How many chickens do you need to make a profit? Chicken breeding as a business: profitability, conditions, equipment

Breeding chickens for business is a very real idea. If birds are raised correctly, the investment pays off in 7-8 months. If you gradually increase the number of birds, then in a few years you can organize private poultry farming.

Business plan

To open a business for breeding laying hens at home, you need to develop a detailed plan.

You will need:

  • Chicken coop with or without cages.
  • Stock of feed.
  • Chicks or hatching eggs.
  • An incubator if you plan to independently breed young animals.

Chickens are fed either ready-made mixed feed or home-made feed. The first option is simpler and more cost-effective, but expensive. The second is quite acceptable for laying hens, and broilers at least partially need to be raised on mixed feed.

Before purchasing eggs for incubation or chickens, you need to decide for what products you will develop your business: meat or eggs. Both are profitable, but have their own nuances when selling.

There are different opinions about the home incubator. But most poultry farmers recommend stocking up on such equipment. This will allow you to be independent from the hen. For egg-laying breeds, this is a matter of profitability. After all, hens do not lay eggs for a long time, which leads to loss of profit. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for breeding laying hens, it is worth including an incubator.

How to set up a chicken coop

Breeding chickens for business at home begins with setting up a chicken coop.

You can convert an ordinary barn. The height of the room should not exceed 2 m. The walls are insulated and caulked so that there are no holes. Be sure to make windows in the poultry house and provide electric lighting. In winter, longer daylight hours will increase the egg production of the livestock. Heating is not necessary if the breeds are not exotic or heat-loving.

If there is no barn, the poultry house is built from wood or foam blocks. The first option is simple and cheap, the second is reliable but expensive.

To build a chicken coop out of wood, 4 piles are driven. They are sheathed with a double wall made of boards. Inside, the space is filled with fallen leaves, straw, and sawdust. Caulk all the cracks so that the room is not blown out. Cover the chicken coop with a sloped roof. The floor is left earthen. For the winter, it is recommended to insulate it with straw. To build a farmhouse made of foam blocks, you will need a plan.

A bowl of ash and sand is placed in the poultry house, and the birds take baths in it. This helps control pests. Equip separate feeders for wet food and grain, a container with mineral supplements and drinking bowls. Always clean the dishes from food residues, and the water in the drinking bowls should always be fresh. If you do not adhere to these rules, the chicken breeding business will fail due to high mortality rates.

In order for a chicken farm to function as a business, we advise you to correctly calculate the area: 2-4 laying hens and up to 10 broilers are housed per 1 m². When kept in cages, up to 10 laying hens can easily fit per 1 m². Up to 200 purebred birds are kept in 10 standard cages.

Perches are installed on the back wall of the chicken coop. The height for laying hens is 40-60 cm, for broilers – 20-40 cm. Several nests are installed in secluded places. When kept in cages, perches are not made. You can build cages with your own hands or buy them ready-made. They must include a tray for excrement, feeders and a collection for eggs. Cells take up less space. But in this case, the birds have to be fed only with compound feed. When there is a large group of people, they get sick more often.

Chicken feed

When starting a chicken breeding business, it is important to decide what to feed the birds. There are several options:

  • Use 100% compound feed
  • Feed with regular feed and mixed feed
  • Feed with regular food

The finished feed contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This type of feeding is suitable for raising broilers or large numbers of laying hens that live in cages. 1 kg of feed costs from 10 to 35 rubles, depending on the composition and manufacturer.

When raising chickens, the business will be profitable if you choose the right ratio of price and quality of feed. After all, cheap feeds do not provide good productivity, and in overly expensive ones you have to pay for the brand.

Feeding mixed with regular food - profitable option. In this case, mixed feed completely replaces grains. Make your own wet mash. If you choose the latter method of growing, using conventional feed, you need to correctly formulate the diet. It should include:

  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Barley
  • Sunflower meal or cake
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Greens or grass meal
  • meat and bone meal or fish meal
  • Mineral supplements

In summer, the birds' menu is supplemented with fresh vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, watermelon rinds. They give carrot tops, fodder beets or sugar beets. This significantly reduces the cost of feeding and increases business profitability.

Egg incubation

It is recommended to start a small chicken business by purchasing chickens or hatching eggs. The first option is suitable for beginners. It is advised to buy a grown bird, 2-3 months old, with all vaccinations. It costs more, but the survival rate of such chickens is higher. With a little experience in raising birds, this allows you to reduce losses. Good option– day old chicks. They are cheaper than adults, but require more care.

