How much money do you need to open a gym? How to open a gym

♦ Capital investments – 1,300,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 1.5 years

There are more and more people who lead a healthy lifestyle, watch their diet, and play sports. That is why the question how to open a gym, is more relevant today than ever.

A room with sports equipment and exercise equipment can be turned into profitable business, despite high level competition.

Of course, the start-up costs of a gym will probably be unaffordable for people with low incomes, but if everything is done correctly, you can get by with the minimum start-up capital that is possible in this area.

Starting a business from scratch is sometimes not easy. And possession gym There is no exception to this rule.

You will have to solve many problems, overcome obstacles, spend enough money until sports club will begin to bring you decent profits.

You will find answers to the most important questions in this article.

Benefits of opening a gym

Many businessmen do not want to get involved with the service sector, and directly with opening a gym, because they simply do not know all the advantages of this type of business.

But at the same time, this startup really has a lot of advantages:

  1. It will take a lot of money to implement it. less money than, for example, if you take, which offers a more expanded range of services.
  2. Owning a gym is beneficial not only in terms of good profits, but also because you can take care of your health and figure by working out here yourself.
  3. No matter how serious the competition in this sector is, it is always possible to form competitive advantages to get the maximum number of clients.
  4. In every city there are enough people who are ready to save on anything, just not on their appearance.
    They would rather eat less or dress more simply, but they will not give up going to the gym, so you will not be left without clients.
  5. Owning a gym is much more prestigious than, for example, a second-hand store, and this is a very noble cause - you care about the health and beauty of the population of your city.
  6. Launching a startup provides the opportunity to reduce initial costs, so you can meet the minimum capital for this business.
  7. A gym can bring good profits to its owner.
    The main thing is to conduct business correctly, constantly improving your business and coming up with new ways to attract customers.

Disadvantages of Owning a Gym

Alas, opening a gym from scratch also has its drawbacks, knowledge of which will help you avoid the most common mistakes of novice businessmen.

Here are the most obvious disadvantages of this type of business:

  1. Long payback period for a sports club.
    Some businessmen think that it only costs open your own gym how next month they will already receive the highest incomes.
    You shouldn’t be led by these misconceptions; you can consider yourself lucky if you managed to pay for the gym within a year of work.
  2. You need to try hard to form client base, because even in small towns there are gyms, but the number of sports clubs in big cities is in the dozens and you will have to work hard to stand out among them.
  3. This business has too many components of success and the lack of one can lead to collapse.
    Nothing will work out if you hire good trainers, but you will save on exercise equipment, or you will find a magnificent room, but it will be located on the outskirts of the city, where no one can reach, etc.

Marketing features of opening a gym

Owning a gym has its challenges. marketing features, without knowledge of which you will not be able to achieve success.

You need to constantly promote your sports club in order to form a client base as quickly as possible and recoup the initial costs.

First of all, you should take care of creating competitive advantages and advertising the gym.

Competitive advantages

Today, in every locality there are so many sports clubs, gyms, specialized classes (yoga, dance, strip-plastic, etc.) that finding your niche is sometimes difficult for those who start a business from scratch.

You will succeed if you develop competitive advantages in advance that will allow you not to be afraid of the owners of other gyms.

You can attract clients:

  1. By hiring highly qualified, specially educated trainers and polite administrators who are well versed in what they do.
    Even the mood of the clients depends on how well the cleaners do their job.
    You shouldn’t skimp on gym staff, so as not to regret later about wasted money.
  2. By developing a loyalty program and a system of discounts for those customers who remain loyal to you for a long time.
    They should feel special treatment towards themselves.
  3. Offering a wide range of services: training for various muscle groups, personal and group training, etc.
  4. Listening to the wishes of customers.
    Keep a special journal in which your visitors can write down what they think needs to be changed or improved in your gym.
    It’s clear that you don’t need to run right away and fix everything, but at least you can understand the mood of your clients.
  5. Keeping it reasonable pricing policy.
    According to recent surveys, there are just not enough gyms on the market with a good level of service for people with average incomes, so opening inexpensive establishments today is profitable.
  6. Selling soft drinks, nutritional supplements, sportswear, CDs and books with training programs, etc.

Gym Advertising

A recently opened gym is an establishment that needs advertising.

