ideas are not always conscious and are taken for granted by him. In addition, as K. M. Ushakov notes, in the management dictionary of managers there are no words to denote phenomena related to the culture of the organization.

Let's consider the content of the next stage of management activity - diagnostic. It should be noted that there is a wide variety of opinions regarding the issues of diagnosing organizational culture. Among them, the most discussed are the issues of determining criteria (dimensions) that most fully characterize organizational culture and search the best ways, tools for its assessment.

Various organizational characteristics that researchers propose to use as criteria are reflected in typologies of organizational culture (Deal-Kennedy, C. Handy, Cameron-Quinn, T.Yu. Bazarova, V.R. Vesnin, etc.). models that allow us to understand the influence of culture on organizational effectiveness (V. Sathe, T. Peters and R. Waterman, T. Parsons, R. Quinn and J. Rohrbach, etc., indicators that are directly influenced by organizational culture: the level of staff turnover, timing and success of labor adaptation, socio-psychological climate, etc. A rich selection of dimensions of organizational culture and methods for its diagnosis, on the one hand, indicates that the problem is well-developed, and on the other hand, there are many situations of uncertainty. Researchers note that there are many dimensions of organizational culture. it is pointless to study - you need to study only those aspects that are relevant to a certain problem, it is also advisable to simultaneously use several assessment tools. Among the possible difficulties for the manager are: choosing from a variety of criteria and indicators necessary, significant time costs for conducting diagnostics, the complexity of diagnostic procedures. , in some cases there are not always references to adaptation and effectiveness of application in practice, methodological grounds are contradictory, and there are no standardized methods in specific approaches. The head of the organization is well acquainted with the existing culture and some of its aspects are taken for granted by him, and therefore may go unnoticed during analysis.

Analysis of the current state of culture allows us to determine a strategy for managing it and make a decision on those actions that will allow us to move from the current state to the desired one, which corresponds to the design stage of management activities. Three culture management strategies are generally accepted: formation, maintenance (strengthening) and change. The literature also describes the stages of designing organizational culture: building the ideological constructs of the leader, in which the organizational culture is formed; creation of organizational ideology in language and symbols; designing ways to promote strong subcultures, strengthening existing significant aspects of culture; designing ways to change a specific cultural representation in a broad cultural context over a significant time interval; designing the desired image of organizational culture (idea of ​​mission, goals, operating principles, norms of behavior). To design and successfully implement changes in organizational culture, it is also important to understand what efforts of the manager and organizational resources their implementation will require, and what the main directions of change are. Analysis of literary sources allows us to say that the more significant the changes, the more aspects of the educational organization are affected and the greater the amount of resources required (including temporary) for their implementation. When implementing changes, difficulties may arise that are generated by resistance to change. T. Yu. Bazarov notes that it is important for a manager to understand the level of orientation of the organization to change, the degree of its variability. Among the reasons for resistance to change, O. S. Vikhansky notes the perception of change, personal qualities, habits, threat to power and influence, fear of the unknown, economic reasons, limited resources, etc. In this regard, the manager faces the task of designing measures to overcome resistance to change. Successful implementation of changes is facilitated by: identifying the possibility of resistance, competent leadership (you need to be not only a competent leader, but also have leadership skills), awareness of the need for change by the organization's employees, improved communications and a high level of employee involvement in the change process. Another “critical factor for the success of transformations” is that the company’s management must begin transformations with themselves. Particular attention should be paid to psychological support for the implementation of changes: drawing attention to the need for changes; organizing the process of receiving specific proposals from employees of the organization and supporting active employees submitting such proposals; creation of an informal information network to disseminate information about ongoing changes; taking into account the characteristics and personal characteristics of teachers when preparing information and methods of presenting materials; taking into account productive objections that arise from teachers, adapting the change program taking into account the difficulties that arise.

As a result of the execution of the previous stages, the content of the guiding stage arises. This stage turned out to be the least common in the literature, but speculative ideas do not ensure the success of the activity. Of the few works, we can rely on the works of S. A. Belousova, in which the guiding plan includes: organizing joint activities to design organizational culture; organization social interaction taking into account the norms of subjectogenesis; organization of group training; consolidation of organizational norms by administrative measures. There are two ways to influence the development of organizational culture: “from above”, i.e. when management determines what the philosophy of management practice should be, based on this, enterprise managers outline specific methods formation of an effective organizational culture. Another strategy is to actively involve organizational participants in the analysis and design of organizational culture, which contributes to the development of the most effective activities, creates a sense of ownership of what is happening and reduces staff resistance, and also contributes not only to the improvement of the qualifications of each teacher, but also stimulates the development of the entire team. Designing organizational culture requires organizing collaborative activities. The most promising for the development of an organization is considered to be the use of a group resource, which manifests itself in joint creative activity, which involves “co-creation” - a type of activity in which everyone is an equal creator of something new. Co-creative activities involve the creation of teams. Lately, teams have been viewed as effective method increasing the efficiency of managerial work and the organization as a whole. Command forms of management are implemented in order to solve problems and prepare recommendations, directly produce something, and also manage the process. Team management is based on the process of delegation of authority. The activity of group members is high (the group develops and makes decisions), and the role of the administrator (leader) is reduced to creating the necessary conditions, defining the boundaries of the decision space and providing advice in a difficult situation. With this approach, staff resistance to change is reduced, and decisions made by the participants themselves are more readily implemented. As can be seen from the analysis, organizing joint activities through creating teams has a number of advantages. But it is also possible to identify some possible difficulties for the manager: firstly, difficulties in delegating authority (due to fear of poor performance); secondly, according to the remark of K. M. Ushakov, teams must be “correctly selected” and “correctly managed,” and this requires “extremely high and fairly specific qualifications of the leader.”

Another component of the guiding stage is the organization of group training - additional training, training of managers and teachers of an educational institution. Successful implementation of training events requires the leader to carry out a number of preparatory stages: setting training goals in accordance with the organization’s plans for a certain period; determining the personnel structure and policies for each category (in accordance with the goals of the educational institution); training needs analysis; choice of forms and methods of teaching; selection of training provider (leader). You can train the entire team or individual employees. Training the entire organization can meet with strong resistance and require significant resources from the organization (financial, time), so it is more expedient to train a group of teachers, then disseminating the new throughout the organization, but if the training of this group is carried out outside the organization, then upon the “return” of the teachers it can be leveled out the rest, so it is advisable to conduct training within the institution (on the job). Projected changes must be reflected in regulatory documents.

So, an analysis of the content of a manager’s activity allows us to conclude that there are a number of difficulties for a manager in managing organizational culture, which are caused by the complexity of the phenomenon of organizational culture and the difference in approaches to managing it, on the one hand, and, on the other, by the manager’s insufficient professional competence. The solution to this contradiction, in our opinion, is to provide the manager with support in managing organizational culture.


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