When buying eggs, you should get an incubator. The equipment is available for industrial and home use. It is not profitable to buy large incubators at the start. It is better to start with a small unit. Its capacity is from 60 to 500 eggs.

There are these types of home incubators:

  • No automatic egg turning. This is a simple and cheap device that you have to open every time to turn the eggs.
  • With mechanical device for turning over. Here the eggs are placed on a wire rack and turned over with a special handle, without opening the lid.
  • With automatic revolution. The device is more expensive, but it is easy to set up and will turn the eggs itself.

When purchasing, check whether the heating elements, control thermometers and hygrometers work well. Some poultry farmers advise making an incubator with your own hands. But for this you need to have experience and ingenuity. Such devices are unreliable and are not suitable for the laying hen breeding business. It is rarely possible to raise chickens in them.

Laying hen breeding as a business

The laying hen business from scratch quickly brings benefits; some breeds begin laying eggs as early as 4-5 months. Productivity is 250-300 eggs per year from one individual.

When drawing up a business plan for raising chickens, you need to choose the right breed. Egg-laying varieties include:

  • Leghorn
  • Loman Brown
  • Hisex Brown and White
  • Rhode Island
  • Russian white
  • Dominant
  • Sussex
  • New Hampshire

Many people start meat-egg varieties. They produce two types of products at once - eggs and meat. But such birds produce fewer eggs per year and gain weight slowly. Therefore, these laying hens are not suitable for serious business.

First you need to purchase a livestock of 50-100 individuals. If you are going to breed chickens, then for every 10 females there should be 1 rooster. But many modern hybrids with high egg production lose their qualities during amateur propagation. Therefore, it is advised to buy chickens or hatching eggs from specialized farms.

Laying hens accept both cage and floor housing. But free-range products have top quality. In Europe, eggs from “happy” chickens that roam freely in the yard are now popular. They cost more, this is a good marketing ploy for those who are starting a business of breeding laying hens.

The birds are fed with mixed feed or grain with mash. The productivity of some breeds increases on a balanced combined diet. The diet includes a sufficient amount of proteins and carbohydrates, and vitamin supplements are required. Laying hens require calcium to form their shells. That’s why in the chicken coop they put bowls with shells, chalk, and give meat and bone meal and special preparations with minerals. The business of laying hens pays off in 7-8 months.

Broiler breeding as a business

Breeding broilers as a business also brings benefits. Most popular way conducting such a business involves purchasing chickens for fattening, which are sent to slaughter after 3-4 months. During the season, 2, sometimes even 3 batches are fattened. Breed yourself meat birds not recommended; profitable varieties are crosses and hybrids that do not retain parental qualities in subsequent generations. They are obtained by crossing different lines in specialized farms. The following are considered beneficial for cultivation:

  • Cobb-500
  • Change
  • Gibro-6
  • Broiler-61
  • Broiler-M
  • Ross-308
  • Ross-708

There are 2 ways to feed broilers:

  • Extensive
  • Intensive

Extensive fattening

The extensive technique does not require large expenses. It allows you to start chickens as a business with minimal investment. Keeping birds outdoors. For 100 heads, 15 m² of space is enough. Of these, 10 m² are used for birds, and 5 m² for equipment. For 200 chickens, a chicken coop with an area of ​​25 m² is made.

It is advisable to install a hood in such a room; there will be little natural ventilation for such a number of birds. The flooring is made of cement, lime is poured on the bottom, and straw is poured on top. The perches are low, no more than 20-30 cm.

For feeding, mixed feed and regular grain with mash are used. This allows you to save money and start a business profitably. The diet is chosen to be balanced. Chickens are given feed according to the following scheme:

  • Prestart
  • Start
  • Fattening
  • Finish

Boiled potatoes, cake and meal, vegetables, herbs, and meat and bone meal are added to it. Feeding in the first 2 months is high-calorie, then the energy value of the menu is reduced due to fats and proteins. Broilers are prone to obesity, so you should not overfeed the bird.

Intensive fattening

An intensive technique requires investment, but from the very beginning it becomes profitable to breed broiler chickens. The method involves cellular maintenance. 8-12 birds are placed per 1 m², depending on the breed. The cages are equipped with special trays for droppings, and it is even recommended to make automatic feeders.

Forced ventilation must be installed in the poultry farm premises. For the winter, the chicken coop is equipped with a heating system. When kept in cages, birds move little and therefore need warmth and fresh air.

