How much money does it take to open a butcher shop? How to open a butcher shop from scratch

Reading time 9 minutes

How to open a butcher shop from scratch and how to organize this business so that it is profitable? When considering this issue, it is important to pay attention to the prospects and profitability of the activity, calculate the risks and calculate the expected profit, and decide on the location point of sale and find out the competitiveness of the store. To do this, the entrepreneur needs to carefully study the features of this business and draw up a competent business plan.

Trade in meat products- one of the most stable types of business. The amounts of daily revenue and average monthly profit directly depend on the location, size of the outlet and product range.

For example, a small store (20-30 square meters), offering customers 20-25 types of meat products, is visited on average by 30 people per day, with each of them purchasing meat for 700 rubles. Accordingly, daily revenue is 42,000 rubles, net profit of which is about 3,000. Average monthly revenue under these conditions will be 1,260,000 rubles, of which “net” (after paying taxes and other contributions, paying employees and making necessary payments) is the entrepreneur will receive about 90,000 rubles. Business profitability by retail sales meat products are small - it varies from 7 to 30%.

What does it take to open a butcher shop?

Initially, you should find out to what extent the retail outlet will be in demand in a particular area, study consumer demand for products and find out where competitors' stores are located and their number. Based on these factors, you need to decide whether to open a butcher shop.

You should also decide on the type of store to open, it can be:

  • kiosk type - they are usually installed on the territory of mini-markets, near transport stops;
  • a store located in a small area - suitable for entrepreneurs who are starting a business for the first time or have a limited budget for opening a store;
  • a stationary store with an area of ​​40 square meters or more is the most profitable option for organizing a business, but at the same time the most costly.

After this, the entrepreneur must draw up a business plan, which will reflect all the financial components of the activity, possible ways to increase income and other nuances.

Business plan

The following points must be indicated in the business plan being drawn up:

  1. Market analysis. It is worth noting that meat and semi-finished products from it are everyday goods, and the vast majority of the population does not refuse to purchase them even in times of crisis.
  2. Assessing your own capabilities to meet customer demand. It is advisable for an entrepreneur to assess the demand for a particular product and supply it to the store in a timely manner. For example, since May the demand for fresh meat has been decreasing, but the rate of purchases of kebab has increased, respectively. of this product larger quantities should be brought.
  3. Official registration of the point of sale. Organizational and legal issues should be approached as responsibly as possible, since illegal activities threaten the entrepreneur with serious troubles.
  4. Marketing plan. All options for attracting customers and advertising costs are reflected here.
  5. Production plan. It includes all the costs that will be required to open a store and ensure its normal functioning - purchasing equipment, renting space, repairs and others.
  6. Risks. Here you should indicate the reasons that can influence the decrease in profits: product spoilage, insufficient supplies, seasonal decline in demand.
  7. Financial plan. It indicates all primary and monthly expenses and estimated profit.

Step-by-step instruction

The first thing you need to do when organizing a business is to register with the tax authority as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. After this, you need to obtain permits from:

  • fire service;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, you should register medical books for each employee and obtain a trade permit, which is issued by a veterinarian after examining each carcass put up for sale. You should also take care of arranging the “Consumer Corner”, where information about the entrepreneur, the legality of conducting business should be posted, and the “Book of Reviews and Suggestions”, drawn up in accordance with all the rules, should also be placed here.

In accordance with the Tax Code, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose a preferential tax system, for example:

  • patent;
  • STS (income minus expenses) - the rate will be individual for each region and range from 6 to 15%;
  • UTII;
  • STS (income) - 6%.

Selection and equipment of premises

The location for opening a store should be selected as carefully as possible - the number of customers largely depends on the correct choice. Therefore, the retail outlet must:

  • be located in a place with high traffic - near bus stops, in buildings on the 1st floor;
  • have convenient access roads;
  • be ready for use - the good condition of the premises will allow you to invest in repairs minimal amount funds;
  • be equipped with communications - sewerage, electricity, water supply are required.

