Sample cover letter from an individual. Rules for composing a business letter Features of the design and transmission of a message to the addressee

We conclude the “And That’s All About Him” series with an article on statements. This is a specific type of document, the content, rules of preparation and document flow of which depend on who is addressing whom.

In this article we will consider three main types of statements:

  • a business letter of application sent by one organization to another;
  • an application sent by an individual to an organization;
  • employee statement sent to the employer.

We do not touch on another type of statement - claims - because the secretary does not work with them.

All three listed types of statements have their own characteristics not only in the preparation and preparation, but also in office work.

Business letter of application

Target business letter- a statement that one organization addresses to another - indicate the position of the sending organization, express its attitude to the issue, offer a rationale and procedure for resolving the situation. The statement does not ask questions; it contains a vision of the situation of one of the parties.

From the previous paragraph it is clear that “in peacetime” statement letters are usually not written; they are resorted to only on the threshold of a conflict of interests or even a conflict between two companies in order to document and inform the other party of their attitude to the problem.

What type of letter should I choose?

There is a fine line between a letter of application, a letter of request, or a letter of request. To be sure of making the right choice type of letter, you need to understand: will it be declare about something or will it still happen request to do something to the addressee?

A business letter-application is drawn up on letterhead and has a standard set of details for a business letter.

In accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for registration of documents” the letter form contains the following details:

  • organization logo or trademark(service mark), State emblem Russian Federation or the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, if the institution has the right to place these signs on its letterheads;
  • organization code;
  • main state registration number (OGRN) legal entity;
  • name of company;
  • reference information about the organization.

When preparing an application as a type of business letter, the following mandatory details are drawn up:

  • document date;
  • document registration number;
  • destination;
  • title to the text;
  • document text;
  • signature;
  • mark about the performer;
  • a note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file (issued on the visa copy of the letter).

A note indicating the presence of the application is issued if it is available.

Signatures approving the document are drawn up on the visa copy of the letter, if internal rules There is a process for certification of draft letters.

A business letter of application is shown in Example 1.

Unlike an ordinary business letter, the text of the application begins not with an address to the official - the addressee, but with the name of the type of letter. This emphasizes that the document does not simply convey information, but expresses the principled position of its author.

The paperwork of business application letters is carried out in a standard manner, in accordance with the internal rules of the sending organization and the recipient organization.

It is not known what the conflict of interests of the companies will lead to: whether it will be possible to resolve the matter through negotiations or whether it will be necessary to involve lawyers and get involved in legal proceedings, but in any case, the acceptance of a letter of application by one organization from another is equivalent to the fact that the first company is informed about the position of the second.

Application to an organization from an individual

Let's look at this document from the point of view of the receiving party.

Special attention must be paid to the processing of applications from individuals. Protecting the interests of applicants is the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” (as amended on November 24, 2014; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 59-FZ).

It is a mistake to believe that its effect applies only to government bodies, bodies local government And budgetary organizations. This has not been the case for a long time. Back in 2013, this list was supplemented by organizations “entrusted with the implementation of publicly significant functions.” There is no clear definition anywhere of what these functions are, but from the wording it is clear that this concept is quite broad and theoretically any organization whose clients are individuals can “fall under it”.

Unlike a business letter of application, a statement individual can be a request, a request, or a claim. Let's look at the definition of the word "statement":

Our dictionary

Statement - a citizen’s request for assistance in the implementation of his constitutional rights and freedoms or the constitutional rights and freedoms of other persons, or a message about violations of laws and other regulatory legal acts, shortcomings in work government agencies, local government bodies and officials, or criticism of the activities of these bodies and officials.

A company can develop its own, convenient form of a standard application from an individual and make it publicly available. But it is impossible to make this form mandatory and not accept an application just because it is not drawn up as “supposed to be.” People are not required to know about the existence of the application form developed by the company, nor are they required to use the Internet, where this form can be downloaded. Federal Law No. 59-FZ defines the minimum set of information blocks in circulation:


from Federal Law No. 59-FZ

Article 7. Requirements for a written application

1. A citizen in his written appeal must indicate either the name of the state body or local government body to which he is sending a written appeal, or the last name, first name, patronymic of the relevant official, or the position of the relevant person, as well as his last name, first name, patronymic (the latter - if available), postal address to which the response should be sent, notification of forwarding of the appeal, sets out the essence of the proposal, statement or complaint, puts a personal signature and date.

As you can see, the set is minimal, and we cannot oblige our applicants to even indicate them Cell phones. It can only be recommended to include methods of operational communication in statements.

