Compile characteristics of the mechanical engineering industries in the form of a table. Characteristics of the mechanical engineering industry

Heavy engineering is a material-intensive industry with high metal consumption and relatively low labor intensity. Heavy engineering includes the production of metallurgical, mining, large-energy, lifting and transport equipment, heavy machine tools, large sea and river vessels, locomotives and cars. heavy engineering primarily depends on the raw material base and areas of consumption.

For example, the production of metallurgical and mining equipment is located, as a rule, near metallurgical bases and in areas where finished products are consumed.

One of the most important branches of heavy engineering is the production of equipment for the metallurgical industry. The high metal intensity of the products of these industries and the complexity of transportation led to the location of these enterprises near the centers of development of metallurgy and consumption of these products: Yekaterinburg, Orsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Large centers for the production of mining equipment have been created in Western Siberia - Novokuznetsk, Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo. One of the largest factories for the production of heavy excavators, which are used in the development of lignite deposits in the Kansk-Achinsk basin, was built in Krasnoyarsk.

The production of equipment for the oil industry has developed in oil and gas producing regions - the Urals, Volga region, North Caucasus, and Western Siberia.

Power engineering is represented by the production of powerful steam turbines and generators, hydraulic turbines and steam boilers. It is located mainly in large centers of developed mechanical engineering with the presence of highly qualified personnel. The largest centers for the production of turbines for hydroelectric power plants are St. Petersburg and Taganrog (the Krasny Kotelshchik plant, which produces half of all steam boilers in the country). High-performance boilers are produced in Podolsk and Belgorod. St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg specialize in the production of gas turbines. The development of nuclear energy determined the production of equipment for nuclear power plants. Nuclear reactors are produced in St. Petersburg; a large center of nuclear power engineering was formed in Volgodonsk.

Enterprises producing heavy machine tools and forging equipment operate in Kolomna, Voronezh, and Novosibirsk.

The main centers of marine shipbuilding have formed on the coasts of the Baltic Sea (St. Petersburg, Vyborg), which specialize in the production of passenger, cargo-passenger, and nuclear-powered icebreakers. On the White Sea, the main shipbuilding center is Arkhangelsk, on the Barents Sea - Murmansk. Timber trucks are produced in these centers.

River shipbuilding is represented by shipyards on the largest river highways: the Volga, Ob, Yenisei, Amur. One of the largest shipbuilding centers is Nizhny Novgorod, where Krasnoe Sormovo JSC produces vessels of various classes: modern passenger liners, river-sea type motor ships, etc. River vessels are manufactured in Volgograd, Tyumen, Tobolsk, Blagoveshchensk.

Railway engineering: Kolomna, Novocherkassk (North Caucasus region), Murom (Nizhny Novgorod region), Medinovo (Kaluga region), Demidovo.

Car manufacturing (wood raw materials are also needed for the production of cars): Nizhny Tagil, Kaliningrad, Novoaltaisk, Bryansk, Tver, Mytishchi, Abakan Carriage Plant (Khakassia).

General mechanical engineering

Includes a group of industries characterized by average rates of metal and energy consumption and low labor intensity. General engineering enterprises produce technological equipment for the oil refining, forestry, pulp and paper, construction, light and food industries.

As a rule, enterprises in these industries are located in areas where products are consumed. However, factors such as the availability of qualified personnel and the proximity of the raw material base are also taken into account. Enterprises of this group are widely located throughout Russia.

Secondary mechanical engineering

Secondary mechanical engineering unites enterprises with low metal consumption, but high labor and energy intensity - these are instrument making, production of computer equipment, electrical engineering industry. It is located where qualified personnel are available. Includes a group of machine-building enterprises distinguished by their narrow specialization and broad connections for cooperative supplies: automobile manufacturing, aircraft manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing (production of small and medium-sized metal-cutting machines), production of technological equipment for the food, light and printing industries.

One of the main branches of medium-sized engineering is automotive industry, where specialization is most pronounced and extensive cooperation ties can be traced. Automotive industry enterprises have been built in many regions of Russia. Medium-duty trucks (3-6 tons) are produced by the Moscow (ZIL) and Nizhny Novgorod plants, and light-duty trucks are produced by the Ulyanovsk plant (UAZ). A center for the production of heavy-duty vehicles was created in Tatarstan: KamAZ - Naberezhnye Chelny.

