Make a plan for the development of the company. Strategic development plan of the enterprise

See the company's experience in developing an enterprise development strategy. Download an example of a strategic plan development plan in Excel.

What is a strategic plan

The strategic plan systematizes long-term target parameters, establishes the relationship of market indicators, which must be achieved, the production tasks that must be solved and necessary for all of this financial resources.

The long-term development plan of the company should not only state the goals, but also justify their choice. It is desirable that the actions strategy will be methodologically justified. You can also rely on intuition of the head, but most often good business intuition is an alloy of experience and education.

Next, consider an example of developing a long-term strategic development plan for a small enterprise. The company in question in the article is part of the European Holding and adheres to its management standards. At the same time, the enterprise is a small number and does not have the possibility of involving significant labor and temporary resources for large-scale development of the strategy, as well as its frequent adjustment due to current changes. Therefore, we developed our own approach to the development of a promising development plan.

Planning time - three years. Each group of the group proceeds to developing a strategic plan in the second quarter.

Next, the chain of action is as follows: The concept of the holding (three years) → Concept of the enterprise in Russia (three years) → Strategy (three years) → Budget (one year, with a refinement in half a year in the Full-Yearoutlook forecast) → Plan analysis (FULL -Yearoutlook - a refined annual forecast, which summarizes the annual results consisting of the actual data of the past half of the year and refined forecast data of the current half-year. - Approx. auth.).

I will consider all stages of developing a strategic plan of the company in more detail.

Stage 1. Holding a workshop

The seminar takes place in the business hotel in the Green Zone. Even in today's tight savings situation, it makes sense - a small change in the situation helps to abstract and gain new ideas. The seminar involves not only the heads of divisions, but also several key specialists (engineers, economists, marketers). Since the production problems, they see from the inside and can offer alternative options, and are also able to assess the fresh look organizational solutions.

Before the start of the seminar, in order to do not be distracted by the search for data and extra discussions, all important information is collected, for example, for the growth of prices of suppliers, inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, etc. Next tasks, such as identifying resources and key competencies, are being resolved; the choice of attractive niches, markets and customers; Strategic planning based on key competencies (see example of a filled form in materials for download).

So, for the strategic plan for the development of the enterprise, adopted for the period 2016-2018, the main directions were:

  • introduction of a new product / type of metal-powered;
  • expansion of the sales market due to the coverage of additional regions;
  • .

Stage 2. Registration of the form

Following the seminar, the form is issued in which the decisions are made related to the company's development strategy, the main projects and indicators (see example of the filled form in the download materials).

Example of a form (fragment)

Seminar on the development of the strategy of the enterprise 2016-2018.

The date of the:


External environment


Expansion of business - expansion to the regions
Access to a new consumer segment


Crisis situation, sanctions, reducing demand for products, low purchasing power, unfavorable investment climate, problems with procurement of materials, price increase in suppliers



High qualifications of specialists
High performance
Management system based on European standards

Weak sides

Insufficiently developed marketing system
High costs for inner logistics

Special attention in the form is paid to the description of the main components creating the consumer value of goods and requiring further improvement, namely:

  • product: Attractiveness for customers (quality, functionality, warranty, service, practical utility, diversity);
  • (price list prices, total value logistics chain, basic prices, discounts and charges, terms of payment and loan);
  • communication with clients (clients' interaction, company positioning on the market, stimulating sales, advertising, public relations, various communication technologies);
  • delivery, additional services (logistics goods, creation of logistics networks, location, warehousing, packaging of goods).

Excel model that will help compare the development strategy and budget

The company is developing a strategy to digitize development plan for the next five to seven years. One of the tasks of the financial director is to control whether a company reaches strategic goals, and in time to report to owners on deviations.

The budgets are compiled more often, and the factors in them are accounted for more. As a result, in a few years, the company risks to deviate from strategic goals. Read how to find out whether the short-term forecast is the strategic plan, and how to act if discrepancies found. And download an excel model that will help compare strategic indicators with budgetary.

3 stage. Implementation of the strategic model in Excel

Not deepening more in the debrist of management and marketing, I will consider conditional example Models in the table (example of a strategic plan can be found in the materials for downloading to the article).

The model has the form of a management report - the statements of income and expenses for individual profit-centers and on the enterprise as a whole. Excel introduces data for each profit center. In my example, it is "Line 1", "Line 2", "Auxiliary Production 1-2" (data for which are summed on the "Production" sheet) and "Management". Depreciation data, repair costs and fotes are calculated on the "Investment" tabs, "repair", "personnel". Data sheets "Production" and "Management" are reduced to the report "Total on the enterprise" (see in materials for download).

For each profit center: Performance (turnover / working hour, gross income / working hour), personnel costs / work hour. I note that the KPI values \u200b\u200bof the strategic model are usually higher than the KPI budget. The budget strategy indicators are adjusted taking into account the time factor, changes in the external environment. After all, the strategy is a plan, let's say ambitious, and the budget is realistic, and our task minimizes the difference between strategic ambitions and achieved by the fact.

Table. An example of a strategic development plan of the enterprise 2016-2018, thousand euros (data conditional, fragment)

Forecast 2015.

Forecast / Plan 2015

Strategy 2016.

Strategy 2017.

Strategy 2018.

Turnover, land. Deat.

Turnover, so on.

Revenue, net


Other materials

Materials, TOTAL

Gross income





other expenses

The result of the host. Deat.


Fin .Odizes and expenses

Cash Flow.



Result to n / o

Annual profit

In the organization's strategic plan for visibility, the data are presented in the context of the periods: the fact of the previous two years - the current year plan - the forecast of the current year is the strategy of three coming years. It is developed in an integral form and according to the articles, and in terms of the periods, in contrast to the detailed budget. If at the time of the implementation of the strategic plan not for all key projects, a final decision was made, we develop 2-3 scenarios and choose the most optimal.

Such a model of the strategic development of the enterprise makes it possible to see the prospects for the development of the enterprise, to analyze the impact of each profit-center for the achievement of the final result, choose the most promising areas of business development, assess the necessary resources, consider various development options.

4 stage. Formation of results

The final version of the strategic development plan for the company is issued in the form of PowerPoint presentation and we present on the board of directors of the Holding. For clarity and ease of perception, the presentation is issued concisely in the amount of no more than 10 slides (the final version of the strategic development plan of the enterprise can be found in the materials for download). Here is the information set out in the slides:

  • existing strengths and key competencies of the company;
  • potential strengths and key competencies;
  • ways to achieve economic growth from the actual state to the target through projects and events in the following blocks: attracting orders; execution of orders; development of the enterprise; development of products and processes; production; control;
  • final slide - key indicators table - turnover, gross income, result before tax, productivity, investment volume.

