How much does a web developer earn as a freelancer? Earning money from freelancing


Hello! In this article we will talk about what freelancing is and how to make money from it.

  • How much can you earn: from 1000 rubles per day with a full-time working day.
  • Minimum Requirements: none, you can learn everything on the job.
  • Is it worth it?: definitely worth it .

General information about freelancing

Freelancing — fulfilling orders online.

This is an alternative to standard office work. You work for customers, but you are your own boss. You may well not work on the project, take a day off, or simply change your activity. In this, such work is very similar to. But unlike him, you work without investment. Your capital will be your skills and ability to sell your services.

You can freelance from home, in the office, or even on the train. All you need is an internet connection and a relatively quiet environment. You will be able to work at any time, but only by meeting deadlines. This frees you from many office conventions and helps you become financially independent.

In this article we will try to figure out how to make money by freelancing, what you need to be able to do, what are the most in-demand professions and how much you can earn.

Who can earn money from freelancing

The easiest way to make money from freelancing is when you know how to do something. For example:

  • write articles;
  • work with advertising campaigns;
  • do design;
  • program;
  • lead groups on social networks;
  • promote websites, etc.

You can look at the full list at. But a beginner who comes to the Internet for money often does not know what he wants to do. And it often happens that people don’t know how to do anything like that, but want to learn.

If you don’t know how to do anything, but want to earn money, there is another opportunity. For such cases, there are special job exchanges that help beginners earn money while they learn their field along the way. A striking example - Workzilla. This service has a lot of routine tasks like calling, transcribing, removing marks in photos, etc.

Knowing practically nothing, you can earn from 500 rubles a day if you devote 6 to 8 hours to work. As your skills grow, you will be able to take orders from the area that interests you. The main thing is to choose a direction wisely so that you don’t get tired of it after a few months.

How much can you earn freelancing?

As I said above, you can earn without knowing how to do anything, about 500 rubles a day. Of course, the income is small, but just right for the lack of skills. Now let's try to make a small breakdown of professions and earning opportunities.

  • Good designer Working 3 - 4 hours a day and regularly taking days off, you can earn 40 - 50 thousand rubles a month. Good specialists for one project they receive from 10,000 rubles.
  • Literate who writes interesting texts can earn from 2,000 rubles a day. With a load of 20 working days, it will cost 40,000 rubles. But I know people who charge from 10,000 rubles for one text.
  • Developers for their work they receive from 60,000 rubles per month. But often their projects require long work and follow-up.
  • Average translators they also receive from 30 to 40 thousand rubles, with a workload of 20 days. Specialists earn up to 80 thousand rubles if they speak several languages ​​and have a good flow of customers.
  • Advertisers receive from 10,000 rubles for setting up a small advertising campaign. The best specialists charge from 50,000 rubles.

In general, the approximate salary of a mid-level specialist is 40,000 rubles with an employment of 20 days and a working day of 4 - 6 hours. This is if you look for clients wisely, constantly develop and work directly with the customer.

The most in-demand professions

It is difficult to assess which profession is now the most in demand, but it is quite possible to make the TOP from 5 to 7 positions:

  • copywriters;
  • programmers;
  • designers;
  • advertisers;
  • people involved in ;
  • translators.

Here are the most popular and popular professions freelancers. There are always a lot of orders in these directions. Although there are a lot of specialists, at any stage of development you can find your niche, style and separate yourself from.

If we talk about copywriters, today we need people who work with . Talk about the company and the product, promote services, write sales texts for - all this is now in demand and popular.

In other areas, everything remains more or less stable, although over the past few years, SMMers who work with the brand on social networks have risen to the top: they do and work in every possible way with “warm” clients.

Where to look for customers

Newbies and people who have decided to leave freelance exchanges face the problem of finding customers. The first ones simply don’t know how the system works, while the second ones always saw advertisements for searching for a performer, responded to them, and everything was simple. Let's figure out where, in addition to freelance exchanges, you can find work.