The population of your city, even before you start working, should know that a new gym has opened, which is wonderfully equipped, has highly qualified trainers, provides services at an affordable cost, etc.

  • by ordering several commercials on local radio and television;
  • distributing leaflets in crowded areas;
  • by purchasing advertising space on big boards, banners, stands, bulletin boards;
  • by paying for several advertising articles in print media and online resources about your gym;
  • by creating a website with complete information about the specialists working for you, about the services, their cost, etc.;
  • finding access to the city forum and social networks to talk about what a good gym will soon open or has already opened;
  • planning a grand opening with competitions, entertainment program, subscription draws, etc.

Calendar plan for opening a gym

Even if you want to get your gym up and running as quickly as possible, you should stick to all the steps. Excessive haste can lead to the fact that the initial costs will increase even more, because something will have to be redone.

The optimal period for opening a gym is 5–6 months.

Registering a business and obtaining permits
Renting premises and repairs
Purchase of equipment for training. hall
Purchasing furniture and other furnishings
Advertising company
Opening of the gym

Stages of opening a gym

Before the gym starts operating, you will need to resolve a number of issues: register your enterprise, register with the tax office, complete all permitting documents, find a suitable premises, equip it, form a team, etc.

Registration procedure

Gym owners just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and select simplest form taxation UTII.

Think in advance what OKVED codes You will note that you do not have to re-register documents later if you decide to expand the range of services provided by your gym.

It is imperative to obtain permission to operate the premises from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor.

Since your employees will have direct contact with customers, they must have health certificates.


Before looking for a specific location to open a gym, you should decide in which area you want to open your business.

It is best to choose between densely populated residential areas or a business center, because most gym clients buy a membership at a sports club, which is located 10-15 minutes from their home or work.

P.S. Consider the fact that the cost per square meter in the center is much higher than in residential areas.


The gym premises must meet the following requirements:

  • have high ceilings (at least 3.5 meters), because otherwise your clients simply won’t have enough air;
  • be large enough, at least 120–150 sq. m., expect that you need to allocate at least 5 sq. m. for one simulator. + office premises+ bathrooms and showers + changing rooms + reception area;
  • have a water supply, sewerage, ventilation, central heating system;
  • is located on the ground floor, because if you are located higher, the offices located below you simply will not be able to work;
  • have parking in front of the building, because many gym clients drive their own cars.


Equipment costs will make up the majority of your startup capital.

Decide for yourself what kind of exercise equipment you will install, but remember that the client must find equipment for both strength training and cardio in your gym.

The minimum set of sports equipment should be as follows:

Expense itemQty.Cost (RUB)Amount (rub.)
Total:470,000 rub.
2 100 000 200 000
Exercise bikes
2 40 000 80 000
Complex exercise machines with counterweights
2 50 000 100 000
Barbell with a set of weights and a bench
1 30 000 30 000
Benches for the press and other muscle groups
3 9 000 27 000
Swedish wall
5 3000 15 000
Dumbbells, jump ropes, expanders
18 000

But this is only the cost of sports equipment.

To finally equip your gym, you will also need:

Expense itemAmount of expenses (in rub.)
Total:600,000 rub.
Ventilation system and air conditioners
200 000
Music center
30 000
Computers and other office equipment
100 000
60 000
Lockers and benches in locker rooms
30 000
Furniture for the reception area
25 000
Refrigerator for sold drinks
15 000
Office furniture for office premises
40 000
Other100 000


The number of trainers and other staff at your gym depends on its size and operating hours.

Assuming that the gym has an area of ​​150 square meters. and you want him to work seven days a week, then you will need to hire:

Qty.Salary (rub.)Total (RUB)
Total:90,000 rub.
Administrator2 10 000 20 000
Trainer2 20 000 40 000
Cleaning woman2 8 000 16 000
Accountant (part-time)1 10 000 14 000

All employees, except the accountant, will work in shifts, for example 2/2 days or 3/3.

How much does it cost to open a gym?

It is difficult to answer the question unambiguously how much does it cost to open a gym, because the amount of starting capital is influenced by numerous factors.

We offer for viewing, real example successful opening of a gym:

In addition, there are expense items on which you can save, and there are those that you should not try to reduce.

How you can save money when opening a gym

The desire to save money on opening a gym from scratch is quite understandable.