High-class passenger cars are produced in Moscow, middle class ones - in Nizhny Novgorod; small cars - in Moscow, Tolyatti, Izhevsk; minicars - in Serpukhov. A wide network of bus factories has been created (Likino, Pavlovo, Kurgan).

The automotive industry also includes the production of motors, electrical equipment, bearings, etc.

Among the factors influencing the location of machine tool manufacturing enterprises, the main one is the industry’s provision of qualified labor resources, engineering and technical personnel. The machine tool industry has developed greatly in many regions. Along with the old, established areas of machine tool building in the Center, Moscow and the North-West (St. Petersburg), machine tool building developed in the Volga and Ural regions.

Instrumentation products are characterized by low material and energy consumption, but their production requires highly qualified labor and research personnel. Therefore, about 80% of commercial output is concentrated in the European part of Russia, in large cities (Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg).

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    The structure of the industry of the world, provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy, produces a variety of consumer goods.
    Mechanical products are the third item of Russian exports (after fuel and energy goods and metals).
    In a market economy, the main factor in increasing the efficiency of the national economy is no longer individual achievements of science and technology, but the high scientific and technological level of all production. This level is determined primarily by the state of mechanical engineering as an industry that meets the needs for technological equipment, which must be continuously updated.
    Mechanical engineering is a basic branch of the economy that determines the development of such complexes as fuel and energy, transport, construction, chemical and petrochemical and a number of others. The most important specific indicators of the country’s gross domestic product (material intensity, energy intensity) and, as a consequence, the competitiveness of manufactured products depend on the level of development of mechanical engineering. The current level of mechanical engineering in Russia, its scientific, technical and production base does not currently meet the growing requirements of the country's economic and social development.
    The development of mechanical engineering directly depends on the quality of economic education of managers and engineering workers of industry enterprises.