Still for beginners the best option will work for some time on stock exchanges and special sites - to get better, earn a portfolio and first bumps. And only after that go on a free voyage.

You can search for orders not only in freelance communities, but also in groups of businessmen. Offer your services there and be surprised at how much people are willing to pay.

The second option is . This option is more complicated and is suitable for experienced freelancers. You will need to create your website, fill it out and provide examples of your work. But in order for it to start attracting customers, you need to work on its promotion. It already costs money. A good website + promotion costs from 100,000 rubles.

The third option is networking (in other words, establishing contact with people). Its essence is this: you communicate with people, talk about yourself, listen to them, and if something happens, help each other. Share contacts, useful materials, give advice on the topic. And friends of your acquaintances or they themselves may already contact you. A very useful skill in freelancing.

And you can also look for work on thematic forums, in and in any places where there may be potential customers. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself, what you do, and help with advice if you really understand the issue. This way you can fix business relations and work with large customers.

How to upgrade your skills

In any field you need to get better every day, and freelancing is no exception.

By upgrading your skills in a certain area, you become a more interesting specialist in the eyes of the customer. By working on your style, you become unique. And they are willing to pay you more.

In order to improve skills, a beginner needs not only to work hard. From my own example, I can say that this will lead to nothing. You will remain at the same level, especially if your work is accepted without corrections. You need to constantly challenge yourself. Work with larger customers, regularly increase prices and, of course, study materials on your topic from the best specialists.

If you work 8 hours a day, then the best way to use your time is this: 6 hours directly for the work itself, and 2 for training. This way you can earn money and constantly develop.

You shouldn’t treat freelancing just like a job: you pass it, get the money and forget about it. Each completed order should benefit the client, and only then can you grow as a specialist.

Self-discipline for a freelancer

Now a few words about self-organization. This is perhaps the most important skill that any freelancer should develop first. Most people who are just thinking about working online have the following picture in their heads: you are sitting at home at the computer, drinking tea, stretching out imposingly, scrolling through your feed on a social network, working only when inspiration comes and consistently earning 30 - 40 thousand rubles.

No, that's not how it works! You either devote yourself completely to your profession, love it and try to develop, improving your skills and meeting deadlines, or you don’t work at all. In fact, pushing yourself is very hard work. Household worries make it difficult to concentrate; you constantly want to be distracted by something everyday or simply put off an order until better times.

The ability to focus on work, constantly force yourself to work at home and not be distracted by trifles is the most important skill of a freelancer. Working at will is a real prerequisite for . Based on personal experience I can say that it is very difficult to cope with it.

That is why, along with upgrading your professional skills, increase your self-discipline. This is very important.

It's called freelancing free work, performing which a person, by and large, manages his own time - when to rest and when to work.

This activity is based on cooperation via the Internet. Everything is simple here - the contractor looks for an order, negotiates with the customer, completes the task and receives payment.

What kind of work is this?

The prospects for a freelancer are always great, because today such activity is quite promising, and with the right approach with its help you can earn good money or even create a business. The level of your income will depend only on your skills and, most importantly, hard work.

Freelancers are very profitable to hire large companies: in this case, they will not need to create jobs, and finding a person who will work at home and not in the office is not at all difficult.

This is very good example why this type of activity is so in demand.

Freelancing cannot be considered a job where everything will be easy. Here, although you are your own boss, you must be able to realize yourself, never be lazy, and take your work seriously. Everyone has the risk of being deceived and not receiving payment, and this often happens if a person is too trusting and negligent in their activities.