"You are free to choose..."

An individual can fill out an application as he pleases:

    by hand or in printed form;

    call it a “statement”, “appeal”, “demand” or not call it at all;

    write briefly and to the point or provide your own detailed autobiography;

and also send the document by mail or bring it in person.

The organization is obliged to accept the application if it contains the required minimum information.

An individual’s application, which underwent initial processing in the office of the addressee company, is shown in Example 2.

The organization itself decides whether to separate citizens’ applications into separate records management. We recommend doing this if:

  • applications more than 10% of the total volume incoming flow documentation;
  • specially authorized employees work on them (customer service center, claims department, etc.);
  • based on applications from individuals, the organization conducts its core activities.

If an organization is accustomed to working according to the rules of traditional office work, then it does not need to worry too much about fulfilling the requirements of Federal Law No. 59-FZ. Under standard conditions, requests go through the same path as other incoming documents. The rules for working with them practically do not differ from the generally accepted ones and even allow some liberties in handling the application, in particular, three days can pass between the acceptance and the moment of its registration by law. The response period is given 30 days from the date of registration of the written request.

Application in personnel records management

A special layer of statements are personnel statements. The purpose of these documents is to express the request or will of the employee to the employer.

The HR application form is relatively free. No one requires employees to know the nuances of registering details, so it is enough to comply with the required minimum.

In our opinion, personnel statements should be written exclusively by hand by the employees themselves. There are no obligations under labor legislation in this regard. But it is much more difficult to challenge in court a statement written in your own hand than one that was typed on a computer (the handwritten signature in it is only the author’s signature). In the latter case, the employee may claim that he was forced to sign a ready-made text.

  • To whom from whom. The addressee of the personnel application is the employer - the first person in the organization in which the author of the application works. It was he who hired the author, and not the head of the personnel department, so the application will be written to the manager ( general director, director, president, etc.) of the company. The surname, initials and position of the manager are written at the top of the application sheet, closer to the right margin, in the dative case.

Since employees do not have their own form for letters, information about the author of the application must be entered here. You should write your last name, first name, patronymic and structural unit in full. If the employee knows his personnel number, that’s good, but this is not mandatory information.

Under this information, in the center of the line, the name of the type of document is written - a statement, then on a new line the text of the statement is stated - the request or expression of the will of the employee. The application is completed by the employee’s personal signature and the date the document was drawn up.

Question on topic

How to write the word “statement” correctly?

There are two forms of writing the name of a document type: with a capital letter without a dot at the end (as in Example 3) and with a lowercase letter with a dot at the end.

The legal force of the statement is not affected in any way by the form in which the word is written. The second option is considered outdated, but has every right to exist.

When should an employee state a request in a statement, and when is a verbal appeal to the HR department sufficient?

If Labor Code directly speaks of a “written statement by the employee,” then this question does not arise. In other cases, it is regulated either by the internal rules of the organization or by expediency. For example, it is best for an employee to submit her request for changes to documents in connection with a change of surname in writing, despite the fact that there are no special provisions labor legislation does not provide any information on this matter. Such changes are initiated by an order of the employer, and a handwritten statement by the employee accompanied by a copy of the marriage certificate will become the basis for issuing an order.

In large organizations, where there are several dozen or even hundreds of people per HR department employee, the employee’s request is accepted in the form of an application only so that the HR officer simply does not forget about it.

In small companies, if the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not require a written application, you can get by with an oral request or a conversation directly with the head of the organization, who can give instructions to a personnel employee to resolve the issue.

  • Document flow of personnel applications. HR department employees need original copies of employee statements. Subsequently, as already mentioned, many of them will become the basis for orders regarding personnel. But the employee also has every right to monitor the fate of his application and receive confirmation from the employer that the document has been accepted by him.


It is impossible to register an employee’s application as an incoming document. This is often done simply because they do not know how else to confirm its reception.

Meanwhile there are two ways to register an application correctly.

Confirmation that the employer has accepted the employee’s application can be:

  • registration of the application in a special database. It is also not recommended to place a personnel application in the register of internal documents: it is very easy to violate the legislation on personal data. It is best for the secretary to have a special electronic journal registration for personnel applications, official and explanatory notes and similar documents.

The registration number of the application is affixed to its copy. A copy along with the number is given to the employee. If an employee comes with two copies of applications, before putting down the number, the secretary must compare them (make sure they are identical);

  • record of acceptance of the application made by the secretary on a copy. If there is no registration log, and the employee insists on confirmation of admission, the secretary can make the following entry on a copy of the application:

The entry states:

  • the fact of acceptance of the document;
  • date (required!);
  • position, personal signature and transcript of the signature of the accepting employee.