Feeding broilers using this method is carried out with ready-made mixed feed. It costs more, but pays for itself quickly and does not require much time. The bird grows quickly and is sent for slaughter at 20 weeks. It is worth thinking about refrigeration units where you will store the carcasses until the moment of sale. With intensive fattening, it is beneficial to keep 300-500 heads, which are disposed of at approximately the same time. Even if there are buyers, the products have to be stored for 2-3 days.

Profitability calculation

When drawing up a business plan for breeding laying hens or broilers, you need to do the calculations. It is advisable to immediately find buyers, especially for selling meat products. For beginners, these could be small shops, cafes and restaurants. With further growth it is easy to reach large networks or supermarkets.

Investments required to start a laying hen business:

  • Chicks – 100 rubles each (hatching egg – 10-30 rubles)
  • Feed (cereals) – 15 rubles per 1 kg (1 laying hen needs 35 kg of feed per year)
  • Household incubator for 100-150 eggs – 7,000 rubles
  • Inventory – 5000 rubles

To purchase a starting flock of 50 laying hens for a poultry farm, you will need 5,000 rubles. Chicken feed will cost about another 30,000 rubles (the plan includes vitamins and mineral supplements). Start-up costs with all calculations will be approximately 40,000 rubles.

A population of 50 laying hens produces 12,500 eggs per year (with an individual egg production of 250 eggs per year). They sell homemade chicken eggs for 60-100 rubles per dozen. Profit with all financial expenses will be from 75,000 to 125,000 rubles. The net profit on sale is 35,000-85,000 rubles per year. This is a calculation for a small flock of 50 birds, which cannot even be considered a real farm. If you increase the number of chickens, profitability will increase.

The cost of purchasing and raising broilers is approximately the same as for layers. The cost of the incubator is subtracted from them, but the price of the cells is added. At the start, it is advised to make them yourself, or try extensive fattening without cages. A professional box for 12 individuals costs about 9000-1000 rubles.

Costs for a broiler breeding business (without cages):

  • Purchase of chickens (100 heads) – 10,000 rubles
  • Purchase of food (4.5 kg per individual for 3 months) – 7,000 rubles
  • Laying hens as a business idea

    Business plan for raising chickens


    A chicken farm as a business is a good idea that requires minimal financial outlay. If you do the calculations correctly, you can make a quick profit from broilers.

    Laying hens provide eggs and meat at home. After 1.5-2 years, the chickens are also sent to slaughter. To reduce losses from mortality, you need to adhere to the rules of keeping, vaccinate chickens and give them antibiotics for prophylaxis in the first weeks of life.

There's no one more successful businessmen in our world. Many people dream of becoming one of them, but not everyone takes up the job. The diversity of the market is great, so it’s easy to find your own niche. Today we will talk about chicken breeding as a business: is it profitable or not? We will understand the pros and cons, describe the financial management strategy and determine profitability and profitability.

What is this project?

We are dealing with chickens, and this bird is quite unpretentious and calm. Therefore, such business projects are considered not expensive in terms of money, time and effort in comparison with other options for breeding animals. In this particular case, it will even be possible to set up a business at home by installing the necessary equipment in a private home or country house.

Preparation is still important: in order to increase potential profits and create the most favorable conditions, you should start by searching for suppliers of raw materials and equipment, as well as buyers and potential buyers of products. Advance preparation will allow you to avoid problems with sales and access to a wide market.

Advantages and disadvantages

It turns out to highlight the following advantages:

  1. Small capital investment at launch.
  2. A fairly simple technology for producing eggs and meat and caring for poultry.
  3. The profitability of raising chicken for sale.
  4. Possibility of raising laying hens at home without renting large areas.
  5. There is no need to purchase expensive equipment.
  6. Lack of seasonality of business.
  7. There are great chances of selling poultry products not only to wholesalers, but also to individual buyers.
  8. The ability to independently provide your family with eggs and chicken without losing product.
  • Unfortunately, chicken eggs and meat spoil quickly, so you always need to be able to sell the product produced.
  • Warp of this business- a poultry farm, which means the entrepreneur is dealing with living beings that can die.
  • Although it is extremely easy to own and raise chickens, it is important to care for them regularly.
  • You will also have to regularly monitor the availability of profitable channels for selling products.
  • Such entrepreneurship is quite competitive, and it is especially difficult for those who choose to raise chickens at home as a business. Accept that breaking into a big market will not be easy.