In order for a room to meet the requirements of government inspections, it should have several rooms - a bathroom, shopping room, staff room, receiving area and warehouse. As a rule, the minimum area of ​​a room in which everything you need can be placed is 20 square meters.

For the store you need to purchase suitable equipment, such as:

  • refrigeration chambers, chests;
  • freezer;
  • industrial and electronic scales;
  • tools - ax, knives;
  • refrigerated table;
  • electric meat grinder;
  • trays and containers for goods;
  • thermometers;
  • place for cutting carcasses;
  • Packaging equipment.

The expense item should include expenses for the purchase of materials for packaging and packing, price tags, suits for workers, cleaning supplies and cleaning equipment.

Formation of assortment and selection of suppliers

To satisfy consumer demand, you should diversify the range of goods in the store as much as possible. The following are in greatest demand among consumers:

  • beef, veal, lamb, pork (butchered carcasses);
  • poultry meat (chicken, goose, quail, turkey, duck);
  • rabbit meat;
  • soup sets;
  • stew;
  • offal;
  • kebab (both frozen and chilled);
  • semi-finished products.

Since the store needs timely supplies of fresh products, it is worth concluding agreements with several suppliers - farms or private farms, wholesale networks. The concluded agreement must indicate:

  • quantity of products;
  • purchase price;
  • weight category;
  • availability of a veterinary certificate about the health of the animal at the time of slaughter;
  • age of the animal.


For a small store, it is enough to hire two sellers and one cutter (butcher) of meat products, who will work according to a predetermined and agreed upon schedule. It is important to select qualified and polite staff, since quality of service is one of the most important criteria by which customers choose a retail outlet.

You should also hire a cleaner who will ensure order in the store. And it is not necessary to keep an accountant on staff - his functions can be performed by the owner of the pavilion himself or accounting firm that provides these services.

Store advertising

For a stable growth in the flow of customers and, as a result, an increase in profits, you should take care of the organization marketing campaign. To promote a retail outlet, it is advisable to use all available PR means, including:

  • a beautiful, noticeable and large sign above the pavilion;
  • posting and distributing leaflets;
  • placement of advertisements in in social networks and the media;
  • creating your own website.

Will help increase the number of buyers good feedback buyers about the store. Usually, word of mouth people trust more than any advertising. But an ideal reputation must be earned, so the entrepreneur and store employees must treat their work responsibly.

Possible risks

When developing a store opening plan, you should evaluate possible risks arising during work. For example, in summer period Consumer demand for products decreases, and accordingly, income will also decrease. Or, if unreliable suppliers are chosen for cooperation, there may be supply interruptions, which will cause downtime and losses.

Risks include excessive savings - purchasing low-quality equipment, hiring unskilled workers. Such savings may ultimately result in additional costs - sellers will not be able to provide quality service to customers, the butcher will chop the carcasses incorrectly (up to 25 kg of meat may be lost), and the equipment will constantly break down.

To open own store meat products, you should calculate the amount of initial investment and the amount of current expenses. First of all you should:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC - from 5,000 rubles and above;
  • rent a room - from 500 rubles per square meter;
  • purchase equipment - 300,000;
  • purchase cash machine — 10 000;
  • organize an advertising campaign - from 50,000;
  • purchase consumables - 30,000;
  • create a stock of goods - 220,000.

Accordingly, for a store with an area of ​​20 square meters, the minimum initial cost will be 625,000.

The amount of current expenses will be 150,000 rubles, it will include:

  • monthly rent - from 500 rubles per square meter;
  • advertising costs - from 10,000;
  • additional purchases of goods - from 100,000;
  • other expenses, including payment of taxes - from 30,000.

The salary of workers depends on the region, but in any case its amount cannot be less than the established minimum wage. Since the store will not generate income in the first months, funds should be allocated for running costs preliminary in such quantities that they will last for 4-6 months. Accordingly, the minimum amount required to open a meat products store and ensure its operation until profit is made is 1,225,000 rubles.