The employee’s application is submitted directly to the head of the organization, who reviews it and makes a resolution, for example:

To the HR department. Prepare an order.

Davydov 09/17/2015


  1. An application is a document, the form and rules of document flow of which depend on its addressee and recipient.
  2. A business letter-application is intended to express the position of the sending organization on a controversial issue.
  3. An application sent to an organization by an individual is recommended to be processed in accordance with Federal law No. 59-FZ.
  4. Statements in personnel records management are the written expression of the employee’s will and often serve as the basis for issuing orders for personnel.

How to write correctly covering letter to documents? Let's start with the basic rules:

  • on company letterhead;
  • indicating the date and registration number.

Let's take a closer look at a sample cover letter about sending documents, what main sections the text can be divided into and what information should be reflected in them. Section of the letter Brief description Example Introduction Brief content About sending a response to the claim Heading Topic defining its purpose Covering letter of transferred documents Appeal A specific appeal to the manager, preferably addressed, indicating the name and patronymic Dear Ivan Ivanovich! Purpose of the message Brief wording In response to your claim, I am enclosing confirmation that the stated requirements were met within the time limits specified in the Supply Agreement.

Covering letter

The request usually begins with such common phrases as:

  • Please pass it on.
  • Please confirm receipt.
  • Please inform.
  • Please be guided.
  • Please return.

Further, under the main text there may be notes about the applications present in the document. They are needed to make it easier to process mail in the future, and there is less chance of losing sent documentation. The final part of the cover letter contains:

  • Sender's signature.
  • Sender's position.
  • Last name, first name, patronymic of the sender.

A cover letter is usually drawn up on the organization’s special letterhead.

Below is a standard form and a sample cover letter for documents, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

Covering letter for documents


The preparation of a “accompaniment” should begin with an introductory phrase: refer to the number of the incoming request or state the essence of the issue on which the correspondence is taking place. In the following paragraphs of the letter, it is logical to indicate the basis for the document: regulations, clauses of the contract, inspection reports, regulations of regulatory authorities, etc. The statement ends with a request, proposal or demand.

After the text is compiled, a list of attached documents with numbering, title and details, as well as the number of attached sheets is indicated. Mandatory details of a cover letter for documents We discussed above how to write a cover letter for documents. Now a little about its design.

  • Document header.

Written on a solid form, competently composed and correctly designed, it will not only make a proper impression on the addressee, but will also perform a number of practical functions for the sender:

  • will explain to the recipient who is writing to him and why;
  • will take on an informational role, freeing the attached documentation from semantic overload;
  • record in detail the list of attached documents;
  • will save money by eliminating unnecessary postal items with an inventory;
  • will act as compact evidence of the delivery of a whole bunch of documents.

This is how useful a regular “escort” can be when the right approach! How to write a cover letter for documents? Not everyone knows how to write a cover letter for documents, although it is important.

Polite signature Application:

  1. Supply contract, number of sheets.
  2. Consignment note, number of sheets.
  3. Work order, number of sheets.
  4. Photo of the installed banner, number of sheets.

Head, Sidorova Maria Ivanovna. Full name and contact details of the performer. Example of a cover letter for documents Employees of an enterprise have to not only send such requests to counterparties, but also receive them from them. It makes sense for business clerks to develop a form for an incoming cover letter for documents.

It will be required if the counterparty provides the package without explanation. This often happens when collaborating with individuals, but for legal entities this case is no exception. To optimize document flow, the counterparty will be able to fill out the proposed form, which will indicate all the necessary information.


Sincerely, Maxim Kolesnikov, phone +7-985-23-56-89 To documents This letter is drawn up in any form, but some points must be taken into account: The letter must be printed on company letterhead. In the upper right corner, indicate to whom the cover letter is addressed. The outgoing number with the date the letter was written should be printed in the upper left corner.

Be sure to write why you are sending the documents to the counterparty. For example, if you are sending a supply agreement to the buyer, then indicate that you are asking the counterparty to familiarize itself with its contents, and then send the agreement by mail with the seal and signature of the manager. In addition, mention that in case of disagreement with some points, the buyer can draw up a protocol of disagreement and send it in two copies.