It can be seen that the number of advantages outweighs the number of disadvantages. Carefully consider how much you are willing to put up with the downsides and whether a business in this area is really suitable for you. Good entrepreneur opens a new project only after carefully considering every aspect.

Let's start building a chicken coop

In general, it’s easier to rent a chicken coop itself or buy a ready-made one. It is possible to make your own from an unnecessary shed if you prepare it first: insulate the walls and floor, provide ventilation.

The previous options are great for reducing the cost of building a new chicken coop, but some will still have to build it from scratch. The construction of a new poultry house should be made from ordinary building materials such as boards or slate.

  1. At each of the four corners, a hole is dug for a wooden log. The logs can provide a chicken coop height of two meters.
  2. The resulting racks are connected with boards or slate.
  3. Afterwards the roof is laid, which should be better made pitched for the safety of the chickens inside in winter.
  4. Next, we begin to insulate the premises by laying out any materials suitable for this: wood sawdust, straw, pine needles, dry leaves, etc. In order to rid chickens of rodents, do not forget about mixing lime into the insulation.
  5. It is allowed to insulate the floor closer to winter with the first frosts. The same budget insulation will do here, and it should be laid out at least 150 millimeters thick. By the way, it is in winter that it is worth adding another fifty millimeters of insulation every ten days, so that by spring the floor thickness is about 50 centimeters. This will help generate its own heat due to the decay of natural insulation.
  6. The next point is the installation of artificial and natural lighting. For birds, it is important to install at least two windows on the south side of the chicken coop. If possible, it is better to arrange the entrance “door” for chickens on the east side.
  7. Don't forget about ventilation. It can easily serve as, for example, an ordinary window, or a special ventilation hole, reinforced and protected by a metal mesh from rodents.
  8. To start breeding chickens, all that remains is to arrange the nests. Egg production technology suggests that nests and perches should be located on the back side of the room at a height of about 0.5-1 meters from the floor level. On the sides of the chicken coop it is necessary to arrange places for food and drinking.

The perches themselves should be made in the form of shelves, having previously covered them with straw or other insulation. Another good idea is wooden boxes. It is also important to insulate them. Remember, egg production technology requires that there must be enough nests for the number of birds so that they can lay eggs at the same time.

Content Features

There are two methods of growing and both are worth considering carefully. The first method is called cellular.

Not just boxes are placed on the constructed shelves, but specifically cages, each of which has its own drinking bowl and feeder. Each such cage, depending on the size, can accommodate 3-6 laying hens, but what more birds, the more often you will have to clean it.

The second option is more standard and less expensive in terms of money, therefore it is considered more profitable, although it requires constant monitoring by the owner of the chicken coop. Since poultry is indeed greatly influenced by factors such as exposure to sunlight and exposure to fresh air, the best chicken eggs will come from chickens that have the ability to move independently and roam outside.

In addition, it is easier for an owner who wants to expand the enterprise to keep, for example, 500 chickens in free chicken coops.


Here is a list of external signs of chicken that you should pay attention to:

  • The head is oval-shaped and medium-sized.
  • Quite bulging eyes with sparkle.
  • Small earlobes.
  • Slightly downward curved beak.
  • Earrings in bright red color. It is brightness that affects age and production chicken eggs.
  • The average length of the neck, which has rather thick plumage.
  • Clear and prominent broad chest.
  • Remember that the bird must have a large and soft belly.
  • Really large wings that fit quite tightly to the chicken's body.
  • Long length of plumage at the tail.

Of course, it is not necessary to follow this list strictly; it is more of a guide than a dogma.

Buying poultry correctly

It is better to buy a bird when it reaches 4-5 months of age. Only by this time the chicken begins to lay eggs normally and is less susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

You can, of course, also get a younger bird of two months of age, then you will be able to purchase about 200 more birds at a lower cost. In this case, you will have to carefully monitor the health of the livestock and try not to buy a rooster instead of a chicken.

We provide feeding and care

Proper breeding of chickens at home is based on proper poultry care and the ability to care for the livestock. That is why it is important to know how to feed the bird, and to begin with, choose the right diet. In reality, chicken is practically not picky about food, so various herbs and vegetable waste, including tops and cereals, are perfect for the livestock.

The idea of ​​mixed feed is only good for keeping heads in cages. There are some tips for increasing productivity:

  1. Experienced farm owners give chickens vitamins, chalk and eggshells as supplements.
  2. You can increase the production of chicken meat by adding root vegetables and vegetable tops to your chicken diet.
  3. If you decide to purchase a brood of chickens, you will have to feed them with specially purchased feed.
  4. Try to stock up on grass for the winter.