Strategic Plan Execution Control

A tool for monitoring the execution of the company's strategic plan are the budget and a factory analysis at the level of individual articles and business units. Also, as the strategic plan for the development of the enterprise, we carry out workshops on control over its implementation. In the case of significant external and internal changes, you will promptly correct the strategic model. Such meetings - StrategyCheck we organize once a year, but taking into account the ever-changing economic situation it makes sense to conduct them more often, at least once a quarter.


In conclusion, I will give several practical advice.

First, the main thing - the strategic plan for the development of the enterprise should be a living, working tool, and not an unknowing unclaimed file.

Secondly, an excessive variety of scenarios should be avoided according to the principle of reasonable sufficiency (maximum - 3 scenarios). A large number of prevents seeing a clear picture of the future.

And thirdly, before developing a strategic plan, it is worth carefully learning macroeconomic forecasts, a state of the market, information about your competitors and customers existing and potential. The data in the strategic plan should be based on the realities, so that then it was not to look for arguments to explain to the owners, why the actual state has nothing to do with the planned.

Nested files

Using the example of the Volga's strategic development plan under consideration by us, is there any interrelations between the above plans. While drawing up forecasting for a year, it is quite possible to achieve a high level of data accuracy and ensure the relationship of all elements of planning, when developing a strategic plan for five years, has to make a significant number of assumptions and assumptions of the situation. Therefore, all interested parties (owners, management, management) will not be completely unnecessary to understand when coordinating the strategic plan, which risks can interfere with its implementation and that the company can take to minimize their offensive.

Individual development plan: Example, specific actions and purpose

For example, if the market situation is sufficiently stable and the company has been successfully operating on it for a long time, it can afford to predict results for a long time on the basis of the "Success Strategy". If the market is a fever and the company feels not sufficiently stable, it is forced to work on the "survival strategy", in which long-term forecasting is inappropriate due to the uncertainty of the further development of the situation. In this case, the business plan is for the period from a year to three years.

The business plan of Volga for a three-year period is in Table. 2. As evidenced by the business plan, the company's strategy and their targets are realistic and fully achievable. Volga maintains a profitable business, its operating income is rather balanced and allow to maintain a given profitability rate with an increase in sales volumes.

An example of developing a strategic development plan for the enterprise

  • search for optimal means to achieve the goal (it is important to choose the appropriate method of execution of the plan, which is maximally suitable for the rate of implementation, the level of exposure, cost, etc.);
  • assessment of the current situation (without an understanding of current problematic and promising areas of work it is impossible to develop a development plan, which will significantly improve business processes and schemes);
  • the choice of strategy (the strategy affects the principles and methods of development as a sales department and the company as a whole);
  • the definition of a list of specific actions (the presence of a detailed list of tasks will allow you to more quickly get the necessary results).
  • The process of developing a plan for the development of the sales department can be represented as a sequential execution of a number of actions.

Development and implementation of an enterprise development plan

Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Management and Business Department of Management Coursework on the discipline "Strategic Management" Subject: Strategic Plan for the Development of the Enterprise and the Methodology for its preparation on the example of the Furniture Factory LLC Utah performed a student (ka) of the course (stream) checked (a) "" 2010. 2010 Transport content Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ ........................ 3 1. Competitive analysis .................................................. .5 1.1 Analysis of the external environment, SWOT analysis ............... ............................. ..5 1.2 Evaluation of the competitive forces .......................................................................... ..1.13 The formation of key success factors ..................... .................13 2. Analysis of the portfolio of orders ............................................................................ ..16 2.1 Characteristics of activities .............................. ................16 2.2 Assessment of activities using portfolio matrices ...... 20 3.

Development of a strategic plan for the development of the enterprise

It records all the risks and opportunities for the company, the ways to minimize and implement them (in fact, this company strategy), as well as responsible (owners) of each of the risks and opportunities. The conclusion when choosing a company development strategy should be focused on its strengths (high quality products, service of buyers, positive business reputation) to use business expansion opportunities (increase in sales, release of a new product type, provision of additional services to customers). At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen its weaknesses (depreciation of funds, insufficient personnel qualifications, loans dependence) to minimize the risk of external threats (rising raw materials, strengthening competition in the market, reducing customer demand).

Strategic development plan of the enterprise

Therefore, now strategic planning in enterprises should be aimed at their long-term development, the achievement of higher economic growth on the basis of phased improvement of various production and technical factors and organizational and management structures in order to ensure high quality of personnel and the standard of living of their employees. The relevance of this work is due to the foregoing. Based on the relevance of the topic and the degree of its development in this study, the following goal was set: to consider the mechanism for the formation of a strategic development plan on the example of the Utah Group of Companies.

Plan of development of the company


Weaknesses may include such positions as the lack of strategic activities, a worsening competitive position, outdated equipment, low product profitability, inability to resist competitive pressure, lagging in the field of research and development, inability to finance strategic changes, etc. 3. Among the possibilities of the enterprise, you can allocate the possibility of entering new markets, the establishment of the production of related products, the possibility of transition to more efficient strategies reducing prices for raw materials, etc. 4. Threats for the enterprise include the possibility of new competitors, a growth in sales of a replacement product, slowing the growth rate of the market, increasing competitive pressure, change in needs, etc.

Planning Development Department

Conclusion A full-fledged strategic plan for the development of the enterprise includes the following sections:

  • The results of the analysis of the external and internal context of the organization at the time of development of the plan.
  • A description of the current activities and long-term tasks of the organization's development.
  • Description of the Mission of the Company and Development Strategies.
  • Functional strategies of divisions of the company.
  • Description of the company's development projects.
  • Business plans for the implementation of development projects.
  • Description of the methods for managing the risk of the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Development of a strategic development plan - the basis for the choice of long-term goals of the enterprise and ways to achieve them. Strategic planning helps to effectively distribute and use the company's resources to achieve the main objectives and tasks to fulfill the selected mission.


We formulate the strategic goals of the company's development. However, the formation of a strategic development plan of the Company is not limited to the development of the mission and strategies. In addition to the direction of action itself (i.e. strategies), it is also necessary to develop criteria for success (targets) and ways to achieve them (business plans). Only in this case can be sure that the company has a clear program of fulfilling its mission, supported by the plans of activities and the calculation of the resources necessary for their implementation.

Strategic objectives (or key targets) must be specific and measurable, so that according to the results of any period it was clear how much the strategy is fulfilled and what is the dynamics of its implementation. For example, if such a target strategy indicator, as an increase in sales, can be expressed as a percentage of growth in the volume of the previous period or in a specific amount of expression.