Moreover, there are expense items that can be reduced without damaging your business:

  1. Interior of the room and finishing materials.
    Of course, any room associated with the service sector should have a pleasant interior and be liked by clients, but for visitors to the gym it is not very important how expensive finishing materials you use, and how talented a designer will conjure up the interior.
    People come to the gym to work on their body, and not to look at paintings and other trinkets; an interior overloaded with details will only distract them.
  2. The trainers themselves.
    Yes, it is quite possible to save money on this seemingly most important component of the gym.
    Firstly, you can buy used exercise equipment, not new ones. The main thing is that they are in good condition. Secondly, the brand is not as important to your customers as the effectiveness of the simulator, so it is quite possible to choose cheaper brands.
    Thirdly, if you purchase exercise equipment from one supplier, you will be able to request a wholesale price, a discount, and even the opportunity to purchase equipment on lease.
  3. Furniture.
    The gym itself does not require a lot of furniture: just enough benches or chairs so that your clients can rest before the next approach to the machine.
    Furniture is mainly needed for the reception area, office rooms and locker rooms.
    You can buy something inexpensive, but looking pretty decent.

What you shouldn't save on when opening a gym

There are gym costs that you won't be able to cut without hurting your business.

These include:

  1. Ventilation system.
    In the gym, people sweat a lot, so the aroma in the room is not very pleasant.
    If you save on hoods and air conditioners, you will lose all your customers, because they will not be able to stay in a room for a long time where such unpleasant odors are in the air.
    Showers and changing rooms should also be equipped with a good ventilation system, again so that there are no unpleasant odors and fungus does not grow here.
  2. Staff.
    We have already talked about how important it is to hire good trainers, administrators and cleaners to ensure that the gym runs flawlessly.
    It is especially important to get good trainers that clients trust.
    Good specialists, naturally, will not work for pennies in your gym.
  3. Showers.
    Some gym owners who are just starting out in business believe that it is not at all necessary to spend money on arranging showers, because clients can wash themselves at home.
    You should not repeat their mistakes, as this will significantly reduce the number of your clients, for example, no one will come to you early in the morning to practice before work.

Cost table for opening a gym

To open a gym you will need over 1,000,000 rubles.

Download a ready-made business plan for a gym with quality guarantee.
Contents of the business plan:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Project implementation stages
4. Characteristics of the object
5. Marketing plan
6. Technical and economic data of equipment
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and economic justification for investments
10. Conclusions

Table of monthly gym maintenance costs

In addition to the cost of opening a gym, you will have monthly expenses.

Forming starting capital, you should include in it the amount of these monthly expenses, taking into account the fact that for the first 2-3 months you will work at a loss.

How much can you earn by opening a gym?

The main source of income for gyms is the sale of memberships.

In order for your business to develop successfully, you should sell at least 60 subscriptions per month, gradually increasing your sales turnover.

You can find other sources of income:

You will receive such monthly income figures when your gym will become popular and you will completely form a customer base. Until this happens, your monthly income will barely be able to cover your expenses.

By putting the sale of subscriptions and other services on stream, you can receive a net monthly profit from your gym of over 100,000 rubles, which means you can return your initial investment in a year and a half.

Of course, these are not all the calculations you need, if you are wondering how to open a gym. You will have to think through many nuances, but if you have a desire to open a sports club, then you definitely need to implement it.

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A healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is an essential component of the image of any successful person. It is worth noting that fitness services are very popular these days. Therefore, it is not surprising that information on how to open a fitness club from scratch worries many novice businessmen. In terms of popularity, this direction is second only to information technology and entertainment business, for example.

In big cities there are a sufficient number of large fitness centers and very strong competition from online monsters. In conditions small town bringing this idea to life is much easier. However, only a few are able to survive, namely those businessmen who can competently organize a business, soberly assessing their capabilities and likely risks. Let's talk about how to open sports business from scratch and what awaits aspiring entrepreneurs planning to develop this area.

How to open your own fitness club from scratch?

To open a sports center with start-up capital, you must:

  • decide what services the future fitness club will offer;
  • collect the required documentation;
  • choose a room;
  • purchase equipment and shells;
  • hire a staff of qualified employees;
  • take care of advertising.