By summer, it will become easier to monitor the chickens: they will begin to go outside for walks and look for food on their own. Make sure that the bird does not lack dense grass. It is also important that it contains small insects.

In addition, the technology for producing healthy chicken eggs and meat requires regular disinfection of the chicken coop every three months. Disinfection involves covering perches or cages, as well as walls and floors, with a pre-prepared mixture of lime and water.

What are the costs of such a project?

As a sample, we will take a really large chicken farm from scratch with an expectation of 500 heads, 3-4 months old.

Beginners usually take a livestock of 50-100, depending on financial capabilities.

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Construction of a new chicken coop 10
2 Purchasing the necessary raw materials for feeding poultry 30
3 Preparation of documents for the sale of products 10
4 Purchase of livestock 100
5 Purchasing additional inventory 10
6 Packing eggs for sale 30
7 Transportation of products 50
8 Chicken meat processing 30
9 Unforeseen expenses 10
Total: 280

Video: business on laying hens.


Different breeds of chickens have different productivity in terms of laying eggs, but one can easily lay from 200 to 400 eggs. If on average you get 300 eggs from one hen, then the same fifty hens from a beginner will give about 15,000 eggs in total. Just imagine the income poultry farms receive per 1000 birds!

The cost of eggs on the market today is about 90 rubles per dozen, which makes it possible to make a profit of more than a million rubles in a year! In addition, among other things, chickens are killed for meat, which is later sold well in markets and private or large stores. You can also sell chicken manure.

A business based on breeding laying hens for eggs can bring the farmer the desired profit and significant economic benefits. Knowing the characteristics of laying hens, as well as having thoroughly familiarized themselves with the technology of their breeding and maintenance, the owner will be able to obtain high-quality products and profit from their sale.

Food production is one of the most popular areas in business for beginners. The low barrier to entry into the market, high demand and the relative simplicity of the production process allow anyone to master this area. In turn, among all food products, one of the most interesting areas is the breeding of laying hens and the production of eggs. Even if there is a relatively small land plot this business can generate stable high income.

Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business involves the use of egg-bearing poultry breeds. Since they were purposefully bred to produce eggs, all other characteristics were sacrificed for egg production. In particular, they gain weight more slowly, and the maximum body weight is significantly lower than that of meat and mixed breeds. Their decorative qualities are also very mediocre. But at the same time, chickens of egg breeds begin to lay eggs much earlier than others - already at 4-5 months of age. Their specific egg production also far exceeds the capabilities of other breeds: 200-300 eggs per year instead of 120-180.

In addition to low body weight, egg-laying chickens are characterized by high mobility, which is caused by accelerated metabolism. A more intense metabolism in the body causes an increased appetite of laying hens, as well as the need for long daylight hours (about 14 hours a day).

While meat chickens are slaughtered as soon as they reach their optimal body weight (usually as early as 10 weeks of life), laying hens are kept until at least one year of age. From the onset of puberty (4-5 months) until the end of the first year of life, egg-laying hens produce the maximum number of eggs, and already from the second year of life and with each subsequent year their productivity drops by 15-20%. In view of this, most farms focused specifically on egg production try to get rid of laying hens in the second year. But if chickens are bred not for commercial purposes, but, say, to meet the needs of a village family for chicken meat and eggs, laying hens can be kept even until the end of the 3rd year.

Breeding laying hens for eggs as a business

Having firmly decided to start an egg business, you should not immediately rush to purchase equipment and young poultry. First you need to develop a detailed business plan, which outlines every step in preparing, setting up and running a business. Having written down all your actions and production needs on paper, it is much easier to track possible problems and prepare in advance to solve them, or even prevent their occurrence altogether. A correctly drawn up business plan will not only accurately show the volume of required start-up investments, but will also allow you to calculate their payback period. Finally, if you have a high-quality business project, it will be possible to attract investment from outside (both a bank loan and borrowed funds from individuals), which is very important if your own resources are insufficient.

The profitability of chicken breeding as a business is closely related to the entrepreneur having his own non-leased land. If you rent land, production costs may be too high and the business will be unprofitable. In turn, buying land will require much larger initial investments, which will significantly push back the payback point. Thus, the business of breeding laying hens is more suitable for those who live in rural areas, owns a country house and is ready to move from the city to the village, or owns a house in the private sector in the city.