Plan development plan for 3 5 years brief example

Due to the growth of net profit, the company can also solve the problem with a high dependence on external financing by investing the profits received in replenishment current means For business. Ensuring the relationship between strategies, development business plans and organization budgets in the ideal form, the company in developing a strategic development plan is obliged to ensure the relationship between strategies, development business plans and company budgets and divisions. Such a relationship guarantees the successful implementation of the strategic plan, because the targets of the company's strategies will be tied to the parameters of the business plan of development, on the basis of which all company budgets are planned. Consequently, the fulfillment of budgetary tasks will lead to the achievement of the company's strategic goals. Visually, such interrelation is presented in Fig. 3.

Each of the four parts of the list can be supplemented by the characteristics of the external and internal environment, which reflect the specific situation in which the organization is located. After a particular list of the weak and strengths of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities, is drawn up, the stage of establishing links between them. In the left part of the matrix, two sections are distinguished (the strengths, weaknesses), in which all the strong and weaknesses identified at the first stage of the analysis are fitted accordingly. In the upper part of the matrix two sections (possibilities and threats) are also distinguished, which fit all the identified opportunities and threats.

Development of a strategic plan for the development of the enterprise

This is a big plus in a factory, in terms of product sales, as the client by and large, prefers the classics, and the Gothic classics is also chic. In turn, the factory diligently expands the market sales market. Furniture is such a product that under current technologies can focate in different developments.


Each new product is an innovative idea that needs an economic and technological approach. 1. Competitive analysis 1.1 Analysis of the external environment, SWOT analysis to study the production and economic activity of the enterprise must be part of such concepts as the internal and external environment of the enterprise. The internal environment of the enterprise is people, means of production, information and money.

Development and implementation of an enterprise development plan

Therefore, before developing a mission and strategy, it is necessary to conduct a strategic analysis of the external and internal context of the company, the result of which should be the assessment of the risks and capabilities of a particular enterprise in the surrounding market environment. The goal of the SWOT-analysis (Strength is strength, weak - weakness, Opportunity - opportunities and threat - threats) - identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, establish their relations with external capabilities and threats. According to the results of the analysis, the company's strategies are produced to use opportunities and eliminate threats to development.
The "probability / impact" matrices are built separately for the positioning of the company's external environment and to position the threats to the company's external environment.

Development of the annual development plan of the company

Formation of goals and development strategies ......................................... 22 3.1 Mission of the Corporation (Enterprise) ................................................ 22 3.2 The main goals of the enterprise ............ ........................................................ ..24 3.3 General strategy ............................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................30 List of used sources .................................................................................................................... ..31 Appendix 1 .............................................................................. 32 Introduction The strategic planning of the internal activities of any enterprise (firm) is closely related to the implementation of the general economic policy or the state strategy for the development of the entire market Systems. Currently, the most important prerequisites for the strategic planning and growth in the volume of production in domestic enterprises has become the development of free market relations, their constant and continuous improvement.

An example of developing a strategic development plan for the enterprise

For example, if the market situation is sufficiently stable and the company has been successfully operating on it for a long time, it can afford to predict results for a long time on the basis of the "Success Strategy". If the market is a fever and the company feels not sufficiently stable, it is forced to work on the "survival strategy", in which long-term forecasting is inappropriate due to the uncertainty of the further development of the situation. In this case, the business plan is for the period from a year to three years.

The business plan of Volga for a three-year period is in Table. 2. As evidenced by the business plan, the company's strategy and their targets are realistic and fully achievable. Volga maintains a profitable business, its operating income is rather balanced and allow to maintain a given profitability rate with an increase in sales volumes.

An example of developing a business plan for the development of the enterprise

It was explained by the fact that, first of all, they mainly worked in foreign markets, and, secondly, the construction of the aircraft took several years. Foreign markets were considered more stable than Russian, and moreover, information about these markets was easier to collect. The company considered that she can afford to plan for a five-year term, but did not solve for a longer period.

From the bottom the choice of the period of strategic planning was limited to the construction of the aircraft. One company providing satellite communications services, when choosing a period of strategic planning, was forced to choose 15 years. That they did not because there were such lovers of long-term planning. The fact is that they planned the implementation of the Development Project related to the creation and conclusion in the orbit of a new satellite. This project was supposed to pay off about 15 years.

Strategic plan of the company


  • organizational plan;
  • legal support of the company's business;
  • risk assessment and insurance.5. Staff
  • requirements for official positions;
  • personal Development Plan. Economics and finance:
  • financial plan;
  • financing strategy.

    In order to coordinate the strategic and financial plans of the enterprise, a business plan is built, when compiling which the initial coordination of the planned indicators of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise occurs. In business planning, the financial model of the enterprise is already more formalized, on the basis of which the planned values \u200b\u200bof the financial result are formed (in the budget of income and expenses - BDR), financial flow (in the motion budget money - BDDS) and financial position (budget on the balance sheet - BBB) enterprises.

How to make an annual work plan of the enterprise

Is it worth it? Did you all be taken into account and predict? What sources will you finance your project? Make a marketing plan Any expansion involves either an increase in production volumes, or the development of new markets, or improving the goods. Are you sure that your goods need your consumers? Will they buy it? Have you spent the analysis of the market? Can you give guarantees that there is a demand for your products? How do you plan to stimulate the demand and attract customers? How will your product come to the door of your consumer? Be consistent the most important mistake of many entrepreneurs - scattering. Therefore, do not try to cover the immense. Do not plan a lot.

You need only one growth direction, one project, one business, one point of application effort. Be consistent and do one thing at a time.

Development of a strategic plan of the company using the example of Usolye Ltd.


Therefore, now strategic planning in enterprises should be aimed at their long-term development, the achievement of higher economic growth on the basis of phased improvement of various production and technical factors and organizational and management structures in order to ensure high quality of personnel and the standard of living of their employees. The relevance of this work is due to the foregoing. Based on the relevance of the topic and the degree of its development in this study, the following goal was set: to consider the mechanism for the formation of a strategic development plan on the example of the Utah Group of Companies.

Enterprise Development Plan Example

Without an understanding of their exposure, it is impossible to develop a faithful strategic direction of the company's development. The company itself also affects the outside environment (context) - to the market for the sale of products, suppliers, buyers, partners, controlling bodies, etc. Pay attention! How successfully the company's strategy will be implemented, largely depends on its capabilities to organize an internal environment (context), which includes business processes, resources of the organization, personnel, structure and production technology, as well as corporate culture and principles. The combination of factors of the internal context of the company by and large determines its competitiveness.