Fitness services

A modern sports club is not limited to just a gym and an area for fitness training. This whole project, uniting large number complexes designed to improve performance, development and strengthening of body and spirit.

Over the past decades, the range of group programs has expanded significantly. Various types of yoga are increasingly found on fitness club schedules. They offer all kinds of dance programs and even original training complexes consisting of elements of yoga, Pilates and stretching. For pool lovers and those trying to lose weight, there are water aerobics classes.

In addition to the above services, fitness clubs may have in their arsenal:

  • gym;
  • massage and other therapeutic procedures;
  • spa;
  • sauna and/or hammam;
  • solarium;
  • nail service;
  • bar, etc.

A fitness club can offer either part or a whole range of these services. However, you need to start with a limited set, subsequently expanding this range. The presence of a swimming pool will have a positive impact on the status of the sports center, but, on the other hand, will lead to significant costs. After all, most likely, a novice businessman will have to build his own building in order to open a swimming pool.

Required Documentation

Executing documents and registering a business should not cause any difficulties, because the set of documents, as well as the procedure for obtaining them, are standard:

  1. Registration legal form at the tax office. At the beginning of the activity it is more advisable to use individual entrepreneurship(IP). This will allow us to work with a simplified taxation system in the future.
  2. Selecting OKVED indicating:
    • 04 – services in the field of physical education and health;
    • 61 – activities of sports institutions;
    • 62 – other activities related to sports. If an entrepreneur plans to expand the list of services provided in the future, for example, add a solarium, massage, nail service, then you need to indicate in advance all the necessary OKVED codes.
  3. Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To prepare such a document you need:
  • contract for maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • service contract for the housing maintenance office;
  • an agreement with an organization licensed to recycle fluorescent lamps;
  • medical books for staff;
  • PPK (program production control) and the institution's passport.

If to open some grocery stores is necessary, then to open a fitness club without additional services There is no need to obtain any license. The exception is for institutions providing medical services.

Selecting a room

The area and location of the fitness club depend on its format. If you plan to open a sports facility for a narrow purpose, for example, for “neighbors,” then you should not consider premises with an area of ​​more than 150 m². Moreover, it can be located in a residential building in one of the residential areas of the city. True, in this case it would be more expedient to buy a premises, since in this format rent will make up a significant part of the costs.

If you plan to open a fitness club with an “All inclusive” approach, then you should think about a larger premises. The size will be influenced by the format of the sports facility, the presence of a swimming pool, sauna and other components of a modern club.

The most optimal location in this case would be the city center. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy premises, because rent will not be expensive for such an enterprise, since it will be able to bring a good profit.

Large dimensions will allow you to accommodate a large number of visitors on your territory and expand the range of services offered to the maximum. And the presence of presentable premises equipped with modern equipment and exercise equipment will interest respectable clients who are willing to pay good money, which, in turn, will lead to increased profits.

When choosing a suitable premises, it is important to consider the size and terms of the lease agreement. It is clear that this document will differ from . The price for temporary use can be about 30-90 dollars per m². Of course, it is worth looking for areas located in the lower price segment. The lease agreement should be concluded for a period of at least 4-5 years. It is this period that should be considered as the latest period for the return on investment.


When choosing equipment for the gym, it is necessary to take into account the needs of clients when working with all muscle groups. The more such needs are satisfied, the more consumers there will be.

The minimum set of exercise equipment, which is ideal for quality training, includes the following items:

  • treadmills (at least two);
  • fitballs;
  • exercise bikes;
  • steppers;
  • board with rack for horizontal/incline bench press;
  • simulator for working out the pectoral muscles;
  • squat rack;
  • Smith machine;
  • a machine with free weights for leg flexion/extension;
  • barbells, dumbbells, weights, discs, yoga mats and other small items.

Advice: You should not buy a butterfly trainer, it is an absolutely useless trainer, used mainly to satisfy curiosity.

Everything discussed above concerned only simulators. However, in addition to them, a good fitness club also needs equipment of a completely different kind. Locker rooms should be equipped with benches, cabinets and showers. If a fitness club expects to also offer clients beauty salon services, then it will require nail services, etc.