The realities of domestic entrepreneurship are such that at the first stage, with small production volumes, few businessmen register such an egg business. This usually happens when production volumes become really significant and the need arises for civilized ways of selling products (through stores, official food markets etc.)

Profitability of chicken breeding

As mentioned above, drawing up a business plan is important stage creation farm for raising laying hens. Already at this stage it is possible to accurately calculate the profitability of production and the size of possible profits. Of course, specific indicators will greatly depend not only on the scale of production, but also on some organizational issues, namely from:

  • method of keeping birds - free-range or strictly in a chicken coop/cages;
  • methods of replenishing the livestock - purchasing chickens, young animals or self-incubation of eggs;
  • presence/absence of employees;
  • source of feed - production on your own or purchase of ready-made feed;
  • possibilities and ways of selling by-products (chickens past their most productive age, chicken manure);
  • degree of remoteness of the farm from markets, etc.

Considering that there can be a lot of factors influencing the size of costs and income, we will consider only the basic model.

So, the profitability of raising chickens for eggs for a farm that has 100 laying hens at a time looks something like this (the prices given are approximate and can vary greatly from region to region):

  • With the average cost of two-week-old young animals being about 120 rubles per piece, it will take 12,000 rubles to buy 100 chickens.
  • On average, with balanced feeding, a chicken eats about 36 kg of feed per year. That is, the entire livestock will need about 3600 kg. With a feed cost of 12 rubles/kg, food costs will be about 43,200 rubles per year. If we add here the cost of vitamin supplements, the total cost of feed can reach up to 50 thousand rubles per year.
  • When properly maintained, egg-laying breeds produce up to 250 eggs per year. But this is a specific indicator that lasts only in the first 6 months after the onset of puberty in chickens. If you get rid of birds when they reach the age of 1 year, then the period of their egg-laying activity will be 7-8 months. That is, one chicken will generally produce only 15-20 dozen eggs per year. For a livestock of 100 individuals, this number will be 1.5-2 thousand eggs. With an average cost of domestic non-factory eggs ranging from 80-120 rubles, the gross income from their sale will be 120-240 thousand rubles.
  • Having adjusted the production process and established stable sales of products, you can sell the entire volume of eggs in full market value. After deducting the costs of purchasing young animals and feed, the total profit from the main product (eggs) alone will be about 60-180 thousand rubles per year. Of course, some current costs should be subtracted from this (electricity, consumables for maintaining a chicken coop, costs of transporting products to markets, etc.) But do not forget that chickens that have passed their maximum productive age also cost money. From one laying hen you can get about a kilogram of marketable meat, that is, another 150-200 rubles per carcass, or 15-20 thousand rubles gross income from the herd.

As can be seen from a simple calculation, under certain circumstances, production profitability can reach 200% even with completely purchased feed and young stock. If you raise chickens and make feed yourself, the profitability will be even higher. A relatively small farm with 500 laying hens will give about 25-75 thousand rubles of net profit per month.

Chicken breeding and keeping technology

Obviously, calculations of business profitability will be accurate only if all start-up costs (building a chicken coop, equipment for breeding chickens) and current costs (feed, electricity, transport costs, workers' wages, if any). To achieve maximum performance To achieve profitability, it is recommended to set up full-cycle production. That is, instead of buying young animals from the outside, produce chickens in our own incubators.

Turning eggs into chicks is the first stage of the production cycle in the egg business. In addition to purchasing the incubators themselves, the entrepreneur will have to allocate a room in which the hatched chickens will be housed. Since young animals of different ages cannot be kept in the same enclosure, each age group will need a separate room.

Particular attention should be paid to the living conditions of adult birds. Maximum productivity of chickens can only be achieved if they receive enough feed and are kept in clean, well-ventilated and lighted chicken coops. At the same time, it is highly desirable that chickens can roam at least in a small fenced yard. If the farm is located in a sparsely populated area and it is possible to use a large area without large additional costs, it is better to build chicken coops with spacious outdoor walking areas. Mesh fences are the ideal solution for such situations.

Construction of a chicken coop that is convenient both for the chickens themselves and for the people serving it will be the main item of starting expenses. It is important to provide in the room not only a sufficient number of nests, feeders and drinkers, but also perches where the bird will rest at night, windows for ventilation and natural lighting of the chicken coop. To make cleaning up litter (and it should be done as often as possible) as easy as possible, it is recommended to use removable perches so that they can be easily removed while cleaning up.

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