Should you open a butcher shop? Will it bring profit? It is impossible to answer such questions unequivocally, but if an entrepreneur takes a responsible approach to organizing a business and takes into account all its features, the outlet will soon bring a stable profit.

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In order to open a butcher shop, you will need only 50,000 rubles, but this does not take into account the purchase of meat. This is exactly how much the pavilion itself with all the equipment for this meat business will cost. At the same time, the daily profit from the meat trade will be 6,000-15,000 thousand net rubles. Profits can be increased if you open not just one butcher shop, but several. This is confirmed by many years of experience of entrepreneurs.

So, most of them are sure that it is much more profitable to have three to five butcher shops. Despite the fact that it is more difficult to control trade in such shops, the profit is several times greater. The profit from five shops, for example, will be 30,000-75,000 thousand rubles per day.

How to open a butcher shop - business plan

Let's look at information on how to open a butcher shop, using the example of a short business plan for opening one.

Equipment and supplies for meat trade

Selecting equipment is the first step to your own meat business. Best product for such a store these are secondary products: sausage, dumplings, frankfurters (there are about 30-40 items). During its existence, it is possible to solve such important issues for the meat trade as permits from the SES, the cost of cutting meat, and the search for a qualified seller. It is better to open a butcher shop in a pavilion on wheels, which is a container with a counter.

Why a container? The container has a number of advantages. Firstly, it is mobile - it is easy to attach it to a car and transfer it. Secondly, there is enough space for equipment and a special shop display, which should be wide enough (so that buyers of meat and meat products can see the maximum number of products that you offer them).

The price of a container, as already indicated above, is 50 thousand rubles. This is a very reasonable cost. If you buy all the equipment for the butcher shop separately, it will cost more.

What equipment is required for a butcher shop? Firstly, a refrigerator, the price of which is $500, a cash register (12-20 thousand rubles). Secondly, an additional remote refrigerator ($900), which is needed if the main refrigerator suddenly breaks down. And also the following inventory:

  • Scales (electronic or mechanical with weights);
  • Cutting deck;
  • Chopping axes, 2 pcs: large and small;
  • Knives;
  • Spatulas for taking minced meat;
  • Electric meat grinder;
  • Cutting boards;
  • Metal hook for hanging carcasses;
  • Dishes, baking trays for displaying goods;
  • Sanitary equipment: brushes for washing dishes and equipment, buckets, basins, clean hand towel.

Registration with the tax authorities and obtaining permits

Tax registration legal entity or IP takes about 5 days. Trade in meat and meat products does not require licensing, but this requires permission from Rospotrebnadzor, which includes the former SES and the State Trade Inspectorate. You also need permission from the fire department. Completing all these documents will take about 2 months and will empty your wallet by 4-5 thousand rubles.

Product range

Do a large assortment meat at the beginning of your shop is unprofitable, because at the beginning of your business all this product is with wide range may not sell. It is better to offer about 30-40 types of meat, as well as in addition to it cheese, butter, etc. Buyers love when the products offered are always fresh, so it is better to supply goods uninterruptedly and more often (at least once a week). Using a unique “zest” in your product range, for example, in the form of turkey meat, will help you stand out among your competitors in butcher shops.

The purchase of goods will cost 15-30 thousand rubles.

Working staff

Well, and finally, the sellers. If you have one butcher shop, then two sellers are enough, working in shifts with a salary of 400-500 rubles per day. No other personnel will be required: you take care of the accounting, the supplier will unload the goods, so you will not need the services of a loader.

Total costs for opening a butcher shop

If we summarize all of the above, the costs of opening a butcher shop, according to our business plan, will be as follows: 55 thousand rubles in the form of a one-time payment for the purchase of a turnkey pavilion (50 thousand rubles) and registration permitting documentation(5 thousand rubles).