When all other points have been considered and completed, you can move on to personnel selection. Only experienced trainers should be hired who have sufficient training and knowledge to conduct effective training. The minimum staff for a small gym and shift work consists of:

  • administrators (2);
  • fitness instructors (2);
  • cleaners (2);
  • accountant (when opening an LLC).

Thus, to open a small fitness club from scratch, you need to hire 6-7 people. In the future, along with expanding the range of services offered, there will be a need for additional employees. Nurses, a massage therapist, a yoga or water gymnastics instructor, etc. may be required.

The important backbone of the team, of course, is the coaches. Their selection should be taken very seriously. Preference should be given to former athletes, physical education teachers in schools and universities.

Advertising and promotion

This point should be given special attention, since every person is very scrupulous when choosing a gym and fitness club.

Today, choosing a sports facility begins with the Internet. Moreover potential consumer is looking for a fitness club that best satisfies his needs, paying attention to the location, the availability of a sauna and swimming pool, the qualifications of instructors, the availability of modern equipment, etc.

Due to this marketing plan should start with identifying target audience. Moreover, the more specifically this segment is described, the easier it will be to promote the club and the more information about it will fall into the hands of potential consumers.

The first thing you need to do is create a colorful website. It is important to fill it with useful and relevant articles about training and proper nutrition. This will arouse genuine interest not only in the site, but also in the fitness club itself. The use of SMM technologies will allow you to spread information about the gym on social networks.

How to open a gym from scratch?

To enter the market of sports and recreational services and become its full participant, significant start-up capital is required. Not all businessmen have the required amount, however, this is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​opening a fitness club or gym from scratch. There is a way out - go to the bank and take out a loan. At the same time, it is important to understand that with proper business organization, it can easily pay for itself in 1-3 years. Another option is to enlist the support of private investors who want to improve their image.

Many entrepreneurs are interested in how to open a gym from scratch with limited wallet sizes. Let's look at a few simple ways budget savings.

What can you save on?

  1. Gym clients rarely pay attention to the decoration of the walls and ceilings in the room. Refusal of elite materials in favor of conventional painting will save the lion's share cash under repair.
  2. Touching on the topic of exercise equipment, it is worth noting that there is no point in buying expensive sports equipment. Consumers are little interested in the brand and manufacturer. The main thing you should pay attention to when choosing equipment is quality and durability.
  3. An economy format fitness club does not need expensive advertising (radio, television). It will be enough to post leaflets around the area, at bus stops, and make a beautiful and bright sign. A good move is advertising on the Internet, for example, in social networks. It is very important that the first customers leave positive feedback online about the work of the gym.

Where is saving irrational?

  1. Staff salaries. The staff must consist of highly qualified personnel, and professionals will never work for meager wages.
  2. If the gym is hot and stuffy, clients will simply go to another fitness club. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the room is equipped with high-quality air conditioning and ventilation. This will allow you to achieve a comfortable atmosphere in the halls.
  3. Each locker room must have at least 2-3 showers. For these premises, it is advisable to purchase high-quality and expensive plumbing fixtures that have a presentable appearance and are characterized by a long service life.

How much does it cost to open a fitness club from scratch?

The lion's share of costs will be associated with renting or purchasing premises for a gym. If we consider an average premises (250 m²) in Moscow, then rent for three months will be about 600,000 rubles and more. It is worth noting that not all premises meet the requirements of fitness clubs, which means that you will have to fork out for repairs, which is approximately 200,000 rubles.

In this material:

The market for fitness services today can be called quite developed, but not yet oversaturated, so many are interested in how to open a gym. If a businessman has a desire to open his own gym, it is best to take a closer look at economy class establishments, since they are in demand in absolutely any locality. Moreover, even if the idea fails, it will not be a disaster.

Selecting a room

To deal with this issue, you must first take into account the number of rooms that will be provided in this fitness club. For a medium-sized gym, several rooms with a total area of ​​150 m² are enough. In such a room you can place several rooms with exercise equipment, locker rooms, showers, an administrator’s room and a utility room. Approximately 2/3 of the total m² will be occupied by the gym itself. It is better if there are 2 of them, that is, one for women and the other for men.

The location of the room can be almost any. Of course, it is not worth renting a building on the very outskirts of the city, as this will negatively affect attendance. For an economy class sports facility, it is worth taking a closer look at large residential areas.