Sample cover letter for documents

The cover letter is a supporting document for the submitted resume. If you send your resume to foreign company with a worldwide reputation (brand), then the requirements for drawing up accompanying documents are quite high. The document must be drawn up on a separate sheet; all details, which, in particular, include the title, date of compilation, name and address of the recipient, signature - are affixed in accordance with the rules for drawing up business letters.
If information is sent via e-mail, then the cover letter, like the resume, should be attached in Word format. Contents How to write To a resume To documents To a contract To a writ of execution How to write A cover letter is drawn up in accordance with the general structure of a business letter.

Director Petrov A.V. Petrov The cover letter is convenient because, firstly, the addressee will not be able to say that he did not receive a document, since the letter contains a description of the contents of the entire package of documents being sent, and secondly, it contains instructions the recipient, which documents need to be signed and which copies to return. How to Write a Cover Letter A cover letter usually begins with:

  • We are sending you…
  • We send you...
  • We present to you…

The cover letter may also contain a request. In this case, the following templates are used:

  • Please confirm receipt...
  • Please pass...
  • Please inform...
  • Please return...
  • Please be guided...etc.

A covering letter for documents is written according to the general structure of a business letter.

Sample cover letter from an individual

Home → Sample documents → Business letters → Cover letter for documents Sample cover letter for documents Contents

  1. How to write a cover letter for documents correctly
  2. Sample cover letter for documents
  3. Download

A covering letter for documents is a letter that accompanies the documents being sent and which contains the name of the document being sent and the further actions of the recipient. A cover letter is convenient because:

  • Firstly, it is proof that certain documents have been sent.

Don't forget about business ethics, including in the letter such words and phrases as “dear”, “we ask you”, “with respect”. To the agreement Filling out the “header” of the document Any document begins with a “header”. It is located at the top right and contains information about who and where you are sending the document to.

Please indicate the full last name, first name and patronymic of the addressee, his position and company name. Greeting The greeting is written a centimeter below the header and in the center of the sheet. The greeting uses a larger font than the header and body text.

Usually the greeting begins with the words: “Dear .....”. The form of addressing a person should always be formal. Address yourself exclusively by first name, patronymic and “you”.
Main text In the body of the letter, indicate what document you are sending and why. The purpose of the submission must be clear. If the contract has a number and date, this must be indicated in the text.

Sample cover letter to the tax office from an individual

We are sending you two copies of the contract for the provision of information services, signed and certified by our seal. We suggest you consider specified project and if you agree to sign the agreement, returning one of the signed copies to our address. Appendix: draft agreement in 2 copies on 6 sheets each.”
Cover letter for claims - is it necessary? Sometimes a situation arises when it is necessary to send a claim to a party to a contract that does not fulfill its obligations. Typically, all requirements, justifications and attachments are indicated directly in the claim. It would seem, why might a cover letter be needed? The fact is that a claim can become not only official evidence in court, but also, in some cases, a writ of execution. It should indicate legally correct and significant things, but it does not have a communicative function.

In recent decades, it has become an integral part in any area of ​​business. In addition to drawing up contracts, acts and annexes to them, document specialists are engaged in drawing up various kinds of appeals and letters. At the legislative level, the principles of their design and the general template, of course, are not defined. In such a situation, the question arises: “How to correctly draw up this or that legally weak, but business document?” The answer to this is extremely simple and comes down to drawing up such papers according to generally accepted standards in office work.

Today our resource decided to consider the principles of writing an official letter and the features of this document. Information on the summarized topic and a template for the paper itself can be found below.

Official or is one of the basic types of documents in the field of office work modern business. It is a universal way of transmitting information, implemented in the simplest possible manner, but in compliance with all rules and regulations business relations.

Naturally, the information presented in official letters is not of an entertaining nature. Such papers can be invitations, partly advertising, informational and others, but in no case entertaining.

There are many differences between an official letter and a regular one. The main one is purpose. If a business document always has a precise purpose of sending or transmitting to the addressee, then regular letters are often used for “communication for the sake of communication.” In addition, business messages:

  • are not anonymous - they always have information about the sender and recipient
  • written on behalf of specific person or an organization or association represented by him
  • (if the sender has a stamp)
  • compiled according to generally accepted rules in office work
  • cannot be entertaining, as mentioned earlier

An optional, but also common difference between an official letter and a regular message is that the former is written on company letterhead. This approach gives the appeal highest level solidity and generally indicates his business status.