Monthly expenses will be approximately as follows:

  • Rent - 8300 rub.;
  • Site security - 2700 rubles;
  • Salary - from 24,000 rubles;
  • Payment for electricity - 1500-2000 rubles;
  • Taxes.

In total, the monthly expenses of one butcher shop, excluding taxes, will be 36,500 rubles.

Let's talk about how to open a meat pavilion. Everyone understands that no matter what the economic situation is, people will always buy food. Therefore, a business based on food is always a stable source of income.

The meat industry in this case is no exception. Even financial crisis, although it affects food in a certain way, it is not as noticeable as, for example, the market building materials. In this article we will try to answer the question of how to start a meat business. This article is mainly intended for those who want to open a meat store with minimal investment.

Basic moments

A butcher shop is a small wholesale or retail trade enterprise. Products can be the most various types: raw meat, various sausages, semi-finished products, etc. According to statistics, such a business is approximately 30% profitable. Ideally, before getting down to business, it is better to talk with those who have encountered such a task and have already own experience knows what it takes to open a meat business. This will protect you from the mistakes that most beginners make.

When drawing up a business plan for a store, there are many nuances that you should pay attention to. It is important to choose the right location for your meat department, since competition in this type of trade is very high.

Also, since meat is perishable product, it is necessary to correctly calculate the volume of product supply. Remember that in the beginning, when you do not yet have a large flow of customers, it is better to buy less product and then order more than not have time to sell it out before the sales period ends.

You also need to take into account seasonal differences in meat consumption. During the summer, especially when it's hot, people tend to choose to eat other foods, so sales may drop slightly. You need to properly prepare for this moment - reduce the purchase of products, make various discounts on goods, change the assortment, etc. Let's then try to talk in more detail about how to start a meat business and what points you should pay attention to.

How to start a meat business with a small initial capital

The minimum amount required to open a small department is from 60,000 to 100,000 rubles. About 40% will be spent on purchasing the first batch of products. And the remaining funds will be spent on renting space, purchasing equipment, wages employees, public utilities etc.

In this case, you will open a small department in more big store. Experts recommend starting with exactly these volumes, and then expanding the size of the business as experience increases.

Documents required to open a butcher shop

In order to start your activity, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and LLC. To do this you will need to collect standard set documents required for opening trading enterprise sales of food products.

For several years now, there has been no licensing for food trade. Therefore, to sell meat you do not need to obtain any additional license; there are also no sanitary and epidemiological stations. A sanitary and epidemiological certificate from Rospotrebnadzor is required to be obtained only if you are going to open the production of meat products.

How to choose a premises for selling meat

First of all, when choosing a premises for selling meat, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is located conveniently for people. When choosing a location, you should be guided by the most important rule - to locate the store where there is more traffic and less competition. In this case, you will be able to ensure greater sales.

As mentioned above, it is better to start such a business from a small meat department in a store. To begin with, a very small area is enough - 6-10 square meters. m. There are two ways to rent such a place. You can enter into an agreement to start joint activities with a store or the usual method of renting space for trading. Depending on the location of the store, the cost of paying for the space in it will also vary. The minimum amount will be 10,500-10,800 rubles per month.

Butcher shop equipment

First, you need to purchase a cash register and a freezer counter. You will also need small additional tools: an electric meat grinder, a block for chopping meat, scales, an axe, a set of knives, etc.

But with a reasonable approach meat business There are many ways to cut costs. For example, meat cutting can be ordered from a supplier, thereby saving on cutting equipment.

Purchase of goods

When purchasing products, it is important to carefully choose a meat supplier. In the meat business, product quality plays one of the main roles, since this is the most important indicator for buyers. If the meat is of poor quality, people will quickly stop buying it, and your sales will inevitably decline.

Currently, meat production is carried out a large number of various companies. Therefore, try to focus on suppliers who have already proven themselves in this market.

Always check that the meat is branded and pay attention to the certificate. Remember that all responsibility for low-quality products will otherwise lie with you, which will affect your reputation.