Possible areas

Here everything will depend on the person’s skills. Among the main activities the following can be noted:

  • Website development and promotion- This is one of the most popular ways to earn money. Websites are needed by many companies, businessmen and just ordinary people who pursue the goal of making money or having a personal resource for other purposes. As a rule, most people are looking for people who would create a resource and then promote it. If you have good knowledge in this area and a high-quality portfolio, then you will be guaranteed orders.
  • Writing unique texts(rewriting, copywriting, translation) - now this activity is simply in great demand. High-quality and unique content is the first thing that is needed for successful management site. You can earn good money writing articles, but you must have at least minimal writing capabilities.
  • Working with video and audio– this is a rather specific activity and less in demand compared to others. But being a specialist in this industry, you will definitely find orders for yourself.
  • Programming– the most difficult type of income in this area. You must know a programming language thoroughly, or better yet more than one, only in this case you can actually find a vacancy.
  • Design and layout- this type can be classified as creative work. These could be orders for the creation of graphic elements, the creation and layout of a website design or its individual parts, logos, pictures, banners, etc.

Pros and cons

Many people think that remote work via the Internet is just a fairy tale, but if you look in more detail, it turns out that there are not only positive aspects here. Let's first figure out what the advantages of freelancing are:

  • One of the first advantages is a free schedule. Having accepted an order, a freelancer receives a deadline for its completion, but at what time of day he decides to complete it independently; there is no boss here who will force you to work strictly according to the schedule. But you shouldn’t think that a free schedule means a person has a lot of free time, this is a big misconception.
  • Compared to working in an office, a freelancer can choose exactly those projects that he will like and even enjoy working on.
  • It is possible to determine your own prices for work. Of course, if they are too high, it will be more difficult to find an employer, but if you work at average prices, you will always be able to find orders.
  • You can work from anywhere in the world, as long as you have Internet access.
  • Financial independence - there is no such thing as a fixed salary, fines, bonuses, etc. Moreover, a freelancer cannot be fired, because there is no boss over him.

Now let's look at the disadvantages:

  • A freelancer may have periods when there are a huge number of orders, or it may be that there are none at all. Accordingly, earnings may be irregular.
  • A significant disadvantage is the risk of being deceived; there are many dishonest customers who profit from the deception of performers, and the main thing is that it is impossible to show them anything, since they do not provide reliable information about themselves.
  • Freelancing is a rather boring job, usually done at home and alone. At first it seems like it’s great, you don’t need to travel or walk anywhere, you wake up every day and aren’t in a particular hurry. But over time, any person will understand that he lacks communication.
  • Reluctance to pull yourself together and work according to a set schedule.
  • Lack of a social package, as well as the attitude of relatives to your work as something frivolous.

How to choose an exchange?

The choice of exchange should be made based on what you are going to do. If you have knowledge in the field of website creation, programming, design, layout, then you can look for work on the following popular resources:

  • is the most popular freelancing site in Russia, here you can find almost any job in the IT field.
  • is a good choice for beginners; the chance of being deceived is minimized here, since it is possible to work through a secure transaction service.
  • – this resource will also be appropriate for searching for any type of work via the Internet. A convenient menu allows you to easily set up a filter for certain projects and monitor emerging orders.

If we talk about copywriting exchanges, then among them it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • is one of the first and most convenient exchanges where you can find both cheap and more expensive orders for rewriting, copywriting and translation. A user-friendly interface will help any user quickly understand the job search. To earn good money, you first need to increase your rating; customers mainly give preference to authors with high scores.
  • - this exchange is more of an article store; here you can put texts up for sale and wait for them to be purchased. There are also orders here, access to them costs 300 rubles per month, and taking this into account, customers in most cases publish expensive orders, counting on a worthy candidate - after all, if a person has paid for access, then he is probably ready for serious work.
  • is the oldest copywriting exchange, where you can find a wide variety of work, from reviews and comments on social networks to complex SEO texts.

Where should a newbie start?

For any beginner who wants to start freelancing, it’s best to start by upgrading your accounts on all exchanges. Having a zero rating, you will not be able to take on expensive orders. This is precisely the reason for most failures - beginners start working on low prices and in the end they abandon the matter.

But if you really want to achieve success, then you don’t have to give up, you need to work as hard as possible, and then you can raise your prices. Please note the following tips:

  • Your profile on any of the exchanges must be filled out as detailed and informative as possible.
  • First you need to get at least a few positive reviews. When submitting an order, always write something original; customers respond well to this.
  • An important point will be the portfolio; by looking at it, customers will be able to decide whether your style of work is suitable, and will be able to offer cooperation without a test order.
  • A freelancer must have email, ICQ, Skype, and social media pages. networks, Webmoney and YandexMoney wallets, so that there are never any problems with communication and payment.