A few words about the details and general content of the document

Official letters are issued for various reasons, as a result of which the content naturally varies. Despite this, the general structure of business messages cannot be taken away. It is this that is defined as true in the field of office work, is not subject to dispute and forms the basic requirements for the relevant documents. Typical details of an official letter include:

  • full name of the sending company or full name of a specific citizen
  • information about checkpoint, checkpoint, and OKUD (for organizations)
  • address and all possible contacts of the sender
  • similar information about the addressee
  • the essence of the message
  • date of its composition
  • and printing (for organizations)

Important! The type of business documents we are considering today is one of the few that do not need to include a title. The absence of the latter is by no means a mistake, but compliance with basic office work standards.

It is advisable to issue the letter itself on letterhead, of course, if its sender is a company. For government agencies, such forms have an image of the coat of arms, commercial organizations- their emblem.

  1. Clear and understandable for the recipient.
  2. Without using profanity, not to mention insults and obscenities.
  3. Neat, concise and competent.

In principle, document experts do not make any other requirements for official letters. It is enough to comply with the noted norms, rules and general content of the document.

You can download a template for an official letter to the organization below:

Types of official letters

An official letter is a fairly extensive group of business papers. The most used of them include:

  • , reflecting the sender’s desire to do something for the benefit of the addressee
  • Letters of request
  • Requests
  • Event Invitations
  • Invitations to cooperation
  • Papers that remind the recipient of something
  • Commercial offers
  • Requirements
  • Instructions
  • Advertising and information letters

By the name of each type of official letter, you can understand its general purpose and the purpose of sending the message. As practice shows, the transfer of various types of requests in the business environment is carried out for a variety of reasons, and the list of their types noted above is far from final.

Features of the design and transmission of the message to the addressee

At the end of today’s article, let’s pay attention to the transfer of official letters to the Russian Federation. First of all, it should be noted that the main nuance of successful business relationships is a competent approach to their management. In the case of drawing up the relevant documents, we are talking about their:

  • neatness
  • full compliance with business standards
  • purposefulness (sending an official letter to someone in the form of spam will significantly undermine the authority of the sender)

In addition, it is advisable to approach the composition of the message extremely responsibly. Its text should be literate, concise and understandable. The use of complex verbal structures and terms is undesirable. The general tone of the address should be kept within limits. Restraint is welcome, but familiarity is never.

As for the transmission of business letters, the sender has no restrictions. You can deliver a message to the addressee:

  • via the Internet in electronic form
  • via mail
  • via courier or even in person

Transmitting official letters is a vast field. All senders will be able to choose a convenient message.

This concludes the most important provisions on the topic of this article. We hope that the information presented has helped all readers understand the essence of official letters in the Russian Federation and the rules for their execution.

Write your question in the form below

GOST 7.0.8-2013 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions” consolidated the basic meanings of the concepts that we will use further:

  • destination- details containing information about the recipient of the document;
  • document details– element of document design.

Additionally, you need to pay attention to the new term attribute, which is actively used when working with electronic scientific and technical documentation and is considered as mandatory component props document. The rules for registering the “addressee” details established by GOST R 6.30-2003 provide various options its design - in them the main attributes of the “addressee” requisite are formalized or not formalized differently.

And finally, the term destination must be distinguished from the outdated concept addressee, which is nevertheless mentioned in the appendix to the Rules for office work in federal executive authorities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009 No. 477) in the meaning author, i.e. sender of the document(and above all letters).

Since correspondence usually takes up more than 80% of the document flow of organizations, we will consider the rules for registering the “addressee” details using the example of official official letters, which are drawn up in paper form and sent to the recipient mainly by mail.

In the process of conducting correspondence, managers, employees and the organization's records management service should take into account the following factors:

  • technological, which means that the organization will send its letter through post offices or using the services of companies that deliver correspondence. These companies and Russian Post act as independent third parties during the delivery process. When composing a letter, you need to take into account how it will be sent, packaged, that the order and sequence of registration of the attributes of the postal address are established by the Rules for the provision of postal services, which are approved by resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation and are periodically updated;
  • managerial, because The letter may contain:
    • specific management decision, proposal, report or claim - it can be addressed to a higher organization or an equal partner, client;
    • mandatory order or normative legal act, which is sent to subordinate organizations for execution or information.
      That is, the purpose of creation and content of the document, the place of the author organization in the management system and the relationship with the recipient of the letter influence the design of the “addressee” requisite. In addition, the letter must be sent to the point (organization, official, specialist, structural unit) where there is the authority to resolve the issue set out in the document, finally and on the merits. If you have several questions/suggestions for a given organization that are not related to each other and the solution of which is within the competence of different persons, then it is better to write a separate letter to each “final recipient”. And if you don’t know who will be assigned to handle your questions, then you can put them in a letter addressed to the general director or address it to the organization as a whole;
  • etiquette factor– the need to comply with accepted rules of politeness, taking into account the specific situation business communication, status and position of the addressee (legal or individual, superior or subordinate organization, the letter is sent for the first time or to a permanent correspondent, etc.).