When trading begins, you should not chase a very large assortment and volume of goods. About 20 types of products will be enough. In order to try to make your point stand out a little from competitors, you can add a small amount of rarer products, such as rabbit or turkey meat.

As mentioned above, in the summer season the demand for meat decreases, so you can add a few other products to the assortment, such as bread, dairy products, cheeses, etc.

Butcher shop staff

For a small department, it is quite possible to get by with two salespeople with a shift schedule and one butcher who will work five days a week. You take care of all the accounting, but at the initial stage there is nothing particularly difficult about it. The supplier unloads the goods, so you do not need to hire a loader.

Meat products are one of the most attractive and promising for a novice entrepreneur. Whatever, there will always be a demand for the purchase of meat products, regardless of the time of year and the financial well-being of consumers.

According to statistics, meat products occupy one of the key places in the people’s diet, as they are one of the primary products necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. By the way, the work of a butcher shop can be carried out in several directions, for example, trade not only in meat, but also in various semi-finished products, sausages and so on.

Since the butcher shop belongs to small business, then the best option registration will be the registration of individual entrepreneurship (if there is one founder) or a company with limited liability(if there are co-founders).

What documents will be required?

To start selling meat products you will need to prepare

  1. sanitary-epidemiological conclusion (SEZ). It will be available from the Rospotrebnadzor authorities. However, the procedure for obtaining it depends on the region where the butcher shop is located;
  2. permission from the fire department;
  3. permission to trade meat. A confirmation document is issued veterinarian after inspection of meat carcasses;
  4. complaint book;
  5. health records (for all store employees).

Peculiarities of store reception by veterinary authorities

Typically, the store is received by the chief physician of the veterinary clinic. His responsibilities include checking compliance with all standards and rules for the storage of meat products, meat cooling conditions, research of meat products, etc.

The results of the veterinary check are valid for 1 year, then you will have to go through it again.

Choosing a premises for trade

The main criterion for choosing a territory for organizing a butcher shop is a place with a high traffic volume of potential buyers and a convenient entrance.

A butcher shop can be located, for example, in a supermarket building or, generally, in a separate room. An excellent option would be to locate a butcher shop next to a grocery supermarket.

As for the volume of space for a butcher shop, 30 square meters is enough for a start. m.

Zoning the area of ​​a butcher shop

The area of ​​the butcher shop will need to be divided into several parts:

  • zone No. 1 – trading is carried out;
  • zone No. 2 – cutting of products that will be used for the production of semi-finished products;
  • zone No. 3 – cutting and deboning of carcasses.

Although the third and retail zones can be combined, they can be separated using some kind of screen or thick fabric. The height of this fence should be at least two meters.

We purchase equipment

Equipment for a butcher shop can be mandatory or optional. Since meat is a product that quickly spoils, The first step is to purchase refrigeration equipment.

Required equipment

  • freezer for storing and freezing semi-finished products. The normal operating temperature of the camera should be a maximum of -28 degrees Celsius. The cost of the freezer is about 25 thousand rubles;
  • refrigeration chamber for cooling and long-term storage of meat. The oriented area of ​​the chamber is 4 square meters. m. The temperature inside the chamber should be from -2 0 to 0 0 C . A refrigerator costs about 100–130 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerated display case for viewing sold semi-finished products and prepared carcasses. The internal temperature of the cooling showcase is from -2 0 to +2 0 C. The cost of such a display case is in the range of 70–80 thousand rubles.

Optional equipment

  • trays;
  • industrial and electronic scales. Industrial scales are needed for weighing large carcasses;
  • block for cutting meat;
  • industrial meat grinder;
  • many different knives and several axes for cutting meat;
  • calculator;
  • bags or wrapping paper;
  • overalls for personnel, sleeves;
  • special containers for storing and selling semi-finished products;
  • price tags;
  • thermometers for recording the temperature in refrigeration equipment;
  • boiler in case of lack of hot water supply.