Enterprise Development Plan

In order for the process of development of the enterprise is permanent and effective, this process must be planned. You need an annual work plan for the development of the company. We remember business planning an annual plan of the company - this is a business plan.

It can be directed to different key targets. Improving the product or modernization of production, access to a new sales market or deeper consolidation in existing positions. As well as the process of making a business plan of a new enterprise, work on the annual planning of the company's development begins with the idea. Next, collect and analyze information, analyze various project implementation options. This process can delay for several months, so all the work begin in advance. Already in September, after summer holidays, you can begin to prepare a plan for the development of the company. Where to take an idea from the strategy.

Promising plan for the development of the enterprise Example

For all such projects, it is desirable to draw up full-fledged business plans, and when managing typical development projects, you can limit the simpler business plan formats. Now it will be about the business planning system for the company as a whole. At the same time, under the term "business plan" will be implied by the business plan for the company as a whole, and not for the development project. So, the main objectives of business planning:

  • evaluate the financial and economic efficiency of the selected strategic plan of the company;
  • clarify and expand planning formats;
  • planning the company's economic activity for the nearest and long-term periods in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources;

The need to plan the development of the organization is primarily due to the fact that in modern economic conditions it is survived only quickly and adequately responsive to changes in the external and internal environment of the organization. This is possible only if there is a functional planning system in the organization. In addition, planning is the basis of all the organization's activities, since without it it is impossible to ensure consistency in the work, control business processes, to determine the need for resources, as well as stimulate workers.

Planning as an economic category can be considered with managerial and general economic points of view.

Planning is one of the central control functions. Management functions are aimed at achieving a goal that is formed within the planning function. In addition, planning is designed to severely regulate the behavior of the object in the process of implementing the goals set before him. The relationship of planning with other control functions is presented in Fig. 1.1.

Function Planning is the basis for making management decisions and includes the definition of the goals and objectives of the management of the Organization, the development of ways to implement the presented plans to achieve the goals set (in other words, the development of the organization's development strategy), as well as the calculation of the necessary resources and their distribution. In this sense, planning is an anticipation of possible risks that may arise as a result of the organization's activities. It is impossible to completely exclude the risk, but they can be managed by effective planning (foresight).

Planning is often viewed both as the process of developing an organization's development plan. Under development, the irreversible, directed, natural change in systems is understood. It is important to note that as a result of development, the object acquires a new qualitative state, i.e. There is a change in its composition or structure.

It should be distinguished by the concepts " development of the organization», « functioning organization"And" growing an organization" First, development is possible only for a functioning organization, and secondly, development, in contrast to growth, which is associated with a quantitative change while maintaining the integrity of the variable, is always associated with high-quality and structural changes in the organization.

The development of the Organization is usually a change in external and internal factors.

External factors Development of the organization:

  • politics;
  • economy;
  • socioculture;
  • technologies;
  • consumers;
  • suppliers;
  • competitors.

Internal factors Development of the organization:

  • management management (development strategies, organizational structure, image of the organization, etc.);
  • the process of transformation of resources (material, financial, human, temporary, information, energy, etc.).

In addition to the listed factors, it is possible to note the change in the ecology, the needs and interests of man and society, the global state of world civilization, etc.

Obviously, when planning the development of an organization, it is necessary to take into account the change in all of the above factors. A question may arise: does such planning coincide with the development process of the organization's development strategy? Of course, coincides with the only difference that the development phenomenon arises not when creating (for the first time) strategy, but if it is improved or adjusting. This is exactly the main aspect of the planning of the organization's development.

In this regard, the planning of the organization's development creates important advantages, in particular, allows:

  • use fully existing external environmental capabilities;
  • identify emerging problems;
  • identify the strengths of the organization and use them to solve existing problems and reduce the threats of the external environment;
  • stimulate managers to implement their solutions;
  • improve the coordination of actions in the organization;
  • create prerequisites for improving the qualifications of managers;
  • raise employee awareness;
  • rationally allocate resources;
  • improve control in the organization.

When planning should be taken into account the development stage of the organization. The development of the time scale organization can be represented in the terms of the life cycle, meaning both the development proceduralness and its statality. A look at the organization through the prism of development cycles allows you to more accurately identify its basic value installations and orientations, specify tasks facing it, as well as features of management approaches.

The methodological basis for studying the life cycle of the organization is the theory of gaining equilibrium complex with the environment. We are talking about acquiring the economic entity of dynamic equilibrium both with external and internal environment of the organization. It is the dynamic character of equilibrium that makes the organization sustainable and gives it the opportunity to exist in time and space. A nonequilibrium state may mean the process of destruction of the organization and subsequent liquidation.

However, we should not forget that the development of any organization has a cyclical nature: a decline should be behind the rise, depression comes, after which growth comes again, and the cycle is repeated. The factors affecting the cyclical development of the organization are:

  • organization national economy (structure of industries and their priority);
  • demographic changes;
  • innovative and investment processes;
  • exchange processes in commodity and money markets;
  • changing prices for material resources;
  • agrarian price changes (cropping, prices for agricultural products);
  • specifics of the organization of banking;
  • violation of production equilibrium (overproduction). It is planning to develop an organization's development that makes it possible to achieve equilibrium. Several stages of the organization's development planning process, the relationship of which is presented in Fig. 1.2.

An integral part of the organization's development planning process is to comply with the principles of planning defining its nature and content. A. File identified four basic principles of planning: unity, continuity, flexibility and accuracy. Later, A. Ansoff substantiated another key principle of planning - the principle of participation. In the conditions of free market relations, such principles of planning as independence and efficiency are also distinguished. The content of these principles is disclosed in Table. 1.1.

The implementation of these principles allows planning a production process in accordance with the needs of buyers and manufacturers, evaluate the performance of plans, significantly reduce labor costs, material costs, reserves and work in progress.

We should not forget that the planning process is probabilistic. This is explained by the fact that planning always relies on these periods of the organization's activities, i.e. It is based on incomplete data even with established accounting and managerial accounting. The problem is that some aspects of the organization's functioning, for example, economic cycles, political situation, are not evaluated.

The procedure for planning the development of the organization is a clear algorithm for the preparation of decisions as opposed to spontaneous, situational adoption of management decisions. Although the advantages of planning are obvious, improvisation when making management decisions are not only inevitable, but also necessary. In the process of planning the development of the organization, alternative options for future actions are considered and evaluated, of which the best is chosen.

The Organization's Development Plan defines the activities necessary to create new generations of products and services, more clearly delineates ways to enter new managerial positions. It serves as a reference to developing a diversification plan (expanding the range of products and services, and consequently, both production), a liquidation plan, which shows from which divisions and production organizations should refuse, a plan of research work, including activities for the development of new products and services .