Step-by-step instructions for organizing such activities are presented in the following video:

How to plan your day and force yourself to work?

The first important rule is clear planning of your work and rest. Try to stick to your daily schedule, take a break after every hour of work, have lunch at a certain time and do physical exercise.

Be sure to have a weekend! Many people work 7 days a week without noticing it themselves, but this is fundamentally wrong.

You always need to give yourself rest in order to have strength and a positive attitude for further work.

You should not take on a lot of orders if you are not sure that you will have time to cope with them; it is not worth sacrificing your rest. Don’t go too far and become a workaholic; remember that you still have hobbies, relatives and friends who want to communicate with you.

How much can you earn?

There is no clear formula here; it all depends on your abilities. If we take the example of working as a copywriter, then finding a customer for 30-40 rubles/1000 characters is not so difficult.

For example, you write at a price of 30 rubles per 1000 characters. If you are not lazy, you can write from 10 to 20 thousand characters a day, depending on how familiar the topic is to you.

If you multiply 30 by 15 (average value), then it turns out to be 450 rubles per day, take 24 working days in a month and multiply by 450, you get 10,800 rubles. If the price tag is 40 rubles per 1000 characters, then earnings will be 14,400 rubles per month. But this is all relative, and the indicated figures are far from the limit.

In any case, we can say with confidence that with a serious approach, you can earn more than the average salary in Russia with the help of copywriting.

If we consider earnings from creating and promoting websites, programming, design and in other areas, then there is no single formula. For example, developing a simple business card website can cost about $50, but if you need to create a serious selling portal, then the reward for such work can reach several thousand dollars.

Freelancing exchanges for beginners are a great way to earn your first money from remote work. We talk about the best sites for making money.

The ideal process of freelancing looks like this: choose an exchange, apply for several interesting projects, complete the task and get paid. In reality, everything is much more complicated, because you still need to find a good order, and then make sure that the client chooses yours out of dozens of applications. But first you need to find that freelance exchange for beginners where you can get a well-paid and exciting job. We talk about the best platforms, earning money from freelancing, common mistakes and give tips that will help you get your first orders.

The best freelance exchanges for beginners

Freelance exchanges are not considered the main source of income for highly trained specialists, but large venues- an excellent option for beginners who still need to understand how the market works, how to communicate with customers and what kind of work they can find in different areas.


An excellent Russian-language freelance exchange for beginners and experienced professionals, where you can find work in various fields: web design, photo processing, printing, website promotion, and so on. To start working on the Weblancer exchange, you will need to register, after which you will be credited with 30 universal applications; if you need more, you will have to pay tariff plan. Moreover, the more specializations you select, the more you will have to pay for using the exchange.


General knowledge about the work of freelance exchanges will be enough to get comfortable in new field, but in order to make a big profit, you will have to create a selling portfolio, learn a lot about finding and attracting clients, and engage in commercial offer and development of a personal brand. You can learn about all the features of freelancing and how to earn a lot of money in the course.

It is very difficult for a new freelancer to get his first order. It often happens that the search for a suitable client lasts for weeks. No one is eager to entrust a task to a person who has just recently registered on the exchange and has no reviews. Customers are not stupid people and do not want to take unnecessary risks, although they understand that such a freelancer will be ready to work for the smallest fee. Who knows what the newcomer will send as a result - a work that fully corresponds to the technical specifications or something unintelligible? So the newcomers are sitting without work. And no work means no reviews and at least some semblance of a portfolio. Is there a way to help solve this problem? Of course there is.

We must immediately make a reservation that we are talking about real beginners who have the vaguest idea about freelancing. A specialist who has worked in an office for several years and decided to go free will most likely not wait long for the first order. He already has something to show, and he can compensate for the lack of reviews by completely filling out his profile and telling about himself in detail. A true beginner is a person who wants to master new profession and knows that many people make good money freelancing. The problem is that he doesn't know how they do it.