Organization letter form

To conduct correspondence, almost every organization develops and approves its own letter form. The composition of its details and examples of design can be found:

  • in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (Figures B.2 - B.4) and
  • Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved. by order of Rosarkhiv dated December 23, 2009 No. 76 (clause 3.3.1 with appendices).
    Organizations pay great attention to the development of a letter form and even include it in a “corporate” style book, which is absolutely fair, because he is the “face” of a legal entity, forms the image of the author of the letter and the impression of him. But it’s not just about the quality of the paper and the colors of paint used to make the form. The form indicates the full and abbreviated name of the organization, organizational and legal form and subordination. The most important thing is to follow correct design information about the author that is indicated on it, listing all the ways to contact the author. In external environment this conveys signs of stability, willingness to contact, openness and “goodwill” of the organization.

The location of the details in the form can be:

  • longitudinal(as in Example 1) or
  • corner:
    • centered(as in Example 2) or
    • flag(attributes are located in the same side zone, but the text of each line starts from the left margin).

The longitudinal and corner forms have a different location for the “addressee” attribute; it is indicated by an orange fill (compare Examples 1 and 2).

Attributes of the “addressee” attribute

Moreover, the answer to the question “Where?”, i.e. registration of the “mailing address” attribute is considered optional by GOST. If it fits in, then its elements are written in the sequence provided for by the Rules for the provision of postal services (this is established Methodological recommendations on the development of instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, Appendix No. 11). Indicating the postal address on the letter itself becomes convenient when using an envelope with a window, in which all the data about the addressee will be visible (to whom and where the letter needs to be delivered), then this information does not have to be duplicated on the envelope manually or by sticking a “label”. With large volumes of correspondence, this approach significantly saves time and money.

If the letter is addressed state body, local government body, supreme body authority, higher organization, then the “mailing address” attribute is still not issued (it is indicated only on the envelope). See Examples 3 and 4.

If the letter is sent to the first the head of this “superior organization”, then the name of the organization is included in the position, see Examples 5 and 6. Both the position and full name are written in the dative case.

Example 1

Collapse Show

Example 2

Collapse Show

Example 3

Collapse Show

Example 4

Collapse Show

Example 5

Collapse Show

Example 6

Collapse Show

If the letter addressed to a third party peer or downline organization, then the “addressee” of the letter can include a postal address, which is best separated from the name of the organization by 1.5–2 line spacing and begins with a small letter as prescribed by GOST R 6.30-2003 (for example, “street” or “pr. "):

Example 7

Collapse Show

If the letter is addressed to the manager organization, then the position includes the full name of the organization indicating the organizational and legal form:

Example 8

Collapse Show

If the letter is addressed to the head of an organization with which communication is not being carried out for the first time, then it is better not to indicate the postal address.

If the letter is addressed deputy manager or other official (and not the first manager), then options are allowed (with or without adding a postal address), and you should pay attention to cases and line spacing. Addressing to an official is always made in the dative case; if the name of the organization is separated from its position, then it is written in the nominative case:

Example 9

Collapse Show

Example 10

Collapse Show

If the letter is addressed structural unit of the organization, then in the “addressee” attribute, first indicate the name of the organization (established abbreviations are allowed), and only then - this structural unit in the nominative case.

It is advisable to use line spacing in Examples 7, 10 and 11 to separate the attributes of the “addressee” attribute to speed up the perception and isolation of information by the recipient, but this is not a strict requirement.

Example 11

Collapse Show

Example 12

Collapse Show

If the letter is addressed to the head of a structural unit, then the name of the organization (in the nominative case) is included in the “addressee” attribute, and the name of the unit is included in the full name of the position in the dative case:

Example 13

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GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes a method of generalized design of addressees when sending letters to several homogeneous organizations or several structural divisions one organization. This method provides:

  • on the letter itself, the design of the generalized name of the addressees;
  • additional compilation of a separate list for mailing letters, which includes their specific names and postal addresses.