    1. Industry concept. Mechanical engineering industry
    The national economy of the country includes various spheres, each of which makes its own contribution to the development of the country. The main feature of dividing the national economy into various spheres is participation in the creation of the total social product. Based on this criterion, the spheres of the national economy can be divided into two groups: material production and non-production sphere. In turn, these areas are divided into industries.
    Industry differentiation – the emergence of more and more new branches is a constant process caused by the development of the social division of labor.
    There are three forms of social division of labor:
    1. The general division of labor is expressed in the division of social production into large spheres of material production (industry, agriculture, transport, etc.);
    2. The private division of labor is manifested in the formation of various independent branches within industry, agriculture and other branches of material production;
    3. The unit division of labor finds its expression in the division of labor directly at the enterprise.
    All forms of social division of labor are interconnected.
    Industry consists of many industries and industries that are interconnected. The main features that distinguish one industry from another are: the economic purpose of the products produced, the nature of the materials consumed, the technical base of production and the technological process, and the professional composition of the workforce. Individual productions also differ according to these same characteristics.
    Industry is a group of qualitatively homogeneous economic units (enterprises, organizations, institutions), characterized by special conditions of production in the system of social division of labor, homogeneous products and performing a common (specific) function in the national economy.
    Material production includes:
    · Industry;
    · Agriculture and forestry;
    · Freight transport;
    · Communications (serving material production);
    · Construction;
    · Trade;
    · Public catering ;
    · Information and computing services, etc.
    The non-production sphere includes:
    · Housing and communal services;
    · Passenger transport;
    · Communications (serving non-production organizations and the population);
    · Healthcare;
    · Physical culture and social security ;
    · Public education ;
    · Culture and art;
    · Science and scientific services;
    · Lending and insurance;
    · Activities of the apparatus of governing bodies.
    The mechanical engineering industry is part of the mechanical engineering complex. The mechanical engineering complex includes 12 large industries and approximately 100 specialized industries, sub-sectors and productions. The mechanical engineering complex is connected with all industries, since the products of this complex are used in them as means of production.
    2. Classification of mechanical engineering branches, dividing them into groups
    Complex industries include:
    · Heavy, energy and transport engineering;
    · Chemical and petroleum engineering;
    · Machine tool and tool industry;
    · Instrumentation;
    · Automotive industry ;
    · Transport and agricultural engineering;
    · Road construction and municipal engineering;
    · Mechanical engineering for light and food industries and household appliances;
    · Aviation industry;
    · Shipbuilding industry;
    · Communications industry.
    Depending on what market the products manufactured by enterprises of the machine-building complex are oriented to, they can be combined into the following groups:
    1. A group of industries of investment engineering (heavy, energy, transport, chemical, oil, road construction engineering), the development of which is determined by the investment activity of the fuel and energy complex, construction and transport complexes;
    2. A group of enterprises in the tractor and agricultural mechanical engineering, mechanical engineering for the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex and light industry enterprises, depending on the solvency of agricultural producers and processors of agricultural products, and also partly on the demand of the population;
    3. Electrical engineering, instrument making. Machine tool industry is a group of knowledge-intensive industries, the so-called components, developing following the needs of all other industries;
    4. Automotive industry, the output of which is focused on the demand of end consumers (production of passenger cars), as well as on the needs of enterprises, firms and executive authorities (production of trucks and buses).
    Mechanical engineering industries can also be grouped based on the territorial affiliation of sales markets:
    1. Import substitution industries. This group includes such groups as the automotive industry, tractor and agricultural engineering, transport engineering, and road construction engineering. The development of industries in this group is determined by the infrastructural factor of the economy and the demand for their products in the domestic market;
    2. Export-oriented industries. This group includes power engineering, electrical engineering, instrument making for the production of various elements of automated control systems (including multifunctional production complexes based on microprocessor control), machine tool industry for the production of heavy metal-cutting machines and presses, as well as aircraft and shipbuilding. They have scientific and technical potential that allows them to either produce competitive products or create them in a relatively short time.
    Conditional groupings of mechanical engineering industries according to various criteria are used to develop directions for improving the industrial structure of mechanical engineering in accordance with the goals set and based on analysis of pre-grouped industries.
    3. Factors determining changes in the sectoral structure of the industry
    We can distinguish the following groups of factors that determine changes in the sectoral structure of the industry:
    1. Scientific and technological progress - the development of science and technology contributes to the development of new industries, the separation of new sub-sectors from existing industries, or the liquidation of enterprises or industries that do not meet the requirements of the time;
    2. The pace of development of sectors of the national economy that consume mechanical engineering products - the influence of this factor is comparable to the multiplier effect; the acceleration or deceleration of the development of industries that consume the products of mechanical engineering enterprises determines the development of the corresponding branches of mechanical engineering;