Additional equipment will cost 70–80 thousand rubles, and the final cost of all equipment will amount to about 300 thousand rubles.

Meat purchase

It is very important to establish contacts and find a reputable supplier who will ensure an uninterrupted supply of quality meat, which will be the starting point for retail success.

A good choice of supplier can be peasant and farm enterprises, as well as private collective farms. It is better to choose suppliers located as close as possible to the point of meat trade.

Features of concluding cooperation agreements

Relationships with suppliers need to be reinforced about cooperation. It will need to address the following questions:

  • purchase price;
  • influence of weight on product category;
  • category depending on the age of the cattle (up to 2 years);
  • documents for the animal confirming its health before the slaughter process;
  • number of carcasses.

Nuances when purchasing goods

You should not purchase a lot of carcasses, as a large amount of meat will become weathered and stale, and therefore dry out, which will affect weight loss of approximately 2-3 percent of the total weight of the meat carcass.

Butcher shop assortment

To attract more customers, it is necessary to maintain and expand the range of products offered. Mandatory item must be presented

Also on display should be various kinds of minced meat, cutlets, soup sets, offal (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs), semi-finished meat products (barbecue, chops, beef stroganoff, soaked kebab, etc.).

The remaining meat waste after preparing semi-finished products will not be thrown away, but will be used for animal feed, which, by the way, is in great demand.

The entire listed range plays a very important role in increasing the number of regular customers, which has a positive effect on increasing revenue from the sale of various products.

Personnel search

To operate a meat shop, you will need an administrator (entrepreneur), a butcher, sellers (their number depends on the volume of trade), a cook (needed for the production of semi-finished meat products) and a cleaner.

If the store is small, then the position of cook and butcher can be combined. When choosing personnel, you should pay special attention to the qualifications of the butcher, since it is his work that affects the volume of meat sold, which plays a positive role in revenue growth.

A professional butcher knows how to do it right chop the meat, cut it equally into pieces, quickly cut up the carcass for a presentable appearance on the display.

The role of the seller comes down to skillful presentation and sale of the product. The chef's job is to prepare minced meat and prepare semi-finished products, taking into account that the product should look attractive.

Features of remuneration

The salary of butcher shop employees in Russia ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

Average meat store employees:

  • for the seller – 35 – 55 thousand rubles;
  • for a butcher - 30 - 40 thousand rubles;
  • for a cook – 20 – 25 thousand rubles.

Butcher shop business plan

Approximate costs

  • purchasing equipment will cost 300 thousand rubles;
  • you will need 5 thousand rubles;
  • the initial purchase of meat will cost 200 thousand rubles;
  • To purchase your own retail outlet you will need from 80 to 90 thousand rubles.

In total, the approximate amount for opening a butcher shop from scratch will be from6 00 before800 thousand rubles.

Regular monthly expenses

As for fixed monthly expenses, for example, for a store with an area of50 m 2, then they will be approximately the following numbers:

  • rental fee for premises - on average 20 thousand rubles. (depending on the location of the store);
  • checks for electricity - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of meat – 75 thousand rubles;
  • - from 100 thousand rubles;

In total, the approximate amount for the monthly maintenance of the store will be 200thousand roubles.


The entrepreneur enters into agreements with suppliers to purchase products at wholesale prices. Then the markup is determined, and the goods are sold at retail.

Typically, the markup on meat products starts from 30 percent and depends on the time of year. The profit from daily meat products sold is approximately 7–16 thousand rubles.

  • meat should only be sold fresh and High Quality. Do not use frozen meat even for making minced meat;
  • it is worth preparing semi-finished products only from those parts of meat that the buyer chooses;
  • expand the range of meat products as much as possible. The more choice, the more buyers;
  • Don't forget about good store lighting. The product must be clearly visible; poor lighting may make the buyer suspicious of the product being offered.

Opening a butcher shop from scratch is quite possible, if small investments and quick payback (from a year to two), you will achieve success in the business of trading meat products.