Opening hours and division of rooms

A lot depends on the correct opening hours of the gym. You need to understand that not everyone has the opportunity to come to training during the day, and some people like to spend their leisure time in the gym in the morning. And yet, the majority of fitness club visitors come in the evenings and weekends.

Experts say that the gym can be limited to working hours from 9 am to 9 pm. However, it is possible to extend the operating time of the “rocking chair” to 22 hours. This will make it possible for people who work late to visit the hall.

Recently, separate gyms with rooms for men and women have become increasingly popular. This allows the fair sex to feel more free and confident during classes.

If it is not possible to equip 2 separate training rooms at once, you can simply place the most popular exercise equipment for one gender or another on opposite sides of the room. As for changing rooms and showers, they, of course, should be separate.

How to choose exercise equipment?

When deciding how to open a gym, the most important thing is the choice of equipment for training. For the “rocking chair” to be popular, it is necessary to provide clients with a full range of exercise equipment for every taste.

Considering that in this case we are talking about an economy class establishment, you can reduce costs and purchase exercise equipment from the middle price category. However, all equipment must be of high quality to prevent injury to clients. Experienced businessmen recommend paying attention to used exercise machines. If you find options in good condition, costs can be reduced significantly. For example, on secondary market you can buy treadmills for 15 thousand, exercise bikes and strength training systems for 12 thousand, as well as very cheap wall bars from good manufacturers.

If the simulators have been used for some time, but have not lost their appearance and functionality, you can buy them for half the price than in the store. It is better to look for products on specialized sales sites.

How much can you earn at the gym?

The business idea of ​​a fitness club involves careful calculations not only financial investments, but also profit, which will allow you to determine the potential of the idea in advance.

For a gym, the main profit is from customers. Thus, the greater the number of visitors, the higher the income will be.

For example, the capacity of 2 gyms of 30 m² is ten people. We can assume that an economy class gym will cost 150 rubles per hour. The establishment will be open year-round and seven days a week. However, for approximately 2 weeks a year, the business (gym) will not be able to generate profit, since holiday downtime is inevitable. Given these data, you can calculate the approximate annual revenue from a fitness club. If the hall is fully filled for 12 hours a day, the business will bring in more than 12.5 million rubles per year.

Of course, it is unlikely to achieve such a result in reality, since it is very difficult to achieve absolute attendance. However, when good service and the level of marketing, you can reach a figure of 80% occupancy of the hall. This is also an impressive figure, which allows you to earn about 10 million annually.

What will you have to spend money on in the beginning?

Initial capital costs are important factor for many businessmen. Opening a gym will require the purchase of exercise equipment, furniture for the administrator and director, office and computer equipment, lockers for the locker room, equipment for the shower and toilet, furniture and a TV for the waiting room. If the fitness club is additionally equipped with a medical office and massage parlor, the amount of initial investment will be much larger. Average expenses in this case will be about 600 thousand rubles.

In addition, at the first stage, certain financial expenses will be needed, which will be spent on renting a hall, processing all kinds of papers and permits, and the first salaries for employees.

As for workers, there should be several of them in the gym. It is mandatory to have at least one instructor in each room. In addition, shift administrators, security guards, cleaners and an accountant will be needed. Each entrepreneur sets the salary level for staff independently, but on average it ranges from 10 to 40 thousand rubles, depending on the position.

We must not forget about advertising. Attendance at a fitness club in the early stages directly depends on investments in this area. Advertising can be in the form of distributing flyers or commercials on local radio. You should not ignore outdoor advertising, which should be illuminated at night.

Documents for opening a gym

No special permits or licenses are required to operate a gym; it is enough to obtain documents from the SES and fire inspectorate.

An entrepreneur who is going to open his own fitness club must first go through the registration procedure with the tax authority. The simplest and most convenient option, namely individual entrepreneurs, is perfect for the gym. It is much easier for an individual businessman to conduct his business and pay taxes. In this case, you can even refuse an accountant, since all the calculations can be carried out by the entrepreneur himself.

Gyms as a business are good option for investing money. The return on business is excellent and even with average attendance will not exceed one year. If you approach the opening of your fitness club responsibly, you can make a good profit from the first month of operation of the establishment. Considering that sport is becoming an increasingly popular activity these days, the increase in those wishing to spend time in the “rocking chair” will be stable.