    3. Growth in the material well-being and cultural level of the population - changes in the composition of the needs of the population directly determine the development of industries that produce products capable of satisfying these needs.
    The constant change in the industrial structure of mechanical engineering makes it necessary to systematically monitor it in order to identify the compliance of the existing structure of industries with the needs of the national economy.
    4. Indicators for analyzing the sectoral structure of industry
    To analyze the sectoral structure of industry, the following indicators are usually used:
    1. The share of a particular industry in the total volume of industrial production and its change in dynamics;
    2. The share of progressive industries in the total volume of industrial production and its change in dynamics;
    3. Leading coefficient – ​​expresses the ratio of the growth rate of an industry or a separate complex to the growth rate of the entire industry:
    K op = T negative / T prom,
    where, K op – advance coefficient,
    T neg – rate of development of an industry or complex,
    T prom – rate of industrial development.
    4. The relationship between the extractive and processing industries. The rapid development of processing industries compared to extractive ones usually characterizes positive trends in the development of the country's economy;
    5. The share of the military-industrial complex in the total volume of industrial production;
    6. The relationship between groups A (production of means of production) and B (production of consumer goods).
    In general terms, the sectoral structure of industry is characterized by:
    1. Level of technical development of the country;
    2. The degree of economic independence of the country;
    3. The level of productivity of social labor.
    In industrialized countries, where crises and production declines recur periodically, changes in the current market environment least affect the production of the latest high-tech products, which creates certain impulses to overcome crisis situations. Our country is characterized by a rapid decline in the production of the most advanced technology. As a result, it is possible to completely lose the technological potential accumulated over previous years, although not of sufficient quality, but still of fundamental importance for the further functioning of the economy.
    The structure of the final products of the domestic mechanical engineering industry was characterized by its “heaviness” and a high degree of militarization. The share of military equipment remained quite high, with a sharp lag in the production of consumer goods and especially equipment for the non-production sphere. In the first half of the 1980s. The growth in production of investment engineering products stopped completely, and in the second half a decline began that continued into the 1990s. into a landslide fall.
    The current state of mechanical engineering shows the need for a thoughtful state policy regarding the optimization of the industry structure. Improving the sectoral structure of the industry should be based on an analysis of the macroeconomic proportions of the economy. Establishing scientifically based proportions in the development of mechanical engineering branches makes it possible to increase the pace of development of the national economy on the basis of scientific and technological progress and achieve the maximum possible savings in social labor.
    5. Factors contributing to the improvement of the industrial structure of mechanical engineering
    The effect of improving the industrial structure of mechanical engineering can be manifested in the following:
    1. Increased interpenetration and redistribution of resources of developed industries, with an increase in the level of product quality from the use of high technology;
    2. Gradual reduction in production costs through the efficient use of resources;
    3. Gradual replacement of imported production with products of domestic mechanical engineering;
    4. Development of infrastructure for mechanical engineering industries.
    As a result of improving the industrial structure of mechanical engineering, a core should be formed - a set of business entities that effectively respond to changes in market conditions and produce competitive products.
    6. Raw materials and fuel and energy material resources, their rational use
    All material resources used in industry as objects of labor are conventionally divided into raw materials and fuel and energy.
    Raw materials represent the totality of the objects of labor available in the country, which are used directly for the production of various industrial products.
    Raw material (raw material) is understood as any object of labor for the extraction or processing of which labor was expended and which, under its influence, has undergone certain changes. Raw materials usually include products from the mining industry (ore, oil, coal, sand, crushed stone) and agricultural products (grain, potatoes, beets), and materials include products from the manufacturing industry (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cement, flour, yarn).
    There are:
    1. Basic materials are materials that in natural form are included in the composition of the finished product, constituting its material basis;
    2. Auxiliary materials are materials that are not part of the finished product, but only contribute to its formation.
    Fuel and energy, by their economic nature, belong to auxiliary materials, but due to their special significance, they are allocated to an independent group of resources. There are potential and real fuel and energy resources:
    1. Potential fuel and energy resources are the volume of reserves of all types of fuel and energy that a particular economic region or the country as a whole has;
    2. Real fuel and energy resources in the broad sense of the word are the totality of all types of energy used in the country’s economy.
    The main areas of rational use of raw materials and fuel and energy resources include:
    1. Improving the structure of the fuel and fuel-energy balance;
    2. More thorough and high-quality preparation of raw materials for their direct use in industrial enterprises;
    3. Proper organization of transportation and storage of raw materials and fuel - avoiding losses and reduction in quality;
    4. Integrated use of raw materials;
    5. Chemicalization of production;
    6. Use of production waste;
    7. Recycling of raw materials, etc.