How to open a butcher shop yourself? Watch the following detailed video with recommendations:

  • How much can you earn
  • Supplier search
  • Butcher shop assortment
  • Decoration of the sales area
  • Staff
  • Sales technology
        • Similar business ideas:

This article will discuss some of the features of organizing your own butcher shop or butcher shop. The information was collected from a variety of sources, including specialized portals about the meat industry, business forums and interviews with store owners.

Step-by-step plan for opening a butcher shop

When choosing a location for a butcher shop, you should look at traffic. The best are considered metro stations, places near public transport stops, food markets, residential areas with an abundance of high-rise buildings and other crowded places. It’s even better if there is convenient parking next to the store. The direct location inside the rented premises is also extremely important. Semi-basements and second floors should be discarded first, since any staircase reduces revenue by 20%. When entering a store, the first thing a buyer should see is the meat display. Also look at the distance from the sidewalk to the building - ideally it should be no more than 10 meters.

How much can you earn

With an initial investment of about 800-900 thousand rubles, you can make a profit of about 86 thousand per month or more.

How much money do you need to open a butcher shop?

Rental prices vary in cities. On average per 1 sq. m. in a passable place they ask from 1500 to 5000 rubles. Even a small butcher shop requires at least 20 square meters. m. Before moving in, the landlord will ask you for a deposit two months in advance, so be prepared to pay at least 60,000 rubles. only for rent.

Supplier search

Many beginners may think that there should be no problems finding a supplier of meat and offal. After all, there are many enterprises and peasant farms everywhere that are ready to willingly cooperate with butcher shops. However, in practice a number of problems may arise, including:

  • Majority farms have established sales channels, and not everyone is ready to provide your store with the required volume of goods. And working with dozens of private farmsteads will take a lot of effort, time and money.
  • Price may vary significantly. The difference is 20 - 30 rubles per kg. can seriously impact your income for both better and worse.
  • Transport issue - will the supplier deliver the meat to you or will you pick up the goods? on our own? (and for this you will need a roomy car). Please note that due to rising prices for fuels and lubricants, a long distance to the supplier can significantly increase costs.
  • The purchase of meat, as a rule, is carried out by carcasses, which need to be brought into marketable condition - chopped, sorted, packaged, etc. It will be necessary to equip a place for receiving carcasses and cutting them up. You will also need a person (butcher) who must be able to cut large pieces of meat and bring them into marketable condition.

What equipment to choose for a butcher shop

Every butcher shop will require:

  • Trade showcases for displaying meat products and carcasses. Showcases must operate at temperatures from -2°C to +2°C.
  • Refrigeration chambers for storing and cooling meat. The number of refrigeration chambers depends on the volume of trade. A medium-sized refrigerator will accommodate 70 - 100 kg of fresh meat (pulp).
  • Freezers for freezing semi-finished products.
  • Other equipment: electronic balance, a set of knives and axes, overalls, distributions.

If you have enough space, you can think about a mini-workshop for the production of semi-finished meat products. In this case you may need:

  • Meat grinder - useful for preparing minced meat
  • Dough mixer
  • Hot table packaging equipment
  • Water boiler

The investment in butcher shop equipment can be at least $10,000.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

OKVD 52.22, covering trade in meat, meat products and canned food, is suitable for registering such a business. And its subparagraphs, respectively, 52.22.1 - Retail meat and poultry, including offal; 52.22.2 - Retail trade in meat and poultry products.

What documents are needed to open

To register an individual business or a limited liability company, you need: a passport, an application for state registration, a receipt for payment of the state duty, as well as a copy of the TIN certificate. No special permits are required from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspectorate.

Butcher shop assortment

It is logical to assume that the wider the range, the greater the potential revenue. But with limited starting capital, a completely logical question arises: what product should I purchase first? The right decision would be to thoroughly study the range of competitors. Whatever they sell in larger quantities should be on your shelves for the first few days after opening. Some of the must-have items for a butcher shop include:

  • Chilled pork and beef. For certain regions, the emphasis may be shifted in favor of lamb.
  • Chilled and frozen chicken
  • By-products - kidneys, heart, lung. Mostly pork and chicken.
  • Semi-finished meat products - minced meat, marinated shish kebab (in season), goulash set, chops, etc.