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Encyclopedic reference: a gym is a room with strength training equipment, treadmills, barbells, dumbbells, and other equipment for fitness, bodybuilding, health and general strengthening gymnastics.

Since a healthy lifestyle became fashionable, attendance at fitness centers and gyms has increased significantly. Experts assure that in the future the number of people wanting to play sports will grow. This means that the demand for gym services will also increase. Our article will help you calculate how much it costs to open your own gym, and also tell you the best way to start own business in this area.

Step by step to creating a well-attended gym

Step one: choose the format and location

Unlike large fitness centers, which require significant investments to open, gyms require smaller investments. It is best to open a small gym in residential area, where there are no large fitness centers. You will need a room of approximately 200 m2.

Before you open your gym, research your client audience - future equipment and range of services depend on this. If the vast majority of potential clients are men, you need to equip a gym focused on strength training. If in your chosen area there are many women interested in visiting the gym, it will be necessary to provide the possibility of group classes (Pilates, yoga, fitness), and also equip the room with cardio equipment.

Step two: we form the legal and material base

To open your own gym, you don’t have to register legal entity, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. Before opening, approval will be required from the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire supervision.

Exercise machines and dumbbells are a significant, but far from the only cost item for equipping a gym. To provide your visitors with good conditions for training, equip a locker room with lockers, a bathroom and a shower. Your visitors will be grateful if you provide them with a mirror and a hairdryer. If you plan to conduct group classes, you will also need mats, balls and other equipment. Don't forget about drinking water and disposable cups - your clients will certainly want to drink during training.

Step three: creating an image, attracting clients

A good reputation is the basis for the success of small gyms in residential areas. This means that you need competent trainers and a good administrator. Remember that effective training programs are valued more highly by clients than expensive exercise equipment. Also take care of cleanliness - you need a responsible cleaner or a contract with a cleaning company.

To attract attention to your gym immediately after opening, organize an advertising campaign. Leaflets and small advertisements on nearby streets will give good results. Of course, your gym needs a sign. Once you have regular customers, attendance will increase - friends and acquaintances will be told about your hall.

Where can I get money?

Answering the question whether the gym is profitable, most market participants answer - yes, if you do not expect excess income. Like many types of businesses with a low barrier to entry into the market and quick payback(up to 1 year), the gym will provide a stable small income. If you want to earn more, expand your range of services.


Remember that any gym is the object of close attention from fire inspection, SES and other regulatory organizations. Be prepared for frequent checks. Another difficulty is the pronounced seasonality. In the summer, during the heat, vacations and vacations in educational institutions, your hall will be almost 30% fewer people than the rest of the time.

Let's sum it up

Opening your own gym is an idea with good prospects. Especially if you choose a good location and create an interesting price offer. Like any small business owner, you will need to carefully monitor your reputation.

Even during a crisis, people try to look beautiful and be healthy, despite the high prices of gym memberships. We will write a business plan for a gym based on the fact that this business has a large number of potential clients - the middle and upper classes of the population will be happy to visit the new gym. The new entrepreneur cannot but be pleased with the fact that even despite the huge number of open halls, you can easily open your own business and quickly accumulate a sufficient number of visitors. The main thing, as always, is to properly advertise your establishment and try to reduce expenses to a minimum at the beginning, so that it would be easier to pay for yourself. We will tell you how to open a gym so that it not only pays off, but also generates income.

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First of all, it is worth assessing your capabilities - opening a huge fitness club with all the services that are available is not possible for a novice businessman, there is not enough money. We will open a gym, without unnecessary services and functions. Opening such an establishment is easier, cheaper, and you will immediately understand which audience you need to target with your advertising campaign. In the future, if you have stable income, no one forbids opening additional gyms and providing clients with more opportunities for training and wellness, but for now let’s consider the simplest business option in this area.

Where to open a gym

Owner own premises, of course, will receive more income by saving on rent. We don’t have such premises, and buying premises is a very expensive business. Our business plan for a gym will be written based on the rental of premises. Now we will describe the process of finding premises with optimal characteristics for our business.