Example 14

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Example 15

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See the article “Creating envelopes in MS Word” to learn how to customize your sender address, quickly create many envelopes according to a given template and mailing list, decorate them with a background or design (ideas for decorating an envelope for February 23 and March 8 are suggested

Mailing List or Mailing List is generated by the executor of the letter based on the classifier of organizations and their addresses, which is usually accumulated in the office management service as a result of document registration operations (in the EDMS or in Word, Excel tables). On each envelope in which each copy of the letter is sealed, the specific name and address of the organization is indicated in accordance with the mailing list. Based on this list, printing information on envelopes can be configured automatically even through Word.

It is necessary to note that this method is usually used by a higher organization when sending letters to its subordinate bodies.

However if there are no more than 4 recipients of one letter, then all recipients are registered on the document itself, then you can do without a mailing list (the word “Copy” does not appear before the 2nd, 3rd and 4th recipients). This limitation on the number of addressees in one letter is established by GOST R 6.30-2003 and common sense. In this case, the addressing is drawn up in the upper right corner as a listing of the “addressee” details for each body/organization, but all copies of such a letter are signed as originals, and each copy is sealed in a separate envelope on which the corresponding specific postal address is issued.

This addressing method is convenient to use when you need to notify about violations or significant events, primarily to higher-level, supervisory and regulatory authorities. This way, all recipients will see who else this letter was sent to.

Example 16

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If a letter of the same content (a letter of offer, for example) needs to be sent to several “independent” organizations, then it is better to issue each letter as an original, i.e. On each, indicate an individual addressee. However, the registration numbers for these letters will be different.

Registration of the “addressee” details when maintaining correspondence with individuals has its own characteristics. The first attribute is the surname in the dative case, then the initials and then the postal address:

Example 17

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When addressing a letter to an official indicating his position, the initials are written before last name (see Examples 9, 10, 13), since the main identification of the recipient is by job title. When addressing a letter to a private person, his initials are indicated behind surname (Example 17), since our identification as citizens is carried out primarily by surname. When registering a surname and initials, they are separated by a space; the initials are not separated by a space, i.e. “I.I. Ivanov”, but not “I. I. Ivanov."

How to correctly business correspondence abbreviate double names and double patronymics of the addressee, written with a hyphen, for example, Khozh-Akhmed Sultanovich, Khalimat Abrek-Zaurovna? See the answer to the question “What is the correct way to abbreviate double names and double middle names of the addressee, written with a hyphen, in business correspondence? »

In order not to make mistakes when addressing, on the websites of organizations it is necessary to find out the exact postal addresses, full names and job titles of managers, and other information that will help to best establish communication at the first stage of document perception. You can try to obtain similar information from the secretary, or glean it from documents received from this organization.

Pay special attention to the use of uppercase and lowercase letters in the names of organizations and positions. The norms of the Russian language suggest writing a position with a lowercase (small) letter, but a specific high position can be written with a capital letter, if so provided constituent documents and local regulations recipient organization. Pay attention to these subtleties.

Etiquette factor

Appeal– a conventional etiquette phrase, a speech formula that expresses respect and a friendly, polite attitude towards the addressee. It is recommended to end it exclamation point, emphasizing the significance of both the question and the appeal to this person.

Most often contacted by first name and patronymic(Example 18), much less often - by position(Example 20). The second option is strictly business in nature and is used when addressing a person in a high position. official position in state and municipal bodies, large organizations. Even less often they contact by last name without initials(Example 19) - this emphasizes the “distance”, the formality of the relationship between the author and the addressee, rather typical for correspondence with a private person.

Example 18

Address by first name and patronymic

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Another way of especially respectful attitude towards the addressee is manifested in the “etiquette frame”: “Dear...”"With deep respect,", which is used when addressing a higher-ranking person (chairman of the board of directors, head of a higher authority or management body, etc.), as well as in the case of issuing congratulations, for example, on an anniversary.

Appeal "Expensive..." even in the case of congratulations to the addressee, it should be used with caution, because In official relations, some managerial distance must still be maintained.

Appeal "Dear" is currently considered obsolete, redundant - not meeting the standards of modern business style Russian literary language.

Special handling rules gradually emerged when working with citizens' appeals. In response to their letters "best practics" State bodies and local governments recommend the following speech formulas:

Example 22

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But regardless of the issue raised in the citizen’s appeal, regardless of the situation (conflict, complaint or appeal on a personal issue, for the first time or repeated, etc.), it is still a universal formula for addressing citizens is addressed by name and patronymic (as in Example 18).

Commercial organizations, when corresponding with customers and considering their complaints, can be guided by the same recommendations.