    7. Brief analysis of mechanical engineering industries. Industry Trends

    In the mechanical engineering complex in November 2009, a significant improvement in production dynamics was noted. Compared to November 2008, the decline in production as a whole in the three engineering industries was 17.2% - this is the best figure for all previous months of 2009. However, this improvement is largely due to the low base factor.

    Mechanical engineering was one of the few sectors of the manufacturing sector in which production volume in November 2009 was lower than in November 2008. If we compare the result with November 2007, the decline in production during this period was more than 25%.
    The best dynamics in November 2009 were observed in the production of large energy equipment, as well as in the production of household appliances and electronics.
    The production of hydraulic turbines has doubled compared to November 2008, and the production of washing machines and televisions has increased by almost 20%. Moreover, the volume of TV production in November 2009 was one of the largest in the last two years. It was only 0.7% lower than in September 2008, when TV production in Russia reached a three-year high. The growth in the production of household appliances and electronics occurs not so much due to an increase in demand for these products, but rather due to the optimistic expectations of manufacturers and trade organizations, which began to fill warehouses in the hope of a quick increase in consumer demand.
    The financial situation in transport engineering remains the most difficult among all industries.
    The net financial loss by the beginning of November 2009 exceeded 60 billion rubles. This is due to low domestic demand for Russian automotive products, lack of access to borrowed capital, and large overdue debt.
    In terms of the volume of overdue accounts payable, as well as the volume of overdue accounts receivable, transport engineering is the leader among all sectors of the manufacturing complex of Russian industry. At the same time, a significant share of overdue debt accounts for debt on bank loans, which increased almost 10 times over the year.

    1. Gribov V.D., Gruzinov V.P. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2006. – 336 p.: ill.
    2. Mironov M.G., Zagorodnikov S.V. Economics of the industry (mechanical engineering): Textbook. – M.: FORUM: INFRA-M, 2005. – 320 p.
    3. Sergeev I.V. Enterprise Economics: Textbook. allowance. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2007. – 304 p.: ill.
    4. Enterprise economics: Textbook for universities / V.Ya. Gorfinkel, E.M. Kupryakov, V.P. Prasolova et al. - M.: Banks and exchanges, UNITY, 1996. - 576 p. ill.
    5. Kulikov L.M. Fundamentals of economic knowledge: Textbook. – M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000. – 272 p.: ill.
    CJSC "Analysis, Consulting and Marketing" analytical bulletin “Sectors of the Russian economy: production, finance, securities”, January 18, 2010

    Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of all industry. The products of mechanical engineering enterprises play a decisive role in the implementation of scientific and technological progress in all areas of the economy. The machine-building complex accounts for almost 30% of the total industrial output. In our country this industry is underdeveloped. In Japan, Germany, and the USA, the share of mechanical engineering in the industrial structure ranges from 40% to 50%.

    In terms of exports, mechanical engineering ranks second after the fuel and energy complex. This industry accounts for 12% of Russia's exports. If we take Japan and Germany, then their exports are: Japan 60%, Germany 45%. The machine-building complex ranks first in terms of gross output, second in fixed assets (25%) and first in industrial personnel (42%).

    It ensures scientific and technological progress and the restructuring of the economy of the entire country, therefore its industries are developing at an accelerated pace, and their number is constantly growing. Based on their role and significance in the national economy, they can be combined into 3 interrelated groups:

    1. Industries ensuring the development of the scientific and technological revolution throughout the national economy These are instrument engineering, chemical engineering, electrical and power engineering.

    2. Industries ensuring the development of the scientific and technological revolution in mechanical engineering This is the machine tool and tool industry.

    3. Industries ensuring the development of the scientific and technological revolution in certain sectors of the economy This includes road construction, tractor and agricultural engineering, automotive industry, etc.

    Over the past decades, a number of new industries have emerged related to the production of automation equipment, electronics and telemechanics, equipment for nuclear energy, jet aircraft, and household cars. The nature of products in the old branches of mechanical engineering has changed radically.

    Modern mechanical engineering is represented by mechanical engineering and metalworking itself, which includes several dozen industries and sub-sectors. The most complex structure of mechanical engineering is. It includes such important industries as power engineering, electrical engineering, machine tool and tool industries, instrument making, a number of individual industries producing equipment for the mining and manufacturing industries, construction, transport engineering, automotive industry, tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

    The range of mechanical engineering products is extremely large, which not only determines the deep differentiation of its industries, but also has a strong impact on the location of production of certain types of products. Moreover, even with the same intended purpose of the products produced, the dimensions, composition, technological processes, and form of social organization of production at enterprises in such industries are very different.

    In general, mechanical engineering belongs to the industries of the so-called “free placement”, since it is less influenced than any other industry by factors such as the natural environment, the availability of mineral resources, water, etc. At the same time, the location of mechanical engineering enterprises is strongly influenced by a number of economic factors, especially the concentration of production, its specialization, cooperation, the labor intensity of certain types of products, and the convenience of transport and economic relations that arise in the process of cooperation of mechanical engineering enterprises.