Let's imagine a certain girl Masha, who recently became a mother and therefore is forced to stay at home with her child. Masha has always written well, and at one time even ran a blog - so the most logical decision for her would be to try to make money by creating texts. And so Masha registers on the stock exchange. Everything here is unclear, the tasks are difficult and there are many, many competitors. But this can all be solved. The main thing that worries Masha is the question: how to write a text that the customer is guaranteed to like. Since the young mother has no experience creating texts for the web, she strongly doubts her skills. What can you advise Masha?

Firstly, it’s best to take a closer look at copywriting. There are a great many articles on this topic and they are very easy to find.

Secondly, it’s better to practice first. Everything is simple here: we go to some content exchange, even the same advega, and try to take the first order there. Yes, prices on such exchanges are very low, but Masha will gain valuable experience.

Thirdly, you need to constantly look through the feed of projects on large freelance exchanges and, if possible, unsubscribe to orders that a novice copywriter can be guaranteed to complete. It is better not to take on difficult tasks at the beginning of your career - the risk that the work will be beyond your capabilities is too great.

Approximately the same can be advised to representatives of other specialties who are taking their first steps in freelancing. You need to try to lower the barrier to entry into the profession, and to do this you need to first work on your reputation and gain experience. Designers, for example, can start working for free - there are many resources where people ask to draw an avatar for them, make a photoshop or a banner for VKontakte.

Lyrical digression. It would seem that what is written above is such a banality that it is even somehow inconvenient to discuss it. In fact, everything is not like that. Many newbies come into freelancing with no idea what it is all about. I had to act as a customer and I know what I am writing about. I met crooked layout designers, inexperienced programmers and novice copywriters. So, it very often happens that such a newbie, having completed the task, cannot even receive payment. You see, he doesn’t have an electronic wallet. In general, many beginners are like blind kittens, they are completely helpless and master the profession by getting numerous bumps.


In order to receive your first order, you need to ask yourself the question: “What can I do best?” It is unlikely that the girl Masha from our example can immediately write a high-quality selling text or create a commercial application. Her level is rewriting simple texts on the topic “Family and Home.” All this is exaggerated, of course, but even if Masha has an idea of ​​marketing and understands the intricacies of business, she still needs to start with simple tasks.

Having decided on your skills, you need to look for projects that a beginner is guaranteed to complete. At the first stage, it is better not to scatter and look for specific projects on a specific topic. You can ignore the prices at this stage - the main thing is that the customer gives the task to you. Many new freelancers sit without work for a long time because they inflate their prices too much.

For many customers it has great value the way in which a freelancer offers his services. What does a newbie not understand? He doesn’t understand why people pay money in freelancing. He thinks that he needs to write text, layout a web page or write a script. No, that's wrong. A freelancer gets paid for solving a client’s problem. Therefore, when signing up for a project, you need to, as they say, “get into position” and tell the customer how you plan to solve their problem. You can simply say that the topic is very familiar to you, you can ask a few leading questions - you need to demonstrate in any way that you are interested in helping the customer and know how to do it.

Somehow it took a lot of letters to bring readers to the main idea of ​​this article.

Beginners, if you are eager to get your first order and earn your first money, remember: you are not paid for demonstrating skills, but for solving a customer’s problem.


How else can a newbie freelancer attract the attention of a customer? Customers are people too and they like it when they not only pay for a freelancer’s work, but also receive additional benefits from it. You can stand out from your competitors by making the customer unique offer. For example, in your application you can write that you are willing to work on weekends or at night if circumstances require it. This will definitely impress the customer.

You can also attract attention by offering a bonus to the main service. The bonus should be small, but quite noticeable. For example, a web designer may offer the customer, in addition to working on the website design, to make a banner for a social network or provide some kind of assistance useful service. The main thing is to offer the client something that other freelancers do not offer.