Now many people receive parcels, parcels and letters (items) at Russian Post offices (the official name of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post”). According to postal rules, only the person to whose name it is addressed (addressee) or his representative has the right to pick up correspondence. The right to receive any registered shipment (that is, with a track number) can be entrusted to another person if you issue him a power of attorney to receive it at Russian Post.

Let's first understand why another person cannot receive correspondence without written proof of authority. Handing over a shipment to an unauthorized person is gross violation postal rules, and a communications worker who commits such a violation may be seriously punished and fined. Transferring a letter to a stranger will lead to the disclosure of the secret of correspondence, and handing over the parcel will lead to property damage. Therefore, post offices require the issuance of items to “non-addressees” only after verification of credentials. The rule on the need to verify a document with powers also applies to spouses and close relatives living with the recipient.

Rules for issuing items

The post office delivers different items and for each of them there are certain requirements for a power of attorney:

  • Simple shipments(letters, simple parcels, postcards) do not have a track number and are delivered to the recipient's mailbox. To receive such shipments, no document with authority is required.
  • Registered shipments(registered letters, registered parcels) have a unique track number. They are received personally by the addressee or his authorized person. You can receive registered mail using a power of attorney certified by a postal employee or certified at the place of work, study or treatment, or certified by a notary.
  • Valuable items(valuable letters, valuable parcels and parcels with declared value) also have a track number. They are delivered personally to the recipient or his representative. Valuable correspondence can be collected using a power of attorney certified by the post office or certified by a notary.
  • Money transfers, benefits, subsidies, pensions, monthly payments and compensations Only a representative has the right to receive it for the addressee under a power of attorney executed by a notary.

For ease of perception, information about the possibility of obtaining various types shipments according to different forms of powers of attorney are summarized in the table:

Rules for execution and certification of powers of attorney

Let's take a closer look at how to make a power of attorney to receive mail:

- notarized power of attorney. May contain the maximum possible authority to receive any letters, parcels and Money. To register, the principal must contact a notary with his passport and passport details of the authorized person. The notary will independently prepare a draft document based on the data received from the principal. The notary will charge a fee for registration services.

- power of attorney certified by the post office. Allows you to receive any items except money. You can draw up such a document yourself in a simple form () based on the sample filling. After filling out the form, you will need to take it to the post office and ask the employee to certify it. You must have your passport with you. The possibility of certifying a power of attorney directly at the post office is provided for in the Operating Instructions, which is an internal document of the Russian Post. This service is provided free of charge. In this order, you can issue a power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail from China from the aliexpress website (

Sample filling:

When a citizen requests to certify a power of attorney, a post office employee must act in the following order. Before the provision of certification services, the head (or deputy) of the post office checks the principal's passport. After this, he performs the following actions: checks the correctness of filling out the document form, makes the inscription “Verified of identity” on the power of attorney, enters his position, surname, first name and patronymic, signs and stamps the calendar stamp of the post office. When applying such a power of attorney to the department in which it was issued, the authorized person can receive everything without exception postal items(except pensions and money transfers).

Power of attorney to receive mail, certified by the organization in which the principal works, studies or is undergoing treatment. To prepare such a document, an employee can contact his employer, a student can contact the administration educational institution, and a patient undergoing inpatient treatment has the right to contact the administration of the medical institution (hospital). The power of attorney is drawn up in a simple form (), after which it is transferred to the head of the organization to certify the signature. Considering that it may not be easy to get to the head of the organization for a personal meeting, it is advisable to first contact the organization’s lawyer with the prepared project with a request to certify it in the manner prescribed by paragraph 3 of Article 185.1. Civil Code RF. The lawyer will tell you how to sign a document with the head of the organization and help you comply with the internal rules of the organization. The certification service must be provided free of charge.

Sample design:

A power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail or letter can be issued for any period. If certification is required, then you need to be prepared that the principal will have to sign the document in the presence of an official (the head of the employer, educational or medical institution, notary, postal employee).

Directly at the branch, the representative will need to present his passport and power of attorney to receive a parcel by mail or other type of shipment. The law does not require leaving the original or a copy of the power of attorney with the communications organization, but employees often make such a requirement. Therefore, in order to save your time and nerves, it is better to have a copy with you.

Power of attorney to receive mail from a legal entity

A power of attorney from an organization can be drawn up in the usual form and does not require certification. Such a document is signed by the head of the recipient’s organization and can be issued to any adult citizen, even if he is not an employee of the company. Authority may be granted to one or more representatives. Using such a document, you can receive any correspondence and parcels arriving at the recipient’s organization. It is recommended to put the organization's seal on the signed form. The design rules are described in detail.

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