    The specialization of mechanical engineering has reached a very high development. Subject specialization, technological specialization, and part specialization are widespread in the industry. Specialization in mechanical engineering is determined by the profile of mechanical engineering enterprises and the nature of the products produced mass, large-scale, small-scale, individual. The release of mass products reduces the possibility of creating the entire technological process at enterprises and contributes to the development of technological specialization. However, the production of particularly complex small-scale and individual products is often possible only on the basis of detail and technological specialization.

    The development of all types of specialization in mechanical engineering has led to exceptionally wide cooperation both between its enterprises and with factories in other industries supplying structural materials, plastic products, glass, etc. At the same time, they specialize in the production of not only mass products, but also small-scale and even individual

    Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment, apparatus and devices, various types of mechanisms for material production, science, culture, and the service sector. Metalworking is engaged in the production of metal products, repair of machinery and equipment. Currently, mechanical engineering in Russia consists of a number of independent industries, which includes over 350 sub-sectors and industries.

    Mechanical engineering differs from other industries in a number of features that affect its geography. The most important thing is the presence of public demand for products, qualified labor resources, in-house production or the ability to supply construction materials and electricity.

    The mechanical engineering industries involved in the production of products such as metallurgical, energy, and mining equipment consume a lot of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In this regard, machine-building plants engaged in the production of this type of product usually try to be located as close as possible to metallurgical bases in order to reduce the cost of delivering raw materials. Most of the large heavy engineering plants are located in the Urals.

    From the point of view of labor intensity, the machine-building complex is characterized by high costs and very high qualifications of labor. The production of machines requires a lot of labor time. In this regard, a fairly large number of mechanical engineering industries gravitate to areas of the country where the population concentration is high, and especially where there are highly qualified and technical personnel. The following sectors of the complex can be called extremely labor-intensive: the aviation industry (Samara, Kazan), machine tool building (Moscow, St. Petersburg), and the production of electrical engineering and precision instruments (Ulyanovsk).

    The military-strategic aspect can be considered as a separate factor in the geographical location of mechanical engineering. Taking into account the interests of state security, many enterprises of the machine-building complex that produce defense products are located far from the borders of the state. Many of them are concentrated in closed cities.

    The domestic mechanical engineering industry is characterized by an extremely high degree of territorial concentration, especially in the European part of the country, and an insufficient level of specialization and intersectoral cooperation. In addition, many large machine-building plants and production associations were designed and formed as universal ones, according to the principle of “subsistence farming”, with a full range of procurement, auxiliary and repair industries. Therefore, in the coming years, the industrial, territorial and technological structure of mechanical engineering must undergo fundamental changes, the main directions of which should be improving product quality, de-concentration, increasing the level of specialization and cooperation of production, reducing irrational transport and other costs.

    Mechanical engineering complex: composition, significance and technological features.” First, we will give a definition of the mechanical engineering complex. Then we will consider the sectoral composition of this sub-sector of industry and discuss its importance for the life of the country. We will also learn what the technological features of mechanical engineering are.

    Subject:General characteristics of the Russian economy

    Lesson: Mechanical engineering complex: composition, significance and technological features

    Mechanical engineering complex - this is a set of industries that is engaged in the production and repair of various machines and equipment, as well as the production of various metal products and structures

    The mechanical engineering complex is complex in its structure. It includes more than 70 industries, which are usually grouped depending on the purpose of the products produced, similar technology and raw materials used.

    Rice. 1. Composition of the mechanical engineering complex

    Mechanical engineering includes:

    1. Heavy and energy (production of energy, mining and handling equipment, diesel locomotive building, carriage building, turbine building, nuclear and printing)

    2. Machine tool building. Production of various machines.

    3. Transport (automotive, shipbuilding, aviation and rocket and space industries)

    4. Agricultural engineering and tractor manufacturing

    5. Mechanical engineering for light and food industries

    6. Precision engineering (instrument making, electronics, electrical engineering)

    Mechanical engineering plays a very important role in the life of the country.