Let's decide on the number of square meters for our business - to install everything necessary equipment we need 30-40 square meters, there will be exercise equipment, weights, and so on. In addition to the main hall, we cannot do without a locker room and a shower room. A locker room of 10 square meters would be an excellent solution, the same amount is needed for a shower room. There is one secret here - we don’t need to look for a room that already has a shower; we can buy and install several shower stalls. It is cheaper, easier to install and connect the water supply. Once you have decided on all these indicators, you can begin searching for premises.

Many businessmen go to realtors with a request to find premises for certain type business and overpay from 50 to 100% of the rental price for search. Why spend such a sum when we have in our hands the most productive tool in the world - the Internet. Enter the desired query into the search bar and you will find many sites where you can find a room based on the area, square footage and other indicators. Try it, experiment with the set of parameters. We need to keep gym costs down as much as possible, so don't target the city centre. There, rent is more expensive and all the premises have been occupied for a long time. Look for free space in sleeping areas and basements. Finding the best option may take time, but it is worth it. The average price for 50 square meters in the basement is 30 thousand rubles.

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How to open a gym: buying equipment

First of all, you need to renovate your premises so that clients can study comfortably and enjoy it. Most likely, our basement will be in poor condition; we need to do cosmetic repairs, run water in the shower and install several light sources. Renovating the entire gym will cost us 50 thousand rubles, a big expense, but it will quickly pay for itself. Only when the hall has been renovated and lights installed can you begin to look for equipment. It is very difficult to understand here for a person who has never worked in this field. You need to take the advice of a specialist.

By using the services of a specialist in this field, we will be able to arrange his gym as optimally as possible for the client in order to maximize the income of the gym. The services of a professional will cost us 5 thousand rubles.

A good gym with a sufficient number of treadmills, bicycles, barbells and other exercise equipment brings a lot of profit, but not everyone can afford to buy everything at once. It will cost you from 150 thousand rubles to equip the hall. You can, of course, save money on some exercise equipment, but people who do this will immediately notice cheap exercise equipment and go to another gym where they don’t save on them. Let's write this figure into the gym's expenses and move on to the next point of our business plan.

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Gym business plan: personnel search

A small gym needs a person who will accept payments, subscriptions and show the price list to new visitors, as well as a trainer whose services visitors can use. We will tell you in detail how it is easier to find the right person for these activities and how you can save a little on employee salaries. Let's not forget that we also need to clean the gym after training - this also requires a person.

The cleaning of the hall can be done by a hired cleaner, who will wash the hall once a day - after classes. A full-time cleaner earns 15 thousand rubles a month; we will find a person willing to clean the hall once a day for 5 thousand rubles. Don't think that this is too little - you need to save on everything to reduce the cost of the gym.

Any gym needs to have a trainer who can help clients with advice. Professionals in this field will demand wages that are too high for us to afford. We will find a specialist in universities, training trainers for gyms. Young students with sparkling eyes and a lot of energy will work tirelessly even for a small amount. By the way, it’s best to suggest to the coach piecework payment labor. When thinking over a business plan for a gym, add the price for a personal trainer to the price list. The average price for a personal trainer per month is 1,500 rubles. For each client that the trainer attracts to personal training, the trainer himself will receive the entire amount - 1,500 rubles. This incentivizes the person to work, and if he fails, you won't pay the person for something he doesn't do.

You can put anyone in the position of accepting payment, including yourself - you can tell better than any employee about the advantages of your gym, how you can have a great time there and what promotions, trainers, and services there are. Considering that wages This type of activity reaches 15 thousand rubles, it is better to work yourself - you save money and work with clients.

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Our potential clients are office workers, wealthy students, entrepreneurs. Almost any person who can afford a gym membership is our client, and we need to find as many as possible willing to give us their money, increasing the income of the gym. We will use two types of advertising – leaflet distribution and online advertising.

We will distribute leaflets during lunch breaks near large office buildings, near educational institutions, shopping centers. There will always be large crowds of people who have enough income to pay for classes in the gym. Make your flyers colorful, interesting and with clear pricing for a one-time class and monthly membership. Clients don't like it when there are no specifics.

Very cheap and in an efficient way advertising is advertising on the Internet. Find the city’s website and add information about your hall there, find VKontakte groups associated with your city, and write advertising posts there. Together with the distribution of leaflets, advertising will cost you 5 thousand rubles, but the income of the gym will increase significantly.

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