The plan for the development of the organization is detailed to specific programs, projects and individual events.

Object planning The development of the organization is the functions that it performs in the process of its activities. Based on the specifics of its activities, individual organizations perform various functions. The most common of them are:

  • research and development of new products and services;
  • marketing, which is designed to provide a reliable forecast of the demand and sales of goods or services;
  • formation and use of all types of resources;
  • production, in the course of which the initial resources are transformed into finished products;
  • sales (sales) of products and services.

It should be noted that the planning of the organization's development affects not only business processes occurring in the organization, but also management processes. Consequently, the objects of planning the development of the organization are all functional processes, including industrial and managerial, which are performed in specific units.

The development of the organization is always associated with the use of resources, therefore resources are subject to planning. Moreover, when planning the development of the organization, not only available resources are taken into account, but all necessary. The purpose of resource planning is primarily optimizing their use. The classification of resources in the organization may be different. Most often allocate the following types of resources:

  • human resources (organization staff);
  • material resources;
  • financial resources;
  • information resources, etc.

In modern literature, along with the above-mentioned resources of the organization, there is a temporary resource and entrepreneurial talent - as a view of human resources submitted to the coordination and combination activities of all other resources. This type of resource is manifested in the ability to make the most efficient and commercial activitybased on innovation, responsibility and readiness to risk.

The presence of an object and planning object allows you to form a system for planning the organization's development. It includes several forms and types of planning, one of which is business planning.

Strategic planning is one of the control functions, which is the process of choosing the objectives of the organization and ways to achieve them. Strategic planning provides the basis for all managerial solutions. Therefore, most enterprises and organizations are focused on developing strategic development plans. The dynamic strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all managerial functions are hidden, without using the benefits of strategic planning, the organization as a whole and individual people will be deprived of a clear way to assess the purpose and direction of the corporate enterprise. The strategic planning process provides the basis for managing members of the organization. Projecting all the above written on the realities of the situation in our country, it can be noted that strategic planning is becoming increasingly relevant for Ukrainian enterprises and organizations that enter into tough competition both with foreign business entities.

Strategic planning is the development of strategies using a formalized procedure written in stages, methods, execution techniques and aimed at building a model of the future, as well as the transition program to this model.

To date, this is the last achievement in strategic management and the highest intelligence and expensive element in management at all. Suffice to say that in large companies It involves specialists of a division of 20-30 to 50-100 people. A strategic plan is a document with a volume of approximately 100 pages, where the future for the manager is written on a predetermined stencil with an appropriate degree of detail.

This test work intends to systematize the knowledge obtained in the process of studying the discipline "planning of enterprises" and supplement their thematic literature on strategic planning, management and marketing. It contains the basics of strategic planning, phased out into the measure allowed by literature.

In the first part of the test work, the essence of strategic planning is considered - which is strategic planning, as well as the requirements that need to be carried out in the development of a strategic plan of the enterprise, the organization. The first part of the work also addresses the functions of strategic planning.

The second part of the work is entirely devoted to the peculiarities of the strategic planning of the production and commercial activities of the enterprise at the microeconomic level. Proper attention is paid to the tasks of strategic planning in market competition. The theoretical aspects of the stages of developing a strategic plan, the structural planning scheme and the characteristics of strategic planning at the enterprise in the conditions of a market economy are given.

Thus, this test work as a whole covers all the main areas of strategic planning for the development of the enterprise and provides general recommendations for strategic planning in practice.

1. The essence and functions of strategic planning

Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by the leadership, which lead to the development of specific strategies intended to help organizations achieve their goals.

The strategic planning process is a tool that helps in making management decisions. His task is to provide innovations and changes in the organization sufficiently. More precisely, the strategic planning process is the umbrella under which all managerial functions are hidden.

Essence of the strategy. The word "strategy" happened from the Greek Strategos, the "Art of General".

The strategy is a detailed comprehensive comprehensive plan intended to ensure the implementation of the organization's mission and achieving its goals. It should be developed more from the perspective of the entire corporation, and not a specific individual. Rarely when the founder of the company can afford to combine personal plans with the organization's strategies. The strategy involves the development of reasonable measures and plans to achieve the intended goals in which the scientific and technical potential of the company and its production and sales needs should be taken into account.

The strategic plan should be justified by extensive research and actual data. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly collect and analyze the huge number of information on the sectors of the national economy, market, competition, etc. In addition, the strategic plan gives the company a certainty, individuality that allow it to attract certain types of employees and help sell products or services.

Strategic plans should be designed in such a way that they remain not only holistic for a long time, but also retained flexibility. The general strategic plan should be considered as a program guiding the company for a long period of time, taking into account constant adjustments in connection with the ever-changing business and social situation.

Strategic planning in itself does not guarantee success, and an organization that creates strategic plans may fail due to errors in the organization, motivation and control. Nevertheless, formal planning can create a number of significant favorable factors for the organization of the enterprise. Knowing that the organization wants to achieve, helps to clarify the most appropriate ways of action. By accepting substantive and systematic planned solutions, management reduces the risk of incorrect decision due to erroneous or unreliable information about the possibilities of the organization or the external situation. Thus, planning helps to create the unity of the common goal within the organization.

Strategic planning functions:

    1. The strategic plan sets directions for the organization's activities and allows it to better understand the structure of marketing research, the processes of studying consumers, product planning, its promotion and sales, as well as price planning.
    2. The strategic plan provides every division in organizing clear goals, which are linked with the general tasks of the company.
    3. The strategic plan stimulates the coordination of the efforts of various functional directions.
    4. The strategic plan forces the organization to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses from the point of view of competitors, opportunities and threats to environment.
    5. This plan determines alternative actions or combinations of action that the organization can take.
    6. The strategic plan creates the basis for the allocation of resources.
    7. The strategic plan demonstrates the importance of applying activity evaluation procedures.

The formation of a strategic plan is a thorough, systematic preparation for the future, implemented by the Supreme Guide: 1.) Mission selection- formation of goals (long-term, medium-term, short-term).

2.) Development of providing plans - policies, strategy, procedures, rules, budgets.

2. Methods of compilation, structure and content of the strategic plan

2.1 Stages of the Strategic Plan

A. Chandler, the author of one of the pioneering works in the field of strategic planning, believes that the strategy is "this is the definition of the main long-term goals and objectives of the enterprise and approval of the course of action and the distribution of the resources necessary to achieve these goals." The definition of the chandler strategy is complemented by the requirement of efficiency for accepted courses: "A strategic alternative is determined by comparing the capabilities and resources of the corporation, taking into account the acceptable level of risk." Ultimately, the formation of the company's strategy should give answers to three questions: what directions of economic activity need to be developed? What are the needs of investment and cash? What is the possible return on selected directions?