    1. It provides equipment to all other complexes in the country

    2. The development of all sectors of the economy depends on the level of development of mechanical engineering

    3. Here, first of all, all achievements of scientific and technological progress are introduced

    4. It ensures the country's defense capability

    5. This is the largest complex in Russian industry

    6. Currently, mechanical engineering and metalworking account for:

    7. 20% of industrial production,

    8. 1/3 of those employed in industry.

    9. There are more than 50 thousand machine-building enterprises, which is approximately 1/3 of all industrial enterprises in Russia.

    The technological process in mechanical engineering includes three stages: procurement, machining, assembly.

    Rice. 2. Technological process in mechanical engineering

    At the same time, the final product consists of a large number of individual parts and components that cannot be produced within one enterprise. Therefore, in mechanical engineering there are widely developed specialization and cooperation.

    Specialization - production at an enterprise of any one product, individual parts and components

    Rice. 3. Types of specialization

    Specialization is:

    1. subject- production of finished products (production of cars, airplanes, computers)

    2. detailed- production of individual parts and components (production of automobile engines or metal products (hardware)

    3. technological- production of semi-finished products, performance of individual operations of the technological cycle, (assembly production)

    4. functional- production and provision of services (sale of cars by the manufacturer)

    At large machine-building plants, specialization is observed at the level of individual workshops; even such an enterprise does not produce the entire volume of necessary components. Small enterprises are usually highly specialized and their work depends on the work of related enterprises. This is why cooperation is so important.

    - This is the establishment of production links between enterprises jointly participating in the manufacture of final products.

    Rice. 4. Cooperation

    Cooperation happens intra-industry when enterprises of the same industry, of the same inter-industry complex, interact.

    Intersectoral when production from different industries and different complexes interact.

    Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, tool, and hardware plants that supply their products to the car assembly plant are mechanical engineering enterprises and cooperate with them intra-industry nature, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical, tanneries, glass factories, textile factories - these are enterprises of other inter-industry complexes. Cooperation with them is an example intersectoral cooperation.

    During the 90s, the importance of the machine-building complex in the Russian economy decreased. A number of enterprises were closed, others reduced production.

    The production volumes of agricultural machinery, machine tools, and many types of precision engineering have declined especially sharply.

    The main reason for this was the low quality of manufactured products compared to imported ones and the break in production ties with enterprises of the former republics after the collapse of the USSR.

    The situation has now improved somewhat thanks to investment. New factories have been built and are being built, many old enterprises have been reconstructed, new ones have been established and old production connections have been restored.


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    3. Atlas of economic geography, grade 9, from Bustard, 2012.
    4. Geography. The entire school curriculum in diagrams and tables. (2007, 127 pp.)
    5. Geography. Schoolchildren's Handbook. Comp. Mayorova T.A. (1996, 576 pp.)
    6. Cheat sheet on economic geography. (For schoolchildren, applicants.) (2003, 96 p.)


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    4. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., map.: color. on

    Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

    1. Geography of Russia. Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. A.P. Gorkin.-M.: Bol. Ross. enc., 1998.- 800 pp.: ill., maps.
    2. Russian statistical yearbook. 2011: Statistical collection/Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2002. - 690 p.
    3. Russia in numbers. 2011: Brief statistical collection/Goskomstat of Russia. - M., 2003. - 398 p.

    Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

    1. GIA-2013. Geography: standard exam options: 10 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
    2. GIA-2013. Geography: thematic and standard exam options: 25 options / Ed. EM. Ambartsumova. - M.: Publishing House "National Education", 2012. - (GIA-2013. FIPI-school)
    3. GIA-2013 Exam in a new form. Geography. 9th grade / FIPI authors - compilers: E.M. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova - M.: Astrel, 2012.
    4. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Geography. Solving complex problems / FIPI authors-compilers: Ambartsumova E.M., Dyukova S.E., Pyatunin V.B. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012.
    1. Draw a diagram of the connections between the mechanical engineering complex and other industrial complexes. Give examples of the products he supplies to them.
    2. Name the machine-building enterprises in your region. What do you think explains the specialization of mechanical engineering enterprises in your region?
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