Additionally, you can include in the assortment sausage products, cheeses, canned food, dumplings, dumplings, khinkali and pastries. The most optimal would be to create your own mini-workshop for the production of semi-finished products, but these are slightly different starting costs. IN last years under the influence of the crisis, people began to buy more cheaper meat products. According to information retail chains People have started buying more chicken, specifically thighs, drumsticks and legs. Therefore, it is worth thinking about creating a separate display case with chicken products, and in the most visible place. Fortunately, quite a few poultry farms have opened in recent years and, in principle, there should be no problems with suppliers. In addition, there is no hassle in terms of cutting and packaging chicken, which cannot be said about pork or beef carcass. In general, there are a lot of subtleties in the meat trade. For example, not everyone thinks about creating a “meat aroma” in a room, in a good way this word. You can do this: cut the smoked meat product into thin slices, put it on the electric stove for a couple of minutes and an appetizing aroma will form in the room. Buyers respond instantly and revenue increases. By the way, for this reason, bakeries are installed in many supermarkets to create that very selling aroma. General recommendations for creating an effective assortment for a butcher shop:

  • Creating your own mini-production at the store increases sales by 15%
  • In the first days of trading after opening, it is advisable to make discounts of 5-20%. The most better days for opening the store - Saturday and Sunday.
  • When creating an assortment of products sold meat dishes the range of products presented in other enterprises should be taken into account Catering and cooking.
  • The price of a finished dish should not exceed 40% of the cost of the same dish prepared at home.
  • To display the goods, you should use gastronorm containers of size GN 1\2 or 1\3.
  • It is advisable to include dishes that require at least 45 minutes of preparation at home.

Decoration of the sales area

Lighting plays an important role in maintaining high store revenue. Most often, butcher shops use bright light with spot lighting for sales displays. White lighting is used for dairy products, red for meat, yellow for cheese, and blue for fish.


It's no secret that a large part of the store's success depends on the qualifications of the seller. And in the case of a butcher shop, where there is often only one seller, almost everything depends on his ability to sell. If you do not pay due attention to this issue, you will not achieve success. You're not going to stand behind the counter yourself, are you?

Ideally, the seller should be an active person who knows how to communicate with people and convince them to buy. He can be very polite and courteous, but at the same time shy - such sellers will not make you any money. On the other hand, people who know how to sell value themselves highly and will demand a large salary and percentage. Or they will often “muddy up” their affairs behind the counter. And here everything depends on you, the manager. Find a compromise, properly motivate the person, so that on the one hand you don’t overpay, and on the other hand, you don’t offend the person.

Which taxation system to choose for opening a butcher shop

Most often, a butcher shop is designed as individual entrepreneurship, and if there are several founders, then an LLC is registered. The most optimal taxation system is UTII. If there is no UTII in the region, then the simplified taxation system (STS) should be used. Immediately after the store opens, a notification should be sent to local branch Rospotrebnadzor. RPN employees must inspect your outlet to ensure there are no violations in the design of the store and issue an inspection report for the outlet. To successfully coordinate the premises, you should provide in advance:

  • The cutting room must be separated from the trading room
  • Pipeline or autonomous water supply is required in the meat cutting area
  • Consumer corner where it is indicated assortment list point of sale
  • Medical (sanitary) records must be issued for each seller

Also, the store premises must be coordinated with the fire service.

Do I need permission to open?

This type of business does not require licenses.

Sales technology

Proper cutting of meat carcass is the key profitable sale. Without knowledge of the techniques and tricks of cutting meat, you can lose from 10 to 25 kg of product from one carcass. An incorrectly cut piece of meat with a poor fat-to-bone ratio will have to be sold at a reduced price.

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