A. Ansoff allocates several distinguishing features of the strategy:

  1. The process of developing a strategy is not completed by any immediate action. It usually ends with the establishment of general directions, the promotion of which will ensure growth and strengthening the position of the company.
  2. The strategy should be used to develop strategic projects, search methods. The role of the strategy in the search is to, firstly, focus on certain sites or opportunities, secondly, to discard all other opportunities as incompatible with the strategy.
  3. The need for this strategy disappears as soon as the real course of events will lead the organization for the desired development.
  4. During the formulation of strategies, it is impossible to foresee all the possibilities that will open in the preparation of a draft specific activities. Therefore, it is necessary to enjoy highly generalized, incomplete and inaccurate information about various alternatives.
  5. If more accurate information appears, the validity of the initial strategy may be questioned. Therefore, feedback is needed to ensure timely reformulation of the strategy.

The process of implementing the strategy can be divided into two large stages: a) the process of strategic planning - the development of a set of strategies, ranging from the basic enterprise strategy and ending with functional strategies and individual projects; b) process strategic management - Implementation of a certain time strategy, reformulation of a strategy in the light of new circumstances.

Strategic planning is a systematic and logical process based on rational thinking. At the same time, it is the art of forecasting, research, calculation and choice alternatives.

Strategies of enterprises should be built on a hierarchical principle. At the same time, the levels of strategies, complexity, their integration is very different depending on the type and size of the enterprise. Thus, a simple organization can have one strategy, and complex - several at various levels of action.

The conceptual model of the strategic plan allows to determine the following stages of the compilation of the strategic plan of the enterprise (see Appendix):

    1. Environmental Analysis:

a) external environment, b) internal capabilities.

  1. Definition of enterprise policy (goaling).

Formulation of strategy and choosing Alternatives:

a) Marketing Strategy, B) Financial Strategy, C) Strategy R & D) Production Strategy, D) Social Strategy, E) Organizational Change Strategy, G) Environmental Strategy.

The result of the activities of the proposed scheme of the implementation of the strategic plan of the enterprise is a document called the "Strategic Plan of the Enterprise" and the following sections usually

  1. Objectives and objectives of the enterprise
  2. Current activities of the enterprise and long-term tasks.
  3. Enterprise strategy (basic strategy, basic strategic alternatives).
  4. Functional strategies.
  5. The most significant projects.
  6. Description of external operations.
  7. Capital investments and resource distribution.
  8. Planning surprises.

Applications: Calculations, references, other business documentation, including:

a) the volume of annual sales by product groups,

b) annual profit and losses for divisions,

c) annual export and its attitude to the volume of sales by divisions.

d) changes in the set of products and market share.

e) the program of annual capital expenditures.

e) annual cash flows.

g) balance at the end of the last year plan.

h) the policy of absorption and acquisitions.

An analysis of the literature on strategic planning in Western firms has shown that the number and content of the stages of drawing up a strategic plan, as well as its form itself, can vary significantly and depend on many factors, among which are the main ones:

    1. Form of ownership of enterprise.
    2. Type of enterprise (specialized or diversified)
    3. Sectoral affiliation of the enterprise.
    4. Enterprise size (large, secondary or small).

Similarly, there is no single horizon of strategic planning. In Europe, there are often long-term, 10-year-old plans, Americans use 5-year-old plans, and the Japanese are generally 3-year-olds.

2.2 Objectives of the organization

One of the most significant decisions when planning is the choice of the organization's goal. The main overall goal of the organization is indicated as a mission, and all other objectives are developed for its implementation. The mission is impossible to exaggerate. The developed targets serve as criteria for the entire subsequent process of making management decisions. If the leaders do not know the main goal of the organization, then they will not have a logical point of reference to select the best alternative. As the basis, only the individual values \u200b\u200bof the leader could serve as the basis, which would lead to the scatter of efforts and fuzziness of the goals. The mission details the status of the company and provides direction and guidelines to determine the goals and strategies at various levels of development. The formation of the mission includes:

    • finding out which business activities are engaged in the company;
    • determination of the work principles of the firm under the pressure of the external environment;
    • identification of the culture of the company.

The mission of the company also includes the task of determining the basic needs of consumers and their effective satisfaction to create a clientele in support of the firm in the future.

Often, managers of firms believe that their main mission is to receive profits. Indeed, satisfying some kind of internal need, the firm will eventually be able to survive. But to make a profit, the firm must follow the environment of its activities, taking into account the value approaches to the concept of the market. The mission is extremes for the organization, it is impossible to forget about the values \u200b\u200band purposes of senior management. Values \u200b\u200bformed by our experience send or orient managers when they face the need to make critical solutions. Western scientists have established six value orientations (see Table), which have an impact on making management decisions, and related to these orientations with specific types of targeted preferences.

Table: Value Orientations

Types of preferred purposes


True. Knowledge. Rational thinking.

Long-term research and development


Practicality. Utility.

Height. Profitability. Results. Accumulation of wealth.


Power. Confession.

Common capital, sales, number of employees.


Good human relationships. Attachment. Lack of conflict.

Social responsibility for profitability. Indirect competition.


Art harmony. Structure. Form and symmetry.

Product design. Quality. Attractiveness.


Consent from the Universe.

Ethics. Moral problems.

General proprietary goals are formed and established on the basis of the overall mission of the organization and certain values \u200b\u200band goals for which the highest leadership is focused.

    • Specific and measurable goals (this allows you to create a clear reference database for subsequent solutions and evaluations of the course of work).
    • Orientation of the targets in time (here it is necessary to understand not only that the firm wants to implement, but also when the result must be achieved).
    • The achievement of the goal (serves to improve the efficiency of the organization); Establishment is difficult to achievable targets can lead to disastrous results.
    • Mutually supporting objectives (actions and solutions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other purposes).

Objectives will be a significant part of the strategic management process only if the highest leadership will correctly formulate them, effectively institutionalizes, informs them and stimulates their implementation throughout the organization.

2.3 Evaluation and Analysis of the External Environment

After establishing its mission and goals, the management of the enterprise begins the diagnostic stage of the strategic planning process. On this path, the first step is to study the external environment:

    • assessment of changes affecting various aspects of the current strategy;
    • defining factors pose a threat to the current strategy of the company; control and analysis of competitors;
    • the definition of factors representing more possibilities for achieving sociocher purposes by adjusting plans.