So, let's summarize. To earn your first money as a freelancer, you first need to know at least the basics of your specialty. At the very beginning, you need to take only the simplest orders, where you can apply your best skills. When signing off on projects, you need to remember that you are solving a customer’s problem and be sure to tell how you intend to do this. And lastly: stand out from your competitors - make a unique offer to your customer. Following these simple tips, a newbie freelancer will receive his first order almost immediately.

There is no need to rush into freelancing without considering the possible consequences. Freelancing is a very complex world and it is better to settle into it gradually. Otherwise, you can very quickly become disillusioned with this profession. Leave for free bread. You need to know what you want to do and understand that at first it will not be easy. There will be ups and downs, there will be inevitable meetings with scammers, there will be terrible deadlines and endless edits. All this will happen. But for this to happen, you need to receive your first order.

Freelancing- this is one of the most popular ways to make money on the Internet, in which the contractor fulfills one-time orders from employers (most often webmasters) for an agreed amount of money

In this case, no contracts are concluded, the person works from home, and he himself determines the volume and subject of orders, as well as the terms of cooperation with a specific customer.

Who is a freelancer

Those who engage in freelancing are called freelancers. This term has become quite fashionable recently.

Freelancer work is very attractive. Here is just a small list of benefits:

  • Flexible schedule
  • Freedom to choose your job profile (you can do programming, copywriting, design, and translation)
  • The opportunity to earn money in any place where there is a computer with the Internet (and even then the Internet is only needed to submit work)

There are also disadvantages. For example, you will have to look for orders yourself. No one is going to hand you anything on a silver platter. Fortunately, there are special exchanges (links to them will be further in the text).

A freelancer does not have a permanent salary; you can sit until the end of the month and get paid, as is sometimes the case with office employees, it won't work. “What goes around comes around” is an old proverb that describes freelancers very accurately.

Another not very pleasant nuance is the low wages for newcomers. Before the income becomes stable and decent, beginning freelancers have to earn credibility in the market - improve their skills, “grow” their rating, enrich their portfolio, collect positive reviews customers, etc.

Popular freelance professions

Anyone can become a freelancer - there is work on the Internet for everyone who can do at least something on the Internet. The following professions on the Internet have always been and will be in high demand:

  • programmers
  • website creators and designers
  • SEO optimizers
  • professionals in photo and video processing
  • text specialists: copywriters and translators

Instructions: where to start as a new freelancer

So, you have decided to become a freelancer. This means you need:

1. Internet wallet

Yandex Money and Webmoney are best suited for these purposes. It is to them that the funds earned will go.

2. Stay in touch

The most popular ways communication still remains ICQ and Skype (the second is preferable) - they will be needed for prompt communication with the customer, because in the process of performing work many questions usually arise.

Now about the main thing. How to find a job? Where can a freelancer prove himself and earn income? The easiest and most reliable way to become a performer is on a freelance exchange.

3. Where to look for freelance orders

Freelance Exchange is a specialized place to find work for a freelancer. Here customers and performers meet face to face. This is a kind of intermediary between those who need a certain kind of services and those who can perform them. There will definitely be a job here that suits your profile. There are many Russian-language exchanges on the Internet that can become a starting point for a novice freelancer. A special category includes foreign exchanges. You can earn really good money here, but in order to communicate on these resources, you need to be fluent in the language.

Let's take a quick look at the most popular freelance exchanges.

Exchanges and freelance sites

In part, freelance exchanges also include copywriting exchanges:

A variety of order topics allow everyone to find work according to their profile. In addition, it is possible to put up ready-made articles for sale - as practice shows, sooner or later they all sell out. For those who want to write texts, I advise you to read the article: how to make money from copywriting.

And finally, a few more recommendations for a beginning freelancer. Don't be put off by low rates at first. Do even the least paid work efficiently - this way you will earn reviews that increase your competitiveness, and you will find regular customers who, appreciating your professionalism, will definitely increase your wages. And finally, never transfer the work to the customer before he has blocked the agreed amount of money in your account.

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