An analysis of the external environment helps to control external factors with respect to the firm, obtain important results (time to develop an early warning system in case of possible threats, time to predict opportunities, time to draw up a plan in case of unforeseen circumstances and time to develop strategies). To do this, it is necessary to find out where the organization is located where it should be in the future and that should be done for this. The threats and the opportunities faced by the company can be allocated in seven regions:

    1. Economic forces. Some factors in the economic environment should be constantly diagnosed and evaluated, because The state of the economy affects the objectives of the company. This is the rate of inflation, an international balance of payments, employment levels, etc. Each of them can represent either threat or new opportunity For the enterprise.
    2. Political factors. The active participation of entrepreneurial firms in the political process is an indication of the importance of public policy for the organization; Consequently, the state must follow regulatory documents local authorities, authorities of the subjects of the state and the federal government.
    3. Market factors. The market environment is a constant danger for the company. The factors affecting the success and failures of the organization include the distribution of income of the population, the level of competition in the industry, changing demographic conditions, ease of penetration into the market.
    4. Technological factors. Analysis of the technological environment can at least take into account changes in the production technology, the use of computers in the design and provision of goods and services or successes in communications technology. The head of any company must ensure that they are not subjected to the "shock of the future" that destroys the organization.
    5. Competition factors. Any organization should explore the actions of its competitors: Analysis of future goals and assessment of the current competitors' strategy, an overview of the prerequisites for competitors and the industry, which operates the company's data, in-depth study of strong and weak Parties competitors.
    6. Factors of social behavior. These factors include changing relationships, expectations and morals of society (the role of entrepreneurship, the role of women and national minorities in society, the movement in protecting the interests of consumers).
    7. International factors. The management of firms operating in the international market should constantly assess and monitor changes in this broad environment.

Thus, the analysis of the external environment allows the organization to create a list of hazards and capabilities with which it faces in this environment. For the successful planning, management should have a complete presentation not only about significant external problems, but also on the internal potential capabilities and disadvantages of the organization.

2.4 Study of internal factors of the company

The company's management should find out whether the firm has internal forces to take advantage of external capabilities, and whether she has weaknesses that may complicate the problems associated with external hazards. This process is called managerial examination. It is a methodological assessment of the functional zones of a company intended to identify its strategic and weaknesses. The examination includes functions such as marketing, accounting, operations (production), human resources, culture and corporation image. When examining the marketing function, you need to pay attention to seven analysis areas:

    • competitiveness and desired market share as a percentage of its overall capacity, which is a significant goal for the company;
    • the variety and quality of the range of products that are constantly monitored and evaluated by the highest leadership;
    • market demographic statistics, monitoring changes in markets and in the interests of consumers;
    • market research and development of new products and services;
    • pre-sale and after-sales service of customers, which is one of the weaknesses in business;
    • effective sales, advertising and promotion of goods (aggressive, competent group of sales can be the most valuable state of the company; Creatively directional advertising and product promotion serves as a good addition to the range of products);
    • profit (nothing, even the best, will not be standing, if the result is missing), the analysis of the financial condition can benefit from the firm;
    • eliminate the already available potential internal weaknesses of the organization compared to its competitors.

It is very important for a long-term survival of the company is a continuous analysis of operations management. In the course of the survey of the strengths and weaknesses, the operations management functions should pay attention to the following questions:

    • Can a firm sell goods or services at a lower price than its competitors? If not, why?
    • What access does the company have to new materials? How many suppliers is it tied?
    • What equipment on the company?
    • Are procurement calculated to reduce the magnitude of the material reserves and the time to implement the order? Are there any adequate mechanisms for control over incoming materials and exiting products?
    • Are the products of the firm with seasonal fluctuations in demand? If so, how can I fix the existing situation?
    • Can the company serve those markets that cannot serve its competitors?
    • Does the company have an efficient and effective quality control system? How efficiently is planned and projected production process?

The origins of most problems in the organization lies in human resources. Here it is necessary to take into account: the type of employees, competence and preparation of management, the system of remuneration, the continuity of senior positions, training and professional development of employees, the loss of leading specialists and their causes, quality of products and the work of employees. The culture of the company (the atmosphere or climate in the organization) is used to attract employees of individual types and to stimulate certain types of behavior. The image of the corporation is created with the help of employees, customers and public opinion. Culture and image of the firm are supported or weakened by the company's reputation.

Referring internal forces and weaknesses in line with external threats and opportunities, management is ready to choose from the relevant strategic alternative.

2.5 Studying strategic alternatives and selection of strategy

The development of a strategy is carried out at the highest level of management and is based on the solution of the tasks described above. At this stage of decision-making, the manager must assess the alternative ways of the company and choose the best options to achieve the goals. Based on the analysis in the process of developing a strategy, there is a strategic thinking through discussion and coordination with the management line of the concept of development of the company as a whole, the recommendation of new development strategies, the formulation of projects of objectives, preparation of directives for long-term planning, development of strategic plans and their control.

Four main strategic alternatives are facing the company: limited growth, growth, reduction and combination of these strategies. Limited growth adhere to most organizations in developed countries.

The abbreviation strategy is most often resorted in the case when the company's performance continues to deteriorate, with an economic downturn or simply to save the organization. The strategies of the combination of all alternatives will be adhered to large firms actively operating in several industries.

By choosing a specific strategic alternative, management should refer to a specific strategy. The main goal is the choice of a strategic alternative, which will maximize the long-term efficiency of the organization. For this, managers must have a clear, divided by all the concept of the company and its future. The commitment of someone specific choice often limits the future strategy, so the decision should be subject to careful research and evaluation. The strategic choice is influenced by a variety of factors: risk (firm life factor); Knowledge of past strategies; the reaction of the owners of the shares, which often limit the flexibility of manuals when choosing a strategy; Time factor depending on the selection of the desired moment.

The formation of the company's strategy as a whole is becoming increasingly important. This applies to the priority of solved problems, determining the structure of the company, the validity of investment, coordination and integration of strategies.

The procedure for formulating a strategy and choice Alternative consists of the following steps: a) assessment of the existing strategy; b) the actual formulation phase; c) risk planning; d) selection of strategic alternatives.

Consider more these items.

A. Evaluation of the existing (current) strategy.

The primary assessment of the current strategy is carried out already at the previous stage - an assessment of internal capabilities.

However, evaluating the available reserves in the enterprise to increase the efficiency of its functioning, we have not previously assessed the vitality of the current strategy and formulated rules of conduct.

B. Actually the formulation phase.

The strategy, being a combined basis for organizational efforts, requires the development of a series of strategic plans both at the enterprise level as a whole and at the level of divisions. Naturally, each strategic plan is part of the general, and the company's strategy unites them together. The rod of any strategic plan of the enterprise is its basic strategy. The choice of basic strategy is the prerogative of the management of the enterprise. Guide, evaluating and analyzing the information obtained in previous steps, takes the final decision.

B. Risk planning.

Risk planning is one of the important components of the strategic plan. The main goal is to maintain a high level of countering perturbations of the external environment and reduce losses from disturbing data.

Recently, the development of reserve strategies is becoming increasingly popular in Western firms, but the creation of crisis systems characterized by a very high degree of centralism of decisions made and a rapid response to changes in the environment. This follows from the fact that the set of possible perturbations itself becomes so diverse that the firm is not able to provide all possible situations.

The choice of strategic alternatives.

Within the framework of the chosen basic strategy, several courses of actions are considered to be called strategic alternatives.

The development of the strategy should affect all levels of management of the enterprise, since solutions generated by strategic planning are related to all employees of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary to coordinate interest in developing a group discussion strategy, in addition, it allows you to consider a large number of alternatives. But convergence in group election is significantly lower than in uniquely. Therefore, there is usually a group discussion and the sole making of the final decision.

Strategy of growth

The growth strategy was first developed in detail by Igor Antoff. It was also built a company growth model. It consists of five stages:

  1. Planning stage. The company is in a state of readiness for the formulation of growth strategy, that is, there is some combination of external conditions and internal capabilities.
  2. Initial stage. Usually the firm passes the stage very quickly. During this stage, bottlenecks arise and are eliminated in the processes and the structure of the implementation of specific projects that were not provided in the plan. Also growing sales, although the company's income practically does not receive.
  3. The stages of penetration.
  4. Accelerated growth.
  5. Transition stage.

Initial strategy

The purpose of the initial strategy is moderate growth in order to provide an enterprise output to optimal efficiency. Management occupies a vigilant position in relation to the acceleration of the pace of development, trying to ensure the identification of bottlenecks and their elimination in order to further take the persistent offensive position in the market. As already noted, management should be prepared for the fact that at the first stage there may be difficulties in production, administrative frictions, a stress financial condition associated with high costs and the lack of profitability. However, one of the goals of the initial strategy is the speed of this stage and the transition to the next strategy.

Penetration strategy

This strategy sends the enterprise's efforts to the deeper market penetration and additional efforts to increase sales growth rates. If this requires acquisition and absorption, they are manufactured under this strategy. Long term programs provide for strengthening and developing actions in all directions of the functioning of the enterprise, especially paying attention to the strengthening of financial positions, the modernization of fixed assets, R & D.

After achieving these goals and conducting all the necessary internal rebuildings, the company can go to the next strategy.

Accelerated growth strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to complete the use of domestic and external opportunities. This stage of the growth cycle should be made as longer as possible, since it is precisely on it that it takes full use of resources, income growth begins to exceed the growth of sales, the market share is approaching the planned. But at the stage of accelerated growth, negative trends in the enterprise activities begin and accumulate, so one of the objectives of this strategy is as early as possible to identify and attempt to resolve. If it is not possible to solve the problems that have arisen is possible, the management of the enterprise under this strategy begins a smooth transition to the implementation of the following strategy.

Transition Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to ensure that the period of regrouping and restructuring of the enterprise activities for entering the new growth cycle as soon as possible, that is, not allowing long stagnation to enter the new growth cycle.

The strategy provides savings, refusal of new industries. There is a deep analysis of the existing state of affairs in the enterprise in order to reduce costs, increase product yields, restructuring management system.

In itself, growth strategy can be applied in various situations:

    • the beginning of entrepreneurial activities;
    • young company fighting for his survival;
    • single-product specialized enterprise;
    • a diversified enterprise, where the organization's growth strategy as a whole can be supported by a growth strategy for a separate type of product.

That is why strategic alternatives of growth in economic practice can be proposed a lot. We will list only some, which are basic, strategic alternatives: market intensification, diversification, interfirm cooperation and cooperation, foreign economic activity,

Strategy Stabilization and Survival

In the context of an upset economy in accordance with business activity cycles and company development cycles, the latter may experience a painful period of instability when sales and profits are beginning to fall. There is a need to develop special analysis procedures, allowing to catch the period of transition of the enterprise from the growth stage to the fall stage, that is, reorientation from the offensive in the offensive and defensive strategy - strategy strategy.

Strategy stabilization.

The strategy strategy is aimed at achieving early leveling of sales and profits with their subsequent increase, that is, with the transition to the next growth stage. Depending on the rate of fall, the company can use one of the three most likely approaches:

    • savings with a clear intention of rapid revival;
    • long-lasting shifts with lower hopes for fast revival;
    • stabilization when long-term programs are needed to achieve a balanced state of the enterprise in the market.

Survival strategy.

Survival strategy is a purely defensive strategy and applies in cases of complete disorder of economic activity of the enterprise, in a state close to bankruptcy. The goal of the strategy is to stabilize the situation, that is, the transition to stabilization strategy and, in the future, to growth strategy. It is clear that this strategy cannot be long-term. It requires, on the one hand, rapid, decisive, fully coordinated actions, on the other, diligence and realism in decision-making. That is why, in the conditions of the implementation of the survival strategy, a rigid centralization of management occurs, "Anti-Crisis Committee", which, along with the adoption of rapid responses, develops the following programs, is created and strongly implementing the following programs:

    • restructuring management;
    • financial perestroika;
    • perestroika marketing.

Further, strategic alternatives or long-term programs can be crushed into functional strategies that imply a specific strategic goal for all functional units of the enterprise: for the production department, the sales department, logistical supply, etc.

The strategic plan is a plan that allows you to plan from the position of tomorrow, an adaptive process, as a result of which a constant adjustment of adopted management decisions occurs, constant control over their implementation. For the effectiveness of strategic planning, a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe future state of the external and internal environment of the company is necessary. For this, information systems are created in large firms, the data of which is estimated using the analysis systems.

Strategic planning is the process of implementing a set of systematized and interrelated work to identify long-term goals and activities of enterprises.

Strategic planning is the link, grasping for which you can pull out the entire chain of enterprises of Ukraine, including medium and small enterprises. The main thing is to use it consistently, complaining both with external circumstances and the inner medium, its features. But at the same time, it is impossible to forget that enterprises do not exist outside the economy and significantly determine its condition. In turn, the economy imposes more serious requirements for enterprises. The future of any enterprise directly and directly depends on how adequately corresponds to the needs of the market economy. On time and correctly respond to these requests and there is the main task of enterprises and, at the same time, the guarantee of their success.

This test work as a whole covers all the main areas of strategic planning for the development of the enterprise and provides general recommendations for strategic planning in practice.

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